miscellaneous mysterious affair we nr indebted to mr morris of the pliilutltlphia inquirer for this nc count of a singular robbery m the italian opcra- a few weeks since that will excile quite a sensation among our citizens it will remind one forcibly ol the romance of jebellno the venetian bravo the following was related to us a few day since by a gentleman of new york a singular robbery recently took place in cur city the circumstances connected with which have produced quite a ac-nsn- tion one of the most respectable physicians of new ytfk vjho resides in the upper part of broad way was while attending tlie italian opera one ne tting a few weeks since robbed ofhta watch it was a family piece and had been handed down from lath er to son for several generations innee it was pri zed far beyond its real value- in ovderln rccain it if possible the physician advertised ur it in ticwruj ofthepublicjournalsuftheday oherins one liun- dred dollars for its recovery and no question should be asked to the person w ho should return it a few chiys nftcr the publication of the advertisement he received a note through the post office stating that if he should appear in the bar room of the opera house at a certain hour on a de signated evening the watch would be returned- the physician laughed at the note pronounced it a qui- but nevertheless so anxious was lie to gain tm watch that he cherished the faintest hope upon the subject and determined lo atend the opera accordingly on the hour designated he appear in the barroom and after looking round upon the com pany for a few minutes without observing any one who seemed desirous of an interview returned into one of the boxes still anxious however he in a few minutes again passed into tlic barroom it was comparatively vacant but he had been there hut a few seconds when a fine tall genteelly dressed young man came up to him and with a silvery voice and affable manner inquired the hour the physi cian hesitated a inimirc cast an inquisitive glanre jjpon the stranger and observed with somewhat of irritation that some scoundrel had a short time be fore robbed him of his watch indeed f cooly re ptred the stranger and drawing an old fashioned gold watch from his pocket he held it before the physician and with a smile observed uu true time 1 believe sir the physician immediately recognized im stolen watch and niridc an effort to grasp it the stron ger stepped back a few paces and entity observed that he had attended the opera as a nutii f honor expecting to meet a man of honor yon advertised your watch he continued and pledged your honor as a gentleman to reword with one hundred dollars the individual who should return it to you we meet therefore so far as the law is concerned up on neutral ground jw parr of the contract is ful filled and 1 appeal to you as a gentleman to perform the physician hesitated was evidently confuted and agitated after a moments pause he took the watch stated that he did not expect to meoi the au thor of the note addressed 10 him cmillsttd that hehad not provided himself with mmiry hut pledged his word that if the stranger would accompany him to his residence the reward should immediately he paid without hesitation said the granger and putting hi arm through that of the physician he two walked out of the opera house and up broadway touse residence of the latter who promptly handrd the supposed robber a hundred dollar note he politely bowed and departed it is further stated that the physician felt much curiosity to discover the stranger conversed freely apon the subject with his friends and indeed endea voured to detect him in ever way possible without having recourse to the police office about a fort night after the recovery of his watth and on one of vtxe stormiest nights of the season the hell of tho physicians door was rung with great violence ti waa near midnight the winds iiowmhi and ihc siivfu werefleoded the waters running ibtip ihr nifttfe- utf r ijlm tin aij rolhfrliti iimttin ibki ttw servant roused from hisshp iiurrtitl down tfafrv opened the door and usheied an old man in to the hall who in the moat pmsahiff mul atarriiin ntvmer demanded tobe shown to dr in private the dr was abruptly summoned and cxtivciinii ftoroe urgent case demanded ins lutniftlfcttc attention had hurried down to his study intn vi liich the old man had already been uuercd- me immediuty commenced slating a case extremis tlitn3 kimi that his wife was subject to temuurary lit of mad ness had just been seixd vrithnpafusvm of the most violent diameter lie procrfifcil in i ni accrual girutiw wfv w tvtvt catered deeply into details threw oil the clunk in which he was enveloped and the wig in which lit was distinguished and before the physician as ik stranger of the opera house the lair faced yiiuiij man from whom he received his watch the phy- siciap started back with astonishment the granger continued i have chosen a stormy nihi for lln w- sit sir but however calm my demeanor youthful my features or composed my maimer my life is necessarily one of storm it is now u fortnight mocc we met and have you redeemed your promise lo ic- ceive your watch properly alone fir- not take vim geance upon the wretch j know the meaning of the phrase who was forced by his aecused destiny to ecera a thief can you before god and conscience affirm that you have acted a generous part ynn cannot i tell you here in this shadowy room at the midnight hour that you cannot yon luivu described me my person my uppcantlitf m manner to a hundred of your particular friends time done every tiling but visit the office of the po lice with a detailed account of my person ami tlhj whole transaction you have forfeited your honor and even now through youi confideiuiit represtiiia- the minister of justice the myrmidons of the police are eager for my arrest arc huutiu me hat a wvno had been prepared anil was just about tobe enacted- the noble lord heiran in hisnual ltitlill unimpreivr tonnnoiiplrr inauner the poekethandkerchicfa were evidently ready but as vet there was no excuse for crying lite noble lord proceeded and athii began hisctldca- votisathonorcrrning- tlwy who came i u cry bc- gnn toleul awkward there was evident no cause for tears- it is a rule given us by horace if you wish to make me ween you nwvt first weep yourself the noble lords acting never reached this point no man ecr seemed further from sirs- lie did not indeed seem pleased be fell tlinl he looked very silly the taunting cheers ofihe radicals were not calculated as reloralivtw much to aid him the noble lord tried hid hand at rhetoric it would not do as a luei resource be remumber- cdhewas chancellor of the kxcluipkr and that fittrrs were cousctpumuiv his weapons nut njultrt of speech mind good reader bur regular units and tens fro he opened his olliriul box tuid drew from thence ft staterncnl insleid of horrifying the 1 0111 with vivid descriptions of atrttciticrf he coolly ran over the number of murders emurdeiv o ma ny ditto in the daytime so many o many bur fflrief 0 many ravishing and su on tik uuuse came to cry they now wru inclined to tutiffh tile officio people below the bar were ter rorstricken lliy shrugged their shoulders and turned up their eyes mr o council crowded ft- riin his eyes sparkled wiih pleasme and his cheer became triumphant and deafening- poor mr stan ley he was a pale as a ghost he bit his lips put his heels like a yankee on the table cloe by his noble colleague amf at last in hi rage fairly snatched the box of papers out of his initios shut it with a loud bang and locked it as much as losay you shall not spoil excellent materials you are ruining us the noble lord seemed startled by this angry proceeding and hastened to the close of his speech when lie sal down the house was a dead blank there was a painful silence among the great majority who wanted an excuse of horrors inr iheir intended votes and who felt that thisallbrd- ed none during the whole night the debate la boured on against this painful disappointments and not till both mr stanley and sir it ivel had pro- perlv dished up the horrors could the house forget the statement of the chancellor of the exchequer king leopolds penslott the dav on which king leopold ceased to be an english subject he of course ceased to fill any sta tion whether f rank or ollicciu english society as re peeled england he was resioaed to precisely the ftmic position in which he stood before he set hit font upon our shores- the consequence is in evitable that iron ihc moment in question he ceased to have any claim as a public person and thai cis we haw have seen is the only moral claim he ever had we are therefore driven to the con clusion that neither for the payments of in debts nor for the payments of pensions whether granted by him or bv tlie ivmcess charlotte nor for the keeping up of ctaremonl or marlborough house wnte entitled to a single shilling with respect lo his majcsijs debts tin amount of which has ex- riteil so much astonishment they wwo he pergonal engagements of an annuitant which had been sud denly cut olv the nation would not have been bound iu discharge and in fact would not have discharged as we may be very sure but how is the nation more bound to pay these debts because the prince his been removed not by dentil but aueuation if otherwise hat is if ihc prince be unindebted file pension ought not to have been paid that the debts were valid engagement it is not necessary lo dispute because though biding the prinre in honor and conscience they do not bind the people of eng land upon the hypothesis tbal we would not be bound toyay king leopold s3000 if unindebted it is clear that a change which has greatly increased hi wealth does not bind us to pay him 33000 ill dichue of debls which the nation never guaran teed mid rmim nut huv ruraoteed beeiite it neith er knew of them nor suspected their existence where i wo uitiaf dare iuthismalier ol lliedcbtii si invsteiy which we are unable i pierce tlure was notfluig in prince leopuhrs uuhic of life while amutht us lo create tui opinion that bis expenditure equalled mueh less excedid his income tile debts may he bona fide debts but it is ilijfr- cuh t r believe that such debts have been incurred by the bona ride expenditure of a reserved single leutleman uf liihits the reverse of oxjhmisive- cnjo- imr an income of 500tha per anmnn if these debts are bona lied debts incurred by a houa lied k ndiiiin wr mit iow niiivcui hisi in aduii tarioi ol list vcuuum ui trie til ncnuvt t the royal family nuniy of whom arc married and bavelhildi ii all nf wltflin uiaiutaiu a mure 8pl n- llilltfuttv than ever prilin- leopold did und none ol whom hasihe half of50000o per year deluhoun fide debts wc shall be we rim a hihiilele of them and a ivitirc leopolds expemliture during carh and mure than liu resided in tins irtir present stair of ignorance we cannot help su- pectiosthat snme of the money miy have employ- r 1 1 in those belgian intrigues which hae shaken the foulldttuous of ljurupean peace oinuv the recnlanders he- nnu are mrfef and brothers ddren w re wiiv pla iug in ihe l allinga behaved rudely to ids rubbed her baud to the sooia crocexmko to leivc the sun and i jliey with other c dark together whe siller matina she bout tlie cxfinguisk lamp and smeared hu face that she might discover by daylight who was her tormentor and iln iheiliisuy spots uu the ukhiii had dieir origin fov she tr ugaling in escape out ol his arms soared akft and became the sun he followed up into tliv finnaiiwill and was innisfornied into the moon ra n he 1ms never been able to rise so high as she he continues running titter in ibc samohopeof ovettakiug her- when lie is tired am illingf in his qoaster besets out from his house a seal hu uu n a fledge drawn by four dogs and stags fcveml dav abroad to recruit uicl nutcn and this pihtluees the full moon he it- joices whmi the women die and malina iu reiemfe rejoices when the ip n die cbereliuv the men keep at hoineduriu the eclipse of the sun and the wo men during the eopse nf she mooa when he is iiga prowls about the dwellings of ihe ders to piguc the families and steals pro- ill eclipse grcculai visions and sktus nay even to kill those person who have not duly observed the law of temperance at these times tluv ti und the men carry kettles and their bowses and rank upon die frighten away ihe moon c their niot previous goods hcsrts to the tup ol with cudgels to and make him return to his place in the sky during an eclipse of the sun the men skulk in terror into the darkest comers while the women pinch ihe cars of the dogs and if these cry cut it is a sure omen that the end of the world is not yet come fur a dogs existed before men according to neenland lucic thev must have a quicker iuskduiuto futurity should die dogs be siici muie which of course they never are under ill treatment then the dissolution of all things must be at hand tnitetl slates iiomhiuk one of the most singular- rdts of which we ever heard or read recently at layfayette missouri shockikc ly atrocious itiu wis committer a woman who iili passed as the w ife of one iceland tromley then on irial for murder was called as a witness in his favor having told her own story she rclused obstinately to answer any further ques- tions for this eoutempt of the court she was or di red into the custody of the sheriff and confined iu a private room having her child about ten months old with her in a very short time she cal led to the people in the street lo come and hang iter lor she had killed her child- upon goinir imo the room it was found that she had murdered her child sure enough by ktttulflulation the reasons she gave the sheriif for this horrid act wcrc that her mother had turned ber out of door iter sifters would britain great mistress of the ocean thump thump ffncs the itioekville wiih elear madness against the great iruaiu cmslles llct own yoilllg one breaks some of her ribs i in compassion the great britain lets her pass what shaking of hands jumping danuiog eheeriug and even whist ling every tongue crying out the brockville is beaten beaten ive ifiiess captain wbituey has got more shakes than coppers the prescoit peo ple are drunk with joy off go the ropes she is now safe ahigidc the wharf the band is landing now playing see the conquering hero comes going to col r l frasers plays a scotch tune ifive three eheers the band enters takes adrop of comfort with soino bread and cheese gives three cheers returns iu merry mood embarks on board our food ud mother great britain she now sheers off returns in good season to prrtcott pleased with the ovgci every one returns to his borne fttiihug and shounug see the conepiering he- ro ctiin s it would take us a full hour to relate every occurrence which took place on this pleasant rlmalric vovase oh for a bobby burns a scoit or a byron to herald this nevertobeforgotten experimental voy- aire to generations yet unknown success to the ureal britain longlifb to ihe hon john hamil ton captain whitney c the brockville isa smart hussy rather too proud and co ceiled she did her best consequently de serves credit she is we believe a match for any other boat on the lake but the great britain is the conquering heroine every person we met with iu the streets of brockville looked lory fashion so lemn and sour as if be had the heanburn or tooth aehe except a ew jolly paddies who rated not a far thing whither the wind blew grcnuillc gaz ctirjicii and state- from a petition to the le gislature oft he island of prince edward intheulph of su lawjence which wc give in another place it appears that canada is not the only colony threaten ed with a privileged priesthood the subject of glebes asset apart to the clergy of the episcopal church are commented on with reat freedom in the petition and evidently show that the spirit of the present age is not disposed to support one religious class of the population to the detriment of all oth ers ponsesing as british subjects equal claims con sideration brockville recorder t7 wednesday night we ar the district magistrates refuse to give the city any part of the court house a compliance with the npphcriinu of the city council would have saved the public a large income for the improve ment of the streets- ftfv advocate informed that up the use of st lawkknck canal the commissioners met at prescott on tuesday when the president f the jsoard submitted a communication from his excel- rncv ir john colborne sratiug tb the coiutms- iim speak to iiur und as tmnh the father of the child was about m be hailed aw had no means of taking care of it tmtulev was murrwards convict- sionert could receive x 12000 monthly comment ed and sentenced tobe executed- rm- eiftwvcr i c on of june until 70000 were ex- i pended nothing now remains to be done but to westward hi this seems to the rallvin decide upon the route and to give out contracts word to the vi our population i moving almost the eommissioners will do with as little delay cmnassc the stenmboat united states carried a possible btit as there appears to be a great towards tlto promiled land nothss than 1 500 on her publicfeeliug in fvor of adopting a different plan that re- not be last two trips and many more from this region have roni brownells bay to miljemche than undoubtedly take i irassase on board other vessels commended by the engineers contracts wii when this cmiprating fever will alaip or what will given out quite so soon mil anticipated for we be iiseifects upon rhis section ufrouutry ii is impos- understand that the commissioners feeling the res- sible to foretell bat we hope before our county be comes entirely populated isv republican united states has te port of kings- g dp we irit fingers seeking for a victim provoke a desperate man ukuu n with the spin beware you provoke a uespcraie man wlieu ye make me your foe i am no thief 1 did not lileh from you the watch ihat i restore to you again i say beware but villain as 1 may be i may not be hunted down with impwwy a minute more and the doctor was alone iu his chamber the young robber is yet at large bra actisg or lord althorp on fhs cofnctn hhi the grand point was to get up a thorough tale of fiorrora in order to scare away the senses of the house of commons- a regular rawheadandbloody bones story was to be fabricated and terror and a- jarm were the order ofthe day to propitiated the house also ihc affair was committed to lord al- aoipe charge for although mr stanley has a reputation for talent his prudence in not deemed of the highest and it was thought of the utniripl nmxe- quence to conciliate the commons lord alttmrp more than any other person poesd their eonb deuce and they would consequently iew with less jealousy any obnoxious measure which came re commended by him the grand fieldday arrived the bill was brought from the lords and the com mons were in great excitement and expectation at length lord althorprosc lo nun e that the bill be read and it ww plain the members on ihe minis terial benches and the tories also were lik the wo men who went to see mrs siddons piiponl for floods of tears the ladies on those oeeasions commenced opcrailons on coirjii into their box by arranging fan shawl and pnclrhhaiulbiffhif which were alwaysarcfully displatld and uulbldcd to be ready for immediate use hie gentlemen set tled themselves ominously they all in sailor tthraset pulled long faces got up a gravity and liulare lit luve it when sianiiieui ol the foiirunll iomirv in the exking of spain joseph buonaparte re sides at marden paik surrey where he frequently ciyoy- muting ihe count order all ins snrtcs to be thrown open o sportnuu his park afliuds a riile of some miles eipial in the beunttful turf or bi90inc downs ilis uihliliuil is lo be in the uni- ed siutes in june livrpnor pjt mlnehkmti raiu-unaa- his railroad is tuieven miles in leozih and i- ill greatest wink ofllw kind now iu ungiuutk begiil- lliug at liverpool this road enter ail opml nttliltlf twentytwo finhdwp whll fur lines of railway slltd leading to the mouth of u0 rreat tunnel whieh is twenty two feet wide and fcixorii hich the sles are nvnicmlivuhtr for lie feet above ihc floor and ouunouuted i y a senicireulai arch this tunnel is cut through a strata nfrcd rock blue slate anriehiy and ts 77dl feet nrabovc a mile in length the whole extent of this vast selvghn is lighted with gas and the sides and roof whitewashed to give a great er cflect tii the illumination tin- road in ihe immel curves and begins a gen- tie accent towards tlie east at this extremity tin road leads into a wideaica forty feet below the sur face of the ground cut out ofthe solid rock and surmounted on every side by walls and battlements from this area a small tunnel returns towards li- procrcdii g eastward from the area the ituls himself upon the open road to mati- oviupupriuu perfect level ill roadliuhlly ar drv free from obtrurmion and tin verpool travcllet ebesler eorved i rails lin after mime lixed tituc it inn inasiv blocks nf uut i ereudn rry nolually aod pass ihrouuh a deep riming under largest otic arrb- vas beoud this the road leads unugll the great rock excavation of olive mount which is seventy feet deep and only wide enough lor two trains of carriages to pass each other alter leaunirthis it upprnariies ihe greal rohy bank klivelehiiig aerssi valley iwo niibs in width and varying roin lilben lo forilive f et in height n u- liitelhi linus i illlsell iiiinioird ilir hi top ol the trees and looks aroiiod over the widi extent of lliu country after soon further curves and pulsing some other hanks bridges ami cul the road ih carried into the city of manches ter tin track is double the rails are nf wrought iron by the lidlowirg article from the british whig it appears that tie steamboar been unnecesarik detained al t ion u v thrjffb the uuaccommadating spirit manifested by the collector of the port- we must confess tlthtwqarc much surprised at this gence tor we hae frequently heard mr kirkpa- trick spoken of 1m ecmleinen of our accquainianee in termol eouiuuiriation for the friendly eelitigs he oiiiod inwartfr american skippers bv obliffioa ly attending to fair calls at all hottra of the day nr night we are vry coulideni that be must be in debted io theacifa subordini fur the unfrientl- ly conduct that h been attiibuted lohim and have no doubt thai un proper application to bun the evil complained 1 will be remedied as his duty requires ofhhn t conduct his olfiee upon principles of leciprobity aieable to the treaty extstiilff be- tweenthutuu ionuueots by which no heavier lax or duty may be bsall icvhil by one than i impo sed by the other unl the detention of a sleiilil boar ofthimxe ofthe mil stoles for marly siihtars an iliorotoos ta whiei we should be virv sorrv nonsibility ofthe undertaking so great have deter t o t a mined upon calling in the assistance of other engi neers lo examine the whele rout from the head of long sault to cornwall and have applied ro the lieut governor for permission for cosonci wright and some other officers ofthe royal engineer de partment for that pappose this is as it shonld be for all depends upon a proper and judicious intelli- location of the canal a work of such great mag nitude in which hundreds of thousands are to be expended should not be entered upon without the closest examination ofthe route and without having obtained the concurrent opinion of three or four en gineers of ihe first standlnci other than those who made the survey this would avoid an censure from being thrown upon the commissioners should the location prove herealter to be injudicious we feel persuaded thai upon examination it will he found that instead of excavating from browncits buy to millernchc a distance of npivsirds of three miles the belter course would be to keep the channel ofilir river for by damming across from the head of milleroehe to the island the water will be thrown back to the foot of the lutlg fsaiilt so as to give us a snfljcihiit depth of water aod will make by far the upon the whole line of th nst uavilfauou upon uie wiuie one ol the cauai tlsll boats as it woul be a xery seiious injury to the icttrf x3llkiu in the eoustrmtion this is a great wnersof iliem as well as ihc travelling comiuunity ronsiderauon and well worthy thai aueution which jeoerally ubile it would benclit noboilv- f it ajipears the commissioners intend lo give it in harbour courier justice to the engineer mr mills who made the are told that he would have adopted tins provincial survey we lan in the lirst place were it not for the reports ol f utuviduas wh0 no doubt were interested in a sec- tioil a little above slilirocbe that no dam could be the eoroner was called l examine on saturda ut the knslmi borxinirgioiuul st jolma suburbs erected that would withstand the operations o th ihc bod v of a ehild found in a box hi wolfescove lawrence a perceived that looting on a piece oficb in the st- ury being summoned it was soot ihe bones of the cranium hail been carefully saved and tbut ilu- contents of the box were the remains of a profesmoual dissreclion thcjurj were in con- rquenee dismissed and the box odend to be in terred seicral oecilrrcnes ofa similar charcur biive within a vear or iwo ihcii offensively brought to public light not disposed to withhold from ihe prolesion the necessary advantages of dissection tile most scrupalous attention ouzht nevertheless to hi iivcn to wuulrii from the public gaze ubjecmfeo ooixersatly lexoltie totheleilinifs nf mankind am where ueglhfriuts in th it reaped is iaoibed puu- iullieted tluehec uaz ice this we are told from the best authority is lotnllv incorrect and must have been circulated for the purpose of leading the engineer astray it is said that the commissioners are determined if pos sible to break ground by the first of june when no doubt the greatest joy will be manifested upon the interesting oeeasion and the work ushered in wiih thai pomp ami ceremony which 80 splendid and magnificent an undertaking is worthy of com uieinorating conttroll qhsrrrr the ii reached i srolia llil si dent w it icnt oimul ro it difax and lowim ports papers to the itjtb s yestewhiy ihe parliaineni of not a been prorogued by bis honor the pre- il t most llatieriug vt welt merited in hale lo his public worth has been presented to mr jelvrev in ihe form of nil add rr from th house ol the firt boat liu kiiitfsnm by the wayof tie jii- iran and lift tfwa tatttat left this city yeterday afternoon the of wa cvwff having been oiened the previous day th boat in ofa construction per fectly capable ufliicaliiia the hikes so that we may now buatm uf iininteitmpird inland naviga tion hence to sandwich ftfiill there is great room foi irllirovciiiciit cw cots must be made canals widened and deep d and obsiructions removed from our rivers bull our inland navigation will be completes howevcu that whieh wc now announce isa greal slep laiud a decided era in our inter nal hade the bust it question had many pass-sen- gers man ua ffy fflrfrcriwr april 30 assembly the mic of sir in ial of sir peregrine im toin campbell die itlaod tu the govern ment of ova rseotiii is eumiediatily expected and the cooserpient disolotiou of air jeffreys official connection willi the people ol thii most loal itappy iiea has call- denecv and contented portion of british aim ed lorlb ibis expression of pnblieeoul steamer h iate ca ireal bri the shore tiibt ptoiij ir- witit ide re- yesterday eventeg the vitamer ireal britain left messrs crane hooker mcculeheou gos wharf precisely at 5 oclock overtook the united kingdom three mil below unk fell in com- pauy wiih ihit prd saucy llin th- brokillc he pomposity ofa british itaiuend our iruod mother the biorkille rlow lo hnol it ii whieh i which inch alike oh die ureal britain guitlrtitl gains ihe brockville is drop- pint fast astern ponn one js piicuil he rpnlw prumetmde tlitk rd tlir broekville apparently tin- ilr some trouble ol mind tlir bioekillr eps her dilance pl skmiii the brit onflow k jhi- briiikmlle snores ias ntmiuuf tftutrrtal hri- whieh me tduna tain to a olvlbevif binjr mvuf mklaxenou anu fatal acnnvexr the obit uary columns of our contemporaries ibis week are unusually crowded willi sudden deaths it is onr melancholy task to swell ihe number ufuiese sad re- ciiaisby relating a fatal and distillling occldilli whieh look place near this town on saturday the sgtlihisl robert maenabi son of a n macnab e bad gone out shooting in company with ano ther youth lo ltitumplitlg iu eros n small stream it is supposed he placed the stock of ihe gun sudden ly onibe ground as a supporr which caused thedis- cbartri lo the iron ihe contents of which passed ihroiljh bis body hlld prthhlccd uisiam dealh liie was rxiinct in forte ihe other lad who was some rods distance could rrneh bun itutb lads v e years of age and the gun was a small fowlinf- piew without a gaurd aud went off at bilfcockfif lam gnilik lai fairly in aten l anil wigs bin i ten siill louder rrmupeis btowimr boomg the band i sli ii th nit ih im i imj hm ihroals to hulrs sooudi n ing ni uekjlli isrh aiu aod niiidgo baih bonnets louder still oorrovv wegness et- ihe big ilium coinpioiing hero hi our i tllm i thv mi lilt- kim port hock and hick lkk fanal st we noticed i lueehie nf ihe petilj lal in hi al die limhaie cltee house uimtiltl at ihe snii tone we piouo miinirm hpori ami rslhuatr on the prac- y olsnrh an niuleriakiuir ibis week wr mv leasuiviii ileiioin our pleili- h givinil mi- oineial dociiiikiiis which will be found ill our hccoud pose- when in oor huilllllt- way we adoded ih ol 41 much i i ral adv ifp 11 lie ualii ulc suprrioriiy nf rf un inosl lowoi il l- toti of fortresses in case of war her romantic varied and beautiful scenery the salubrity of air the puri ty of water the advantage of building materials on ihc spot a large safe aud commodious harbor suf ficient to shelter any number of vessels likely to be found on these waters when we set forth the advantages and laid them before the public eye enemies and rivals attempted to hush or rather to awe us into silence hut w itliout effect and we again repeat that port hope possesses all we have sta ted and more we could name but we cut short as on the present occasion to enter more fully on thit pleasing subject would be superfluous our remark being superseded by the engineers report which we most earnestly recommend to our rendeis hoping at the same time that u will carry home to the breast nf every impartial reader that just weight and impor tance for which n is preeminently distinguidtrri and will wn have nodnuht be favourably received by all those who desir ihe future prosperity of canada aud who are iu any wie interested in the improvc- meut of the newr district not long since the idea ofcuttinffu utwiil from this place to connect the waters of lake ontario wiih those of kice lake was laughed at by one said to be impossible by another and a third more wise than either said it was only a wild chimera that had its orijin in ihe unfruit ful mind ofthe silly and venal editor of the war der but all these preiudics have vanquished before the irresistible light of scieniilic knowledge and ex perience as the dew passed away before the morn- 1 1 sun and we are now informed on authority not to be doubled ihat sucii an undertaking is not only possible but practicable the difficulties to he over come are few the sum required for its completion small when compared tothe benefits anticipated and the distance shorlei than any tuber proposed for con necting ontario with the rice lake the rout ha been explore surveyed arc c bv robert a mainty esq clvilaud mining en gineer assisted by john huston esq deputy pro vincial surveyor at a future period we shall return to this subject and review the different items in ihe estimate for the present we class it under six heads as fol lows viz excavation lockage including gaurd gate cofferdam and waste weirs c- embankments road bridgets grubbing cleariusc- raising mill pond dam clearing outdeid tim ber and making tow- paths to which add for unfore- seen contingencies 10 p c total 73501 10 10 137s5 0 0 2082 670 1022 4 2 0 0 0 0 545 0 0 93205 15 0 920 11 0 101426 6 6 by private letters from isorel we learn that that borough has mot forlunalely escaped from what once threatened to be a most serious conflagration on saturday evening the west wimr ofthe itarracks was consumed by lire and though ihe wind blew from the north west and bore the flames towards the river richelieu vet numerous sparks and cinders were conveyed in a southerly direction aud endan gered the town it is not known how the lire origi nated but it is generally supposed lo be the result of accident we also learn that on monday the ijth the large building at hull known as the columbia hotel ihc property of philemon wright esq aud occupied by mr thomas briiiham was discovered to be on fire at the roof although the lire had progress when first discovered- and of water was sufficient toextiuguisl the interior ofthe roof leingery dry and combifit- ble and the wind hlowingsirung from the south wcat all the exertions of the neighbours proved unavail ing and ihe whole building with a shed iso feel loin containing sixty live cords of wood aud an out building for hay were entirely consumed the furniture destroyed is estimated at 2ou and other goods in the premiesat 150 thetire wasenmu- nicated by a spark from ihe chimney lodging upon the roof man- taseffr made but little a single bucket the blaze yet the rumours which have hern prevalent relative lo the removal of the will kegi from this post are continued they are to lake the place of our old friends ofthe 65 h at toronto the upper posts and the latter are to return to kingston the detach ment ofthe 15th tor amhersilmrg is to hmd itself in readiness for an immediate movement the one for iui the thii nnd the head oi tirieiaou coomiiin t- cobnau and barry be i r th mai ilm lori urorffe pinvie ned as lollow tacct smrm torml cap cuihten l wl b walker md m sur- t jlmhrntbhrg cap weston and lieut seon wa lace a lieut parker at fort george lteut ingall at paxtm no order has rnvl for the relief ol the deuubtnent at brockville- under lieu iindcr aud the oneal hvtowti i f o- tnau capu smith is 01 bnve of absence at uuebec i is mentioned as a singular circumstance ihat a letter by the last halifax mail to the commanding oliiccr of ihe 15h kegt from their agents in lon don greenwood v ctfs m addressed to york instead ofkinioii this proves that the iiiieniioo of removing the rrsiiitiii imni bavc originated wiih the home lioernuieiu ami i wefintr prepar- aiory lo a reduction nf the army in the cauadas the i3ih slnre they have been in this garrison have been an exceedingly wvll behaved regiment not an instance nf riol or drunkenness in the town having come to mil knowledge- their departure will be looked on wiih n f gaz rfcmahk 1ft thkmomilku mxukkt montreal april 39 1834 within xhr ktsi fertnilu lomej liasauinii some appear auco of activity a ftnnlcftlblc nuaiiiiiy ofjiroiluce having ar rived from vppcr mntli ashes wo jo not hrar of rmy matwrtul quotaucwi t ilcnlers howovotj nr lmvinii our lower bfurtf and asking bchuher rtf a very superior lot ofuppr mwi white wheats from the lieu of lin- lake wu offered ycmerdaj at 5k t but 5 iw only wa hit tlir it vnd refiwffi wc ihercforc qiiot tlie price 5s m buyers a s gd sellers flcur ila uccutiii stiihir ijurttioiw proehtivn a nile of priuw and pftma mesa beef aod pnine pork bus itall inado al our ipmlation two tionnklifmlito tnlesn liaw taken plwo ildi wock bfili uf wbbji bavo givi iiuiiic deyrve of spirit iu tbe market on muiuuiy iminuna lt of froii ac impurti x treui new- york was smm ami tlie oltmvinj m tin n uu toobwwi orip s vhk m a ju al s4uo iimwon 15 6d it its os ilu uiimk kamiv lti 1m n ufc3di 3tiqr do iln do ia fanry lnxr- m n l 4tt 4 rar priiim in fancy miiw ma hm hi lb 2i litpiorit v pame oil a tfl per lb 7 bakt ihntrdrflii lil itk m ii k tl liah abnoudv tmatfdi i owmnl riirtmni stl a boxm poland surch ekl on ibn sniic ibo mii siiunvin kiiim a co bad a iml ilu i dt wrini if imriiubtm a i of irfe- ii ii v lb ll o miii nf iliili litl ool pbi bronlo s uplm vml al wm a u ki tin- itiiujghi td iin 4 kt rtuir hmiiif 4d lkiiledti jl id jlenmeifhi win lid a td ct alltui 14 j7 a ch il ivjw ml liowttr of t0ff piititw ikith i- si s ii iifi 1 removal 1 ii uraur iiviillymlnllh the ihilubiinitlh l kuiltiiii thai in htw mnomil liis taiiikiso lvsrmiisnnr irom iln- mnkii oil 1- iutl tlntm iwlltt mi walkin