British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 25, 1834, p. 2

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foreign news lisbon mav 2- it eleven win today since the hen infmii hon miguel fled from lisbon to satlutrtm destroy the constitution and usurp the dirone ofltw atiguol father today news has reach ed lisbon of hia stipulating 10 retire from the por tupulse territory which lie haw so long drenched with blood and covered with misfortune remarks jlle coincidence so then it was the 27ui dc may when he began his career of crime mid il is the 27th of may which finishes his political existence and tin career of hia crimes and outrages this morning at 8 oclock the aidcde camp of gen saldanhn ar rived at lisbon with the interesting news of the surrender n the army of the usurper and imme diately the intelligence spread through the capital with the rapidity of lightning it is impossible to describe the joy which took possession of every faithful inhabitant of lisbon- many rockets sud denly ascended the skies embraces congratula tions and if 1 wishes passed from one to another in every street and no one could sufficiently ex press the emotions which filled his bosom in a short time the fallowing despatch was issued in a supplement to no 121 of the chronica constitn tionat of lisbon luustrious and excellent sir i have the honor to advise your excellency of tho receipt ofyour despatch today accompanied by two copies of the orders which your excellency received from the government at lisbon as well as a quan tity of proclamations published by sr don pedro duke of braganza lu reply i have to say to your excellency that to avoid the further effusion of portuguese blood the propositions a copy of which your excellency transmitted me arc acceded to as it is permitted to don iwiguel to embark at any port and in any vessel of the four allied nations which he may select he chooses the port in sines or some other port in algarves and an english ves sel and i wish to know whether her serene high ness the infanta donna isabella maria who is in the town of elvas desires to accompany him it is proper now that we proceed regularly for uhich purpose i await the orders of your excellency 1 am ready to be present at any place you may ap point if you think it will further that cud cod pre serve you many years evora 26th may ism ffi jfsijf 4vipavfl 0ff aal lfv jjieul jcutrat to his ex count de salduuha the captain tieneral of estremadura under date of may 26th announces that the town of yelves has acknowledged the authority of the iueen donna maria ii and that giirumena campomayor autf oguela were about to follow the example seville june 1 1831 by express received at halfpast one oclock thiy day his excellency the secretary of war conli ins the important news of the decisive advantages gain ed in portugul and the surrender of the mguclitt aud carlist forces and adds that the pretender in consequence of his having claimed the protection of the secretary cf the english legation who was at his head quarters proceeded with his family u lisbon where instructions had already arrived from the british governmeut applicable to such si conjuncture signed thk prince of anglona capture of don carlos and don uiguel uadiz june 1 civil government of the province of cadiz the captain of the port has just favored ine with the following intelligence a felucca has arrived from ay anionic the cap tain of which says he left there night before last bringing a letter for the captain general of the de partment and states that the infantes don carlos aud don miguel had fallen into the hands of the spanish troops at evora having been delivered up by their own men also that lour wagon loads of silver had been captured ivo other uews signed low dk con i hasten to communicate this agreeable intelli gence to the loyal city of cadiz aud the other po pulation of the province for their information and satisfaction jose douimoo ut vi dart cadiz june i 1s31 algiers an official report dated algiers may 21 ad dressed by general voirol to the minister of war announces that the numerous depredations commit ted by the hudjoutes upon the lands iud llocks of the bcni khalil having exasperated that arab tribe in a high degree he resolved to pmrtmll the had- joutes and compel them to restore the cattle they had carried oft about 500 men nearly all mount jj tauluti with it rfiitmlilnptihlf jiurl u the t moussa assembled at donllarich in the night ul th- itili to form a van guard gen uro i several hatallions 100 horses and three licldpieces was ordered to inarch upon ilaouch smara ufa in structions were not to attack the hadjoutes if they would restore the cattle they had taken the latv ter imagining they could escape with impunity fired some shots upon the van guard which imme diately fell upon them and this attack being sup ported by gen bro they offered little resistance they fled leaving behind them 400 or 500 head ul cattle which were given to the people of ueui kha lil the hadjoutes sultercdsome loss the next day the troops advanced with the intention ef scour ing the forest a flag of truce was scut by the uad- joutc but the conditions of peace proposed not be ing accepted the forest was scoured by the troops who found immense flocks which were bellowed on the ben i khalil and thebeni moussa tents ca mels aud bales of wool were also carried off we had three men killed and five or six wounded ami the auxiliary arabs also suffered some loss the troops having tlni obtained for the deni kha lil iore than had been taken from them set out on the 20ii on their return and the next day arrived hi douera england- house of lords june 6 ministerial changes the duke of newcastle was anxious before pro ceeding to the order of the day to address a few words to their lordships on a subject which he had hoped would have called forth the attention of some other noble lord better qualified than himself to do it justice he alluded to the late changes in the ad ministration he was very desirous their lordships should be rightly informed asto the precise footing on whichtheabouttobecompleted cabinet would stand he feared he must conclude judging from circum stances which were too notorious that it was formed on principles entirely adverse to the established church of tht country hear ami if any thing were necessary to confirm that belief it was the secession of certain members fiom the cabinet who had r tiredin a manner highly honorable to themselves refusing to participate in those measures of spolia tion and injustice which their colleagues in a man ner o frightful and reckless had determined to pur sue which justly exposed them to the malediction of the present generation of all who should come after them hear if he was right in his judg ment that the present administration was formed on principles entirely hostile to the established church then there arose a strange and moat alarming discre pancy their lordships had no doubt read a speech which had been pronounced by his most gracious majesty to the bishops on a late interesting occasion hear hear a speech which he the duke of inewcastlc rejoiced and exulted in saying that it was quite wor thy the sou of bis gracious and venerated sire hear hear and that was the highest eulogium which could by possibility be pronounced hvar hear what did ihalupccch prove it proved beyond all contradiction this important fact that his majes ty was firmly attached to the religious institutions of his country aud that it was his fixed purpose de cidedly to maintain them hear hear wow then came the discrepancy on the one side they had an administration formed on the decisive prin ciples of opposition insult injury and persecution to the church of england and oil lib other a so c- rciffti determined to uphold the religion and estab lished church of the country as he was in fact hound to do so by his most solemn asseveration hear hear in those circumstunces he did not think he should apologias to their lordships for cal ling on his majestys iocnnneiit to explain to tllnt house and to lay before the country at the present critical juncture of affairs the frnnnids on which their administration was formed and should be con ducted and to ask them whether they were prepared to violate the conscience of their sovereign earl fitzuillinin rose to order he appealed to noble lords more conversant than himrclf wslh the forms of that house whether the ft ruin in ft well the noble duke wa proceeding was quite consistent with its established ami recognised inters the flnlilv duke had asked whether the present cabinet or that about to be funned was prepared to call upon hi majesty to violate hi conscience having in a for mer part of ids speech quoted the name of an ex alted personage in a matmei wbili certainly ap peared to him earl fitzuilliuui to trench very much upon freedom of debate and the usually re cognised forms of the house hear hear it was therefore a matter of very grave consideration whe ther the course pursued by the uome duke was likely to con luce cither to due order of procedure or to w political world but m regard to ireinm mainuiu the proper freedom and independence of natton of mr blwihymjw that house hear hear lord kcnyon rose to order the noble earl fitzwilliam bad not interfered at the proper time lad the noble earl interfered when the minis of his majesty was first introduced he might have been quite consistent in calling the iiohk duke to order itut the noble earl not having then interfered ami having allowed the noble duke i proceed in his statement and direct a question to his majestys government it was not competent fur he noble earl to interfere nothing could be more proper or con stitutional than for any peer of hat house to call on his majestys minister to explain the ground on which their administration was formed aud the principle by ntftfc ttrji vm be ivnjairj hear earl fitzwilliam was much obliged for the admis sion of tlie noble lord that it was competent for him when the name ofhis majesty was introduced to call the noble duke to order- cries of u no from lord kenyon he would explain what he meant had attempted and never could attempt to apply any force to his majesty conscience loud cheers my lords i can tmaucr for it if such an attempt were made by an member of the present administration or of any other administration to propose to his majesty any thing which he tlnnizlit inconsistent with the duties which he owes to the people as their protector bud father the sovereign would at once reject such n proposition with indig nation and would not miller such an individual to continue for one inst lump l m confidence loud cheers- my lords i have thought it necessary to say thi much in answer to the nnhle dukes question a question wlmli i think ilioirrther improper hear hoar a question whtev i think is founded on grounds tar from consistent with he order mid rides of this house and having answered i may now ray that 1 am ready to litfot any charge which the noble duke or any oilier peer is prepared lo bring against me and if the liable duke thinks in ma- jestyv present tuitiuacra ar- unwordiythecotlidenee oft lis house ihe proper tutrw which he is bound in honor and 1 think ill iutv to lav would be to move an address to hi majesty praying that he would be graciously plea4 lo remove them from his councils hear het a motion my lords which i shall be prepared to meet and to act on the result in nucha manner rrtil duty and conscience bound loud ami generd cheers j items extract of a loiter lion dublin dated may 3 1st within the lai iwcrvv years many ministerial changed have occurred wlidi excited great attention the political world but in regard to ireland the pro duced an inierest and cxntement altogether unpre cedented the retirement of the wellington ad ministration was connect with a nucstion in which tllo empire at large was concerned the triumph of the principle of pahiamehary reform interested all lord kenyon the noble carl u not speaking to order and therefore has no right in speak at all the dnko of newcastle resumed lie should not have introduced the name of his majesty but that it was absolutely ntcrnry itawpver unwilling he was to do so and certainly ihe name of his ma jesty had been in tiiat house more improperly used m former occasions hear liwtr he would therefore prcsstliu picsiion whether it was tin in tention of government to attempt to control his ma- jestv and indue hiin to forswear his mot solemn engagements cries of hear hear and l order ihci of muluiave felt ureal unwillingness lo interrupt ihe noble duke hut he frit solemnly that the course ihe noble duke whs purmng was utterly at variance with the recognized orders of the mouse the name ofhis majesty should not be introduced on such an occasion and therefore he put it 10 the noble duke himself without appealing generally to their lordships whether he ftlmuld proceed in n course which he himself must acknowledge was at variance willi the established rules of that house loud cries of hear earl trrev then rose and said nobody my lords h more ready than i am to admit ihe privilege which every noble lord possesses uf asking upon any occasion pietions of any member of his jla- jtlys government nor gball 1 be found unwilling to answer thwe qticstloos when properly put i must however say mi the pncut occasion that the nucstion iiselfisa very strange and rxtraordiuary fine and that ihe grounds on which it i founded are alroether ioeonsisienr with ihu ordrrs of your lord- slnps hon ihmr hear the noble duke frst of all savs that ibere is whal he calls a decrepancy between wrtuin dtelbruiioim to hato len made his majesty und the constitmion r ihe present nd- lilhltstrulhijl my lords with rrspmi to thespeeeh supposed t 1wv btwu delivered by his majesty i can eay nothing nut having adyiried his majesiy heiuiuim wv responsible for it uut knowing bv vwhm t i i can say nothing but this that il that speech de clares his majestys determination to uphold the the feelings important church i am certain it expressed truly and determination ofhis majesty on that point hear hear my lords give me leave further to say wuh res pect to ihe inference which lilts noble duke appears to draw from what premises 1 know not that there is in the constitution of the present administration something inconsistent with dial declaration of the sovereign to support the church 1 must beg leave to give his assertion the most powttivo contradiction loud cheers from all parts the house hut the noble duke has referred to the secession of some individuals lately meinljers of his mujcsiv admi nistration nobody my lords regrets that seces sion nobody has both upon personal and public grounds more reason to regret it than 1 have hut i am sure that in leaving his majestys councils up on grounds which in conscience in honor aud m duty lliey found themselves compelled to act they will irive inc credit for an equally sincere desire hear hear from the duke of richmond though on certain points of opinion i may diller from them i say an equally sincere desire with them to up hold and secure ihe interests uf the protestant es tablishment in these realms cheers more than this my lords 1 will not say on the present ocv ion as we may soon possibly on ibis ery night have an opportunity oigolng more into the circum stances connected with this subject but i must protest distinctly and decidedly against any inter pretation which the noble duke or any other peer may put upon the changes that have unfortunately lately taken place in his alnjesiy s councils leading to the conclusion that there is in those who remain in his majestys confidence any other than a sincere and conscientious desire to maintain by all the means in their power iuviolxae in efficiency in dignity and in usefulness the established church of these kingdoms- cheers tfo much my lords in re ply to tilt general assertion ot the noble duke but i must be allowed to say that the manner in which the nucstion was put was most extraordinary- for what was the juration abe noble duke called up on me unworthily placed as 1 am m the head ofhis majestys councils to answer a question which 1 believe never before entered into the mind of any man but that of the noble duke himself namely whether the administration had lcen formed on the principle of forcing his majestys conscience hear hear is it possible my lords that the noble duke could have thought of seriously proposing such a quctilidi hear hear or that there could have been noy but one answer to it hear hear the noble duke may think the measures ofhis majestys government inconsistent with the duties which they owe to their sovereign their country aud the established church he may condemn those measures as loudly and ve hemently us he pleases but can he believe that any man could deliberately entertain the intention which he ascribes to his majestys government or give any answer to the question hut one- that ihev never the divisions of the tmiol l lilc tranquillity and social improvement of irdand the satisfactory ar rangement of the church revenue system nn l removal of the primary urcc of discord and dis turbance arc involved if hhc recent alteration of the cabinet this county only requires peace to render her prosperous if ihe strife and contention caused by the tithe svsf were at an end if the real evils of the country ere under the correction r ttaww joiiev tiinn k llw rppal w wiy other description jf agitation would no more be heard of and we hould lose our distinctive cha- racte as a nation if patriots au politicians lor that of an industrious an thriving people several members of the i 0 commons who had been sojourning here hi set off for loudon in order to be in their place g monday evening gbb the general aoe of the church of scot land met at edinburgh on tlie22nd may when dr mfarlanc ofgrtnnock was chosen moderator the proceedings or this venerable body since the opening of their frtion have been marked with milch interest and of their decisions will be at tended with ihe mut salutary elfecfsto the interests of the church w allude to the following impor tant and liberal morion of lord moucrielf on the subject of calls miich being carried by a vote of iso to 1s3 virtuallj abolishes the olftnstvc features of church putnnnie tliai the ueiutal assembly bavin maturely considered the overture hi declare that it is a fun- ikunental law of tins church that 110 pastor shall be intruded on any eougregation contrary to the will of the people and that in order to carry this prin ciple into full elfeck the presbyteries of the church shall be instructed that if at the moderating in a call to a vacant pastoral charge the major part of the male heads of families members of the vacant con gregation aud in full communion with the church shall disapprove of the person in whose avor the call is proposed to he moderated in such disappro val shall deemed sulficieut ground for the presbytery rejecting such person aud that he shall he rejected necunlinily and due notice thereof forthwith given to all concerned but that if the major part of ihe said heads of families shall not disapprove of such a person to he lllftf pastor the presbwcry shall proceed with the settlement according to the church and further declare that no person shall be held lo he entitled lo disapprove as aforesaid who shall refuse if requited lolemuly to declare in presence of other presbyters that he is actuated by no fac tious or malicious notive hut solely by a cuuscicu flous regard to the spiritual interests of himself or congregation and esolve ihatacomniiiteo be ap pointed to report n an interim diet of the assembly in what manner ant by what particular measures ihis di duration an instruction may best carried into full operation xvic i9y touo mill ilm tffismfll a aiwtt quite gay it being their winter season oruhatwe plain icpublicunscall summer by the almanac bui astronomy and the laws of the iiniveise are hupo- tcilt against thd dsporism of fashion king ijcopohi and his lueeu have received very touching addresses of condolence from the ltelgiau chambers on the irreparable and deplorable loss of heir infant aged 10 mouths the deputation shed tears the sultan bus at hist recognized the greek am- basaador zagrapos and sent him the usual pre sents of exquisite fruits and lowers already after alt the fair promises of the spa nish quren four journals have been suppressed at madtid lor disseminating liberal principles there is no dependence o legitimacy it will war on de mocratic doctrines the tewmj of london expresses the inmost dissatisfaction and contempt at the new ministers whom it denounces as imbecile and insignificant per- stum ges again wo are bound in consience and honor to declare that as a whole they will not aud ought nut to satisfy the people of england we warned lord grey of this our fear was and we call to witness our leading articles for three or four days past that the paddings linings waddings the stay tape and huriuain scrapings and sweepings of liie ministerial shop would he resorted to and strong and serviceable materials excluded that old clothes would be turned old holes darned rags new dyed and ancient calfskin covers freah gilt and lettered and all this nicknamed a reformed or amended cabinet by which not even the infant pu pils ofoursunday schools woum be imposed upon the editor says lord auekhmd is no more com petent for the head of the navy than the common est purser that spring rico the colonial secre tary is a man of very moderate talents the great source of regret of ibis journal appears to be that lord durham and mr abercrmbie and men of that stamp have been passed mvcr in london improvement a3r smirke suggests tearing down entirely thtuart of the eity known as de lachesse palli is well received at the court of vienna although her raro amigo is not permitted to sit at the royal table louis philippe is kept on his good bchavour by the attentions shown toticnry 5th and his mamma maugre the events at blaye a woman and two daughters died almot instan taneously in france on drinking from a barrel of cider a year old in which a dead serpent was found the ivpiilo had probably cret in at the bunghole left open for the liquor to ferment sue ide to effcape naval toannta letter dated lisbon may 10 says a very melancholy event took place the other day on board his majes tys ship ringdove a sailor was to be flogged for getting drunk but as he made great resistance he was put in irons and in this state was brought on deck when about to receive his puuishment on being ordered to strip he laid hold of a knife which he hud concealed about his person and killed him self by plunging it into his heart the journal du loirct has the following on the 23th of uay orleans aud its environs were du ring the whole morning covered with a dry and fetid fog driven by a cold and violent breeze from the northcast and resembling in appearance and odor the smoke of burning lime the light of the sun appeared as during a partial eclipse these appear ances justify the hypothesis of arago in the jin- nufiirc of is32 on the origin of these fogs in which be stlpposses that they may he vapours from the immense furnace in the centre of the earth which escape through fissures in itsciust or else that it is ihe smoke of a distant volcano carried away by the wind or that of some body not belonging to our globe which has become ignited and the vapour of which has fallen down into our atmosphere or finally the impalpable powder or dust of some pla net burst by its own interna fire or crushed by the shock of some comet british whig to correspondents r j l on tiktay ipwiokuiikrlioa our loughborough friend mum cxaise th noo- lumjob or li ccrtoraonicoiioo- there b nooccajiou lo oitoie ifa nflfe ifod fof 11 ni inrn il in i wicd the rookery and the hoi land the e peuse ofa variety of handsome unprovements is estimated at 700000 john ducrow the celebrated clown and brother to ducrow the cuctrian died lately much rebel led the death uf hakspcar o clown is worth re- groulug mademoiselle grisi pronounced grrrtjoy a la jitihtisr is the great stair of the italian opera in loudon and is pi u w kubini caraduri tamburiiii c at the king theatre macrca dy known ui thisciumlry us a scholar a gentleman ami an actor uf greut merit touk a bumper benefit lately at drury ltltie ahouhc visit to the united states woulil be found profuatdle maihews is on his passage to new york and in consequence of our dull spirits and hard linmrs generally we pre sume he will he encouraged no kill a dull hour sheridan knowlesisin liiuenek the princess viecoria the liutnre ciueeu of en flaud is 15 yetini uld madame la duchsdu hrern now cumtcbse kisgstqx friday evening july 25 1834 our fnreigr intelligence mcrcme upon ub wt have english advices to the 8th june we refer our readers to the parliamentary debate of the 6th ult for a full understanding of the position in which the kings ministers arc placed in respect to hisma- jesjy it in our opinion that unless the whig ministry are aided by an accession of talent from ome quar ter or other that they cannot long remain in power- fire by i kilttninc yesterday morning about half patt ix oclock during the prevalence of arain storm ihe town ws alarmed by the report of a fcarfiil clap of thunder a fcw minuter afterward the fire bulls were rung and the townspeople hastened in croud to a pc4m of conflagration the lightning in in descent struck the warehouse of k drom- mosu ksrj opposite 1 ho scotch kirk in f tiich a quantity of rop- pitch lir and othci combustible were stored the whole of wluch wie ignited in an instant th fire engines mrq speedily on ilio spot but mtmflj could be done to stop ilic mgm0f the flames for in lew than half m hoor the mitdl0ut and iu contents were burnt to the ground at the house was isolated no further lutflgbftof waft done by the following extract from the sandwich emigrant of the 12th insl wc learn that a sljp s being put to the infamous prac tice of swearing out capiases againt pel sons of filed residence and character leonard petit a yankee clock pedlar was indicted for perjury by the grand jury at the lato general quarter sea sinn for fttvcariajj out a capia for 3 against robert bucha nan a respectable fanner and freeholder of orford- peck has etfectcd his escape we will notice this further in our ocit nurulicr a few days ao tho following transaction occurred a per son rolled iipn an inhabitant of this town for the payment of a small debt undt f and being put oltby the request of a short delay had tlm insolcnco to olale boldly before the debtors workmen tliat qpfah the money was paid befiire 2 oclock lhat day he vlioutd takeout ztapltts against himl to which threat the following answer was made do so and so sure ly os you do so surely will i indict ytm for perjury at the next assises it is needles to say that this intimation was suffi cient under the present action of lira tttutc no person is iafe in hi pvronal lilriv however wcalihy or respectable ho may s bul wem a few prosecutions for perjury corninenced for ibcil amttsf the law might then be rendered salutary and useful instead of being as ills vexations and tyrannical tothc editor ofilic british whig sir llavin business to transact at mr dnimmnnd wharf last nturday evening and having hnished a friend nnd i utep- l l mt viflltf tlll jftnli phvsm ififfit 4t 1tl- at ceitlty arrived when to our astonishment and great aunoyance wc eheld about a dozen of the kingston carters acting in rude and unbecoming manner by pusllim with great violttm one against another and against tho inollendin passengers to ihe ercat disgust and indignation of be persons on board and of the spectators on the wharf this shameful and un calledfor exhibition of unnisinliness aud brutality itnving end- til ulan tor by the bye they were expelled the boat they commenced the kuiic scenes un the crowded wharf by knock ing a poor passenger down on the hard boarding and as soon a4 ihe nrin recovered from his fall he attempted lo remonstrate with his assailant when the ruffian carter with a whip in his baud and encouraged by tlio rest of his fellows threatened to mrikc the poor man on bis tace if ho said one word more at lanl the lellows perceiving llic spectators notice their conduct they moved off to the road where their horses stood t anil lind- in rinamc there adapted to uieir disgusting inclinations com- iiiencc4l a batilc ofiheir own two of the party dittering and toin to combat aud which battle terminated in two or throe blow what ril the proprietor of wharfs say or think when tbey nuet mils statement and which i can vafulnte by genilc- men present indeed i need only refer them to j niekalls eq tiurk of the peace of this place for a corroboration of ihifl statement str i should like in future to see strict wateh kofit over these impudent eoihfy so that a recurrence of such gross and un manly conduct may be prevented sir by inserting the above in your journal you will oblige yours c a lover of good order kingston july 24t 1s34 during the warm weather which prevailed during the last and the beginning of this week some cases of severe sickness and sudden death have been no ticed in this city which from their resemblance to the cholera of 1832 have created some uneasiness wcare however happy to state that with the more favorable temperature of the last few days these appearances have diminished or nearly totally dis appeared in nearly all the cases we may venture to uifirm that imprudence has been traced or they hve occurred among newly arrived emigrants who had been previously exposed to severe privations and that the disease lias yielded to treatment where the medical practitioners have been early summon ed as we arc aware by letters and by travel leis front upper canada and the united states that the most exaggerated arcounts have been carried there uf the number who have died at the shed provided for the sick near the windinills we assert positive ly on the authority of a statement proceeding from the medical attendants of that establishment that but fifteen deaths occurred there during the week ending yesterday a number lo which we arc in formed the daily mortality was swelled by some of these fugitive reports any alarm which has pre vailed here has nearly subsided and our notice ins been written with a view to dispel the fears of those at a distance whose apprehensions may be caltnrd when they learn that in the experience of our oldest medical practitioner the town and neighborhood have not enjoyed such a healthy season for the last twenty years as has been experienced by us since the opening of spring jftun gozctte we are sorry to leuru that a mrs atkinson and her daughter were killed by lightening during the storm of wednesday last in the township of raw- don ib ff thirty four vessels of dtaerentwsl the welland canal from the llih to 20th june k elusive the trade on the ridtau canal i iu full v gor the rideau steamboat is in active operation as are also t t mckay and margaret in ibtatomi on wednesday last by the aresdeacoo at the r ormrcbfftji mr john barton io mm matilda cnimfcy ktngmttl yesterday morning mr fisher mooicr io ihe mesara kirkpauict thin lady hat beeji unwell far borne day and cipircd uonjbju the irarrl tbumjcfitormt gkgat bargains for a few day only to the ladies of kfisqr0ll ad its victsm to be sold at the atort of the subscriber in mar ket street opposite the kingston hotel a rich tflj splendid assortment oi fancy dry goofts counting of thread lace edgings ami insertions hobbinetts gimp lace and footings muslin trimmings and babybodies lace caps collars and black veils ribbons silk hdhrikchf stocks and siiffhcri the above goods are part of a 4000 stock mi- ported this spring from liverpool iu the ship jou welsh and purchasers will find them full seventy percent lower than any other goods offered in ibi province a decided preference to wholesale pur chasers j gill1s kingston july 25th 25th 1834 house to let the premises formerly occupied by the late hetv ry davis situate in store street above the scotch kirk for a term of years apply to james doyle or mr john low attorney market square kingston july 25th is i 49 notice is hereby given that my wife lucretia runaway on the 13th instant 1 do hereby forbid any person or persons harboring or trusting her on myuceoum as i shall pay no debts of her contractin john abrahams ernestown july i3th 1s34 49 is hereby given that a portion of the town plot recently surveyed into town and park lots at the mouth of the twelve mile creek in the township of trafalgar in the gore district will be offered for sale by public auction at the court house in the city of toronto on friday the 8th day of august next upon condition of paying one fourth of the purchase money down ami the re mainder in three equal annual instalments with in terest upon each instalment au it becomes due further particulars may be known by applyiitgst the commissioner of crown lands oftice lo ronto peter robinson commissioner of crorm lands office toronto 18th july ism- j4f n b- editors throughout the province are re quested to insert ibis advertisement til the day of sale sale of crown lands a portion of the lands in the township of cayuga and dunn on the vrand kiylt will be of- fercd for sale at the court house in hamilton district of gore on friday the loth of august next at 10 oclork a m at the upset price of 15s currency per acre the terms of payment will ho one fourth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale and the remainder in three equal annual instal ments with interest at 6 per cent on each instalment payable with the instalment plans exhibiting the ailuation of the lots mav he seen at the surveyor lienerars office toronto or with mr lewis uurwell tftantforri and any infor mation respecting the lands to be disponed of can be obtained by applying to the commissioner of crown lands commissioner of crown lands ojtrc toronto july 22nd 1334 40 saik of clergy reserves in thf western district notice is hen bv riven that the undermentioned fleru kuihjlit4 hu oicn i mik o public jwct10jv at the court house hatham in the western dis trict on monday the isth day of august next on condition of actual ftettleinent and upon the follow ing terms of payment riis one tenth of the pur chase money to he paid down and ihe remainder in nine equal annual instalments with interest upon each instalment as it becomes due township of sandwich at iht upset prirc of 10s currency per acre north east side of ihetallnt koad n e halves 293 jog 209 3u0 303 301 6th concession nos 12 11 7ih sth 9th 10th uth i it 44 44 44 i 44 4 13 15 1214 16 11 13 15 12 11 16 13 m 13 townshii of mainstone at the upset prite of 0jt currency per acre 2nd concession south side middle road do do north side middle road tlo do do 4th 7th 2nd 44 i 29 29 24 4th 6th 7th sth 9th 44 44 41 do n e 13 13 17 13 ii 13 north east side of the talbot road south west side of the talbot road north side of middle road south side of middle road township op rociifstir at the upet price of 10s eurreney per acre 1st concession south side middle road do do do do north side i middle road s do do halves 287 291 s w half 280 n halves 10 25 s halves 8 16 no 23 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 2nd 3rd 5th 44 41 14 44 44 44 4 4i t i k tt 4t 44 26 28 28 28 is jvonh side of middle road south side of middle road ii 20 n- halves s halves 10 5 25 16 township of malofx at ihe vpft priet of 10j currency per acre 7tll uonciksion nos 77 79 81 8th 91 94 peter robinson cmmimonrr of churn uimh otf toronto 18ih july 1831 49

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