eant probability of iuoos but i have rtatsd in the de goswhich ha bn o much complained of my unwilling- fkttto rwommond to parliament such a mollification or the chirttr granted to the tolonioi t t tiiraa u nleaauro to percoivo that tlio colonial miniiter jppwcates tho idea of mukmg a change in ilm conatitution of the canada contrary to the wuliof the people wflforone would be happy to aec a union tiko place could it bo offtctcd hy mutual wish but wc should he llic last to desire to aee such an event occur at tho cpcncol the liborttea of the country for brinfiio in the upper province to overwhelm tho lower wouw be ifl fuel increasing the national prejudices between eogikh and french and enabling tho government ond aristo cracy to rule the country by their disscnlions the question of tunion may therefore be suffered to lie dormant fbrtho pro- tent session and in tho meanwhile the new houses of a- iembly may ce the ftfljf of the last and prevent the necessity of it taking place compulsatonly we offer no apology for reprinting part of mr roebucks speech and requesting particular attention thereto it has been the misfortune of the british parliament that the mem bers know very little of the actual state of the government of the canadas and therefore it is fortunate for them and u that they have in their own body so able an advocate fr the rights mid privileges of their distant fellow subject as mr roebuck by that act the province ofqnebec was divided into upper and lower cunnria ond in imitation of the form existing in england a triple power was created 1st of tho governor who was supposed to be analogous to the king here 2ndly the legisla tive council supposed to be analogous to the house of lords and 3rd i y the houseof assembly analo gous to our own house of commons- it is neces sary that i should say alow words upon each of these three estates the governor it is remembered is a stson sent from england is removable by the inp and while he in canada is a portion of so vereignty he is butthe immediate servant of the go vernment here he then it is clear bears little or no analogy to the king of england he is an offi cer chosen by the executive and responsible to the people of england next comes the legislative council these councillors are appointed by the king and for life there is no landed aristocracy in canada and certainly the legislative council if ever we were to concede that such an aristocracy existed cannot he said to represent it they are usually old official persons appointed to the office of councillor as a reward for service or for certain oth er purposes to which i shall immediately advert lastly the house of assembly does represent the people ai least in lower canada there may be some doubts as to the completeness and purity of the representation in the upper province such then is the legislative body the adminis trative or executive consists first of the governor and secondly of a council called the executive council now one of the grand causes of all the had ro eminent that ban m mtt tinnrnujij flffep provinces is the composition of this council and that of the legislative council these bodies hi therto have been two in name but one in fact the persons composing the one being the majority tit the other so that the person composing the executive council could at any time put a stop to all the pro ceeding of government and forward to the utmost the sinister interests which they and their depen dants wish to forward if flu- house feel at nil drstrous of understanding the political condition of these provinces it is abso lutely necessary for them to obtain a very definite conception of the character of this executive eoon- cfl and their dependants and connexions as the governors sent irotn england go to the colonies only for a short period and are alo exceedingly ignorant of every thing connected with the business they are about to undertake it is necessary hut there should he sotne persons always existing rculy and able to instruct their ignorance these persons are the exe cutive council they live always in the colony and form thd necessary link between succeeding govern ors to persons thus serviceable rewards are ne cessarily given which rewards consist of various places money or moneys worth paid out of the provincial funds besides these people form a spe cial society and surround and hem in the eovcrnor mat tne more ruiiaiy tne one and the other are got- ten a of he better if we can main dominion over our colonies without also maintaining a scourge like tins council our dominion is a curst and if the people be wise they will cast us and the legislative council off at the same time but sir there tn i assert no such necessity assume thai thecioyemmentofenglandhasno intentions hos tile to the interests of the people of the colony i assume also that the house of assembly will know and will endeavor to attain what is moat conducive to the welfare of thvir constituents therefore i say it follows necessarily that the wishes of the eng lish government and those of the house of assem bly will be identical that 10 bolster up a good do minion such a mischievous institution as the legis lative council is utterly unnecessary that it is use ful only to bad purposes and an incumbrance even when it acts must wisely does any one believe that our dominion over the cannulas is maintained by some score of mischiefmaking old men collect ed together and called a legislative council the governor is not strengthened by them he would not be weaker in reality were they abolished tomor row how then i should like to know is this bo dy necessary to the maintenance of monarchy but it may be said allow two bodies of the legislature lo be chosen by the people and you make lie people paramount i ask in answer tu this do vou desire things different from what the people desire if you do you seek to establish bad government if you do you make bad government and monarchy in this case identical i having a better opinion of the intentions of the english government suppose it to wish what the people wish and so wishing ithat it would act in harmony with the peoples repre sentatives whether sitting in two chambers or one therefore i say this supposed proposal of an elec tive legislative council is no way opposed to mo narchical institutions and that it only seeks to es tablish a good for a pernicious institution by these extracts it will be perceived that the real curse of this country the vulgar and petty oligarchy has been fully exposed in the brituli llmjsc of commons and if the commit tee iu their report do not recommend some alteration in the constitution of tho two council wc shall be much deceived mr stanley in hi reply triumphantly appeals to the state of upper canada after telling the house that the legislative council consisted of 32 persons he asks how many of that num ber were members of the executive council six only i the answer the lion secretary forgot to toll the houc that the executive council counted of six individuals onttf and there fore by his own shewing the two councils are a much iden tified as it is possible whereas by tho recommendation of the committee ofl823 it was promised that the two councils should be distinct bodies and what i 1 reality did it all ill lite official tnbe tax lltitl h llua m that no one not of their tribe or party can reach him they actually govern the country dispose of all its places of profit and distinction and not only rule but insult the people reinc thus really independent of all control their insolence rapacity and corruption know no bounds and if at any time the governor or even the home government does wight to itffeiid their high mightinesses they rebel and treat with scorn and contumely the commands sent them from england it is quite astonishing to learn what an outcry this determination raised amid tic official tribe disloyalty disrespect to his majesty and every evil quality that could possibly be found for the oc- rmiiki were attributed to the llousi of assembly ian simply this mean an annual supervision was ensured and they were sorely vex- ed thereat what ought to have been the conduct of the home government on this matter 1 they ought at once to have acceded to the desires of the people to have taken the civil list yearly and have aided the people to the utmost in maintaining that necessary supervision which they so ardently desired did the government do this no such thing they waged war with the people by three suc cessive governors on this matter the duke of richmond sir p maitland lord dathousie a fought this mean battle for the official tribe of hire lings who thus made a catspaw of his majestys government and at this moment the right hon orable secretary for the colonies is willing and en deavoring to continue this mischievous and degra ding warfare to this there was added another source of contention the peoples representatives still desirous of complete control over the expendi ture determined to vote their monies by items so much to this functionary so much to that a very wise precaution and one almost universally adop- ted by the english house of commons as usual i the tribe of employers set up a howl this was des tructive of the prerogative making the king al- i van the king about whom they care in reality as much as they do for the emperor of china a ci pher this was dreadful unbearable republican and cheap the govrrnore joined with the officials uld the government at home joined with the gover nor l whole business of the state was completely stooped a confusion and every description of ill feeling between 0 people and the provincial gov ernment necessarily and who beg to askwajhereinthe can we hesitate for a moment in declaring the conduft of the assemb y in the highest dearee wise and circpect while that of the provincial government was corruptand vi of the home government jne vcv acme of folly i would observe however for myself by way of preliminary remark that i do not advocate an elect ive council a double chamber appears to me a clumsy contrivance a mode of increasing the de fect always attendant on legislative bodies by mm- tiplyimr the number of the persons composing it city of roe falls it is tho duty ot a public journalist to expose every imposition and ttvery sperir of humbug how ever high the mjuku mav be liuin billed liu ittluifelulu pru- ceedtii a baud of licnrmc pcluhitors some of llicm moving im good sociolv have boon fr tfonin vdsts fruitlessly endea voring o firtind s city in the immediate vicinity of ii fireat pall orniira the canadian people knowing tint ihcsitc of die intended city pomsscc 110 advantage of any kind what ever that it never could or would be a place of commercial im portnice luivc kept aloof from purchasing a fiuglc lot ami al though tho city and its ideal advantage have been pulled and advertised in many newspaper still we ate happy losay that at the ptesent lime it is alill a ctly in nuibus a the iuhihi- lanbi of tle province would not bite at the nibble thrown out past seasons a new plan lias ucn hit upon this summer which ia si futlows the land round the fall upon whieh stand two h3 and as caany malf cottage u lo he divided into lot of sonic ten inches square and 9600 of these lots arc to be thrown intoa lottery at one hundred dollars a ticket an j a temptation for immigrants to invest their capital inihis scheme the lots up on which the two ions and the cottages stand arc to be thrown into the lueky ba and lucky will be the individual who hap pens to draw one of these lots for on them depend the only probability of his receiving any thing like value for his invest ment the crtiior lots twing of no more price thau as many souarc feet of any common land in the province had the speculators confined their scheme to the erection of mi splendid hoteu and concert rooms fur the auraction and reception jf vuitors lo the fall such m heme would have been praiseworthy and ought to have merited the encnniunis instead dfiiii in-ijh- of the press but to attempt to gull the immi grant out of his utile capital by w barefaced an impottmu while it displays their hollowncs of purpose proves how little they value the discrimination of the stranger on whose aid alone they can depend for assistance there are hundreds of opportunities to invcfl capital in lllif country with safety and advantage and the irnuiigraut may know that if this scheme had any solid advantages thrc are plenty of american a well as canadians who would enriuk in it we do not think so ill of the good sense of die country as to imagine that this speculation will meet with encouragement th e r iri lu my eyes is u nuisance and my way of wiling rid of a nuisance is simply to abate it in other words toclear it away entiivlv 1 would utterly abolish the legislative council and set up no thing in its stead leaving the government composed of the governor and the house of asvinmy map- pears however that certain persons proposed to have an chciive council and hereupon the right arises respecting monarchy let tne ask the right honnrrblc secutjirv if monarchy i- supposed to be of such a nature asneceswrily to entail a nuisance i on the people is a badly constituted second branch of the legislature necessary to the maintenance of monarchy because if it be so i will meet the eight honorable secretary at once and declare an ilhmtured communication tending to prejudice the mind of the public against llic steam packet ltiited oitts appeared in hist saturdays ckrvniru it is dated at cfuifgo and is evufnlv the production of omc indiwduaj wjiu- jcalow uf tho universal patronage hut boat receive is willing like mo mus when jupiter shew him his daughter vcnu5 to find fiult with trifle the writer coinpluina of an impudent puff in the albany jjfffml stating that on the night when the ostcego was stnind- ed the untied states rode out theale in safety and more than insinuates that the proprietors of the hitter vessel forwaid- ed this account to albany fui the purpose of enhancing her claims to exclusive public favor tin facts of ihfl case arc these the untied states arrived at sackuvs harbot during the prevalence ot the gilc and rcmaiucl her custom try time until next morninj when he proceeded on her route so that in point ofinith she was nut at sea at the time the accident hap pened to the oswcgo but it does not follow that she remained in harbor on account of tho turbulence of the weather for she arrived during the gale and left long before iiliad subsided moreover she has rode out in safety harder blows than lltat ot tho 12th ult some notice was taken of tho united spates hi the ogdens- burgh repubtiotn which account was abbreviated in the ai bany paper and theike the error arose we have the authority of a highly respectable individual that the managing owners of this vessel have never been guilty of puffing her at all much less at the expense of lrulh and we have no doubt that her su perior excellencies have alone been thu occasion of all the tributes to her praise which have emanated ftom the public press even while we now write a leuer bus been placed into our hands lauding the boat for her accommodations and her commander for some polite attentions but which letter on ac count of its trivial importance wc have not published we are happy to learn by the communication thus criticized that the oswego is likely to resume her trips she is said to be but triflingly injured and will after undergoing an examinati on in the dry dock at niagara immediately proceed to business she is a superb and strongly built boat and there is no doubt but in the course of a short time all recollections of her melau choly misfortune will be obliterated since it was one which no human foresight could have prevented while upon the subject of steam boats we cannot avoid al luding to the multitude of reports constantly circulating lo the prejudice uf tome one of them or other last week half the town of kingston was alarmed by an apparently well authen ticated account of die st george having burst her boilers and killed four ftw and just as the inhabitants had made up their minds that the lamentable accident was iruc in came the gallant veel as sound as a roach without having had any incurrence on board bv which neh a report might have ongnatcd inde pendent of the distress oration- ifinftl persons on bourd by the invention of fttmtthft wcm sure 0 recoil upon the heads of the inventors thwwci for so soon athefalsitvnfthe report is ascertained a ruction in favor ofthc slandcied vessel is sure to take place and the propoga- tor andcalumnhtcd becomes detected and upttfed that when he hud on a farmer occasion appeared as agent on belmlf of ft- husey they told him that the defcnthmt mini mtnalfy appear in person but having been present when mr orumuiond had appeared aa defendant by mr black ho thought the cotut had changed tlltir opinion on that point that it was a right inhered a persons to do bv another which he cuuld legally do himself and that of that right they u deprived tin- less by express words the statute which in this case was silent upon the hi smith then said that mr black wa a cer to mr uruminond and could not bo considtlt jis an agent as he was not npecially appointed or that purpose nor paid for appearing lor his principal mr duwe ob served ihat the matter payment for his serviies rested solely with the dfeiioant that whatever he received for his trouble wm nothing eiiher 10 the pfantiftor the court tftm ehwje could not be included in the costs in c befendaiu tihaintd a verdict the court refd that it did nor signify thai such teas the fate dawe thru said ihnt lie hoped the court wnuw allow him to arfvme he defendant in the courtfr of llie cause which the court granted hint permi o pwvirfetl it mw done without brine ktary courr ibc cause defendant obtained it vti- then proceeded and th diet we must confess that appears to us repugnant to every principle of tm an justice that a previlege should be allo ro a wuiniiir which is withheld from a defennw especially in a court which is to pronounce its judgment according to law and equity wh s fii we will nnt presume to determine bioft equity there can be but one opinion we flrmlm feel obligrd by any gentleman of the legal jwofession favoring us wiih his opinion on this pci which wc ctkiceive iti- volves principles of no tnall importance montreal has its owrffas well as toronto- the former is a handsome imperial sheet published twice a week at the low price of eighteen shillings per annum postage incltflid if paid in advance the courier contains lb- most interesting portions of the matter of the dvty advertiser and issues from the same office it appear to be highly wor thy of public patronage the st thomas jotnat has reappeared and calls itself the cheapest spaper in the province the upper canada hand jidvntiscr ilis made its appearance in our jfii published weekly by mr j talbot at toronto it is a useful vehicle of advertising information another toronto nepnper threatens existence the toronto recorder to be published twice a work should it succeed the a city possessing hardly nine thousand inhabitants will be in possession til nine newspapers three of them published more ihnn nncr wiek tho school master walks abroad 111 upper canada some men are never satisfied a short time ago we pumimdled and knocked about friend dal ton tin til we left hitn hardly a leg to stand upon in fact tu so unmerciful a degree was he belabored hue im com plained of having his hones broken with ft crow uan ivow the man is crying aloud for more oflhu kline usage he has a strange taste which w um we arc in the lunnor liall he irratilicd- we hove nxcivot luc ajiril ami 3tay numbers of the lles nik- some month having claprj inc wc bad cn a copy orliu drilitlut tiirrar nnlinc tlic ptrowjl ofihc iwcni number- ulnjj pica sure iocrrld by ulumirfr a fully juhihcd ihe qticipbon um uic nrnpric- tor so fjr frrm palling ihc public tpcti1r hu tparcd do fmn to tender the urigioal mailer and clrctioos more plqoantc and interning i n uu nl ida political and commercial paper like- 1 wkijf wt mve no room for litcrarycnrocts or wc hoold have grcut ptcaaurc id lying aume of ihc content of ihor nuintcr rcfor oar rrarfcm c7 the government gazetuofttig oibinst con tains two proclamations establishing faiiai beheld at napanee and merrickville the liit ii he held on the first tuesday in the months ofinlmli and september annually and continued for tlrvedavs and the latter on the first wednesday ii march july and november for the biuue period if time oy a coroners incjurst was held on sjindtfv af ternoon on the body uf the youth john focrtfnnd who was drowned oil the preceding stmd bv the upsetiiiii ofa boat virdict accidental tu flthe conference of the wesleyan himhodists commence their annual iiting tomorrou vliril1lia at the chapel in hear surer upward uf sixty minitrs are expected tn he pecit t by ihe thomas mclxay and rida dllrillc the pthl wek more than stwi nniuirtim hyu at- rived from montreal via the can til all hiidv phas ed with the speed and conveuienrc of i route the enttrprizc is hourly expected uith a f i ing the margaret will iks ready to join l i hi the course ofa day or two the momfeu fur- warders aidctl by the venal tfbit f a portion ol thj public pres may for a time cull the or immi grants iid induce them to go by lite wa of the tc- dioti and tlamrerous st ttrt tt prtea law reiiee but tffaa est inscribed to rev john barry- brxnsii h montreal pensive and a the muse 1icl of erin fields deplores and deeply io around to see if any heart t efint sympathy o how 1 l m laboring heart untiid and speak ofw mou vailied far tha 5 how shall i ilv rehcwpccllhe day vhrn for the astern worlds i mtp6o my way forsook mv it my country friend i what mom could thu vv k w lu v fowook my i mv conntryl ah noto njy lieact uf still in weal or woe slilf written ft l find m mf fmc how dear hoi magc oh i how dear her lame i departed joy how can i bear to tell miuesi coir j j springs nid strikes i and takes you by surprise iwcet ernld lale hot so 011 ibygmil shore we chanced to be in the court of requests 011 saturday last vhen a causers called ut which mr da we 1tcd he appeared as agent for the de fendant who was unable to state his cne in eng lish the court told him that he might act as in- terperter for the defendant hut the could not rcty niid him as agent because the tfendant to bound to appear in person mr dawc replied of all your blf f how can l s3 fawell o davs of inrh7 o days of peace i o lovlylw o blest milesian race o dati of fri hearty warm mnccrc sihs met a sn and lnr an answering leari no nual look- lurking doubt dismayed tlic inmost v hl ever face displayed doubled mwt ca c0 of blis ran oer till ihe full h cou warcely auk for more how chan ne s cold calculating self feels nought s bul what increases pelf dissembled ais pton kinder suiiioa and spreads i tnhes and enianhng wiles a mask of fitfidship covers all the face and grave dcp is esteemed a tcts volcanic furv dce wilhn a nd englaiiil platnncus is cfhrcmcd a sin iii nuldttf coif hw naky venom lies and tbitc lavish tlure pnirs forth all hei stores no trcarhcrou temper lurk beneath thy calm perennial veri li ai wth baln there cmtlehcphyrs fan the purest blood there bkhur nerves attain their altitude what tho no urehing heats mature thy apiec no frightful v turn the soul to ice nor cold nor 1w1 nor tl united foiec exhauu thv hw heighining course the body fittj tu the imghty ttll5d tflill takts tiw ol cver humaa kind nturc loslu blwceiltftl livrplnn laid 011 her an iiithmax i sweetest of jm liy hosiniable shores where social ituro opens all her stores when thy ww minflle at their kind behest no plodding frlicttw deforms the social feast body and mint their highest point attain and tin free suit burst each sordid chain and laics of dd of mijrhi darings done kindles a flam nal spread from siic to son an innate irkri ery soul inspires i a lhirtforglv every hosom liies each fotli a m w the vast applause that crown iw patriot in his countrys chuw snare meniov kparc tuc spirc these poigoont stings nor barbatouvraee ihwcdebl cpanel thlugt yet sure tis nfitutc to indulge the thought that we ctfww he utterly rigot- that thoughts fv do still some bosoms move some kind renviubrancodwells with those we love ye dear conimuion of my earliest youth ye perfect emlierosnf ingenuous tnilb ye manly circh where 1 imt at rest yc full length jortraitsdfawn within this breast yu iviemls uoi urnied by uniiner prospeous dayr ye ftieitdv wiwe in ewiy tunc ard place ye friends in mm- yo niilhful spirit say whilo i plod on lifea various wenrv way may t indulgo the nweot reflection still ant stopo down timos rugged laboring hill whether in sadness or in joyous glc some little memory still remains of mot robert jeffer3 kingston may 17th 1634 such was the sentiment of the fourth of our oeorgei ferine uriiiptii whig mr editor in your last paper ihereis a paragraph con- corning mr mills lato of the penitentiary whieh saya that col power has turned him out this is not coiroct for bo for from his being turned out that gentleman resigned hiti em- sloyment contrary to tin wish of the commissioner wlio only nve tho power of turning out any individual the occasion of his resignation was a follow dia plan upon which the penitentiary was built and of which colonel powri likef the credit was the solo invention olmr mills upon who mind the seiifcofthe injustico habcen prcyin to sueh a degree nt to cause continual quarrel to take place htwtn um and colonel power until at last ho rcfurcd to fiinifali specifications of the work saying to his suprrior if vou invented this plan yuu are surely able to execute iu details it 1 my place to tceeivc specifications fiom you not my duty to tiijy them fui vi to obtain tho credit f mv labor an aniuuss ia tmptrio eould not he borne by ihe ulhill colonel he complained to the coin mission err who ordcied mr with what ho required sooner lhan one who knows will to supply the co do which he resigned matters bay june 7th is34 or national toast but the day we ce- antl that unusually preceded by another for inc uriuah whir mr editor what sensitive mortals we are lo make such a fuss about what why that one of the candidates for the representation of this town has been on the report of the innoxious disinterested surgeon sampson charged with a passing partial remark iu the year 1831 upon some of the sons of the emerald isle when called upon by this immaexdate gentle man to subscribe to the hospital now erecting wlnutthe other candidate i9cusd from another quarter of having from the bench in 1828 made a sweeping accusation against nil irishmen pray mr editor what have the electors and public of kingston to do with all this rodomontade about nothing at all that occurred some years ago and now occupies sn much the attention of the solo innim of this town just as much as they have to ilo with the patriotism of the learned office hunter ami would bt potarch of kingston himself who most undeservedly presided on last st patricks day and whose exceeding lave of country would not al low him to select or announce from the chair any patriotic lebravi aud which wmi d no doubt have been omitted alto gether had it suited this wily sentlematts political views mous mcc ffes ftieud oconuel the liberator and repeal of the legislative nnimwere rather with all his predilection for physic too nause ous i draught for this cunning politician to swallow evtm followed by a bottle of champaign or madeira yet i am told air mcc fie is to lead every irish- mm mlhfhiffiflnfr hv the wrtn vot for ft church slate candidate aliaa tho glorious and im mortal memory but those gentlemen calculate without their host for irishmen are not to be dri ven like sheep to the hustings in upper canada as has been customary in their native land no they know their rights tmd will assert them by support ing the friend of liberal and enlightened measures for tlti improvement and prosperity of their adopted country who will husband the recourses of the province by checking a prodigal or extravagant ex ecutive and tho last not least hand down unim paired tn posterity the civil and religious liberties of the people this is the man i know they will support otherwise let them at once forfeit their claim to the appellation and just rights of freemen and fear tu be honest lest they should be poor h1bernicus kingston 0th june 183 sunerfine ha been fold at 36f 3d a 26t 6d md cm lot u high aa26t9d in american superfine we do not hts of any busmen pnovito5i aro auo as last week at one time there seemed a disposition to give way md a sale of prime pork was mada as low asgll now however the market appears to have ro- turned it firmnosi and holders will not tako lets than fill st which nm small 1o have been effected large quantities ire understood to bo on hand in upotkd articles butinea is extremely dull sevenu suction mles have been attempted but there seems no dhjpo- fliuon on tho port or either buyer or seller to meet each other uumerait r 0 ordinary strength has been withdrawn at jj ilia probable id more would have been accepted grocenegenarally have been sold ruinously low and io ury cioodi 8oros there is literally no business doing etftuaio the bank rate continues asbeforr in orwat there is but little doing montreal bank share have been sold at 190 a 121 1 and city at 98 both exclusive ordividend man daily adv kingston market flour per obi 20 0 a 0 win 4 lliii 0 4 9 indian corn do tt t e 0 barley jo 3 0 a 3 oats do 1 0 m i rye do 3 0 e 3 potatoes do 1 0 1 hay per toa 33 0 35 beei per lb o 4 a 0 mutton do 0 3 a 0 veal do i 3 a o pork fresh do d 4 a 0 hams pork do 0 6 0 uuticr 0 6 a q 0 egg per doxra i 3 8oep o 0 caouee 3 do dips 3 fovlspercoaptc2 3 torkeys cooplc s do domees 60 do ofm 70 1 vealeoa per lb 0 beef per cwt 30 tt pork do do 0 7 floor dode 10 7 wood pr cord 7 4 7 o t o 0 0 c o t e 4 10 s 75 0 7 0 0 0 s t fire wood cord hccl lb bbi doi butter lb york market j one 71634 d a d i n j ii 3 a 13 b oats baabd 1 0 e 1 0 3 a 0 4 barley 3 l m 0 3 0 e 0 7 wbesx m 60 lbs 3 3 0 a 0 e 0 7 flow oae brl 10 3 i 17 a 0 0a 010 do percwi 10 6 0 s for the british whig rftfr editor having seen in the chronicle of saturday week k letter signed l jin eye witness stating that the mate of the vvilkm m the fourth used no violence upon the ocrusiun cauiplained of by a late writer in ilw vtllo- wu have oune forward to contradict such all ascrnou as thu hehiivior wo witnessed was far from heiiitr conpntible with his situation for lie not imly stopped evrrv person from going tin board but tnej lis hands in a very improper manner so much so iurieftl that it wns with difficulty the bv srantlcis couhl restrain themselves from correcting him mi the spot as the chronicle has denied the act we giveuur name william stewart james lockifi kingston june 0th 1s31 m for ue uhusli whig editor the general topic in to vn this week in the late election of directors of the commercial bank and many are so good as to say that some of its offi cers have been at their dirty work again being v4lvw ipfc nwtsf stirn jiiiisit illit v y sa master appoints proxy three late directors john watkint john g parker and henry gassadyjun esquires gentle men of high standing large property- unimpeach able character and extensive commercial know ledge and trade were on monday dislodged from their directorships and three others baron grant jwr- j sampson and mr d prentiss persons on- actuainted with the trading community and novices iu commercial pursuits elected in their stead whilst a majority of scotchmen of no more preten sion have remained immoveable and reigued pa ramount in this institution from its first formation besides which the cashier solicitor bookkeeper teller and notary ore all from the land of cakes and were it noi but it might appear too glaring iu this mixed community and finally interfere with the feathering of sonic of their downy nests all fmin the president down to the of icesweeper would be made up of the same materials knough now my next will he a brief history of this establishment from its origin as well as the sly tnanceuvree of some of its officers a stockholder kingston june 5th 1s34 for um brtijali wlug mr editor no notice has been taken of my qury in your paper ol the 27th ult as the inhabitants ot kingston have ot nil they could ftum the noble commodore it is presumed ironi their ungrateful tipathy tint he may go to the d i for what they care colonel by when he gained a fortune near 1 1 1 1 ii had a gruud dinner given to hint by the town com itkkiiii carrie having spent one among the amc people is peirahted to go away unnoticed eugenics kingston h juu hh 1xjj hi uibtovvn on tlbctth u bcj313 mr samuel stotigaioa qtoinmttcijl kmmauks on the montrea l market wurmiiltwi 3 1834 since our last report of he ftate ofthe market there has been a gmfll influx of shipping and wttler but without any later commercial intelligence from euinpe tho businets in pro ducc i therefore regulntd by the orders in hand and by opinion formed from previous intelligence speaking itt general terms spring has not brought with it the usual activity the resource f the country are crippled by lb joint operation ofa diminished quantity the result ofa bad haive and of low piices in thf l 1 mjj market5 ahes are duller than we remember them to have been at this reason dunnclhelatten or twelve year price remains nominally the muu alatwcck namely 22t 6d 22d9d a u3s for pots and is higher for pearls but transaction arc extremely limited the quantity received is not one half thai of lattt year ai ihe amc time and the quantity delivered fur hiuiicrtt is only tic same as lost yeor to morn than double the aim punt of tonnage w ittt rcinawis an before since saturday a very laige supply of wheat and flour has been received butthe bad ivcatlter of monday prevented business this day howcver numlcr of sales took place at former prices tluunalao remains as before we scarcely remember ao wigc an amount of business done at an unvarying price as in fiuc flour at 25s during the last few weeks wo nave heard of parcel of 400 500 and 600 brls sold 00 the above terms sinrc our last and some houses who at first seemed willing toliiild rather than realize are now largely in the market as sellers at lu other kioda we hear of yery little business to the free and independenr electors of the county of frontenac gentlemen i have been requested by several respectable freeholders to come forward as a can didate for your suffrages at the next general elec tion i have now the honor to inform you that hould i be spared in health until hat period that 1 shall present myself at the poll i am not a par ty man 1 deprecate party spirit and should you do me the favor to elect me i shall regard your in terests and the interests of the province as the sole end and aim of iny political career i am not an officeaoatr and it has pleased providence to place me in circumstances that put me beyond the neces sity of being an oicgseeker i respect the government but am independent of it and will never yield a single right or privilege of the people to gain the favor of any man or set of men although friendly to internal improvement i should certainly have opposed had i had an op portunity some of the lavish grants of last session if elected i will support mot strenuously an address from the united states it is impossible that this country cao flourish so long as we are exposed 10 this unequal system of what is erroneously termed free trade with the best wishes for your welfare i remain gentlemen yotir obedient humble servant robert drummond kingston 6th june 1954 auction by james linton on friday ihe 13th day of june will be sold at carininos hotel the household furniture and effects of a 1 1 1 1 1 of his majestys dock yard who is about returning to england cons19t1no op one eight day clock one mahogany chest with drawers sofa pembroke and other table chairs carpets gilt frame looking glasses bedsteads c c c also a quantity of kitchen utenbits c with b variety of other articles see bills sale to commence at is oclock likewise at the same time and place the remain ing paintings and well known poney of doctor colls royal navy j linton auctioneer kingston june 9th 1834 notice this is to forbid any person or persons trusting my wile or children after this notice as i will not be accountable for any debts contracted likewise to forbid any person purchasing any property belonging to me as the sale will be void zacharias fraljch fredericks june9ih 1831 pd3w36 miss mary mcnelghten ton and its neighborhood that she has lately com menced a lvdie school in the front chamber of the stone building occupied by mr henry mayo corner of rear and clarence streets terms f tuition u ftllow reading writing geography history needle work and arithmetic will be uught for per quarter 0 10s knglivh grammar and composition 0 15 rhetoric logick and natural philosophy 15 algebra gtiomctiy and the french language 1 10 tuition bills will become due at the close of each quarter scholars will be charged tuition on the highest branch which thev pursue scholars from a distance can be accommoda ted with hoard at the same house in which the school is kept kingston june 10th 1834 a few uoardera accommodated in the house of the subscriber situated in rear street near the methodist chapel h mayo persons having their carriages and horses with them will find accommodation in the barn stables kingston june 10 1834 36tf to let half of the large shop at present oc- cupied by jung 101334 8 r caldwell notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore carried on by s r cald well is changed to the handa of the subscriber at the store adjoining thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times atbo a general assortment of articles used by saddlers and shoemakers such as saddle trees hames boot trees and lasts linings and bindings skirling hog skins arc c c shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mers and all dealers in leather will find it for their ioterest to patronize this establishment as the stock will be extensive and of every variety of quality and will be sold at the lowest prices efcash paid for hides and skins kingston june 10th 1834 william ford 36 for sale by the subscriber at his leather store one door south of mr palmers druggist store market square 50 brls prime mess pork at 3 2s 6d per brl 40 do flour 1000 weight of cheese 60 brls salt at lis per brl william ford- kingston june i0h 1 ragscash paid for rags by june 10 baker a art for sale tinwartrockery pj june 10 by baker egaw