British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 10, 1834, p. 4

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lake ontakio the new and elegant low pressure steam boat tli splendid low pressure stcaai haal great britain captain wkitneyi will during the season 1834 leave the different ports as follows commencing on tuesday the 29ih of april viz- prescott tuesday evening brockville tuesday night kingston wednesday noon oswego state of n y- wednesday evening cobourg thursday morning port hope- thursday morning toronto late york friday morning downwards niagara on every saturday afternoon it 4 toronto laic york sunday morning port hope sunday noon cobourg sunday m i r m oswego stae of n y monday morning kingston monday noon brockville monday evening all baggage and small parcels are considered at the risk of the owners unle given in charge to the purser on board the accommodations on board the great britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passengers the above boat will await the arrival of the pas sengers that leave montreal on monday by the uji- per cauada stage lake ontario steam boat office prescott 1st april 1634 18341 lake ontario the steam boat kijti stow captain ives go horse power and 200 tons 6111 hen fob speed and safety vneqvalled from ficucott to nqtm ano it r iqrati ol the bay of quijyte goinq upward will leave prescou and ogdensburgh on mou day and thursday evenings after the arrival of thy steam boats from below will touch at brockville french creek and arrive at kingston next morning will leave kingston for the head of the uay 01 tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock m touch at bath fredericksburgh adolpliustowi hallowcll culbertsons sophiasburgh belleville river trent and arrive at the carrying place sam 1834 lake ontario luc elegant steam boat cm r o jli i howe natter having been fined up with a new powerful low pressure engine will run between kingston ami rochester viz sackes harbor oswcu and so dot os follows going up leaves kingston tocsday i thursday at halfpast 1 r m do sunday at 6 odo a m s harbor sundav tuesday thursday 12 at night sodus friday 12 oclock at noon comfcc ptflm- lcave rochester friday at 10oclock r m sodus saturday 4 oclock a a oswego monday wednesday saturday at 6oclock r after the arrival of the packet s harbor sunday tuesday thursday 2 oclock a h this boat connects with the packet boat and stages at rochester oswego and suckeis harbor nod steam boats at kingston running directly through to ogdensburgh and montreil ami lie lake steam boats running to york ami niagara may 22 1834 his majestys receiver general off he province of upper canada gives notice that sealed tenders for bills ofexchange on london at thirty day sight will be received at his office on tuesday the first dayofjuly next for any sum from one hundred to thirty thousand pounds sterling ex pressing the highest rate of exchange n b current bank bills will be received in payment receiver generals office toronto may 22 1834 i dissolution of cop a rtkershi p the copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned and known by the name of parker ami benson haft been this day dissolved by mutual consent all persons indebted to the firm arc requested to make immediate payment to john i parker johnc parker james r 1ilnson kingston 20th may 18i 31 paints oils and dye stuffs fursale by may 29 1834 john g parker ploughs axes rakes pitchfork scythes and snaiths just received an i for fair bv may 29 john pa segars a quantity for sale by may29 john gparker printed muslins and calicoes and a mikfjtl assortment of dry goods suitable fur tlie sea son for sale by afoy 2i- jgbss g parker notice the subscriber having retired from business for the purpose of collecting his debts beg leave to in form all persons indebted to him that he intends to lose as little time as possible in so doing and there fore requests them to make immediate payment and save col james r benson kingsinn june 3rd 1834 34tf wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston june 3rd 1834 34tfd william shaw th sheffield cttlkr most respectfully begs leave to acquaint his numer ous friends and patrons that in obedience to tbeir wishes he has taken out letter of licence authori sing him legally to carry on the business of auctioneeb and commission merchant and humbly trusts that the assiduous attention which he intends to pay to his new profession will enable him to command a fair share of public patronage w s takes the liberlv to say that for more than twenty years he lias been a travelling curler in england where at most of the fairs in the king dom he has had ample opportunity to improve him self in the gift of the tongue and therefore hopes that on future occasions in this countiy he shall not forfeit the small degree of reputation which his ex ertions enabled him there to maintain merchants and traders auctions attended horses and cattle sold and good prices procured wight auctions every evening at seven ovlock at his auction room in the market square next door to varratl whiskey store kingston april 4th 1834 s johnson portrait painter deslketf patronage commerci1l hotel to let the upper part of that excellent family house in church street lately occupied by the subscriber and situated near the market square consisting of one large sitting room four bed rooms kitchen and use of yard with a private entrance immediate pomessiun will be given apply to tt it caldwell kingston may 20th 183j 30if evening leather 50 side srrle 20 loz upper 10 kip jo calfskins for sale bv may 29 john g parker coihc dowhwri3 will leave the carrying place about 4 cclook af ter the arrival of the western stages on wedne day and saturday mornings will touch at th above mentioned intermediate places and arrive u kingston same afternoons will leave kingston on wednesday and satur day evenings at 7 oclock will touch at french creek ami brockville and arrive at prescott die same night good stages leave the carrying place after the arrival of the boat for cobourg port hope and city of toronto making it a delightful route by water and land for those who wibh to see this interesting country fx3 every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers and the boat is well adapted to take freicht horses cattle e agents at prescott messrs crane hooker co mcmillan link co at kingston j- g parker at hallowell c bockus at belleville b flint at cobourg w weller kingston april 1834 jtotmcs this is to forbid all persons from purchasing two notes of hand of micajah guess against me one payable the first day of june and the other flie twentieth day of june next as i have received no value for the said notes samuel purdy may 27 1sw auction commission the undersigned begs leave toinfoiir w friends and the public generally that be has com menced the business of auctioneer and commission merchant in all its various branches at the old stand of the late michael moran in king street merchants and others forwarding their commands may depend upon the utmost punctuality and dis patch being used land horses cattle and housebold furniture sold in town and country cash advanced on goods james linton kingston april 4th 1831 removal d h bsadt respectfully informs his friends v the inhabitants of kingston that he has remnveu his tailoring etalismknt from the market square to store st two doors below mr waikins hardware store kingston may 1st is3i- 25 for sjll tnr followtsti blanks deeds and memorials court of request a blanks u e ltonds and powers of attorney promissory notes to order and to bearer confes sions of judgments summonses on account summonses on note declarations judgment mils and sundry other law blanks in the court of kinss bench and district court to the number of blanks thus advertized addi tions are being made weekly british whig office 1831 26 the subscriber begs leave to inform the gentry tind puhlic of kingston and its vicinity ihat he h opened his long room and is now ready to receive consign ment from all parties willing to realize immediate cash for landed property merchandize house hold furniture c c his nightly auctions will be continued as usual at which every article in the dry tiood line may be purchased at unpreccdently low prices hugh scanlan auctioneer and commission mrrfiant kingston feb 6 13h- i i m c hatch cbai rm alter kingston upper canada notice tothe inhabitants of pittsburgh that those wish ing to attend iheir respective churches on sundays will be allowed to pass the bridge at half price john scriven5 april 18th 1634 xcw provision store baker egan having recently commenced business in the above line respectfully inform the public that they keep on hand wholesale retail the following goods american pork hams dried apples venison do york bay oysteis mutton do fine flour mess pork indian corn meal prime mess do oats pras r beans prime do fine flavored teas excellent fresh butter american cheese do salt do canadian do- scotch herrings excellent strong beer north shore do superior cyder in bbls dilhy do spices of all kinds chamont do muscovado sugar salmon trout refined do french cod poultry of all kinds c all uhich articles together with many others will he sold low for cash in addition to the above tjaker egan hac laid in a good assortment of dry goods cla8swabk a crockery market square kingston beb 10 ij4- k1ngston looking glass manufactory the suhscriber thankful for the liberal patron age he has received since he has commenced busi ness in ktugbton begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to the corner of front and johnson streets opposite mr counters bakery where he manufactures and offers for ale a large assortment of gift mahogany walnut and cherry framed looking glasses which he flatters himself to be equal both in workmanship and quality to any in the country 7 picture frames of the latest fashions made to order and gilding varnishing c done at short notice having procured a machine for the manufacture of pan lights the subscriber is prepared to exe cute any orders with which he may be favored looking glass plates single and by the box clock glass c for sale country merchants will find it to their advantage to call at his establishment james robinson cantrn4gimr kingston msy 20 183i william avery propelhd hy ttco power id low pressure engines w w micupiaty master having had her cahins and accommodations altered and improved during the winter will during the season unless notice is given to the contrary ogdensoi nch to roctuwrfift genesee river leav ing the different ports a follows ltwaros ocdensburgb every saturday at 5 p m kingston sunday 7 a m sackets harbor do 2 p m oswego do 9 r- m arrive at rochester 9 oclock monday morning downwards rochester every monday at 9 p m osweco tuesday 5 p m sackevs harbor wednesday 2 a- m kingston do 7 a m and arrive in ogdensburgh the same evening touching nt morristown brockville alexandria bay and french creek on her trips both up and down may 12th lm 29 lake ontario the steam boat for sale by the subscriber l00boxcivindowgbw7j8 79 8x10 10x12 raw linseed oil ta 91 ptr r4llon double boiled linseed oil 5s per do best dry white lead 40 perewt venetian red spanish brnwn red lead yellow ochre lamp black spirit turpentine c r a complete assortment of painters bnmiei whiting 10s per cwt london putty 4d per lb beatquauty white pudu in keor28ih each thomas hardy upper out of star sireet kinrton march 31st 1834 16 the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public for the libera patronage he baa received since he haft been in business and takes this method to inform them that he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware iwkskm mittens and gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers which can he had on advantageous tenns by applying at the sin of the bear bt square geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per and brass dr skins shrp ftktlwt bw wax tallow c will be received inpayment the highest price paid at atltimtsin cftakforfm n b those who have unsettled accounts w please call to settle the same and hy doing they will oblige barton phillips kingston feb 4 18 1 notice the pubijc arc hereby illfunued that tlir suhscriber will continue to hire uul iiil hearse as usual on the following terms for a member of st gcores clnmi 2s 6i 0 for a ntembef of any other church who is not a subscriber horse and driver provided 5 0 to labouring people 2 6 he will also whrn required undertake the nnui- acement of funerals w i cook april 11th 1sji cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave to teiidr lira sincere thanks to in- friends and the public in jencral lot the support he has received vin hi commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the late arrivals a large assortment of wks jamaica spirits spanish cognac brandy holland gin prppfctimivr shrub worihy the notice of tavern keepers also groceries earthenware glass and i large quan tity of west india ifi of thefirst quntiy a large assortment of salt water fish table salt cheese butter oatmeil cortmtealj honey flour pork oats sole upper leuiher constanly fursale w p cook tre strrrf kingston january 9th 1s34 i atlas tavjbra- the subscriber begs leave to infmn bis friends and the public that hebn taken the jove tavern lately occupied by mr john striven which he in tends to keep supplied with the best wines and sribxts he also takes the opportunity to s that hehall still continue to carry on his lormn buuitiwe of provision dealer at his newpiand john boyes store sl may 23rd 1831 a iiaid canal public notice is hereby given that the an nual election nf dircrtors for the welland canal company will be held at the company office in st catharines on wednesday the fourth day gf june next at 12 oclwk noon john clark secretary w c co st catharines may 7 1834 30 for sale bv tub subscriber superfine flour by the bbl prime mess pork do butter ky the quantity cheese do do s r caldwell market place kingston feb th 1834 1 bentleys ferry and tavern stand thomas bentley having taken the ferry and tavern stand fonnerlv known by the name of wess bliss ferry begs leave to inform the public that he has engaged a canadian as ferryman to attend the ferrv and 10 convey passengers to and from the steam boats and that the utmost attention will in future be paid to this part of his business he has also made arranerments at the tavern for the hccommodatlo of travellers where refresh ments may be obtained at the shortest notice and hopes by a strict attention to his business to ob tain a share of puhlic patronage n b t b will also keep on hand a small as sortment of grqcebiltt dry oods sophiasburgh april 10th ltf34 19 notice is hereby given that miles mark mans field or his heirs do make good any claim they mayhacto lot ivo 1- in the 2nd concession of hie township of portland in the mid land district within tlnee months from this date the said lot will be disposed of peter robinson commissioner ufcritwit land office toronto 17th marh 1834 veterinary surgeon the subscriber taken the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the above line at chesnuis old stand near the scotch kirk an infirmtry for sick horses edmund smith horses shod upon profeaor cohnuns im proved principle kmgaton march loih 1834 in united states propelled by two powerful lowpressure engints car it- j van dewater having had her cabins and accommodations for passengers enlarged and improved will start from ogdensburgh on her regular trips for the season on the 13th of april next going uk si ic ii it u it 4 comfno down she will leave lewuinn every wednesday at 8 oclock p m- rochester landing thursday 8 a m oswego 5 p m sacketa harbor 11pm kingston u c friday 7 a it touching at french creek alexandria brock ville and morristown and arriving at ogdensburgh on friday evening ena bling passengers leaving niagara oq wednesday evening to arrive at mon- will leave ogdens burgh on sunday at 9 oclock a m kingston u c monday 6 a m sackets harbor monday 12 m oswego 10 p m rochester landing tuesday 8 a m toronto york u c 9 p m arriving at lewiston early on wednesday morning giving passen gers all the day to visit the falls and return by the boat treal on saturday visiting on the route rochester oswego sackets harbor kingston brockville and ogdensburgh passing that most interesting part of the scenery on the river st lawrence from the lake to ogdensburgh by dav light march 24cb 1834 storage and wttarfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he hse rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcguire at the foot of store street as to location they have not their equals in town those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured with in the above line of business n bfor the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception of bae- gage barton philips kingston april 11th 1834 bonuykts 0 tuscany straw 8c fancy bui bonnets wholesale retail david williamson has just opened an extrusive and fashionable assortment of bonnets of the above descrip tion to which in beg leave to call the attention of the ludiis of kingston he also olirils the ofdern of merchants whom he engages to supply on liberal terms with any qunntity during the season t i v takes the present opportunity of in forming his friends that he has removed bib estab lishment to brock street where h solicits a contin uance of their iivors kingston april 30ih 1834 notice just published and for sale hy mcfarlane co rftmarkd on doctor strnchaim pamphlet againsi the catholic doctrine of the real presence of christs body and blood in the eucharist addressed by him to his congregation of st james church in york upper canada and occasioned by the honourable john elmsleys publication of the bishop of strasbourgs observations on the sixth chapter of st johns gospel by the rev win p macdonald vicar general kingston audi alteram partem kingston 10th march 1831 1q notice is hereby given hat the remainder du upon the sock subscribed for the steamboat now building at prescott to ply between prescott and montreal is required to be paid into the hands of a jones esq treasurer prescott in the following instalments viz 20 per rent on the 5th may next 30 on the 20ih 4 m 20 on lh 5th june 4 all stuck now due and remaining unpaid on the 20ih may ill be forfeited by order of the building committee 11 norton becy prescott 29th april 1834 25 n b the papers that have heretofore inserted the advertisements regarding the boat are requested to insert the above until 20th june sash factory the subscriber respectfully inform the inhabi tants ofkingston and its vicinity that he has recent ly commenced making window sashes at his shop adjoining the kingston foundry where he intends to keep on hand a large assortment of every kind which he will sell low for cash and he hopes hy his assiduous attention to business to merit a share of public patronage ff all orders for the above thankfully received and promptly attended to kingston may 2 1834 j sargent for sale iaa acres of very excellent land in the 4th concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved wiih a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the sanation of the place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and nou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising fanner applv to a truax esq kingston or to the subscriber jos neilson erncstown 4th march 1834 9 david leahy sign of the harp returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for ihe liberal support he has hitherto received and begs leae to inform them that he has leased that stone building in king street belonging to mr watkins next to dr bakers and near the chronicle office corner where lift has just opened an inn for general et- tertatntnvnt he wilt at all times kee on land an assortment nf the best liquors jlhtv wxirss in rea stabling kingstoi of the house are excellent shecls and 11th ann 1831 to be sold yfrv cheap roil cash 1 ntfrtgntftrent sun pi at a7flt to ikt cunningham kingston may 27 1831 tp2 for sale hhj hflllssj first quality sole leather 100 do upper do nw calfskins 8 r- caldwell 07 cash paid for raw hides and calf skin- mattel squire kingston 3rd june 1831 34t a semi weekly journal devoted to commercial mid political infoimalion is published every tuesday and friday evening by doctor barker editor and proprietor at his of fice in kear suo door to the commercial hotel for country circulation onlylhe british whig published every tuesday afternoon in a vreckly form and will be found to contn the rani important matter oftha tenii- wcckly paper trn fir the semi- weekly paper one pound per annum ifpaid in advance or within three month ftum the receipt of the first number and one pound five shillings if collected the end of the year exclusive of postage for the country ppcr twelve hillings and aixpence per annum if paid in advance or witlim thtec month from tw receiptof the first number and fifteen fthiluoga if collected u tlieend ofthc year exclusive of poalage companieof individuals who reside in the country and who may prefer to pond to the office for their papers tny have them supplied at ten shilling per copy per annum nrnnipe nay noaobticription received lr icm lliar ji month and tu puper dbtcontinoed until all arrcaraus tre paid up w pt m the option of die publisher atjbrrttsemrnts six lmnd undrsfilkl iirtinrtio and 7jd each subveouent ilwtuun t n lints and unkt 4d firftinmrtionand lod eaflimibnpivnl insertion ahot en lines 4d per line for thv fiwl uwwtion ami id per lia for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written dirociiims are inserted fe forbid and charged accordingly order for dicontinume advertuements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except fiom agent unless pow paid tjetter press printing doctor barker having obtained a inol wperiot pre and an excellent assortment of jon type is enabled to eiecuu every description of job printing with nratinand ct- pediuon upon terms hithirto nnprci edriitly tow in tppa canada to the free and independent electors of the town of kingston gadhruam not having publicly announced my intention to solita your suffrages as member of parliament tor thi town at h next general election i now be have to nr thul in comply aoce with the wishes of a larp portion of toy fellow townsmen as conveyed to me in a numerously signed requisition 1 sha present myself to your notice on the day of election my long residence amone yu entitles me to say ihaimr principles are well known and my attachment to the crotra and constitution of great britain unquestionable in support which i trust always to stand prominently forward if i should have the honor to be returned as your member i pledge myself to soppoit a bill to incorporate the town of kingston a bill to prevent tlie pro ineial ivniivhtiary being an injorr to mechanics a bill to repeal the summary punrshmeril act winch de prives the british subject of his rjeuott tight- trial bv jury my most active exertions will be isd to prevent ihccwy reserves passing into the hand of a dominant oiurch my private interests are itimjperahly bound up with aosji of this town u promote the prosperity of which will alvwi oc uc duu y t ikttilo ho bo gentlemen your obedient servant abraham truax kiogfiton feb 2bth igt- london line of packets to sail the flkst sv twkntikth w lach month the lino i at mstrftt computed of eight ship wmck wdl hereiftcr sod from now ork and london on th istuld 16th and from portrnonili on tlie 5th and sothe every month unle5 ihcdny of sailing should fall on stindaj in which case it will be deferred till net day from new york him 1 ship samson d- chadwiek master mav 16 ship president gtsurn mooro rjwltrjr j i sitin ontario vr- s seboc nwtor june 16 ship montreal champlin rcmrtor july 1 shin canada thomas bniton master julv tfisiiip sovereign j- kamicrjti master aii- 1 ship hannibal f h ilebard master aug- 16 ship philadelphia k mornn rutstet from london april 16 canada leave portsmouth december 10 may 1 sovereign leases pofumoutll dec 20 mav 16 hannibal leave porlniomh jamiarv i juno i philadelphia leaves portsmouth feb l june 16 samson leaves portsmouth feb 10 julv l president lenvy portsmouth feb- 20 julv 16 ontario leave puftomoiilli marh 90 au 1 montreal- iv porlsmonth march 10 these ship are of the filwt ela about 500 tons burthen built inthiseily of thebof materials coppered and coppti fastened and ire dtvqpuod lij able and experienced commandi their aecommoilatioii ir passener are very elegant and uurfrivc and nr whom hvtb bcdlitis w ine and store ofthobcm quality will always in iryided for freight j ptfilk apply to either oftlk eommauders on board the sliipj get wildes co- s6 10 coleman m london- 1 john gri3wold f ahh h it red new vork grinnell siintitin a co 131 front street n b the ships of the above line will continue lotourl at portsmouth as usual eaeli way lo m receive p engcr and from whenec tenmbtats run daily tothe comi nent and to dirterent parts of kolitnl every information rclnive to this line of packet ship may be obtained by appliealidii at thi ovtce cash paid for deerskin deer horn furs khl- ami fcathtts by haker egan market place kingston feb u st 0ck viz on saturday xom ultice ariunciucui uepabtufje o rn mams the mails fortlic offices on the main post routes to the eost ttitrti of this office arc closed ri ennejuwuk vi qdhom day wednesday thursday friday fttfattttdati thosetodie westward ofthis offiee including niigiri as fari ancaster are closed jtr timet a week vi on monday tue day wednesday thursday friday and saturday tliow mails will dom each day at t oclock- tlie mnils for offices between bath and rrihton on th prince edward county route arr elosed fancr a week n on tuesday thursday and saturday a fi oclock p m- the mails for camden eutqitd wilton arc made upon tuesday and fridav m6 oclock p m the mails for all offices ivtst of a newer re closed hriu i week viz on monday and thursday t at t oclock p m the mails for newmarket and other offices awa of york are closed ftwve a week viz on monday and thorv- dav at 6 oclock p m the mails tor offices nortk of pon hono t e cavan peterborough dtr are closed wwa wck viz on s at 6 oclock p m the mails for marmora are closed oce aweek xi on thursday at g oclock p m the mails for the offices on the route through revcrly perth evc arc closed twtr a week viz on monday anil thursday at g oclock p m the mails for the unild slates am rlosrd ar hma i week viz on monday wedu4day nd friday at 3 oclock arftlval of the mails the eastern mails arrive m times a neck viz on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday the western mail arrive fir timtsu xvek vix on monday tuesday wednesday thuisday kridav and saturday cftntrirt hour of arrival 4 clock p ftl the mails from offices heft of ancasifr will k u on imn ud fidy wil tfjsisk thepjnice bjwwd slaikamvo jn wkv on monday wcddmdiwoua wrouow whh the ullier weslcrn minis the somhcm oru bw m j1 furtrhn stj mo wednwhy friday prnlnut km 0n u jvarsodnck office hollts tu office will ho open from e ockk a m till 7 iclork lm ovory dy bxcopl tlm snbbitli ji faiirm will i- tlelivcrcd unly hivtcn inr hour of h iiu 1 j as to letteub mist abroad the fnllowin rriiblion nni b l lhrisft luey will remain not lorwjwhd ami bv li u nil nnl ullcmfor hi umi- siir inul i- aid r crui bod mich u arc imenlei in pu wiv e nl on mwi iujial in now i nrk lotlnn- furburnne imcnll i qbk mm it jmmi ini1 ii quitlwe mid iihwc mriidcd lo be vein lv mih- ier ijiiii u bwkvl mini be port ui lllm ran only he w by wy rwk- hiwcm ll may ami li nwviiiber in mt iaii vwcb tliv hiiv w furaroracd by too mbr runlet ii nn wwnn foi iho nwuuliomi rohtive to itwii n imim fir ita coniioeni ofeuropo wttrt indim set v ii mbki geimralsadwtbwmni pm up a iliis wie rnlex of poslngo nn n -uij-l- mi lhi oihv capo vinconi 3d fo new york mll liiel-i- 1 any i thai ulbnvnrded withonl beini ikwchtla will hn linrj i with leller iino saiaofponiaisa at a nawpanor fawn ilnoihve taum pan untie rrilisb ivnvineex m tti cnw vti m l tvi1 11 cnpe v litem ta new yerk ibm eill ui hill r i aruw r m lvinflun feb tih 13i

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