British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 25, 1834, p. 1

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bri ig f published semmveekly opiperper ob by e j barker m d toiiujbk 1 kixg8tow u c friday apbil 2 1831 wo 93 the british whig i semi- weekly journal devoted to commercial and pjflfld iiifunnalion s published every tursday and friday cings by doctor ifarker editor find proprietor at his of- in llcar street next ilouf ii tin cuimmrcinl hotel for country circulation onlytuc uk1t1sh whig is rished every tuesday etlumioun ill a weekly form and wul found to coiitttn ihe difart mportjiit niatiorof the semi- redely paper tzrhs for the semi- weekly paper oc pound per annum paid in advance or within tlircc moouu from tho receipt of k firsl number and one putiud five shilling if collected at fc end of tho year exclusive of potfase tor the country pper twelve shillings and sixpence per tnum if paid in advance or within three months from the sof the first number and fiflccn shillings if collected at of the year exclusive of pustule panics of individual who reside in the country and 3o may prefer lo send to the office for their papers may have ijiem supplied at ten s f6 hill ii per copy per annum prompt i fur less than m months and no omhscriphon receive e per dbiconniiued until all aireurajearc paid up except at s option of the publisher firtbtrtficmcnts- six linitfainl uiideris id lira t insertion wl7d eah auhscaueht insertion- ten lines and under 35 krt insertion and 10d each subsequent insertion above lo linea 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per line w every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direction are inserted till orbit and charged accordingly orders fur discontinuing tdvcrtmemenltlobc in ivriiins frodocc of every kind rceeived in payment letter taken in cxwpt from agents unless post 1834 lake ontario the steam boat united states propelled by two powerful lowpressure engines capf j r van dewati2r having had her cabins and accommodations for ftrtsfengcrs enlaced and improved will start from ogdensburgli on her regular trips fur the season on the 13tli of april next the proprietors deter mined that nothing shall be wanting to promore the comfort and convenience of passengers have omit ted appointing agents authorized to contract for freight although they will be desirous of carrying it whenever they can do o consistently with a due regard lo the accommodation of passengers going up will leave ogden she jbetter press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior pres u an excellciuassortment of job tvm is enabled to execute wry description of job printing with neatoetsmnd co upon terms hitherto unprcccdcntly low in upper ptfdilion guida the cv and elcgaut low pressure steam boat a u tf wcijtg stoat 1 captain iviw 1 50 horse powkb and 2im tons burthen for speed and safety inequalled from jjvrstott to sinqston airti tfte weafc of the ba y of quijvte going umviid will leave prcstou and ogdcnsburgh on mon day and thursdav evenings after the arrival of the silmiii bruits from below will touch til brockville frenrb creek and arrive at kingston ncxtwonmig will leave kingston fur tha lioad of the bay on tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock will touch at hath fi edericktfbuigli adolphustown hallowcll culbertsona bophiasburgh belleville river trent and arrive at the carrying place same evening going downwards- will leave the carrviit placre about 4 cclook af ter the arrival of the western stages on wednes day and saturday mornings will touch at the above mentioned intermediate places aifd arrive at kingston eme afteniuon will leave kingston on w dncsdny awd satur- sjiv f n niigs ai 7oclork will touch at french creek and broekville and arrive at prescoti thesamettight gotid stages leave the carrying placeafter the arrival of the boafe for cobuuig port hopeattd city of tortuito making it a delightful route by water and land for those who wuh to see this interesting country 7 every atteuucm will be paid to the comfort of passengers and the boat in well adapted to take freielii burses cattle e agents at prescott messrs crane hooker co she it th burgh on sunday at 5 oclock p m- kingston u c monday 6 a m- sackets harbor monday 12 m oswego 10 pm rochester landing tuesday 8 a m toronto yor u- c9p m arriving at lewiston early on wednesday morning gi passcn- ffers all the day lo visit the falls and return by the boat treal en saturday visiting on the route rochester oswego sackcte harbor kingston brnckvilleand ogdetsburgh passing that most interesting part o the scenery on the river st lawrence from the lake to oifdensburgh by dav light march 24th 1s34 coming down will leave lewiston every wednesday at 3 oclock p m- kochestcr landing thursday 8 a m oswego 5 p m- sackets harbor iip m kingston u c friday 7 a m touching at french creek alexandriabrock- vitleand monimown and arriving at ogdensburgh on friday evening ena bling pascngors having niagara on wednchday evening to arrive at mon- 4 xtrilfigdnhh athallowell at belleville at coboorg kingston apt k 44 if i me milton link co x x piwkjr- o buckus ij flint w wcllcr 163 notjce the water was this day let in the wetland canal which will be open for navigation through out as soon as a vessel can approach it from any port on lakes erie or ontario the ice lias been clear on luke erie above port colbom for some days john clark secy w c co weliand canal office- st catharines pril 8 1s34 paper in the different ports on lakes erie and ontario are requested to give this notice two inser tions ef bojvjvjbts s tusoawt stbaw fancy stjxtlxker bojvjyets wholesale or retail david williamson has just opened an extensive and fashionable assortment of bonnets of the above descrip tion to which he begs leave to call the attention of the ladies of kingston he also solicits the orders of merchants whom he engages to supply on liberal terms with auv quantity during the season m d w takes llie present opportunity of in forming his friends that he will in a few dts remove to brock street where he solicits a contin uance of their favors kingston ann ah ism forwarding i iy3j the r uleau and ottawa 6 uont fowaidiug company respectfully inform lc p lliat v will be ready at the opening of tle navigation to re ceive and transport passenffci goods wares and merchandize to and from montreal to kingston al the undermentioned rates cabin passciiirrs from montreal to kingston and from kingston to montrm and l emigrants taken at montrtii ad fuuld ll the route to kingston 12ft w- bowtag to each adult 50 lb bnggnce freight of guuds wares ald merchandize from montreal to kingston 3s ci cwt 2s 3d per bai rcl 3s 3d do 6s id do sid per hi ishei frcicht from kingston to ftlontreal as under flour pork a lies wheat payment of height will in all cases be exacted on delivery of the property guotla by this line will be t into huge barges which are decked all over and not disturbed until they arrive in kingston and being an inland ne gation and towed by steam boats insurance my be dispensed with with safety it is the intention of thi company that these barges laden with goods and passengers in montre al will deliver the same within four days at king ston robert drummond agent kingston e cush1ng agent nonirtat kingston april 12th 1s31 notic the public are hereby informed that subscriber will continue to hire out tile hearse usual on the following terms for a member of st geoiova church for a member of any oilier church who is not a subscriber horse and driver provided to labouring people he will also when required undertake the ageinent of funerals w p cook april 11th 1631 lb us 2s gd 5 5 0 2 6 man- lands in the 5th for sale faa aches of excellent ivv concession of the lownhip of kingston about five miles irom ihe town for particulars to uaud juhii smith esq in kingston or to ijiiy the subscriber kingston april 3d 1834 lewis day makble the undeusigiveu wouks begs leave lo inform the auction commission the undersiuxed hegs lenxo to inform bis vrithds and ilie public genevally that he lia coni- mctilcd the lsiims3 of auctioneer and commission merchant in all its viiiuus bruiicttetf a the old stand of the lure michael mumn in lving street- mrm luii and others loi warding their commands may depend upon the utmost punctuality and dis patch being used land horsed cattle and household furniture sold in town arid country cash advanced on gnatln james linton kingston aprilj li for sjle oflfftft lihts ok window sashes f which will be sole cheap for cash enquire of j m ro bison or kingston april 4 1s34 j sarjent for salb by the subscriber superfine flour bv the hbl beiitey ferry and tavern stand thomas bentley living taken the ferry and tavern stand formerly inown by the name ol wessells ferry bees leave to inform die puliic that he has engaged a canadian as ferryman i attend the ferry and to convey passengers to and from he steam boats and thumhe utmost atiemioi will in future be paid to this part of his business he has also made arrangements at the tavern for the accommodation of travellers where refresh ments may be obtained at ilu shortest notice and hopes by a strict attention to his business to ob tain a bhare of public patromge n b t b will also kp on hand a small sort men t of groceries i my goods sopbinsburgh april 10th 1331 10 s- aiuakce british and foreign life and fire assurance company of i on capital five hilmoxb sterlino the office of ibis company for kingston anil the midland prince edward and newcastle districts is held at the place of business of the sub scribers comer of kins anl brock streets where property will be insured aciinst fife as heretofore personal applications from tic country will be pre ferred olhvo hours from a si to 2 p m jambs macfablane co agento lv b stenm bnais asved kmcsion april i 1s1 ibscribcr do luty forb or persons trusting nr hirb xobl on my account i the il any person wife pulliaim prime mew lork butter v the quantity cheese do do do s r caldwell market place kinirston ivb till 134 i p v k oils lamp oil imm oil faints globe lan- le parker benson iuliubitaiita of kingssoii ami its vidnily llial he kefps on hand a itve ussoriinciu of makble chimney pieces tombs 4 mleetdstdtteit of all description liuihud ii the best mannrr he inisis from his long experience in die b ihiucss and from tho arrailgtinents he lias made lo receive a regular supply of different kinds of marble lo give satisfaction to those who may lax or him with their patronage all orders executed on the shortest notice john cullen qnarrysl kingston feb ih 1834 tf i the subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston that he hufl just opened for sale f splciulid assortment of the most modvni vliufied bojvnetsj consisting of tuscany dunstable and split straw ladies hiding hats and a case of chiuty make gents best beaver hats also gems black and white leghorns and a trunk of the newest pattern printed muslins n b country merchants may be supplied with straw and leghorn bonnets on the most rea sonable terms also on hand an excellent assortment of goods suitable to the approaching season kingston march 27th 1s34 wm wilson- the subscriber being about to close business in kingston re quests all those who are indebted to him to settle their accounts immediately otherwise ihey will be given into the hands of an attorney for collection and all those having claims against him will bring them forward for a settlement john mcleod kincston 21st march 1831 13 ernctfflwn april 7di rtoratio noble iiiformauuii to the ncoiiv 1 twenty pousms xtsvtmr will be paid to nnv tvrwin who will nc eucli or mose aughs shall leud vi ilic priiily with which he wia ciriustcd april 4 ls3i information wanted of moses wauuii pidler who left kingsio in jul lust luihe upper cuniry and io xas lun hcurdoritibraiiirord tin- dwirict any iiuixm huiig fcikiwhto olthe above will confer n obligation on llit undersigned by comnu- nicathis with him bv leitcr t a corl5etr kitisston ptjbt istll ill the press end will s be published- re marks on doctor strarliaii s pamphlet atnst tl catholic docutuo of the kal mm jjce ol body ah blood in tl elouarists by him to his congrelati- in york upper canad honourable john elmslvs publication ol ihe the sixth o and c christs tddresscd si james church occasioned bv ilu lake ontario t3ic splendid low pcurc nn bout great britain will during ihe season 1534 leave ihe flilterent piils as follows cumtiiuiicing on tuesday the 29th of april viz upwards prcvottt tuesday evening hrockvilie tuesday night kingston v wednesday noon oswego state ofvi y wednesday evening cohonrg thursday morning port hope- thursday morning toronto hue york friday morning- downward niagara on every saturday afternoon xt 4i toronto late york sunday morning port hope sunday cobuurg oswego s kingston monday noon biorkvilie monday evening all baggage and small parcels are considered at ihe risk of the owners unless given in charge to the purser on board the accommodations on hoard the great britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity nnd comfort l0 passengers tlkmifiovc wu will nwftit he arrival of the pas sengers that leave montreal on monday by the up ei canada tfcge lake ontario steam boat office prescott 1st april i33li 5 noon i sunday at 1 r riate of n y- monday morning m- fuk sale uy tji svftscrmri 100 boxes mndowgliw 7j8i7 10- 10 is raw linccd q 4s- 9j per gallon doulilc uniled linseed oil 5s per do best dry white lund 40s pcrcwt vcncttan rcdtspaaish brown red lead yellow ochre lump black spirit turpentine c c a comptctc us4tjincnt of painters brushes whiling 10i per cwt london putty 4d per 1b- bit quality while paints in keg of 28 lbs- uch thomas hardy upper end of stare strut kingston march 311 1634 16 100 for sale acres of very excellent land in the 4th concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved with a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the situation of the place isagrceable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage cat nthned to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer apply to a truax esn kingston or to the subscriber jos neilson erncstown 4th march 1834 9 new store william macoruer respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced business in tho jmorc formerly occupied by mr william mckeni jumt fdirectly opposite the hard ware store of mr john waikina store street where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of dry goods groceiies wines spirituous liquors crockery glomwar die w m q trusts that his assiduity and close at tention to business will recommend him to a fair el 1 hi iff p jimi- miiin kingston feb till ibm 1 fft- notice j the subscriber having relirhpnsiied business in kingston requests all those indebted to him either by noic or account to settle the same this date and the lirst ofmav llvxf a a log then unsettled ill he given bo attorney for collection robert clendiknino kingston bdji march 1s34 ill between reniuiu- tu the hands of it bishop of strasbourgs observations on chupter of sl johns gospel rv the rev wm p macdosaiii vicar general kingston ohii alteram partem s kingston 10th march lo deeds of asslirunents mortgages memorials itouds wills v testaments lvotetils contracts agreements powers of attorney charter parties and all commercial instruments prepared engros sed snd attested upoli the shortest notice isooks posted accounts collected and lauds bought and sold at the nlficc of wm t kennedy notary public land aent genkwai accountant stow street kingston feby ttth 134 1 uvf er i n tf ry surgeon the subscriber takes the uuerfy of informing the iuhahitants of iviitsston au the adjacent country that he has cnuiineneed business in the above line at clwsnucs aid statuu near ihe scotch kirk aju 1npiruary vow sick horses edmund smith horses shod upon professor columns im- ninciple kington miuch 10tu 13l 10 droved 10 a o vix svmjo ov john belonck in riiurning his sincero thanks to the ucntrv and other inhuhitants ofkingaioti for the many favors conferred upii hiin during the inst thirteen years reecifiihy hegs wave to ttcqunint them thai lie llun taken li huusc siiualed hi ihe cop of knur queen streets ml where vhich he has lined liu will prepare s bool fxpfpostcls ur willia t aatl shoe manufactory- hb chromclk opmce hflock stkeetj m p gibson returns thanks to his wndtand he public for pas favors mffi to inform them that he has now on hand a b al bsortmenl of gnleuens lades and pboots ud hus to answer the season manufac u ed kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingston and the public generally are respect fully informed tiiiiwhi- foundry is igain in full operation iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including jfeff casting clothiers and other sttcwi jiitt pinions gearings also trimming and ihnshina all kinds of iron work c- smaller castings of every kind will be made to or- tcr in the course of a few weeks ploughs mid plough castings will be kept tor sale at the ner v in a superior maimer formerly supptrs 3lunctcs soups set to those gentle iicii bo may beplcwwd to patronize him he takes ihe present opportunity also to inform the puhlic that he is now manufacturip- and to keep constantly on hand wholesale and alt kinds of liquors cordial- oncionary rnlr larje or small dinner tunics atiended to upon the shortest notice 07 just received from xewtorfca superior as- suruueut of the pimt bast wdm preserves rimrsmn feb lsth 111 4 david leahy sign op the harp returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the puhlic generally for the liberal support he has hitherto received and begs leave to inform them that he has leased that stone building in king- street belonging to mr watkius next to dr ilakers and near the chronicle office corner where he has jiist opened an inn for general en tertainment he will at all times keep on hand an assortment of the best liaitobs actd wine9 in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston 11th april 1834 ploughs the subscriber has on hand a quantity of pa tent ploughs of the kingston castings inferior to none in the province terms cash down 6 dollars credit 75 dollars j neilson 5th con ernest town april 1831 notice tothe inhabitants of pittsburgh lhatthose wish ing to attend their respective churches on sundays will be allowed to pass die bridge at half price john scrivens april 18t 1834 infant school miss isiiam respectfully begs leave to acquaint the parents of her pupils and the public generally that the spring term of her school commenced on wednesday 16th inst at the same place kingston april 14th 1834 mr s wood dentist will stay a lewdaysin kingston at the commercial hotel where he will attend to calls at all hours of the day kingston april i4th 1834 notice a meeting of the creditors of the hrte wil liam adzit of the township of kingston deceased will take place on tuesday the 29th inst at 3 oclock r m at mr hcnjamin olcotts tavern on account of a fraudulent transaction those interested are particularly requested to attend april 5 j 831 w p cook creditor william stl aw tiic sheffield cutlsi imost respectfully begs leave to acquaint fris numer ous friends and patrons that in obedience to their wishes he lias taken out letters of licence authort- sing him legally to carry on the business of auctioneer i mission mehcha1tt and humbly trusts that the assiduous attention which he intends 10 pay to his uew profession will enable him to command a fair share of public ptronagr v s tukr the libertv to say that for jgnan than twenty years he has been a trayelliog quuex in england where at most of the fairs in the king dom he has had ample opportunity to improve him self in the gift uf the tongue and therefore hopes hat on future occasions in this country he shall not forfeit the small degree of reputation which his ex- ertions enabled him there to maintain merchant and traders auctions atteoded horvea and cattle sod and good prices procured jstight auction every evening at seven oclock at hir aurffrrtf room in the market square nextdoorto gafrmtr whiskey store kingston april 4th 1834 ill m the subscriber to let with possession on the 13th of apul next that excellent stand for business immediately adjoining mr metit at present in th occupation of also to let of which possession will likewise be given on the same day thiit desirable and pleasant family resi dence with an excellent garden orchard attached comprising three lilih of an acre and an excellent well of water situated at the top of grave street now occupied by t a corbett kingston feb 7th 1831 i fob sale uy tub subscriber 500 sids nf sole liaher 50 do of skirtiiiff 200 do of upper leather large quantity of gulf kidd and hog skins j also 230 bbis of sail at us 3d s r caldwell kingston feb 25ih 1831 e lesslie sons ik addition to their supply of books station- cry dross patent medicines have for sale 200 reams wrapping paper giinnsll si gentian toys 2 cwi greu yellow white shoe thread curriers oil in jas bbls one house houses to let and sundry room in other apply lu kingston uich2ut 183 1 abner ive8 notice is hereby gl ve that unless markmans- f1eld or his heirs do make good any claim they may hive to lnt no 1 in the 2nd concenkm of the township of portland in the mid laud district within three months from this date the said lot will be disposed of peter robinson cvinuiitttfaunvr of crown lands office toronto 17lji 31iirvli 1s34 ittndi retail ac leuiher wood tmnsfer varnish seine sail twine c c c kingston feb 1831 13 n inform them he has of arge assortment cognac take jvotice the subscriber bu about to relinquish ll cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave to tender his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the support he has received since he commenced bnftmtfin kingston also to ivccivcd by the biearrivnbj a wises jamaica spirits spamwh ukandv holland gin pkmermit shrub worthy tin notice of tttvcrn keepers also groceries earthenware thtss and a large quan tity ofwwl india rice of the first quality a large iissoitincnt uf aalt water fish table salt cheese isuttcr 0itnieil coruineal honey flour pork oats sole upper leather constantly forsale w p cook store street kington fantrary 9ih 1834 1 for s vie avthg subscriber wanted by a young englishman of good education some employment either as writer bookkeeperor derfc high salary not material letters post paid ad dressed to a b at the office of the british whig will be attended to kingston march 18th 1834 wanted as an apprentice by the subscriber a lad aboot foar- teen or fifteen yeus old edward down kingston marc 18 1834 painter f glazier notic e the undersigned cives notice to all peraone in debted to him either by note or book account locall in settle or arrange rhe same previous to the firet dav of april next as on that day all his accounts will be put into the hands of his attorney forcolleo- io john mcttay store ft kingston march 4th 1834 8 to let possession given on the 1st may next that three story brick dailding easterly of mr b olcotts and now occupied by messrs rose cameron as a dry ioods and grocery store the above is an excellent stand for business application to be made to r a thibodo kingston march 2lst 1s34 t i i- oft r ilu yt

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