v ri published semiweekly opifbr peb obbp ulcor voiiuhfe 1 by e j barker khostov u v frio a y july11 1834 the british whig a semi- weekly journal devoted to commercial and politic tofbtiikition in oubutw over tikftday and friday cvooinn by uoclor barker edilor an j proprietor at lii ot- 600 in kair street tivtt door to tho commercial hotoi for country circulation only the british whig 11 ejbjjehid every tuesday afternoon in a weekly form aod will t found to contain ih most important matter of the temi- weekly paper ti for the semi- weekly paper one pound perarmum if paid in advance or witliin three muntfia from the receipt of the first number and one pound five shilling if collected at the end of the jr exclusive of postage for the country ppor twelve shilling nod tiapence per annum if paid in advance or within thiee qmbuii from the receipt of the firat numuor and titteen aliillingf if collected at the end of ihu year exclusive of postage companies of iudividualk who reside in tbe country and who muy prefer to send to tlw oiicefor their papers uiuy bm them supplied at teu jjuliinga per copy per annum prrmipt no imbcriplion receive for less than ux months and no paper discontinued until ull ntcmgss are paid up except at the option ofihe publisher glrtrertfacments si tinea and under jfc gd 6rt tnttertind and 7d each subseouent insertion ten line and uuder 3 41 ftri iuerttou ami 10a each ubsequnt insertion awova tco linea 4d per line tor the firat insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion inserted till re goods on a damson m notice i his is to forbid all persona suppl my account without an order from or myself wm adamson surgeon kingston june 27th 183 41 for sale cheap a superior london built eight oared gig forty feet long with mabt oars and sail complete apply to baker egan kingston june 27th 1831 no 45 the to rejvt commodious dwelling in barriefield for merly occupied by john r glover esq latelv by doctor hartley of the 15tli regt the premises being so well kion do not require further descrip tion apply to walter mccunlfrt killgvlm 20th may 1634 advertisements witliout written directions are i forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisement to be in writine produce of every kind received in payment nu lultcra taken in except bttm agents unless post paiu letter press printing doctor barker bavins obtained a most superior press leellcutaxsortnicnt ofjtfl tvfe ii enabled to execute every a riwiion of job printing i- iii hi upon terms with neatness and ox- liithcrto unprecedently low in upper antl wharfage mora tiie vuuci ihui he hits rmed the w wlmrf furnxtlv occupied bv mr hv leave to inform the public known smrehouses and john mcguiie ai as to location uiey have those who wish to store the foot f sutei- nol ilieir equals in town property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost eudenvours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured with in the above line of business n b for ihe accommodation of travellers there will he a room fitted for the reception of bag gage barton philips kingston april llili 14 i uruuhart culler ani mija8lrer of timber ail u i i koor a camerons kingston 26th may 1834 m- ah tmlflp john mclbou notice all persons indebted to mr rvhl glendinning late of store street kingston are requested to inuke immediate payment to lie undersigned as lie ultlq only person authorized to collect ilia debts- criminatcly n b persons who are alsu indebted to the su perscribe are likewise requested to settle their ac counts immediately to save coste kingston may 13th 1534 28tf to be sold the subscriber oilers for sale an eligible stand for a blacksmith waggon maker or other mechanics the premises are good and consist of a frame house and shop with one and half acres of excel lent ground and are situated a short distance from the flourishing village of bath in a thickly eitled country the stand is at present occupied by a blackbjiiith- a o oscar f pool ernestown june 2nd ism- 34tf just received and for sale by the subscriber in addition to his former stock a large assortment of summer goods consisting of beaverteens and fustians turkey stripe and check fancy printed muslins light calicoes linen drills c c also very superior maderia wine in qx casks do do l m maderia do do do front port do w excellent sherry do very superior cognac brandy in hhds do do holland gui h very strong jamaica spirits a lew cases superior chjmpaigne muscovado and loaf sugar londoij porter window glass c and expects in addition per first arrival at mon treal a most choice assortment of summer goods to which he would beg to call the attention of the trade t macivider kingston may 10th 1831 2stf from the perth hotei respectfully informs ihe in habitants of kingston and the travel ling community that he has leased that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of his guesta the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough repair has been completely refurnished and painted und is now one of the handsomest public hnnepft in the province- it m admirablv rorwaidiiro roii the rideau and ottawa steam boat forwardiug company respectfully inform the public that they will be ready at the opening of the navigation to re ceive and transport passengers goods wares and merchandize to and from montreal to kingston at the undermentioned rates cabin passengers from montreal to kingston and from kingston to montreal 60s and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through the route to kingston 12s 6d allowing to each adult 50 lb baggage freight of goods wr and merchandise from montreal to kingston 2s 9d per cwt freight from kingston to montreal as under flour 2s- per barrel pork 3s od do ashes 5s 6d do wheat golbs 8d per bushel payment of freight will in all cases be exacted on delivery of the property- goods by this line will be put into large barges which are decked all over and not disturbed until they arrive in kingston and being an inland navi gation and towed by steam boats insurance may be dispensed with with safety it is the intention of this company that these barges laden with goods and passengers in montre al will deliver the same within four days at king ston robert drtjmmond agent kingston e gushing agmt montreal kingston april 12th 1834 a j ferns begs to inform his customers that he has received by the late arrivals his summer supply of ladies mioses and childrens fashionable boots and shoes of every description and will be disposed of at uncommonly low prices- kingston june 24th 1831 40 noticu to buyers of leather and sellers of skins and hides s- r caldwell respectfully acquaints his h if mi and the public that he still continues the leather business at his old stand in the market place where every description of articles in that line mav be had at all times 07 cash paid far hides and skins kingston june 2iih 1834 w mvmmmwmtf eojbracinga general assortment ol season milk well situated for the convenience of travellers being goods suitable to the market andaei li near the lake shore and commanding a full view sisting offustains cantoons cordurd brown cottou loom shirting printed muslins 1 cali coes patent thread fancy striped shirting book jaconet and mull muslins oingk th um hosiery of the arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passengers luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the greatest attention will be paidf a first rate table will be kept the beds will be of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiugston may 9th 1834 27 to the free and independent electors of the town of kingston gejftteheh not having publicly announced my intention to solicit your suffrage u member of parliament for this town at the next general election i now beg leave to ear that io cocnpli ims with the wishes of a large portion of my fellow townsmen as conveyed to me in a numerously signed requisition i shall present mjtfelf to your notice on the day of election my long resident among you entitles me to say that my principles are well known and my attachment to toe crown and constitution of great britain unquestionable in support of which 1 trust always to stand prominently forward if i should have the honor to be returned as your member i pledge myself to suppoit a bill to incorporate tho town of kingston a bill to prevent the provincial penitentiary being an injury to mechanics a bill to repeal die summarv punishment act which de prives tbe british subject of bis dcreet right trial by jiry my moflt active eiertions will be used to prevent the clergy rrw pausing into tbe hands of a dominant church my private interests are inseperably bound up with tlicoe of this town to promote the prosperity ofwbichwill always be the chief object of my ambition i have the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant abraham truax kingston teb 28th ism emigrant office toronto uuijuuctlbm j notice to emigrants in want of work emigrants in want of employment are inform ed the grand river navigation company have advertised for one thousand laborers who will meet with immediate employment at three pounds currency per month and board several huniifled laboimb are also wanted on the wetland cjlwal at the same rate of wages emigrants desirous of availing themselves of the above offer should proceed by way of the welland canal and land at port robinson there is also a great demand for mechanics at hamilton dundas ancaster and branilbrd farm laborers are much wonted in the neighborhood of these towns for further information emigrants ore directed toapply to mr caitermole at ham 111 ii is iii ii btatiohebv wrought muslin dressesond collars cfct hand kerchiefs c c c the above sale will be found well woij the no tice of country merchants as it embraces a com plete assortment and every article oflcied will be sold terms liberal sale to commence at 10 oclock on each day pre cise h scanlan auctioneer kingston 4th july 1834 44 s carmino respectfully begs leave to ac quaint his patrons and the pwblic gene rally that he continues to carry on the businersof hotel and tavern keeper at ins old stand the llansion mmouse wmel i pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and most central street in kington in the business part of the town is convenient t the dif ferent steam bn flui atf iru- tftablishment of the kind in tte province can surpass it in the ex cellence and cohort of ils apartments in regard both to parlourstnd bed rooms all of which ore furnished in the very best style the hotel has been recently pa throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of e mansion home is a large yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept s cabmino aving kept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts tha w unremitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will continue to merit the public patronage ot porters ww de readiness to convey lug gage to and from the different steam boats kingston ma 1834 printed muslins and calicoes and a general assortment of dry goods suitable for the sea son for sale by may 29 john o rakkek rags cash juno 10 nsiid for rags by 1 11aker egan for pale tin- ware crockery cheap for casli jmwl by i1akkr egan 39 hon a b hawke emigrant agent for sale w acres of very excellent land in the 4tb concession of fredericksburg about 60 cres of which oreiinprovcd wiih a frame house on tin premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the situation of the place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing eery advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising former apply to a truax esq kingston orlouie nfibsenber jos ne1lson bmeetown 4th march 1s34 9 for sale by the subscriber at his leather store one door south of mr palmer s drvggi87 store market square 60 brls prime mess pork at jc3 2s gd per brl- 40 do plour 1000 weight of cheese go injs- sail at lis per br royal saloon john belonge respectfully informs his pat rons and the public generally that he is at present manufacturing ad intends to keep constantly for sale during the summer season ice l and jlcmonndc soda tfairr gr brir ad ou kimii ortfrtikmth oonfectionahv jlhiettate retail kingston may 27 1831 4w33 kingston june 10th 1831 william ford 31 6egars a quantity for sale by may 29 john g parker notice the subscriber having retired from business for the purpose of collecting his debts begs leave to in form all persons indebted to him that he intends 10 lose as little time as poseihle hi so doing and there fore requests them to make immediate payment and save cost kineaton june 3rd 1831 jamhs r benson 3t for sale by llie siutscribcr for imii biutajpoost eojdfcn grass scvih 3 94 caclt sickles d sd and km each scythe stones 2a 0j do stvlbe snuitlic- kjkch piich fork c thomas hardy ippcr fit store slrtet kin2motjune2kd 1834 4lttf st lawrence canal the hans profiles and specification for con structing a canal from the head of the long siuli to cornwall will be ready lor inspection at the of fice of the resident engineer mr j u mills at moiilinettc on the imi day of july ami sealed tenders for contracts will be received bv the en gineer till the hiih day of july next at eleven oclock a form of tin- tenders and the terms of tin- contract will be made known on application at the ollice dated at cornwall this 1 1th day of june 1s3l lly order james hume surrtary ploughs axes rakes pitchfork scythes and suaiths juh received and forsile bv may 39 john fj parker wholesale retail grocery wine spirit and market squsrc hext dcor to mr sctftta auction mart the ub9cribet begs to inform the inhabitants of kingston c that he hat opened the above estab lishment where he haa now on wle the following articles at unusually low price hy wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy djpuya brand 4 hhda hollands gin 2 pipes beuecarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old madeiraf 5 or casks tenerifle 2 do do pale sherry 2 do do brown du- 2 hhdt very superior while wine vinegar 20 barrels upper canada wlskey a quantity of prime old 9jbiedm gin and change brandy iicbutiatt 20 cliehta twanky tea 3 do young hyson do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 hhda double refined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes muscatel raisins 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin glue whiting window glass oils and colors c c with every article in the grocerv and provision hue george armstrong kingston 7th july 1s3j 44tf auction sale op groceries dry goods sfc on tuesday the 15ih instaut and following days will be sold by public auction at the sure of t macnideu without reserve to close consign ments viz 12 urates well assorted crockery 40 boxes muscatel raisins in j boxes 12 bags fresh almonds 100 jars superior mustard 7 lbs each 6 case english sugar candy 6 hhdft port wine 12 do spanish do 12 quarter casks excellent njierrv 20 barrels london porter 6 barrels muscovado sugar 4 llhds refined do 4 h lift cognac brandy 1 case well assorted cutlcry and a number of articles too nuinoug to detail also a most cbnirfiii ll dry goody saieiimt the proprietor of tbe montreal herald and matty commbrcial gazette begs leave to inform his subscribers at kingston and its vicinity that be has appointed mr j h greer as hia agent at whose dry goods store at the comer of store and kingstreets such as may not have boxes at the post office will find their papers mrl greer will forward to montreal the names of such as may be disposed to subscribe and the utmost punctuality in delivery may be depended upon- kingston 2d july 1s34 43 im terms of the montreal herald and daily com mercial gazette 2 terms of the semiweekly published on mondays and thursdays 1 5 to be sold by auction on friday next the 12th inst at 12 oclock pre cisely if not previously disposed of by private valunbv iii emm si jlot adjoining the brick house of a h myers esq in brock street being the south west part of lot no 120 haviug 3 feet front by 6g with the right of gateway into quarry street r jackson auctioneer kingston july 4th 1834 43 lost on the 14th of june last on the york road be tween mr r fkaserss tavern ernestown and the residence of the subscriber a small pocket book containing a small quantity of cash some memoranda and four notes of hand all drawn in favor nf the subscriber one given by john taylor of thurlow for 23 dated about the 20th april 1830 and witnessed by margaret harris one given by robert thomas for 27 15s dated about the 15th march 1s33 and witnessed by john vro man one given by llirum p robertson for 5 dated sometime in dcctmber 1s33 and one given by john fairfield for 17s 6d- dated sometime in may 1832 any person having found the book and its con tent and will return them to the owner will be li- birallv rewarded samuel vroman ernestown july 1st 1s34 henry of james notice is hereby given that the affairs of davis have been placed in the hands doylk lor adjustment ad the creditors are re quired to sftid him their demands also those in debted to the said henry davis arc requested to nay their accounts james doyle trustee kingston july 1st 1s3i the copartnership hitherto existing under the firm of mulholland a twigg is this day dissolved by mutual consent the arrangement of the affairs of tiiac firm is committed to me oar- annus cameron arthur foster and da niel cafliey as assignees and to whom vniy are all debts due to that linn to be paid and all accounts due toil lobe presented for adjustment henry mulholland william tw1gg kingston lstb june 1831 40tf fresh figs prunes marmalade pickles sau ces and english cheese just received and for sale by arthur kingston june 19th 1834 foster 39tf to the free and inoependex t electors of tiie county of frontenac gestlkmn 1 have been requested by several respectable freeholders to come forward as a can didate for your suffrages at the next general elec tion 1 have now the honor to inform you that should i be spared in health until that period that 1 shall present myself at the poll i am not a par ty man i deprecate party spirit and should you do me the favor to elect me i shall regard your in terests and the interests of the province as the sole entl and aim of my political career 1 am not an office- h olda and iihas pleased providence to place me in circumstances that put me beyond the neces sity of being an officefto i respect the government but nm independent of it and will never yield a single right or privilege of the people to gain the favor of any man or set of men although friendly to internal improvement i should certainly have opposed had i had an op portunity some of the lavish grants of last session if elected i will support most strenuously an address to his afajestv to put a protecting duty on imports from the united states it u impossible that this country can flourish so long as we are exposed to this unequal system of what is erroneously termed frtt traded with the best wishes for your welfare 1 remain gentlemen your obedient humble servant robert drummond kingston 6th june 1s34 notice to buyers of leather and sellers nf skins sc hides the business heretofore carried on by s r cald well is changed to the hands of the subscriber at the store adjoining thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times albo a general assortment of articles used by nntt shoemakers such as saddle boot trees and lasts linings skirling hog skins c c arc shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mer and all dealers in leather will find it for i heir interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will beexiensivcand of every variety of quality and will be sold at the lomem prices vtcash paut for milts and skins saddlers trees hames ind bindings william fokd kingston june 10th 1534 3g c hatch glial rm nicer kingston upper canada paints oils and dye stuff for sale bv mny2 1831 john g parker cash paid for deerskins dee and feathers bv hum furs rags infant school i 5i e2 am m bs leave to give oo- uce that the next term of f scbl corn mences on tuesday next the 16th inet store street kingston july 8th 183 to the indkpiwdent electors oftoecoun tv of 1eed8 gentuutut although a considerable time ha elapsed since i first received an invitation from many respectable inhabitant of the county to offer myself as your representative in the ensuing parlia ment i have hitherto refrained from publicly pre senting myself to your notice longer perhapethati thecourtesydue to those numerous gentlemen among you who honored me with assurances of support de manded i was desirous that no one possoasing a vote which as it is discreetly or indiscreetly given must operate to the benefit or injury of his country should for want of due consideration pledge tyra- self to that which he could not in bis own opinion afterwards conscientiously perform fori was httte known fowuexcfiptnnnf fmimiuoh wfth an np- pointment of responsibility by my sovercigo who according to the laichful discharge of my duty to hia people will estimate my loyalty to himsek i have long been receiving almost daily proofs of good feel ing towards me by the freeholders of leeds who in regard to my attachment to the best interests of the province have rightly judged me by themselves they have been pleased to attribute to me those qualifications which otight to be found in their rep resentative and now that a requisition lies before me signed by nearly five hundred freeholders of the county and bv many of the magistracy 1 can no longer doubt their having deliberately determined in my favor nor hesitate to declare publicly that to be the free choice of such a constituency as that of the county of leeds is now the object of my ardent am bition 1 feel the more honored and bound to your ser vice by this mark of your confidence because it is accompanied by no demand of that pledge to any particular line of conduct which is so often required by those whose judgments are formed before the subjects of them have been discussed i am not called upon for a confession of political faith but i would answer to those who have objected to their representative being connected with the government of the country that no good government can possi bly have any interests hostile to or separate from those of the people and that a good or bad govern ment is best indicated by the prosperity or thede- cay of the country subject to it with regard to another objection which has been stroigly urged that 1 am incompetent to serve you because i am not an inhabitant of the county i think the advan tage of having one of your representatives generally resident at the seat of government may be such as to overbalance any inconvenience which may possi bly arise from his possessing lew of local knowledge in all important subjects of legislation the interests of the province i k xmtffe tf fte aftfe c leeds aiid in matters purely local i shall easily receive instruction fom my constituents and my colleagues after the proofs you have given me of your in tended support i cannot entertain a doubt of our success there remains to me but one subject of regret which is that until within a short period of the coming election i shall not be able to pay my respcett to you in person 1 have the honor to be gentlemen with the greatest respect your faithful servant robert s- jameson toronto icth june 1834 market place kiiigioii baker egax feb 1uh whcobatf mem conspire good raw boow quite now in the press and shortly will be published at the tttronto recorder and general priming es tablishment markethouse toronto price is mr humes celebhated letter to hit worsltir the mlyoft of toronto declaratory of a design to frte these provinces from the baneful domination of tu mother country with the comments of the press of upper canada on the pernicions tendency and treasonable objects of that letter and the speeches resolutions arid amendments of the common council of this city which were the result of a motion of that body to disavew all afheipaii8b in ihs illilsffisf st hume with an introduction thereto ov persons desirous of obtaining copies of this pamphlet witt please to signify their tcish immediately if by letter postpaid to g p bull as a sti pulated nitmbcr only unit be printed toronto 17th june 1834 42 the guardian toronto british whig kings ton free press hamilton and gazette mon treal will please publish the above strayed cow came into the subscribers enclosure on mr macaulays farm near kingston about the 1st may a black and white spotted cow the owner is requested to prove property pajr charges ami take her away june 26th 1334 j s phaser ji to let one house and sundry booraiin other houses a to abner tyes kingston march 21st 1834 wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston june 3rd 1s34 gltfd to let with immediate possession that capital stand for business lately occupied by the subscriber and situated next door to mr yarkers hardware warehouse store street for particulars apply to mr yarker orio kingston may 6th 1s34 t a corbett for sale by tbcb swbsori3bh 300 hides fiisi quality sole leailicr 100 do ppn dt 09 callskins s r caldwell t- cash paid for raw hides and calf skins market squan kingston t june 1834 34tf veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes ihe liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country thai hr im- commenced business in the above line ai chrsniiis aid tttandy near the scotch kirk an infirmary for sick horses edmund smith horses shod upon professor colemans im proved principle kiniptton march lgih 1834 10