British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 15, 1834, p. 3

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jted but ntttvfcii 1v1i very peiittuhk nij lmiu lor mil bijinwwi lil irii uni imi iks i in imiht- fail viive way support mr hy uhme in trtlcr i lmilii lie aflltrnetl ii the mihilits iltlm kis nul wife ward vr a eardrt upt in ilt nmmuuii innockforihcrilili ai d the proposal but m refused his oriit ii ii steam knhtj itowki il diogbctwceii ihw ilmv hih ilw lu sault ort friday itut ill of the long 8uilt hihi lrk ul the boat is to several otlk hay ul operation the umi hnnm iu day last to coiikiicimv rnmiin ween toronto id i iiuitiio urphv prnomnl alt alt 3inlloch sccnu- iiii a mv hull t tum cess case v i peapnt run- uf the filjt iw ol tine kiit- umuiic liri to tli- head lie wits tiuiiely huc- imw hstvnded villi liiwr boats are in i iyusvoiton mon- fin- ilu eason be- mj iicvotd iiifvorofitioalinuiin thai bill which puitnittul full oiio thiri of rhi persons present lo vole inr mcinlier of iarliaincitf was it because lit reistii tin phhmiis nt lha lsvcrlastinp salary hill i a bill hat gave l70tf picrniraum 10 the chief iusrar not lbrthckinirs i ill but lu- ivir wiw it bccave he aiways sup- wiud rmruicljinrrit and t 1w0 lopped oil ihiry of the attorney generam wai liecau the british wbjxh iints lv n i iv uiijittcit fct vmrctptfftfw jieh to rourr tluw ufojf erivi olr vm 1 biil ppwlit hlhw rti 1 1 1 psniratlis wliic avc imvsi c miiij kl ml the ciunmiyinivip ll m it pbvtt tiwl unilitiv aws hw r invjw if pm which lwt- lifer u ill icti i rh v ikirjail- huivin ofiiic writer lrrid iv tv jw poellstf alttllctt1ll1ttlicilitt4 ilt f u t aiitcconnbirilcmlijrrii tfir 1- t il itilii i many ofiuryulmritnt5 btttalit hi llnir imi- fiir thrrc moiilh we rcuc ijicsc vmlhrlllcn u umjcrmuikl vc rrctfivr no suuscriiio itr fjun i mouihr agrclaltly 10 the iuticc in iui uidijjg twlvcr- ifian wimld bn njreeable wi xhall muviflvohr to iil iw conoiw ud nmsibe in ileitlm with hint vc c-m- not avoid jjrtliuiiil that this rather uotorinus ueu- ihmon who is evidently iifflirtcd ailll the prcvttiliii iholaily crttncthrs fcnivafli a ciititiunv ritriiir inlet pjwr wiirautid pulifica diinn wliieh un- furtnuutcly fr his ijicrory lame he has hithcrio coittiiiuhlly cune oft hucuiiu 105 and fttrseltitp ili old adage that he who plays at uwla must expeet i kvi to wuivx wiih rowew has bitely taken unai nlvnice vitt nt us for lhing tl vrliirle ofome late severe ehas- i meindtil and su knowing iobcternviiitd to avenge hiamwhap inttuwiil u u n mertiaj nnmd wlih copitv ofiiuiha itbiic wliyh llm rlvitl pre n this tounhishoro out anwttis with i nn impartial datillcf sherr he uxpredcjuriiiiiinoii o ovcnlirmv wir nnntl iiirt itannkbla men and woiim nevw do wtwisr but eneexvitlhhi propound hu tail up and destroy the i he knew tint tl were msre pommon idoiiand as hnhsk haiffrwilmidhnmcl atlnmie are iwu s liable to error- as to llkr bring honorable ly jihtnisinl in ibiin coikrlaoj by the violence ofhia i nwn be was an honorable maib thev were bonora pmwmilniktismiiiisj au mnikind now was composed during the meeting uut ii jin cumeron fancied i of lionorab mnl he snnkd hout the algerine himwlfrifwimcient imimriance in dieiatjto a cotmjact nd stated that every thind hteh mr bidwell 7 in which he is seacaly kntiwn iiic unequivocal j or him elf could do to preveitl that infamous bill fvom emmiug wits d nc bat ti l ptirptwe the bilf se he tipunitft the exorbitant grants to the wclland i thai ihivnr satisfied ilevartr of the peoples y wh it because he h endeavoured to get rlirir romfc bt better condition i wit because he visivl to se tde inrieft of tin country summotied cam ui in might be told 3i kingston tuesday alottxsxq jwil15 wf have new from ttibitl milojt m irri by e iniit of lhlf nornin bin tin irnplli ttf tiw ptucihting in irttavu prevents us ran diorcthiihiitkiu thiwiu marks of the kopes dimpprobuliun tiliicb were so freely bestowed have by tilts tunc convinced bull o his error lint to return to his speech th so per- q who wcru prst l whether fr or aitiiint jur cartwriihti have nodeira to see rworded it print rulmt 1r cameron said on this occston wise parnona who were not atihe meeting and who know mmtfnamunfl nothing ofllim vill lose llolhills by the ortlitfsiom ol u uau the his orations while those who have bad ths gteumre of wuneshtgih former ixhibirion can very iva- dily imagine all he did say and will therefore easi ly excuse s it must however be recorded lha vr cameron was the only person on the ground who spoke in favor ol li unitwrfghl or li prech- sionsi and his remarks were so puktf and so much fj tkepurposs that it remaiis a huot point to be set tled whether the advocate was the more honored by such a cause or the cause the more honored by such an advocate mr cart right next en me forward he said he was glad to have an opportunity of rebutting some statements which had been industriously and secret ly circulated to his prejudice these statements important county meeting our duty called us to ullertd die great political neetingheld on saturday lass of the electors of le- iox and addington midway between bvulicks and jordaniers i awrn ah the urk road in recor- ling the splendid triumph which the honest loyal nd independent yeomanry of these counties uchie- ed over the tirvcasiabijuiiutheuiudseye facl each of the above topics he sa was passed in spite of the evnest reasoning and almost entreaties of the minority- was it then he cauvh had tried hij utmost pi prevent such a fla- runt i datdi of the coastituini that they wanted to dismiss him or his worthy colleague was it because hhid opposed thr deriving of the school fund or2jxj3 acres of tlu ml land in the pro vince to btowit upou kiiv college a col lew that would not permit any of their sons in be educated therein unless thev subscribed to the30 ar ticles of the jlmrehofeuglniub with respect in edty explained that the tory tiriy in the hoje had ilways been against addressing the king for the al teration in the law was it dterefore because he had supported their interest as furmers tltal they wanted to dismiss him was it because he had supported thei rights asovctors where he saw them violated in the expulsion and re expulsion ol mr mckcittie that they wished tocxpcl him from his representation of them ma porrv then adveitcd to the election of mr d thai no g subjects- the a ferine act thcclerj persons disappinvud more at times of mr mc- g reserves the ivethodists and he u lv rights i keiuies occasional violence that mr hidwell and he entered at length into separate defences upon himself but thev boh had supported him on prinei- tlia free ta1e vith the united sares he very point- caitimnyciiwuyanirrciousaflinaipfopamriojiin3i iiimtic i i ottject cor which the letter or air laihcr or hath wiht lately copied into the carantffa wiuioot commem ntul i putxicj mott people at the liuir hui been ffahy developed in the lum imprcwinn of utai piper il appear to have been itifcitetl for the cprc purpwe of cnubllng aome pergonal enemy to mr lwhrf umler pretence or re plying to its content to avnil the latter gmtlemnn in hu pnvntc capa- clty we allude to the teller signed prinet edtcord a production as remarkable for its impotence as foe iia impudence nni cnorunc if any erson fell disponed to lukc up the cudgrta in defence of mr wer- den whom mr lather very properly designated by ihs dame or n udcfcs tool couu riin im hnvc done so without mtorking mr lather in lils private characier mr vcrden0 public action ore public pro perly nnj u iscompetem fir nny mnn to deliver nta opinion of theoi whoul having the former or present ttlc ofhia finances thrown up io his teeth t if mr werdcn afirr n seris of parliamentary dotic uiiuks proper to retire from public hfi be cannot expect to b exonerated irom the ill cwsotpfira of hi public actions he should remember tle nofui toying tjie evil men lo live ouvr them tte jnod in oft interred with their booes on j if his friends cannot defend liirn without attacking the privute charoctir of his opponents tbey had better hold their peace fbr he will gain nothing by their klndncs one word to the ckrtmtiu thuijoiinril his always plumed itfelf upon the avoidance of privite r in h poge and has presumed to object to the inter of a farmer on that score how we defy the editor to potnt ofll ns much seairlul in the whole of the tetters written to and of mr ciirtwright as isrontiincd in theringle publicaiioa we hove mentioned and thnt toa aqenilnun fully mr cartwright oqnl in every sense of the wnrl we believe that fcw persons perused the uncalledfor und nbiimvc pctfthml obserations conceinln- the editor of the chtanmt ruuutw lust week n a eonieinpiil le print in lm lown without feeling all thrir ynipnthw excited in lelmlf of the calumniated individual bat we appeal to the laltcrs common sene whether he eon expect any sucn ibeltnj la hi fivor to continue when the putdehod that he hh purposely gone out of fatt political trrcw ly pewishin 0 leiter for no other purpase than enabling ome enemy to mr i ii r to circulate jtotmce free grants of land of 50 ncreo each will be given 10 actual settlers in mostofthe new townships in the province application to be madeatihisofficc kmgston april 1 1th 1s3i we mijht say n fivv w rjs conccrnin ilic arfmiision ofanoihcr lcicr nniittt mirsiic li we uustiin vc imvr loo oflin intlulgnl in personal rcflciriioi noi howntr llc wvg upon 08 gnilcmau whom vc arc now schoolin- lo complain willi a 500j rrte insisted in the propagation of certain opinions on f irkrie n mnyor of torn ito i13 the following d nicft whiu nt ntnl e extreme f r in dftv ts lovely in timlli luuntli of may it licl ill ts lu heiii ol tlit- miu liicl litaru csricil j the wetness thefffouild ciitilj itv illu rviihis rains and tlie itnense niuliiuitlif cir utjer cmihiiu were able dispose nrilieiiisclvcs rulty cosnairtulily on the d jlldjfitu ui lllti liuinlj l ju lur ujuhiiigol tilt ctiness ot ihuo indrihnls u 1 1 many divisions ttjsuvrii iblt lerubttuwururv ivluaiiu whui f we shjitm say unit from wxi 10 itf flit- in consequence ol mcoiniastl the dillcrcni larrics fe whiffy the nwtf y tuiiulu tt-ui- 3 e lieiuhtxi the cld years of igel ntl ti witliiii u 1113 v mill laji ufi hi 1 i j w mhiii i 111 1 1 tusiciihcun- vmt the perdoiiq u w suleol lbituly though illltnueil von 1 christian guardian abandoning its lute political course and believed it was now doing an immensi ty of good in the country he said the english con ference lias disapproved of the course it iiad pur sued upon the subject of the clersy reserves lie spoke er for him to smkc hands with a man in- whom he voted and was in warm in his tokens iif friendship with the other gentlemen he replied that he could shake hands any day with dr blntklock but it was only on be hustings that he could come in contact with his mind at full he declared ilint it would be asjsuch fin ffiulemcii as the otter candidates much an act of robbery to deprive the church off uk j vrv then spoke at nme length concerning england of their lands and give them to the im- the u e rights and reproached the chairman for movement of roads c as it would be to take l j having calumniated him bv the accusation of job- faick farm from him and sell it before bisdooi i bin in these lands this observation o mr ivr- he should always whether in or out of parliament i rysjavc rist to a longand ttdious dispute between the chairffinnand mr p win throw back the impu tation if bavttic dealt itnfairv nnd stated that the tnkin itit credit to himself for having been main- ehainitsni m raid hat he iad found a binrsnesi support the inherent rights of the church to then iiids upon the u e kiuhts he was very prolix ly instrumental towards effecting the alteration injfo richmond but would not let anv one know of it the orders in council concerning the sale and loca- imt had taken the eggs on htmselc mr- mo tion of the lands granted to the ue rpherani then explained lh said he had merely be th m entered upon the ftubiect of the free trade donesnrir s tf lenient iltilirs half of thelmds to the i 1 i h ml ivor ol ltal r d rrn i th t fwrf at ail in luivmc rtntn candidate from onvl wirtv jmi 1 imtii emeu fmai imleve il t pro- uk and a lew leciiiimduiy but had not the candor to ucknowhuli ciors yuuthsover twcul that th- provincial parliament had no power to muk on the part cj i he lories wen- tmy alteration in the law a that remained with ibt ihmiuliiec holders uf ike seek- 1 impciial lrliatncnt nor did he say that his friend inditmanf appealed 10 tilt iif iwiiif iuh- a hirti munber kindlon huh iifiuee tlul- ii u auid sprinkling of inr- tjitih r with a very etl by messi bidwell and perry had bcii thrown awiy hnitrinc got mr j eilson lo move a reso- out tf the bouse he wen out of his road in saying itlttotl that all persons who of the general ihat as mr bidwcll bail more real business than he conduct of the chairman slidm signify tlie rame i i could well attend te it would be partly serving bin l the usual manner and thi bow of bands being siiv ineihsiied mr hnffttroian iml always bee an advoi i until trade and in conwuucoce ol rnvr hie t imirntnn of partiality ie ineetingto uomriutc one utd ihechainnm feeling heetingj who by a show ii for the l of hawa ileelnej then ounin thai he bad mifattv litk oipositinu prd hs ilnw mr meplier w to qmr aid that when he ex j pte mein that the people had been insulted in his ion we are at a hiss ilir wurds to express ourselves j pressed bis opinion in favor of the summ ry punish- oprgon he was clad thai lie hd been elected j i original or adequate language the ordinary terms glial defeat of the lories glorious victory of the re- krmers important triumph of the people are all too a bntmon nlarn tajiijt mtrininm- rmavlhat to- f yism in ihese enhghuiitml cunties itas received its r eath wound to iy that the wveiiliemled hydra f corruption lies crushed under ihu feet of reform 0 bwever forcible such expressions may sound they e still unequal tu tlie lak uf describing the truly i yect state of the umr party ami the exalted posi- r on of the other ulliee it ilien the enemies to eir countrys good wira routed horse ami foot bag tld baggage by so large and so respectable a majo- p ty of the honest uid indepmmleiii freeholders that is considered as extremely doubtfal whether they lili have the hardibootl lo bring forward their man l the election we anived on tlie ground early and found the 4 taverns already occupied by the contending par- s not a torv was to be seen at fralieks nor an ment bill be had an idea that the bill would he very mavor of the first town in the province beetilsd it different from what it has turned out to he still bow- 1 would have a mighty influoncc on the minds of the ever he thought the bill would do a great deal of government at home who had been misled by into ffind and htpd the nemdi to roepllr that it wm v imtividii with ird to the estimation in mlif lor four years irteamng thereby that u would i which mft mekenzie is hel bv the people of up- be a mere trilling matter the many acts of wanton j p canada speaking of tfce promises and mam- oppression which might be perpetrated during so f ofirotkl will displaced on the hustings bv tkort a period he denied having spoken ill of thei candidates for the peoples hror mr perrv related inethodists as a wv although be confcssctl having the following anttiote u an election for the made use of sonic expressions which he allowed were count v nf in which messrs mclean van- very hard and might have been omitted be read kotlghnett and blasklock wwe candidates an old extracts of letters upon the subject and denied ha- f cam- up to the poll he shook hands verv ving used certain words imputed to him at a mceti warmly with the first two ceittcmen but refused to f merrills he said he was happy to seethe notice dr ulacklock but afrtrwards votedaplump- when asked tin reason why he refused a picc orimpcrliirfn tinilcr the tfmpc otiin mlvcrttfcrocnl to to brsuiioicir tvoofthc utc vmg plpsta it mij itc rccollocttj ihiit an arkticfaueal fvullcal lnio oriiijh lorir nrulcrthc style and title of a united script cv wttsaisdh hit cr cm toronto ami 9 the ekctioos arrrmm nn dhapbtfll dmuisl ilvtiitite to unimon tlir rrcs and fix upon camttbki f r which pdtpom general mcctin it cjuw nvw blmrn ite wxmct in whub qd mefdus i ouw iiitf ailozrnofttirptrotnftoiy ppfwotcdftltml to vavn the atuvntasc- mcnl llircc lime to ih clwre inn all the wtl of tlr provincial pk arereiuctciltncorir ttuw rratuitouly nfcoaiw forgencrnl in irtbov iw ri fiirjlc 5pnrk ofindcpenjcnt feeling in the heart ofmty provincihslitor whether wlitg or tnrj- we trust he will notice thidhi40iwtttccrve kngnon tins mriilly hcvu enlivcnnl by ttc pitscnw of a troop of rinptfiin vailttim itl rnpr ilnnrer tmil lurtpinc by their pcrfti- pmuic ofinsi evitiinj we rinnld iy ihrtlhtlf ffttwrhiufj putkilc m nr antiy no menu etnitrmplumc lnr oflbc propriftor a mr sweet whether us light mp career or let fu more ordinary cupactty of hotfic rioter omtifonuy iwoatrflftj a fflj numerous nnl respectable nulience hy ihemiec and ugiliiy with whieti he executl wjiuc extremely diftv r ii evolutions nnj wos deservedly applauded a yogn lad named wiunoi howrd great promise of luaiuini crjueal pfofcirtiey in hi r i and rather troublesome tine dtbltttmfsi the ren ofihc company eftd ihcmselve to ilkwmom and tc vbhorf wrarae ma wit- paa4a8 wb hours of tirin1 am memento tlte coirprny play again twcvininsanjevciy night during the week at the inn yard of mr carroll the adcocate ofthc ltii twi eomnins a notice from mr mcklozeo diclaimlns in futire the editorship orhpaper skbbl at nimmalpmdic uihlwicw ibn- llamitoomr in this wwii early on mornli3 very ntlienly mr livery wklla- ftfcf iir nmert inhamtanw oftlte town dd f ira- rut 1 hi years oitl jt was hcui rs irivii n e number ulbuvs nl i upwards- in faet ever itiducemi ral fi pw0iiw to slreud this msutiug and bold uji iir imndd tor cartwrkiu wtisryons were hired in ydunond and elrtew here tj bring auy individuals die cround who would come und eery rttvmp ihe address of the assembly to tin kiiisr tu elfeci the rit iii lint tlta whiiw whig that the mectinp nnut alfi hi tlie ittw whirh hud been support would lur hmkcu up mid tk lories might then gi lie thrown nwiv brutrjinff qot mi not to reelect him and us it would be n matter itupnihiliiy dr mr ciutwricbt to conclude oi uv una pen immtsi vj chairman r sumed his sear ir- iien continued hisus ut ffe no1 uiiidti co obuiii ti iiinjortty on tiu ground in ur- uddref whhotit bragging of hts property hu ended i lime further to follow hittf pc nearly two thai mr 0 might commence his cauvuss after u by savins that he lutd a frdut interest in tliesv hours and delivvnd a very a speech to which jinphant nomination uk ulus all their hopes i ti asgrcatparlmpftasanyman in tbcmaud should we regrei having done so liri justice 1 wtehes were doomed to be frustrated ior not on therefore study their interest and prosperity in an divmoi wan then mi anf although the zle namlultoii in favor in mr carlw right would earlier part of his discourse be said be had a large amendment was negatived 1 a niaoriy of more meeting kiw to be carrn d an olticiul cop the proceedings will be ublmicd j soon as we fnon a majority ol likl strong party in his favor and bade bis friends than on third siill the chai could not perceive keep up their hearts and not be discouraged fur tile it uii the meeting divided twopanics when af- im urn the secretary in the meanwhile we issue for so sure as his health was spared him go itr n great deal of hesitation he at length decided fair an account of ilw speakers and their ire would he beat the 101 mr terry being loud- he a men dm cut xo he last eches asa faidlul aenor asiiled hy notes will ly called then came forward he commenced by l xot sisu with ibis qiwtion tlie lories ihc w paying tliat the rccommvitdattoii of the cbnirinamniovtl that mr ivnv nam he struck onto ibout twelve oclock by mutual conjih the two lies nmstitvd their orvesund mmed towards the tme ladies and gentlemen of kingston and its vicinity are invt respecfnily inform mi that the circus will b open i for a lew evening tuesday apbui 15 183ft the pcrjorniance to conunaiica with grand en tree of beautiful hors s elegantly caprisona afthr which sports of tjf ri0 or the clows s dkligiit by the whole comply clown mr davis riding master mb jackson the celebrated policy selim will be introduced and perform the pari of a domestic ftlich as fetch iutr carrvlna rc he will coududeby unbuckling hid tautntf offw saddle w the word nonuunand cordis fxastique bv mil sv1kt wlm will cu lliroiwh iimmv irnry itniimniitf fi in the course of winch lie will throw baekwnrhsmid forward soinerstms and uliirm ou ihcbope oer ribbands suspiudd 12 feet from tht j round and throw a haceward somerset over them also he will it in u chair pltcvd upon the rope with perfect onoonroi and aftervrfirja hand upon it to con clude with throwing a lofty backward somerset from the hope einririan eitrch by master frauds tilmat without saditfo or hridfr irlio wit qo through a ca ricttf of mrfurmanca not surpassed by any youth of his ace still vaulting dy the whole company comlt stwu u mlt jalkson dii br them to choose one candidate irom each party cartwrisutvi stitstituied uirl tliesamereaith the would not be exhibiting any bin like ihit firmness original resolution was then r arl carried triumph- t in of action the hustings and it being an ud- tor which he appeared to give dtcin so much credit ncd mecunu the same chairman air- jwcpher lor on the contrary such a compromise o principle in oar opiaiftn full two oir but we yielded ti f and the same tiecretarj lfr delur were rcj would be a disgrace to them for ever and be for one judgment of oriiere whosaichbal three to two 11 oritv ui ii several ocasois was dad to the clowu at ol uorkomtmukii by 3ih davii coitdk volantk hv mr jackson horsemanship by mr g sweet who rdtl go 1 through rnuuy phasing fcci flshttf which hi trill hzau octr 6 separate oakters through a balloon and ortr a piece of pakvam wjet aide f to conclude by throwing a f backward somerset fraa hisficrc tlll whole sted to take their seats which they did and the person would never consent to be in any way con- firman opened the business of the day by adj netted with if jsinff the meeting- hi conmicnced by express- a person h his pleasure in beholding so numerous and re- table an assemblage ofthc electors ui lenox and tiilgtoll whom he hoped woulu be firm id the ortant duty they were ib in o exercise as the geared to tin et ii jrojd humor so he hoped tlie lid part and ihu very best way to do so would a nominate one catiditlale from each party with vh recommerdatni he cuticuidutl jlr a virmkcl ihtn iiiroke had lately addressed them alluding to mr cameron who was a stranger to most ol them kild but barely known to himself who amonj other matters had told them that it was mt lor tin lenrn- ed or the cxalied to speak on thaw occasions but for the modest and unassuming to come forward and in presenting himself lo their notice had given them a precious sample of jxadty and unaiutuug mcil he then adverted to mn cavtwrhrht rea- be nrurcrlhe truth mr- cartwriehi then oami forward and light aid that i it he i uintid out the ilitaof thv vit uu luaily ud forcilly he told tun iuivf imd way4 dmotlicir du- thc entire kittihcttun of the jtami intyority or i conrtilttru tn i thtvtf p4f as ho ihw no oc- ou to remove either of th ni to utexla room foi her who mih not serve th in so well he should e the followiq rtdmion that we highly approve of the parliament c0i1- of our present representatives messrs- bid- and perry that their pcrseveranic and assidu- or the good olthj province entitle them to the s of ibis ineeihi and that deprecating the idea ny clianee in our representation we hereby notn- e m sbidwlh tuid ivtrr iviry esqs to rcjv nt these countto at the next pnrlhiiiicnt h motion bcim seconded bv ir itiith v7r 15 u moved in amendment uial in the condu part ofthe reolutidn die name or 1l s bid- t bs struck out anil thai ofj j irtwri ght be l ijstcud which aiodmem i wing seconded jr ufmricfc he should still persist in hi tm ition to be their rep- reaeiltattvc and buffed lliefl not to promise their votes until the dav of electiw- mr k perry then nude bold to ask mr cart- wriltllt one question which is whether he did not make use of the following vords at a public meet ing in fronteiac in itarch 133 viz that the me- thodist prearhrs neither feared god nor man nor honored the kimrp upo 1r cnrtwrichi onirg in regard to the clergy reserves and pointed ut up and denied having mwe use of nny such c ut tlie nbsurdijy of saying th t their lands could not be nooropfiatcd to any other purpose by thi provincial sislattire- heivmarked that the oppres- siotl which the im pie received kich as the ishinent isill ec was tl itlvea in iiotscndinsrm jrtvsions jlfr john janu llien eaiue forward and jolemnly declared that be heard ilr cartwriljht n ke usj of the words nov quoted at the public merirg alluded to mr camoron iuadewmehaerratioiicoiicerning ie fault ofthc p o j iliin- he political conduct of the ritih whig which hi- tfsmj lie p r received aftc everlasting salary bill ihe summary harlequin simpkin li man ghost fo conciude with the iiaiiluqiin eantomlnk- mr jackson mr davis mn j sweet 0 swelt ms tl prrfiriiancc xo coiiiicn at hullpnm ffvcfl oclock tickets of ufubtetlm boxmattsi oj ruscuu 134 cumm onjcr 10 years ofagj liuitiincc iettickuts to ba had at the canal coflee mouseo n 13 comfortable seats will be erected for the ommodatiou of ladies acc no females i gentle man tdmittcd except accompanied with i 4 er epresenmtws4 o i avldticcd dr barker to bejj iniission of the chair- liumetlt he o erved ihul his going to prli muush nan he no beiuj a veehokur to addrethc meet was no benefit to him but rather an injury but ii iuir which he did in a verv fr words the people cboae to send him again be wpuid serve it was then m ved by nlr j neilson that thepro- them to the best of bis abiliiy if they were deter- tvdiis of this nieetittg be copied into the british killed to acrid hut one tf their old numjeiv he ho- whig 11 former and cyirvfftvfc the whig being d time m v iot us ihe iiddivs iiv in u- canicnj of lviug etiui liidwell esq would be ha man shicehia opportunities and abilities to serve them were greater than his own hu limited h3 his educa tion and means were he ieided to io man in lir heir welfare ondthu wisdom ofsolihmotl eotdd do no more- hot why he asked thm did they wlsi tu dismiss eiilur uf thorn what had they done ui merit such dhgrnec 1 was itbuaaclk hatl assicd in getting passed die utorriage uiil i that bill which lerniitted the mhiwtors of every relti i to cfwimte ainlalddt he mnrriwga rites and took uwuy i tiu tlie cletjtv a much luvge portion of the readers patience- 1 f one church an unjust monopoly was n because named first but the tries moved as an amendment that the chrcmivlc be named first which amendment xwswst mr l 1yalick was mowd into the chair nod ibauuswere voted to 3fessnc wcphcrson and det- ltiriul tlie niejtinr dispersid were we inclined we niht very materially swell ibis rather lengthy aecoutll with copious details ol luimir manors hut as we shall liave the ollictal ac count to publish shortly we shall add on that occa sion any thulfe which upon reflection wc think im portant enough to merit publicity infant school miss 1siiam respectfully begs leave to acquaint the parents ol her pupils and the public generally that the next term of her school commences on wednesday 16th int nt theaoie place kingston april hth is34 3 otic je to eliiot formerly in the employ of allan mcpherstiii ksc of napanee who is in possession of some laud iu the fifth concession of lluugerford m ix should this advertisement leach his eye and sbuum he wish to dispose the said iand he is re- miestcd to communicate with the subscriber dlllot was last beard of in toronto oscar f pool kruestuwn april 14th 1s31 the advocate is requested to give four insertions to the above mr wool dentist will stay a lew days in kingston at the commercial hotel where be will attend to calls at all hours of the day kingston april i4th ism ash7e3 lillkad vml coals coffee coffer fish brl brl nonxkkal wiolualj aprti 8th 1834 pot lstsope cwl penrl pilot cwt newfoundland crackers lb tallow sperm newcastle chaldron liverpool scotch jamaica lb inferior bolts sheet cordage rnia cwt- canadian cod rjrycwt- herringtf no 1 no 2 smoked box hackarel no 3 salmon pickled brl american super 1 lbi canadian do fine middling pollard rye flour indian meal per 168 lbs- oat meal cwi ajmniii sott shell lb- 1 1 t n 1 1 zante i figs nuts barcelona prunes french per lb uftbtai muscatel box bloum malaga lb- cask bottles beer gross wine window 74 x 8ft 100 feet- 7x9 8 x 10 barley bushel corn indian oats pease boiling rye wheat u can fjucfeb ti 0 0 22 17 0 0 2 25 22 22 1 1 1 1 36 35 12 0 12 4 20 0 d a 0i 22 0a2u 6n25 ga 0 ii a 0 71 a 0 v fnuir glass graix and seed nr co lbs mixed red lb i 1 lead l c minot- gcspowder canislcr f 100 lbi i f f 100 lbs f f v 100 lb bar english ton russian p s suvdkivvvv hoop pig builcr 1iatcs sheet iron potash coolers kettles pols belly iirn atd cover jig sheet leather calf canada ult lb- sole- upper side molasses w l bort gal itifuritjr nails cutjcummon cwi annealed wmydit gd m ua 2dd spikes cut i jrencc 30flj live gallun linseed bulled single raw cod seal whale blaik kg spattuh brown blue fine lb green yellow white paint keg lead dry white cwt ltedlrvcwt portek loudon bel doz pkovi i- s cbmh am lb english beef mora brl prime mess prime cargo butter salt lb llnim am lard i 0 0 0 0 22 o 19 11 o 0 0 0 0 15 9 0 30 30 30 0 32 3 3 1 4 0 0 5 5 4 1 75 85 95 11 22 7 c wis 17 15 17 16 18 18 21 22 4 0 5 2 3 2 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 oil pi int oa 37 6a25 6a25 la 0 ok 0 6a 0 2a 1 oa 0 oa 0 6 a 17 0a22 6a 14 6a 6 0a22 0a55 0a27 0a28 0a27 oa 0 0a22 oa 0 il i 20 oa 12 j 4a 4j a oa oa 17 6 a 10 31a 0 0 j 32 0a35 0a 0 0a30 6a35 9a 4 6a 8a 6a oa oa 3a 1 a oa 6a 0a80 0a90 oaloo oa 12 10 a 26 15 017 0a 7 6a 0 iii h 6a20 0 a 17 6a20 0a2o 0a22 6a 0 6a 5 10 a 1 0al5 10a 3 8a 0 6a25 0a 0 4a 3 0a 4 0a 7 6a25 0a32 6a 4 0a 9a 6a 9a 6a 0a 6a 11a 0 9a 1 9a 8 6 a 10 0a34 0a22 3 u 5a 0 9a 1 0a5l 0a42 d 0 0 0 0 4 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 22 28 2 4 7 22 30 4 4 3 2 2 2 6 5 0 0 6 7 32 20 8 0 0 50 40 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 10 4 0 0 g 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 8 0 n 0 9 0 6 10 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 9 0 6 8 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 0 0 6 3 6 0 3 6 4 purk m 1 riiut barrel mett cwi aw shot doaf gal 1 a 2 9tekl lugah punic cargo rice suuih car liverpool builwl- lisbon ljlcni cwi engloh common lb muntrtal poppor iimcuto v i liranjy bunleaux cophh gin hoiijikis montreal rum dcmorira jamaica wliukuy scotch mofltrea englah bjialur lb cat ll uojpjl crawky barbadocs cmt jamaica trinidad bengal white mauritius brown brazil refilled glasgow single oridks m i doz tallow american lb russian y c teas twankay lb bulwa myson hyson skin younilygon tis plate c box 225- i x i x x tobacco uaf v c lb l s plug u c tobacco pipes tdp box vistcarbourdeaux gal english chainpaignc doz claret ilhd fayal cargo pipe lisbon malaga 87 65 56 51 1 1 22 0 4 s 4 3 3 0 6 3 0a27 8a 0 5a 0 54 a 0 tia 0 0a67 3a57 3 a 52 0a23 6a 10 a 6a 3a 3ja 6ft a 7a 9a 0a 6a 6a 4a 6a 6a 4 a 11 a 8a 40 oa 6 30 2 1 4 2 4 45 55 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 4 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 12 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 36 0 wises 21 1 1 60 8 7a 6j a 9 11 a 4a 4 10 a 2 3a 4 0a47 6 a 57 6a65 0 0 7a 0 5ia 0 3a22 9i 2 81 0 6i u 6 6 s 0 3 7 7 c 9 u 8 6 0 9 0 0 u 6 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 7 i 8 0 0 0 0 q madeira port spanish good common sicilian tenerirte ca sherry win red s- mory 90 12 0 0 0 a oaso 0a60 oalo oalo oa 0al7 15 to 30 2 101 2 u 1 4 0 6 6 0 d i 5 6 0 0 40 35 8 0 16 10 0 o 0 0 0 6 0 0 exchange at 60 days bank do do private do 30 days gov 4s at new york on london draft on newyork 3daya gold sovereign montreal bank shares city do 3d 4 per ceol stg per dollar j a 2 per cent disci 3 per ccot ws m

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