British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 11, 1834, p. 2

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mivccllaticoift v mwk rnsisme qv mffttt the lollov ins imp i- mu imiumtble 10 ih fruiule rx ta be m ii eft aim adds uitulhcf the thousand in wuiclittcrt uiion y hiii kuusotin- lir vtns sit his ur tin ii- fntito uriciunle rorttwto tod i ilii i i i during the ivivi ftn vl jvtiglisli traveller i rolcltl tivriicitiii lu mouwour o vuikiiry lon nhuut nine miles fioiu 1 id ikmm ltmnw painful sei urit ion from hi linihv rottnhv for the preservation of his own lift t tw ftuftl hi family- had undermined hi health mj tirade fl inronds in i delicate constitution iji nr o- entered into a very tiutcslinr tivi his country of the revolution nndofhitf jh lie mill pokeof his lady with all the trtiju rtmiiiiiu of young lover for their union prnccid- cil nithcly from attachment lie informed mi ihw n the liniif of blood afl it was justly termed this rrimble uqmao who itf rtnmrkable lur the delicarj if iwt ftlitul and for tile beamy and majesty of her frw rfitnlaycd conhieand courage which in the gvld urbattlfl would luue covered the liero with one i ruing h short period hefure the family lefi frrre hiriyof itiwc murderers who were sent fu iy jihciiicrrc from the frontier which divide 1viicc from ilaly and who were employed by that i iliv htttchertrs and diamcftm of m nd ii n r j vp h to give tvil the peaceful village of i jar cine in of monsieur o ilia lady had time her ipband intelligence of their approach vino left hi chateau by a back door and secreed himself in the house of n neighbor madame 1 with perfect composure went out to meet they ww irt nd received them in a most gracious manner l demanded monsieur u the u i hat he had left the country and after en um in conversation she conducted then th die regaled them w gag ititw in r drawing room and bet wine and made her servants attend upon them with iiuu3uu ceremony their appearance was al- toytther horrible they wore leather aprons which were sprinkled till over with blood they had urge- horse pistols in their belts and a dirk and sabre by jlvr vidcs their looks were full of ferocity and tliey spoke o harsli dissonant language over their cup iltoy talked about the bloody business of that occupation in the course of which ihov drew slieir rtrks and wiped from their 1 ttitftl tint r wi iin-o- undismayed at their frightful deport dr inking several bottles of champaigue nules ciout of mfividrtiicm uont after and burun faintly marked outlines uf a deaths head and dos sed boms lien rror at what mie conceived q wi- paling mi omciu may hi readily itnuiriiicd but she w uf too much luclr o tonniuuictiu her porlcn low discovery a hofo th me hatrh ttucnl- ouittti in mote mkmi cjcmoinniioni tot xw wwd t4 mpiinrrd upon ii in though larir not bold 11 t ustt the inhd nurchut u iii forehore o touch a morsel of that bimtl which seemed to him a the poasihility of ttf not itiiuir epiictly on his stomocbi j uhowed his pufdiutc with trepidation to an imrenious nimirhbor tlim intelligent person conceived it to be a piece of wag- eery in the baker who took that covert way of rx- puhig his ftifth that the riticlu in which he dealt might rise in price he mentioned it as such to all the parish but the general enquiry that took place speedily led to a detection the discreditable fact jiokino iadics the ladies of angostura are m geueral tolerably hnudouie their figures airy light and ralher ekgmit their drcstfcj are lich ard tliey liuvc ctbtunlitiicu of line lace of w inch they w ear a profusion they arc with cy lew exceptions prodigal uf their alfection and o limd of suokin tjcgttrs ibat tlie usual compliment of the morning when they are uited is to hand one if an addi tional compliment id intruded the uuy will light thai which she means to oiler by putting the end in her own mouth am inflaming it from the one she had hcisclf been smoking another still more alleclion- ate mode presents iisclf when the lady has given you a segar she places her own in her mouth and having by two or three good whiffs thoroughly light ed her own ihe geuilenuiu approaches and placing the end of his segsir un the blading one of hers they both whilv until each has a segar iu full ilame when the jmrfte separate with a smile and a bow paris paptr tub markets as the following review embraces articles not usu ally noted in our price current some mercantile a unmalies will doubtless be detected such as articles falling when in demand c but in the main they will be jbuud correct iliele the uual tremendous ay these eavoges began to grow good humored and seemed to be completely fascinated by the amiable and unembarrassed and hospitable behavior of their ispf landlady after carousing till midnight thev pressed her to retire observing that they had been received so handsomely that they were cominced monsieur o had been misrepresented and was no enemy to the good cause they added that they found the wine excellent and lifter drinking two or three bottles more they would leave the hoifec without causing her any reason to repent their admission madame o with al the appea rance of perfect tranquillity and confidence in their promises ftiebed her welcome visitors tt good night and after visiting her children in their rooms she l w herself on the bed with a loaded pistol in each hand and overwhelmed with suppressed agony ami agitation she soundly slept till she was called bv her servants two hours after these wren lies had left the house old mag the fatal escapk we have dclduiq had tc record a case of more melancholy and indeed ro mantic domestic affliction than one which ha late ly occurred in the ulc of man a mm tell a ieautilul young lady resident on that iluid walk ed out to amuse herself on the cliffs near douglas mead from one of which she fell and wns precipi tated upon a shelving rock at a considerable dis tance below 6he was bruised hy the all ihe sea almost surr- -siil- l her and the part on which it was hounded by the land was precipitous that escajkr was impossible here she remained lor thirteen days and nights that she could ho have appear ed larger than a bird and her voice quite exhausted ly her repeated attempts to rendi r herself audible a smisdl well of spring water frjiich she fortunately louttd upon hie vlili allbrded her only nuuriliiueut on ihe foisrfceuth day however uiu waving of her haifdtrchu f itmctctl the notice of a boatnum who rowin inwards her and found heralmosi iilstlmlde on hef knees her hands elaqtcd in u aaiauv oi pray r and her voice scarcely strong enough to dis close her residence she was carried home where elie liiund her wretched mother worn out hy her brothers illness and her own absence and was only just in time to receive her dying breath the wretch ed young lady agonized and exhausted termina ted her own existence in a jit of insanity jumhm paper a hatch for me 9ba 8erpent a fisherman being out in a little vessel near trepani unfortu nately fell ovcrbuard and was instantly snapped up by a monster resembling a urge sea dog in sight oi several other fishermen who then made to shore with iil speed lest the monster should take a fancy to make a dinner sf them next but as oon as they had recovered from this panic they considered the damage tire monster might do to their fish and be ing likewise desirous to revenge the death of their comrade they got divers instruments mode to which they fixed large stcelhooks and then went out in their boats in qucat of the monster which had appeared several times before near thai shore having found him on the 6th november they bated their hooks with horse flesh but this device did not succeed the monster kept aloof suspecting the design wherefore they then put out a uoobc with a bait suspended in the middloofit two or three men holding each end of the cord this stratagem succeeded the monster leaped at the bait so vigor ously that its whole head got though the nouci and the fishermen instantly pulling the rope dragged it to shore it wa twenty palms iu length and its mouth excessively lrge with 3 ro of tcih in the upper jaw and the tail was 6 palms in length the belly was not proportionate to the rest of the body being only 14 pulms in circumference it wns a fe male and weighed upwards of 41mw lbs the next day tllq fishermen cut it up and found in it a great quantity of fish and half a mans skull with ihe hair on as alto two legs part of the back bone and ribs which they judged to be those of their unfortunate companion that was drowned a few days before they afrerwards burned this monster lest it should infect the air it appears from pliny and other auihors that sea monsters of this kind were known to thj ancients by the name of tanh eareharitw fft the resurksction baker in consequence of bome alterations made in st giles church yard several large hat tomb stones became superlluous articles since the persons over whom tin y had been placed had sunk into the narrow house at so distant a period that no friend lived to insist on the dead retaining the little privilege of lite smlpuircd hie jarrt whith di ca0it n this all important and favorite scarcity continues the demand i holders very firm dust since he rains ceased this article has risen consi derably and is in lively circulation mud there is still plentiful supply in some quarters and it is supposed the village will retain its present stock as very little is taken up fur exportation some nearsighted speculators arc said to have din ped very deeply into the article srinits quite an animated retail business still continues purchasers taking up the article with great avidity and though holders are hy no means firm but lor the most part give way when pressed yet the de mand rises as the article goes down couoiis ami colds the stock has diminished since the weather be came settled and as in most cases holders have been well disponed to part with all they had the ar ticle has gone off freely in what has been long on hand there is a tendency to a decline cmjvrsf mat animation in the old stock as the season alliances some indications of activity in the new pin very plentiful but there is not a good feeling to wards them in the market and though receipts are ollljvd with them gratis they are kept tin with reat ii hictuuie fliic have come into the marked in great qiinmiripft taimks lirksi there is beuutf feeling manifested ivtiieoats have come down very considerably since inst sea- ou and ankle which were frpclvoflerrd loasrcai sentatives of the ulrilvu urcs assembled that ufihimcf the following jg ud value and fduill p state from united states hy tale f- uf america in eon- nu alter tin pusiire coins shall he uf ic- curreut as money in the r ihe pav iud demands at the rit 0 i tl dollar that is to y ol ni dollai incut of all debts umdrvd tents the uf mexico peru chili and central amen 0 n ess weight than four hundred and fifteen ainseach and those re- stamped iu drawl of the h wigjn of not less liue- hsh than lei ounces fifteen penny weights of pun- silver iu the troy pound 0 twelve ounces of stand ard silver and the five f pieces of france when of not less luetics dian ten ounces and six- tven pennyweights in twe ounces troy weight oft cornwall 06 coliteiiidation and which must add much to the ac- conimodulion of the public and procure for the boat an increase ofpuirouagj man vhut ii is laugluble to hear ins trtrdmp talk of the grciivillo gazette kingston whig and lsritiah a- merieau journal he says he m classin them s they avv not to be depended upon that is ihe truth for we are well aware that neither of these three constitutional papers would lend them selves to become the advocates of mackenzie or hume iu effect ing a separation from old england they prize their happiness too much under william the fourth to exchange it for that of the bashaw at kclurmcr should th mcvurt of ihii kidii carries wiih it 4 rebcctmn wki7w bcralkditor w ihopc would with indn jon pi mo ms who would styipote am ov ftt j conwtfoim hut d suit the fltntirmm 6f uur should evfry subscriber who haflycrti to differ w k imr proceed on this plan ahomld we jv btmrwt m rr nf mm whim or bt visiicd wirtt a rdtion on om tion list in n kurd if wc conceived that ou uim tcrtaincd llie idea lliat wc bely truckled o their opimob a followed our own would insiantly turrender the pa 7 al cliair to any hireling who roightindcnikethc art mm standard silver and mijghitte not less than three hundred ami eightyfour gnnm each at the rate of uinetyihree cents each- see 2 and be it furlhvr enacted that it shall be die duty of the secretary of the treasury to cause asiys of the aforesaid it ver coins made current by this act to be had at thu fmnt of tlie united states at least once in every ygr and to make report of the result thereof to conaros gtht fy euq provincial we are sorry to learn that the dalhousie steam boat sunk last friday at point msdigtie on her way up the rapids to navigate the ridcau cunil she is about a mile from this in six feet of water the beds furniturej c are said to sustain tittle or no injury ib mr hi alt lerru there can be but one 0imon in the minds of imncst men relative to the sentiments contained in this letter that they ure seditious and revolutionary is painfully evident besides the language in which it is couciicd the brief reference to the important subjects treated of and the peculiar manner of its appearance before the canadian public irresistibly forces the conclusion upon our mind that it b the premature disclosure of a man long premeditated to separate the cana- das from the empire ol great britain and either itnim them to thefeoifecuroied union oi the states or establish separate itdependent republican go vernments as far as the author or the publisher of the letter is concerned it is immaterial which we arc not among thute who apply the lash uf in discriminate censure or aal in vituperative calum ny iu regard either to bra private or religious cha racter it concerns us not whether he be a chris tian or a moslcmite dog skeptical or orthodox bat his political principle as far as they uilecc or influence those of the people of upper canada are quite a different thing anl may be freely comment ed upon and imbibed and cherished or exposed tittl khhtlbhb execration of an indi ji pie in common believe with the great body of reformers iu ihp and ha jwnyitaw looked upon mr hume as the staunch friend and supporter of mr calculated to secure the en joyment of civil religions freedom and the sin cere and disiutei advocate of colonial constitu tional reform n s0 dee was l mpression up on our mind ih waa wllb f oi digna- tiou that we rca impuiaiion that were cast up on his public cfeuww m he cllnstiar guardian sitbseoucnt tom- r return from engl and however pa t0 our fecli1 ma e major ucneral sir colin campbell wasmoracntly expected at halifax to assume the duties of his covcruomhip he was presented to the king at the levee on the mth may to take leave on his departure and we observe that the president 52 captain mkvrlie by which he will be a oasseu- by ger was tosail about the 20th or peril ions a passeu few days later mo gazette- p american papers lately announced the a ri val of donations on the part of the british govern ment to some of the principal public libraries throughout the united states these donationjeon- sistou complete scries of the works now publishing 1 london under the auspice of the record co institu te uftworthy condittoiffi cnura ot uie pi y have r aristocracy of llicir own if ii flow not i utdfkij it rrat on prouder prvteftion it i llu ak is jn of the mind and to thiuk ofumuirritaadh nwj ttiujr a name from a list ia a idle a to think of subd caatlcof quebec with a tnnm u lulfl 14 id we candidly admit 1 and ankle which extent now come more sparingly before the public the bonnet business whieh occujiiid so ktrjfc a spiice in the attenliuu of sjiecnlators llituhrcil much rurtailed and nnsesan ocaiuually seen in profile moitnceti whieh rampil so iiijtii lonnerlv an rarely to he met viiih hut the blccw trndu is earried on to ii stujhiidiiih exitiir dandier are much depressed and calvesare hea vy and dull ihfir truth and sincerely regret that we were driven lhc lirce of ciicumstances into an editorial coul lur pcraonal imec- live and recriiiiir and prodiiciiye oi no beneii eial result but and mr- hume mation by his r gnature truth is mighty and will prevail uusctf has affixed the seal ofallir- of to the allegations rdian uetion is yet unasked and kifflut j to tin here is the christian clt itut the great bwercd in fegat l0 lil ngulat comems ol mis most smgular here t s how came mr hume 10 sipp pl u 0 canada ile ui lw province m particular were n an actual mate kvo and a a crii which ou jwf jlw i r 1 ni ihe lianclui m 1 1 ol ihe mid freedom ft w i capable of living his noiher country l mackuni illd qucanoui ansv ta r nartofhis letter bears j hu revouittt- ly intcrual and tiie subject of i uf the writer- an the 011- illicieiitly conclusive evidence that was perfectly familiar to the mind l equally so to the person to whom ii there i a man in iciil o irina the past season the market pining the past season the market lias been unu- aually lively and it is supposed that numerous spec ulation were made several contracts were com pleted at prices which have not transpired- there is yet a large stock undisposed of fair descrip tions are in brisk demand choice is scarce oi lers ore freely made for such of this quality as re main in first rate hands a few lots have been ta ken up for exportation cash is required in the ge neral run of transactions am paper the chambermaids of edinburgh were al the la test dates preparing themselves for a regular turn out for higher tfftffei they complain of the high price of silks and tooth powder and insist upon ad ditional wages to enable them to meet the expenses they recommend a new system of legislation as re sards the cast off robes of their lady employers which is that they shall be the judges as to the fact whether these dresses are sufficiently worn out or in case of a difference of opinion upon the tact of their being old enough to give away that the cham bermaids of the neighborhood shall ho called in as arbitrators and from their decision there is to be no appeal tiny recommend also that the cooks he secured in their rights and lay it down as a cardi nal principle that all the kitchen tat and dripping of right belting to tlum our latent dates say nothing of the effect of this movement 011 the part of the chambermaid of edinburgh w ijrmhl goli ant silver the law recently passed by the house of representatives regulating the rela tive value of gold and silver coims and that which has passed both houses regulating the value of certain silver foreign coinswithin the united states dtv and devutvdue ol tin oud lecture vv lact thutihoyvu putota kuittattoti mpu ed to fjtvulrc uch revc coii- pf liic fwltll 111 t uipil tendir do not appear to importance sotuu of our cotetu- or uiieciton had rippenel hat tl my theii memory it li lie tiino hemg wns a baker 0 louring yn on ihovc wicc ff i hi ovco warned treh bountinnu v into ehtirch or cmiwout ol pi d lhv flat bottom mrimct but mm i cfhistructctl hi n thiuihwuidiu id in i idd with ill ir 1 1 in lot v if ibi t u ml rai hi i mm lu a bold llliiil h wiiffd at ry and gra tilicd his luait by plwui it liisfy place which he thought sacirn rc ikient ins own 1 1 r r ihr slutliv nr of 5 ears hit ilfliia md ihew eherinhed uace viry uuturully miqiuried tothn ifutrt of the bnad tlutnivel mi- prrwurae lir t tlihovctcd by an eldvilv hulv uidir nioiii of h pif ihj di thrm in lha flwtl 1 wry ilimiih very nicely polivhed by tin wv 4 rctaiinrd mme mark of their fun non and making them a ns tu pnsis all the porarits seem ituliucd to attach to thciu under peculiar citcinnsiances these laws mny prove higlily cur valient to our vimltti ikfore our silver dollar wan the only coin which was a legal tender and consequently were a run of specie made no a hank this was the only coin with which they could meet it their vaults might be well til led with doubloons sovereigns or ducat- with foutll american dollars mid live franc pieces aud yet with ihetn they could not satisfv a inmhleome hold er uf their uotm this mcoilvcttifllce is now re moved and wr think with great propriety those tflm believe that in gotiwqtumict if this new rrguhiiion fuhl miiuh will circulate iu flu eumiirv iu enimimui with silver are vv ar enniidunt tlr- nnvitit hindv- wi runiiot riiiinim ithr thai 11 would h etniii tu iii nimjf mnri listlilr ti lw tllniif a niied 1 then an not eihv ifrirble itauk eail id mlilnd olllil i liil- k ii irlif v ol iiaimi nolo i a gvnei kill 1 l a less 1 niiis vary jit 0111 two ii hm 11 kiiidui mlllgmld il inruf of mi in- mnri and hoi id win iv puvi tiniii lur ie gold imiuiii than live piund- iwiiny and twtlltyoili lulling aie ueee haiii i here whiir we lutve initio ol tlint and ewry denominatiihtofdolhin uwiibaaareawj ikiiurun ol the jj o iw ol pie ol upjveri hillni lhc cximvngaui ihcroumv ccviwmriiiiuriidc ne he would licverhtivo uiutiyui issie or dic tionary and repubheati sentiments and have thci published iu upper ca nada had he not been nvrally certain m ins own mind that they would be rad by a people who had made some progress in elluttmg their freedom from die baneful domination if the mother countr would mr- hume exhibi such symptoms of infin ity as to shout to a peacenik and quiet people who arc no more dreaming of ttvolutiou and bloodshed than they are of a mnhaimvedan paradise uo on i beseech you and success glukious success must inevitably crown your joint efforts and gam you your liberty would behave encouraged such a people to continued resistance and perseverance by calling up to their recollection l ought not to he forgotten proceedings h america between 7 and 63 and as an incentive to more active and powerful exertions point l the conduct of the ameri cans through ihattanguiinry period and to have 4 result ever kept in view io such thing mr hume is not the man to indulge in such idle rhapsodies- the content ol that letter were based upon information and accompanied by such evi dence as to entitle it to hn implicit confidence and belief now the question recur again with all its force from whom did beget is information and who furnished him with such evidence as to create the bidlef in hi mind and lint to moral certainty the canada were 4 the imjst of a revolution and fiwt approaching a crisi thai would give them freedom aud independent i arc not all eyes di- iccted m mr mftekeitalfe if iliey mi uui are we arc long since pi pared for just such a dis closure but not from the same source and how ever tardy we may have bfn in not denouncing the revolutionary contents of mr- humes letter yet we shall claim the merit of brig he first reformer who tiered to raise the standard opposition to macken- zieww and that too iu ii second strong hold iu the provinceand dearly we paid too fur our te merity as more than fortv of our subscribers threw up the british american mirnal on account of oui monstrous tarim in refui t0 piay econd lid- die m thoclteme ofo nh wbwe measmw w kimw weio ihiving the people headlong aud blind fold into rebellion sft vrtarmdv mission and have been obtained for those tions through die instrumentality of mr rich american bookseller in london each sett i va- tuedlsjoo and comprises among other curiosities a copy of ihe doomsday book of william the con queror in four folio volumes- jt has bcensueges- icdtouu tliai in all probability it would only re quire a suitable memorial to be addressed to his majestys government through the medium of his lxaellency the governor in chief to obtain a copy of these valuable historical collections for some of hie public institutions of the countrv if only one- copy could he obtained montreal asbcingthe cen tral for both provinces 1 nigh he selected as the place of deport it r m i llu piuttuidluft un uio and icpcciaoil tnhalutaih of this city aged about 77 and who had come to america with the late general lafayette to serve in the revolutionary war was on monday last found drowned iu a well iu rear of the miteciut tavern u would appear from the evidence taken before the coroner inquest that the deceased had gone to the well for the purpose of drawing water and that his foot must have slipped ashis body was found reversed in the well the deceased we be lieve enjoyed a pension from the united states government for bis services during the revolutionary war ri mr henry howard burgess formerly an em ploye in the office of the engineer department on the rideau canal and notorious for the failure of his attack on the conduct of colonel by in the pro secution of that work is stated in the american pa pers to have received ordination to holy orders in the catholic church at baltimore u s ib distrmiag we learn says the bristol r i tiazettejfrom capt mayhew of the ship warren of warren recently arrived at that port that cap charles spoonrr of the ship erie of newport whose extraordinary marriage to miss kingatura oruruth a native of otaheite island has been lately notireil in riost papers of this country was depriv ed of in bride soon after his marriage under the following painful circumstances she had gone into the water to amuse her husband with an exhi- biliou of her extraordinary feats of swimming for w jirh ic ift said to bftv bftra very remarkable wneu ttlic was attacked by a large shark the shark first wtited her by a limb but releasing his hold he made another attack and with one effort of his pow erful jaws severed her body in two the unhap py huhhud was n spectator of this awful scene but tiuuiij ivndrrriu assistance ib there was a current report in london on the 33d that ibr dunk had taken another mini of 1 1000000 til the engl india cinupa areml to allow inteist two percent ib wc have ben reqoettc tu pulitwh lite following ren froca the rev j ramoru rvhnvc tu tin nlr i ty mtical and chrotiolpglcl chart a rciy genctm mitfta current lu kingston thlt tii 1 were kild to n v ben at sue dollnre a pioce which it anptlm hal rrr their being offered toturgrmen tthal price exclbilve of dtfy the proprietor and agenf who c both in lown hivt been backward in coming i vrrt 10 erorrrrate theaimli from any attempt to commit a fraud upon ihue ttnr pof vn their names as iiibacriben ccrttftcate in as far as i have made any vtateutant tmbrondik lorirf the vendera or the ecclwiatical rhart 1 bav jono 10 tim u ing mis informed the explannfiun if mr ffcitmati hnwerv hus rectified mymistake and i am now ptvtrrtlv muhvdtht the transaction is a fair one joseph ransom kingston july 9 1834- the general qiwrter bhnrioih tor the midland district ws held on tuesday last at adolphimo vf o jobn maaulay e- chairman owing to the active jiumiiun of lli alcrine act and hc court of request law nut one single mal tiller ciri or criminal camo on tc court btlcd onlj one hour- th dumcl court laswd about tho smie lime we have remarked with some pleasure thai none of the provincial press have attempted to puff oil llut most sorry sa contemptible speculation the citv dv tiie falu at those papers containing thu long advertisement which it icu preutned would here called forth a venal tribute havctujfcr- id the citt to pfrs unnoticed thu courier ereptal this leading journal coodccend tu tend it influence fovvudi the propagation of this paltry hurltmg this attempt tu vhm tho poor stranger out of the miiuii pittance lit brought frou hrrme and ns an inducement to el all pariu to take share letls us that fvflc of the sirri u namil rhlrh svwr rf 4m position v di 11 as rim 01 011 whitli it u tlepositc it utttt bvn iw mtu ol isltltish whig to correspondents tm tr enrreroc4lcrouj may iot puj letktfncr w e repnmhi for llic iwcntielh rjiiiv oil wta ufxn which cftrnmuoitntiens are rerricj f oimiii tons tl name of hu- wriur must aceoniiany hc me iiml pet mtim unlet b given lamukc vertal otteraiton a11 exhibition of im infant koal ai uit hahlvlrl ken place at toronto anion the jfctintiltgj thrn and then exhibited arc the paltry imh whkh wet- for sonc wcekj hung up in the sitting room ufthe gn cfdil ii lel hut wiikji failed to pvobon a singte npplicaitt thee eaikjtuni tf brick dust and raittp oil arc ixunlfed and bc5pattlrcd in tht cotirrera follow 4 cook8 portrait ofliiniself ins john p keinble as hamlit front i print are in our humble judcement at icftstccjual to the best in the exhibition they are both rich and splendid paint ings his sir walter scott nl80 from a print is a fine painting and an excellent likeness but we should imagine too pale t c omen our attention has i n directed to the following evrraets b a gentleman w10 feels iutreted in the welfare of the kui avcnfi aod who wishes to rescue the character ofcaptain john son from unmerited repmach the extracts eleariy profo hioi to bo a mm of humanity worthy or recoiuk an instance of noble and disinter ested generosity occurred on friday afternoon which deeives ihe liighesi culoiuai one of the poor german wocoeo with which otir city iiott abounitr while engaged in getting chips the alto new the foot of koocvclt street accidentally deep kjmstox friday evening jul y ii ism jtumal immtcll ihnsiiy rii tlir lullnwinr t iln- aw ittlllttilitf lift ittlup tl i ji iiinjitl h lln siiiulc aud 1 imim mi iti m srkamtoat accident c arc sorry 10 nil- nniiiict- tliul the trips of ih canadian patriot arc interrupted lor a ftw day as that bout wnrt icav- iiilt mm t yesterday nftemo fr uaobvc sin- brnlui ilit hnliniird shall hv wlltoh mhllnl to put imfk and diielkirtrc lirr mholigcail inilil ut ulllillllt had quud supply- sicihuxkhlill in hrr place in llir hi mnhw ojf ucx1 ttwk mhmtltiims lit innipulis iliivo lakrn iril- aiha nf tin- snvidriiu vtfft which un ailing al tho wnnr ituurtttili i wi p mlvirs al ashilliit and a ijihimvr ol a dullar nn- jtuih h liitk uimuoiivd hw rlqntftwc till the itml and fortliwith atitl hvt wirrsiw rati h 11 inllnrrs ami wlvikthtc wi- liupe this mill m a ii rts 11 ii ii boh- ilc 1 i 1 hir jcipic epct xpltlm lly tin nittn ch- tlu- inionnt m htxv4vir hin h tin ml jf imlrrsta allnrd i ihintf id io nop aim tltf paitiut n inn d still xkk tin- inirrnrptioiit itniiitv nl liiiiuliiitfa a ni ln ihh- nni m the kyvmerisin a mighty pot with the british whi g for having denounced lhc impropriety of mr kenzres qottdikt and tor having invited it coalittan of the jiberal porrion f tlie pre to prkct the acrcd cause of reform aid sate it from bciiiij crudicil beneath lhc feet of anarchthls and tcpntrlicans while lhc ilcj tinner finds excuses enough for tho hamilton fw ptcss it can find none rur ihe bltltjm vmio wlnl it allows he editonof ulhei papers to have a mind of their own it will not allow the whw to think differvnily fiom itself dues the circntarion of the wmo interfere willi that of the fa- former we fear it does for nothing but envy or jealousy eould have induced a to copy tire very conduct of mr mckcn zie towardri the hamilton free prts which in another place it condemns we allude to fftft 7art othe last rjforrntr where- m apinj the vindictive behavior of messrs mckeriie morft- ioo tuns arc toxfaitn rhe free prct ft sjfcws ns teeth by inviting our fuhscrihors o give up llicir uapvrs- to lake this ourculi wlxoitrc oucvidd with our political conduct are free fy v 1- v are happy and proud tu have a large subscript rton list which a is oui inglicit ambition to iucroase but if we am to writo gainst the honcm dictates of our mind or if wo are ohtif4ij to urata or defend persons who iu our opinion are actiiij rontraiy to the pood of the province as well as contrary to their prttfrmot principles the sooner we shut up shop tho be11r w shall not wail to b abandoned wait ihe fiiends we lirt oolitffienccd our career we shall continue to out iluc and ihit glom shall tn whenever a rnajurily of our readers are of opinion dial mr- mvkenac has acted right and we have ikcii in the wioiig itilikootlier persons who bavv begun hy taking ui tin cudgels tor the people aud ended hy being the dclcmlers uf their oppressors we hali never offer hi mother set ofsuhrrihers ttie services thai are tefuacd by the prcxeni hut whitr we wag an editorial pen it shall be devoted to the spread in nf inn british whio tnisciplks and ever he amongst the firl to dricfl and expose irnposlois and i hack sliders of ihe tntjihji nt itf the htjormrr widies wo have itow- wef no iczir we hold tun hih and exallctl an opinion u ihe mdiy nndorid tfcirm utthd rclurmcts of upper cannda 10 huh y fir imti nioimiil wc have iuenrted dlttr diapprobmion hy hxptwslng an inmest opinion of men who in rlietby and hour ol thvir ininnplt should have afforded lhc pirn mro an ex ample of n hat uuht he etrcled hy ihr united escrlion of vir- tuuim patriot i hir ntivt tuwanls mr mekchxsa ha srien from alioti ul ihr nnrhif he hasiaued riioriolhi nuh- tii all hi of tht lirrhrarid ftcry ilunj hof uvll itiwflnl tht eleriion nltiwiiifl llnuw olrmlily lo war ji llial unwrt loin irry wrll wijii to uf rniniry liioloilp ami whii we rrdlvi l 1 hat iht lirilil prht ha- hvrti tiuitwl hy uim tnan lilly wo ein pla oo hound in our imhitaliii- a llir llrfittmft hi phui i nrfruniotlui aanol his own en dint 111 imf iiiouih iw dad i conclude itirw4nii nrti hw itin tui iihid tiiw irvi mm lmliehilant wnh mittir mr itamldllii 1 nywirvwi lhc mpmaium of item- a taon h ltuliriuei dmi be 1 lutt il in iimp r to taiiit hy an old fintut 111 ihe person ol ijrurst hamilton fcttd ha iwii an mlrrprvlittou to air ilnim leicr wllicll wo thmu is illkh ril md winch has ti- vii hiuhiajrt to many of liitxrunto vutiif divi liut wtoi l id ijimrrcl with thj fw fvii or thai no o ii liv v prd hrr little child from her arms into lhc dock she very na turally raised a loud cry of anuih on hearing which a get- llcman who was pear instantl plunged into the water and succeeded iq saving rlic helplcs child at the imminent bs aard of his own life the intrepid individual who performed this huinrme act was capl n johnson of this city it being the third instance wherein ii has been his lot tt rescue a fifllo- notiipx iotp drvffnfj oiiv of the person whrti he he formerly saved wits a nephew of mr hawkins m c- wlw testified his gratitude in a vcrv appropriate manner- in the ahnvu use the poor woman 11uhle to utter a word o enjr iblli could only express her feeling which were evidently much effected hy signs and gesticulation whirh however were sufficiently eloquent the reflection ofcapt j- on sucl an occasion tniiht be truly nviallev y covncr sf ei fortvxate rfseoff- a hallfrf hfhiuj to a uritish wssvl at anchor off the battery aidentallv fell into the river on saiurday fveniii mwect tf tid 0 rt ck and wuuui pro- hahlv have drowned had it not wc cr th timely rbnttstaoci atlordcd liim hy cnpl s jnhuun who is ouunectml witli tiie kail kkii lino who forhmatidy liounl the plnhiu in tlw mtorp and thrw to hi jiiiaiire a hjecd nf ruling vlitch he ixintsa m sat iirs- smr a life ladder was let down hy means of which he was safely laudtfd on the pier- this u thu fourth iistance that human life has been saved by the prompt etcrtion of the ame imritfr rious individual through th aid of hi life ladder whieh h kept in the office of the philadelphia line- it would be wh if a smiliar contrivance was provided hy other steam boat pro prietors to beumddpool awvrifm a jooajcal rnot kisorr to mtitrncvr ma back jfclh 24 left rtrttgsron ii oclock t- m in the hteamer sir jamos kempt arrvisrfai present the following morning 85ib 4 past 9 a m found 110 steam boat to proceed until the morning of the 3kh engaged putfage in a batlcau laden with wheat which stotcrf two tinuisafier my arrival at prei- colt proceeded as fer asrdie head ofst frataeti uke cflim tonnehorahout9k m remained mnrj daylight of tho7ft then sailed for ac gotim to tokc pilot and have a clearaike from the customs about 5a m- a sudden gate of wind cam on had no time to cast off haulyards was obliged tocutor sink got into cwmu mftn started with a pilot rh rough ths lake st fratrtts rhet several battta the hcvy swell breaking over tho boats 3 or 4 feet high tho poor men appa rently nearly exhausted the ood in tlie boats no doubt wet arrived at montreal v past 2 p m wm day after plankinr ihe night and a nafow ebpo of being drownvd- asceruinw the bm of the jlftrtrrf on rfv 7a made purchases atal ordered them to btf swff to cashing store for shipment per canal comprehrrf ny qfehmw b erening in all 8 loniof 0001 and had them put on board a batteau to start on moodtj th started 29th at 6 a wj met the steam bctai lactone 12 noon started in thfeotowa steamer thebetreaui towa- boot 2 p m trrifferl fbtfit fortune at 9 p m nt the bsi- teau ilrrouflh the looks co gitnvthe 3 a- m of lhe30th went per stage to crenville and joined the steamer shannon with the batteau rn tow proceeded at 8 a m to bytown and if- rited there j past 9 p m oods afc ciperienced tery heavy rain from 5 a t ii 2 p mj laige number of emi- grants on board men wonvfl and ehirdren if they hrj ta ken the other route they would havo beencanfthtin the rsprdv and must havu expertcnetd reat seventy from the ram for want of shelter while rft the fm trrric on lxarj the sharvtv it nas dry and comfortable al every lock and place where ihe boatstoppedj they were wvll supplied with milk and any other thing they wanted at j past 9 a m ariuxtf at by- town and was transferred lo the steamer tkomas mcky for kingston started at 10 am on the ittjpst after watungimurt for 6 cabin passengers and arrived at kingston on the oventng of the trd july kwkis dry and afe and the passengers arwt crew hralthy and well the whole route iti mv opinion fir ex cecds the st iiwrcnce both to comfort and safety cabin ta ble fiirrihcd in the first style last foil my goods cost me 4 u- per cwt betide insu rance and i did not receive litem lir six weeks alter utey were purchased aud then some part of them was damaged br way of the cnnat they cost s 9d only and notan article was broken or damaged and all rrcuved into my ovn store on iho hkh day alter leaving montreal w p cook kingston july 10th 1334 mr colls surgeon lishnirnl ptfllll frcdcr ition ilrock street klmlldlk jlllv llll intc i83l of the naval etftafo- rc4tdc4 tt mn b wanti1d immediately an active ihi ol ulmut i i ttr u vtawmfafftt tom inn i tnrt ill kiflfjtoh aupu at llit rti kihmoii july ilth lji information wwikih of juhn mclilttwiti sltri itkw mmthcof ivtin- ty dorryin irvhind who irft lilt wife unl thihl in motitrvitl iihoui two yvitoi b1ii- id- i ti it be in the uniwd smtf- ivwiiiw kimwiiia ttushi ul lik iilisittte nit iinunil ttt eiumiitiliunio wrt thin otliee m- kiugmoil july 1 lilt ml irthf3 thmg vulfon i will vviioi hy copying the dbovr ilim iii miiitf die

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