sieam wuaa published semiweekly o i i f it per orben dicor by e j barker m d toiiume 1 himgstouc thursday march 27 1834 no the british whig a semiweekly journal d voted to commercial and political infitnnatinn u puhlixlttn every tuesday and friday cnornine by doctor barker editor and proprietor at hit ofc fico tn rear street next door to tin commercial hotel for country circulation only the british whig published every tuesday afternoon in i weekly form and will oe tound to contain the most important matter of die im- weekly paper terms for the semi- wcklv paper one pound per annum fpeid in advance or within three months from tho receipt of the 6rat number and one pound five shilling if collected at the end of the year exclusive of postage for the country p per twelve shillings and mi pence per annum if paid in advance or within thipc months from the receiptof the first number and fifteen shilling if collected at the end of the year eiclusive of postage companies of individuals who reside in the country and who may prefer to send to the oflic for their papers may have them supplied at ten hillinga per copy per annum prompt pay no subscription received for less than six months and no bper discontinued until all arrearages arc puid up except at option of the publisher svtettfsntntta six lines aiu under 2 6dfirtinertoii and 7d each sutaeouent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d firrtinsertionand lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the tint insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisement to be in writing produce of every kuid received in payment letters taken in except from agents unless pore paid letter frets printing doctor barker hiving obtained a most superior press and an excellent afdtortment of jos ttpe is enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto unpreccdently low in upper canada t marble works the undersigned begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and us vicinity that he keeps on hand n large assortment of marble chimney pieces tombs headstone of all descriptions finished in the best manner he trusts from his long experience in the b isiness and from the arrangements he has marie to receive a regular supply of different kinds of marble to give satisfaction to chose who may favor him with their patronage all orders executed on the shortest notice john cullen qiarry4t kingston pen 7ih 1331 if 1 joii scitivuira returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for the support he has received and now boys leave to inform them that he has leased that well known stand he mr john dow lings in store street where of has just opened a tavern for general entertain ment which will be known by the name of the ji tmm a s r ye h v he will at all times keep on hand an assort ment ol the best liqvois and wikii also in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston feb 27 1834 7 caution thjs is to forbid any person or persons pur chasing a note of hamj drawn by me in lavor of hiram wood or bearer for the sum of four pounds three shillings dated december the 25th 1833 at ninety days the said nh6 having been left with mr charles heath which was obtained 9f fetm by hiram wood under false peteuces and for it i have received no value david fish kingston feb 27th 1834 1 extensive sale on saturday the 29th inst will be sold at the stores of robert glendtnning store street the whole of his stock consisting of wines liquors groceries creekery glassware sr dry goods without reserve sale to commence each day at 10 oclock a m until the whole is disposed of fft terms made known at the time of sale t robert jackson kingston 21st march 1834 auctioneer by auction will be sold on wednesday the 2d day of april next if not previously disposed of by private sale the three durham boats jyelson laurel aits thbge brothers also the schooner richard cartwright of about 90 tons burden the sails rigging c of inert vessels have been tho roughly repaired during the present winter and the vessels are expected to be ready for service and in complete oider before the day of sale r the terms of payment will be as follows one quarter cash and the remainder in three equal instalments of nine eighteen and twentyfour months endorsed notes bearing in terest from the day of sale will be required for further information apply to john mowat kingston upper canada 21st mutch 1831 to let one house and sundry rooms in other houses a to abner ives kingston march 21st 1834 in butter 2000 pounds for sale of excellent quality by parker ijenso march 21st ism oils lamp oil paint oil paints globe lan terns sec for sale by march 21st 1834 parker benson the subscriber being about to close business in kingston re quests alt those who are indebted to him to settle their accounts immediately otherwise they will be given into the hands of an attorney for collection and all those having claims against him will bring them forward for a settlement john mcleod kingston 21st march 1834 13 new store william macgrukr respectfully informs his friends and the public iliat he has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mckenie junr directly opposite the hardware store of mr john watkins store street where he intends tn keep constantly on hand a well elected assortment of drv goods groceiies wines spirituous liquors crockery glutrarv a arc w m g trusts that his assiduity and close at tention to business will recommend him to a fair share of the public support kingston feb 7th 1634 1 to let with possesion on the 15th of april next that excellent stand for iii business immediately adjoining mr g wyarkers hardware establish ment at present in the occupation of the subscriber also to let of which possession will likewise be given on the same day that desirable and pleasant family resi dence with an excellent garden onhard attached comprising three fifths of an acre and ml excellent wetlof water situated at the top of grave street now occupied by t a corbett kingston f 7th 1334 1 for sale by the subscriber 8uperfine flour by the bbl prime mess pork do butter h the quantity cheese do do s k caldwell market place kingston feb 7th 1834 1 wholesale and retail hakowaue stoke ufper end op slobe street kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has lately received from england an extensive assortment of ironmon gery cutlery c which he now omers for sale at very reduced prices consisting of anvils vices smiths bellows wrought and cut niiils english swedes and russia iron cast steel sheet copper zinc and tb phtes pitch tar rosin whiting window glass paints turpentine linseed and olive oils glaziers dimonds car pentere tools and files of every description flint and purcussion guns tinned japannm phi ted and polished bins and stirrups single and luu- ble bridles trace and ok chains gun powder and shot chain cable white and tarred rope english and and pit sow philadelphia mill saws cross cut hand saws circular saws spades and shovels steelyards fire iron short ami long handled frying puna cast and wrought iron hinges tea kenlcn sauce pans baking and sugar kettles 3 lesrgm round iron pols bar lead single and double sheet iron shue makers thread russia bristles md shoe spriffs iron brass and copper wire gilt plated and horn buttons needles thimbles brass candlesticks wire and brass fenders dish covers iron rim mortice and cabinet locks wood screws cur riers knives trowels plated snuflers and trays plated table and tea spoons cabinet brass foundry braces and bitts waggon boxes ja pan nd trays grain and bar tin c c english cheshire cheese i5 27 lb superfine english glue is lb thomas hardy kingston feb 7 1s3j 1 tjike notice the subscriber being about to relinquish business in kingston requests all persons indebted to him by note or book account to call and settle the same without delay kingston feb 7th 18m t a- corbett for sale by the subscriber hundred weight of green coffiee wm mcgruer kingston march 35th 1s34 30 kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingston and the public generally are respect fully informed that this foundry is again in full operation iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including mill castings clothiers and other sereurs mill pinions gearings also trimming and finishing all kinds of iron wmk ft smaller castings of every kind will be made to or der in the course of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings will be kept for sale at the foundry wholesale and retail i7foii sale a small steamengine of 1horse power is offered for sale cheap for cash kingston 24 january 1834 i just bbobivbd and for sale by the subscribers 1 oo barrels of fresh water herrings 50 kegs of oysters direct from new haven nnlv eiffht davs from the beds y 8 baker sc egan market square march 4th 1831 8 notice in the press and will soti be published re marks on doctor strachnns pamphlet against the catholic docitine of the real presence of christs body and blond in the eucharist addressed bv him to hi congregation of st james church in york upiit canada and occasioned by the honourable john elmsleys publication of the bishop of strasbourgs observations on the sixth chapter of st johns gospel by the rev win p macdonai0 vicar general kingston audi alteram parte kingston loth march ism 10 100 horticultural jambs wadswortii respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston that he intend resuming the business of nursery seedsmajv and flo rist upon extensive ecale as early this spring as the season will permit on his nursery grounds immediately attached to the union church burial grouna e he hopes to be favored with the calls of all persons who mvy wish to improve the state of their pleasure grounds flower or kitchen gardens j w also tegs leave to give notice that having on hand a considerable quantity o the very best enotfsh gahdgn seeds import 1 last alt he will for public convenience expose them for snlein the marfcetplace every saturday and tuesday mornings bcreen the hours of nine and noon kingston feb 25th 1834 6 david leahy returns his sincere thanks to his friends and public generally for the support he has received previous to the inte calamatous fire by which he was a severe sufferer and now begs leave to inform them that he has leased that stone building in kingstreet belonging to mr watkiiis next to dr bakers and near the chronicle office corner there he has just opened an inn for general en tertainment he will at all times keep on band an assortment of the best liquors and wines also in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston 20th feb 1834 ms o vjjl 0 oj john belongs n u to the gentry and other inhabitants of kingston for the many favors conferred upon him during the last thirteen years respectfully b leave to acquaint them that he has taken h- lse situated at the cor nerofking queen siei which he has fitted in a superior manner and where he wiu prepare as formerly supptrs 3un soups fc to those gentlemen who tity be pleased to patronize him he takes the present opportunity also to inform the public that he is now manufacturing and intends to keep constantly on lw wholesale and retail 11 kinds of i mjhi cordlnli conflonnrr pastry see large or small dinner furies attended to upon the shortest notice cjust received from new york a superior as sortment of the finest east india preserves kingston feb 18th 1m 4 for sale acres of very excellent land in the 4th concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved with a frame house on ihe premises and a never failing stream of waler crosses the lot the situation of the place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer apply to a truax esq kingston or to the subscriber jos neilson ernestown 4th march 1831 9 the subscribers have removed fo mr thomas smiths premises adjoining mr noble palmers druggist shop one dour south of the jusrket joseph allen co auctioneers general agents kington fb l i announcement jafhlfsliivton avails himself of the present opportunity of iiifihitriag the friends of the late mr michael moran and ilif public in general that ht intrnds carrying on thehusincwof afclioxeer and commission merchant in all i various branches on behalf of the widow by ftritf attention to business ami by punctuali- ty jaiics linton hopes to meet a share of public pat ro wffe cash advanced on coods kington february 14 1834 3w the subscriber ber leave to inform the gentry and public ol kingston and its vicinity ihttt he ha opened his long room and is now ready to receive consign ment uom sill parties willing to realize immediate cash far landed property merchandize house hold furniture c- c his nightly auctions will be continued as usual at which every article in the dry good line may in purchased at unpreccdently low prices hugh scanlan auctioneer and commission merchant kingston feh 6 1834 1 notice the steamer brockville capt l htlllaud will commence running between the head of the long sault kingston oy the first da y of april and continue on said route until fur ther notice will leave the following places everyday of the week except sunday touching at the usual places and at ogdcnsburgh and french creek kingston monday wednesday sc friday mornings at 6 oclock head of the long sault tuesday thursday and saturday after the arrival of the montreal stages a bigelow agnt canada steam boat und mail coach company veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the above line at chesnutt old stand near the scotch kirk an infirmary for sick horses edmund smith horses shod upon professor colrnaue im proved principle kingston march 10th 1834 10 to the free and independent electors of the town of kingston gtnttemejc not having publicly announced my intention to solicit yoiir suffrages as member of parliament fur thii town at the next general election i now begleavfeto say that in conipli ance wild llie wishes of a large portion of my follow townsmen u conveyed to mc in a numerously signed requisition i shall present myself to your notice on the day of election my long residence among you entitles me v say that my principles are well known and my attachment to the crown and constitution of great britain unquestionable in support of which i trut always to stand prominently forward iflshould have the honor to bo reiiuned as your member i pledge myself to suppoit a kill to incorporate the town of kjiutttai a bill to prevent ih provincial penitentiary being an injury to mechunics a rill to repeal the summary punishment act which do prives the british subject of his dearest righttrial by jury my niostaclivo exertions will be used to prevent ihe clergy reserves passing into the hands of a dominant church my private interests are inseperably bound up with iliose of thii town to promote the prosperity of which will always be the chief object of my ambition f hav chi honor io ftc gentlemen your obedient servant abraham truax kingston feb 33th 1ku for sazib by the subscriber 500 sides of sole leather 50 lu of skiniritt 300 do of upper leather a larc quantity of calf ktdd and hog skins also 200 bbls of salt at us 3d 3 r caldwell kingston feb 25th 1s34 first bate butter for sale a large quantity of first rote butter at 9il- per lb also line bay of uuintie cheese at 6d per ik tho above can be confidently recommended as being of lit best quality jy private families will find it to their advantage to call and examine the mine thomas wilson kingaton feb 7 1834 wfomatjoh wasted of moses wauoh pedler who left kingston in july last for ihe upper country and who was last heard of in brantford gore district any person having knowledge of the above will confer an obligation on the undersigned by commu nicating with him by letter t a corbett kingston feh isth 1931 4 the new vork emigrant the york advocataand guardian and tho oori mercury will please to copy the above fur three vick- e lesslie sons in addition 10 their supply of books station ery diiijrs potent medicines have for sale 200 keams wrapping paper english german toys 2 owt green yellow while shoe thread curriers oil in jas bbls leather wood transfer varnish seine sail twine c arc sec kingston feb 1s34 1 3m contract for burning of ume at the crcnsfm kttuaa at poim mtm persons desirous of entering into a eanim f burning ume the smssz ws point henry for his majesty service aereeablv to a specification at this office will send to the senior cnmmissiarial officer at ringiton sealed 1 enders on or before monday at noon on the 31st day of the present month forma of tender and any fijruier information may be obtained by application at this office commissariat i kingston c isth march 1633 lost in the latter part of last week uped to have been left on the counter of soine shop in town f smlveh 8jwww box inlaid with gold whoever has found the same iid will br a i to dr adamsun brewery sireet whl lit li rf- somely rewarded for their trouble kingston march 18th 1834 notice in consequence of ihe number applications to him concerning ihe accounte ufihe spectator newbjmper for the pa8t year dr barktr gives notira that he i not in any way accountable for thtir correctness or incorrectnew britieh whig office mutch 18th 1831 wavfed by a young englishman of go d etiucaiion ho ha employ mem either as waiter lmukkreper clerk high salary not material letters pmr paid ad dressed to a h at the office of the bi1tih whig will be attended 10- kingaion march 18th 184 wanted as an apprentice by the subscriber a lad about four teen or fifteen years old edward down kingston march 18 1834 painter tf glazier dissolution op pa rtxe rship notice is hcreb given that the business hereto fore carded on under the firm of cobmack mo- brewers and distillers in kingston is this day jolved by mutual consent all demands are re- parker fc benson have on hand and are now offering for saleat their store a veiy extensive and general assortment of dry good suitable for the season hardware crockery groceries wines c by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprising every article re quired by the farmers whether for domestic ag ricultural building or other purposes and to which their attention is requested they are now paying cash for all kind of mer chantable produce kingston january 9th 1831 1 cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave to tender bis sincere thanks to his friendsand the public in general for ihe support he baa received since he commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the late arrivals a large assortment of wines jamaica spirits spanish cognac brandy holland gin peppermint shrub worihv the notice of tavern keepers also groceries earthenware glass and a large quan tity of west india ricto the first quality a large assortment of salt water fish table salt cheese butter oatmeal cornmeal honey flour pork oats sole upper leather constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston january 9di 1s34 1 ton dissol quired to be made to either of the undersigned for adjustment and transferred to r drummond for payment and all debts due to ihe concern to be paid to k drummond who is authorized to grant acquit tances for the same john s cormack james morton kim 61i1 march 181 kingston brewery the subscriber having taken this establishment on his own account formerly managed by cormack mortan would announce to the public generally that he is prepared to manufacture beer f whiskey of the best quality which he will be glad to dispose of for cash or short approved credit he has now un hand and oilers for sate front s to 10000 gal lons excellent beer from 2 to 3000 gallons eood whiskey likewise abuut 600gaons malt whis key go head fai cattle a quantity of hops e sec the subscriber will make it a business through the course of ihe summer in supply steam boais private futilities c with excellent all orders sent to the office in town at the font of clarence street or to the brewery will be punct ually attended to robert drummond kingston 8ih march 19j n o t i c e the undersigned gives notice to all persons in debted to him either by note or book nocouutt to coll and settle or arrange flu same previous to the iin day of april next mod that day ll his bccoiips will be put into the hands of bis attomry for rullec- ilou joiin mckay siore pt kingston match 4th lftm h kew provision store baker egan having recently commenced business in the above line respectfully inform ibe public that they keep on hand wholesale retail the following goods american vork hams dried apples venhton do york bay oysteis mutton do fine flour mess pork indian corn meal prime mess do oats ps 6c beans prime do fine flavored tea6 excellent fresh butter american cheese do salt do canadjhn do scotch herrings excellent strong beer north shore do- sumrior cyder in bbls digby do spices of all kinds chamont do muscovado sugar salmon trout refined do french cod poultry of all kinds c- all which articles together with many others will be sold low for cash in addition to the above baker egan have laid in a good assortment of dry goods glassware crockery- market square kingston feb 10 1834 to let possession given on the 1st may next that three stnrv brick bi ilding easterly of mr b- olcnttv anil now occupied bv messrs rose cameron asa dry goods and grocery store the above is an excellent stand foi business application to be made to 1p a thibodo kingston march 21st 1334 oats 3000 bushels oats for sale by parker benson mrch 20 1834