British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 1, 1834, p. 2

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fmviffii s w j7ni hh- iiiflmi ilirn m- m nf llir minimi l london llnirsday february j te31 there liis been nn iiltrration in tin prices of ca nada produce viuce my hist i have been iufurmed in ilie conre of my enquiries that tin orders lor poods generally for canada uv vei v limited anil that there are very few buyers in he market i mentioned tu yuu in my itist lhat canadian pur chasers found manufactured goads considcioblv higher than ihcy were uiki year woollens particu larly are 25 per cent hiyher than rhey were this time twelve months port wines also lit lor the canada market are ery scarce and much higher than last spring shipments the rise and searehy arc to he attributed to the still unsettled stale of por tuguese affaire you will have seen by the news papers that dr ftowriui has gone back to france on his commercial mission and rumours arc current that he is now likely to arrange a commercial irea ly with france it is said that the duty on brandy is to greatly reduced and france in return is 10 take our iron and the finer numbers of cotton twist which she cannot spin with the former she will be able to make cheap milway and with the latter to manufacture fine muslins it is feared thai this reciprocity will not much advantage this country ami that the advantage will be mostly on the side of france- willi regard to the timber duties there has been nothing as yd further on the subject but the colonial trade have great fears ami o committee has been organized to watch over the mercantile intercuts connected with the colonies it may be of some consequence to you to he in formed bat n gould em has retired by rotation from the chair of the north american association after a long and arduous attention in the interests of the colonies- a gillespie esq lias been elected in his stead and the committee room is removed to no 17 leadenhall street uuder the office uf mr carter the secretary the reports of the association and die shipowners society cannot fail to create great attention both among those connected with the colonial trade and the commercial interest generally the annual meetings of the proprietors of the pub lic docks of the metropolis are over and it appears that although the properties have fallen so much in value and the general trade of the metropolis a good deal decreased yet notwithstanding the num ber of vessels arrived in the port during the past year is rather encreased the east india dock in consequence of the changes in east india trade is now being altered into a steampacket wharf for which its situation and deep water peculiarly fit it a large tavern for the public accommodation is building ond a new road is also making to it- i shall mention one rumour that at present pre vails which hill interest the colonies very much viz that the ministers intend to recommend the establishment of colonial banks generally and thai the firm attempt is to be made iu australia it is added it connexion with the report that one gen tleman a major n has positively gone out iu the cape in the expectation of an appointment there when such an establishment shall be formed and this too under the advise of one of the mot effi cient members of the ministry the loss of shipping during the entire of the sea- eon has been most distressing and is unfortunately continued up to the last arrivals from the lower ports the speech of the king on opening the mw ses sion of parliament has created very utile stir or sensation it is a speech iu which as little is said about every uiing which people desired to be in formed upon as can well be imagined farliamen- tary reform has certainly produced no change for the better in the manufacture of kings speeches o eflect this latter object a reform in cabinet pro cceutngs would ocom to be iieccar na i urd i u- w ev ui llie i alltimmul ivtiwrd liiiii mum via drxtermtrdy ihiyw the vli o uymiuirion tor haunr the ltalkan and tho truth rtplv ii imitilitiu l iimwir very liluuie npo th dulo iociiid th paa o oldriaiiopi j5 llml treaty be llospndnra pfmolduvia wrrr uiailtffaiih- pendent of llie iorte wiih powr in rohv urmu and sc i ill 1orie at it the tmtvt pnrliiiii nftuu lirrim speech nirre rveipiiikilimi ol his former attacks ami nl cure iii fttly of llie premier was ukmciv ilirrrwd to iheh mutation the address wua finally carried without a division in i he lower mouse mr ldruv prnpomd and air morrison mvoiiilcd lite address tlhir spivrhe- vre txtwiitibly tfood nmi very unlike the pro ductions of an linn lurnrd iioum- jlic wvw plain practical and replete with mritinif common seiiar the nnly iffiimhufll was cvbirril hv tin kndiruls it wtisl commenced by coloml kvutns and followed up by mtwns hume and tconnlk tin nbwr- ruthmtf tif these genilcimii werv ctuwlidl in nmsi muderate phrase and eerdiuly the alirr d lone biiliof tories and liberals lends lu hnw lliat the are convinced the government ftw too btfougt ami that all viuleure would only prove kkking atraint the bricks sevoktl amendment wire nlvered bill die whole uf them were njerted by overwheluun nttoritie and the original address was at last agreed to- iu the coutw of the evening lord al- tliorp declared lhat it was not his iiiniitiuu tu alter the corn lavs or to allow any measure fur thai purpose to be brought forrd mlhout meviing it with the most determined opposition lii lukbhtp also 8tutvd that certain alterations would be sub mitted relative to the grievances of tliu disinters and tile question of tithes must be linalk settleik tin secretary fur ireland air littleton has tiveu notice for a motion respecting irish tub and it is expected that ifonie measure will be inlruduced fur the perpiumijn oftllu cocreiou bill eierda the lluticuf commons again met and ia the course uf the evening a most extraordinary scene took place mr u after replying to the secretary ol ireland relative to the cfluct uflhu coercion liul air littleton having said that for seven luootlrj previous to its parsing iheie weie 1072 agruriuu otlence anj only 1 13 since alluded to the statement of air hill and his uecusatum against utc insh members- after reading the hin graph in air hills speech which you will remember attributed to u particular member the infamy ol voting and speaking it opposition to the coercion bill and at the same time bagging ministers in private not to bate aw atom of its provisions air oconiiell animadverted upon the nature of the ttccusaiion its baseness if untrue and the seouu- tlrelisuiof the man who could so act and concluded by demanding the oririnal author of the assertion kurd ahhorp replied that no mich assertion was either made to himself or big awoctntcs in the cabinet hut an irish member he had good reason to believe certainly more than one did o act and peak- ihe iiish oppnmtiun here beccnue nmeh excited and in an iiiitut nbnill of them weir i pun their leipt but air- 0coiuull roared onl the nublu lord w shrinking stuio the naiue ol ril i m ist ltlainl ail i indiirll is iiotkuiit it lltiih iu tum lhrfhw mr mirbnxbs wk any oihrr tum ilia i io have a newvp i ktirtrtifativc of a v hitv wiii lite itii willi lilt p ophs nn hi lr li tiiad in inp a iimi nl in thr cimlithltm r tir in the poor mui ihi an iul1 1 1 to an impri iit iltiiiuhvcj d mi uf tin- ivuthxte lliui il are able to pivmrr il u mu loo luilf i iiui in i aw lil hrtii li h il- mil siim1 dir ua vi w iw ih ip d iiliotit -ailn- v iihiiiv do mil like iprvnr tin nigimi i ill- dthy lrtfi ami htpiilnu nil kill artmlll nitlenlitied irtii fuv in i uilion would iriit hh llii fiirtv mtift i tl imii ohlaiii mapiri- 44 safe in indulge iti priii mom fpf wilfev i mas iv in ti j4 enttiili iv itu km th wirt uri vk lor th i rxhi are none- it w mllll i uiie tui av we iln mil li d uirilnrbti wlnet b iubi ure l ip avail- i diies in lb lifriitiiou poiv who pr nil by due f e tviidiitey ir i lltlil sbiii iu hlke il rc uf inv kind tin rpnl- privutm i whuli an itur- r ttjtli aij hititriioii uiil for ii xeltiiii it w ul all ariinie tluir better lor the awinbly a ke air mackenzie ami we ihi iipiti peiioi fatal irriwii laiutd b tf meral llltur will reiiiv i he ll ti hiii 1 tit mil ill iii l lilt- ih time flu dial no inf to prtihuu llie aiieady in ehia u h- lir ii itiuil litul ipalu niv ritfhi tu ihr 1irmueiu hul uhjei i watt u be ilieusijij ami uanileted lite runfu- itllowil asaiu lit rose id ihit u mwii bead lins ii ilr mvnah member nf the ilehhimi withdrew ui ilh nriu lliii rir ftudlln viln4i ihiiilrj virmlrlll w h awmfi tl lutiiillff umi mii i nl 1h iwililul liiliitm in ili1 huito uf a adlv lv wlnli uiy hi tltiyiiiliril ltintihfttrt u joiul any tliit kae prictili it r irewo lj hi cn- kiw lltrtit ami tirwhiili lllty b4l wiil t4mul wpw lo llur ur linb mid iletiiiif ilniretiiiliiviik wstr lliwlnwr nrstllf tml ritiuil t-ditrii- to 4nrlrdn nf our piem rou eomiitotily i ill tin tfrvrktoliu hnlnrv art tlii t thi ituin i-rhi- irtw wjij kmi ill xvillviil uviilcimtil rourc in whili he o i i nn- uiiiii our illii ltrl t t ill i 111 uric i l mr tt nn h riiiiinhi iruil dem im iiiiiiii idle a wi ralhrr nn atiiluinj fcijuefl uml iiitlil imreul a irstti kin will exclude all whom them jmsiice bavee uflhcrfe farcer in cu uin be nieeeptarh whueare nothing ir i it it merit to incur dks der il oppcsiiioii so tl meiit iarlianieiitary i atrv in canada a v fur ihtm iiiniirily pfin t v 4i idem nin nqftvtkfi chirmaa uf in the folk tleueral you at cmumilteu lias itie imtien- nf itauiuiot come to yoti sir the fountain iu known the di6trcsh rituntion of uf tins country relief belief sr itr for ihi kng id- nr ibrev r srtllm l tin mi tiiji nn aildtiim limiid in ruiii to iii r- we dislike milliliters tn lift i wlltttcy in iny lvfire thn iiimim capkofall fnnmimittuiftm iair faees tianhist the artors lie 1ml nnivtl oti ilic n1ijtri fritm dm mnjimyii ouvctn in bin i be colonies luiinif uiml unt ilwrc mw ji milil liuvtc bn cxpcrliik a warily tall furls of iim le peouils hlmjiki 0ms nid itt m1 rimtumililr prvpial uhtwfinculkitti i 1 and even eiiem dicovcul iliit ivh mijiy townmiciit did nut expert the we arennltu ou-raiiliiivt- bcn more punmilwnttlbhl for sewn jxar or f r ilic king lift it he vihhim nut live so long undius fituifimtttf funfftiuj from th tninoritf iras kill siwtcn to th vmjoritjat the timz thy rohil it jttrmanwthj whocftd won del llial ihoy were oppnej u an amresp but would have li- cilcd uiit infurmmion or thai hit kvrlkncy ailopht am- liiuiin lmimzi whvn it witt likvly l punluci a it has prn jurej mirli llcwtdlhl rcdl1 one irfllic items win li his uxedlriiry then cimjcrndid ti ak the liriuft to liint wi4 i rvihtrv lo the speaker ol ild ll iiiw 11 ilrcmv iuil mmnni in up a i h- ni srui -i- i i il ihniii ill and vmiiil viill r il ik ihhw rii4 ii lhrvafi iiilh lhu tminhil iinhnl llie rtmcikm iml cmnl llfhu iidhleliee in the covin il and nvinili flu lohimmhly were nfl tenied hy qimj i1u in llie ii iu bill on tlw ry wsfc ndmiltihl nnd ihilinlvl iqp hi irpputlnr on ibtigmiod of hilllrd inlcnb iiirliftymjij oihrvitikut imjii i-imiiriu- iherofure whether ii mi bill w hi bou al lurmiili tho lihlive coun ill mil r ilnir duelaratiim ftplnd it cobudunknlfld 10 the as- rmhlv if it hail ml rhjtitsiiimlwra vlill wr tlin c nlldv iiiid ilelii iaily i n rfiiy audevjn ni i re wilhotit e -iiimhl- trh mc welltirc i ll i iml eimid dial feel ullirll wnim bi jl n body d il f4ttin trneoriu i j uefhlboinj i ii- iiiil io mprttv iiiriinn bbtwcutl tin jadu cllktu probation i idlcs uf the home uoverih ufuohwill bi fou lid lift neces is iu ibe mother eonutrv uiutrti slater the thh unnfftkrlm he delelaiion addreed inir terms no diiubt aware tint ibis inur to be deleirated by the without regard to party to ail to make the currency utul respectfully to ask from y u rruptod the iresitlent in a tone of encitemeut jfiki tu mc sir- n to tle th thi however xviis nni llien ranl l lcifiaiie oiuih thu hone ttlfrfirlv imviiiu to thai molivt ami earned fmahiioarv in hi rhlifitrlor ol cliinf jimtm the clravaaiit utu of jll50ll merlin nr mm and wa no douhi ywaru that n faiuicr animal salary to ihc kimt hrwiii jakit oi i die bi iiativt connril onhl crcittc n n lion spirit as lliev call ii in tho cmniliy they made a groat merit therefore rcgiing ii ami tried to divert mtm ailetilion from the ever- latilii ami ponligal mlarie ihoy did grant lo lhat whieh ihej alotlbter did not alichnla- kitldle coine here did mi m that die diolea4iire and indinaliun of dicircon- 5ir and on bis oath swear belhre a committee that j rutwiib mibi be itoflonod down by qu llimsy exhihjtion of with six million in jus uv be could meet thelpatrumn and ceonnmy ihn mark ihe mptd having ikj wants of tie whov people ami now when gotcdl dny mtmtcud hy lliv iiwnioiii cxneditnt and sunno- tl lose members bei cellor of the way and be xhi address nettled tlie chan kxehener his plaeid temper tww c ndinanlly demanded hue the honorable member accuse tne of shrinking air shicll then loudly called for tlariunnesof the acctibers and at ibis moment the lioiac the erics of order order t4 hear hear sii down were most alarming after the tumult had tomowltat subsided mr cvconrndl redacted the we have not bad time yet to know the effect which lord althorps declaration will produce in the manufac turing districts that no alteration icifl be made by government in the state of corn lairs i apprehend that considerable ferment will be produced by it and i certainly think that minister will not be able long to resist the demand that is daily cn- crensing for the repeal of these laws they will be compelled at the events to modify them before the closcof another session and for which event the colonial interests may be prepared tlic tftntfulor scene last night in the commons between lord at- thorp and mr shicl has been the subject of con versation over the town during the day 1 must refer you to the paners of this morning which will be conveyed to you by the same packet as my unter for the account of the very interesting proceeding in the house to which i allude it is expected that the subject will be matter of discussion ogaiil this- evening except the changes in the bpatnwt ministry we liavo little foreign news of moment the following- are the price of colonial produce word it bcr duinkiiig apologised lot ikn 3 red pine timber per load white oak midi deals spruce per 12012 whitepine 12 red 12 staves per 1200 standard pipe ashes pot ivarl wheat ier quaricr flour pet barrel n it x x x 3 x9 hxll 3 s9 00 67 105 i suds 1 90 o g it 0 10 111 on 23 6 2fi 0 50 u iso 9 c 70 tl 115 l so it irsfa x2i 0 15 15 20 10 kjl 10 25 0 20 it 5s tl 33 o cofrespooifcftl or ojc jhirna of cibokftc london feb 6th 1851 on die 4 ih the king opened the parliament in srson and as the day was particularly fine the ark and streets through which the royal proces sion passed were crowded to excess on leaviui st james his majesty was favourably received but on his return it having been rumored that the speech was a bad one he was considerably hissed and hooted the old boy however took bin little notice of his unwashed assailant except iu receive their most sweet voices with an occasional smile the troops and police were too formidable for the rabble and as they very wisely did nut in terfere the day passed over without a riot or a row as regards the speech 1 have only to say that it is quite perfect ll was praised by sir hubert perl for saying justly enough and mcfliiing anything or nothing and by the duke of willingion it wbrcoii eidered very vague and inexplicable h was in fact a regular tory speech worthy of a casilereagh i sidmouth or a pitt in every wore i may hi con sidered a conservative production so much so that the tory journals arc actually bepraising it- in the lords the add rem was moxvd by the duke of sutherland and seconded by lord howard nl effingham neither of their speeches arc entitled to even a passing remark they were dull trite and puerile the uuke of wellington addressed the house m a long and very able speech during which he arraigned the whole of the foreign policy of the government in alluding lo turkey he honestly avowed that she wn at the mercy of tin uttered and solicited the names of the ruegado meiu- h lordship said i am anerabhr for what i my and i believe 1 have no riyht to miu the rrajmiifcibuiiy upuu oibrjc- jlaotf uuutbuf iu- terrenntin or uproar which hoiim bailie description mr oxoimull and mr finn applied to kimw il they were the parties his lordship ivplieil in the negative and then other member were reparin fur the ordeal when the speaker was ueileroiislv culled for by nearly the wlude iluiist he com menced by drprccuting the npirit and manner ofule discussion j denird that the hnusc bad any thing lo do with it ami regretted tluit lvrd ahhorp should have replied tj the iuestiou mr oconuell still persisted but was exiled to order by mr hume who threw out some observations of rrgret thai the subject should be continued but still mr ogoiltititl niaimained that the question was u public one and that utl explanation inusi be given mr 1 1 i rattan and mr sbiell then addressed the mouse and tin latter ci lie has wrung inure titan ten millions from the peo ple he sends yuu u me for rehef it i liilk sir to talk to andrew jackson the liovernineui will not bow to thai monger 4 sji aitl the ciiairmau the currency of the country is in a dreadful situation the suite hunks have not confidence i each other they ccmnol give trade the lucuiues required i have recently travelled to and from the falls ofohio iu haliiinorc ami can assure vovi si i hae heard but oneonniou on ibis subject we are yow fiirnds mr politici an i hae always livn- up lj ill jwwiil unnneiit a ibcidrd frieinl vf aillumimrutkhi tteti ftii the iveidcnt in a y aivry tone ofwnee inter rupted the oniiuhiby taxiuir frir ymi keep oneitled company andrew jockson has fifty uors from persons ul all partiis daily on ibe sulijee sir he has more and bettov mformation iimi yi ir or nay of yuu andrew jaekson published ui uniiiiiit in september luoti i run surprised fine you should lalk tu tne tfir it is fully you wouhliave us like the pioph of ire land jiaying irtuul iu london that aiieady gets a large anniunl ailniuilv ivoiu this country ixturlul from tin labouring ut uf the coniuumity tin- failures that are uuv titkituf place sire amongst tlir stockjobbers brours and camblers and would tu rodp lliey were all wept ivmu ilia bind it would be a happy thiny u tlie country sir said the jlmtriumt all wy experience goes to show that ihre i no money mre cheerfully pujd by the luvrdiiiiin and people of bis enuntr thwi interest haul interest nut such inturii itul such interest as ihe- now pay any two and a ball per cunt to collect sight ilraft drawn iu uauunore on riuli mg- i si replied hi president i had lasi night liny amount ol muuy idlered mc on good security in- thii anvvo ypait or more hail elapsed fincc dicir ever- latinjr tjtixui cralifios wu midc llie jicoplc lincl fvtgnuta or had luxiinc indifrrvnt to it ilioy ro carvdl befotn ihuir iovr it rminiud lo lt llicir pood friend tbc chief justice wo iliut ibcy were not inattentive to the duly which ilny ow cd trim accordingly when the supply hill whkh in ihr annutil rml fir ilic support nriivcrniiivnt wi wiug pxil a tow day mo tbli onwirffllf tfonomiott jhitriotu tikjrilv put in l gtfflll to chirrjumice hohiiison of colhm t ivir iu sb- ry n speaker f itio council during y lai two years ami ih pnint yrar idtluuitfli thn pniviiire pyn him fir iiis rtrvm a tlii r jiriic uithig a- titmt priw ilic nrndendo sum ut a llie mippk bill ii ithnly l ranl tij meet tlie cxpoim jprttl nl jhfug la atrnnt par it u at leat irnifw to put in a linmiirraiiou fr pat hcrvici iridic a wemlil hu dowhi llnmht dtwcluc huhl rrrptum to do them h4kv however it rtumm im mid thai mnw of thorn ohjwted to it lifing in thn supply bill tliul pw6mil a m paratc hill granting il prttktnattty bill a lhii did iml micwtd ilioy wlhimttwl xviljnvuinplirv rcinalion ij ihc picture of unir honoralh hrlhrcn and volttl cr ihchill t course the miiiotiiy wlia ihvay rppou the tfoviliimcut wi re as ittird piidiy nf ivlhuh opposition to tllb- wte niil ellciil ppeiilm utlttlftt ctioll ww iht vl rifely hulj j in lu lofiiipv urn pit morkohi dmlil the i- jilalivo council tmk utfeliti at ihopply bill nt mirridi r will hcj urci al the pmirt nfthu tlwio cxlnnrtlbiiify au a bnt became thodcfv nraac hud boon ftinllo and iicchimi mr secret ny am nni orof llicir iahtit imhiv hail ik hrn voted all ih il lo a forcible ttpprtd o his lorimiiiiikiri ut if in had mlliuoll the hfutf thai body we imp- th pnhli nutnitioh vill lr jinrlid ia1ily li ihi mauil when ulu iolhienc- 4411 imlivihial ihvohm s io grrat lhit ho in prenre a peq i ir ivli- h in ihrots war ihl him mjh ami 1 w j in rvbllp o u it nf 3hw srruihil inaiionoual lo uuu had t i no00u i ovi nniiil fihi i bitarj jiiihl h inale di i i f jiiliiay by a ml lhlutivn oiiaft hr i lmiiiiip li li hastily paad irtr but m illor mir lima ntir uui rcwlvk palieice will p i it i il al length fa uteprwcmti vet wcanrwiltjtriwruhius whihtranioi j ititriiiinc tftu and influential r4n1lill i ixbrtlj l he most i stiitablv piron to preside in a cnrl wh a ptliii mppnviit roaj boa parly orcvena oounl the very ofl cr cuiknta jnwer in the ncati some idea may be formed of ll i rvnpi hi a jiiili t tt the hoatl of ih 1 jiloin lron atunec rhal dnriitt the late ptwwia iinfi a lnoivnrn wa intrntlllred hy the chhf jo tire md ttit through 1kii liutliol hy h iolhnmi civiog hiio ami in hiotbor jmlso hiiiimi ar oitiury power in trial rrganhit laihhm irimrv iu iuch cv oienivo jiirifulioiiiin can niw w eki l ly iln judge at hiowndicrtlomi nt reulj 4 tjirrl l liyitm known or prefrfilinl mtea wc aro in can be found in iho law of ent country but perhaps it may in tmnttitkg lo tbo ntfiirnwiv andraiirauoftli prouiec to knew that lit poe of their vty huflhit may depend oi llir uiiiraitrlh4 unregulated diwrotion of die teamed chief jii4vq perhap lluy nmfl tl wngtli open ihoir eye and mf hi thi- very rifturwtwtoa of- ficiuflt proof that a judge liowowr hih w dignity owm not be suffered to remain when- lo ran invodltco and carry throuh an unheardof measure l enlajpa a own puimn f ftinlo cvrrtpvulerit- tli rtitcil thai iimtloiil like this and ii if in lltoeo ufaiiy other murder of a most inrlitirous nature was lotelv rnnuniitcd at lassoniptin iiiidit ratbur unusual circiiiisiancis two brotbns ltamniil and oli vier hrien dil desroclien ttw tiuiinniirud of an paying their adilrw at iln nmie iim to tbc d pens ins irascd duniitbilde sion discovrrcd ulhl mlloiiit nilur hamimi ltirncv i rird nwtevcrj id w lb i jvaloutji the i j luvorod wllir and under ilic infl nutiikd hi brother that ir liu niarrnu uw vom bidv be would not oiiq njny ikt sueietv tli amrriiicu tonk plaiv nul ibe bruthcr lmunforlu ituriufl ibe livciimg ltwii fh i r be entered into the bed clmnber ol lllfl brother nil destroyed bis 8wwtinla by trikjntr iht ven daws on her itcad wltli mi use ilwhivtatf al received t uowfiom tbeienii bisurm 1 he inur derer has been committed to the goil ol 1i119 city a coroners inqite was hold ii the body of th drerasrd and a verdict ivtiifiinl tlwt sbe came t her dentil bv lilt blows of n axe inllicted upon be bva hnilt imspeciwl 10 be the itflfoihr how in ens laily vis dcrhc our iulbnimrinn hnu the colutm of tb jimi tlu pnph of yivttduy iiorms tiufftakfin itttfi by the name wiltimn morrison rtnl lrt thn proerty dr oniiconibe of ibe lnidtui listner brother h iw member of parlimiieiis wiili which ht- carri by a gci ntleiiiun li niched l remarks by ktviotf iikinan iron new ork at six percent ley are tst iih who lue overtraded that are now nnlib ill ied eaprtaliu of the emmtn felt the prenre la tfujitdilbvr uud oclnlibfj when tjiu moiisier put tir brrw down did nut the monster drmv llimi die snub and west lit lull t y am 1 one of iho members lord ahhorn simply tln tiiuuili the said lifted reuilronm is one replied plu- huttn obserattou ciilleil forth u comptete ffensalion in lite llonw ttuj iiinuensi lull ten minute mr iybiell iben rose and distinctly mid most reverently denied iho mateuient and deehoed thai u was a ijxusg and scandalous cidunmy and iik1i lld as the noble lord has put the statement nn his own respmibiliiy i shall say no more mr oconiicil noon alicrwaid apuluikieu to air llill lor believing lum irnilty of sueh u fihricaiion raid obercl that he mr hill was quite justified in bis assertion mr llill accepted die sanv re gretted that be shoud have given rise to o nmeh xciiemeni- tin speaker then observed lhat the tpiestioti ouiht to be confined lo the hmfatt and be settled there mr ccotmrll concurred in thefttlg- uestion an did ibe other members but the prin- ipals eoidd not airee so n motion was made and llie chancellor ul die kxihnpier and mr sihvii were ordeivil 10 be taken into custody by the wrf- jaikatnrins towards ilic close of irq evening ihey hath promised not tu send or receive a hostile message and were of course dichurigcd the matter will nni rest here li vcvcr as a committee will be called for to inquire into and report 011 ibe case having been iu ibe house at llie tiinc you may rely upon the above very brief summery of ibe pro- ceidiii in ibis peculiar aluiir thia morning a deputation from the clergy nl bnglfltld llild an interview with the arebbishop ol canterbury and presented to tiini an address upon the prect fttuli and prospect of the cimucik tiiirtyiivo millions the stutu liankn ii ork tiiul ifiuttflii v hat they were abo lluve drliujed llie trtsidcnt would no do it iiui wndiioif to to uess upon the pcojh lor w uiit f v 1 o uppres- ymir city iliiludelpia aew tint audrw jaeuson foresaw r and met them sir i coiihl muster 10 ibirtydny but ihi b d ills- or liu oilier 1 newwimik from lu 1ntwn mwllnf chmilrhr rrfily jttn 7ili 131 the hoiimnf assembly oftpper canada have expelled mr- v i maekmie returuetl as re- ih lur the county ol yoik a luurth lime reason than ibut be is the proprietor ul r in whieh at diltereut times have aji- peared eomnunis sumewbit nopalatahle to litem this sems n sirane proceeding from the ac- colint uf the ilrbate on the ueeaaiuii ilfn by be canadian prioi it would appear ihat the lxeeu- live of lfihl auada treasured up and cotlfeaud documents tbvlatury of the stniimeuts uf his mine- ly u flovernnieut on ibis subjret as longas they pos sibly could because they condemned this narinw- miiided policy i j oito of tlie evils roultiny from a kystein of usccudnnry that the moment vovernmeui beekb tobe jnjt and libberal it ceases to be obuyeil by those who derive ilieir etniseipicocc from abuses in vain lord indeiirb riuilluhmlil imiiue with 1 ir iu do tt comr uudu uoiliinj to do wit deposit c i mutual ait th sume tiling clmirii audivw jackson invited 11 iimimtli- iny would have tr man uci and uort them the restun r a renewal ol liu t 1 will have linn llflltc niitir out unriumltrd merits niiiint a roiimnitiicatimii hrrriijmii wis ml ii qu lltliy tlnif innlhijk u tlw luwrr ibmc otphihj llitir iki ui ihunilulitul f iii i tuul hmiiu that lliey hid uii i mnikf oixaniaii 1111 ilninl aaiiil miuihr scurvy bvb tor ill tlukl honorable hiily and evun hmiij agunt il u lb miyotys ovcrmuriil and although i ihcil did with cha iactciitir majnainitaiv ami fitn amine allow the mirilv hifl in ik in llit iie thl lln anie iaifrfc uf wllknoc inishl tntl ht remehvil notion imw was li if llum hut to take a k1innilul afrmi wc havo iml jcnii ihis onnmnnication hut a cira wc can harn ihi- wa thr miwlsuirt of iu a pumlivc i arilitiii llui malu hy tl ir inidhl uf ihr euiiiii i tint uv woi uia ia thr mitdy bill mtlbim llnii h ts dmcmuiiiuc n iimv l ivnv nur if 0iiv11 iaiiir llllij un1r viuvas ni4 witfccitlltv i their mrnhfu jnu cauill an ftiii lv h ni4h- iu mm a muw tjqdjl in kvh a iih i liildiimt fail to hi aimhhrilluir iufdlutf3 and ill llir ill ami irftiw- 1li1i w uv rttininnn nn is laiun kwtk uta pitbi iialb lev nhid i itu iifiiiu- uhut b aiiln ipatifu lilimjuid hrvif6 nieinbiiy nf ihr the lowered the people sn have not uudermuud the character uf the lrctfitlciiti if he is uuwillingtu hear their calls and ddluimdft here in a vehement luauner tin y resident ux- elaimed ulvlvoplel talk lo andrew juekwn addition to ln uirjcar sidaiy uficiiki nn sir about the ivopic the leope efir sire with aaciiyiliat anri canforrco wlun n rotun in an die 1 have imdeiguu mueb peril lor the liberties uf this people and andrew jaeksoa yet lives to put bis foot upon the bead of llie monster and crush him to ihc dust sir interrupted the chairman uatn tbc country has carried your measures they will nut do they ill ruin twu thirds of the rfuvtl trudhtjj men uf the country xou as vc are biek laiming and dyi lother 5 have bled otic after a 4 the muillluutll sir replied the president in a violent rage lias bled you when 1 put linn down fcir the oilier liiuututl btitutiuiis will meet all be wains 1 ihe people it is iolly in the ex- tieuie to talk iu me ihu sir- i would raihei uu- derjfu die tortures of ten spanish luipiisitious lhan that ibe depositee should be icatined or ibe uluhtflitf be reehartered 4 sir said the chairmaii as there i ho general relief to be had direct the puhhe money uuvv in the slate uauk in mir city back to the isruiidl of tile bank mv ibe united elates uud they will at once give ltahiiuure lehel 4 talk nut to me sir abuui yum itruiirli ex- elaimcd die tivnb nt iu nut uiej tf4ncl 111 nine tliuiiaud dollars ul iheir illegal bills ureliecktfto the dank the im day i let them make anollier ltluvu oil the boaiilf ami andrew jackson will cluckmuto theui let litem turn the screw ataui and i will make them leel llie power of llie icxeeu- nhl 111 41 cuht mf lllwl 1l vintily willi i h tiiu lh- h ul m h a ilniv ai a rmim iriire rtlld wt rr dkmiiinnl in ly bdwtauv iiui ibis jilim 1 9 iml ftimid nnd the roni w llttlwij itarvd in h nuliliunuoa fat if lny wll ihr lull t- ir w m ai ivuai ih lowi r imu l diir iduklviilfs miii if w litre xtsu uuif iiii or dinity 1 or what would h thought of nny fiifrtfu tlifcal thry may make u ttrhr ff rfcf cmiiif fw ttttitldf ami if thy djj tt nar il chirf jus- iko itohuiuii woulj not pil this nllilifftiitih irith nf u in iui with ihiaini bgclty iliiil 41 1w can litfdm wiwd a rown htrtwoital i in lunihlodovvn tin y wuc irlimica il xint itusi uqihlf that iu amiuvr pailhuiicnl ihi sauir xguu mihl ih npih d l mviiiliiiihr rikids or funic mihrr vulvar uljcrtiiiftadofriico fully swelling tin hckctt intliln hmhu alurimiil accurdins 0bj wuiild h annrjiy kiy iu tbc statute ill suvb cisv ttuju and nrnvtdvd ii rr ihrtiwa theililenuiiajiiit llm huh rcoum in ihr l-i- iijitivo c iril cut iliiti fnbau um wiljioiil bcijtmkm m woji ntrtfld tolu sure uul ii halfuimuh fur jlliflo tfufi ttioftittj kolfor hut why houhl inn- lomi il a ry ilc and iramcj qmluui wrmtb till ihtl wiilini of our v ol ifnn he wft pursued by warrant from is undrr riure by dtmres mr drake itailili under emtantinirrr es vvben was ascertained lie bndifinwtl to detrioil 0 iaisfaeiorv evidence hei z produced to affix sirony suspicion of eiiilt upon morrison applies lion was made by charles elliot k- to itovcr nor porter for the surrender of morrison who w acrordnurlv delivered to on uiuhorilies and is no lodged iu ibe gaol of ibis town il musi prov highly sratifyme to the piiplo of both couniri 10 observe the perfect innlurkiuimliiijt hieh ex heiweeu the two tiovrrminiiis ndntiwf in such ftiulers we slnnild think ileal ii would also a lutarv cheek airauiw the emmnissiou nf eriuic 1 ii ru 1 llnts 2nilmareh ls3i lilfl ilnwi t0 ktnol il thmnan asli et lo district uf pruth 1 m u ibnisc of lirds iomhl not imiiihi that laltlir ituics wen wiht tcu nb ugly t when it was tint likfly lo arrive lluy iimfy and with tuluurahlo ciuiciicy anil ilijiiily iiisui ihr hill utthouttfi ittcir cntmvuirtitiau to th otha ltout an ttnt htn uimrtftj ami lib luplbi no louht as rplkily fumul tw iiih uul having ibra wliib mutnruikil his iluiriturcrfui uid iiirijur lihurit i- now wo take it f jrautid vnjuying ins ahum nm iitgniar wow we ilotuutu llcil lliuliill watiiiscl afutlhr stnud iftkuriafininilit in tfnt ijiihlalivi tinunil ihntuuh tlir illlhl- ifflmf idllir tliivf jlllir hill wolkjllluto llill lit niiuliull that ins inlliirui r iu thai hly i1b1 lieeji y uu1ri h ral ami uvvrwhiliuiu dial it vhikrii of fnrh ami wiihmil n- nu hy his mvn fiirmu in llir lbm f asnii1ily ami w 1 1 vi by re ml ihem leu ludhotus ol didlaia id athsrivrii alkib nfnll m mu mil in the ulllur kkmihi ihly 14 rs ir ifri i 1 lljilr r el mj it wan ih of thir nhiihuiid ihiiinu iudrlialr and mor- ihui iiipm 1 11 mlhjrel miuucri lls kxkuencv flu hrro pleased tu appoi imerkof the distriet court of 111 etlwurd 3ili mnrclb 1sj liis exekilani v the i rrsvt ioveflnun ital vrf dwutoh tu ik ja rlcltaltu itt btotk esq hirnil district prince wqrd commission dttleil 3 february 1314- smrcon wasiiiuthn escfr jndtp of the stlfrrogt court of tllo oiplrict m trioee edward co min dated i5ili march s3l oonti ufeylflsr kqiitie jitdue of the distr lourt of the district tl trioec mis dated 13th mar it 13i edwardwgi btttltnoton hay- for eunltc days past our b has been pei fectly free frotll ice and lcamvess may now cume to our wliafws in salety on tnrday last the schooner minrfvfi captain zeavfto arrived at mr iuonv wharf and has we are inf toed taken iu n cargo inr itrk- schooners ieatuesvcls we presitun itiijht now ply hetw port ofllamihoiu si yorki niutaufl a colmurgwi out the least daiiper of obunrnui from ice or risk of those storms whieh usually take place this season of the year ash appears the hue ht y breezes were the regular roumoctial yjales k ttpeter paterson 1 wulhut l tftotesbu icurgt liejnaii thomas llelliwell tirant pow robert slulltolli and hall a tfroec of old ohstiiiato ries just like themselves are to contest ibe citv el lion 10 day they will be detailed utterly deiv ed as a mnuer ofeotirws uml tlu n tin ihitplp of km im more li ml imnl we reirei ivlou playing eci up toronto jli is roillotlnil imw is will mvinrx be uiluweil lhat the turn die i find win herein and i- iv v fiddle auifmif their ude leiai iliiir illegal chtcktt 111 to 1 i hope tfii khi ibe able lo demonstrate bow the com wards nf lilly imllioiis uf di iiiuilc to llie hank of die iuled slates eunvney but link rer twenty millions su if j the monger and ir what did the mututfer circulaliini jliiiiruian you will be iry ia to pay up- d paper mm due with a metallic ii tlin answer was l0 nl only ihe utlitrrfuyt f p hrt inliiirr mr- mrnah iiblril ihaurrdnli miv 1 liu b jidit i uuiiril ii tu uil fc imvj u ihi iiwikc bill jimhaicmi lirihl vh n1ulnl air mrivtbj uiiil blutihav4 ji ami air m nab reunited iltu mr liu an iinlaiuii a inir diwrlptimi mi ihc huuk uf llanos hillik l bilvir t miim it iul tihlit tlir nuinks lu lliv sniltc mill u h k4 hu having luanl a hill and wbiu till nimlihlrd hi 111 ntrmumd li nuiliailu l n what lift bald had tivfern ns nn u llm ourf jirvtn r jtniu nn ai dtiwii a uiim itnuinl hr rvjtluii imlln 1 frihtli mlui tiik 1 11 ai ir keliinners it ou expiei any fiimd to be dernj irom the iew charier do not nelrc two or tl la nni hes inn vote the whole 01 ilu reform urket oilr several wanu ti miui a few simvie reft vts in ihr eo council mid nrriimitl llhtn b mil ihe same stamp us those who emimosed a map ol lliv llimihj of assemhl would he lo siibji et ih to liu nil and mi iu einur uiir 1 beat recomnieml 10 your familde i did hw in ijtiriift

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