British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 13, 1834, p. 2

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foreign ifetra ecyit mtl finl the folluwing interesting fatter flom alexandria february u in the morning hofim of match 31 si tlic coiitnidhilfiry opinio prevalent respecting ilicsutc of tlii iiiiry ilcmdri thai care should in liken in the xi fttion ofdiu ficw caaueclcd willi il mulietiiul all haft at least created a miliary power eopable of withstanding the attacks of the sultan in the aiwfltl as woll as annm- the troops ik utmost activity continue if a now conflict was not far dis tant it ii said that to the demand for hw disarming mchenicl all or aft hit name ll spelled in the egyptian moiiiteur mo hammed aly hu declared bu willuiieto begin provided lie receive a pnarantce finm frwim or ureal britain that ho is not to br nliavked either hy thti sultan or the autocrat the desertion ofootttto nourcddin ijry fiuin the service of egypt tu that of the sultan nileagrealimprcioii licre but now he incensed ofbeiuj a coward and thfl fnlluvvinj anec dote is current on llic suljctt pome time nflvr the return of the avici frutll uic expedition against the sultan armament mohammed alv addressing odntni said i fmd ou havo had a e opportunity disiintushin yonrrelf but yon lost it it will never perhaps lolnni 1 draught jou a brim man nj l lictu liiccr this leiuark described 3 pain fijl to own an who boau nf superior attainments having bcon educated in franrc mohammed aly ha ili bb friend assert declared that he did not give such raiigiiiiiary order to the government of cainlia 35 otman bey pretends lie had com manded that tome example should be made but not bunging by wholesale ii would have exceedingly served llit cliarac ter of orman ifhe had retired before lhru eoiition auothei ground for osmanr retreat is said to uc in ins dread of ibra him pacha whom biavctv is uudiukd and who is here des cribed as the idol uf lii xuior mid who has not seen osinan bey utnee the inglorious exhibition of the naval force in ltfcj thia accounts for the let rear uf the refugee who wor ding to rumor has however bcn well treated by the sultan mohammed aly 13 expected to quit cairo fur the delu vliori- ly iflcr the bciram which takes place in the beginning of next week- the english consul thurbnrn who with lady frank io and 11 party of britons were about to visit upper kpvpi has been requested by the viceroy to postpone the visit until ihe next yer when the viceroy hope to proceed thither tbe return ot the consul general to alexandria is therefore eipected soon ibrahim pacha is expected toarrivcin egypt immediately his emissaries describe the syrian as dissatis fied with hie rule and quote tbe example of aleppo where bo ordered a levy the bwlttfl offered money to be exempted he took uic money and then ordered the lvy the act is said to have produced exasperation and revolt which mlded wiili execution of the rinslcudttr the ifcdjas have been defeat d by mohammed alys troops there in a report iii circula tion respecting the loss ufa vessel in the red kva liiving on board a number of officers among whom wore rcvcral europe- ana deiigned for an expedition carried on flauisitsomo pan of arabia tnocity of bagdad is now blockaded by the neigh boring arab tribes and reduced to the greatest mflritfi from want of provisions then arr number of refused here cajflw for employment frvm poland naples and piedmont and auo suine french carlirts mohammed aly published a notice soimj time ffiflcq that he could not employ the pohvil rtfui tim wan ami buted to a wish to concilia ltu4i and i iiihij ki wluo jli tuuj4uvotiithitlt w j iliitv i i 1 i arisen from a wish to servo hi countrvmru u resigned and is now abont to return to france kcoiupaiiiud tiy donio poles lately arrived mohammed aly having paid 5000 purci to tin sultan un der the name of a present the latter demand l addiiitui al ajt arrears oftaxesduc to the porte thero are 71100 ready which maybe sent if tranquillity be preserved m the isstt be tween the gicat powers mohammed aly pmfvtse to be content with his present position as a irihuiiry nut a 4 joot to the porte but his iiumenc preparation wmild tiiui to indicate uiathe waits hut a favorable ihipori tnilv nf dectm nng his independence and haviro ihe turk to ihrir fate paratcly while he establishes an arphevptlan ilvnaty the niger expedition accounts of ibis expedition up to tlie 6th january have fceeo received at that dub cinder flan on board thccurlew ahip of war on his way to apw coast cattle fr lllti purpojc of procintnga particular sperirs of gods lir the liviritrt in t e interior of which he had n1 previously taken a sufficient sup ply if snccesflful in thin ohjtrt it was ins intciitinh tonrtnril to the mouth oftlie nun tboncc to asevnd tho niger itir ihr third time and endeavour to piuuliatu as tar tin rmr a itoussa im xi- to hi last return lo llnl oai audir ami lieut allen has fortunamy rihed ltahhah or ualki tt large falalah town in the iron sleaniborjl t nndjvir the spare o thirteen or fourteen div hud mtttunliwd a iriondlv iuter course and carried an advauia4eus taiht with its iuhalii inl the depth of water at ihat place was btweo two siud thn ilhom and far as could be seen beyond it the nhter va lire from rockfl and other obstructions and ayranji d a majimit and very encouraging appearance this impoiuul town is itdiah- itedby falatahsand negroes and realizes liu xpceiatitjttliai had been formed of il a regards itsexteuf h wmtih and its population a fcwtuarivks from the liirdor of the uvmii and otiicr arabs were ubcived by our ivtiotiymcfl in the treci of rabbah anotlier important ontnro i our tavulbrs aseended tin river tsbadda as i his loomile f oui iim junction with ifu niger at that point and it me distati indtw and pibof it the river was found to he interrccted with iitlitnds and cum paratively shallow alternately hcconiin brotttl ami narrow in proporitou aa tu channels wa free from or nhtractiil by these i l l no trace ofinhabilauis appc on the hanli- of this river and ladder and his vtiluahl niadjnifir wurvoim pclled to return to the niur for want of on 11011 all lb- natives in this part of the country agreed in lira ilion itial lh tshadda communicatee witii lalc ivhad the inlaiid sm of africa they di not hazam this nn a imi uijtirt hut state it with confidence a a well known an i mdieputed llvl on a small island near alto landur has rtl a kind of mud fort which will answer ibu purpose of 1 despot for druisti goods this place has hru uajuetl etiiiji ilaml and it pos acitw nnrolnr fircifirt f irhrlhm purp- in tint parr nnliii couutv later news bv the arrival this morning of the ship st lawrmer capi bunker a london paper otflh 4th of april ha bfen rrrrivrd this paper is one day later uian our sjvieet by ihe viituia which arrived on saturday the most iinpoitant intellicenco by this anial in that tin- chamber of deputies of france on the 1st nf april rtjnititl by a majority nf rights the appropriation ofrvjhhijhhi iratio or indeuiuity lr spoilationbomnutudou ameiicau property guaranteed by lie treaty of july j 1wi in cobi ol win- two of tin ministers the due do unghe ami general sehastiana had reigned inthe hhum oflords on the lstthe lnrdchtof jnstwo d the kings bunch was introduced with the usual formaluio by lords melbourne and prudhoc hi lonuhip tdc tin oaths and subs ribed the parliamentary inll us itnou den man of dovejacin the county of derby in the house of commons on the 26th mareh mr pivart moved for leave to bring in a bill for abolishing the puiiinb- mentof death foi stealing letters retunmii frmn trauspntta tion mi certain cttea of burglary the hon member said that wulnj3 tho lat 1 wo years capital puuiiment for cv tal crimes had oeen done away with the consequence wn iiimi crime in general had greatly diminished and it teas f hiiu se condary puniebinent had increased a compared with the mini ber of commitments lord howick urged ihe hon member lo wait for the report of the crimiml law couumisionorj mr t b leonard and mr kuthven supported the motion and after some discussion leave was given tu bring in the hill mr stanley in the debate on the dmhridp- peniioii r pressed himself favourably lowann a hiicral consifhrattuii nf the claims oflhc draenttri in paid to their lulnhwf kk i11 decrees at the universilies the committee on capl ross claims it is said have re ported favorably in u10 commons on the 25th march uhenin committee on the ordnance estimates major bmuclerkoppoxvl the vole of fl000ttobe laid out in the north ann rican provinces and moved aredution or 10000 on kingston and itfihxj 0q nova scolia after some debate the vote was imwever carried without reduction jn the commons on the 95lh of march iord jhn missidl in rcpy to aquestion aid that it was the intention of uuvorit ment to bring in a bill to amend lbofegtatialhrii ot von is un- de the reform acl captom scott uie author of turns ofa aval lin waa presented by lord bvron to ihe king l hw when iliri majesty wa graciously pleased loalludii in a vsry hattcring manner to the gallant offiwrn book whih mdcml independently of the great amusement ti be derived from n- auikiny incident pomesww a national iiupoiiaiice tu pbuan in their true light many of the circumstances that occurred in the late american war which have been so mbtreprrawiitud on the other sidoofthn atlantic in all ihe atlairsspokvii of b j the captain he untt himself ersonally t oncerncd damahbto tiik oanai about fl0 foci nf the bank of thu canal nonr uhtil kuiwu us flirt hill in the town ot florida ffuvv wnv ti tlie 17ih ami h mini llmi liino t filling away hl wc umler- rintqiitlrtit j livvitmons eq mniurcs 10 have piles in vim hi inst ami nns ncurly ns hiai us it counl be wjwh ataml rfiut the 1 lias now take order to routine ilto ixiuk r iiiutf away has imwi occasioned hy a great alllotint of qllloksftttfj that iium hitherto iain mi the centre of the hank the iuii5atioi of the eatial has been hut slightly impeded hy the occurrence ilioitgli oil msivral occa- r btfeeptiic ihoentirebaiikittlo gazette suns it has conic m the river- jhhttrl cihsa canau fi tlienaimo canal we utltmseauil is to terminate at ultcn w ehisim ol thiii place having uiieu ihe bond reuiied of thetn hy the art lor clmngiusj tills tpnuiikuioit sulyki imriiflihi of the oiiuhi ave already prepared for the contractor ami there are mid to be a preol number nf laborers olrcfldy on the line from ultra to hamilton employed atid wekitig emrfoymcnt the nice ufhthor j pimviious nt thw linie will induce iii cmhittclor to poh the work with ffrcat vianr audit is uoeil that voui live to seven httulivd honxtiiid uolfiw will he expended upon liic clutltuigo canal during the present year 4a i rm canal twia the weekly abttnvts which are trnnsoiiltcd m lite comptrollers oltice by the several cfiltcclon olcaiuil tolls show iliro the sum fit fifty fttur itutuxtmtl fitx hundred and fort iftmodolitt an i fitrttthro rrnfs have beeo collected for tolls on lilt new- york canals during the fust week of navigu- tioh ii a suhsrcpteiit mcetinj llu pnrlies and the notes were diwodttbj on fhenine day and a cheek 5iveu for ihe balam a opcratiot of the same kind took plat an i liumger and drew had several checks ol jj mmcoive parke and co iii their posscssn f 5cv days on the 0ti three havsaliertvards 0 foiled check for 4800 was presented at the uommercial hank the cashier ill the jbtenee of the teller asked the person wlio held it h would havr it paid lie answered in tgenottb up wnarrorihnly handed four bllftof0oo encluone ul 5th and three of s100 winch rlehherately examined and nlnccd ill his wallet ustheit nimed back be had left hiselianc hihiiid be totdi 1 said thank you tudlovy wowted aav iinmdiatelv alter an iiuhwuualihanireii tli si- imirs at ih tvir rl liauk asking for fairarri 5ut nuloa h wpimvwu nine 500 and three lflif note omltemmemnriilng a genuine cheek nf iirkevwaspaiil at tin farmers and mechanic wards a fursetl uauv clrr vvesec itv llic herald of juuilday last that there has been a beay shower cf braves leaves may be carried to sivat diataitcett even the lshes of the mm which are a weightier commodity than leaves have been carried liir into the interior in the bosom of an astonished cloud nod lodged at last 00 an equally astonished fied of poiaioes amonf the aachnts the clouds used smiu ines to drop flesh mist probably a pencsinn ol this well known fihv phenouniinn- sonie body or icjiev mhhs tu have jtllffrstthl in uur cotletitfue of ihe her hi thai the leaves tn iy hie come down from the moon we mil aredeeidjjiy nf ojitnluii ilm it on ihe wlinle we ihordintf ihe 010 a salilariory tdulimi oftlie iihiivilieimi the doe- tor demonstrates xery rlearlv that ineeoric stones and all neh airy iriflt s are the fragments ofa lare plmief which was split into raluis ceres junouud wtl ami an jiiuuinerablc nnillimdc nt smaiv tu1 in a lutl fun hour alter for 3300 on die mine of the astv oje is ton innjc fm misinail a planet ndmire dr ijwm is hietv a amplrs inw in id sonir- of these smaller sample litem barter ihi nrtfcnrioitri honor t every itficrin lay between ii and oviv n forced check for tadepeudeiicc ibra sllosf tilling place on our dim 5 was pvescim d iha philadelphm hank no discovery nttu mttde till a late hour on i day when on presentation ofa check by youi purkoi he was informed that hi lather 101 a tihjiury auu at h account died states the u liauks the fraud traitkok tiik cisal the iblbtw other artichs paused itiea on the erie 21 hours between i he 25th and 26lli iusl 10106 barrels of flour 302 provisions ill ashes 510 bushels wheat 82 coarse rain 4233 gallons domestic spirits 16500 staves 21 wolcctnf lumber 53025 cubit feet nf lumber ib 115 amonsr canal in viz osweoo canal the navigation of this canal commenced on thursday last the amount of tolls colloeied ihe ollice in this illacc for the lirssl live days is 313 3i during the first five days of nft- vigatinn dllrimj the last year ihe amount rolleisetl at the same ndiee was 123 81 we would luue the reader hear in mind ihu the lulls tins year are ronsulerahly less till inor articles than they were the hist what a commentary ia the hide fact iijh no mr- websters assertion in ihe u s senate thai ilje tolls collected on the new york canals would not be for the enduing season etpial u those of ihsi vear liv rivivlmf of t fvwm doal bek on trie lmrit ibatim 1 the cotistrttctiou of doable incktton bricnnt1 front albany to syracuse ihe relmiildinir nf ihe korhester mpiediicl and htkllts hi l he nmeuote en ek as a feeder to tin canal to mtppl tin jordan level pas sed he hone yvicii iy by a vote ofllg lo 2 thin is one of ihe mo hnportanl bliuofihes ioo ami seems to have been rerjuirutl by the annual hicrca- msjiics of the eiak lhutit strit was overdrawn on and the farmers an mce was discovered shortly afterward it was found that notes corres ponding t tlmse obtained frnai girunr llaik were exchanged hi mr lerles in mew york and that the sum of 31 10 vi disoed ofhere- on the 13tll lltcdfendanu valerius drew re turned tu riiihiddpvm and were arrested on llieir way to the isaltimorr post lltjah was observed lo pass a package to hit lather which nn enamioution was found to contain foul uoesuf 1001 each ilirei of 9300 each live ol 100 each and two of 5 each amounting in ihe wlim- tu ijutu all on the girard bank there were atao v m their trunks false whis kery wigs tools pistils coining apparatus c the notes in the paciatrc were ihe mmc proem ed on the day of forger from the hanks in exchange for those obtained from the fanners and mechan ic commercial and philadelphia hanks letter were also found and read winch explained how the whole business had been trnusaeted the jury returned a verdiet of guilty nzainst eli jah drew and the other parties were acfiuittvd for wftnlof proof drew is about fr rty vearsoftigcj d air cumiiexioa nnd intelligent countenance h- has been during his imprisonment uutlcriiiff under severe indipostiuii from p 1 dysift on iunday tie was doikcnced by the ttfuyoti to ten cars im- prisonment in the penitentiary blllg awrci aumi tv w c ih from the k- tuning armstrong c lii cinxcitti ami columbum ihe following nciuiutt of n nnui distressing occurrence n the nitrlii of friday the h ul ihe house nod bam oftupl john c kisieejer iiftoliy town sllipi in thi ce vrfife cons lined by lie and what is mni idlfrcliililf in relale ninr vj htx children t tl ivibitlr ptritdtid in thr fmix a visit tu mr bout richt miles out of d are lef one li lohuil wlh ihe other a dnuf parents were mrtoi on lahrr a distance ofa- iven third in two onlv it pan lix had witli ihem ihe other i dauirstfer ol s ymw of afft who was away fiom home the way the lire originated not known and i was not discovered till about 9 oclock the following umniufr- one hnrse nod a inffe ipiiiniiv id if mi 1 were eunsuuied 111 nothing waslefi it coutllllul a eiiilrinan whahd been present al inosccneof the catamite puhseipieiilly culled upon its irani whom w0 niru n few particulars the sulerer were from niiicitf n yewst of age downwards n far as could he observed the hones weie in lliesimne sjept whieli it short barn uu- s relative pfwilion in which they slept which leads tn the mh film they were sitmtli red in llietr beds hy tbe wololtu befoie the llauies reaebt d ihem one only had snni iii a liivereiu pan of the house aw ful as was ill fifztiil nf their ihirii it was probably lriuled with but little miliwimr the unhapp patents we are old wero ul lr ami very pui- dently loij only inumieuof tbedtrstrocttou nfinen the la her rvinriinl n aturdiv but properly tbe uiot lmnh2 l t ind then fiu rme r reuiiurd at her fathers until the nrxi soil viiiirniit of tin extent ol her loss 1 1 i tiv l iii moi nskefl lor her children- let the rimdei f be eaw- lit allect of die shockitigdtselo new hanks seven bills have itouses of the leglslittmc for the hanks and one increasing ihe ca exifii bank as iblhlw tomnireli kiuil luiimn jii iiaibjr irk siickettvllhrbnr iuink comtuteiiil hank ew- orleans omuty huik albino albany ciiv hank albanw faun h 1110 passed hnb iucorioiaiion ol ital hlurlc of an too nro jo 2mioi 500000 vlanufarvllank ivkrepsic smrooo an i uoik nvbuigh 3ill fix hank ncwyurk finer case ljtoogoo taumtttfj rum it i- nn- sk1 trs iinr tk coutrarv ta our pxpttttauolli liirh milb in rtnusnna whh nnr wwhis tlitbil rating llic sarkcif harl bank hwnwmralw dorstixid tlim llnmajutwoftlw bankoinimihrtrinthcscnit lin 1 rnnr in tin cvwclu l ov io1d ntll ruiisimciitly with tho rnlriif ratio hf whiclnhcy wrotcwtiftti w bogo- tih1 rmtori ittvur if l bail in tho nlt lii- nioi rttnl ctwai in2 uia di otmfdiapiliin 1 had dur mrcing e tliiihis bwwlbtf mmitft llicnnn at aikrtt inliori wil kw finnnr luvina lcn re jcl m ilm rtonnlp thr i k vm iu1 willi illorom rnrtn nf ihit prcitm nf the cminruit- tro which bad raporlo bv fronitlir new ajcrtisrrftf afrit ii l- vau- w ml j itv yesterday house of a mr l at jiiiii chiockin clock ilm uerol koval and hj sr w d to be nn lire and xa the engine were nren in extimruislnnsi ir it was run isie- were ke iu about 10 urie cor- irovertd i d that scieij he airlmenls livertmce tor nt eh- in sonm n the crowd nulled in lu rk l itunnirst others air catmiice jtidc ol thecrtnuu rtletl oflfr and irs laiaurie cs were kent whieli thev t who de hese nai ill co where lilcw poor cf wcrc k nlsfinate1y refused m diwlort when ah ciiuongc with a timid v and praeworthy 7eal ni ihe kitcbrn which n wlnwfcd i ihreywitf hlm h rth niiiirt he waseovercd with lumses lu lulo y two o 1 woman loir id theie chained and wounds hum fltffirtf all ihe n par t- uuits were then i i- ww ground llr two rr found rhaiiied and in a depnrableeinditi- l mairsaudin the pirnt lit if nitii were ln 11 u mn- t is a tcmakdde circumstance and one calcu lated to itigtmti if pnmhh the distress of these pa- rents their oldest child was burnt in death ftonn years riucc a horse iid a voke ol qxch were bnrnr a ana tin fm t lay in the barn was burnt and his hones ul 111 the plat c lie was acenstmned lu iic lulliutf w -r- 1 tji rnl- bee uiutetl states laieboirs were consumed in lite put door xvaw open on snndty the hones of the children wrr ireled deposing in a cnliin and buried i t pn of t aj concomvc uc syuipasug n iieiilhbiirs an impnive discourse was dclnered t the fffiwv by the kev mr mtinrruugh it would i ebtit nmekery in us to attempt to cn- cifis r in hiiflirwn by imv rufleciioiib of onrs ihe feelings of smpaihy and comuiisseranou which must burst forth m every feelinif heart upon the perusal of the above narration we do not remem ber hftvinn he ifd ofa isiratiou of providence upon a siinrle family so overwhelming ftt desolating no frairjhl with every cirnnnstauee of woe as this we are persiiadiil tiiat every thing which lies in ihe power of kind neighbors will be dune to restore peace and impart eonsulatino to the few aflhced uiemlrirs uftliin fauuly that vxc tmived the shock inn tiatcdy hut thai merciful icing who dues not willimily alllict die children ufneu has seen ioodlo present in their lips 8 cup of sorrow which he alone eaiisutteu k dhkws the ibiuidelphia commercial in- iicer klvvs a detailed statement o tin trial of l tli hi im there wil i be over thirty steamboats on lake erie alone during thin lanon besides a number connecting with them and running on detroit river and lake michigan several more will he built during the aion the number of khuoiler amounts now to about we believe one hundred and fiflyi and before the kwon u through they 0i nrrfhumtr fviwd fwo inoidred hrmilm what trade tn tcllitf the drew family who in connection coilklillffi were indicted last week in l lie mayors court or ennspirney in forgery the hldictnieitl was not laid hilbre ibe jury but elijah drcv was put on ihe trial alone on the charges coutaiucd in three indhtmcuis for foririncr ami passim a cheek on the riiiladclphia hank purportioir to be signed by jos tnrkeco for 5jlviti a check on the farmers and imechanic bank signed by tbe same linn a d a check nn the commercial i luifc of ivonsylviiuia ibr 9isih karly in epieoibrr last drew went into mr musiriaves ollire and ask hi sou fbrnoten at about j discount and tendered a ffluoo note of u y liauk virgoiirt paper aluougm dime untca wm one 50 note ofa peculiar character which neciisioiled sonic delay and conver sation a day or iw0 afterward wm t tavke was lllci by a stranger who wan never aiierwards ittenlilill who inquired where he could get uoies tiimtouutcd the youn man directed him to ma ail ch mil tied iii mir ht with only morning th some sn wrak a l voiinlt do ires himself h ell one a mulntto boy been chained for ftve months being fed dnil ultnib aad received every leatmcot handful of most cruel tltu itaial ne fj tili improve nts in tie city which annua i iy irk ibe return of spring are at this season coin- need on a more extensive hh well as oiuioieiitil iic than has hitherto been attempted the old eucli edifices he liveii way loihfiiior tasti liiuv modern styicni u glish architee ue ami heltintht summer has w ii commenced we may expert a large increase ul buiulincs ctirrespoiithm inelegance with several erected within the last lew years at present the streets of ft paul and notre dame exhibit many proof of tllujusliw nf our remarks u lutein other parts of the ciiy fresh imtttfc arc springing up lriate families whirli are exceedingly orim tal our city can birjsf ofpiicsing some id uost eminent nrclufocn of the modern seined the skill of the uieeaiiie is no less evident in the manner in which thi plans of i ho sciriiulie prii jkiiirs are exttitted hfj we lo iariicnlanj that winch exhibits the pi jilic offitluro grandeur he- vond t lie rest wetninlitd aser be h the building of win itiiigham kq in noire dame srei tin greatest portion ol appiohati m atlhough many tlieis including thoe on ilie eitadd lldl exhibtt prools uuontroeriible of the iiopiovemenl of llu ciiy the new market we have aucuily uoiieed on mure than one occasion it is ntw nearly coulju led and will be ready for the pmposrsit is su admi rably designed to answer in less than a mouth that splendid edifice justly stands preeminent nvtrevitv similar erection in tins nrovinee ji for inei the and other 11 etwee nittird v lie albi ider ci ny1k 01 norniug m xiunier ioiu- r nar ol the some nifiiatih i cash in f j j i iliirl scvi u fhillars i hey auorarrnd teols nf a trunk ciilauurg dl ihe weai jn the hours of vlevc niiflu and four tbe follow tni motel in this ci y occupied b mr xn euay m counnissiciticrs slciel i theatre koyil vvas boklti ipeii by who opened a desk unioimi nil die i and nbstrar dollars i apparel puvvhpd by mr cotimrav ilu hniie waseuicretl by fnrciug the hateliw tv of ihe clbir by which means they gained teaily iiceess in the pre mises me have again to record die iusuilicictirv of the night watch and we do hopw nu uficfiwltin ul stiength as well as capacity may be iimuediaielv employed to permit the honest and iiidnnlriuiw keeper who coonibuns hn portion to iln h to rep ill his bed in iu olu is no sonic ii icc lih ilesh leaesaud stones there ihsurd as mt to luive beeuoftinned h one of lilt phitos iphers alon settler aij o k kiustou jninatca papers of the 14th of a have been received at new york they slate arrival ol the manpiisof si successor tn thecar of mtigrave with the marchioness and eiglu chil dren to assume the rrhls ofgovcitokml liis lonl idifji hmdrd un ibeotb ami was teeeiied hi due lorn ilipem with miihiiry hoiniih his iirochtnthlum t give general sattsiaetion tjw hand was perteel iy traiupiil and the inhribitantsappeared to vitru tin eiihhiiiou of slave ry with lea dread than was aitlci- puted ahmtrcal herald on moubw isf a bil of hour wt lunried whieli at linittrght would have been taken for united stales ilour the barrels being flai hooped and having all the iieatm ss of the best western canal barrels o examining them however we found they were from mr mknymillnt by town mr miickay has expended a large sum in erec ting one of ihe most perfect mills in canada and the inspector informed us yesterday that it produce die most iriexceuionable flour lie ever saw in addition to the building of the mill in question we learn that m m has jttuirihilfud much to illi improvement of agriculture in his part of the country by exchanging superior seed wheat forsuch as the eiuuitry afforded for shipment to the mo ther country mil nwii know letlge enables us to sav that the aitpenraitce of mr mks packages would nun seere a i retirenee and probably a beltei itne of snperiori- esicritietl by a large circle of friends and acquain tance his death has given a shock to the rising village of bowman vi lie that will not be recovered for a long lime the new settlers will more particu larly feel it for they have of a truth lost a sincere friend and kind benefactor ami it in onlv those who piaintane with him tha know how to ar value of departed worth in the death of rt gs part flfc vardr had no a nieci e o george ii ft e have ibis morning ivei rev edmund u rind roil the our appro clung cjuialiaii co chester 4lll alareb 1s34 imv liverpotil in lh a ived a letter from the e kiigsiii ivcsident of imilereinm dated man- mr grindrod was to f bm hl flules ihe sarnie slip hi bi4i 1r arwlen rmed the athomimuand fr x yov thtslh of vpril ag inj lower i ter vtdtimu uvwtr rriet unrtiniilitne n lu i as m ny place s iv npi vioub lu liiu ineeii g d i m of june after winch be purp york to england u i tin 2 lib in london by the im o jn iug of the iiiitisl mnfrenrv 1 i llin lis- tlmy will visit lavlsi t tifivai ii l mi till s tn sail ol jl n mh pie- i lib irom iv us tu be pomous in fie inei t- liiri asminblcrt io london the hist w iimimv in jnv- ihurrfian pnee to i i v in main iy nothing of the ad v hriuri mo daih advertiser crviou iioikk akpointmknt we have been given in understand thut the office of comptroller of ilh- i i b- nt least thai file nfl r heriiir jrfrprming th duties ofthat if it- mstii mi i i c u iii mfii rangeuhiit i geneial applying t- the nflrfen oftlie customs at ihvjtriwifl purls in the united kingdom as well nsio those in the colonies this information derives atditional support from the manner in which th inngexnrcn rl cninmissiotis of the officers of the customs n uontival received by the march mail imv worded that lor tftfr hall is acollector whilst l iinioii th- present comptroller is in itv commission tbvignated as landing waiter v e did nm learn tbii ih emnluminte of those ac- inully ut office ttill be alvccled h this change qiciff gazette we hoe received ibe fallowing communication from the friend who furnished ns the account of the drowning of the unfirtiinatc- conlisk and scrivener and nrhippyiu learn that mr clegllorn is exon- rruted from ail blame that could be attached to him on tlii- rharge of havhm sent his man across a wide hrtfly nf water in nn old aiict icakv boat i yesterday says our correspondent learnt such auditioal circumstances relating to the death of the poor mini drowned in rice lake and which so materially a hers the features of the case that i deem it butjiivtire to mr clftjhorn whom i lime nlwavs cnnsidefrd n mrefnl ami humane man to publish v h aoeens that l couhsk went from mr ill 11 clegin ied at ivk he cnk n from vvludt bike of th ds s m company with two other men ami bin- uiin tjln is proof thai wbhe iherc wltiskry was xdfsd the inference i is that the shocks much secured the cask were displaced ami that alter ftsmls m coillivk m attempt on the lake in hah- ihe boat the cak hilled lo oihf rfde and filled her it appears that mr scmvner was not with ihttn at ifilliaius ymi will be glad to observe thai bu ciiciniianee entirely relieves wr cleuboni ivmo the serious ri that ought ou would aitach lo bun had in scut a man in hi employ across rhr lake in leaky and imutfliciem boat- f mik istnt tlic tru editor r ul m pa vr i i rendered him el feu lined i j 1 il i- 1 m t i ir 1 i vei v gmcvjnt ami cj itfugllt admits tl inccs are eihleuvoi i a i t th in in i i ir r in wb i b- at uieirni ciov- ii ij anefo- rated we wouh toriiig irmslfweii 1 mtl iti ci i- 1 e t jo iut- be tu i liamim tsn for hie0ltis to tlr since wj liitl tii sun k ih i hn b i la i lit 1 y day n mjim u r iiim wo umestand it we lorbear thni touching his vera impujomig urns w hotuiriihly acfpiitu rejoice not over a hs in mv loaki uv imd 1 imi in d u ai foe puee lie ai it ifi i th h y j mnrt r iiturks ujidi 1 ihat ii3 r h indluri d bm nti ue a such circumstances hihtral horriitle mrrdek am sfutdr lastniirla koberi ktehrtunufif ibis toaii car ter living on the like h beating her about ihe heatl n killed in he end ofa you xx afterwards the body after killing his wit upon n bed and a sucking infant which was found twleep upoo the of its molher iti han was county of armaih nhenre be etmntry about thr e i as ugo i dieted to intoxiet fi ulii t double crime ofmunlrratid stuedi very li vorabh oftbewib w b victim to h- r imsbandv brtllalitv tttrhd additional yrrwjij wile cone hereabout j years ago irom they were both addicted to lienor ami excels about iwo mmtilis agi m lmlhihirffelr ilftv fnwm i ua inn w rle by i body wllli be bote hot biiimilf through laid the corpse upon hrr arm in luglrd booiti nutive wf ihe ed to this wuh much nd- hnulihu this it siiiil speaks bus fallen a herbujnui id wqum inn ib ah ind his k d itigaiotu rank to it i 1 icdsmt k hid bed denj her under ht search of her son returned and apartment jrl s ersin id when itichardrih came in her incxt morning kieimrd hked his wife in aim mnrkn tirbanuoti ibeii weill olfontoot markham but ihu huhaud got etl and stooped bee at tavern ten r he ugi heat read abused her however bin be brought back her a wrik ago she returned for her btlding being wimu fnutmtmthx nftbr time of her confinement ibr husband ditaimd her and mur dered her the infant wi found in tbe inoriuik lying oi its dead m others arm with pnirtof bread to her hrol word nfll and etui miles disrauf wlr bepnciedtd on i daugluoi mmrs verdict un richardson i liiswife wvai y lhat she was aid the eornuer it ippar in its hand tin- fur was sellmurder miiln butchered by her bush gave orders for ctdlius and the mayor directed ffin luinsdeti to get proper persons to w h the house un anrllimo iti a pmcurv cotton in which to wrap the woman remains he also paid forintcrring kichaidsanv nioiidel bodv in a cross road if some iriigonnurcs sire not speedilvre- sorted to bv the nuiboiitie to limit tut number of phices wlmre ibpi uicbardsotrs img others ofa like ha dv pi mlm mill it is in he feared that edilv ik allowed by r iff rb itir- ng kiii veste circumstance occasion i st lawrence suburb and instance of what shucking eo i tune it chirk an awful great exeih mint in the mnnifl a melancholy sequences frequently suit from the ulosj trilling tniusv it appears that a wntuatl of tin residing iii jlfinei name of patrick iel reel near tbe lop oftlie 3 lawrence suburbs ha- petnibhit which she pri zes very much viterday ninrnin about nine oclock tbi nibbll cseapoil from the imusc nod rati across the street while a man named tutissdint tav- ettcditst amour wn pissing st jhcralaiiidw iwijiiwum i atrick cilie oki hi 1inmiif ir ih- iivtiirme and wm dnnwiw piwin i l nisrr iuu vnux island 1 he uniiuniiue 01 ll talibii hiid huh ifti wj ntili ir hw muiiijb tultlic htniniiiit imve iiililibinj tlifir kcjmn ufilir liitrick im out in tiiiini nl tin ihvouriit- and nvinw ihi- cliv in m wliiih it ijnir llit i it in itic lit kntl vm ip u- immt hahmcc m mnu oscs iwi tlm lmj ll m ijcved a wow 25aojvxpuimrc for the ime hril a ta mili i mnuntrl ijmi min n blhnce i lim- -v- pinrfc ft tnhrr diimns l ns g r 111 ihhu lilc island seven sluii iuhabiiaik nv soiueln u nr in us and 2d a b- tills must leam ju enw iti th are tile population ol irives a proportion ol d of illxutlolt on eiiell die iieonh 4 the puln- neirhbnutiul ii lit hosts ol lijiorui r licences ultie kent the miiiive of keeuui lions liudtt duty tiuiru and lvdl vh oivhe ueeeipls iiuun and pel nftvrry awitiimtllt under knad art whaifae lund tnx interest on uoildd treasury imtes iieil under pt v net of whichthere werem circa- buion on ir- io1i1 10500 and some minor items the itipnrt stales that then lias occurred a vei great didicieiicv in the uniihiilt if revenue derived from import witieh can only he recounted for by a tiillirut oil in llu rnpiirls uetihitpiird b the faibui ul i lit crtitth hir ii veus md dlir ail aneinl purrs nflmriim articles the tmieinbiiir n lllu utivr httid rrmlf iir year ctinn o ind nth r i jail mid rvjre nan siruek o apprehei eil y vuuiti 1 the t c was id st oliecofhce lo sd to lo widt him across llli inaisii lieh rente maiusttet low i hi rsidejice ofn mis ld a double llhtn miuliunustreet hetween the parti lu qccouiphdv hi lence if lie lesistrd snade ist aiuoin and attempted tod pas and s v wf niiiunt nil ciitltnvouivd r in outer tn take im tr in ic inpeiuhiur on ill i i rills that ol aiiv fur mems is caused by the c i licit 1 i louse aiadruiv siieh as i ourt t bulges all hid ciiwieaujv thia bxfsi s it a iew ii o verm public huibiimrs iiioiilm laryi tal jii ilnatland ibiis tm redeem tbe iiftn 4isnv notes a btx ha- been laid mi lands amounts die la t ear lo xi ioo 15- 0 ecoitmitiltee voui hide bv lenlarkingtuj ioerease it xl to he toaj i isin whu b tli hi ihe district ihhiufllu- tn eaueellvd in a hub setiools and by u1ciauk lb usury inotes m cirrulnlioil un iy vir i induntor of sincere regret we pirfmiu ol tiiiiiouneidu the preinnture il is vvnli feeiimrs ii meli trinity task i arh nf ftrurgt uia nuiualed his lite aner rt stoart bfi ihe ivsideuee of doctor cnbil i iwn miles bom ibiwrnaiivilh on horseback l 1 in tin k on ivllbta nit jnl iust kiuni n ksij iiflmiwnu under the tidlowi uvjlle who ciicuin- houst in who ri iteiiauee of the wai f aboil tiboot ibe i iieuinst ihi ho ml i mill till vll wuh m h vi i he centre ol bulb sides inail reaebedlb i lilllrr limi m in k nn 1 lie ioaureled wuh ii s death 11 i iiuiii h return and at a shorl dii ueliis iniise hmk fnidit and threw leuee ayatttsl a niuip man the uad that hi ribs wee i i suppns d that by ieaieerniu mad reiuv one of iht t all pronbju lu ii ppears bun mar i on me boanls hi vvrbnlhh mug uuki uiitii d loui it in o ftith mr joortu itlhrilniuu ihrn diew i hi irimk lired id ml s assault hut s amnur tvfi lereupuu mr orhklnftbri ran n on the rijcht of the si la nds the coms a harron to caibrux mbeie heborrow- led tfuti with winch he repaired to win 1 1 ihe ipiarrcl ttill continued i me then summouetl st amour anrl threatened linn with voi ltndm that he ruuld not per- e seized linn by ihe siioullen ir him aluusi tt a hystauder ii ealled nut in sl amour no ilirwa- imta constable u li pacers ptesented our in ihe bead near tbt nek an 1 left ear and won siine d wdtittjjf i he imfontmai whni tinv ithta he ex ired i h rlj from b h head loi tv underhand tha mr ii nmittd i aointr iu n a toruiei jm waea irdcl uf inn d ird iiucher ill llu arm with the in lingered uilelewn oclock ir die exenimis u l imelsor nne d irk slim vere exiractec idiei wound u not dniiqeroiib datum wan but lecentt in n tbe alfuiruf basbeeiiiroslv irmil the practice ii w mil iin pit uliu bjnuifht ill from it imhit wound jiort hath ihrabl malt prisoner woodman itud by the press of moo nieiitk imi whirl kil by ill no ihh foim l jurors are in i heir hearts prci at ol if i all la li n i tt the ti be t siau inthe lishmii neeivi uiiaiuiirntieaied stall idierties c of men irniiuit is vvtwtliy of al r in its foitem and moj piinee mnrt pnriiculai teiii d as m eradicate iron iuitieis wlilrli ftnw way am red and fell inside wlttfp be was found next lunm loic ii is geirtally ihuiifilil be died uiimeiliatlv alter be oveihalauied as there was found ni trn k id luriher stniiies oil sniurduy uiorniui mi lullikl win held on view of the body verdict ilibyln ineilirtmn from bin borse i ina j rt u mit uivea it proversi founded mint we leave ti but ilr tchtmiuii iii m i sadlj vili raeinnstanees p1r patrick llli ui i noi the si- i man tilse tu trieks hub nub paiidriimrto the ulb llitf lieul iy ii xoiipit tt of hull w 1 p ii 1111111 ai tlmeii led tn ih- law i1 eintuiiiiia v ru ul ml no t ti i their k flir htbbti w i til nt m ill ml i h kllidladv ve lale un iltltll if nubiie wiur d hiair liuiv am ie l i f r a mm the ma lie juiv in ice the ntim i riti nv au intii u w ul no i j tlrw pan if air iliw ll f mr huoii disir mitaruiinipn st ch idimi nut of nn nituv vhaoee nf ii

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