pay for this tax in the end in the increased price of provisions occasioned by forcing this disbursement on the persons cumiutj to market md the driving others away iruiii it imi it is not the less un- just to force the ihftff hi nriitgittg produce to innke the advance while fitr st time at tenet the tax will not materially hltlrftsc the price the principle of one set of people toxin- uuntlttr for the peculiar advantage of the taxing patty is abominable and ought to bo resisted nt the commencement wc are sure it woum not be submitted tu here and iha our country people wonht soon titctf the mlialii fonts of the towns that it would be lor their advan tage to enmc to the markets which they would es tablish out of the limits of the corporation and their little brief authority under which they play such antick tricks ri comparative statement of arrivals tonnage and settlers at the port of quebec to the 21s of june of the past and present year vessels tonnage settlers 1s33 396 ltt7sm6 951 1834 429 115613 15250 upwards of a thousand settlers not enumerated in the above statement are at crosse isle- lh a very important motion was appointed fot the 15th of may namely that of mr i ennyson for a repeal of the septennial act should mr tcnny son prevail the duration of parliaments will be re stored to its former length namely thixee years without the aid of any new enactment that the septennial act was unconstitutional but lew can doubt once admit the principle involved in it and there is nothing to prevent any subsequent house of commons declaring itself permanent ib a man was found drowned on friday at the petite cote his name unknown nor could his ct son be indemificj for the flesh of his face had been entirely destroyed and one hand apparently eaten away by fishes he must have been drowned some lime during the winter for he was warmly clad with a comforter round his neck a drab fearnought coat check shirt and iiicrnscy one underneath blue tfowsers very much patched witli canvass both his wrists were marked ornamented willi the pricking in of gunpowder lie had nil tttou a pair of boots acoroners inquest returned a verdict of hound drowned n sandwich emigrant tub emigrant tax the 1q mid 5d levied on emigrants arrived at quebec last year arc not al present levied the bill pted by both branches of the colonial legislature having been reserved for the royal assent the practice of ship masters in the preceding years was 10 add this tux to the fare or passage and as they eoultl not know of the change this season before sailing they have done so aa usual there can be no doubt that the tax is ultimately paid by the emigrant in most pan in one shape or the oher whether by a special arrange men or not the fare being so much less or more than it would otherwise be it must be the emigrant that pays the tax or nt the least the greater portion f it ilio the shipowner in consequence of compe tition among the vessels to this port and those sailing for the united slate maybe hneeiho make a suctifke of a portion of the lax out of his charge generally speaking however at least twothirds of the tax would have been saved to the emigrant had it been known that it was not levied when he sailed where a special arrangement was made for the payment of the tax over and above the passage fare now that it is not paid it is at once the property of the emi grant and the shipowner his agent or the captain ought to be compelled to refund it where no spe cial arrangement has been made the case may be somewhat different but still it is clear that the emi grant would have paid lc for his passage by nearly the amefant of the lax under these circumstances we understand that serious difficulties have arisen between the emigrants and some of the ship captains and consignees mr buchanan the chief resident emigrant agent has actively promoted the claims of the emigrants and on friday and saturday more than 700 of than from cork and belfast got the tax repaid at his office today many others have got hack the money they advanced the shipcaptains no means ought to be spared to have a fair settle ment of all similar claims at present due- ah are interested in getting justice done to both partiesand where there is any trick to avoid a settlement or any unnecessary dchw by which the emigrant who 14 proceeding upwards may be induced to sacrifice his claim secu rity ought o be taken we are afraid however that a considerable portion of the tax will be lost to the emigrants if some summary proceed ing is not established for tlw settlement of the claims toronto courier brmtism whig irclii nts f ti ily paper if oar rvgulu- tutakttuni or cfltim to cl l bqatfetwhrciicmnptiim will upon mature comuofiithiii wn itetifr mi in llie prcv im1 wjuui vm vi cmms ciiitlul cktvy r ctwutoitu itfl ttfku ion kjj in ihc pre aul wil h mmrtly uhlrd iy tfltoenpuon ex- tracts from ihilirlikamv i ili0rii lwm by joint waurfby taw udlmhst iviwtar l pm i is aor oftus u q bw- n itiilifltc foem hi two yfnigsf by toby uovntv iibbtlnu we ihc oodcrcisikl fftxftflum oflln oniiy f frontrtiar dohrrc by request ihc kmfclomti of ac ftwltnui r tf nij county al a public mecita oflhc elctlorw of fronlcunr to be hcw ut ihc inn of mr jobo ewiner jar oear mr jamec rimci m ill on friday ue lltii day of july acxt to momthff oie meritfof hie cunokitalcs nomiaatcd t the two fcnner rooctiog tod lo nominaicolierb if ogreeablc lo ihc witthea fa ujonty oflhc electors at the eaeuing meeting t ctau- to be mkeo al t vvelve oclock joba blake bolkley lata peter swu oooald nfeholfton edward honor jaraea barret lokc barrel jmur s j thomaa hooor wiuiam simkias xwshborouh june 17ui ll clvk nichoh john switeer jar jiiaiea ruaaetl george amcy lcwia u icn cnt lawrcaee siu jvier amcy i freeman mkhaclohrlcn r i k obrien j vim 0urieo il have ocn women placed in the toek wo have aeon pctiuona bb the return of tory aldermen immediately attended to whih tbcwo afrunrt tho silting radical members of the council aro postponed mccie aiidtomptlioclimax wolmvcacvii the council ottlio bidding ofa crafty pricsi a of the mli iication of n letter frauhl with cdiiinik thuo thinfib liuvc wo seen and tlioe thing have proved to in how bollow are ihq ptultivioni orthvm men who coned their follow fiilizoiia toolocttbemto officer of mi uumci letter u m ourintcn- tluil to ny a tvord or two av lin sir gumeii introduced hi teralmioif in tlic city coun- i caiultnnniiig die puuicouoa ofthttl uyuue dr morrison by t x ain ofiucniou mplitrj for wliicli lie slnod indented lo dr 0gradysnccesrutly resisted il by pulling on entire ly diflercnt construction upon mr humes wordit thmlbal in tended by the sturdy old reformer fur llial eonmruction mr hume will hardly thank uh zcitlou paftitu ever since hu entrance into the imperiul rurliamcnt he has always advoca ted uie necessity ol emancipating the north american colonies from the mother country ou the score of their expense when ever the colonial minister has cooie forward to ask a grant for any purpose useful or otherwise mr hume has been the fust to get up and say moke the colonics independent and let them provide fur themselves this as a representative of tho peoplo of england he had an undoubted right to say and do if bo thought proper now having boldly advanced this doctrine at home and in the heart of tlic empire is it not the height of folly to suppose that he should ibrink from expie- sing himself to the same purpose in tho very place n here his political wishes are to be carried into effect whit inuy be ad- vaoalgeousto mr hume constituents and whtl may bit ad vantageous lo the peoplu of upper canada arc two very diilc- mill thing tim inhabitants of middlesex may complain with justice of me burden of maintaining a distant colony hut the peoplo of that colony would be worse than auicidu to deprive tbcmsulvcs of the advantages they receive by their connexion with the parent state the attempt therefore to prove that air hume meant freedom from the domination of the colonial instead or the mother county is an absurdity which no thing but its extreme difficulty to prove could have called forth the jesuitical tajcnb of the gentleman from whom the idea ori ginally emanated mr hume meant what he naid and if be had confined himself to expressing himself in great britain or even to writing confidentially to his canada friends we should consider him justified it was the publishing of his opinions in upper canada that constitutes the crime for this offence mr mckenzie i alone accountable he knew that among the reformers of canada mr ilutnca name and advice canried with them a certain degree of weight and he should have been cautious lest be should destroy that weight by the publication of advice in which the great majority of reformers might not concur what reparation could he bave afforded the country had the reformers stimulated by his publication risen in c- belliont that they did not do so they have lo thank their own loyally and not mr mckenieie the consequences of this injudicious publication arc lamen table io the extreme two months ago bad the elections been called hardly five members of the tory caste would have been returned every body ppokeofa whig house of as- serably as a matter of absolute certainty in ihc eounties of whicti we have some local knowledge not one single tiry would have been returned what is the prospect now f you shall see in prince edward air asa werden friends are gaining head and speak of his election as secure in has tings lawyer samson not only considers hl election safe butcounts upon taking in a friend along with him wc hope he may be mistaken in lenox and aldington when hut a few weeks ago mr cuftwrighis thends were so dispirited as hardly to ehow their heads it is asserted he has gained ground amazingly were not the reformers of these counties as intel ligent as they are uncompromising we might dread the tesull as it is wc have no fear they know that messrs bid wis ii and perry are too independent and too constitutional to be led by the nose by mr mokenzie and that circumstance alone makes their return certain in frontenac the cose is different ow ing to sundry causes the freelioldera of this county urc by no means so generally well informed as their neighbors and advantage has been takeo of this circumstance to instil doubt tnio their minds a to the loyalty of the pre sent popular caodidates the cry raised by one or two tory emissaries is thot messrs shibley and campbell are mcken- zieites and the consequence is that another county meeting bw been called to reconsider their merits and by whom has tho requisition been signed mostly by reformers although the accrct object of the muejauxloxihemceling is to bring for ward ifessr drummond and goo mckeuzic at least a note ctgnoj jsuii a y 1 1 one onne present requisitiooiauj in tike last chronicle would lead us so to believe this however may end in a bottle of smoke the present nominees have but to de clare their detestation of mr mckenzies conduct and all will be well in leeds mr o gowan has with his uuial indus try taken advantage of this injudicious publication to forward his cause and the paltry shuffling manner in which the brock rttfc kwordcr dcah with the subject is of itself sufficient were any other but o gowan a candidate to make mr bud lose his election if in moro distant places where wo have nut the opportunity of judging of tho state of things from personal ob servation the same reaction is extant what hai not mr mc kenzics folly to answer fort not only has mr mckentius conduct influenced the elec tions but in other respects it has militated against the march of liberal opinions when the city of toronto obtained its char ier there were not ten persons in this town but were anxious that kingston should also be incorporated now it would he dilfiult to find ten persons of the same opinion and why because they have scon the manner in which the corporation rrti iwemhil 1 tl th t ante iv runny should be crcisd in kifigeioii and dow to coikiiilio as air ftlcutittsfa denounce the gnntiuc grattt british whu hamilton frtt piwr st voitws utcmlmtdst ctithitiiius journal as not belonging to hi fiction it would be prudent for these papeis tu unite and folio a nutritious round which lliu litily liberal portion of the pre may rally if wcinuluke not all of thcin are bunt up on ihree gfial project the dxofgm j- provmco of the principles of the uritmi constitution the separation of church and stale in upper canada tho introduction of a salutary re form in die existing abuses of the provincial administration these are objects worthy of the strenuous effort of a united press and free people let these papers set the example to the province ooco freed from ibe contamination of mr me- kenziea name and principle an incubus that has pressed heavily upon the cause of reform liberal opinions must gain ground and it would be no idle prophesy to say that in leas than a year from beuccj the radical faction will be runk into the dust from which they sprung there are evident three par ties in the province whigs tories and radicals and many persons ore prepared to join tho former when once declared free from mrkcnxie disapproves of mr llunios icther u a iiiflttot known but lo in mm if or hi immediite friend l enllcd upon to ex press his npprobalion or ditiprl and any attempt to coax him into a ituwiimml ilfcrthwihi on tho part of the ln riot will be fruition ifonrcuiilmiipoiurycannni play belter tours than llkcurj two nt we n laiaaa to htng up his fiddle ii hiuci nltii 11 uh h fimtit rivil u ii ssuiinfly litslil spi iulilu ircit- jyfhnvc kingston tuesday eieklxgt july 1 1834 trom many source we are led i coinhide that the dec- aions will not lake f lace uutil after tho assrca the present furliameat u prorogued t of augmt the aiwaoe denounces the wuio the indicator calls it a wolf in sheeps clthiog the brform regards it with a tnostiorrible obliquity of vision the courier claps it on the took and cahsit a good boy the potro is loud in his admira tion aod tho cobourg star proclaims that tho devil is not so black aa he ia sometime painted hero we have the cen- aure of quondam friends and the praisos of real enemies we hava lived long enough in upper canada to know thallho censure of the erne set of papers is no disgraw and the plau- did of tho other no credit to receive but vrhot is the occa sion of all this simply because in the execution of our du ty we wcro among tho tirst to foretell the disastrous conse quences to thecoma of reform atul the com ing elections which would arifto from the injudicious publication of mr hume s letter tomckeozio no change httl taken place in our politi cal aentimenls wo aru the kutto inuellndent uncom- motntsioc whig as ever ouropiuions in certain mon may be shaken but our principles remain bteady wo have seen mr mckeozie backed by thirlceu of his dependants a41 of litem probasing liberality of opinion act like o many potty tyrunte in tbe city council and wc iremblc to think what consequence would be were then powers of mischief increased by their in troduction to tho hoiltfq of attmlmy- let our readers peruse the extract from uio iutbrc tostfe and iay whether they wish kingston to bo governed by a band of such petty ansto- crats tlio municipal laws that have hem passed in toronto would have disgraced the days of drac we have ccn tho pencil ofjurtice defiled bytwomot iniquitous sentences wc observed by the montreal lapt tljobkaofa fcvoiunoiiarv cotcternor pat a circitnih iik inwil tvuwi ti us ity itigth tlcmsui from montreal win fh iflrtie militates ihc gcnoml urbatiiiy of ctrimaiw wliiiney of he 0- britttin v gfotm not dh tia iariiraili tnects the eye of the caitfflitl ho will call lo iniiij the transaction wc allude wcarc fund of cum trftrsta the same travel on loaviiitr kingston yesterday afternouit in lli britannia utlltkklly left i113 baggagt on shores atld captain llerchmer with singular politeness put irtck the jjritannta to tht wharf for the purpose of fttchim it d the steam boat postage ijctwceo kingston and bylown everyday becomes shorfev ue rideau returned from the lauer nlace on saturday last in mrtytoeo hours she had no bare in tow the torrmta arrived from b sunday afternoon in 48 hours haviojr 4 barjelrtlowa 150 passengers the riduau left this morning by town having on board lieut llolbrook and tho detieh murines and seamen from ihn kiiision dock yard du ir return to england c the general lnarter son fr tho midland district eotamencoi uo tuesday next tl tfl inst at the court lloue in adolphutuwi iiti he nvw ifurk mail of ltd j contains no fresh intel ligence fioh kurop ct we have heard wilh mttlm faiisfaclion that that face tious end ititirnrd gentleman mr- jehers has it in serious ooil- temptation to relievo the dull monotony nflhe uwn hy tlie de livery uf a series ot lectures ilvthi mlw anu hakyxm in his own peculiar stylo at le court hottse mr jcf fcis mind bu long been big will a mighty project which hi probable these lectures rliay asst dim ir disenhurthcii- the committer ofmanagctnerjcof a kiagstod mw inniihition beg leave to ocknowlcdfe the ti i j tonatlons from the veoerame grxtrfe okll jitarucliapufcl chcmietry 4 vou lcwuond clarks expedliion 9 dr gibsoo surveying 1 do mr- welter kale home r lltivli ureek and laliu11 wiluamcook tanners nnrrflcr3o cio wmong jjm hkdijns tales of the nortliwrst jotajcnkinshowc t ttamaa hsmoo heuufe hohary altai l tko vcrj itev- vicar geu meuald- an ihuhd caluinti mr dicaheo 1eil aa latltan tii d sprar aspedctt uftrc- lobiu a j penis 3 organk remains semncrals- from mr b- chauerton oftlc uotmus siar hlf jotimau for die ruh whig mr editor i feci confident that avast inijmiy of the stockholders oflhc commercial uauk and the public in gener al entertain but one opinion dial you bave acted properly in giving plarc to the communications of zkttutotdrrs and oihcrs in your truly independent journal and alo in giving mi important ollicerof that i nmilulion the opportunity of correvtingllia report if untrue which is now ii univmhy credited vik that he it llie soie or nart jroprietitr of an mtpo- sive dry goods htihlihineui in kitigatu a cinuinatait c which if hue liould iu uiy hiiuuble opinion ditiulify hirn fnin holding nsrutatioaofsutrhi liiffa rospouibiliiv the assurance of yourrornhionderit bank that ihorc is not one word oftrulhin llii wport so injuiiou ti the rpi- l lion oflhv individual alltwlod to i indeed anything but satisfactory whether lie wthie principal or the agaul nutttera i litllc when it lanuol in detiicd that ho is the reponihlc manager and the person utolur whose name the busincs i m4k oo 1 mmkv tiuhlal phpvwlmv- whupiii atfhl the gentleman alluded to acting as ugent fur another and hold ing t power of attorney to wind up the afliiiiiof the es tablishment should sircumstances rccjuiro l itis notorious that instead of a wtndtfvp he is using his utmost motum to estend tlie business and that ml name has been yiven with thai of ibo nominal proprietor on negotiable paper for no trifling a mount norv sir for any man to ihuta cautious long headed man of business woald lend his name and ottflhtrr hia situation to oblige anothrr without any pccunuiry io would be to say that which noone in his senses would believe canada is neither the land of sentiment nor romance and un less i hear something more cuavinciog than the mere ipse dixit of atfrfc i must incline toasy original belief it may be thought strange uiat the directors should noi ve required an explanation thee cxtraoidinary iron sac- n as thev are all oftlicni cignuaut of ihc rumor ihisis ac counted for by tlic fact that praxes appoint directors and con sequently each man trembled lest he might give offence and be excluded from the proxied lisi al their election u now sc- core for one year at least it tolo ho hoped they will sill ibis matter lo the bottom and if tfuv find dial lliis important ofi ic banks t thoy ioldeu kingston july 1st 834i to the editor ortie dritiffli whl si r s if riir foioierand notihefoigottcii kingston djiik ing utfair hai out had the desired effect in confining impor- tant otfiects nowadayj whin their proper sphere and guarding tliem i i- theoretical schemes at tbe public expense probably a littlo occasional skirmishing and some harp shoot mg at the oot posts may your correspondent bank like the galhnt hero of perth johnny stewart has out generated himself hy the stir render of the indtvidu l he has taken so mu h pains lo tewlit in escaping but truth must and ever will prevail when all the d torn opinlcs ml had your correspondent beeu more explicit ilmilil bocon vide red rather ungenerous and itnmanly not to admit of the honors of war and allow the important officer nifu and honorable retreat tiutn his uupoular poition which so justly affects many of our seositivv r nd uhoioit v uuld rcnuiro more ingenuity llutn bink i posced of tu con riucoi that the report which liot wimloirdiouitirh talked about is without foundntien ihc arknowledjmicin off u pcriutendency oflhc building vherc te biiiness u enrriid gentlemen m taken exquieite care that tin magia- trutoi should have timely notice of hia arrival in ordvr that blootllulw cnnscqiicuccs may etitsue from the tlirefnl clfucts of iiia wratb july u 183l uuiz for uic drliiuli whiff mn roitoa lltiokle on your armour be nt your post le- iaid your honor the conquering hero of lch and isroggadoctti of wuliunc unitriiaelicfl in vetlle the btvut the hiipurtnnt event u thefute ol kingston and the whi ij11s13kn1cu i t july 151 jvcrf by the editor the idea of mareh arc come hut they are not pone lt will be time enough to halloo when wo arc out of the wood unfortunately for onr vtlor wc arc known to bo pueilie but if we find a substitute what more can the most outrageous fire enter wantl our regular man of bushics is unluckily for himself nt present kors deeombatt but hiukhnicus has very kindly pro mised us to be hid deputy from tbe toronto raoiot ers that the n the lower province have been voted to messrs bid- well mackenzie perry and radclilte to the ho nor of messrs bidwell and perry however we have not heard of their returning thanks for the same and as respects alt- bidwell we have heard with considerable gratification that it is his inten tion immediately to make a public disavowal of his participation in the treasonable conduct of hume and mackenzie this will be honorable to mr bidwell and at once rescue him from the obloquy ever attaching to suspicious connection no won der the unreflecting panncrsof yoige street and elsewhere have been deceived by muekctiies cun ning pretences about reform when we have seen a gentleman of did bihwciis profound penetration led astray by them if his cunning were equal to deceiving mr bidwell itis surely n sufficient apolo gy for the thousands of uneducated ml bidwell is about io vindicate his liunor and so ff hope will all who have been duped the lime is now arri ved for every true subject of the king to say who is not for us is against u this must now now be every good mans motto we wonder if mr bidwell was awake to the ultimate views of mckenilc in his endeavours to force an open rup ture with ur kulph we may take an opportu nity of explaining this mailer maiier io ine ootttirn anu u inrr mm uiai ium im r if traficking in mcrehaodre totliciujury oftli tti vf and i he imwcf tn rtv- y vvi r iittui4 hivwi omens el ll i or tlie liarilr uu1 iiililu own eom luiiuns and lhilnloi mal palibl tii it- iti iiiim tlitir lluulrj with the mliidiil juiief m trfliecr june isji a5wtheu riluckliuluei per ihcwwri wwgi mr editor i perceive thai mio vf vour gurreaimittlenia would lain represent the commercial bunk ii merely a scotch cwtfctti i different modes of inflictin correction imd oc curred to my mind onfwa to follow up one ol your correspondents until i had broken every bone but on second thoughts i though it the better way to make the real state of the case tell upon every mans common sense as thinly as a soldiers forefoot upon the sling of his musket real state of the case 1 h canadan english irish l canadian scotch scotch scotch scotch aoimieuii american scotch l canadian bcoteh irish irish l cunadiatk irish rn were divided into seventeen parts or parcrls a man in each parcel there would be 617 st otchll english 117 u canadian 317 l canadiuu 417 irish and 217 american then also those who may feel inclined to en quire will easily find oiit what nation has invented the greatest amount of ivojierty and ihen until you hear from me again bjievc me to be sir yomr tractable untractuble obedient servant investigator kingston june 30th 1s34 not ky the etirun it i a matter of im public conc- ijuttm ifevcry irrson wlullvtoj wfat tio coiumcrcinl dunk va from lliu buil ocakwi but uur correspondent miylu httvc liadllie candor to lltvc ttwatwincjj tliut the tfulicilur fnfuiy and almost every agent were rotchmori 1 john s cartwrighfji 2 g w yarkcr 3 j sampson a wc grant 5 jolinmowat 6 r drumiiiondi 7 joseph brucci 8 jolm strange 9 a t max 10 1- prcniiw 11 f harper 12 a mcnaub 13 j cainciuii 14 homke 15 lhclp 16 noel 17 harvey so that if the cone rukk5 llio editor of tlic patriot bold man re not content willi aiming onu subterfuge upon hi readers iu the shupe of a spurious oraium by dr kolph lie now brirs for ward mr bid weiri rmme a iftjut gentleman litld polilical c0ttni0lhc9tm with kim whether mr ndwclujpvuor tu tho cdilor ui bfjluh whi dear sir list in the multiplicity 0 vour vou should forget permit mc u rcm you lm 19 the ut of jul v espccicj tu arr va whci to the witle i l of lcnh i ih yon this 1 have tlic honor tq be gentlemen with the greatest respect your faithful servant toronto 01 jjrbt jame8 fn bmday afternoon 2eth june 1831 r mn p lnumjrtft ck yard kinguoo mrt ei femni k1ng8tox 0 3 st lawrence and itldeau route3 to tho editor ufthe moulrcal gazcttu sir your enr respondent a friend an ua would have it to fair competition has suited in your guzutcof tho si luj iiit a lwkrq ua in your iptr of saturday gravely aecuncs mc of denying ictrjbt which i this uis hipun lo bt untrue t have denied no tatt iui have no desire to create doubts uf the wcfulnertf nf the llideaii omul permit mc hciid to n iinil you uml vou were nfl charged with haviidcnid that the uideau canal w l- ugidul hut tr crealinduuliui of iuusc- fnlnvs8 to the extent il had hecn credited iu the kings a whig and tiir bcilljf fieo withlhe kliti uf hat parivr the ttdvaniagen di ibo ottawa and uideau navigation ilow do your fiiir statement ngtvo when vou deny what was staled in the whig that ttljoat of the oiuwa and kideu navlyaiioii iilijiiv i i- ill kington iu live jays nud accusing the editor jt liliing astru that whih lie knew to be otherwise and how docs your tairncs appear when this edi tor ha denied your harp and allirim d in former utatcmeiil in m vour second epistle on trr cttntttiim you accuse tho enterprising proprietor oflhc ottawa line of tlliuerahty and unfair competition in refusing lo allow any boot bul their own to pttfl the leek al vaudretnl and ulherd kiy liow libe ral huv public spirited l tho public should bo inado ac quaiiiled itltllthlftq t hcrritiyou have thilled your ground mm dhcirmwjs the time taken for about to rus fiom montre al to kinoii hy thu ottawa and rulcau route xocircimsttitt ces relating to the eompiuy nud have proved thereby that it would have boon more reasonable in you to have omitted in your ilffttftlurt tho woidi tuint and tiir iwr tlietccun be no siirowiltif friendship in publishing iniiiiienient and illibe ral mtumoj to dwtflvo tho public and mialcaj hio weary tra veller fur pergonal intercut wliv did you nut uay tktif hick instead of tliu luek al vaudreuil vou surely mual have known lliat fie luck was built at the- sole cwt and charge of llie ottawa 1 or warding company then you call on the public to notice that they lo tulow any boats btlt tliotr own to p3 the leek where u your ffutdmp tvuit competition in wisli- iiig til pai lh locli lollfree ai you di nut ay that any ofler ol pjjuieiit lor the privilege of pawing the lock was made and to umihuitv thai the lnk wa- public property why did you not mate that this lock was built hy ihc cnierprisiug ollawa i or warding company at an oxptmia probably uf at icaat four lhouaud pounds i that for many yuan lliu company did not re ccivo nx mu h iu paid their tjhiviicj that they have not to this fiitltt- been remunerated with sit per otiit un their outlay j liial duiuig all thi tiniu tilt rorwaiiniso coalfmt m thi t aviuscf uf which vou appear to be a moilibcr weie amas sing rkfmiiv ruutrcial and tliui you an now willing to share the imimilth weidth acpiired hy your moderate forward ing eharge- wilh tlie herelolore losing proprietors of the otta- wnlnie 10 have equal privileges to ki the voudreoil lock then sir vou would have heard from cvrv mouth dud iooh in every journal a repetition nf your how liberal 1 how poblic spirited 1 iiulw frundtofair competition co uut lo place your friendship uud libcnduy in a more conspicuous puini ol view you wy ihitf highly favored company tf i said ctijoytiuolhcr privilege which is of no trlhmg conside ration txemptionfrom fltftf and that you 4 il from guud authority hero you have published an insinuation of no trifling conideiatton ynu attack the character of public fuiictionautix or private individuals for uo person or persons cai have authority to gram such privilege without violating ihc principles ir honor integrity ir honoty ai much aj you have in rim king the insinuation und at the umo time bubcnbuig yourself 1 friend tofuir comprfition the public will uly appreciate tho motive by the candor of tliu ii friends ttatemeuu or otherwise rdiastatements and mile to sec ihc galled jjido wince whilo to the wrong tide leaning i be- leave in conclusion to add a few word to the forego injt in cunvormi with a gentleman this mot rung who pas nd through the ottawa and tudoattto kingston he observed ihal ho win highly dclighteo tt itb the ruutoj and emiveni rived at ktns on in com nany with the steamboat he was in in less than loui daysamin half and that several barges hud arrived them in less than five day from montreal in des cending by the st lawrence route by ivcscoil cornwall arc he wi really gloved tnsce ihc deplorable rtnto of tho emi grant pnssciigcrs of duihalubouls going up that wny at one phuc 111 lenticular a number of boats were still and tho pas cntcr laying ami irnifgling about on the bmks much taligucd their fe kwolluti and wounded from walking over bad roads and npnrnily olherwim ulfering from exposure to the cli mate thu it no iuiyrcpreetitationdetiy it if you can il is but a aim ktlch of the miseries endured by umiranu on lhi route iiihtirtvd by nelfiulercstcd and unfeeling triendrj tu lair coinpetitimi a looker on june 11 to thb independent electors of the coun ty of leeds gcxtlitueni although n considerale time has elapsed riacc i fiwt received uti tovitmiou from muny rtctutlilc inhahitantsof the county to oflfcr im if os your representative in the ensuing paria- nwtiu i lrvr liihrrtu rifraiiifcl fiom pulilihy pre- ftaftr ior uil 20 d wtesii reruji ti ii ii corn r i n ftarkjtt uo 3 o i 3 oaw do i o m i ity ak 3 0 a 3 rouuorv j- i o i hiy per too 33 0 4 35 licet per lb 040 muuun 10 0 3 a 1 vrjl do u 3 o d pork rrcob j u 4 b l hama porkilo 0 fl 9 botr t i a 11 li l lothl ncr i1ipb tliai infruts lci 11 icinc jigmtmueotf clsnppoit dc- ttnions mffl market july j ijof 001 rrrdoirri 0 cnndlee- moouhi 0 do dip 0 fowtopcrcxwplo2 tortcy coopte i i woodprcor4 t i 4 t- 7 0 0 t t m 0 0 m u 4 ii b ii 71 ft fi n i ft ft ft ft t t ft ft i i fire iv004 cord hcei iu km dor unrrm ltulur iu york mabket axlirk 1 at- d it 3 t 3 0 u 0 a 0 v i uo m 10 do perewt r d 4 x ft ft t ft 3 l m i ft it 3 10 itewarks on the montreal markkt noirnxm ion 82 ie3t wc mtit rerlnco our remarks wiuiia t very ihori comxmm this week a iho cvonw arc not iufficient to rruko up a loz alics remain without aoy alteration vvukat the quantity tveeivtd last wcelt wu oxltmii limited pnu wc hear of but fcw talc and tiros at farm prices the accounts fi cm etigland arc not bach irtoftas rape buypr and it is probablo that the market will rcrjjiirf tromuly dull for some liino floun rvinuios ai befure the demand tlicialwvf fpontcd articles which have ukeo plam tuurtr the week have been rather tnoro encouraging matn bchuighamitriiiirtid sugars tftesoert lot rcroetobftr to have seen irom uiit quarter ranged frum 37a 9j a 42 3d avoragld certainly ovarii some ver superior borbadom tiiar has been sold as high aa 45s in dm goods tho complaints are that no quantity can be mid though the prices appear tosatiify 80 alao in hardware liud othvr arklci dailu ado supply being fully oqual tod rcvicw op the newyoith market fob tm wsek zffdlffo 51tpru1t joht 21 ashes the transactions in pot reached 1000 bamb few of which were deposed of 390 and ftml and tbe hallanccal to which price tboy advanced on thuraday lliitt uiovemetit h ou ing 10 the small arrivals and the favonbla accounts of the article received from europe pearls ban al so advanced about 400 bbls were sold st 420- fai few within the lut two jays at 4j25 to 430i camau there has been a pretty good demand sine out insl the sals are principally aifolor9s between 12 and 1400 bags su domingo at 10 10 10 cu 4 to soobags bloat i j j and 7 lorfoobagdlaguira at iu to 12 cents com there has been a good demand since our last tad prices has improved cent per pound in consequence of tbe fjvokiblc advices irom liverpool tho sales attend lo about 3000 bales of which 1700 wereuplnnd at hj to 13 cb 1060 bales florida a is to 14 mcludiog some fiuo atl4 cts 200 bales of mobile at 12umjaud2u bales ry fine at 15 cents domksric goow these goodsare very duil of sole-ther- 1 n d t m hhd ftir dutch om broaladdci wero sold at 12 cents un time ivk wooi sales since our last of isotons carnpecha lowood at 4 4 flu tons ft domingo al flbm clt- andtonstampicofusiicinlouatjaocaih tiutlie arrivals during tho week of nos 1 and2mack- ore have nearly all bcensoldat ourquotflus sajesofcod- neciicut and manic shad at our rale cdbfish continue with oiit alteration ftew smoked salmon have cote into htiirket and sales maue at 21 to2 lv cod i 252 62 1 175 pkkledcod3af4pei bri dus cwt scab monu50alu dosmokcd22 ai3cu pcrlbi bbad mm no isjaml mjkh do no- 282sa850 do mwjsfi 75 1 7 j fall mackerel no 1 6 37 a 650 petter do do no 2 5 w do do no 3 3 50 herrings 27a 3 pe brl domokid30a75cenuperbox v floo the market icmaina witboot materiai rhnn home little inquiry for export has cleared tha market of what richmond city mills remained at 625ombah how- ardstreet was sold at 5 50 georgetown of toofl bmadh ox citvusc alexandria at95 fioi vkerie cs 4 70 and aood brands of western canal fi 4 81 it vo flour nd uoru meal 111 barrels are a linle lower sut canal es of both at i t lilt cuttruty tint to tlhistfin vim ivlm iioionul hkwhh ttralidrtl i wn tkirtms that no cue ioif9cwinif i wu hch s it is dinrrvciljr r itiiliwrtctly giveiii nium npcratt to ihcloklh or injury of lii coimlry ehhuiici for wsmi ufihw cotratdcruuuii pledge iiiiu- i if lo lm hbirsi he coitld not in his own ppmiun iturrards coutfciviitiouty perform for i uas little kiiov 11 to you excrp sis oim entrusted with no ap- jjuiiitimimt of iusponsibility by my sovenmgn uho according to the luiilu discharge of my duty to his pimply will estimate my loyalty to liiinselh i huvc long boon receiving almost daily proofs of good feel ing towards me by the freeholders of leeds who in n to my attachment to the best interests of the province have rightly judged me by themselvei they have been pleased to attribute to me those qualifications which ought to be found iu their rep resentative and now that a requisition lies before me signed by nearly five hundred freeholders of the county and by many of the magistracy f i can no longer doubt their hating deliberately determined in my favor nor hesitate to declare publicly that lobe the free choice of such a constituency us that of the county ol leeds is now tho object of my ardent am bition i feel tlie more honored and bound to your tier- vice by ibis mark ofyniircoulideree because it is accompanied by no demand ofilmi pledge io any particular line uf conduct which is so often required by thote uhoc jiulmcuts arc fonued before tlie subjects of them have been discussed i am not called upon for a confession of polilical faith but 1 would answer to those r ho hac objected lo their repretfcitiative being connected with the liuvernmctit oflhc country that no ood goveinuicni can possi bly have any interests hostile to or separate from thoc of die people and that a good or bad govern ment is best indicated by the prospeiiy or the de cay of the country subject to if with regard to another objection which has been strongly urged that i am incompetent 10 bctvc you because 1 am not an inhabitant or llie county 1 think the advan tage of haviuy one of your representatives generally resident at lllti seal of government may be such as to oveihalance any inconvuiiientte which may possi bly arise from his possessing less of local knowledge in all important subjects ol legislation the interests of tho province are the interests of the people ol leeds receive colli aiier the proofs you have given me of your in- lended support i cannot entertain a doubt of our micees there remains to me but one subject ol regret which is that until within a sboit period of tllo coming election i hull nut he able to pay my respects to you tu person- iui in matters purely local 1 shall easily instruction from my constituents and my igue ar 3 25- gaatscyerul parcels of wester canal wbckt were ufd at k 1 hi- andouelolatlloeent com haa advooc- ej salc of northern yellow at 67 a 69 runt a rirro qf ninth cartilina trhjlej 2400 binlieb very auperior m 66 eta and maryland yellow at g4 a aalc of km at 614 southern oju28 unil nurilicrn37ceuu fhuit nothing of importance has been june at private sale that wc heard of ludma wile of 900 pica nnw orleoni was nuido io tb hegimiingofthc week at 4 j c 4 raoaboldm dow artgen erlly asking 5 ccnlh iaatiikr about 5000 sidea eresolduiis week at auction jinl wehl ofl at nrhca equal to last walks sale molaifcstlic market ii dull and ibo stock 00 band con siderable the sales amount to between 6 and 600 hogsheads at 2d to 30 cent 1 new orleans and porto rico ro infe rior qualities wero old below that price several lots of ha vana brought 25 cents natal stoke tar i rather scarce sales in small par cels at 1 67 turpontiiio is dull pricea tlie some as before olhsamof about 15000 gallons whale at 28 nu some suuimer umtol at 70 lot of cud liver ftt10 50 for sbore aud ubout 80 k chu otirgh luifrirf aiuu ccuii 0 months rovisionvc adance our quotations for mess beef but uiem is mi gmi activity in uc market eiuier for deaf or pork t sak- of bmh aiu mad as wanted withio our rann lrf continues steady and in jar demand al 7 cts for ioferiorohio 1 1 j conis for bst northern wc quote beef mess brl 9 a jo do prime 550a6 do cargo 4 75 a5 pork mess 12o a 14 do prime 9 a 10 25 hogsud lb 7a 9 but ter n- y duirv 13 a 15 do shipping lb 6 a 9 do- pfaihv titflpliin lb i aj checmj american lb g a 8 itice about 400 tierces have been dbposed of during the vnk at 2 09 to 3 2 a mos salt tlie imports uf liverpool sack during tbe week have been unusually large and prices have further declined about 5000 sacks have been taken at 1 59 to 1 50 jo other kiads we have no change to notice spirits small sales of a scignetto brandy at it 20 to 1 25 sales of jin at our quotations whiskey is selling in best barrels at 22g to 23 cents srtczs 150 bags jamaica pimento have been dispoeed of at 6 ecu sugar tlie business done during tbe week has out bee large but prices are maintained the principal transactions are between 25fl and 300 uids porto rico at 7 to 71 ctai 3 to 400 bs cuba brown at7i to 7 cts some wbitedo at9 tel0t 100 bxs white trinidad common al 9 to9j eta and b auc tion 1 12 hhds n orletini at 6 to 6 cts todactosajc have been made of about 120bbrk k- uickyatgtoejcents wool this article continues dull and prices are sjcclinttij vhaltbosrnfi o aioco our last wc quote the am rloil t cts price current and muutfilt strayed cow came into the subariibers encloaure on mr miciuiay farm near kingston about the lot may a black and while bpoued cow tlic owner id requested to prove property pay charges and take her away june 26th 1834 j s fraser when bad men comiwe good taea efcoald uniie now ill the tress and shortly will be published ac llie toronto recorder and general printing b- tabliahmeiit markethouse toronto trice is mr humes celebrated letter to his worship the mator of torosto declaratory of a design to free these frowicu from the baneful domination of the mother country with the comments of the press of upper canada on tlie nu nicions tendency and treasonable objects of that loner and ihe speeches resolutions and amendments of ilie common council of this city which were the result of a motion of that body to disavow all participation in the sentiments of mr i uine with an introduction thereto persons desirous of obtaining copies of thu pamphlet tilt please to ienify their toish immediately if by utter post paid to g p bull as a sti- pidtted number only icill be printed toronto 17th june 1s34 the guardian toronto british whig kings- free press hamilton and gsktte mqq- 1011 i free kress namiinwi ileal will pleas publish ihe above