British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 2, 1834, p. 1

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published semiweekly vofiljjle the british whig a semuwkkklv journal rivoii h cummokinl nnd political iiifimnaliuii is mihliuf- cvcrv iwtlny and friday evenings by doctor linker kililur ami rohtettfc ut lit- of- fitft in rcnr siriiinxt tlmr ti lit c men in lintel fore try eifiilntitiu unlyjiho british whig in published ivrry turtiy aflurnocm in t weekly form and will bo found to ctmttii the imtft important nutter of tjio semi- weekly paper tkku fr tlic sviniwcukly paper one pound per annum tfpitil in a ivaiuw ur williiti llircc months i roni llio receipt vv the firsl iinmbcr qiidvthj pound live liillin if collected ut the end ofihe ywfj oshimveorpwtfljk fortlio country p pvr twelve idlii i in and sixpence pur annum it pjtul umdvrtlwn or within linen months from the receipt of the uta lumber and fifteen if collected at the end of the yoaf exclusive of postage companies of individuals who reside in fhc country and who may prefer to end in the ottic- for their papers may have ibeto supplied ut ten shillings per copy per annum prompt no ascription received for icm than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid up except at the option uf the fblilldier opipbrperorbbn dicor by e j barker m d kiwre t rt v v fri1 a y m a y 2 i 834 lake ontario the steam boat shfttrttitmcnts sit line and under oaf mi and 7 vi- eich suhouiht insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d tineriioii and hhl furli mihsecpiciit insertion above ten lines 4d- per him fin the lim insertion and id per line for everv subsequent mmrliuth advertisements without written dilwtiotm re inserted till forbid iind charged accordingly oidviv for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind roeeived in pnymenl jnu letters ijken in evejit f osu agciils unless post pait letter fress printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior press and an excelleniasortmerrt nf job tvrt is enabled to execute every owiiutinn of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto uupreeedentty low in upper cunudn united state propelled by two powerful toieprvsxur kngiius corft j ie van dewateh having had her cabins and accommodations jo passengers enforced and improved will man from offdensburgh on her regular trips for uic season on the 13ih of april next flu- cv hiii mriim low phksuhk steam boat kijyf stojv captain ivr8 50 horse powkr and 900 toss burthen foh spebd avd smkty hxequaixed jrom ih st ott to stnflston arcti tlic itaa ot i he bay of quijyte will leave presrott and ogtlensburgh on mon day and tfiundav evenings after the arrival of the steam boats from below will touch at brockville french creek and arrive til kingston next morning will leave kinsron for the head of the bay on tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock will touch at bath fredericksburgh adolphustown hnllowelu culbertsmrs suphinsburgh belleville river trent and arrive at the carrying place same evenings cqtvg dowswahds will leave the carrying place about 4 cclook af- itr the arrival of the western stages on wednes day and saturday mornings will touch at the above mentioned intermediate places and arrive at kingston sitric afternoons will leave kingston on wednesday and satur- dav evenings at 7 oclock will touch at french creek and ltrockville and arrive at iruscott the same night good stages leave the carrying place after the arrival of the boat for cobourg port hope and city of toronto making it delightful route by water and land for those who wuh to see this interesting comiry- 7 every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers and the boat is well adapted to take freight burses cattle e agents at prescotf messrs crane hooker co me millan link co jgparker- c bock us b flint w wtelfcn at kingston athallowell at belleville at ofthwu 44 44 14 a kingston april 1s31 for sale a acres of excellent lmids in the 5th jw cuiicvssioiroiihc owimbip of kingston about live miles irutnthe town for particnlara apply to david jilm siiiiih esq in kingston or to he subscriber lewis day kintim aprils 1834 auction t commission the undersigned bew leave lo infoin hia luiitl nnd the public generally that be has com menced the business of auctioneer and commission merchant in all its various branches at the old stand of the late michael moran in king street merchants and other forwarding their commands may depend upon ibe utmost punctuality and dis patch being used land unraes cattle and household furniture sold in ton and country advanced on goods- james linton kingxinn april 1 h 1s34 for smjle oaaa lkiuts of window sashes jmftjy which will he sole cheap for cash enquire of j m rtulson or kintrsion april 4 18m- j sarjent rok sale by the subscriber siipctliue flour by the bbl prime mcs fork do butter y the quantity cheese do do s r caldwell market hacc kiutpnon feb 7ib 134 1 commercial bank m d notice is hereby giveu tlmt the annual gen eral meelluc of stockholders will le held at the hank on muiidav the 2d june at eleven oclock forenoon to clrcl director for the ensuing twelve months bv ndor of the bonra t a harper cashier kinirston ilsiapil 1331 2 commercial bank m d notice i- in ivhv jjittii ilivi w dividend ol four per cent iimbveii ibb dv dclared upon the capital stock of ibis intiimion payable on ibe al she will leave ogdens- blirah on snodiiy at 5 oclock p m kinjstoii u c monday 6 a m sackets harbor mondav 12 m oswego 10 p m rochester landinc tuesday 8 a m toronto york u c 9 p m arriving at lewiston early on wednesday ttuitaulgi ghluif s6pje kort all the day iu visit the falls and return bv tlu- dont it ii it i whlsfc odivw she will leave lowiston every wcdncsdnv at s oclock p yi rochester landing thursday s a m oswego 5 p m sniketa harbor 1 1 p m kingston u c friday 7 a m touching at french creek alexandria brock- villeand morrisrown and irrivinff at ogdinshiiiri fri4v the steam boat r ii o is i cupff d if out having been fitted up with anew powerful low pressure enuim will ply the enmtimf seustui le- tween kingaion saker harbm oswego and c7oieseu river as follows vz s 1 1 h fir 0mc2k buiif otwxflltw snckct llorbor socket harbor fork kiuustoii fur i p m av l ovlwt j itigtiti monday 6 p yu po tuesdnv 2 a u inf ii r ii 1v balnmri 1 p ii 14 hlinir passenger leaving niagurn on w evening o arrive a mni- treal on saturday viailing on die route rocllemrr oswego sackeis harbor kingston bioclaillenitri odeusburgh passing ihat mosc uiteremlint uarl ul i he scenery on the river st lawrence i i lake to osdensbingh by dav light marcli 21th 1s34 notice is hereby given that the court of requests for i he 2d division comprising loughborough and port land will be held the third saturday in mav next in the school house near francis guesss jfi c lives on no 10 in the rear of thc4ih con lough borough two miles east of russela mills the bailin wm ash on no 4 in the 1st con loueh- borough george rotledge clerk c it by order of commissioners april 26 1834 07 bomets 0 tusoawv straw fancy spm bonnets wholesale retail david williamson has just opened an extensive and fashionable assortment of bonnets of the above deamp- tiou to which he begs leave to call tliu aricntion of the ladies of kington he alio solicits the onlers of mcrchunty uhuui he engages to supply on liberal terms with unv quantity during the season m d- w takes the present opportunity of in forming his friends that he has removed his estab lishment to brock street where he solicits u contin uance of their favors kingston april 30th 1834 portrait paintikg mr johnson portrait painter repecltal- ly informs the inhubitunlsof kingston its vicinity that he shall renmin but a short time longer at the commercial hotel ktpefmiu ayri avk js jvotmcje free grants of laud of 50 acres each will he given to actual settlers in most of the new townships iii the province application to be made at this office kingston ap 11th 183 l notice the subscribers begs leave to give notice that in addition to their business of carding the pulling and dressing of cloth will be earned on in a near and workmanlike manner first rate workmen being engaged for the season the subscribers take advantage of the present opportunity to return their sincere thanks to lllrir friends and the public iu general thv the liberal sup port they have received since their commencement in business b waters co done at the lowest rate for cash jtvst loughborough april 22 1l ajakble works the undersigned begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston ami its vicinity that he keeps on hand a large assortment of marble chimney pieces tombs 4 jfmeadstoncs of all descriptions finished in the best manner he trusts from his ion experience in the b iness and from the anaugements he has made to receive a regular supply of different kinds of marble to gue satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage au orders executed on the shortest notice john cullen gnrry8f kington feb th 1834 tf 1 the subscriber being about to close business iu kingston re quests all those who arc indebted to him to settle their accounts immediately otherwise chev wa he given into the hands of an attorney hn tllu- rliuii and a those hav ing rla ims airiiii linn will bring them forward for kingston 2lt a settlement john march 13 yiei ron 13 iieics day ol jue cil alliii- i3ik nrusgci also that the transfer book will be elosctl on the lfcbdayolmay from which dale no transfer can be made until the 2d day of june when the uoor will be rcpened bv enter of the uoanl tub iiilmbiiifiia ol kingston ntid ilw public bvimrully ar repert- iillv infhrmod tlmi this iodiuliy is htfain hi in rioi ijtos and buafls castlnfis of evev 1 siii iww0ji l j crc milt pinions gatrinffs- trnnninana inwnilail kind- of iron wctfk 8x nailer caslinirs ofevcry llld i l g der in the course of a few verkt and plough oiiiinus iil lc loiuidrv ttliolcsuletind kcpl for mile t the m r m s uarliur tiir owpo tuommv 12utluck nilil uiweni fur sncfcutf ilnrlior vvednemtav 6 r m sjicktls uarinir ur wm tliursriav 2 a n kincotmi cor s harbor tfitwday balmuut 1 p h sakel huibor ftir oiwcgo dii vt umlit ctawdgo for goaahw itmr rridny 1 1 m geumaa uiver fui ogfjfau femidav 3 a cmravhrf satvwfitlor saturday 6 i satkef harbor for khiiuji fiundiiv 2 the nbov poai inu diirin he past winter breu lined j in handsome style f t acioninojaiiii ol passcneers she will intewecl rmtti nt kington lourlmetrt all the pirtd on the canadian nm anuriean sides nf lake ontario and ilk- ri sr lawrence md steam itoats at oflwkpo nuci jolmnrir york and niagara and in canal b il tftaes for syracuse uiica arc and alsn ji a sockets harbor will leave barkers ha evcr tliardy night at 12 oclock tvfonesee iuvh rmichinir at ovciro and wilj sl j from jencscc kher to ijumilo fjy tin- i including their passion on ile steam btrai iioim jackets llar- hor lor 3 children under i yrars ofac ball price infants free those hiking this boat will he oti the lake only 1110 day qimi will fitid it the not epeditinns route to iiuliiilo at which wlacc ilev will always find steam boats in rtadines to go o clcnvehnid and other ports on lake erie agents colb wiucut walton sc witler j s qtw rur and dnonson si cuucknn barton philips kincton u- c h- gkebn gitiosce itiver euwako sacketi april ls 1834 jitantghts thrnrr i forwarding for 1m the ridcau and ottawa leum itont forwordiuor company respectfully inform hu public thai ilicy will be ready at the oixrnitig of the navigntioa to re ceive and transport passengers giuls warns and merchandize to and from montreal to kingston a the undermentioned rates crbin passengers from montreal to kingston nnd from kingston o montival ctik ami found eiuigranta taken at montreal and found through the mure to kingston i2a gd ullowillg to each adult 50 lb baggage fioiirht of goodi wares and merchandize from ftlitniruul to kittffsfon 3s per cut froisltt from kingston to montreal as nt flour 2s u iieir bam ulci pork ashes wheat 3 3d of 3d til bid ptrr bushfl payment of freight will in all gftkgh be exacted uj delivery of the property goods by this line will be put into larcv hars which are decked all over smd jioi dittirbrd until they arrive iu kingston and being on inland nau- ebtiollf and rowed by stenm hotts inbuiatice mav be disponed with wtih safety it is the intention of tills comjfevnv thai thte feawc fitxk to ifoods nul passiiigir in muiitn- a will dvliver flw same within four days ut king stjn- robert dkummom agent kingum il cu2jhix4 ajiut ahmtrait kinron april im is31 iftirmed that the t the uenrte a 3a uk 5 notiob tiir pnsijc are heeby ftubwrhtcr will conliiiuc to lure o uiial mi the following cnua fur a member pftft oeoiqeschurclu forn member of any other chmeh who is not a subscriber j horse and driver provided a ii to labouring people 2 0 iu will also vlml rimjaired umlvrtake the man- ngement of funerals w p cook anrik 11th lpt i the subscriber do hereby forbid any person or persons trusting ur harbouring my wile pulliaun xouici on inv account horatio noijle erncvtrnuii april 7th 1s3v just published and for wilt by maefarlane sz co kbmarksoudiursti lmiphlet iijsiillsi thecailadicdociiineof thereal presence of christ budy and blood iu the euoilalust addressed lv bun to hi congregation of st james church in york upper canada and occasioned bv the honourable john eluwloja publ ol the bisliop uf asboirli nbsiirvatious on lite ftixth cliapter of st johns gospel by the viit p mvenonaui vtmir ieiien rift- ram jttrtrm liiimtiim umi mimth 1831 ktuljstoj win jhult in tl o wb mtwjr w hpy john dblorcukirriiirniii his sincere ihanu to the gentry ami ilieritilinliiiunid uf kingston rir the many fitvoiit ewilreil uimn him during the lth thirteen years ivp elully uiv inivo to acquaint them illtii he has ta- n the haisc mtuatcd at the cor uer of luntf s uimii streets whiehliehas fitted iu a superior manure ami wteve he will prepare as foiiuerly jritlprts uu nccs s oups fcc til im gentlemen w ho may btfpleasuil toliatfouizc hi llctakeaibe pnnt opportunity also to inform puhlie thit he t now manulaettiriul and intends ui keep cniwuottly m hand whulesaie and retail all kindif of llgtlofh coilfh lonat vnslry arc tihtlgv or sfilirtll dint r pnit- alteuded to upon the shiirtii noiicvi qjinrt received iv new york a superior as sortment of the ibjest bast ixhljl preserves kiinmim feb jjl t rl lake ontario xuc splendid law prenmare steam float great britain captain whitney will during the soason 1s34 leave ihe diltcrcm porta as follows cntniiiciicing on tuesday llie 20th of april viz ilwauds prewott tuesday evening hrockville tuesday night lunihi wednesday noon oswego stale ofn y wednesday evening cobourc thursday morning ton mope thursday morning toronto laic york friday morning downwards niagarn on every sahdy afternoon t 1 toronto late york sunday morning oit itipe sunday noon cobourg sunday at 1 p m oswego sinie c y monday morning kinpston monday noon brockville monday evening all baggage tml small parcels are considered at tlic risk nf the owners uuless given in charge to the purser on board the accommodations on board the great hritain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter and everv exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passengers theunove boat will uvuiit the arrival of the pas sengers ihit leavu montreal on monday bythe up per canada fcfhjn lake ontario otcam itual oiltcc pieteou 1st april ia04 5 iko the new and eu2akt steamboat i enei to notice klliol formerly iu the employ of allan mcphcrsou ksti of iaaiice who is in posscssiun uf sonic land in tfiu liftlt concession of huugerford siijhui this ailveriiseoienl icach his eye and should lie wish to dispose the raid laud he is rc- tiuctcd to connuunicatc with the subscriber klliot was inst heard of in toronto oscar f pool krnestnwn april uth 183 j the adcfcatv is requested to give four insertions in ihe silimc take notice the subscriber being about to rclinouish business in kinuaton requests all persons indebted to him by note or book aeeount to call and settle the same without rfeiav kingston ieh7th 1834 t a corbett alliance british and foreign lpe vxd nilk assfbance company capita t kivk mtlllons steklixo 1m1k oltiee of tins company for kingston and the midland prince edward and newcastle districts is held at the place oibusiness of the aub- scrihern enrner of kinffutid brock streets where property will he insured against fire as heretofore personal applications front the country will be pre ferred office hours from 10 a m to 2 r m jamkx macfarlane ss co agrat n b tflvntu boats assured kingston april 2 1sji c7 notice 0 the subscriber bavins relinquished business iu kingston reipiesls nil those indebted to him either byote or account to settle the same between this date and tlic ftrst of may next as all remain ing then unsettled will be given into the bands of an attorney fr collection itoi j hut ulendinnjn0 kimirston 39ih murdi 18w lti vok sale by till simcribek 1 00 box wimlav glam 75 x7m0s 8j 10 10 12 ijmtuud oil 4s dd wr gallutij ii nv dinlilo mttilvj kinsrml oil 5 ier kuk bwi lrv wliilo lml 40 pcrcul yeutitmii uul smnii itrnwti rrtl lcij vulfuw iviitv lynii dktcki spink turpentinf ac c a tniiiiatd lwitiiicfit uf paiiucr urulioa wlilling lib pr 6wt lonjua putty 41- per lb jt qualitv vhitc pauit in kflgv of 2 llii well thomas haltlv t iptr etui oftitnrc strl kingsltn march m iffh 10 for sale bltfeft acres of very cscelloui laud in the lib contusion or krcdvrlckbarff about 00 acres of wliicli are improved villi a frame limine on the rnniso am n never fluting stream of water crorars tbe ijcrt th silliulton nftlie jonce isnffiveitmo ami healthy near excellent mills surrounded bv rich and hon- rihiu settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eve uftllg enterprising farmer apply to a truax esq kingston or to the suhseiher jotf ne1lson ernestown 4ih march 1s3j 9 veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes tlic liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston nu the adjacent country that he has coinmenecd husines in the above line ut cirstwfs old itantly near the scotch kirk an infirmary for sick horses edmund smith horses shod upon rvolbswr colnrans im proved principle kingston march icih 1831 10 oswego lropelled hv two low pressure r b mdcrjustxx has just been completed with superior accommo- dations and will commence her trips on lake oa- oiio for the present season on the 30th april toit and rim as follows on her passage up tlie lake the will have ogdensburgh on lednesday at 9 oclock i- kingston it c thursday 6 j backets harbor do 12 tu oswego do 10 t rochester friday 8 w toronto hate york do 9 a m oh her passage toum the lai she iritl leave lewiston on sunday at 8 oclock f m rochester monday 8 a a oswego do 5 km buckets harbor do 11 m kingston u c tuesday 7 ii a u and arrive at ogdensburgh the same evening the boat will touch at french creek alexandria brockville and morristown both going to and rctr ning from ogdcnsburgh bftkr to e x fmrchild ogdenburg johy strange kingston bulk leys clark sacjcefa bathot e trowbridge ostoego chas h green rochester john beach youngstown r feehan toronto late yort oswego april 231831 d5m new store william macgruer respectfully mfbnoshi friends and the public that tie has oomrtmlceel business in the store formerly occupied hj mr william mckenzic junr directly opposite flie hard ware store of mr john watkins store street where he intends to keep constantly on iiairrl a wtx clccted assortment of dry goods grocertest wines at spirituous liquors rocker j latuwuie ac w im ti trusts that bis assiduity and elate at tention to business will recommend him to a shore of the public support kingston feb 7th 1834 1 cheapgrocery 3tore the subscriber begs leave to tender hii thanks to his friends and die public ia general lor the support he has received since he coenmeaded business in kingston also to inform ihetn ae has received by the late arrivals a largj asa at winks jamaica srirlts sraiasn dr cosspae- bhandy holland gin pkrrermiitr l worlhy the notice of tavern keepers also groceries earthenware glass and a large 41 lily of went india riecot the first quality a assortment of sell water fish table sek cheese butter oatmeal corumeal honey floor port oats sole upper leather constantly for sale w p cook 8rt ftrsr kingston janu 9ih 1834 x m1llixerv and mantuamajfjuw mrs 15aohus grateful for the favors sc has received respeclfuliy informs the luhabiouita of kingston that she continues to carry on hex business next dnoi to the house of t markland esq where she hopes to be favored with ctiniia- uanre of ihcir patronage the latest loudjn and paris fasbioaa reoetved bihjp j 8ffl david leahy siox op the harp r13ti his sincere thanks to his fhcajs and iho public geuemuy for the liberal support he hu hitherto received and begs leave to inform them thai h- has leased thai stone ijnilding i king- strict belonging to mr vvatkins next to 0r bakers and near the chronicle ojjice comer where he has just opened an inn for general en tertainmenr he vill at all times keep on hand an assortment of the best l 10 irons snb wxxrss in rear of the house arc excellent sheas and stabling kwilston lltli anril 1834 fob sale by till- l 500 sides nf sub liather 50 do of skirthuti 200 do of upper leather a large quantity of calf kidd nnd hog skins also 200 bbls of salt 0 lis 3d s k kingston feb 25th 1s31 caldwell f e lesslie soins ipc addition to their mtpply of isooks station- cry drilffs patent medieines have for stile 00 rcatns wrapping paper kuglisli ucrinnn toys 2 cwt green yellow white shoe thread curriers oil in jas bbls leather wood transfer varnish seine to sail twine c c c kingston feb 1ssi i 3m foh sale bv the suuscri1ieh psjoucus y i uliscriber has on luud a quantity c4 tcit ploughs of the kingston castings lutprior a none iu the province terms cash down 6 dolbra credit 7 dollars j ne1lsqn- 5d con kiiicst ton april 1831 notice to tlic inhabitants uf pittsburgh bat those wish ing to attend their respective churches on 9undayn ill be allowed to puss the rridze at half price john scffltbna apiil isrii 1834 infant school miss isham respectfully begs leorc taaaqoatn the parents of her pupils and the public generarj hat tbe sprintr term of her school commenced est wednesday lcii hist at the same place kingston april 11th 1834 mk wood dentist will stay a few days iu kingston at the commercial hotel whsrc be will attend to calls at all hours of the day king april mth is34 to let one house and sundry rooroalo other houses apply to abner nraa kingston march 31st 1834 notice is hereby given that unless markmans- field or his heirs do make good any claim tftev may have to lot no i in the 2nd couceasion of the township of portland in the mid land district within three months from litis dste the said lot will he disposed of peter robinson commussoncr of crown londe office tnront ittlimarcb 1kh xotic e the undersigned gives notice to all peraoo uij debtcd to lum either by note or book account tocau and settle or arrange he same previous to the fit day of april next as on that day all h ccouota will be put into the hands of ms attorney or colteo

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