published semiweekly volume 1 oihkr p h oltben d i c o 11 by e j barker m d 1834 lake ontario the steamboat kingston ul tt may13 1831 if o 28 1834 lake ontario the steam boat william avery ptvpttlai hy tteu powerful httt pressure engines w ik suerhjk master having had her cabins and accommodations altered and improved during the winter will start un her regular trips between ogdensimrgh and ni agara for the season on the third of may next- the proprietor col j griffin determined thai nothing should be wanting to promote the comfort and convenience of passengers ht sjvircd no pains or expense to put his boat in the best possible con- diuuii and he ecu warranted in saying that foi comfort safety and ivculurity t4u will be found equal to any boat on the lake llei commander ript- sherman luts been long well and favorably known to the travelling public on lake champlain and the north river as an able and skilful naviga tor goikg l she will leave ogdenshurgh every saturday at 5 oclock p u touching at prescott mor- ristotvu brockville alexandria bay and french creek- she will leave kingston u c sunday 6 a h united states propelled hi tro powerful lowpressure engines capt j it van de water having hud her cabins and accomniodiiins for passengers enforced and improved will start from ogduiisburgh on her regular rips fur ihe season on ihe 13th of april next do do do do do do do do sackets harbor sunday at 12 m oswego sunday at 10 r m rochester landing monday at 8 a m toronto formerly york monday at 9 p h and arriving at lewison on tuesdayjmoming giving pssengen all the day to visit the falls and re turn by ihe boat coming down she will leave lewiston niagara every tuesday evening at 8 oclock rochester landing wednesday at 8 a m oswego wednesday at 5 p m sackeis hnrlmrt wednesday 1 1 r m kingston thursday 7 a m touching at french creek alexandria bay brockville and morristown and arrive at ogdena- burgh on thursday evening passing that most in teresting part of the scenery from the lake to og densburgh by day light enabling passengers leav ing niagara on 1 uesday evening to arrive at mont real on friday or affording those who wish to vis it the celebrated masseny springs and arrive in montreal on saturday freight taken as usual ogdensburgh messrs allen warner brockville h billings alexandria bay a walton smith 4- merrick b philips s j hll co cole wright bronsonf crocker c h greene j y la verleer h g re yiwlus french creek kingston sockets harbor oswego rochester youngsfown lewiston ogdensburgh april 21 131 26 the kew and flupant low pressure steam boat going up she will leuvc ogdens burgh on sunday at 5 oclock p m kingston u c monday 6 a m sackets harbor mondav 12 m oswego 10 pm rochester landing tuesday 8 a m toronto york u c 9 r m arriving at lewiston early on wednesday morning giving passen gers all ihe day lo visit the falls and return by the boat 4 ft 44 44 44 she coming down will leave lewiston every wednesday at 8 oclock p m kochester landing thursdav8 a m oswego 5pm sackets harbor 11 pm kingston u c friday 7 a m touching at french creek alexandria brock ville and morriniown nd arriving at ogdensburgh on friday evening ena bling passengers leaving niagara on w u 44 44 u ra on wednesday evening to arrive at mon treal on saturday visiting on the route rochester oswego sackets harbor kitigstou brockvjllcmid ogdensburgh passing that most interesting part o the scenery on the river st lawrence from the lake to ogdensburgh by dav light march 21h 1531 nil steam boat t cupt 1 howe having been fitted up with anew powerful pressure enifne will ply the ensuing season sall8 harbor oswego follows vix llaibor sunday balfpiwi 1 r m tween kinssinn genewre river as leaves kiiijmm ir s s lliirhir jr ohcsdj piituhv 12 oclock nighi sale of crown lands in seymour notice is hereby given that a portion of the ungranted lands in ihe township of seymour in talc by kijtg stojv captain ives 50 horse power and 200 tons burthen for speed and safety unequalled jtom urtscott to btnostcn iirt te sttrt ot irc fm fit ojtexyern goiftc ltward5 will leave prewou and osdcnsburgh on mon day and thursday evenings after the arrival of the steam boats from below will touch at brockville french creek and arrive at kinsston next morning will leave kingston for ihe llesid of the bay on tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock will tooch at bath frederickshnrgh adolphustown hullo well culbertsons sophianburgh belleville river trent and arrive at the carrying phcesaroe evening uolng downwards will leave the carrying place aliont 4 celook af ter the ar of the western stages on wednes day sd saturday mornings will touch at the above mentioned intermediate places and arrive at kington same afternoons will leave kinrstm on w dnedny and satur day evenings at 7 oclock will touch ni french creek and brockville and arrive at prescou the same nihr good stages leave the carrying place after thr arrival of the boat for cobourg port hope and rity of toronto making it a delightful route by water and land for those who with to see this interesting country 05 every attention will he paid to the comfort of passenger- ami the boat is well adapted to take freight horses cattle are auent at prescott messrs crane hooker co mc millan linkco j i parker c bockus b flinr w welter ihe newcastle district will be oflered for public auction in colhorne cramahe at ketcliumg inn on thurs day the 15th of may next at 10 oclock a m- at the upset price of 12s 6d currency per acre on condition of actual settlement and upon the usual terms of payment a plan exhibiting the situataion of the lots may be seen at the surveyor generals office or vith major cirnpbell residing in the townshi commissioner of crown lands office toronto april 26 1834 f 25 h haight respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston nd th adiuiaiagjoypahip that ha i harness and saddle maker from the market square to brock street a few doors below the dry goods warehouse of messrs armstrong co where he hopes to he favored with a continuance of their support ffy work done at the new york prices kingston may 6th 1834 26 to let with immediate possession ihat cap ita stand for business lately occupied by the subscriber and situated next 0wti fi sn utvhnrlmr monday 6 p m swkwtf hnrhtir lir kinton tucwliy 2 a m- iviii crt s ifurbor tuomlay liailpast 1 p u s i r tivro tucmiov 12 oclock niglit fsvisi lor sarkt t ilir1iur wednesday c v m btuilusts lliirbar for kinisjun thursday t 2 a m khictrm lor s uiuhor tliuranlay halfpast p m si fetn harfinr tor qtwego do 12 night 5vcofr miitcc eivcr friday 11 a m goueiw hjiver tut oswego saturday 3 a m owco lor avjj rtttwr salurdayj 6 p m skkti s tfnrliomur kiugton sunday 7 the above lloat has during the past winter been fitted up in handsome style fur the accommodation of passengers she will intersect bunts at kingston touching at all the purls on the canadian and american sides of lake ontario and the river st lawrence ftttfl titeain doatd at osuesro touching at cobourp york and niagara and the canal boats and stages for syracuse utica arc and also ue stages at sackets harbor westward will leave sackefs harbor every thursday night at 12 oclock for genesee river touching at oweffti and will send passeneers from genesee uiver to hullalo in ihe canal including their passage on the steam boat ram sackets liar bur lor aj children under 12 years of age hall price infants free those taking this boat will bo on the lake only one day and will find it the most expeditious route to butiuio at which wlacc they will always find hteam boats in readiness to lroto cleavehuid and other ports on lake erie- cote wmi m wlllbt qsweo and bronsuv ckockek p butter i mu k sackkt v barton piuiir kingston u c c h ukkkn ineseekiver idwakd sacket april is 1831 managing owner sockets harbor fottwfchdlng for 1s34 tlie rideau and luaw steam boat forwarding company rmpectfuly inform tha public that they will be ready at ihe pining of the navigation to re ceive and transport icneers goods warns and merchandize toaud montreal to kingston at the undermentioned ral cabin pasenifra montreal l kingston and from kingston montreal 00s and found emigrants taken i montreal and found through the mute tok inflini 12s id allowing to each idulr sttte kiltie freiffht tif ffwifk and merchandize from montreal to kington 3 per cwt frciirht from kindlon to montreal as under flour 2s 3d per barrel pork 3s- 3d do ashes 6s 3d do wheat sid per bushel payment of ireih will in all cases be exacted delivery of the irjperty limwill he put into large barges i at kingston at hallowell at belleville at cobourg it 14 4 14 kingston april 131 grammar and arithmetic taught on tiis improved system i tunc is mutiny the subscriber uikuslliit method of announcing to the inhabitanuol kingston and its viciniiy ihat be will continue u give lessons on english gram mar and ariihinttir and he hopes by the sirict at tention heshall pay to his business to receivea share hof public patronage i ashe lectures on the improved svstem he will i impart a gaol practical knowledge of grammar to thoe young gentlemen and ladies who may fa- tvour him with their attendance ill fo j james bell bl johns hall kingston way 1th 1834 26 doorto mr yarkers hardwares ware house store street particulars apply to mr yarker or to i t a corbett kingston may 6th 1834 26 government sale of lands a portion ortho tract of land lately surrender ed by the esiz nations indians to his mtjry governinent to be sold for iheir ilenefit and sur veyed by lewis bnrwell eq deputy snrviyor bounded on the east by the township of cftllborongh on the west by the townshipsof liainhamand wi- yns and on the sourh by lake erie will be of fered for sale by public auction at rhe court house in hamilton on tuesday the 3d day of june next at 10 oclock a u at the upset price ol 15s currency per acre upon condition of actual set tlement and on the usual terms of payment at the mine time and place a certain number of lots in the town of cayuga will lie put up to sale at the uset piice of 10 each and subject to the condition of building a atone brick or frame house not less than 24 feet ong by 18 feet wide to be completed within two years from jhe day of sale plans exhibiting the situation of the lou may be seen at the surveyor ienerals office toronto or vith mr lewis btwell brantford and any infor mation respecting the lands to be disposed of can be obtained by applying to the commissioners ibi crown lands conuuksmoner qfgwm i- office toronto 2fcui april i9w 2 portrait painting mr s johnson portrait painter respectful ly informs the iuhabitantsof kingston its vicinity that he shall remain but a short time longer at the commercial hotel kingston april 25th 1834 on goods by ih which arc tlrctcrc til oter and not disturbed until they arrive in kiniron and being art inland navi gation and hmed ly steam boats insurance may be disponed iviili vuli safety kwrtte imentiw t unt chm tu barges laden with goods and pmwugett in montre al will deliver the snme within fuur days at kin ston oueilt drummtm agent kingston h clsllng agent mvittrwl kincson april 12th l3l z- 07 boet8 d tusca2tv straw st rancy summer bo we v8 nvtotesale s retull davi i v 1lma ill so ft has jmst opined nil cxtrnive and fashamable assortment nf isoxxets m the above dwerip- tion to whirl v lim- leave to call the attention of the ladks uf kington he stitfo polit its the orders of merchants whom he eiisnfft to supply on lilvral terni with any nuantitv lnring the 8eafun i v takes the prefut opportunity of in forming his friend that he la removed his estab- lishmtnt to brock tieut whore he solicits a contin uance of ihfir luvon kingston april 30th is34 lake ontario fleam itfiitf the spli udii low prchhiin jkeat britain captain wmtny will during the season 1831 leavethe different ports as follows commencing on tuesday the 29th of april viz upwards presrott tuesday evening tuesday night wednesday noon hrockville kington oswego state of n y wednesday evening cobourg thursday morning- port hope- thursday morning toronto late york friday morning downwards niagara on every saturday afternoon it 4 toronto late york sunday morning port hope sunday noon cobourg sunday at 1 r- m oswego state of n y monday morning kingston monday noon brockville monday evening all baggage and small parcels are considered at the rik of the owners miles given in charge to the purser on board the accommodations on board the great britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure icgularity and comfort to passengers the above boat will await the arrival of the pas sengers that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada stage lake ontario steam boat offico prescott 1st april 1834 s n ale o f crown lands la the home district notice is hereby given that a portion of lie ungranted lands in the undermentioned townships i in the home district will he oflered for sale by i iitijthtttvtywk at the courthouse in the city of toronto on thurs- day lite isthofjway next atl2olock noon at the upset price ol 5s currency per rture upon con ditlou of actual settlement and on the usual term of payment colluigwnoj formerly alia st vincent formerly zero nottawasaga sunnidulc at the same time and place will be oflered a valu able mill site with about 400 acres of land attached toil situated in the 14th concession of the abovenamed town ship of nottatrtjsagu which will be put up at 5s currency per acre subject to ihe condition of build ing a hate milt ihceon within one year from the date of ihe purchas- plans exhibiting ilu situation of the lots may be seen nt the surveyor general 8 oflice toronto or with air richcy in tlrj township of sunnidale comnuionernf crown lands office toronto april 20th 1631 25 teres oi for sale acres of very cxcelleid i uid in the 4th concession of kredern kslnirg about 60 which be improved wjth i frame house tlhe promises and a never failing stream of water sses the lot lube situation ufthu place isagrceable and healthy hw excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou- fwiing mttlemenis and possessing every advantage ilated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer apply to a truax esq kingston or to the jos ne1lson- wu 4th march 1sh no i ice is hereby given that the remainder duo upon the stock subscribed for the teamboat now building at prescott to ply between prescott anil montreal is required io be paid into the hands of a jones esq treasurer prescott in the following instalments viz 20 per rent on the 5th may next 20 44 on the 20th 20 on the 5th june all stock now due and remaining unpaid on the 20ih may will h forfeited by order of the buildins committee h norton secy prescott 20th april 19w 25 n b the papers ihat have heretofore inserted the advertisements regarding the boat are requested to insert the above until 20th june veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country hat he has commenced business in the above hue iit chanuf old stand near the scotch kirk v horses shod upon professor columns proved principle h 0 5h f l 0 0y ilol iskkonfik in rtturninj his sincere thanks ft tlu- gwitry iuil orhur inlnthiiants ofkingsion for lite liistuv luvors conferred upon him during the last lllirleeil vrirs respectfully hew leave to acqufiint them thai w ha tikin the house situated at the cor ner of king uncni streets which he has fined in a superior lliunner and were he will prepare aa formerly suppers auntlrssoupsc to those irthileiucii m lio may he pleased to patronize htm lie takes ilu present opportunity also to inform the piililir iijii lie is now ukiimfacturing and intends to keep constantly un hand wholesale and retail all kinds of liquor cordials confectionary wastry at fjsirire or siimll dinner lartjen attended to upon the shortest notice tjnst reerived from wew york a superior as sortment of the line rabt lyd1a preserves kington feb- lth 1s31 4 y0tire frke grants of land of 50 a cres each will he clven to actual settlers in mustofthe new townships in tlie province applirsitton i be madeaithisollice- kincstom april 1 itli 134 commercial rank jv d notice is herehy piven that a dividend of four per gent has bidl this day declared upon the capital stock of tins iiikliintioii payable on the 2j day of june nexi htlllia uaitk or il agencies also that the transfer hook will he closed on the 10th day of may from which date no transfer can he made until the 2d day of june when the book will bereopened ijy order of the board p a harper kingfiton oj yt april 1821 24 voil sale y the subscriber 100 boxut whitlow qumf hx79 s 10 los rrw liinsccd oil 4s 9l purgation hotihlu utiiled linseed oil 5sner do best dry wliita utl 40a pvrcwi venetian kud spatili brown rod lead yttlluw ochre lautp blnrk siirits turiieiirine c a coiiidcte uortineiii of pnmtur blwhw u luting 10vmrcwt london putty 4d porlb bwtwlity wiiitc painu in kotimssik each thumas iiaudy liprr aul oftstnrc street kingston mnrch 31st 14 16 saleor ckown lands ix the newcastle district notice is hereby given that a portion of the un- grained lands in the nnderinentioned townships in the newcastle district wiillje offered for sale by public auction at ilic ciovernmeiit ollice pttcrborough on fri day thesoib ofmay next at 10 oclock a m ai the upset price of jo currency per acre on con dition of actual settlement uid upon the usual conns of payment n ehmojs t b urleigh eeaefjov jia r e v m ethuew ve h ula m dummer smith at the same lime and place a portion of he town lots is peterborough and of the town plot recently surveyed in ops will also be oflered for sale subject as here tofore to the conditions of butldins thereon puns exhibiting the situations of the lots may be seen with mr mcdonell the agent at peter borough conunissinner ofcrown lmd olficc toronto april tfttli wm commercial bank m d notice ix hereby given mat the annual gen eral meeting ofstoekholderi v be held at the uaiik on monday the 2d jutve at eleven oclock iocviutmu in cutt directors lit ensuing twelve inouihs by order of ihe bi f a harper ctukift the subscriber tteixcj about to close business in kingston re- juests all those who are indebted to him to settle their accounts immediately otherwise they will be given into the hands of an attorney for collection and alt those having claims against him wj them forward for a settlement john mcleod kiiieatob 21st march 1834 13 bring ror sale by the subscriber 500 sides of sole leather 50 do of skining 200 do of upper leather a large quantity of calf kidd and hog skins also 200 bbls of salt at us 3d s r caldwell kingston feb 25ih 1s34 for sale by the subscriber d hundred weight of green coflce 5so wm mcgruer the new a elegant 8teamb0at oswego propelled ky two low pressure engines h d m4cy master has just been completed with superior accommo- dationri and will commence her tnps on lake on tario for the present season on the 30th april in at and nm as follows on her passage up the lake she vib have ogdensburgh on ifcdnesday at 9 oclock u kingston u c thursday 6 m sackets harbor do 12 k oswego do 10 t u rochester friday 8 am toronto late york do 9 a m on her passage down the lake she will leave lewiston on sunday at 8 oclock p m rochester monday 8 a m oswego do 5 t m sackets harbor do 11 p t m kingston u c tuesday 7 a w and arrive at ogdensburgh the same evening tbe boat will touch at french creek alexandria brockville and morristown both going to and retur ning from ogdensburgh beper to e n fairchild ogdensburgh john strange kingston bulkley clark sackets harbor e trowbridge oswego chjis if green rochester john beach youngsfown h 4- g reynolds lewiston r ieehan toronto late york oswego april 25 1834 n24 wmmtmimom mtbes ojty from the perth hotel ubfe respectfully infomw ae u habitants of kingston and the travel ling community ihathehas leased thai extensive and coromodiom sjaol house ol entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of bis time and btudyto the comfort and convenience of his euests the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough repair lifts been completely refurniehed and painted and is now one of the handsomest public houses in the province- it is admirably well bituated for the convenience of travellers being near the lftjce shore and commanding a full view of lie arrivals and departures of thesteam boats from which pasengersluggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic artnngements of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will be of the best description and the vj ixe3 and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a jarge and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiugtfton may 9th 1834 27 newstore william macgruer respectfiiuy informs his friends and tht public that he has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mckenzie junr fdirectly oppoeite the lord re store of mr john vatkin store street where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of drv goods groceries wives spirituous liqioh8 erocher crlavarc c ace v rl r truss that his assiduity and cloet at- tentlou to business will recommend him to a fiilr fitaieof ue mmxf afttypflfr kingston feb tb d avid leahy sign of the harp iii i- his sincere thanks to his friends agd the public generally for the liberal support he hmm hitherto received and begs leave to inform them that lie has leased that tone building in kvip- street belonging to mr watkins next to 1 baker and near the chronicle office comer where he has just opened an inn for general erv tertninment he will at all times keep on band an assortment nf tbe best i liqvoss a in rear of the house siiiblin kindlon llcli april 1s34 hd winhb are excellent shed sod notice tutlie inliiiliiianis of pittsburgh ihatthost wuh- iflffto attend their respective churches en sundays will be allowed to pass tlie bridge at half price john scriyens april isth 1834 kingston foundry the inhabitants of kins stoii and the public rcitrrally ore rrspeci- fully informed thatihis foundry is again in full operation iron and brass hastings of every description made to order on the eboiteat notice including mm castings clothiers and other screws mill pinions gearings also rimming and finishing all kinds of iron work e- smnllcr castings of every kinjl will be mad to or der in tin- course of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings will be kept for aale at the foundry wholesale and retail fftfob 8aliu asmall steamengineof4hoite power is offered for sale cheap for cash kingston 24th january 1834 x mr s wood dentist will stay a fewdayaia kingston at the commercial hotel wnera he will attend to calls at atl hours of the day kingston april i4th 1834 to let one house and sundry roomaim houses apply to abner iyes kingston march 2xst 1834 notice is hereby given that unless mark mans- field or his heirs do make good any claim they may have to lot 7io 1 in the 2nd coneawion if the tqwnship of portland io thmiu litnd district within three months from thj date the said lot will be disposed of peter robinson