British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 8, 1834, p. 2

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provinrtul our astonishment at the passing of ibis absurd in sulting and tv1cllious address bc kin was quite as great that of the reformers our opinion of its merits and tendency though totally opposed to his is thr only one can entertain consistently with that attachment to the british government which we have at all times not only professed but sintcrcly pro fessed tin more enquiry and investigation we lestow upon the subject the mure firmly are we per mnded of heff soundness and rectitude and though this address was passed unanimously with the ex ception of jesse ketchum by the whole house and has already received the appnibatiu11 of a majority of the press whether tory whig or radical we shall ever proudly boast of being mic we believe lire first owe who hastened to expom its dhfoialty in one thing however we agree perfectly iih the re former trk rubicon is tast but it is the ru bicon or rebellion ham prce press citt contort ation w gave on thursday evening a hasty return of the result of the election beu ufi ihi day for alder- men and councillors of our new city bi bad not time to of fer any observations on the subject the elections generally considering the wtj unusual excite ment which previously prevailed on tins subject pawed off comparatively quietly there bcin- but lew black eyes and bloody noses to be counted at the termination of the engage meitl in most of the wards as will he seen by the return in our last paper theoontest was a very close one and the result doubtful up to the last moment in st qow ward there was frequently not more than one or two vouuitfereuec between the four candidates for aldermen nor between the four high- est on the poll for councilmcn there in tug frequently three tyesineach andthe clecuon of one of tin latter mr gur net was at lat only carried by the casting otvofthe kcturn- ing officers in this ward ibe ottdiml cordiality prevailed among the different candidates during the day in st andrews ward useelectioo wasaioa very closeone there bein at theelnac only 13 votes difference mlwwn the highest and lowest candidate for alderman and ooly 4 difler- enccbeiwixt mr harper ihe winning and dr powell the losing candidate in st patricks the four wiimiti candidates dr rulph and mr dennieon and messrs trotter and turtou went ahead and kept ahead during the day ad so wc believe did those of ihe ward ot st davids jtfr stotrsbury whoe name appeared as a candidate on the lit ufcotiim ibiien ibrlh latter ward was not a candidate hit deuim being put forward contrary to his desire in the st lawrence ward the struggle was close and se vere there being frequently three lye ami at lat only 3 ttflm difference between the three highoi candidal fiff aldermen some of th returns have been protected against and a scrutiny it is kiid will be demanded for the wards of st a drew and st lawrence the friends ufdr in wttt and mr stanton we hear have already retained mr uripcr while mr mcloual it is staled will contest the rrlnrii lor the st lawrence ward we have also heard that the return for st georges ward is threatened to be disputed by the josiug can didates although no potest was entered by any one against either nf the returns at die close of lire poll whatever may be the result of these scrutinies should the take place it is tube hoped thai the time of the civic legisla ture will not be unnecessary wasted mi thrfr investigation and it is further to be hoped that the rpint of political jarty or personal hostility will not be suffered to olntrdue itself mtu uur new city rnuml anions the portuftf ehusen there are per sons of various countries occupation and condition in hie and of all political and religious seels and artie every mem her of that body tbortflm who is malty dtffvricd hi ptomuta i inuiilit v hull itc licia lniu muitjiui l lln adtaii inent of the interests of the city itself and we hae u right to presume that all ore soduposed will perceive that imlispeiuu ble motility of leaving all party and personal feeling on the outside of the council chamber and of immediately applying themselves to the promotion of those nieaures for lliegwd oi the city and the people of the city which was lhonly ration al object tor which the act oflncuijiornm ruuki ha ben sought or granted actuated by sueli a spirit the mimher of the new municipal court may render the must mpnaut ser vices to the city which will entitle thetu and muv secure for them the approbation of their fellow tmvnstneu hot should the spirit ot party or faction once find its way uimi thvm the most miicliieviousand deplorable consequences may ik amci paled and die good people of the city will have abmtoant cause to repent lite hour in which thet were trauaicd iruui inhabitants ofltille york into dennco uftlie city oi to ronto toronto courier read hark lik vm ievwardlv picesr we have just aen tbe second report of the committee of the house of as embly on finance from which we extract the lollowing par agraph to which we call the special attention of the public it will open the eves of a few tu the shameful working ol the present system m your committee also beg to refer to an extract from a 11 statement of payments in order ofthir date made to the m receiver gen era by the lute and present collwlufi at hue- bec from which it appears ttiat between the 2hth julv and ifaeloth october 1833 a sum of 18 w paid by tin- collector of the customs at quetec to the keccivergciieral on comparing the lalter otrcers acrouru otiwil rfesvl with ukcctuwj mtoii jjt ii iltltllnsi tt ii pi tji tliat no part of the vrr incntionvt sttrt of ciuhij aatl bcaitrouht toatcoitnllv docsuie reader know the moaning of tills ijsa he should not we be- leave to inform him that it secm u tlto lteort thai tbe collector of customs handed ovrtotlie ke eiefueii- ermlin the year l833 a sum amounting nearly to 411110 and the receivergeneral io his account of cash received fvreot that is the mildest term to put the said sum to the credit ot the province iii can such tilings be and overcome us like a summer cloud without our special wonder to support such doings as these the tories f this city are trying to get up their meeting at tatters will the citi- zena of montreal beguiled lo support the knave iflhey do all we can say is that they deserve to be worse ihaii gulled thai is fleeced vnt vtnditatqr we are ony to bear usat after an almost continued and ilea tj expenditure for nearly 3 years on tm erection of mills ac on dufiinss creek in this district by mr kolherill he ha had the misfortune to lose one ofhis new m 1 i t pit into full operation by fire together witlj a laree quajrtit of lum- ber all uninsured andthe same night a jarge wing of in- dew dam was carried off by a flood i courier copy of a later to the editor tinted prt gotbortu saturday march 2 1634 t herewith you will rcceiveaspecimenofthe anif uuh fell at this place last thursday afiemootx during one of the moi violent storms that ever occurred in tliis cooniry allhouh these have been lying on the ground from thursday nil nf arid are much waited yet they are a pretty pfknl sampler hut at the timeoftheir fall many were picked up measuring from eight to nine inches in circumference and this day in the pres ence of sevoralperson i measured one found nearlv buried in the earth which was lull four inches in diameter i have beard of several that weighed over four ounce a more trc roendoue war of the elements can hardty bceonceived how ever httle damage was done in ihis vicinity a few panes of glass broken and some fowls kilted 1 havi- pud learned that a man out with his team had his liand broken by one offal hail and a report has just reached us that a child as killed about twelve miles above this places your c j f hrlzk rfimcrwfln journal- the tfialofihe three shutersfor the murder of living lane commenced as we mentioned in our last on thursday nmf resulted on saturday morning in a verdict of guilty par ticulars as detailed n the quebec papers are simply as follows the deccaacd bad resided in st gilo for a year or two the prisoners had also been residing there for some timc lane had obtained permission to go upon lot no 8 upon which there was a small clearance and afterwards obtained a loca tion ticket on the evening of the oth dccnnvr he engaged ooe rosel to assist htm in clearing the land and building lii residence both russel and himself agreed lo top all night and sleep on the ground they commenced working next morning after break fast when the prisoners made their xpearance and were shortly after followed by two individu- of ihc same name who were included in the indictment but withdrawn by the finding of the urand jury the two james khutors had guns in their hand after smc conver sation with lane as to his right to the id of land tin deceased waftsealod on a spruce log and russel vh opposite o him ivorlpng at a 1- house which they had begun the three pri- ijjnirsprocaqijcu dircctlv to the side on which 1 1- deeeisd at they addressed blot ana told him to quit the land the elder shuter sat down iwar the deceased on a long ami said m the land or ill blow vou to- rusacldid not sec the stut ter ara but lie beard old shuter cock hi k and immediate ly after he beared uj report and saw lam till kussel anxious to obtain their assistance in relieving lune told tlieru he was not much hurt lie wusalsu apprehensive that if he ttd iheni that the deceased was murtajly wounded he wnuld shate ihe frame fato they however negjecled w ndiwed tu asit l and kuilicl venl hi itthujt of help to llie fnt mdividu al whom rtwhtl wvt llw deceased said lie hid beenfhul bv old shuter and one nfhil fmw who had fired simnliaornmfy- the dicead dinl ul three in the ajwrnomi hi was a rnarrieil man with a family nod ww tvom tlnrty to frty years of ae russel was informed hy william shuter tin jmt begft be went to work on the lot thai some troubh wutlld mllovv tbewoond infliied on the tjaraoaedf waa on thelefl side cupsc ut the fourth fib and the bullet pawd through the rhff- clc- of the hack bum the lft arm wa sprinkbd with small shut and a lew vire toiiud avar the hips om doubt si em- ed to be entertained whether ihc bnlhrt and ma1l hitrl did nut proceed from twtl cuu dihiirjed at the mttie time the dr- ceased repeatwl tu several wrtnujws that he hail irouved two shun and william cbntt r madv a remark to one if his captor- that he was only load with ball and did rml intrnd to kill the witnesses oil ibv dtlrme dm hut detrw the strong tticul pitory evidenee tba primmft lnwwwi produced ivitllfm- nv as lo their god liaractrr after llie i ac bad ejnfctl he hon chief jusuve pnicwd to miiii up tw cvmnn he pointed wit m the jury ihc distinction biiweefl the crinw ol manslaughter and ibm vt murder ami said it was for then to decide which the privnrkrs wrre guilty of he thvn atnnuen ted on the hiinis of the cidemc most tnatrial the cowl waited about an hour for the dceiion ofthemry ami then ad- jounwd to half past eight in the evening but on meeting at that liniir the jury appeared in court and recjuesled smn ex planations which prevented them cormnto a decision imme diately they were uten remanded to the albion hotel un der the charge of comuablu and the next day being ood fri day were not discharged but were detained till saturday otot- iltfj when they returned a verdict of uilty wiommending the lather and hi tou son jameji to the royal mrrry sentence of death wa then pronounced on them or execution on monday but they weie respited to friday next ihe pri soners were all natives of ireland having emigrates a tew years ttx tlie old man claimed some riht to tbe lot of land for winch lane had obtained a deed mont gaictte a short time since we noticed in the quebec mer cury an account uf i machine ibrextnictingsttimp from recently cleared lands on saturday march jotli in the above paper there is a cut fanning the head of an advertisement which enables us to describe the invention pretty accurately lettgot patent stump extractors then is what mechanics call a lever of the second kintl that is the weight or resistance on wbirh furce is tu be ex erted lies bmwcen tbe power and the prop the prop is i short and stout beam resting on two upright screws the power by means of which the long arm ol the lever is raised and force exerted is screw let us now describe its operation one end of tbe lever rests on tbe short crossbar wbirh forms the prop at a ftfaort distance from it say one- fourth of the length of the beam winch fbrllw the lever the stump is attached by means of a strong chain and the long arm of the beam is gradually raised by meaim of the screw a great strain is avoided by tbe facility of raising the prop by means of the two screws on which it rests so that the lever is always nearly horizontal friction also is evi dently avoided to a verv considerable cxtetit and he only defect of the machine appears to us to arise press if the to be gen erally adopted under the icious libel law ol lpper cauada- font would be a bad precedent for the course mr khnsley hs pursued en it is again reported on the authority of a letter from a gentleman in london likely tobe well inform ed tin the subject that mr james stuart will shortly return to canada with the appointment of judge ol lie admiraliv taratotu patriot imitfcrllaiicou similar lhslovfrv of a momtctof although tlie folio oratory may be 8iippoed by some to be the produce of the writer brain the reader mav be assured that it is literally true lord ikrnu has somewheiv said truth is stranfe stranger than fiction attd this narative will atlest the truth of the pttti remark many of those events which accuuv c pw of history would if re lated in a romance or tiovel be condemned as mon strous and improbably and what i am about to describe it of to bingvur a nature is so wild and strange that i should not attempt to give it to the world if there were not those now living who could attest its truth about sixty years aro messrs respecta ble wine merchants in london iv the ordi strong the greater eflbrts of junius proceeded from lr francis bisather the inimitable translator of two in- mitable author horace and demosthenes the most surprising part of the business is that mr tayhir tlte auther of junius identified after corn mencing on the true supposition that dr rrancis was junius should have been persuaded to rewrite the whole and give the fame if fame it is to the ehhlj although hi published works sparkling as tl the emperor alexander the king of prussia and their illustrious train and expressed himself deter mined to defend the privileges of the university which bail so gratified his feelings in conferring upon him the high office with which he is now invested the liverpool standard of the 25ih feb states that the british cabinet bad refused to grant any re- tnuneratioti to captain ross and his officers for their i i i i ttlttinense losses am sufferings except the promotion do ith takmt and icarnng scarcely contain a fen- rf an of tence which w his lands lai from the unavoidable weakness of the prop arising from the gattum farm in which it in constructed we think the common fow ukhic to rise out of a widebased tripod would have answered every pur- wseeontcuiplauil by mr legiros inxeuiiut with a fffmil addiiimti nltoiiih wc coincide eniirvlv m the tiptnimi espnrtl in the qttttjrc mrmrrtj ihu where it is an object hi sjei rid niihe btaniiw iiumedinttflyi and to conven the woodfl into arable html without dtlay we ran not help thinking till machine well calculated t answer that purpose ttttiftf adtfftixrr tlir bfijurmaiveadillonl version afihicaim whkh w lolhti fnto iiiurlor at 1w ition iv that given ittourbnt h dtfrivrmlulnfbrnmihinfrckma eonenpfkhlcirt who riric acar tli siiene if the hurrid eatt4wphc tlw two br4lien fww with thvir titlnr tnd mother in the mr ht4im about a milo irom llm village nnd il hht m r part of lilt ptnh olivwr ilic primiikr hiiij eoniminml rubbery which lie wo tlirlcrkd with it wowctltiuo and ihmiithime ivrraiilt the wife uf raymond irailou irnmonedtow iniiftef fvhkllthahnd a personal kiiowleilge during ihc night btw d saturday and sunday awl in llie absence of the cither and mo ther who were on a viit to si- jirtie an irnliidual entered the apartment of raymond and struck his wife tteml mow with on axe at tin- firt stroke ilwealled out and btf husband awakening alteniptd to pmtcol her from tlw hlow hut in viin receivin rwpcnd himself on the arm ho waccded however in dirniin- the asiisin who wwpodi raymoiil linn urdredaliuu ik vvhfi hapn nrd t he in tin itoqm lo am ttfh wdrtanw silui uw iwghhiuw- oltvirif who tvi ouihh tlie door saw tin- ly ranoiu ami vnt with him to tilt neiltthiur and tetnrimi with itwim tlie unloriiititit vrtiman wa to t mnim rorvd wiih hlmid ami her ltid lit in mral ulare ohvir had hin liandx and clothe- had in their posses sion a hogabcbd of madeira which they hadende oured but in vain to render fit for sale nary methods used to refine wine had been resorted to but without success and as a last resort the principals desired their cellarman to lwv it racked off tntt boltk thi order was immediately put into execution and a man was set to rack off the wine whilfti the rest were busied upstairs he who was thus employed proceeded with bis work but had not filled above a dozen bottles when be found the cock suddenly ceased running the cocks nwd for racking are very large and the man thought to re move the obstruction with his linger with which be drew out the cause of he stoppage but what his surprise and horror when on looking at tt be found it to be a pica of a human scalp with the hmr sfiff clinging to it those who have bern in a spacious wine cellar cannot have failed to notice the dismal appe of the ptac which the taint light 1 effect the poor fell gusliug ami terrifying rflcovery almost fainted at the sicht but with a sudd w eirrt he dashed down the bottle which he was filling and fled up stairs in an agonv of alarm and wfr- all crowded round hnn to bear the cause of m vighi which he withdilh culty explained to tf and of the partners with several of tlie meri- decended into the auli de termined to ascertain of tins statement which they attributed e drunkenness or a dis- eased imagination t i j without a moment lhc ho ttds add made such ranee tional a 1 j he remembered in his line with guage the first pamphleteer of hwl time he did not soar to that immeasureabla height above all pamphlets which bus made junius a spe cies uf literary swan the wonderful circum stances and internal coincidences which extolled from one of onr twelve judges an opinion thai the evidence was strong enough to hang a man arise from obvious causes sir phillip frequently con tributed especially on his own concerns as in the letters of veteran also his wellknown voracity of praisesome of tbe noblest racers stand in more need of spur than others inde hitn willing to keep up the chain of evidence by dotting his cm through life and signing bis initial as he had doue in the woodfall correspondence- ku the main source frotn which so much cir cumstantial evidence arose was an indemnity of style with so much disparity of powei between father and son much of the information must have been obtained by the latter whose grtat abili ties vivacity of temperament and extraordinary industry and courage fitted him for tbe task of managing the intrigue and of supporting it too by contributions perhaps of a more mercurial charac ter this also explains the complete unity and inviolable secrecy of the whole transaction the two writers were continually seen to dine at the same table each with a greek hook before hi in be stowing morsels on a favorite cat who used to be their only guest and other anecdotes are prefer ved tending to show that their habits fitted them for the most complete cooperation sir p francis may have thought that the risk of the conveyancing de partment perhaps auo the marshalling of tlie plot untied him to the name of junius although the virgilian perfection of stjle proceeded from bis father wtill be was aware that had be claimed the oletile he would have been contradicted by indi viduals mill surviving who were intrusted with the secret he therefore referred leaving it in obey since bciwcti two or making the disclosure by a sidewind i am sir c umnnatilrs turned up the head trf 0u into another vessel w f jjl spectacle was wiibiu the hogshead bty sof whwl ihc llh in suim e a inrnble mass of putridity ivtifl w hi im ill ihtr 5lnilv alwrwaro 1 4 win lit willl vi- voluim 1 if soirtn never having ovfi her uijl lo tin hiuef cat- oil hmi slri r j ii ihr proeuted lo thrir t lew i tilfrn ri rhi hri places still clung n in had mnkd at ibt bottom shorked at the sight tby replaced the head o the hoshtid and inloriuaioti of the discovery was immediately scut oil to tin island of madeira when an investigation took pla the result of which wa the apprehension nf a wiincoopet there who con fessed that being jealous if his apprentice he had one day picked a quarrel villi tbe youth whom he killed hy a blow of bis alze md that fearing a discovery be had itnmedittely crammed the body into a hogshead which win shipped ufl at once to england many instances of rctrbutive justice are on re cord but none of them cai le considered inure re markable than the one abve related ufrn unhr w jh iufucnkl lhai owing tu tli attttfm prsur io the muiifiy market ami the cwie- iijtni want ohuomsmw butweeu creditor and ifcblmr ntir ly all lh vnil- uhnhanuof thiricity wlio are connect with die busitiei of tht country have with a frotntncmiiible lilmnilily asstniited together for th mutual advantage cf thrn- srvi and their cuitomer and have enlrel into an agree ment nollosue for or mkesunfitv uf ihrrddmuttf ssesttl in cssi nf clear neccity of then only lor the benefit of all lli y ir hi- i stated we frfl i i 1 1 that ihi vhfcrflhhh amm the mr chains- uritmni will have an hinrtaim lituli my t inpnv milnwiiii milhi om imifhjmbi in iw viarr ih jf fuushms ami fjilur whili irthwrh im noghl iwkcyluai it hiw an hiiiiurable confidant oflhc nierehanls m tin city in one aiwthtr a well a in llttftf tuioinvrs ubp wlure km ivt icive no doubt tliiit it will 1 carried into iet in a mhi huh will how thai thironfnleiieeliat not lioeii mipliiceu burfjt dattu adr the men which was considered xttfiicicnt and ample remuneration proposals were making fnrapetttion to parliament infivorofcapt ross and his officers a new treaty between russia and turkey very much in favour of the tetter wn cfflwludvd at st- petersbursf on the27th of january ily this treaty that of adriauople is materially morlilied the a- mount of the debt due by the porte is very much diminished part of tbe principalities of moldavia and wallachiais given up at once to tbe porte and the remainder is to be given up on the execution of the conditions the frontiers of turkey on the side of persia are to be considerably extended this in formation is official late and important from hmttugal the brig maria theresa arrived at boston on sunday from st ubes which place she left on tbe 20th of february an cxkcs had arrived iheday before from lisbon the day befnie he sailed withan account of a battle between tin- two cihlunding fur- res hi which don miguel waa defeated wiih a great loss this caused a great ryoieig and i ireneral illtimiuntion of the town look plate tht same nifflil the distance of st ubes from btdboit i but a few miles and it would ccm tlicrefure that tittle doubt can exist of the correctness of the account v lllil in the ham mtnnin almut vilil lok it mca iv pin shonlv i r r uiviei nut lar from hi uwn the following sketch ol mr oconnells plan of govcninient for ireland it uw event of a repeal of lh uuiou is given by tic scotsman from his se- tfmd letter to the protestailuf ireland mr oconucll has at lastt in a second letter lo the protestants of lrchl developed his plan for effecting repeal tin lh parliament is to consist of king lords and commons the tnnmnnc tvm hmidrm wa iweiuylour county iheinbern and twentyix city and town members are to be elected by the 5 tenants in all the couu- all the ties and the occupants in the towns j irish peers are to have seats in tlie house of lords rfmdencc wiw dunnff the cuiiveralior tanned siw mflk vi i l i t u i m ciona llciljn no one hut an irtshman is to be capable o being ducted him tu the ullage of 1 assumption tcrire mr pari- created an irish peer with regard to the liing tkiult the magutnte who could nut order his arrest as lung as as before theumou the statute law enacted that affidavits had nm been made ctptain pvnin however mpl whoever was king de facto in england should be king de jure m ireland so in case of the isritsh parliament should at any future time appoint a re sent whoever was regent de facto in england should be regent with similar powers in ireland in other words as the king of england is sole lawful monarch of ireland so the regent of england nhu be sole fowfiil regent of ireland all creeds sects persuasions and religions are to enjoy a per fect equality of civil rights privileges and franchises and to guarantee this condition mr oconnell insists that this equality should be placed for perpetual preservation under the protection of the king and also of the british parliament that the irish parliament should be declared incompetent to infringe this equality by any law directly or indi rectly that any attempt to violate this equality or to introduce or to sariciiuti any religious ascendancy british ifhici important to lknox jt aomngton tv djounw mmins r ftotor orih omumjcsot lno h a ilrihion will uie phktf ul tlie hoctmbi r john frlkiv lfn oe siunl the lwilnu tbchruiuuftuhtrlirvei-clock- wc ulcc th lilwrtj of reminding wit cmiiry ubiffibtfi in lenrixand addinptin that satunla tilt iith ibl i um9 dj apnuintrd fur hulding the djuurml inuvli oflhr electors of the before iuentioninl fountic5 the pttt if meeting i the hnmi i l r f r ill k lun and ultlivuh no time wit men tiuned at the adjuurnment tot lh tin ftakin tlio chair jet we may not he prcsuinptuou inijin lliatelevinchkk will be the must prbbtui hour altltutih none but a tew waruiliartid and hotheaded en ihanmu bave die smallest idea thai auv hut iln- preent mem- btrr will be retmned at the next rlcrtit yet it bvbuuvtfi all the friend lo enlightened prindpfa t he al dieir pul on llie day aikinled since tbe eye uf the province vlutouputtlllmi and un thai dav prhcediu and iftbrvuch anv hike warrnv n mii liiu ir ir t- 1 1 1 i ftuffi the cunaouusne of per- fectvietiifyattbr lime of trial mrcattwrighl friemlri hould be enabled to pa a fingu renuluiiun m tnurh tu will be made by such a circumstance an if he had gained the election there is nothing tu prevent mi curtwnitht ui mr- any om ele from becomin- a candidate t represent tin pwpfe hut it is the duty uf the people t publi uetftmgepewliy their disapprobation uf mm whc ptditieal principles ate not in accordance with thooe uid down hy the best and wisi phi lantbrophisu o the pirm guidi to oi tond prosperity we are thoroughly satisfitd that the lories will be drfeaied but we shall not be satisfied unless iheif defeat be accompanied with h it y tii i i in political warlare uu jnery houldbe thtwirto mahlngo iitt until he lie at y fel n a aiglt occanuii wlmo bul- rtercd up by tbe prceneo of tin kiiittm uffieiau bavi we evwr bovd that mr c mauifetel tin ihlofi like cuinruirration fn a uolitirl and we nee in reason liow when deprived of his hangars no- liehuuhl out hi that anie mtd of jus tiee dealt out to him whiidi he u iilwayn btn the muni for ward lo deal out to other on friday x ibeclegaiil iml til sailing steam boat to corkrponllent itult jn rtrtr j cath stid arwtt re indnifmle on seetani etwm ofthetr rail m r tin- iii efan yaa- tor to obtain aduiiln to his cmnuntcatlou by ftjtiiing thereto inc name ofitnotber indlvidrjal was to cj oie te o highly iolcccfous- many oconr fiihcribers hsvt sent in their nsnes for three tnonihs w psfsml ywvcffatlentb to umlinnd we roceiveno pnhscnpuons ibr k than sa mtjdnr agrcciimy u the notke ib our stitvling nlvcf- tis ttmfli tlkoroercrrrrkivleniswlo do not perceive ihc inenioo ofihcir lavvetsj wilt readdy unovotand iltc riue hy pqwioc hh- umwrtieitli imrvriphs wlikh hn t been continuauy bnlilbis niike mr coihukikc- i tur columns ofthiii pnper are 0r io nil pan- on cerium nvitiik rs tir uiai sutiirc itvlwxi- 1 irrr hulni- i tfifhfihrtl fir tnfrikiti wltich ibr rohor will 1e tr- jislgi fl ttfcmlvhl tl mren ollhr writer be srnl for the rlitor pn lt i it3ieeol mik xtm all uecounui ortjrmh or irruice io be auuimiiv nuk ii thi real tmfic dm iufr i the kisgstow tuesday mokstxg afkil6 i8m olivier in eustudy ill monday tbe cunmer wa sent tor to montreal and went down immediately tlie inmicl was held on monday ami alter hearing several witncnc the jury iw rlared that he deceased eame to her death from the blows ofan axe inflicted by an unknown person but suspcrted to be xi vier brien whi wa lhtnupii arre and tmvrved to sain itavmond dlared at the inquest that in the daiknes ol the nifflit he rould not recognise the muhhrer tlie deceased was only eihieen years of agr and had been married about rive months ftit guiit- steamkh hii i ii ik this beautiful boat on iter way on tuesday last got some part of her engine connected with a water pipe out of order b which a quantity of water ww let into her before it was discovered in consequence of whiih a con siderable delay occurred in getting her clear she then came up to tins but terceiving that she bar lost in her speed in consequence ufan alteration in her paddlewheels since last fall she has been kept nltlier rout to remedy tlie inconvenience we un derstand rihe resumes her trips to-day- flra rcc 07 the bank is putting on the screws on the farmers and storekeepers if they be liberal if a hitler tory tukt for notes lie gets a bunch and they have plenty on hand at precnl to this rule ihert are exceptions but very few rather than lend tin farmers the bank has lent to the wetland canal hamilton merrill co and a lew other such public joti 83000 currency tlie sooner their monopoly is ended the better for all parties say wr fair play is a jewel toronto advocate c5 at a meeting of freeholders f middlesex residing in the township of loudon john southard ksq being in tlve chair mr thomas parke was nominated and delegates from the other tuvnship tn county convention these coiiveiiiiums are ex- cellcnt thiins and tdiould be peftevefed in ww faithfully acted up toby the people in union i their strength 16 we are in possesion uf london dute to the 25th feb the new york mail arrived so tf this moriuns nl w altbou not of m impottttw elianieier is n volumnmus lhai we can on give aver r imnerfe- isketeh in todays unpre- sion paris feb ii ii was reioricd yesterday that bamk vkngeancf we learn from good m thority that llie president iit colors co- of th bank of uper canada have dismissed from niff situation mr john mnitlaud the bank messengers for the crime of freely excercising his privilege ir voting for the independent candidates at the lan election ith ast courier mentions ihai mr elmslcy against mr guruell for libel is abmt qy the prosecutioi tobe tried in the court now in session we wish itiir the wott hssiblc success lilikiug mr tiur netts polities and leeling tinti ieiully m ilia journal we wiji him a iriumphant aripiiital in the libel case whatsoever should cause the initoser and every supporter of that attempt to incur a premtriire and forleithis lauds and tenements goods and chattels and be liable to imprisonment for life in england or elsewhere m the british dominions out ol irelaudfjuoi doit jldncr jumuiip totmk coitoil of the ttmks- siji a volume is announced as speedily to be published tending to show that mr calcraft was associated with sir p francis in composing tlie letters of junius not knowing what disclosures this work may contain i wish previously tu sul- hilt to your readers the solution as 1 conceive of that mystery the principal questions are 1st why did the discovery so long baffle the acutesi inquirers although so clear a case is now made for sirphdtpl 2d- why did the author uot reveal the celebrated vellum copy and so forth previous lo his death pirvt it must be observed that the discovery fol lowed close upon the publication of woudhallv junius which presented for the first time sufficient grounds for a decision and which disclosed in par ticular the letters written by the firm under other signatures these facts would never have bee divulged by the woodhalls family wbo rnigl mir ewdly guess at the author till they were wire iliat the principal reasons for concealment hurl pass ed away among the changes and chances of life secondly sir p frant is died and made no lugn wcuusc though an essentia contributor to llie whole corresrondeuce ami probably condueior of lhc entiveyaneing department mi named by himself in waa yet conscious ol nut being tbe real junius the wuudeilut polish urul superior metal of the indisposition of ueu lafayette had assumed an alarming character but this morning we have had the satisfaction of learning at his house that he is much belter paris feb 14 the london journals of tlie llh and 12th were received this morning they are principally filled with parliamentary reports the commons were occupied the wlmleof tbe mon day night with mr shiels alfair and a committee of inquiry was appointed- on tuesday in the lords earl grey in answer to a question from viscount traugford stated that the commissioners appointed by ureal britain and france on the state of tlie custom laws in both countries had submit ted a report to their governments but from the great variety of conflicting interests necessarily in volved it was as yet impossible to say what would be done the earl added that the expression in the kings speech referring to tin good understand ing between this country and france related to po litical matters and not to commercial in the commons prince leoftanpl annuity was brought before tbe house by mr kobiusori who moved for a return of the sum paid out of it into the exchequer it appears from the discussion that tlie princes debts on his departure from bel gium amounted to xj000 which had been gradu ally paying oil and that the expenses of claremout and marlborough house are ti juhi a year the motion was agreed to london feb 12 some sensation was produced yesterday throughout maiylebone by several sei zures being made on householder for arrears of house and window taxes a large body of police were stationed in the neiihborhood to suppress any tumult and prevent hindrance or obstruction to the sheriff officers in making lite levies the first sei zure was upon the proprietor of tbe king and ciueen publicbouse comer of dukestreet and oxford- street who immediately paid the demand this example was followed in all instances where a dis traint was made the duke of wellington has been installed chan cellor of the university of oxford it is stated that he pronounced his laiiu addtesaiii a most excellent and impressive manner it was classical iii iyle anil in substance eloquent he alluded with much felicity tu the ihitisioii when oxford conferred on him the degree of doctor ol law ui company with kingston made an etperiineiital lrii rlown die st laurence tn tlie head uftl long saull fur llie purport vf trying howt boat built on ordinary principles aie capable wrwcmding the rapidi between the sault aoj preseult and succeeded a mer tcitu from nrtes taken on board die kimgskf hy a pavcnger bolh wtyt we are enabled to lay wufti ihe public j correct statement of het jorney she lefl this place on friday morn ing at eiht nllorrlt nrcriely andarmedai dickenion land- in al the head rrf lite iahij saull at a quarter btlirfe iwvm oebxrk in the evening her ftitualtlme of running to prcs- ppuff ndistine of 7 w miles na lie hours ami fiftyfive iniiniteh and from ihenee m the tult a dirtance of lliirty- eijjhl miles in two hours anl foitviwo mjnutvs more ntak- ing in all eipbl liour and lliirij evln miuutej ti periorm a dis tuner of i in mijv not htrhnhtuf miriasr a ftfiieh crek broekvihe muilland and bmmlk altlrmgu her peeu w mooth watir mcatrm twelve mile per hour and in rapid hlhf nearly fifteen jet all ihe daj tlv usnn or the kincloii was but half jp and the wood fettd tin w wofsl wf kmd noauetnpt bring made on the ftfl of the uwt tu do her bt- on the return up itmimbettl kiwi of wood was procured and the vewjel at tunc did hoc very lnwt she hsft the landing at half pam ix omo k in the mnrninp yf sainrdiy and arrived at prejcott about one elok in the llwltutiu without die rfmlmm difhculty or hindnne evepl ont nflbtmii hair an iiouts fluulion when in eousiuneive of having jol iulu the wron- channel it die fijt of the uollop hc wltf obliged to fallback ftotncdntaiice to nain the right one this de tention being taken into account the kingston performed her journey up lopmoott in rather more ihanrix hours and prov- j ed to a demon ration that any wwerfuleiigined stearn uoal nt drawing mote than five feet water can ascend these formi dable rapid at present the successful boat received ihe rnngratulation of a numerous body of ipmcthonr mid aflrr onie delay paused over i ogdeiidtiorgh wliereshc vroj also received with aecla nation and thence to brokvdli where she frm again con- gratulated and returned to kingston between eleven and twelve t night that such boats ms lite brockviuc and iroauois built ex pressly tor the route should be able to perform the journey we have recorded is nothing remarkable theditfiiuliy consists in taking i boat built for deeper waters and makin- her do with comparative ease what the other boats performed with tome ditficully the waters of the st lawrence are said to i be lower al th present time than for many juemcding years at ihe same priid of the year we perceive in ihe aftiterre an account of die proceedings of a public toteting of the citizens and inhabitants of the city and rounty of montreal convened by puhln notice and held in that town on wednesday 1 1 t to take into consideration the pro ceedings of the last seision of parliament and uie general state nf the province t peltier r tlminnan seven resolutions were pasd exprsive if the confidence the meeting reponed in the enniies and exertions of ihe ina jority of the present houa of artnhly alsi in approbation of uie 92 resolutions and the nclifinns tonnded thoreon and expressive of ihe determination to mipport m papinoau lesshoand vatohinllhe next vhvtioti- vi lory pwispeak dtho -n- lueetin a a muorable ciilure althtuigh wo have repeatcdlv po n llv puhtie to understand tliat we shall publuh noletnf- ulllov ihey are accompanied with the name and address of the writer ycl no day passes over our head without uur receiving eomnuitiii ations desigmxl for publication without iho n sry authriitii since fri day we have permed no less anuurttcf than nine four of whom we arknowlotrge in another phov ami one in prrtkuto iipnrd n vanatlraa frn adolphusiowii hem in dtrtrtei of mr cartwrighl in reply iodic kvjltra hlblwtwttof ahtally sorry toomil on thesiorcof rinr pliv hut we mv no nanon when we retiiso thi leltrrs of mil tririnl hy sforwi dial we shoom admit llm prvdurliihimif nr piditieil hv lct a gm nahum iid lis name io im ti otifnhni hi h iter will theu bt piihlislieil mid wc plelgr onr word ihn hi acetliorm will hr promptly answered b tlu fittmtt

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