foreign news cocni martial ok cmts wmkks- lhe icucril or der promulgating the tintiing of the cnuri manual m canum wallieo and hi majiiy opprovul issued fioni the home guarrit on the 1m february the ciiildiii it will be recnl- lectcd was tried on charge preferred igainst him bv lira- tenan i colonel lord urndenell coiniuruidin the 15th or kings hturcirs these were in ubfttancefir vnlimlarilv tnakin in an invidious and improper manner io major cent ral sir thorna alfcuthnot a report rcspwimj i ii of tabic jacket by tlic order of lord hriidenel and thereby impaling improper conduct to him in cntiimaiuhiig olbctt for having averred contrary to fact that the inn uf the troop commanded by hint were dwioiiluntej at mjeh issuefur making a report k contrary to truth and fact in a idler hi loid bindenell relative to the nerfurmnnec of 4 dm v lor addressing his troop in an irregular and tmofliccr hkc manner and having reload to repeat verbally to lord brudeiiell what he had aid to hi men above t kmli the court pronounced that captain wathen is not guilty of any of ihe charges preferred against him jud therefore honorably ipquiu him of at and each of die charges the court then proceeded tu animadvert in evcro teffdh on the peculiar and extraordinary measures which have been resorted to by the prosecutor and declares that it cannot ascribe them solely to a wish to uphold the honor and interests of ilia army and that ins conduct i reprehensible in advancing mch various and weighty assertions wnhout soma sure grounds of establishing the facto- a system of espinvgct by means of nun coin- missioned otbccrsand soldier whieh the cioujoandin officer as appeared in evidence had employed with a view of as certaining in what manner the olbcofi did their duly is mui pointedly condemned as in every respect must dangerous and subversive of harmony and that good foeling nhuh ought to xist amongst officers- the coneluding remark of the court relate to a practice so disgraceful to him who rotilil retort to it that wc use the words employed by tin court itself in its decision another practice has been introduced into the 15th hussars which calls imperatively for die notice and animadversion of the court the system of having the con versations of officer taken down in the orderly room without their knowledge a pinchec which can nut be considered other wise than tevolting to every proper und honorable feeling of a gentleman and as being certain to create disunion and to b most injurious to i mtjcy service his majesty ap proves and confirms the finding of the courtalter which is the following remark although it would appear upon an attentive peruul of the whole proceedings that some parts of the evidence might reasonably bear a construction less unfa vourable to the prosecutor than that whieh the court has thought it their duty to place upon them yet upon a foil con dcratin of all the circumstance of the cae his majesty has been picascd to order that lieut colonel lord urudenell shall be removed from the command of the kth hussars- the finding of the court and his majestys decision have given the utmost satisfaction in the miliiaiy circles the triumphant acquittal of captain waihtm of the 15th hussars wa so generally espectvd after the first two or three day of the court martid that it will stutcxtsua much surprise- that it will give gieat satisfaction we are quite sure and no persons more than ourselves who although wc hav no personal knovrlcdge of the gallant officer have before u such testimonial i hi character as a soldier and a gentleman that we cannot but ivjmcc at hi having passed through a se vere ordeal withuul spot ortarnirh- john tlutt local government caused by the failure of the supply bill of last year that subject ns well as others relating to the illititpof the p ovmee at been taken out ol the alaqthrattttgt jtutousy umi attempted suicide on tuesday a it male uf lathing cxtenot and very lofty demeanour ho gac her name as mhm mary williams vv charged under the lolloping circumstances gnskin a surveyor of tluuiie police suittd uttil nlmnt eight in the morning the lady ntttred iu h splendid nuiqucrhda dess jq broughr on ioinl the jort milmu itutjfd lnp ol sufeystevt stawl by a wflleruhttl who anid she had m tempted to tffuwii lieraell she tom wei ihrougln and quite uutviisible but proper remedies wereapplied and she soun recmaireu all he could ascertain was that he lives at an 15 george- elreet adelphi yli william von have found out all you could mr policeullicer am you sir addressing the magistrate will perhaps ask for my prtvious character you will have to gti to connatightsquare edgwarrad and tfiv will tell you that i rode in my carriage kept my servants and supported a large establishment mvers thet vateiman was about to give his evidence but mim williams tossing her head said ir you and i those gazing italia the bysiatidern wh have their mouths wide open tu catch all they can shall hear the truth i went to the masquerade with my pro tector and i remained with htm until this nioftiius enjoying the revelry i accompanied him to his house in liiicolnvmufield and had scarcely mil my foot on the threshold of his door wheu lie dis pleased me iu a moment of pasiou 1 threatened to drown myself at wkiurloodiridjv he latifflted ami 1 uatlltt a lujkw iinh hi cvoju w ijh into and i ordered the coachman to drive me to waterloobridge he did 1 got out and gave this man six pence or a shilling and iiils- he was pre paring the boat 1 jumped intu the mer and that is all mr combe well this is tiv romaiitie madame wemust hear the watemtin myeo said a coach droe tip to waterloobridge and whu should jump out but the lady in the must elegant- est dress he ever saw a boat jou scoundrel a boat exclaimed the lad and he ran duwn the steps to get it ready she threw u st pence into the boat but instead ol getting intu n ultiiigd headlong into the river he went niter her and she was un the pumt of sinking ui der the mhsi ftp- postte kings colitge when he catibt her hy ifie legs and hauled iter out one luomeut mofe and she must have gone the lady here walkrd out uf the dock i insist on leaving tln degrading place she said but mr combe enused her io be put back gaskiu said he had culled mm tltt ladv protector who told hint he knew no more ol iiet than any other female miss williams lung vailet he dare not say so or j he did it wstg lecause he did not wish his name to tratisvpire mr cumbe who laughed heartily at the airsul the lady ordered her to he discharged the waterman ofleied her tube her cicerone but site disdainfully rejected hi ntupusul and rem dined in a neighbouring nubljtbuine until her protector came for her in a ctiuvh il hands of ins maiestys government by your appeal to the inipei ial parliament to the decibton f that supreme authority all parlic concerned must yield implicit obedience in the mean time however i cannot suller to pass tiuobserwd the language of the ninetytwo re- milutltfitof upon which your appeal io the imperial parliament is founded for it is so greatly at vari ance with the well known urhauiiy and moderation of the canadian cltarnrter that those who may be unacquainted whh the real suae of the province will will lind it dillieult to persuade themselves that ihat lantltntsc has not uriifiuated in some extraordinary nild ir neral excitement in the niiiids of the people j ttvuil myself of this opportunity therefore to stale distinctly and i must desire to call your par ticular attention to the fact tliat whatever feelings may have had the ascendancy within the walls of the house of assembly when your ninetytwo resolutions were adopted the whole of the people of the province beyond these walls were at thai moment in the enjoyment of the most profound trautpjillity and i have loo rim a reliance in their good sense to believe that they will suiter that tran quillity to be disturbed by the manoeuvres which are evidently about to be put in practice for that pur pose- it will i think be found a difficult task to make a whole people believe in the existence of evils which no indh idual member of the community is sensible of as regards himself personally you would render a very useful service to your constituent in returning amongst them in commu nicating to them the words which i have just ad dressed to you 11 gentlemen of the legislative council gentlemen of the house of assembly 11 when i met you not long since in this place for the purpose of opening the session of the pro vincial parliament it certainly did not enter into my contemplation that circumstances would have rendered it necessary to bring the session to a close at a period so early as the present i looked for ward with satisfaction to the prospect of a long and useful session which should compensate for the deficiencies of the last but although disappointed in a great measure in that expectation it must be confessed that the present session has not been un productive of advantages to the province since it lias affected the continuance of some useful laws amonst these may be distinguishtd the militia act and the act for promoting elementary education the latter of these acts is particularly deserving notice from the general interest it excites iu the province i very sincerely wish that the general diffusion of education may have the effect of pro moting the happiness of the people the ultimate aim of all public institutions it will at all events be productive of this great benefit that it will make the people lienor ftctptailttwl than they now an with the political advantages they enjoy in comparison of other communities in various parts of the world and will enable them to estimate at their true value the arguments of those who endeavour to render them dissatisfied with their condition and whose education gives them the facility of cloathing iu specious language the inspirations of a weak or disordered intellect m i now relieve you from further attendance in the hope that the next session of the provincial parliament will be attended with more solid and extensive benefits to the province than cither of the two sessions which will have proceeded it such is the speech with winch his excellency lord aylmer closed this memorable session and it is impossible to revert to the proceedings of the house ol assembly and to the gross ungentle- manly language iu which the members of the clique strove to exceed each other without being forcibly struck by the mild yet dignified expressions of the the governor who while he thus shows himself above the reach of that low ribaldry with which the house of assembly sought to overturn thecqutlibrity of his feelings and demeanour has taken a stand on mat high ground where every respectable and honest man in the country will sond by and uphold nim even to the death his loidhtp has overlooked ihe miserable attempts of a few eon lempfihle dealers iu sedition too contemptible certainly to have justified any public retort and at the same tune unmoved hy menaces to his govern ment and insults to all public functionaries he has rendered justice to the canadian people by vv iit- v4tt114tt 1 vtn h vlohllt i i 114u deration ol cliaractt htrttld provincial iai taftij vvtkvr prorogation of th6 tftovini on tuesday the 18th instant hi excellency lord aylmer went down from the cnatlo rt limb to the legislative council chamber m state where the assembly having been summoned to attend his excellency was pleased to prorogue the session with the following speech gentlemen of the legislative council genthmen of the house of jfosemltly the state of the public business in vnur two houses no longer makes it necessary to detain you from your homes and usual avocation 11 gentkmtn of the jlmtse of jtcmhlf 11 your late proceedings have relieved me from the necessity of addressing you upon the prevent occasion on the subject of the communication which in obedience to hi majestys eonunauds it was my duty to make to you at the opening of the 8ction regarding the tiwmcial diffirultier of the cur rr tonotfto t h election of corjsnate officers is bf- giiming to hcttt a stir about town at lb summons of mr hekvitthif another firtfjiconvcntnu of liucfl opinion fulks jmomhled thrnimdves together tost night at the liou hy mr mkiiri jhvd the um court house in kit-h- muiid mfvta iu nominate commitnrrs of public fnfuv for um purpnm nftocittiujl am ctdta rtift the election ofsuell j- ions lor iln duvivni ward as hdl pudc themselves to make mekenir miyor of the city it remains in h een how far this ihit of mckenic will succeed sliouhl it b iwcwtffoli we have no heitatiun in tayin that p ruits nit rented in ill u jefe eiiuimcrer a irouerity ot thrt cllv will have umdc oc cation rnr htnto emse ihe day on vvlucli the city offorvtv in vrii rqd from the alks or raihor ihu dirt of m link vork hivrr ohjfons niy exist itsaitist ihi man jis a rnem- imt of the 1ilature they arc insisnili atucomined with the olye lions to join w chief alulstrala uf tlu city tin puce li necessarily dejindent for ils roui rru rrci prosperity on the credit ana confutetiew of the espoituig merehanls in the motlicr country to whom the coaractor and revolutionry design- of of mckcnzicaro well known and the very fact of its being known in the rummerrial marts of britain that there is a party a movement or revolutionary party in this town ttfoiuj c nnuh to place such a tqma as mekenxicat thehcarf ofthecity would iluny ill ronmler- iu the slaluliiy of the exiatin stall of thing and consequently of the credit of the ptttc and of the merchants and tiaders of die place which would be de- tniitivc to it prosplfiiy thf miction of tin election or nonclectton of mekeozic is tit ne of parlv pituie it a iueslion invoivim die ad- vniiiiii4ui or tin r ircralilinn oflhueity a a enjunnteial lowtl rihi it i iu lhi lihl that everv persm iutcrcled ill the miiko ial prosihrtk and ivi the value ofpioperty in tins hitherto nourishing metroiolu must view that micstion toronto courier fiincktxc it with much sorrow wo have to blite that in ourhitlnito peaceful neighbodwjd a minder apparently of the blackest dye was committed on monday night last a youu man hy die name of wm fordon was mund dead on ujq road near dundas yesterday morning havin it is said been beat en to death hy one uumv a tavern keeper and james owen a lailoi oflkimlas honey with a pair of tongs and owen willi a whipplctic f i luui from lvonys houso some distance and dieri committed tho dreadful deed tbny are bidi cuofiitcd in the gaul of this town warn free prcs tho more we reflect on tho view which die imperial par liament it likely to tike of our dilficultici the more we dread the exhibition of die union uh the paoacea of our maladies whfcl fr in-ran- in ih roat f th- evil 1 prtptonv- trom the colonies we allude to ti annexation of moum al to- rancc of a french fparty v rctnc plausible as ihe balancing ttfi in olhei words u llie utiti c two canada however anxious we may be tqjm t un carried into effect a ben eficial to uiitaiu and both pi and above all to die french canadians we cannot too or foo earnestly deprecate it as the mean merely of promij i1 c our patriot would look tn upper canada as a foreign op pressor of ihcir rights att upper canada would not view with much complacency h degradation into a political blister theic is aseeond encui tltl may suggest the union m the hnpena parliameii- vthe eaiet inelhod of escaping iiuinlrisiin allt 0 remote and almost unknown petition of our neighbors tor the oner tanada it ntu1 tiever he lorgtrtlj jut mt stanley t hold and ad- voniurow and that inoftni the mcmbeis of the house of common who puc hih talent have their minds engross ed by matttfi uiore impowl than the details of both pro vinces containing betweci them a smaller population than diat of yorkshire or lancashire or middlcsei mom settler we perceive that an chiive council has been proposed in ihe assembly of nova sitia by no less a person than his majestys solicitor uenert for that province should not this circumstance spoak i i th vigilant fears of the loyal inhabitants of canada by rndenng it probable that the scheme of an elective council mavite seriously entertained by the pow ers ihat be the majority 0 those to whom our political des tinies will he confidid an likely to he either ignorant or care less of ihe fact that whatovr mav be the abstract merits of an elective council such a boy would deprive the most intelli gent and most enterprising inhabitants of lower canada of any practical participation in tin legislature of the province they may nnt reflect amid uicir beautiful theories that the legisla ture council as now consumed is the only bulwark of the british population ib cjvso obiiwt anj o jxw proceeded io eagtond cnjing with him die ciitioi of uya lhu1 one i thi s0 of uw inliuiuru of this province not llicn conwiimr anion oilier iincvamv llrein iprecmtu british whig difvrt school a public linilion ir he pupiu under he enre of mii ixhiim n lli ahurv edlilhlimenl will tike placn on tuesday he first day of april nut jt the school room lute si john a hall storertrict iarents and litem inlrrcicd in infant nlucalion ure reipect- fully rcquweed to attend to corses pon dents thoer rcnir cofrpondfolibo ito doi perceive the uuienioa f ibetr fiivofi- will rnulily andermahl ihe cbopc by prnislnj itte gnicrtcih r iri j r mhich have been toauonalljr pjbliahcd lnte our coniiocnce- ii iij a modtraii rifurmtr e tuesday the eolomrvofihl paper at open 10 all panic on cenaio tomtluio fan tai noibtn ilbelteua or jth r i- be forwarded fi imfrtosi of which he rditor will beuicjodjci and second i y hat uk real name und addrew ocihe writer be heal or ihe editors pridtt inctrtdatioo tor portaer ofall commodicaiion hihit bepnid all accounts ofdeaihs or aurrlnfcfkiibe amhenikaled kisgstos thursday evening march 27 1834 the american mail of this day brings london datca to the th fchrunry tlie tuhjviucd item arc all that time affords to lay before our reader a kfvmw nim vvilltfvhhe crillhh moilm vfcom- mn on lh 5th of fcbru while ll of iwbnd were under discussion ihe scene ia dcveril a w agituud one lord althorp and mr shiel vver committed to the cu- tody of the sergeantatam but vvrv aubsemiently liberated on bowing to the rules of the house an application having been ma by number of persons in gla6w for permission to manuf- rorn into flour and biscuit for exportation undrr l mr t tm has answered that there are insiir- dimcullics lu ie- rommcnditig such a coumeto pailiam- aflcr new write had ben moved fo l and ayr mr oconnell by announced hi ii for a relurn of 11 tes repealed during fiv j j a icw of oursc to how ihat iniuice hw be t d lo nd hope a return will also accompany n wm cipended on ireland the hon tncmbei also various other no tices among dkm one for a bill to iibert of he press mr littleton ia o bring that part off kin speech whkh relates to tithes under the notice of 1 ou on ihe sftth of february bills are to be hrouht in to rlbtran warwick stafford and carrirkferg the announcem- lhc soboim gen- eral of a bill to abolish imprisonment d weived with cheers various ouicr motions e 8 b inemhe rs such as a notice to exclude i from thc louse of lot by mr c rippnn and a w to rc hc eontal ael by mr chichctcr bill hi ma cwlimrnl was chary ofannounccnuiu and lh- dac lo p mailers loidalihorp stated it was the int vnnwnlln ptopose a bill for lhc regulation of di- n ond that ihe government will be ready to c other evils iii ftmwtf to l question put oy mr hoadlv iord allliorp tjts tliat it was nvt thc intrnrion of hm msjcmv govern ment to propose any aherarinn in tht eotn 1km anrf iliai if any prron brought furwird h pfamffium tu allrr onnt llie government would not support it iv mint wm letmrmin- aleitanrlin2 should prrvnil on tlii pout that the nolih ixrd 410 tut government collvtivelv anil wc liavc cd feann to believe lliat veral iiidivituals lclottin to the government niaviipnri ucli an ilti tattmiintlum iiwsftf will mwritutt rittniilc rxod duiy fur the msvical sndtntcd scaloofdtuies mr hume and sir hunt severally giw iiotici ofiuutioiit on thn sutirrl in tin commons on tli fiili mr olonncll aain railed up the leulijm t of the prnrodlng rkbate mi potponcd until the cnmiin mmidaiy in rntiiion fur jn iiruiry into thc charts avuit rertiin irish mvtnbcfl who no represented to llbw ipprovi d rtf thi irish coereton bill liouh they mcr and voted against it mr seretaiy statiey replied hut wr can- uul mmbly mike iocti frr the rodtttf of cither gentleman the times of the 7tli fvliniary imr the r15i1i hon gendernan prtnd ably and most forei bly uic danger and tho diflkultic vhich must nccewmrily attend th institution of such an injuiry and bis solemn warning as to tho consequences of die inquiry in a certain contingency and the manner tn whuh hat warning was re ceived by tho 1iout proved tbal the uvcliation once enter il upon wdl be prosecuted in carries and that there will bo no hesitation on thu part of the hmm to conwumroaio its just results il if stilled that the russian cbint through rfe anihasaui- ihir at the liritih court ii i r a note to lord rinier- rtoit tu the ttfeet lliait if die uritisli ctivoinmcnt snl a frce into portugal russia wimld irnmedutuly march tumpn into tmkry ilvpirlt are ctirrenl in lonlon tlat coimhra lui surrcu lcred to the pedroiten and the purniiut- funds have 1111 ad v anced nutliing has mnr fully nhewn thc tital incapacity for loguf- idtjon wtiii li ha ever dtinzuihed th proceedings of die hist pruvincial house of assembly than m addrvl to lli majirs- ty which wan passed wuh nnc divmuieut voice mr ktt-h- um davs before final disihitiiu their previous acts in so repealed explinone of own members in direct violation of tho constitution ol ihe land wttremch y to convince every indiflconi person low httkthvy cared ahoul thc tights or liberties of dio people ml it wis yet to be seen thst their audacity would gp ihe extione lengths of denying the supremacy of tho crown m one of iimosl important prerojra livm sod thereby engender a spirit if opposition towards the hcadofthoejnpiio which uuy ulutmiely end in 0m u iehel- lion to undcrsund the meiiutof uiisouution mote sat isfartohlv wc shnll arry hrnk our readies lo th u whn mr mkn 3001100 mb lo the notice of the king for rcdie ww die tttudgid unalety of our monied msiitutions what eourse could his nimj wc mean lit miabtef tllw to return thl petitions unat tended to upon the hands of olare a proportion of bis upper caiwdiau sulijccu would nut be graemu to refei them to the provincial parliament fur itisfaclioii wuld not be fair con iderin- that the petitioner had been already before them and had resorted 10 the aid uflli majely 0 un appeal of die larf exlrcinitva to determine them upon hi miuir responsibd itv would be a hih handed mvfltmife rjqwillj iucunsienl with oinpnetyamlcpiitylhervwctveoiintcrpehuom of tho km- sulyctn prayin- for an inveslinimn into the truth of die allegations laid to am eharge mftlie mler of diis colony thc two nets of petitions were therefore laid before die lords of the treasury who utter due deliberation and after biking the opinions of die crown lawyers came tu tho coocluiioa ihat the king sliould exercise his reserved tight and disallow tho ute dank acts had his majesty at once acted upon the advice ihus solemn ly riven and by the issuing of a proclamation thrown this whole of the canada commercial transactions into contusion and ruin however such an impolitic act might have entailed unmerited obloquy upon his memory in after age yet no one would have dared to deny his authority seeing thai his right to disallow any acts within a limitd period wss w clear and as indisputable as the right of thc parliament to make laws tor our government- thc king did no meti rash act he mt a dispatch to his lieutenant sir john coluorne commanding him to lay before thc parliament certain regulation by which it was the opinion of his advisers dial all banks in his foreign do minions should be hereafter governed leaving it lo theii op tion either lo amend die bank acts conformably to these res- stricuons or allow diem to be formally disallowed by procla mation that any interference of the kings ministers in the local matters of die cuony in which from their great distance from tho scene of action and from ignorance of the state of die country they make but very ineoioptteni judges of what is conducive to the wclfafu of the inhabitant is on all hands highly improper and if uol unconditional ought to he made so but it cannot be said that llieir interference in this particular instance has been uncalled for tho petitions of one third of the adult male population of the province called alou d for some interference and if ihe petitioner have discovered by ue emptiness of their pockets their extreme folly in resorting to a country four thousand miles off for the redress of those evils which properly belongs to the provincial legislature surely it is the height of absurdity particularly in a legislative chamber to tax the king firstly with thc unnecessary exercise of his icritirnatc power and secondly to question that power itself whatever might be the wishes of the two banks we be lieve the intention of tliur directors were to have quietly wih mittcd to the kings plcannre and to have amended their charters agreeably to the restrictions as far as they were round practicable and wc understand bills for the purpose were in preparation but the house of assembly would hear of no such thing they became outrageous at the bare mention of their ml being altered by a foreign authority and in the sarn stato of unaccountable madness with which they reject ed thc november dispatch of lord godeiieh they passed the iolent address which has held fluna fettll to the scorn of uieir fellow itjwiuot tfwq t- rwrom uf exclusive loyally lo die earth and covered them- selves with everlasting disgrace the constitution by which die provincial parliament is called together to make laws was granted by two acts of the imperial parliament and ihe same act which made llicm a my reserved lo the crown in cypress leims die power to disallow any bills which they might pass and thc governor in the kings name give assent to now in the face of thc very acts which created them what do the lloue of assem bly ml w humbly represent that although the dis allowance of die acu moy vjtpmt to be authorized by the utter of the statute c ac- ytl it is contrary to iu spirit and maalhig that is lo say that aldio they can fully com ftfsjimd th literal meaning of the utter of thc statute when they want to oppress thc people by unjust exactions or by plunging the province into debt yet when the kingly proro gate comes in competition with their own narrow minded views and opinions they begin to discover that it the ictlet is in diiect opposition to its meaning i the house went however much tardier than simply lo insinuate a denial of the right of lhc king and the imperial parliament to make laws for upper canada ihey olemly protested against any inter ference whatever with the internal concerns of the product and gave what they conceived to be iu the plenitude of their wisdom if persons so mad have die power of reasoning guud and siitfhicnt reasons lor their protestation tire inhabitant of lhc united states iu 177g did not gu greater length and lluv were then branded as rebel li was fully competent for the house to have remonstrated in forcible language against the tteitc of any right which the king ii lending at all to the injury of his distant sub jeets but tu deny the existence uf that right ami to protest uatftssttf is md only rendering thecu objectionable a in legal point dl view uut u itnftiae ma jcmcojs their rcmonslrance in toto for the question at home will be nut whether certain ocuafetubedialhweilor riol but uliuher lhc rights tv of die crown are hi be maintained tu abandoned and then follows another important ipietion with the disposition to- waids independence thus exhibiled by die house of repre sentative of upper canada is the prov iuce worth the cpeoce of feeling und iiiainuiniii- with the money wrung out of the pocket of the people of great britain until the lime it feels itself strong enough 10 hake titt the yoke altogether t such a question will he nnwired al nec in the negative and if so away go home our iroop and away go nil die restrictions in favor of canadian couumtce and ltt left in want anl mise- rv unable lo alolie unable to uiaiiitaiu ourselves at the power of the tovrrr provime to hinder our navigation jo the ocean and 111 recourse left uut lojnin th t nited stolen or sink iiltu iomiiilieaiiee and all baue a few maili get intoa pxoion ahiui ihey knowiiot what and pas addresci of whieh no doubt at thnt limn they it id licintily ashamed were we the pnamit republicans iu existence we should a much dipreeatc ibis addr s as wc rju ikiw professing the seulimcnls of british whigisin hecaue wc kuow that ihi day of independence is approaching with loo hasty strides already and that it should be thir policy of this provinee hke a son wishing to set up for himself toouu the parent to start it with a capital and not hy the lute insolent rejection of thc ministers despatches and the present illadviscd address induce him to shut down the lid of his strong box and put the key in his pocket wehaveoovv given our npitinmrf ilic dilre iurir nitl wi po to pcak cf il auibor- twtt omkr of ike boiie jtre well kowni to be mveierate lories oppomj io ttcry fttt tiwpu ail mavlemy uuoil up with tlkcrxuiiruj enter of lliinc- tli 1i0 y with liter iekoo imkc lo id ly iojtui i rotuinunlty hi un irirrulshimm pmsmkfami armltssl an cniffiua miridillfil odly by ur liutwklge ifuti uwir royalty b n a tafuf anil ikdr beagled atiachicii ia kincandennhtuiioiia mete eiuk ince- wf ihcb emu nmlskiwswhitts tlte ore stteli omu an uimne ofto ronift wltooivi it in itaulioi ttii bix into1mlf line loihi- rooiltircimm slmutlbw ui thcr proer colors 10 tlie gaxe of tbe drftiah eiptre 04 wilklhr sunefb inwwf nnnliuvr ihem the neccary tioeruko hoofced ilkcm dhlrlv ilscy were aware of uvtr danger ttu soluiroa of bis coiv trod nicm lc probable were it ml umr w ii tncoropaiiblc wilh madoiy ts a iqgiettitor ami nlilionb frw oftlv other nuny would jove mipled at v performance of mche maoouvrr t we tiimk mr dulwell weotd be sorelu the first rciukiabjuciiwiprolittljk one ml to which we feel mot iucti ie wc have thrown tlcse remark hatity i5eibcr siore morning sal ihe pnoicrriavc set ibnn amhey were wnucn rarasraith hy paragraph haiy compouion i- no excuse for bad whlinf ond we have iiuoded u ihe crcorrtuuceotilyioshcw the extreme rcloctance we have mas rmbduef this suttrcet ounhuy loour kii oiircoontryand oor pnixw plo have each and nil compelled us to take it up contrary to oor inienw tor we caiium lulroth the tod uat we know many of our readers wil cwviikr those observuwm scabc44br uhi nneniiient believing that the only piilrioiic act wlitch the late ho- r aveuimy ever inrpniid m uic peseta f ttie very addrees irt xs tow lurttsrlirebf taatve coiiilcmncd we have done 010 hay loitl mnm aliide uveveftt air clark the aireiil for tho il- iif hriral and ehviamical clmrl htelv pulhum ley ttm rev k- j nteall at ow york took the imilfth m k nhl pohtely exhibited a copy if the chart it xtrnu ly ine- niouv conceived elegantly einjniva and 1 hplays a very contderablo hare of historical romneh also exhibited a letter from archdeacon stuart speaking iti hihly oivorable uirnnx bolh of ui dosipn and cnsniiiri on iim hubenptton list w ofanrved the names of sir j1n t olnooie ur ujiian mn allao baldwin uirkuti 1 isttnvm ol the ithesi rpounbdity al toroiitt so that l hlnuyiil the mnsion seiitlofvlks think proper to add their 01100 tu he list ihey will be in qoed company blr clark ldd us that he should remain for a few days at the coalmen ial hotel lo receive the uainva uf intended obcribers w irftwllkw luxi day iikiiumhii ie fiw ome new hafts of putiucsl eiuleikr vet even they dttasro ft liiey nre wrwu nt bile pncil thin adrlrfpft bftd not ihir pockets- licen lureclcd wml the rn it wna much my pm kti bmrh my life lor lntm drunk wilh riciir ni ihnf empiiiirs they tinlty ond riihly iutmokcd llieir uherinr ifrmgre in nil their mmmrhl mark drrnrmhy the olr third wml the iluki nunttrtty hemtrd hy mr qtiiwi ii h u ihc piretii of the kaurrsv it id not nr provinrc u hihi rxeasv lr mi n whom kvsjcnd wtot c approve ui win ihey do thlofsi winch tvonot meel wifll our appntlmlhu twocxvioch lttverr prtwat rfcrandyc the anein thm ftt iihiwit tuhim look tbf place af anther pnrjtes1 i mr srwtocm of u rtamcm men vmhm nitil rcvotuiionnrv aud ihot he itttlimih oppos in pnuiple to the turn- ure dojts iu ihe bmtnj would iiotlietwiite wnlwmi m non- vwlt fi ton in some fhtc or hrr throhi am tum rnerlmd nf unmg m wstts uiut than vlokot exprtxr- hcbcc in- edition nml mp n man mm vmr fir m qw n nation hrmre bin vote ir uic rcm of lite nunority vo- un with him this fr i net quite mtmhrmy eiorc we are noi a- ware of ihe real itnture of mr samiannv djmrv4s tfmrh cm only he lei 10 be ofa vmeei rhifery rttm eta ipwrpj vmcmr otibal mih- vijtiulnarhftiivnuiryiinrioln mowki xr s ni1- whikahtemiertvhr- ofhiwrwrmt ttrvirkw the steam navigation season com need tin morning steam boat having left kingston for the head of ihe bay lettek iii w john solomon caktwkkiilt esa sir 1 know of no man who hu a urtler claim locoinpa sion utan yourself passive as you are in the bands ot your friend and without abilities surbcient to make you respectable in the eyes of your enemies with a cause in hand thai is des peratcj for the lack of friends to support uu und with popular pi fjudiees against you you have dltultl jour debul in lire polit ttal woild the eondiuon in whieh you have voluntarily phicej yourself would wring irom riuery a bitter tear and rlia armaprijte enemy ifall resemrueul vou have every claioi to pity and il i was jew personal ouetiiy 1 would froely for give vuua ll would be no consolation to the most vindictive mind to torture theeffemioato weakness id the great solo mon such an object would disgrae die dignity of revenge but in ibo relation diat you etnd to these counties you have no claim to the sympathies of an insulted people and on you as tho proposed candidate for loin and addington will i you say that you are devotedly attached to the constitu tion if so how could you boldly say that had you been in pnrliamenl you would have supported the summary punish muit bill a bdl uit saps the sltttvlnlioil of our liberties aud snbvfts ralioniil p inciples which ftif ages have been a thorn in iht ide of fyranuy 01 rather tiiurueal ruler your tlur had the honor of being bodi judge and colonel and he left on jecord no distremnig patriulic v irtue that could upbraid ihe sgji in willing lo destroy the dearest 1 rglifj of brills h vuh- jeeltrialby jury- your opmioti uf gov eminent will not suit uiis advanced age of tht world the people well know the value of their elective tianeluse and tnl by jury ihiy are the bulwark of our dearcl nghls ta il frill lake a man with mot readmit piwers d in von iui t ennvince emi ss mcthodiutt and they see unhappily ue same hoaii1ii revived inthson ihey know the cnnneion ht tfti- hetween you nd the church of england and the peculiar views that yuu have with reard to die chtfj rrvefc you tell u iii your circular that vou ire attached id the con- mitution loyally and what m singular de voted to jour country these aertions do not onrespond with your actions for il is notorious ihnt you are an opposer of all liberal measures you applaud the majority of die assem bly for invading die inherent ligh of canadian freemen with regard to thc expulsion and reexpiuion of one of hk roernbem you arc under a willing pledge to support christopher a hag- ermnn for the town of kingston man whose views are gui ded ly the venality of office who in mure ihan one instance has had the impudence to insult bb majesty ministers and vi olently trample on the laws of our country who ha libelled die people and boldly talked of invading the boundaries of our nstet province lo wrest from her the emporium of british a- rmflma it requires no ift of prophecy lo foretell thai you will bo defeated retire dten solomon from a contest where cer tain disgrace and defeat await you return to 1i1 m system efselhng your lands keep the deeds till the purchase money is paid be sparing of your cash till your friends have corrupt ud the citizen of upper canada ami bound them in the ser vile chains of slavery ihenhydiut of money procure a aeat and rnake yourself still more rijiculou hy essaying to reason on some common subject by all reflecting and modeiate men your friends arc censured for ulhtwiiuz you even to pass the threshold of your most distant hopts to represent us in parlia ment hut bcin2 blinded by ibeir yeal ihey have driped you with all your inabilities before th fflk dau insulted public the lone here want w 11 pie i who will load the proving with a eftlldhl dilrt v i peo has no qualms of conscience in vi dating our inherent rights and trampling on thc sacred form d our law and who will uph0m7abe rite stand forh solomon for dnu art tho manl vottblte une chance ufi in avert thc disgrace that await you inform your friends hy amthcr cinular of your iuteiinons pleid die ptoseriouf state of your health and drop ping the eontol forego the honor uf representing us if you nll persisl in coming forward jotl may raic my indignalion and if ever fiom die most profound feelings of contempt lo wards yon 1 should be roused to uuer all that i have hitherlo said of yon will be thought to he hinty and companion efttntfimi march th iw a farmehu the subscriber resrectfult inlorim ihe inhabitants of klltffitluiii ulth ik iius just 0rennl for suit a splendid amhuiienf ul tlit- inns niorlriii iiipctl lhiiets toileting of tuechnv dtitiialik and split straw also ladies bimnli hats rtml h cuwor clnistv make lients best ueaver hats also gouin ulack and white lkillors and a trunk of the newest pattern rblpitbd muslins jv it country mercfiatits may be supplied ith siruw and leghorn btuitict on thc mot rea sonahlc teroifti aleo on hand an excellent assortment of good euilabw to the approaching rimn wm wilson kitigmim miiirh 27 1 ik lil 14 notkk isiikueb i i vknthht unites mark mans- r i kll ur his mr- tltt uuikr mmd anv claim ilny nmvhitvoto lot 1 in tin m conrwion of ihetuwahip ot portland in tile mm- imiii ubtrict wiiliin three tnunihs ivom this date iheasall lot will be disposed if imiku uouinsona cumuiumonvr uf crown lmd utfir tronli 17th mnrrh llfitl kimviov nikiumtvnnriiirins notice tllom tenuifih who av given in their names as mcmtrr of tho kiilipmon mcehanin nrmilimii or tthti intend in do mi helnre the 10th april next air n ipieted tn m uie imliaium tee previmia in tlrut time hi mr william lkkhlic i rovlbiciiiu tfertmiier uf the liistimtioik ttho i an- tlhuisi t t grant receipts for ihe name by tinier ul ihe lvitinuiier n mtntnsvwtif pwwfls m nlll mu ih3i totrtarv