lands for sale in upper canada the following valuable lots of land arc offered for dale on very reasonable term in edwardaurght jonstown district lot no 17 in tlie 6th concession 200 acres good land in an old ana well settled township cleared on both sides near to mills and good roads in burgas johnstown district lot no- 24 in the 4th concession 200 acres good land and near the ridean canal rawdon midland district lot no 10 in the 14th concession 20tt acres land said to be eood in oro hntnc district broken lot no i first range and part of lot no 1 in second range 100 ncres excellent land and wtu situated likewise in the same township lot no 3 second range gore 300 acres beautifully situated on the bank of lake simcoe very superior land adjoining excellent set tlements one of which is lieutenant obriens in ea home district west halves of lots no 6 and 7 and east half of lot no 6 6th concession 300 acres excellent land and the nottawasaga ri ver runs through ir in caledon home district east half of lot no 9 in the 5th concession east of hurontario street 100 acres very excellent land cleared on three sides within a mile of flouring and saw mills in flota home district lot no 26 on the pene- tanguislune road 200 acres very excellent land a river running through it and excellent mill seats and will soon he very valuable and probably a ul lage laid out there in tharah village of beaver town at the mouth of beaver river lake simeoe 100 village iols a number of water lots and mill privileges when there is a dam erected across beaver river and one of thr best situations for manufacturers and mechanics in upper canada the steam boat lauding is ui this place a store opened and many building are grt- ing up this place will eventually hi the connect ing link between rice lake and lake siincne appiy to the proprietors r a parker york or j g parker kingston kingston january 30 1831 1 important david wnimisox having determined on extending his husines and removing to a more eligible situation by the ls may begs leave to inform his numerous friend and the public in ceueral thai he will dtspor of his present new and extensive stock of drv goods at unprecedented low prices for cash his stock consists f uptifine and refine black blue olive brown and drab cloths mixture and fancy camimeres petershams pilot cloths flushings sc coatings canadian and strong cloths for fanners use with an extensive assortment of scarlet white and colored flannels 34 64 tickings blankets and baizes wintn hosiery c ac- black and colored gros de naples bombazines crapes uud merinoqs worsted plaids ginghams checks and printed calicoes in great variety with a general anfr select amoxtmbot of other goods connected with the thade to suit the present and approaching season which country storekeeper ami other who wish to realize a saving will ind worthy of tin at tention wo second price made kingston feb g 1834 1 hudson stlteetiiotkl albany is mm it 5illj respectfully informs his canadian friends that he continues to keep open his well known es tablishment where gentlemen from the province may depend upon finding the best accommodation upon the most reasonable terms albany jan 1st 1634 1 tf twelve hundred acbk8 of choice land for sale situated in he townships of zorra and missouri in the london dis trict for 750 cash in hand enquire of mr gubnett york 14 dec 1633 1 thomas witson respectfully informs the ladie and gen tlemen of kingston and its vicinity that he has just received a very large assortment of fashionable fur caps oir ailrttrbt trmwr- trtpjunfintishiimui titv ladies muffs tip pets with boasw match infants fur caps and gentlemens fm gloves of all kinds and black russia lamb skins for coat collars the above furs are from a respectable house in montreal with positive instructions to sell them ai very reduced prices kington lih janua 131 i york lithographic press the subscriber begs to inlbrm the public ai large that he has the above in full operation by the waiei wde m the house that was formerly the commissa riat office where every thing relating to that art cat j be done on the shortest notice n b this office affords vrry great advantage to those persons who have large tracts of land lor sale as the diagrams can be printed on tin h inlinir of handbills which wilt immediately show the exael situation of every lotc all orders executed with neatnt and dipatch 8 o tazewell lithographer york uq july 19th 1s33 1 just received an additional supply of thai splendid book the english annual for 1834 idiled by the hon mrs morton awo principles of government a treatise on free institutions including the constitution of the united states by nathanielouiian l l ix the above for rale by james macfarlane co ki 18ih pec 1833 t macnider has on hand a very choice and complete assort ment of dry goodst consisting of flushing canadian cloths blankets red scarlet and white flannels a very extensive assortment of broad cloths amd cassimebbs worsted cocoforters camblet cloaks plaids merinos bombazetts worsted hosiery scotch bonnets brown cotton and loom shirtings wry cheap twilled sacking fee- 4c c together with goods of all description suitable for the reason which he is selling very low and to which he would beg to call the attention of the trade also very superior cognac brandy do do london porter kingston 19th january 1834 1 deeds of assignments mortgages memorials bond wills ev testament protest coiilrarls ev agreements powers of attorney charter parties and all connncrcial instruments prepared engros sed and attested upon the shortest notice honks posted accounts collected and lands bought and sold at the office of wm t kennedy notary fbnn land agent gsnfcjtal acrnrstant store street kingston fetfy bib 1834 i ryan syf the mllftrrider ofpelw for 9aie at the albany type foundry no 3 liberty street on the most favorabe terms every variety u priming types together with cms brass rule case galleys chaws composingsticks and printing utensils generally also a new english script of which the caption and signature of this are specimens and a new great primer script cut in similar style these founts were got up with great care and ex pense and are believed to ira decidedly superior to anv oilier cast in this country they were cut mm the latest london mripts uud on the most ap proved plan in these mints the double lellcrsare complete exhibiting that perfect connexion of the letters in imitation of writing which can be effected by no other method and completely avoiding that broken and disconnected appearance of script cast in the ordinary way winch resemble italic letter rather than writing especially when it heroines a irtlle worn the plan on which these founts are rut is so systematic that the composition and dis tribution are nearly or quite as simple as that ol plain letter script has besides been very objectionable as to the body it being cast either on a square body and most of the tetters having of course some pat t of the face projecting over the side ami very liable to break or being on a plain inclined bodyaud willi great difliculty kept in line both these objections are completely obviated in tht present founts the letter being on an inclined body the face cannot break oiltike diat on square body and the lypf being cast with a notch and shoulder in the sides is kept in line as easily as type of square hotly these founts require a common pair of cases unlv with a few of the lower case boxes divided eaeh fount will be accompanied with a plan of the cases and the necessary directions and mates n the first quality with ihe boxes divided in the pro per manner will he furnished when onleicd as no unnecessary sorts are put in the founts 30 pound uf the english script is sufficient for a uion lmge and about imlf lliat quantity i generally suf ficient for comiimn jobs of the ireut primer about one quarter more is required albany feb 194 jmatt j6n r tfs of toll on the fit ik ua ai a nvnir3 tlf imp onal bnrd at fa mp-tdw- i hi in lllf rtv ft attaiuy rm ihf i3ih jtnuu tm lit ltxnt riu 4ltreelnb villaug oftiiorold this flourishing village on the welland canal rnntiithgrnwiiig imptirmmr iltirvt- public aitm- tiuii it is situated on the iiinuntnin odg nr mtni- init level of the cinal where ihe loekaire couuneu ces and although deriving ffleat and iinpornint ad vantages from its extent of water power it posessts many natural advantage being h a direct line be- tween the city of he vuu and ft ctherines and about s miles ivnm the liinner place in the heart of a wealthy and nourishing country and aflbrihm every facility for sending off produce todiltercnt markets having a direct communication by water robuth hikes from its hcin elevated upwards of three hundred feet above the level offtake ontario it has a fine commanding prospect with good pure water and a salubrious air 1 1 is now scarcely three years since its commence ment and contains 4g families with n population of2g0 souls among whom are a number of good and respectable mechanics it has four saw mills capa ble of sawing from id to 18000 foet of lumber per day and a first rate houring mill three merchant xllopb and a postollice and from lift situation ma chinery to any extent can be erected and alhirds an excellent opening to mechanics of every descrip tion a aood tannery is much wanted which could be carried on very profitably to a if reat extent as bark can be brought by water from the forests ol chinpaw 1 and grand kiver there are also wo places of public wotshipaud another in contemplation and a medical practition er from edinburgh the object of the subscriber in giving this public notice is to hold out inducements to persona will ing m purchase he will sell lots upon very reason able terms and upon long credit to actual settler ii i george kebfer thorold milts jan- 3 131 i c hatch clin i rm n k e i kingston upper canada circular prcscott 30th lh 1s3i sir the building committee of the steam boat niw huilriing at prescoci to ascend the lapirfs from m intreal have directed a further infitalment of ten pe 1 ent upon the stock subscribed by you to be paid into he htmtu of the treasurer alpheuajnnc tisq m this place on or belure the tenth of march next i am directed to flay that the building com mittee would feel much gratified at your using your influence in your neighborhood to get more stock taveiii feeling fully assured thai the enterprise will u ceed and prove to the stockholder a profitable investment independent of the gratification it must aftbrd to ewry friend to improvement to reflect that he has aided in an enterprise that will create u rev olution in the commerce of the canada the committee cjnnot for a moment admit even should their expectations not be fully realized that the stock wonhl fail to muke a piolitafjlc return upon some uther rout from all the information they have obtained however iliiy tlu not entcruin anv doubts whatever of the entire kucfttttfof the project their determination i to have rite bout in full op eration by the first of july nod ihey trust they will have the satisfaction of declaring a hautuome divi dend at the close of the navigntiom it would be desirable to got about jtl5h more utock taken and they inut you will be able to aid them in effecting it by order of the committee l hill1aro sttrctary foh sale by the suhnrrihei 00 barrels of luecnstoti ap ples juun uuyes mai ket place feb 21 i33l for sale grass seeds of superior quality by parker benson kinguon feb 1831 4 oiiy itmkvi i rf a l on ilrtir railed brcfud pork bavcv nrnl rlmvr tc muii t iiht ht lofto podttli rr tnu o 4 5 oi bm m iwp rt uk p iwi ptitnvu i mil o i 0 on nk ovnqcncnl o ii per iww pntwjli p lll 0 2 3 t- opiktamb r 1000 umls per milo 3 q 0 a ilncirh hi pfftjnctortlnyiilr per 1m haim p r nm 0 5 ti nniirprwjiivmmibynhkoflmulhtmtmu rvl wm trfi pit i0uci pimiml- pit hv 05 7 iintii mutpcnri nthwamp wiil wtiatirtw piz ir hfrtkm cofftlfl anj fp ifwi pr iff pwuto pci imk 0 4 5 unmvranj ntl oihrr iron tttiti sntj tocr fn liilr vrttrr per 1000 jkhlltfte pc mt 0 5 0 l uri rrtppeni ami uulbwi cnk tnwwil lili wai r per iihio pminit per mile 0 i 10 omtpirnwlpigkniisoinglowtfdifitewflrriftci nm poitivu ht wilt 0 4 6 fr ptltryu tf it ctilunan1pltrrxplc pr 1ki pirtin fmt nitk 14 0 11 on arrr mlo nqd noc ulin- per 1000 pmimln nll 0 7 0 13 tin hip ami mbcr raw hh t iwinrmm unu ntnt- ff ilu cukh til pet iwio pmu tr itulo 0 4 5 14 on tlupnfm ruv mr of i1oiclc md olhc animal per iwio pmnd per mile 0 9 0 fxrniturt fr x 0i tafrctohflithltorf wri octuiiiy mniglnj to fuiultr emigraiuw per tw ponmu ujy hbr o 8 o il thi curl w3ffoiw lci5lls ploireh nnil mcrhnirn tiwil qmrmnirf firlle owncff iftrfiviiliiiil wi wltro ttfwftpmlt6l ty ifacoffufli imcrati5 fir the jiurhiaic of jclu nn nt per 1000 pmjtkr prr nule 0 5 0 stve mj 4ft- 17 on mbto and lik or roofin ocwl wlc wwc per 1000 rkninrl- r mik 0 5 0 i on ml wnc wrrtujliior imvvroocm prr 1000 poorvl peff mil 0 2 3 lumber wvod if y oii limber mpiam nnj rouml pr loocwbic frc ptf mile corrkdlii bout 0 0 fttt oti ttic wbc ifcaraed in ran per uk cdue ftd per rmle t 0 jl on bnanui pmvnu miwllnc ond miwcd limlier mlueni n inrh inrnmire mu nil iiilin- inlh hih uthrr awcil tu ftfi lhif onr inrli thick earrieil iti tnain 4rept urli i unumeraicd in reolaiiih numln j bd4 2 per 100 fiei per mile 0 6 0 tfc on ilur ame if irun ported in rail per 1000 fret per mile 2 0 0 tt on mvxfi mhoffam than tv feet in irmtbi plit inlh hoop polif rowmg- ours am broom liainlir prf mm mvftb per mile 0 3 5 c4 on rtftvia imd lkidng iriiiiporteu in lwu prr 1000 pntuul ler mile 0 9 0 tis on il nc iriramtporud in rally ret 1000 poutiila per mih 0 i 0 tt on nmmio pf m per mile rriet in boat 0 2 0 j7 ontnf mtfttahvyvlbltota per upet fnju o 4 o li o pln pnrt nnd ntt for feoem- per m pir mu ejirrieil in baiu 10 0 fl oiiiirme iffonvcyminmfu per m per mik tf 0 0 30 on wml lor loet exeei h ti- may bti m m ihe ntananvun ofnlt wua hall tc exempt friin tih nikl tun l4irk per ronl pee mije i o o 31 on hie amr if tmnnorinl in ml peronl per mik 10 0 11 onnlmutt fir wtalow t wu mh evijlwi- imi fmtnli irun imh h iwkn u r loilpmt- vr me 0 5 ro oncn er lhipmr1i r mile 0 4 5 31 on hvc caicttr it4ipanl hpet lici podbfl per mik 0 5 0 fr on bntifi ami wrfl hoew xvnen ne4 vehr i be rwifmpd ml pnmfc pr inn pnotfli p s 0 7 0 on mi per 1100 piiixl pir nk 0 4 5 37 onmmp 0 tulinecognrmonk hywbrr per loqu pmttll pft mite 0 4 5 3 on bmnp ginf fi tnewee per io00 pounjto per wk 0 9ft on wtoni mvfl nit oilvr bgrlnaml pnnriion- n t inked stiii nm paflinmrl peeiflwl and imh uns mercimnlie per i0o0 pun pr mile ft 4 s 10 onimitlwimli 0 0 jrticjet i tmta ft on h nrttrle ncn mmmfumtff exrepiel pmtpg fihl ink wmrr prr lqoo pntimt- r 0 0 0 f oo nil nnictc qoc enutnrnii w evepie1 nftm co- wnriih tide inter r o iwimru pif milr o 4 5 3 on ni4 ne1 ctirhy for tie i npnftfhi f prrra- nml naviuiki rrlfl eanf lwre ochotttaty jd 1lien prr mile 11 0 0 11 on bull uwt cliirily isvilh impaolrwin nml unvimlntf ac kne en- ofvtk prf mik c n o 15 onlniiimiuwil firth pfw kww ii ml mvintmi uie cbampli whin junc tion cjinnl per mile c on bfltttt ol dml ftr th prt of person nod btvfcmirg lite qrftfl pcr 6 on ul- ami ehkity for the nporlthi of perxw omlimvtiriimiihe coyo srtwp ton ml ilir irttet nl riinot eat coyvp w rlhrf ef iwn pr mile ft fht hof et1 thirty foe tbf onprthiom ftffrtrmft nml wrtioulfl tie juiicim muiid m fmmfi with rcfttdnr itmv frmkit- fi intpmiiniiit nfpr o- on uw brie or ummrto mw1h prf 50 m on 1mb wrtcwrty ftrifcrntw rpdv prf mlk a my j n o t n nl nbil cmcfy for lle iryiiponuihui ofpcfwilenef mile 0 51 4nejhh peronovrrisveivnyennof neunuinrfl 0 0 a tfoiii ttbol chklij for the imnpnrlititi ofpmpvi per mile 2 v miss phillips milliner dress mater jratkktii bf theftvnlic iww pcclvcd re siiectfuslv iiilbmistlie inlmliitafila opkngslon hni die cmi mi uea io carry on die above bmiiipih at her irmrunriitftovcruio office of ihe brittu whig where who hopes to be fivcred iili tdiiiimiaiice of their pairoiroc childrens drenea eleeimtly embniitvrcd kiiiffston feh 6th 1331 4if belsoa jniuirv 33 strojvo beer swero berr cm roittrnmriil y parker a 1unsoiv is3l 1 frospeottjs ok a monthly magazine on a new and 0ompuei1exsve plan to be caurd thk canadian monthly haoanb ii is inuiidcdi in n sh irt time u tiibilil to pithlic tpprovil nr rondiuiiiatiniii ninmlily m siiue of o chiinirtrr more extruded llimtntu itlllwf n been pub- lilirri in a british colony monthly and iuarterly periodittus hvc alrrad ihxii tiiitl bur with one cxictfins cxccpioii wiihuui success ilir projectors of ilie plfwhi wk persniilc lliriiihiives v fsui livrn mhicthltlu n llltr limit el fihiura ol ihoic work 10 account iwiidi mi is mie mmtwiliiiisf in the altered hpeci milie times in wiinoii tlieui in nihictpaiii wiecew fii a periodi cal ofn more eomprtliensive elmracte under this imiiremoii ihev tutmiii itteir plan in till nliler society ofm more u uluiiil haraeler in a lnwr and more molley pfiputtlliooa muijnziiw ilt lind mile support ihouli coutiltd itj lie icl rorwy ol one cliu ofpriticiplea m u ilhitmiiou of oilo linihch nf science england krir jenna- nv nnil america unc their milting miiwu iheli rim hoioltumi jtmrnan and iln ir kevivvs md mi- gnyjnch devoted tn uvcry powibic niulirirnfton of political ami iheoloiriral ereed cttntuh ifnlie rl sire in cull into cxiiencc tt perinili4 hteiiitun must hi content at lust with one ortw- iiioguzinv emlrariii7ill mid every lliing- with tliiw view it is prninsed nuln t uiclcsou generil polities ol any creetl provided tiev dibcn quctitiun in candid lair atid cuurlcoiu uiffbngc a- voiding every the most distant allusion or expres sion liich may he deemed likely to create pain in any breast an honest and consistent tory has pledged us an article now ami then and an unbending liberal is in our list for the same purpose and as both are edu cated gentlemen though of adverse schools the ca nadian momhly magazine will he the humble means of instituting a sort of friendly suit not between parlies fur party it eschew hni between contend ing political principles the derision ihe projectors pretend nut to take upon thcmsehcs that must rest with the public while reviews are devoted to one elnss of opin ions and read chicdy by those who subscribe there to and what is worse deal with evidence under die security that if refutations appear in a review of op posite principles it will not reach the readers eye a conviction that not only the same review but even the same number may contain a well written article on the other side will iherelbre opcrale as a salu tary check upon a careless as well as a dishonest dealing with evidence in this mode of discussing dispulablc point lh lover of truih must needs rejoice though as it will make sad havoc with the trade of a political pnrlizao the projectors are induced to hope it will not bcwiufr ou enemies having said thus much of uie political character of the canadian monthly magane the public must not lose sight of the lact thai other subjects wilt oc cupy the larger portion of its pages the improve ment and developemcnt of the resources of die ctui- adas the promotion of education sketches of socie ty literary essays and scientific disquisitions will all find their appropriate places in short every thing will be attended to calculated to render the work varied instructive and entcftaiuiuev in a country making use of iw o languages the exclusion ol either must destroy or at all irveiits interfere much with the usefulness of a wotk of file kind to render it therefore more essentially com- prcheusive the canadian monthly magazine is pro posed as the ehicle for articles in both krench and english the rule of admission being solely ihai al ready named in the lourth paragraph of this pro spectus though the original character of the canadian monthly magazine will not be departed from with out good and suflicicnr resson still when any article in the english french or ainciicaii periodicals of a character likety to be highly iiucicsiugto the colo nial reader forces itclf upon the notice ol the edi tors it will he insencd lastly the public must he reminded that twocon- ditinns are necessary to the successful prosecution of the design first a cfllmuutt supply ofliierai assistance second a subscription list sufficient to cover expenses the work will consist of four sheets or 64 pages 8vo very neatly printed on good paper it will lie ready for delivery on die last day of every utontii at twkvtv siiilmns prr annum drliien i in town j1if ihwttf01 it hnljm snolfrmin tf ti communications to he addressed to the rditurs of the cttnttdian motih mtignzmt at ii h ci s- ntvraiams or to the daily sldmhscr office edllors of newspapers who are frictull to ihe de sign of the above periodical will oblige hy giving ihe prospectus a few insertions montrinl xov i lw- fiom london line op packets to sin- tiik ravr rrvth amd twulia aclf mos7h willi a view of crculin new fwilirici in the rwhraow btrtwh lnrlin and new york tbt prittrtrs f the several ginrkou ilrcady unpaged in lradc btn induced t rooppruu in mliun to the number of nket jo a to dcmtrli one ofiliem from new york i r 1 dili and 20lli and from loirfooonlbc 7tli ltihind and from irtmmitlj on th 1st lotli nnd 20th of month throughout ihe yctr the line will noweonwi hip to mictccd each oilier and aul follow vix from xeiv york fh- 80 sliip canada thomitf hriuon inir mir i stun soveitehtn j kwrny master mir id shin iianniual t ii- hrtiirt nnter mar 80 ship thames r- gnwom uwtvr april i new ship apnllo ship philadelphia il iv sturtilp mm april so ship samson d chnilwirlc muter may i ship president grnfi huivru muter 10 new ship may may june a new steam boat to he at vrcsfuuy on art smptpcd plan to betttcch prryrou and jmonfrtttl at a general meeting of the hthatfants of pre- cott calletl for the purpose of tubing into coiipielrr- atimi the ltom expnlient plan olhuihling i stkam passage boat to ply between putenrrr montreal a mmillnn eq being ralud n ilw choir anil mr w h wells appointed secretary ihe following resolutions were propped and adopt ed 1st thotthi meeting deem it expedient locon- struct a llont at prescolt of tiic following descrip tion vi two cylinder of an elliptical orovi form 170 feet in length5tn deplhi ami 9 feet wide to he built of stages olid bolted logciher bvmeufh nfiron hoops ou llm inside vi hnnt any timheri live ends formed ill mich i manner as to give a good him ami kleru the cylinders to he pluctml telr leeiapun willi a deck extended ncrns them lupro- jeetlwo feet outside measuring itli by 31 and holtetl hy means of iron bolts and well secured b iiii hie a whil nfircitiu ilbmihttf mt is fett in length tn he placid between the hna flfld worked by ivvo low pressure engines nf30 horso power each when lino far advanced the huat not lodrawmore thau20 m inches ami move through the water at the rate tif is miles per hour 2d- that from estimates the meeting are of opi nion that giich a hunt can be constructed and put into operation for 5000 3d that to insure a more extensive ami impar tial circulation of stock thi sum he divided into eight hundred shurofl at six pounds fivo shillings each and until the boot be completed the stock he not transferable except hy the consent of a ma- joritvof he committee of management 4ih thar until the completion of the boat no stockholder be entitled to a vow on tiny share or shares over fifty 5th that hiram norton alexander mcmillan alphrus jones joseph whitney lonson milliard esquire of prcscott henry gilderrieeve esq ol gananoqiici he the mnnagutg and building com mittee cih that i committee he appointed to open the bonks and take up siibscriptiuns for stock who arc to report to the committee nf management as early as the 15th day of february next oitddmtilwlui- lowing be a committee viz messrs wm ritchie co montreal c sc j mcdonald vss co- ciananoijuc joseph wliiine and v ii wells esips prescolt juy t wood escj cornwall ueoree hrouse enq matitdu 1 g judsun esi ogdeiikhuivh u- s j g bin ihnne es cohourr- j monroe esq york kn ii pientish ei hamilton lewis clement esq niagara henry iihrrleeve esrj kingsiun ijilln flint esq brockville- ieorge a clark ls itniuiford 7ih that aft soon as 2500 pound ijefuih- sribed the managing ami building commiiti may proceed to make cootnirts fur ihe building of said boat 8th thai ihccoinmitfce of management be here by authorised to open the hooks immrdiutvlv and send them io each of the coimniiiee fer juki uie buhticrifilioiia and ttmtlhov be to proportion the luuoulll of each i paid in and lix the time ig up 080 authorised ataluieiit in lie for the payment of tin honitv midalsu the time for fuileiinre 111 default ol paviru in sined alexander mcmillan caairman wuwells prcscott jjnuaiy m i6j i 80 ship montreal clwifipliii ninar 1 sliip ontario w s s lir ins june 10 ship samuel robektsi n a il risw from lovoov nuv 27 saml robertson i lrinotith i dec 7 canada iww pwtu i hichiikt 10 dec 17 sovereign ipsivch i rnmmlh d 2fo doc 27 hannibal leaver iviu hi jjiiiirtv i jan 7 thames have poitmnlli jafl 10 jan 17 invwshll leaves poii- uih jan ift jan 7 philadelphia leu ivhinrli feb vb 7 samson leaves portmi it la w fh 17 president tarn pfiriiimiiiith pvb90 1vi 27 neusiiip leaves pnr- uih mnrch 1 mai 7 montreal it ve prmiimini mnreh 1ft stvr 17 ontario rmvciponmmuli mh 20 thtic hipt arc of tfn firi cla abuul nu ions m built ill iiritr of tltchct matriil iirinrtd and tastcned and nrc naviand hy ahh- ithl oxihthnrcd chn cr their rmuoddtions fur nniiar4 nru y and extensive and lor whom bcd tvtlu wino and nfthebcl quality will tdways in iiroviitrili fw ifij panagc apply t eithor nftlm cotlutinilvlnfti ijrd the or to john grfswold fiaiiilhrfrrct grinnell mintlrn a ii i3j front ire ceo wildes a co n- lii lluni4ii a l n- bfhe thipsof the iibuvf imm at portvnnulli a itfuftl each wiiv i srnsens and from whence htcamhu ncnt and to difivrent pait of enjlunl every information relative t lliwlino afpackirt may he obtained by application ai iim- nlhie bank of uppkk ada public notice is hereby jrirn lli at a gc meetiiiff ofllw wockhpldcw lrd iludiy itwi joverrf that tlie rem i vn 50 t t itnon the new mode shall lc rallrd in payables lollowiiif periods via 10 percent the gh malmhtit payajilc li day in tuvemher lsji 10 per cent ihctth insmlnirtitt nayauic li i day in january is3l 10 per cent the sth intalim nt itvablr lt day in march is34- 10 per cent the 9th iusialiiirsii pavable 1 day in may 131 10 tttref the lodi intnliyttw pavnhle t j 5jihrceit illojuatf u wuoi1 hank of upper cmadai york i5iiijiuv 13 will ronftnue u lintl and rvcvifi nindulv totht cad uash paid fur ueeikinsjker lion id run and feathcis hv market pltire kington lru ii istl uautiux this it to fori iid anv pervoll tr pnsnn purr u otk of hani drawn hy me in lavmirc merret fenton or order iir tie num of two dred and filly seven dollars truriive ceuii payable on the tiftih of mv i jl at don prtilia i tore in kugtou a fur it i haven rrv no tfar tlios demohk deninri jiille jan- 27 11- ijfiank ukeik stiimm y in lire io ile ilthe oiijti-iifilu- tnnimi wmo filrnun till 131 furs lnrt and tippet m n v raiw s v furilehv park till sc bex jiiiiimrv9 isjl post ofiiic ariuivriursif lurakivrk of in vaiia tut 5iiil fuihr oiliini ihe liuiin ruili in th tntnl itlllh irth htvflrtfdw luju a wrli viz i ilny iurmlav w ii- thuriiv kruliv a s j if llu itlhm inelu tins niain tlnmin thi- utttriftt ifrlti litliii aimiir anrosrtjuj tiltioa wj ii t iillffiv thirit ah mill uridiloit dnl ili tire a winj the aliil tr orttn butwtea prinre edward cunl rrlltf in on tinvlay thursday and saturday at w c otk hj the mail tor canulimi fnraid vviliuu ire nadn tutfhnv and friday ai 6 uyhnk i 31 tin- slal vttr all ollice tftot anrislerf tlnerf wrk iz mi monday and thurjiy at f orlorli th thv mail fnr ncwmarkei and oilier omca atp vvik are clocl miee a week vi on monday and 4 liv iiini m- thc mailfif otfics north of pati uii f wek vn ni rnnie through b k tiz on monf pnierlmrntjffh are closed ona mooclork p m m thr maiutur marmora arc ftwd wirt a week tlniwihivat 6 oclock p m y tile vlaili pr die otrcrs on tl porlh ac nn eloed fir ire a w triurvdav ai g oclock p- m the shiu fur the united sfitfm are closed arte week viz on mondav wcduklav and friday at3 pm ahrivu or flhk mill thr eastern slainarrivejtix iwvn wcrk viz on tnotdw wornedav tlmrsiby fridfity and s tin vclim mnilnrrive at titilu wvok viz on tntliv wrrtncjtday tlurdn kndv uud conffttet hour ofarrial 4olort m tin maiy from otmfl wvl nf vtlraler will arrive wrvk vi on tneiiflay and friday wiili tin maiu fmi tin print e edward maih arrivi thru stunt wo on monday wrdnt daj mid fnliv it ihe aiue tin dlq utllci wsiern mads tlie southern orlvited satc mnirx arrive thtet week viz on monday wednelny and kruhiy i hulir uf arrivul on an average tlinhijfli the ear offfce hnvrs tim oilier will he open from vtifjt a m- till 7 p m ctcry iluy exeet ihe saumtli wlnn t ir dihverod only between the hour 1 h and a m as to letters it ix ft altlioad too fitllowin reuialiuim must h- all led to ol tliry wil remain nut forwunled uud ulofl it- atlen wttoivfbrilh united smiontuti k pri ud tota pqdll and iwjl an are intended hi tfti li it m it kuio he nl nitl o new ymk uhlm for europe intended to h netii hv liiewr prmi pd to quebec ami hme imndrtt io w ent li fist fcr falmouth peckn mmt lie ina lctlerr run onlv tw mil by wai ornili miiymid m aovnnwr ill men ivuii xe lorwardel hy ihe other rtuites at nil mom rw ihe rntbdiom relative tu ihitaae mlt io heiwl hvyl tori roiuiiieul of euroh wel indie th nerd advertemiiil jmr hji itatosof potftoolta riiiiic cape ineeni m to new l it ihdilaxlhl any newripiipii tint hi forward will iierlmipihl with lcltirnwbv ktiufiit oft newxnai iiflln- imtiith pioineeh id to iapv vuieiit io new york ui letlttcf it- pt ae iw inlwt ur rimi tuu oil- l uiu kb i without mtij p kindlon feb tth i ill llth 4 lilt ilh til uiili half john mm wixavi iii e ii li-