1 he proprietors of tin- steambout kingston grateful for the verv liberal patronage which ihey have received from the public beg hmvc to give no tice that in consequence of the uiiforimiatciccum stance of the atenmboat lirockoittc breaking her en ginc they have allowed ilsc kingston to take the place of the brockviue on the rapid until she is repaired as no athcrhontcouw perform those trips end without which the public would suffer much in convenience by the interruption uf the navigation the proprietors of the kingston beg leave to state thai they have procured the publics well tried friend and faithful servant the steamboat toronto to supply the place of the kingson on the bay and river until the kingston resumes her trips again on the bay the toronto will leave prcscott on monday and thursday afternoons touch at brockvic frnch creek to kingston will leave kingston for the bav on tuesday and friday mornings will leave the carrying place lor kingston on wednesday and saturday piorniugs will leave kingston for preseott on wednesday evenings and on monday mornings at 5 oclock every exertion shall be made in the toronto to ensure the comfort of passengers kingston july 1th 1834 43 notice whereas letters patent for the exclusive na vigation of all the waters within the province and hounderies ofupper canada have been granted by his excellency sir john colborne to the sub scriber for his new invented plan of building steam boats he therefore forbids all persons infringing on the rights of the said patent nathan san ford preseott 2gh may ism auction commission the undersigned begs leave to infoin his friends and the public generally that he has com menced the business of auctioneer and commission merchant in all ito various branches at the old bland of the late michael mornn in king street merchanis and others forwarding their commands may depend upon the utmost punctuality and dis- patch being used land horses cattle and housebold furniture sold in town and country cash advanced on good james linton kingston april 4ih 1931- notice to the inhabitants of pittsburgh thai those a- ine to nttenri ilurir respective churchrs on sunday wul be allowed o pass be bridge at hall priri john 6vftvtns april 18th 1s34 crown office igili june 1634 votce 6 hereby given that ilie courts of over and ter miner general gaol delivery and of assise and nisi priiis in and for the diltercnt districts will be as follows town penh cornwall brockviue kingstou picton hamilton hamilton london sandwich niagara toronto of which district court to ronnnairc bathnrsty wednesday 30th july eastern monday i lib august jbaff oiffjf wednesday 20th do midtand wednesday 3rd sept prince cwd tuesday 16 h sept 22nd do 29ilijuly lllh august wed neelay j ssoiti aiijg tuesduy 2nd opiy tnesdav hh oeiuhcr coronens ftlnqfetralc ce or- monday tuesdcy mondav gore london western niagara monte all sheriff gaolers constables bailiffs ficers are commanded to take notice by order of the court charles c sa ami oiher pes x clerk of the crmat lake ontario the siptntititl lov prrbttrc slfuni tcat great britain captain wfutnky wiil during the season 1s31 leave- die different ports as follows commencing on timttlity ihe 2jhh of april vie upward tuesday eveiiinj tuesday night wednesday norm wediirmluv ovtsuillgi thursday mottling thursday moruitlg- fridnv morning ifvc moon it 4 mnff prcscott brockviue kingston oswcso state of n y cohounr port hope- toronto late york downwards niagara on every saturday a toronto late york sunday moi port hone sunday noon coboorg kuuday at 1 r m oswcgoj state of n- y- monday morning kingston monday noon brockviue monday evening all baggage and small parcels arc considered at the riok of the owners utiles given in charge to the purser on board the accommodations on board the great britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter end every exertion will he used to ensure regularity and comfort to pasengers the above boat will await the nrrivnl of the pas songcrfi that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada stage lake ontario steam boat office preseott 1st april 1831 to trte tree and independent electors ov the town of kingston gztttuhiuff not having publicly announced my intention lo 1 1 j your snttruirvs jis member of parliament for this fcpwa hi the mxt general tlklion i now in leave to hv thai in cofdpll- ancc vvitli ilae wishes of hit uyruon of my fidluw townsmen is roiimvcil to mi in a iiiiurnjy martini rctitliuo 1 fhull pfoiotit rnywslfto your nuiicc mi ihc day nf election my ion rcmileiiru amonjr y entitle mc to ttj llmt my priiiriinvftarc well known and my atiarhniiu to llxo crown irnl conntilulmi of grant britain uimttoftionitblc in rapport of which i inrt niwiv5 to aland prominently forward if i should have th iiiiinr to bo returned is your member i idudgu myself lo unnoit a bill i incorporate tin- lown of kinjttotli a bit in iraeni the rrovimial penilontiiry bring an injury lo mechanics- a bill iq repeal thn sammary punidnoont art wbirji do privofl tliti briiili subject of bis dovcrt rixltitrial hv jury my most active txctliom will i tva to prvcui ilic clergy ropervrt kisviiif intti ilw buihlvofa dviniimiitchivrlt myprivni inlwot wo inppvrobly ixmud uuwiui tio5e of ibiiioxvn hi uroniii ihu ritfttvrity vfwliicli will akvny be llc chief object of my nmbuioti i have tbi bmiorio bo gcfllllllhlit aciiaiiloi lll aa i or suncrior lionnn a itot loiiix v kill xjur tin- iriilt riulii f inst diiiw and sail ap 10 1l ucl jir fony coinplcic kingtoii jiun2tih baker i31 evx cashpiiid nicl iiiitrs or dccivl lv up der fnnis furs rn- market rirr kirmon hakkrv iga pcb ii 1831 with fitiiaicd ti 11vj nnnpdiiiic nbrjftun llial capltnl sthmil fur laicly occiijiicd bv ilic snbmiliirr mid next dour i mr yaikors ihntlwan wnroltouw pinrc prrccr for pariictilivs apply in k illusion may utli 14i mr yarlier or to v a corbett mew store j d brycli co having opened a dry goods esinhlislnnciil in store street three doors below hie conitiivrciol hotel respectfully intimate their intention lo wll far cash at unnsimily low price lnnnr ttlvii goods with ready money in the uiucrviil plihs u manufacture in great britain and importing iliviu direct to kingston they fto nwljkfi 10 will clu ip iih1 itfinl thrham will roiivincf h itw they ii i theabilify they have also the dipnniun to do this professions nrc in general very proper ly disregarded and therefore in place of giving as surances to the public j d- b be co invite the examination of their stock leaving it to commend itself both in regard to quality and prices every purchaser will bo placed upon the same footing and as the lowest prices will ftl obcc he named no abatements can be made izvmfa at tcatfscash selling at a very reduced profit credit canno be given to any party however respectable but purchasers will find that ready money returns lor them all the advantages that it ought to coin mand besides articles in common use j- d b cov slock embraces goods of an unusually line descrip tion and fancy articles in great variety ileal west of england broad cloths figured satins for bonnets with shapes and mountings ele- cant french garnitures scarfe and handkerchief heal french cambrics and the most beautiful pat terns of the season in ladies irrns a large assortment of prints checks shipcs bleached and unbleached cotton shirtings merinoca bombazetts bombazeens silks crapes ribbons and games hais caps and stiitw bonnets i3elts iiraccs umbrellas farasols and a urg supply of threads tape and other small wares j l b- c co invite a call from counlry mer thants who besides being supplied at the montreal prccj will be assorted in anv lengths or quantities kingston may 30th isa ssmfaw the subscribe begs leave to inform the gentry ami public of kingston and its vicinity that he has opened his l0113 room and ift now ready to receive consign ment from all parties willing to realize immediate cash for landed property merchandise honnfr- h 1 furniture c ac siilitly auctions will he continued as usual at h every article in the dry good line ir c purchased at unprecedcntlv low prices hugh scaxlan auctioneer and commission hrchant kingston feb 5 1334 1 mlsa mary mcseislitcn respectfully informs the lndiesof kings ton and its neighborhood that she llus lnluly com menced a 1 i-iir- school in the front chamber of the stone building occupied by mr lunnj jtftfo corner of hear and clarence streets term f xuitlou iu tollowj reading writing gcorroihy history nllc work nnl arithmetic will be uuglit tor ptr tmtrtcr jio ln engihjrimioar and cotnpqhuion 0 lo rhetoric logick and natural philosophy 5 alg geometry anil the french liiipiago 1 10 tuition bills will become duett the close of each quarter scholara will be chariett tuition on the highest branch which they puotue scholars from a distance can be accommoda ted with hoard at the haine liouxc in which the school i kept kinmoiu jtin loihi l3i mjoy boost of miicftnaii am bele1ted tafks roirnv ksxjrst tovsic axo wmrtkklv tlatks of the mfoiftdeipiut ffrsiutpus ktrpeuwv colot tin- 1 11 tu 1 pruwm nnf4liiv nffrmj pnivnnrra ht1i lilijoiit snciriy loplctwtliclr ffttrni haiilimioi inifl hsvv now xur rrmunrrtttit mufnrui oftvr tuiii foitliiiiliy tinl fteaility pmwd tw ourt efcclng ii smkumiciii l y hvirrafahmi iwh ph0ast4lmn ltiloranyoilmriimieiyjienialiikct wuilco tuitl ja this ct ni rt patfiin4 b ihe ntt luhhimr i 1 ii r rt i l lliiy it ioffinrini qmbcalfltftnuwar iwutttf ixid i itiliir arj- nkirlnirtii ntur fjqj9 bookls if1oiinrl oiprriniily fnf bltah ioulifui with ltf k unttott licralil vwji hlst ik rticmm- ifcf u wtofwnuwt of sset ire jnt rt ihry pamti lnilili hhim ihhiintkir iink ogint an1 cctrrcravimifl ttum wvrlcf dfwwtti ir rwpir it rnl t u rttwnttxi ainntvt at nry runis wtlktl ll jatis 1sh4 llil nu ilr pttfjtfhir nfailktktaik ili lisi tim rliiii ii wtt ii fli palihr in i itm ii rnrrrfl rorcraiin- oroic i ihvlnn t fi ttu thmr ntf in lli fcnwi i nia lairly claim a mlroriiy rtvrt tll ih r nii rfcv ror wi roiriiim jmom ciintitr t3i mur uf mikfii n j hrtltcr tntecrvhtg rfij iktcuc ftj tw r nv mhhv ncrr wts fkv im ofa tofk m il fnfnmhn iuit uf hi levi nonkjtmttifi pftflm a 1itmi-ti- jriiytrf ami nrifliml tmirratiiuh rn fkfl ftlrf v rf wt mn hbbwfttbbvil ftftwtlp lilnvu rtiltl rinlirfitii y nil ri i t iiiirii timl fnwt u iimhi ufihr nmsi rantm m wthfl 1 ktryuicx fi vi n nrtr ubm urtrtsvfsrtiiifcfjfiihicspj bcoiivfaxitmivmilvianm tnem r1irht h iiiivr mc iiuin uf dcllrnte rffhlurtl ii n t nu- mcoi funntcnrj f i hi rr lie lnlj isiok ritrr tnrtiy nilvantiqp rnct mtirlrr lii arropnnlftt hy i tyitilnr pirco iirmiw will d mwijianllflfttw for olv hlhhftftrw ftc ftc lfijcr uh nriw nrroni- pcini pcthitafb i1 tn iis cga the fcral rrnw cm ftlwml ittni ft f1nmv riikiil luat hj mul ttlk fri tttthdnt iu4t bsmui rrlo ftvcnitfl f0 p7- of xirn royjil urinal i mt n iiittl will f icf bbi nih tfrftutilrtl iv n pipfr frf the llliol irmjr- ivl whill ctrinnri it wtiionimnriif vabcllifbrd wnbuvirtii spkculi kim- iiiin rrfy iml ilrcl rjiilrcirt cvry niiiy fmjynl utmln tjinrlrrly tinlrr wilt hrrlcirr ooilt acitr f iliihtlrlihua fvin lvn iiti1 i ilrtiniy ihfrr twviitiifally tnl ijiij fully infiinmrfwr unit hie jmnnry niiur tin- no i iifttriltli voiimr u infly hr m4rnr l xa- iliu ihec ciwaviug irc tkifirif 1rn ind vnsravtft rxprmy for thivh1fk ly rinpciin inw prrtmly enjej far ihftl phtffvf thcrrallifntunih oflfef wotk nr cwftfr jrjly mlptlnr t any which love crrt fumihrd m any ollirr similar ptimkaltki oivl fiu h unrnncrnirntii wlnrti has tern firui llniv rvrry rraui m irtlicv ilky will u mill nvirr hqpcllor- in 4ititnm u thr mci agrnt1pff fwh nmubor will tniiiatu pcvfffnl ikmittiail wvsl cnravinc oai llnr ytflow uoic lir tnitl cvoty lxftuw psrrtrth lo hulb lfc preterm f isiliril irutatinn nl inumneil uf filnr ofur lfr- djfl brtivfc tltcwiwieninnrilic pttjzetaubfl will hi- nmrlaimt cmltatcji iil mrvernt tonnwkjow tn ptom fckf wv tri train vrir wmliavlmlrcio otinnril nufh cruhrhy by tfac tser hftlro of uvetr pttliljylirtt ri nlnautrf tlie irmicofiin irvs booi mf llw 4illmrf pcf utmuim lnyahleinatjvftir allor-lcn- mhpu aiurtwedtaito powfepwfft mm h pronipily oucmcd in rt5os lemiiltn leu inuarf aim ii dc en- lilkil lopnir copies tfilic wwk persons ittniiuux meramhikv hall he miih j ii mx cipit rtftha vfnrv nml wmtbtiial rin rf the hi en- i craving pcfmrt rein it sn leu ne mi rilers a flitwanliiij ittetau pir the jnmfctt twf r 01 fiflcxii ireeur iiaiite itrminh wlui nropyrirtilif ihinl vhuii oflhe vrl hlplul tipl pltf1ihnhfrf uh tbhefy mj miiff w ptfvwf uihtivtiit itcawe anim trihe wflrt omnv- i nr pmpriei i iimiirui ihitn oivilvrni hawa received in rpaymtiti at pre alttr iuhluhcit hy tuirv ft ci afhenim uvimnw fmiuio rioc e riiriuti uhifn s joiisox portrait painter imiueh latkkak commenrm nor- i 2s gtl 5 5 0 a g ihp i1ku1- notice the public are hereby informed that the subscriber wdl continue f hire out the uoanc as usual on the following iifin for a mcihbef of st ciporccs church for o member of tiny other church who is not 0 subarnber iioisc and driver provtdtrj to fobourinq people he will aso when reijuircdf uoderiake ngement of funeral- v r cook airll 11th 111 satfli factory the subscriber respectfully infonn the tnhuui- uiut of iviitgion and it vicinity that he has rccqt ly commenced making window 5raic at his shop adjoiiiiuc the kingston foundry where he intondv to keep oil hand a larm assortnumu of ovciy kind wliicli he will will low for cab and he linpe by ida ubiduous attention to buiutsa to merit a share of nobllo atronng t7 all orders for the above thankfully received and promptly altcudrdo kinblonmav2 ism- j sargent- 1834 lake ontario xliv i ifinii steam itnai segarpa quaniity forwtlc by may 3 john u parrkh rags ciisli pnid for rags ly jvnu 10 itvkcr kuan- for sale tiiiwan liilhc 10 uv inrkiv dteaii iiirrn iukek a nn ilskolitio or c or a it t e ft i r ill k copiihnsliii itenftoforo existing between ilic uudereiane and known by ilio name titarker and bensoni lias been lh day dissolved by mutual consent all persona induhlcd to the firm are requested to ike immediate payment lo john ti parker nake immediate paymci kingston 20ihmvlji joiino parkhr james r benson 31 leathlih 30eje sole 20 0n upper 10 iqpi 10 calfskins forsucltv mav 00 john parker i1avip leahy sign of rap harp returns his since tbanks to his friends and the public generally the liberal support he bus hitherto received and legs leave to inform ilum that he has leased ihii stone building in klhg- strtt bclonirine to jlr watwus next io lr bakers mid near il chronistc office comer where he has jusi open- d an inn fir general ctt- lertainimut he will i u times kee on hand vi assortment of iheb liqttoks and winks of tde linn- arc cxeelleiti htds and in rea siiibliiuj kingston llih aprj 8m now in ihcprera op shortly will be nubunlted at the toronto records and general printing es- tahlishment market-hrum- toronto price is mr humps crfbitatkd lettflt iu irr woiwiiip i j tunntm lliliuniliir ul itc l ftf from tic haniful tahtfltion tir voffr tnwifr witi ihv cunmicnls o ibelvessof cper uonnuu m titr prnie leniency and reasonable nbjeela til lhit icitcr iim1 h specchujs hcsnllttlollsi and animidmuiu of ihr iommnil counnl ihii city uliieh wiro i lie nsii a rmitinii of thai imily t disavnw all psirciciiu- ilw sniiinciits of ir i nine nciictix ttlbbfctp w1ljliam avery projntifd hy trrfl pntrvrj ul low nnsurv ettgittcj copts naxhamt jokk8ox1 will for the remainder of the season ply on the river st laurence and lnkoontmio between on- dbxsnrrgtl qlld kiauabai is follows 1 rvanos leaves omlensburgli every sitnrdnv kineeioii u- c sundny ssickcs llurliiir ostifn uocuctfici baudioa i fi muiul 0 1 1 il ii 11 toronto york v u touching il irebcou morrisiown alexandria mid rruiu lewioton on tuesday mormun mvm h creek and nl 0 a 4 a 1 p or 5 a flr brockviue arrives at m paneiigen all the day to visit the falls of niagara md return hy hc hoat downwards lrsvca lewidtoll every tticttlav al rochester wedntwluy oswcijo jackets harbor kington u c thursiln touching at french creek alexandria liroek- tillc mnd morriatowoi and arrives at ucdenshnrirli ui thursday evening from which place passenger take the stein itoat down the t laurence on fiiday moraine and reach montreal ihc eveninc may 12ih 1sjl 39 removal arthur foster in reluming hia ainccre thanks tohi9 friends and the public for paet favors embraces the present opportunity of informing them that he has removed to those extensive premises late ly occupied by ewre ulholland twigg where he is now receiving an extensive assortment of groceries among which will be found the following articles viz champaign in cases julys brand l p adeira l tenerifle shorrv old pori r llcnecarh wi r jamaica spirfli ccujnac llraiulv liollnnd in ttiprric i ppcnii ii hid vii 4 44 8r m 8 a fif 5fc 34 ii r m 7 a 31 w1 u an in crstm fxn u v cwtffil tt ihif i wfmttcr mi pat to g j bull wilt pctw t signify thrir wisa iuttietiat y fiilttrtt number oittt fill be minted 17th jurs 183- 1 toronto ithjurs icoi- ic the uuardian toronto british wliig kincs- lonj free prew lmilti mul uil phse ptibliu he and uuzetti above mon- ri for jhi tit ratmttrixa mjyk ttlanks u b hoiun and pnnfrs of attnrnoy piniitsory mote wonlnr and to bearer cuiivk atoiis of judguient bttibinoiweo oa areonntj summonscfl on nnj derhirations judgments rolls ud miudry nsh- l blanks in the court of klntf htnrh and driel cmirl to ilk inuiihcr ol blanks ihusadvcrlhwd addi tion are vcw nimle bntidi uhigom 1 m tiik ndkl vt klrtors or tmf i ol n of leeds 1 lh received an invitmton from abiutiite of ilia cmiitiy io offer illative in the eiimitiiir farlta- 1 coiimdcrfthio tune iw clanged many rospci tabic in jnvelf jis rutir i menu i have birhcrt- wtnnnwl frwii pitlilirly nre- wlftn iwf oiirt lonjrr 1 1 rhips hsii theeuule due ui tin ml nuillvroutnulh men aniuni yuu who honored inrwiili asumnmi of support le- til muled i was diroua ihat no one poweminft a vole w hi eh ifftilin ttirerpctly or indiscreetly given mul mernto in the henelh or hijnry of his country shcitild for ftantoftllw cousidrratinn pledge him self to lint whieh he eonld nor in his omi opinion afterwul i7tecmlrt pwfiwmi ibfl wis liille knnwu to youexcep- one emrusnd whli hii ap- poiilniit hf ifhpiilv whtv by my hiivoriftgti who aeeordin tn iihi lnilll dwrtiffiuo nf ihv duty rn hi ptuple wit fstimale my hiyalrv to hunelf i have lonq luvn ireeiuin i mom dnilv proofs tifgochl fed- inff tovird liw bv k freehohlers of leeds ulinin rcaird io iiv ultaelia nt o the best interests of the pnitimv imvo rishttj iudjcl me hy ibemselves tltcy have been ii o ftllribihc to me tllok qunlilicalions which lo lw 1h i rr reenlativir and pin brii reqinioliim iic before lr signed bv m ail wvo buodftll ivreholders of the county and bv man tif ilie magistracy i ran no longer doubt rheir hahi leliberaiey determined in itty favor nor hesita declare publicly thai to he the free choice of 3h 0 eonsiituency as dun of the connv of leeds w1h die object of my ardent oni- bilinn 1 feel the iiioj nored and bound 10 your ser vice hv ihwiiwirk oi because it is aceninpmieil hv li iwnand id thai icilc to any particular hue ufcu mdi o oficn rrqiiinri hv lliusu whose jieimcms are formed before the subject of themlia lccn disaiftiwl i am nnt called uiino for u eoocwton of political faith hot i would answer to lho ho have olyeclml to lb ir rcpresenlaiive bciinr inecil witli the ioverumeul esi of the counlry that ffbowt lovernoinii can possi bly have any intend hjwfilo o or supanme froai lliosc of theprople llf diiil n gwd 01 bad qnirn llilnt is best iiiuica by the pripnify nr ln-de- cay of the eirintrv object to it willi ivuutri n anolllci oiijcrlioo vch ikia liven icu ii 10 serve vmi i ihiyy oiifedf kcaui 1 am 01- 1 ihit i am inen nut an ndiahiimr uf county i think ibmih tujfd ofhavimone myw mprtwmtlatnttfonerally resident at the eat iftjnveninwiil may he such as 10 overbalance any nvmneniencc wliieh may imwsi- blv rtoc from ins pni ewlllo it clflotlll kuowlrde in nil iinpiirtlnil suleuf hinjtion the ifitrnnrs of the province ae interests of itin pipb- ol leeds a m1 w purely focftl i shall eabily an iv coitiueots and ne receive uuiiruciiou i eolleaiiue alter the proof yu have given mc of your in tended support i rstnoi entcrtam a doubi of our success there remains in me but one buhjcel of rcret which is th until within a short period of the coming election ah wol be able to pay my respects to you in p on i have the houoio be ienllemen willi tlit- ifcmcutiwiiertj your ftiihfnl servunj ohbrt w jamkhon tornimot i1m1 iftmi lo8l i 4 25 g m i it 13 5 2 25 1 10 bruces awv york type foundry tiik subscribers rcpecfuly infonn the primers llrottliey have reccmly compieted a variety of new fonts of letter in the style of the ltul european spcciuit well ealcuhiecd for oriucucuud llfintiiiff or careful dupluyi and inakisur lltrir asyureiiteut 01 prlytiax types unrivalled in beauty extent and vttrirty a boo ofspeciincuk may be obtained at thufoumbv io 13 tliambers street near chutlmm urcvi oral nn mace ruiiitrftro iei oek f n w plirl im roman cnpiltil c- ltuic dn til to roman dn title italic do shaded koman do aatnpie do ilack do open ijincfc tin isenpt do german text do open text do two lincr tbpkftl h iih piiiuvi iwo ltiie italic cflpilabi shaded capiniu of various kiudv italian capitabrnnd figure resides ornainetilal letlci bnclcslopr millie lottery figures piece fraction upriorp irnnnmteul and other rbpi uwfi- tftfnm itttrresf than ioo kinds of borders kiudsof clllfl and ornament ft while wine vuiemu bordeaux tin fine old imiirdsun in cases london pottled porter lcith ale a few casts rrencji liqueurs do picklis and fauces assorted olive oil in gnonk tk1s gunpowder odllvon xuung do twau kn pekoe rimielinns is totlffo kefined and uscovado stigurtf east india do- molae9 coflee ivpper spices raisin currants almonds kiurlish cheese mustard in jars v htittles lime juice chocolate eruiieelli acvroni pearl sago sperm wax caudles mace e c- c window ilus glass ware paints oils and coum together with a number of articles too numerous to enumerate the advertiser begs leave to slute that ilie above articles have been selected from mi extensive as sortment by a recent urrivul and purchased on advantageous terms he feels coulldent that on in spection uisfituck will be liumd moithy the atten tion of the public ivi lgstou uv30ili 1831 33if london h tv saii i in ackets ecreixth q ia h wjiiuii will lntoifir lt and 0di md ivii every month imkv diedn in wbirh case ii will he ibi i shin can m ineof r rir5t n pwittl v pose ufflit mps ivoin xewturk nuil london on the rt in4il n th d4ililrlkriimiuivil rnl tin urattlv th mud sihli rf saiuliy vf tun louts t 14 41 4 4 4 4 44 4 ii l ft 14 july ltihip s ai 1 stii vi n i v j iihiiv nsk i nimiiiirr i vv sfiip illi i ci-r- m 1 j 1 sliip jiv w rv1 r juiiu 16 sliij 3ia ulvl luiuijitui hiiit 1 tiovjjiky y iv 1c iiahnidal iiu ririmtiij jjimwrr 1 rilial illilrivrlruii v jhti id sams it iv iurimnmtlr ri id julv 1 pkesimwr imw rwttii hi ivk 20 july hi tnraiimttvilrlsiiimin jljl jjo atis i moxtkkal jlbirh ll april ifi ona vivl 80vkr1 i these shij5 nn d ui mmi art citaimnu i i j c i- i ctirowiel bt hiui icl dcmriptivn tin ei iiroineiil onlin l ii j nf llieffcvoml mn rnmi 1 a kr isrl ineiiih mut 0 itbx i u r lntsiiiih jlcr sll itn nv f 1 1 v tilth tilwl mkii v- lil irie nl- ibit xijlhnll in vit r i in c hi jnacfi lao iht e f school booi ifulrs trn id more or ewpapirs and scientific vork orders fur any of which or for composing sticks gawt chases ivc will oxcclucd with the inmost promptitude a hi roc stuck bein a s oit hand tiny will ah enceurc oiwfpfiil iviutiti in cp l ink ve which tluv wi uruisli it t e iuanuficuuers prices printers of aewspapcw will please publish tbii reuerliemeul with this liuiv three tinted sending n pbpurenmuuitg it to the foundry and payment when ibey purchase lo of tin ir bill from the fuundrv koiak ukuce yw ynk lit mtriu totia imriliii ii titd uuvior uutwanl wmiu hr injrietur iiyil al ftll exrhisive of win mill lm wturb will he fiinohrd fmih pascnjrcr at rhimtlilkliid ntf umi hid lliwl the iriitlid canu thrt will hr litmil t n hoil hourd ilic hin4 ii gro uh ih- fo n for t umimb john rhvvtijtts nvwygrk- tjhinnem k b tcanihxil lrdru lo in in he rhul iii lioltl rah mf ili j1m ippiy incmirr f i inuimmlti m co i 1 in rt un co iu pnmi iiwi nm ihih frftiti pitfbmtitmll iwltetv thee nut i vivc inwrnvr tn ilunwut put mi luulli vl ml 1h jnrv itilnriiiitl i relaliw i ihulimr hr nhtiiinivt lij iij i ii n j ihi- lvtv ofpakvt hit ro sms mo ii ivcciu unnunl times tin co iiti io lf ii i ml ttili miu lurtlic iiihiini tho iniin ivj rotitoj tn ihr ftt- ftttftt itriliiotlico urt 4hiril jif tinu i uil vi nimon day thursday iviihiv a- sutunlny ikc- artit4ibrniiiini twin viivli i m mnuvtuiv- t dier kuliv l il u n itik duo rf lailii ti 111 a lli to atijtfh wjikn that elegs t tilniht llouc situated in chitrelll street in the town of kington couunanriit u tinrl extensive and dvllglllful i lew of ike ontario nl the puitoiimiiui rnniun day tncihiy xv fllawtullm avuaq anrnmit urechi iky viilneday mnu wdl ihicej ivmniufiiro- viht iviirl u n mi mmltv ttmi tiv tn mnintltrlh ii fyw thilu iiml kciitanftiintfiiwk l m the m far nil mricin hflkof aui kvi nthl fynlar hwk rwin ii th hint crighhm m h il thrin a week nohjjftlnvixk p al 1 nrnh iz rloseil tifire n ivinik viz on mttlu autt r nt iivu i al the miil fst rcwwiiwirkilp and hiht f irrt if vki trc clotd ftw a wcelc viz on alunhiy and tlium- ami nie unrrmintimg rnnniiy witii an excellent j ut 6 oclock im arden ioothouse coalihoise stable wood- j the mails lor ixkrof north of purl hum- ie cavan petcrhoroiigh r ntc ciimi1 oneta vwk vmz on saturday t at 6 oclock v sr ti maiufur ianiirtfa irfi closed tmr htuiyp tv a lee house wilh every con venieucesttitible inr a larcc slonily tlio nuextcieive llrewery and ilij r with utensils complete 8lean alill with an enjriucof3 llore power malthouse storey and erry other etimcnitjtce fiir earryiuff on the a- buve business also an rxiuosive wharf with 5 torehouse thereon well adupicd for lie fiownrd- iu business whether by the stint lowrcnctf or itideau canal havituf a urejiter depth of wster than any oiher wliarf iu kimlmi the stock in friidc vi hurley jmalt hu mnlt wheat corn kye tlas lasky cord wood well seaomd wnll- imit cherry pine plank uoards may be taken at n loir valuation if required the above properly may be let either together or sepeimtely for sale a quantity of ivhivkvy v tale ale of ftitperior pressure oieatn- ooaiiiy also hii excellent low bnginc upwards of four horse power made by messrs j o vurd co of montreal used for merly finlfrilldina kye corn e for the aoove die lilleiy iuvhinf 10 buhel- jierday likewise 2 cop per tsiilh also a pair ol excellent french burr mill stones low for cash for further particulars uutiuire on the pmniiwe all persons iudeblcd to the subscriber are re quested to settle their accounts without delay and uloae to whom he is indebted are particularly dc- twired id prcsenl ihcir accounta immediately for li- rjuidation t imolsox kioslon june 37lll isi tub suitsckiukh for the liberal i has been iu tenders his thanks to the plilil pntroiiae he has rcceixed mlift bwines and lakes this method to inform them that he keips cnniantlv on baud tin and sheet linn ware itnkskiu mfllcim and uloc whips w ciiar voinlisi and many other unirle oo numerous for rwuimt lor countrv merehanfaond pvdlen ran he had o at lln rfini of the seilb iviajiket square ierst feathers raper hal old feutei cordm itiilious sowing silk and thread detail which olvamaijiotis i en iih by applying un- iktf tins iheep skins bet and uftins i x tallow arci will be reeeiel inpayment tft friihrt prin ifittttt tttiwtin flash for ittn n h- those who have unselllid accounts will please call to settle the same and bv so doimr tlirv will oblige itaktonpiilllips- king3ioii ith i1kh i a wvu vix nn tlmrxlayat 6 oclock p m thu mails fir t cikcc on the rnutr dirouh beverly prrtb r nn nhiiwl hrittix eek x on slotulny and tlnifjedavmeovhk 1 j tho matu for tlm tbtitwl sutra ere hoirmmi limtsn wwk va on mi tidiv wcdnitnv and fritlnv atsodock mntvat or thk mall thr eastern maium rive i tiatn wk viz on monday tuesday avcdnctay tliurjay friday nd saturday flic western maiu arrive fix tinttsn wk viz on monday tuesday wdmilav thursday friilar and satordav cotttrart hour of arrival 4 oclork p m thu maib from ottkei wert of ancasir will arrive ttticc n wrck viz ontu- wdoy and friday with itic mails from york the prince edward matb arrive anycmara week vix on monday wcdfiiliy and fiiday aithu satnc time with ihc other western molv the southern or iniled satcs mails arrive three times a tfotkj tws on mit lay vrdneiday and friday prouablo hour of urimloli an average tliroi i ill year 5 oclock- p at office hours thn oflico willhoojicii from dorldofc a m till 7 oclock i m every day cxccpl the sahhath when letters will bo delivered only hctwoon the hour of 8 and 9 a m s to letters going aftroad turt fillowins rtjfulittioni mum bn attended ln olherwisc tliry will remain nt forwarded and tie lost to all concerned 1 rtun fur the united stales must be pt paid to cape vin cent and mfih as arr iniviidcd lo olhat way lo euiopc nuil he pot paid to now york letter for kuropi intended to be sent hy quebec must le ot paid to qui t and lho intended ro be ent by ffali rx prt falmouth packet murt be pom paid to hallftx lcitvrscan only be sent byway ofquber between bolfc may and 1 nottinbrr in merchant rtf they mav lo forwarded by llic other routes at any mamil foi the rojolaiiiis relative to potao on letter for the ciiiiriucot of burapi wort indie e see tin j homof goutrnfi advcrtifcincnt put up in ibis offiee- rahidf postage oil a finale letter fromlh ofisee to caps vincent 3citi nw vork is 2u io quebee h- lid to hfttiax ml any newspapei that ufbmardeik wiihom hrinu postpaid w ill be charged with h iter iostii kate of postage fa nvwpajn r from this olree loanv pwi ofiho bnlish prtvinieh id to capt vmeenl id mid per cipe vioeolto nt v york ijne rent ami half john uacavlav p- m kinntun fchth vk iwikts oilsnnd lc mn y 20 lisil stuffs forralo by john j parker ihiollgh axiw unket mtolifortw seytliea id siiinhs jiibi received ti i furalr liy mivw jihim i pakkbbi mfaxv scuuoi mlfi3 i sham respect fit i ly irefft icavo to give no tice that the next tern other luftini school com nifikes ou tuevtluy iuxt tin 15th iusi store street kiiieston jtilv sih iftji c hatch c i rm ti 1 r kingston ijkk canada