jhn rolil mill tllwhbh ijiimh amtrmcn mirkinluli mill jurjj tiirtnn t wwion t twht ilium st anihkun waru tiws 1 morrison ami john harper armstrong ami john dool c r lawukncb wahik joseph cawllva peter titfcdouffftj 4icr bmiweck nnd win arthur il c st ikujtok wahifc john e tims and btlwurd wrijjltt aid edward perry and james hunter c st davids ward james lesslic and w l lulcnzi aid drummoiul and franklin jacket c lib john aid alex uk lard- coliii is iii tims j9 iit imloktant to lkxox adiiixgton ad nliorutl mtviiug ofisic elwtflwtftfw cimnlirorlrii -v- ifagtm will mkc pliicr sit the tfnviinfs near john fralkk ion on saiitnlny the l2ih itmi the elir uili be luken otxnu eleven oclock to corfttespondbots the lone irtlvr tifcirin4t i untivniilnldy omponch wn etficfrr hi inajmiable on cmw ww pcfwttfiljttt the to letter rrvm sofllojiowhi will appear oil fruity the qucrfot q a subscriber and 7vwmjf qtfanif ure requested 10 read ihc fnllrtwjilg thwcofoororrejnneiils whe do not perceive llc in if fovor will readily understand ibe cause hy pcrnin the undorncolh paragraph which have been continually published since otir commence- menu the eotomngofihu paper are 0rfn to all panic on certain condition tiri thai nothine kbthouot irreliswm- he forwarded ibr insertion of which the editor will lo the jouei nw wwuft ftnm mldreft of uc writer i ent foe tfie editor private juf irroltofu the po3iae of all cotummtic fttiqm moi liepaiil murriiietoheattlhemieated kingston tuesday morning apkil 11834 the american mail oflhi rrjoniin puis us in poesion of london dates to the evening of feb ih oc madrid dales to the 13th of the same civil war is htll raging la spain hot ihc queen party 19 every where uiumphani don miguel army fraa been reduced to lm than 500o men and hi couae i considered ajfacpclc the following item may be interesting u a few an explosion had liken place in the neighborhood of gene- ra being the attempt of a fcw pole to establish a new king horn of poland in the mountains of geneva the attempt turned out n signal failure and the discontented reduced to 80 men laid down their arms on the 5th of february from england we hnvc nothing pew a ship had arrived u cturle- on which waited from ireland on the 13ui but brought oo paper mr mckenzie in his last advocate f tells us up jjnthc miihoriiy of a private fetter itat jomph hume esq is about to take the fieal of office as bfrinie minister of england i mr hume is one of lie most worthy ami uncompromising men of ihis r any age one of those bull dogs who whether in r nuiof parliament are always defending the rights bif the people from spoliation but as tit to be first uord of the treasury ofihe british empire es we h be chancellor of he exchequer the very idea f the thing is perfectly ridiculous and out of all pro bability the radicals may it is true gain sufficient lead to embarrass the whig ministry during the titresent session but their power is not yet sufficient it- overthrow them and even if they did succeed in teir designs mr humci from knowledge of his to- al incompetency in financial affairs would be the gt man they would think of placing at their head i jr henry parnell indeed mighl be tlqinvd w ith riots ausibilily his ideas of finance although some- ines a little chimerical are still the ideas of a c ateman whereas mr hume has proved his ig- y prance of the common principles of arithmetic too lijkeo to have any reliuncu placed in bis numerical ntatemenoti lu iminy isaijucte he strongly resem- es his eulogist mr mckenzie both honest well waning men but not funned hi natures mould for uor wtoim longth is 144 foot dju heir imadilt of beam fa- eluding guards 38 foot sliu will be worhud hy two rmginca f 35 ton power each and u itfolum to iw launched on the aoui msl her numoiii variously stated cattiraqui or the british sovereign tlio furmer name is dccidodly the most p propriato considering tlicplnco she belongs to ond the trade she b to bo engaged in buto rethink so the latter cogno men may be considered as settled whatever namt she is t bo called by urn now boat will lako her station in the hhcft rank ofteain funwls the beautiful steam ttoat kingston which was built last summer and in speed was allowed to take precedence of every other craft on the ontario waters has lately been finished with great attention too promenade deck extendsnow nearly the whole length of the boat and has been widened very con siderably a number of state rooms have been creeled for families and accommodation provided for persons to live on board irflo may be either unwil ling or unable to pay cabin prices the kingston is now decidedly the most beautiful vessel of her sizc that belongs to this port we understand that she is destined to run in con junction with tfae brockviue between this and the head of the loig sault provided she i able to steam lu rapids for which an immediate trhil j about to he made she sails tomorrow under the command of captain ives that noted steam boat perseverance the old toronto which like rry grandmothers knife has had three new bladesand two new handles has late ly had an additional blade in the shape cf an entire ly new promenade deck covcringthe extreme length of the vessel this great improvement combined with the extensive repairs which the boat underwent late last kail has completely renovated her and she looks no contemptible rival even alongside that prince of steam boats the elegant and swift kings ton we hear that it is in contemplation to restore the original name of toronto in place of the bar barous and unmusical sound of iwseveraytcc which she received last spring the boat is almost ready for starting on iter usual trips from prescott to the head of the bay the beautiful new boat the btockvilte arrived hereon sunday afternoon and left on monday for the head of the long sault the two extreme points of her destination we had not time to examine her but shall take an early davtodo so in detail that splendid vessel the united states will com mence her routes on the 13th inst touchingat kings ton on mondays and fridays as usual see ad vertisement if flu innisfftkprommunrcntcd in the areomprtnyin ex tract token from the london items of a montreal paper be correct the system practiced by mr slaincr ofbeing pnid by the newspaper proprietors for the postage of their papers will haveto be abandoned under the expectation of some suuh important alteration wc have not collected the postage fiom those of our country subscribers who havopaid us in advance the post master general ha determined on aboluhin the whole of the privileges enjoyed by the postortiee clerks u regards the transmission and dealing in newspapers english or foretsn the privileges are to msm as regards the ctrcu lation ot the united kingdom on the 4th of april meaning wswmiod ourtowuohnpty to understand thai we had no particular affection fiflf mr blttutffij because ho had changed imm ruliginu and that wtf taken up the subject on ly bvsswq in our opinion lint illl iwflffs he had received from bh former tmociate btttfhinutll i umcllung liko persecution we tdioum have expressed oursudves in uio nme terms had lie changed from eatlnilicily tocawnism having as we naid be- gm an inherent dislike ngainat ranges of every description whether political or religious men nometimos chango from conviction hut so rarely as to soluw exceptions to the general rule a matter of unusual oerunvnee for ike hrttusli wws- mr alitor after my letter to you of this day week you were doubtless much surprized at seeing me figure away so largely in the chronuh of saturday but however inurli your surprt2c ww excited it did not greatly exceed my own an 1 win shortly mints although sisw lcfire i am a vciy foolish fellow till 1 have hut one fault but that fault i confers is a wlmpfhuw hit m tll0 often to my head tliat is to ay i am occasionally in tho hahii of geiting drunk and when in this stati as a matter cfcouri i neither understand nor re collect wlmt 1 say r do on friday last i spent the evening at a tavern in the market pia aud have a faint remem brance being in company willi ibe runner to the chroniru but recollect nothing more thn morning upnn calling at the offire tocnfnire into the caue ufmy letter being published i wlssdowo a ms written bv the said runner fcut bearing my signature nnd which i wu told has wen indicted by tne at a time when i was incapable of doing anything more than gn tny name thi acknowledgement however ignomini- ons it may make mo look in your eyes is still nevertheless due to the public and myself since i know not what slutt may ap pear hereafter bearing the signature of march 31st lm kingston the mincrvt of 24th ult contains a very fair hit at the itfot- trcrt herald of the previous day the latter paper in speaking of the death of the cawtdian courwu took occasion to say that it died from the effects ufcvll ic4r- alluding to its strenu ous advocacy of the temperance society the juimc in reprobating the insulting insinuation tells the herald that there is little probability of its dying the same doalh since most of its articles appear as if written under the influence of omo more excitin fluid liesiiwib pi a writer in the port hope warder announces discovering uf the rcappeaianecut i alleys comet 1464 which has usually performed its eccentric l n in about 75 years anil has been predicted pi reappear in 1s31 to discover the situation ol llwsa comet the writer gives the following plain cstec lions 11 li annum fl w ivmh tmr i its situation ill the heavens by attending to the owiltff directions there are seven bright stars he northern eottstelatlou of ursa major usually dominated charless wain two of these are called a polar pointer on account of their standing in a shu line with the polar star the altitude of the st elevated of these two will at any lime in the nlng be nearly the siimeas that of the comet refore turn your eye from that star at the same ration until vou look due east and if the stars visible you can hardly fail of seeing the comet k nine a triangle with the sixth magnitude kthie a y com- me- oi the 21th ulu contains in answer to the very polite question in the sittlcr of 27ti ull we have to say that although by naturp of an extremely re tired and unassuming disposition yet since our entrance into this bustling political world w hav observed so many in stances of selfpraise pxsing for recommendation parlteulurly in tin columns of our waspish contemporary that we niv uncunsetoubly fallen into a habit of which wc finey wc ore grown too old to break ourselves it is very hard o be twit ted with our fiirtnc hy one whose example wu have copied in more instances than the pmoftt the settuf railing at iho whig fur vanity is like the pot calling the kettle black bottom- the chronicle presumes to censure the letters of a farmer to mr gutwrigbt- does the sensitive aspirant tu senatorial honors begin to wince alreidyt are his withers wrung in our opinion mr- cartwright gets no mora than he richly dc- serves ho has chosen to come conspicuously forward m di rect opposition to the wishes of thrcefourlhs of the inhabi tants of lenox and addington and if he discovers too late lhat it had been better for lim io hivc staid at home lie merely endures ilie lata uljhr bottof niuu tliwi lliiuscl that of buh ridiculed and scoffed at wc tfut the farmer will persevere and complete his series of twelve letters as promised which will with management last until in the electinn in june that is if the gentleman to whom they arc directed should liw so long a matter of much doubt considering the highly sensi tive nature of his temperament- a strange query comes acrossus should the lelters kill mr caitwright will not the farmer have to stand his trial for manslaughter lie had better look to it what does the chronicle mean about ratting is is because we have done that which was jnon naturally expected of him that he brands us with u ihdescrved epithet t we are whig not republicans istccount of the st patrick dinner in that city rrcong the guests ww the british consul j iu- jfinid esq who upon tlie health of the king g drank spoke to the following effect s being honored as your guest from being his testys servant i beg umv to express the satis- on i feel at ihe continued warmth with which the t has been received and as your countryman v me on this occasion in vindication of the irish tacter to ohserve that the charges of crime and ivalty against us are unfounded i nppeal to the gms which 1 fell due io my countrymen to pub- fihil day in the courier and enquirer which bit a proud contract as to the number in the ue suite prisons enumerated offences we rfnit vet our crimen are manly crimes f those llgittg from deep iwid malignity of heart are y iever brought against us the ardent im- y of the head hurries us into olleuce hut these notof malignant continuance as to disloyalty malta the manner the kmga health has been avedhere this evening 1 might also appeal to reception of his ton majesty oti his visit to jid we make five with our king but woe be fliers who would make or meddle with him h n his present majesty visits ireland he will find kcupum of the poorest cahin in the country t to divide their last potutoc uuh him and tcan the most devoted loyally do more rday altemoon an attempt was made tu launch tho new boat thomas jfektfft whih lias blmfl bnill by mow r vanautme and bennett tu run on the rideau canah h to some wcidcnt the boat sluek and notwithstanding t of the steam ituat ki all attempts to get rfff were unavailing tumrrow another steam boat brought to help her m we trust uwif united ettorts will esful g in the vicinitv we took an opportunity of examining tiotifiil rooiwicd irteamer now building under the direction ul gdfotfbw shtti prhap as eleant a vessel as ias laid down in ukingtov nlui yai- thc quarterly examination of the pupils at mitt ishams in fant school look place this day i the school ruom attended bv a great proportion ofihe ladies of kingston to tfaon who have not witnessed the prior examination of the scholar of ibis lady the sight would be asi novel as entertaining to see children some of them not three years of ae repeal the nu merous songs and verses taught them hy their teacher as tonishes every one not previously acquainted with the capa city and retention of memory of mere babies if brought into early cultivation tho children were examined in sacred history astronomy arithmetic nd geometry and gave per tinent answers to the various questions asked some uf litem repeated set ripceches tor the occasion and all of them exhibit cd marks of beiug well taught- the n tcrm commences in aboutafmtuight of which due notice will begivenby adver tisement wchuve not ycl uard oruic rwiit oruic diy vlccoon at torouto but rumor ph m a ai omccicd alikrmca and comnioa cvun- dhusi were on the liberal ticket uy tuivc jati teamed utal messrs uolph mckciztc lcvlii- and some othtf itfterali have been rlccied ahlcmien for it bruish whig mr edilof aw days oo i was ojuch gfaflm wiih ike perusal of be chairman and tfecrrcary rerrt oihc xtry meeting of he ftli iosl caludbvthelriidsorjohn3o4oiwcartatijhesq purticularly with trint rccolutinn conveying thcthanks ec the meeting to he clairoan the resoluiion emanabng as it did fromaw wpportcw orilioschlsli minded iudefendem and enlightened mcjqbc- tfwff bidwell and perry and breatfiingfnrih iw hfnornbkjrmciiopae6eil hyihc rrlunncrs in tuie and nil theouitrrcntioiies ihe force- nil caosrd a drrp and thorough en- qeiry io lake place in my mind uic rrsith of hkh made me nhiioeiritjd- dirr ac the bare thought otever bavlni apphed to mc as a itit of poliu- c dinictioji ute word tor- and why ihlfl horror btomm ihcrc- outoe logrthcr wwi my enqlr carried wiui clccuc frrcc to uiy soul uw auimportam rruih that ihe caur of rerm hi suend and lhat ii mus nrnl will prevail in my cxaniinainn i found i ml the rtrforinrrs linvc the roighiy burner ireui or meir huld that they march mraii torwurd like the imiuous torrvnt weepinriu before it and yet like ihe gentle rivulet rendering henefiis to the ikwvtftfj od honor to whom honor is due it is weuknotiuial allan mtpirrson eo a rondcrale lory ha- presided at political meetings snd in- been ttrttt relorniog officer and on all occasions in his public capaciia hud demeaned himself in such an impartial manner as co gain ihe eoiiulrnce ofloui rukriles nnd i urn con vincd norcgcs a great share of ihtaq honoratdc principles soeonsuini ly oaanifcmcd by the rcjbrniers- ii would be a heart cheerios grutifjau bon could i ay die same of the rcof ihe office holder in liiis province the jreai majority of ue gcnto f from copying ihe example set ihcra by ir mcptienton by pmaisng in tacir public acts a siraii ferwanl course pursue thai low senile paihthat leads to wretchcdnej3 and woe il wrll kiwn rthh mny of il h1eifl1 rn t it- 1iirr whom 1 minv lake uiem aaa body arc uuiol a fevd ui those oj uo otlwr dtincl de scend tu ihe mom low bau mandfr und ahuc uiuler ihe vain imagiaa lion that by auch an unhatlowtd cvurve they ftoll deter ikoomwutttof jyeuceble uod loyal mi upccis uf mm 4aiest ftotu ascrtio their just rights and phvilegefl at die foot of ihe imvue where they would be speedily re dressed and bring inciiny ond dlicrwe in llieir oppressors the tyrants of this otherwise liappy province but m editor their mtbtly power is mcribffi their day of misrule is furf soiag by and ihe selecboo of soo- ijioodj acandiditeby ue ftnteilmiwi clearly ihe desperate state of their game it is no difficult laak u foresee die speedy downfall to uiosc cophmlic official honors which tie lories have eimkavoreil so irofuse- lyto lavish in certain families uulujiou lime serving adherents without the km regard to ui abdiiy or aural rectitude of the persons wjio re ceive ibe odice for o lhat they cou j gottlc tho word loyally il maucaed not if in every other reapeet ilicy wre perfect blackguards why was not mr mcpherson wieacj for a lory candidate instead o gomg to that lory hole kingston fir solomon 1 a man whose dectara lions at a late political meeitog in l owu tom were sufficient lo digul every tlii nk ins supporter ofihe iei rights and almost totally blasiliio no hnpes of success m a eaodnlaic fir these counties xiz that bad he been in the house he would bavc aipportcd that inhimous bill called the summary puniehuiem jjd ami wlu is highly in favor of liagennandiat noted trampteroa the peoples righs and an abuser of bis majestys min- utcrs allan mcpherson eq is a gentrmaa in pcsesion of a fair share of ihoae genenms and liberal pitadpfe which adorn die man and makeliim a useful und wonjiy member of ihoronaumty his extensive knowledge places bicu above the sordid deinf supplanting ihe precni very wor thy member who h knows havi drrrwdlv ihe confidence of a vary large wojuriiyot the riecioryaynorc ihantwo ttitrds lis well known that he was whetted by many to cne prwanl hut not all ih influence ofihe mitt of these touutie oor blithe powerful argumcuu of die nvbii- itf of kjooo coitui desmqr thelimrrt convict km of his own mind that he was nut wanted l ihe inajnrir he ihcreivrc kept back and happy hid ii been iurohimun i i ii- jol tlie same how ha it 1 1 u i ml wild nurwonhv iriend ieore mkcnzic ea this dde and eloquent lawyer had ua ldtn nor did he wtsli to take any active steps in politics for mime years he mighl have been caltetl a mn derate whig or a moderate lory so perfectly impartial was he in rtgvd to political mtmcrs and how flrmty did le sumd out against all the en treaties of the torics to attend a meeting in tice counties no argument could penetrate ids determined hcirr or induce him to become an advocaie foraeaasche despised or lead in- powerful eloquence to ghackte the ritjhu ofihe people uut ahis lke 8inpoil liibclitnhs tup he could noi stund iim the phiuaibk enniiic of bis faihertnhiw his leoder heart was penetrated ami he cotuictted to make hi appearance at a po- iitiiml meetiiti- but nut wiiliuut vinic sorrow nnd dejixuon deptcudin ids euuaiteminco olhi miuldci jkt-n- career f f halt at preent iy h ht kvcof id fritieruiiaw i far mr liouof ikm ho ltf ue r rl t ilc uu o m kononud rf arr 0 him be tavkc cwwwdwd ii eff r n3 f e whi ciino togmti tui u ftv t mmiob become loull ermkoft bii frcwc wc ofw money w i am h- mma cure io im u inerk of al is p npj of no and lalnd rcu ho liuic p uach i the mh bwiiw u may be hi l0 p xvktt ff who may be comldcrrt nfldch wiw l jj mm bevlh io go thwih mo a hc w w cj c vamm u dwim up ikoi dumbc j sz who iw wlh mllkk he tlc 3c lhk p of uc oiihcrpnyaithc niiw h ullicfh1 n f s5 rue gnwiag powdariij of th en ol vwu uxd rfcasito cmjcm j w m u h go wu inily amoving to a wl u c mouj unj rtlr hor and tumauuc h uflr bdb f on ucit hoece s ft ibey nrnehod be length of uic bf which w wtre some humane reformer irsolomon coniinuc mftm tommry lo lul way forgeiful ofihe awtbl lulcnnnition cored ta he putjeih the cup to iu ne moojh i hall be ander the nee- g imnhpt-mw- wortby cleftfyimi or to the committee teiuierhce society- lu cooclu o i ateo recoonneud him to anuent proverh mlbd b ioney are ported a mowsrute kkfobmbr caanden marcli aotfi ish- and haarkyc m nccret 1 tell you dew john mrs kclchifincrcarnvllle would socn lead the ton but dear dlr it nppcars that oome impndeat peppy broke open my infil and ho fllchd him a copy and sent it to pre oh confound him i y for now wiih our genu weve ihedevil to py doctor snciik when lie aw it turned pale and 501 ielr but oon routine hinweiftoofca pill and 4 miek a nd neer lookm hehnd him or fear he might spy some wicked hobgoblin cent on by p pry poor fellow tia fifty h eo should be teased why notcuiadaah like tlie rem when he pleased 1 why mid he not go when he wbhd to the tali and how hlnvelf on 10 ihe wonder of nil for beta stalely nnd comely nnd stnrejiy- tid irim and my eye with thcladiciibereanoooe tike htl a doen ore siormlnf and swear by the tfkiee tbnl if peter eer nameem theyll blacken hie eyes or pound him io jelly or knock out his brain but peter och idle vngnric dtajnin and t mey may whiaile nnd spare tlwjmselvw pains for that people hereafter may know ope another ill flomciimea review them in fplte of iheir pother and now ive a right of nil people to speak as i was made censor of crcaunville ui week and bo by my omee om 1oond to ivn re the duly i owe 10 the public at large but thifl la a leuer and not a review for why kiioum i snow all oor lulliea o yoa tu only to banish your notions romantic of manners and men on this side ihe auaniie my office i kecpat a corner well known io the midst of the lowo though it glands all alone a snug hulebox about iuurtccn ieet srjuare three windows supply it wiih light and wiih olr from wtdcfa when i plea i con stlly look ont and frc what the people ore stirring ifcna some few nights ago our great chivalry sil a sscmbkd again id uic ranks of tlie bail a legion of beaux ofihe fin cut and fashion in bett bib and tucker did gallantly dttsh on drtrrrmined the oglcing rascals no doul to win ladies hearts by a buckish turn out there u bevy of nymphs who wnh venus might vie fii i fiihuencc sweet on each lnsfovlng eye their clurte ring rinleu of he igfit sunny hair anl krctsct of raven nnd flaxen and lair their eyes black as midnight yet hashing a light that would dazzle your own and bewilder yoa qnite bot i vr could describe them for language woum fail to give but ihe half of their charms in dfafcfl- mow hcuvd every breasn nnd how ihrotd all their toe when a strain of loud muk votnptuouil arose the 1 1 1 r 1 x haniloy the horn and bosaoon burft t all at once iu a weci jigsinf tune then lfprftf on rfntorirh hero of dnnee to u sjmpttinj darutci dnl boldly advajiee ami handed her oui to die walut or ciuodrille with more than great brummers or beau naaha tkall a seven foot dnndy a dashing young rogue from tin land of potatoes here shunld ihe brogae t 1 1 young fellow youd eeina million how graceful he movd in die wahz and colhlioo his name i loeget but it sounds rather roogh and in connauht i know it is common enough but which ofthe nine will my noddle inspire to rhyme the exploits ofthe jumping yonng squire 1 so ncaity he boted ii all were amaf d and ladies delighted applaudingly gazck for surely he never was cquqllm belbrd by any that hoppd on a crcamvillc inn flooi tlie smirking the smiling sweet htfm came down from ihe country to kkk up nelr beets and s tphlikc to tjlkle thnugb the grateful quodrflje ohlallcaxlihcy set beating and beat lor tlicm still for surely that man must be lost in a trance who uiiuiovd could behold those bright nymphs in the douce the euc4 miss mac a mm charming brwette willi dark rolling eyes and long iressca ofjci a fijim mnjclic both skitdcr and toll i i all ihe beauties mat shone at the ball oli could 1 butstng ns 1 wish toy dear jack i would roar out her praise till my windpipe woold crack hi foul moving sonnets iter beamy would note and di ukfl die swan with a song in my throat bui nil fpciil ihe nighl in high spirits und glee and the niltetp sweet creature retired about three 1 bm to wind up things ijlutity there was a few ofuvgenilcaienslftym for n rubber or two at whut or perhaps at ihrechalfpenny loo now you sec my dear ft how weve every thing hero that can pleasure ihecye or can tickh sl cor beside were not hsiaperd in dark oarfow lanes where tlie daylight can hardly peep in throngb the panes but blesd with wide precis and abundance of air a longa you live in ihul dingy old place where smoke everlastingly pult in yonr face- so nil tilings considered i thiuk the besl plan jx to eomo out io creamville od soon as you can but now 1 mut cud as my pens almost dry so good night says your quizzical friend peter pbv jotn ketch ksq om bailey i onion 1834 lake ontario the steam boat united states profited by two powerful hwyrutm enginu cpt j it van devateb having liad her cabius and acconunodationa for i assengera enlarged and improved will ear irom ogdenbburgh on her regular trips fortheaeason on the 1 3th of april next the proprietors deter mined that nothing ahall be wanting to promote the comfort and convenience of passengers have omit ted appointing agents authorized to contract for freight although they will be desirous of carrying it whenever they can do so consistently with a due regard io the accommodation of passengers coming down she will leave lewtslon every wednesday st 8 oclock p m she going up will leave ogdens- burgh on sunday nt 5 oclock p m kingston u c monday 6 a m sackets harbor monday 12 m oswego 10 p m rochester landing tuesday 8 am toronto york v c 9 p m arriving at lewiston early on wednesday morning giving passen gers all the day to visit the falls and return by the itoat n 14 tt 11 it 11 rochester landing thursday 8 am oswego 5 pm sacketa harbor ii p m kingston u c friday 7 a ml touching at french creek alexandriabrock- ville and morristown and arriving at ogdensburgh on friday evening ena bling passengers leaving niagara on wednesday evening to arrive at mon- 0 treat on saturday visiting on the route rochester oswego sackets harbor kingston brockvilleand ogdensburgh passing that most interesting part of the scenery on the river st lawrence from the lake to ogdensburgh by dav light march gfth 1834 boot and shoe manufactory rprnsitp tmr phnnniole office bbock tmvt william o gibson returns thanks to hla friends and the public for past favors and begs leave to inform them that he has now on hand a general assortment of gentlemens ladies and childrens boots and shoes to answer the season manufactured under his immediate superintendence which he can confidently recommend for durability orders punctually attended to on the short est notice kingston april 1st 1834 c hatch chai rmaker kingston upper canada fcammerttal kntelujjoue dj35z3 in niagara on monday rooming iliem inaaiu after a eson but liinful i1lnc juih muirhcail ksriuite f many yeore a praeiibing riiysiriuii oflli plan- ill hie c9lh year of hi ge communications kingston march 20th 1834 mr editor in your excellent remnrks on ihe bigottrd con duct of the york officiiiln who broke ihrirengajamiitto ditto at iho st patrick dinner on learning that the hon john elnikley who bad lately turned catholic lind been lo invi ted i regret your designating ihe last mentioned individual is an apostate is not the roteiant rule of liiiih ihe teripthrt as wulfrstootl by errnjman of sound judgment how then can any one following hat rule whatever creed his judgment may lead him to adopt bo justly ftyled an apostate mr flmsloy has only acted up to this liberal principle let those then who censure him point out by what oilier criterion he should hare regulated lili belin if by human authority thai oftle learned archbishop of siraibourj may not unreasonably have seemed to hiu as sure a one io abide by as ever that of ho venerable anlidearon of york 1 have tho honor lo i sir your obedient and humble servant m p mcdonald vkargonond dr baiikkr editor of the british whip nutl bvthf enitor the rev gentleman who lias done us the horn io address us did not perfectly comprehend our jleitkk ii from mr petelvkv of creamville to john ketch bso london jlwvvlbe mardi itl 1s0i dear jack and scml i romird- cw ocrllic molu from am happy itsttoo vm wj w lw bbwvmblmlbs in to efal- derzr katii iffcaic morniii- wud tep ttbowj hip auj forooijrjviiraltliuikca tall wiiutirip toourontiwwxly coualf wouhldvk vojr wuoky ou chy mij in 0 uot iiynuhoialcome sir pctfilw wd likijixoiuly witliyou dijrtuf m kkli twoum itrtjttacn her intfi ddcww iketar tuen iioliiv lor looci ii- ttihw ulf i ivuk y ww own hr- irf brtajnbos driigtfi sjicii u p dcbsmcd wiihui wc daw bene wiih uwt nl wuli iniipi otttl ivwi bttfts noil wiib deer ami mgorwiiyc hcfwbns inil cry h- ih bfclh ouwuui wmdrrlbl mrits i lundmi i wr afullnraj ikv mwh gitbk wlwtt i ill drive her rfluwliomi will my ugltwwbwil well mtbvd up m fur oji ib k p tuvxt a fig far ihu ro wliih we i ui oor ran and tly ukmf fttyly vr lull uid uito1 hollow though with iot- horse povr ial y 3 waliv andlbstlrfchliriliwfunianrjrriiv iwiwtw likc did ttwfth bell in ummi v dukttnitt mar for sale by the subscriber 100 boxc window giom 7j8j 7x9- 810 10 h raw linseed oil 4s 9ik per gallon doutilc iloiled linseed oil 5tf- per do bcl dry while lead 40 ptrowl- venciian rcd spanish brown red lad yellow ochre lamp black spirit turpenine c c acornplelc kamrtttmxtt of painters brushes whiting 10 porcwl london puy 4d per lb bi quality white paints in kega of 28 lbs each thomas hardy upper aid of store street kidgfttofl marth 31st 1834 16 ay notice j the subscriber having relinquished business in kuton requests all those indebted to him either by note or account to settle the same between this date nnd the lirst of may next as all remain ing then unsettled will be given into the hands of an attorney fur collection robert glendinning kingston 29di march 1s34 16 remarks on tub montreal markets mquxil ma fts littfc tlno is certainly not tuacb to ncmce if the state of the markets but such u there is weoffirr to our readers in wheal wc have not heard of any truieacbofu bete but we are enabled to state what price hire been paid in upper canada in the niagara district aiid at the head ofthe lejce the hiffhest price we have hoard of is 4s 4 and tho loweet six york shillings or 3s 9d at the last named pnee butrery little has been purchased the bulk ofthe winter contract bar ing been mado at 4s a 4s 3d hence we should say that 4 1 j is the average cost of wheat in lhat part of upp cana da in die lower districts of upper canada contract hare been made at 3s cd but our informant stales lhat the lower priced wheats are wholly unfit fur shipment in ashe the price shews a disposition o advance as the ship ping season approaches but we hear of no transactions of any consequence but nothing important waadona bugais exhibited mhr mora firmness 12 id was offered tor a fair sample but only om lot was sold a lot of strong jamaica was run off on the same occasion at 4ft 1 a 4 4d montreal wholesale prices march 25th 1634 per ewt ca5dle5 coals cofpk copfkb fjshj i 4 i steam boat notice a further instalment of ten per cent upon the stock subscriber lor the sttam boat now build ing at prescott to ply between prescott and mon treal is required lo be paid into the hands of a jones esq treasurer presco on or before the 10th day of april next also a further instalment of ten per cent on or before the 20ui day of april next liv order ofthe buildins committee h norton secretary prescott 20lh march 131 16 for sale ijy the suhecri bur 50 barrel of queenstonap- ple john boyes market place feb 21 ism cash paid for grass seed by hugh scan lan asbh pot lstsort pearl i h pilot awt new found lan j crackers lb tallow sporm newcastle clialdron liverpool scolcf j t lb inferior boltt lb sheet coiidloe kusdia cwt canadian cod dry cwt hurrin no 1 brl no 2 brl smoked box mackarel no 3 salmon pickled brl aiuwlcwi super 196 ilm- canadian do fine middling pollard rye flour indian meal per 168 ibs- oat meal cwt aiiii-iiii- soil sholl lb currants zinte figs nuta barcelona prunea french per lb raising muscatel box llluom malaga lb cask bottles beer gross wine window 74x8 100 feet- 7x9 8x 10 barley bushtl corn indian oats pease boiling rye wheat u caj 21 22 22 17 0 d 0a22 6a2s 6a 0 0a 0 0 2 2s 0s7 6a25 625 la 0 0a 0 6a 0 2a 1 iv 22 22 1 i 1 1 i 1 d 0 0 0 0 4 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 t 4 i flock and meal frvrr glass gkain and per 60 lbs mixed red l c minol ticsfovtvi canister lb r 100 lbs f- f 100 lb f f f- inolbs bar english ton- russian o s bumlei hwop ps ibok 35 35 12 0 12 4 20 0 e o o o 22 0 19 11 0 0 o 0 0 16 9 0 30 30 30 0 32 3 3 1 4 0 0 5 5 4 1 75 85 95 11 22 20 14 7 0a 0 0 0a 0 6 a 17 0a22 6au 6a 6 0a22 ma 55 a27 0a23 0s27 0a 0 0a22 0a 0 oaso oa 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4a v 0al7 6 a 10 a 0 a32 0a35 0a 0 0a30 6a35 9a 4 6a 8a 6a oa 0a 3a la 0a 6a 0a80 0a90 oaloo 0 0a 0 0 10 a 25 0a 0 0 10 a 15 0 oa 7 10 3 2 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 6 10 4 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0