i- i whig published semiweekly opifer per orb dicor vojlume 1 by e j barker it i kiig8to u c friday aijgu8t1 is4 the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial and political infix mation u published every tuesday and friday evenings by doctor barker editor and proprietor at bis of fice in rear street next door to the commercial hotel for country circulation only die british whig it published every tuesday afternoon in a weekly form and will be found to contain the most important matter oftbe wnfc weekly paper- ttrmi vnr the semi- weekly paper one pound peraonum if paid in advance or within thr months from the receipt of the 6rat number uid one pound live shillings if collects at the end of the yiv etcltnive of postage forth country pnper twelve ahillingi tndfitpeace per nmnn if paid iti advance or within thise month irom the receipt of the 6rt number and fifteen shillings if collected at the end of the year exclusive of postage- companies of individual who resisto in the cwintry tid who may prefer to ird to ths office for their papers may iuvc them tupplied at ten shilling per copy 5cr annum prompt pay nosubsciiption received for lea paper d ucontiwoed until all the option tfh pumirfie arrearages are than sit months and no paid tip except tn r qftbtvtlsttixtntg six line and under 2j 6ri firati and ad cah auhseauctu invmlim tvti tine rand muter qsv 4d firrtinsertion and lod- each subsequent insertion above ten line 4d per tine for the first insertion ad ld line or evervubsefjuent insertion advertisement without written direction are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for thstominuiftg advertisement tn be in writing produce of every acind received in payment nu letters won in except from agents unless pqt pi d doctor barkek having obiained a most superior pies and nn excellentassortmentof job type w enabled to execute every dosctiptinn of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto unpreccdently in vpper cunada notice all persons indebted to mr root glevdinning late of store sireet kingston are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned as he ix the only person nmhorized to cnllcct his debts persons neglecting this notice will be sued tndiv- crimmaihy john mcleod n u- persniis win persciber art- likewise counts immediately to save costs kingston myl 131 23tf to be sold the subscriber offers forwtte an eligible stand for a blacksmith waggon maker or other mechanics the premises are pood and consist of a frame house nild shop willi one and half acres of excel lent lii il and are situated a short distance from the flourishing villnee of it nil in a thickly settled country the stand is nt present occupied by a blacksmith aniilv to oscar t pool errreprrrwn june 2nd ts34 34f disinfecting fluid a quantity of the ehove excellen chemicajl compound to prevent contagion and destroy the ill smell from sick rooms will be kept constantly on hand during the summer at the british whig office price in quarts two shillings pints one shilling and three pence with directions for use to steam boats and retail dea lers a liberal allowance will be made are also indebted to the sii- reqneated to settle their ac- the kideau and ottawa steam boat roraardiug company tvspect fully inform the public that they will be ready at the opening of the navigation to re ceive and transport pa are hirers gouds warrs and merchandize to and from montreal to kingston af the undermentioned rates cahin passenrs from montreal to kingston and from kingston to montreal 60s and iuyri3 emigcu taken rt mmitieui miu gwiiff uiiuug the route to kingston i2s 6d allowing to emh adult 50 lb baggage freight of goods wares and merchandize from montreal to kingston 2s 9d per cwt freight from kingston to montreal asunder flour 2s pork 3s allies 5s wheat golbs payment of freijbt will in on delivery of the property goods by this lioe will be put into large barges which are decked all over and not disturbed until tltev iinixein jffongmtciti unii himg at mrai- gallon and towed by sieaoi boats insurancemay be dispensed with with safety it i rite intention of this company that these barges laden with goods and passengers in montre al will deliver the same within bur days at king ston robert drummond arenikmtm e cu3h1ng agent mtmtremt kingston april 12th 1884 jier barrel 01 do 61- do 8d per bushel all ciscs be exacted great bargains for a few days only to the ladies of xixqstoff and its vicinity to be eold at the utore of the subscriber in mar ket street opposite the kingston hotel a rich and splendid assortment u- fancy dry goods consisting of thread lace edgings and insertions bobbinetts gimp lace and footings muslin trimmings and babybodies lace caps collars and black veils kibbons silk haiidkclife stocks and stiffners tte above goods are part of a 4000 stock im ported this spring from liverpool in the ship john wfilw and purchasers will find them full seventy per cent lower than any other goods offered in the province a decided preference to wholesale pur chasers j gill1s kingston july 25th 25th is34 notice is hereby given that a portion of the town plot recently surveyed into town and park lots at the moirth ofthe twelve mile creek in the township oryrafalgar in the gore district will be offered for snle by public auction at the dunn iiunr in ihcciiy of toronto on friday ihc 8th dy of august next upon condition of paying one fourth ofthe purchase money down aild the re mainder hi three equal annual instalments wiili in terest upon each instalment at it becomes due further particulars may be known by applying at the commissioner of crown lands office to ronto peter uobinson cornmushncr of crown lands office 7 toronto 18th july 134 yi9 n b- editors throughout the province ore re quested to insert this advertisement til the day of sale sale of crown lands a portion ef ihe lands in the twiwhip of uayug and dorm on the grand river will be ol- fered fe sale at tke court house id hamilton district of gore on friday the 15th of august next at 10 oclock a m at the upset price of 15s currency per acre the terms of pyi hi b rfthc i be pid down on the day of sale and the remainder in three equal annual instal ments with interest at percent on each instalment payable with the instalment plans exhibiting the situation ofthe lots may be seen at the surveyor generals office toronto or with mr lewis burwell brantford and any infor mation respecting the lands to be disponed of can be obtained by applying to the commissioner of crown lande commissioner of crown lands ojjice toronto july 22nd 1s34 4j house to set the premises formerly occdpd by the late hen ry davis situate in store st above the scotch kirk for a term of years alpy to james doyle or mr john low attorney market square kingston july 25th 1834 49 notice- is hereby given that my wife lucretia runaway on the 13th instant i do here forbid any person or persons harboring or trusti kr on my account ns shall pay no debts of in contrantinff jolln abrahams emctown jul 13ih 1s3- 49 ptiom thk pkit kwtbu kespectfvlly infonns the in- laiitantsnf k e travel ling communis lltlni hns le iscd that extensive and commodious house of enmttw known by the name of tfts kingston hotel where ufa his intention tiit- the whole ol his time and study to the comful i and convenience of his guests the kingston motel has lately undergone n thorough ienair has been cii refurnished and painted stud is now oie of the handsomest public houses in well situated forthecoi near the lake iliort and ctutiimding a full vie of the arrivals md deniirturc of tlse sieiiin i nuts from which passeners lutrirwt ue conveyed by porters attending the wharu on purpose to the domestic nriawrcirnts of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will be of tl est description aid the vrle- and spirits wf superior quality connected with this etnbli3iment is a urge and capacious yard with exvllent stnblhljti kiiilston alav 9th s3i 27 mr wood dentist will stay a few days at the commercial hotel kingston july 11th 1634 smoked hams a quantity 40 barrels pork for sale by john g parker kingston lsthjuly 1934 mr colls surgeon late of the naval estab lishment point frederick resides at mrs day mans duarry street kingston july 11th 1831 cquce it is adiniriiblv enietieoftrnveilers beinir the iro the proprietor of the montreal hbkald and daily commercial gazettr begs leave to inform his sulaciibets at kingston and its vicinity that he has appointed mr j h greer as iis agent ot whose dry goods store at the corner of store and kingstreets such ae my no htve locca ntffie post office will find their papers mr greer will forward to montreal the names of such as may be disposed to subscribe and the iinost punctuality in delivery may be depended iii com- kingston 2d july 1s34 43- tcrmsoftllb montreal herald and daily merciul uetic 1 terms ofthe semiweekly published on monday iuad thnrsdnvs xi 5 lost on the 1ith of june last on the york road be- for saxe by tmk subscriber at hisleathkr stoke osedoor south of ml palmers ufiugclst store marktt square 50 brk prime mess polk at 3 2s gd per hi i 40 do flour 1000 weight of cheese 60 brie salt at llsprbrl kingston june 10th 1851 william ford 36 twecn mr u frasepss tavern ernestown and the residence of the subscriber a small pocket book containing a smll quantity of cash some memoranda and four notes ol hand all drawn in favor of the subscriber one given hv john taylor tliurlnw lor 35 dated about the 20th april is39 am witnesed by marirftrct harris j one circn by roborl lliomns fori7 15s dated about nr 151 march 1635 and witnessed by john vru- tnanj nneghen by hiram i rnavrcmfl ror xk dated soineiiiin in december 1333 and one given hv john fiiilicld for 17s 6d dated sometime in vlay lc32 airy person having found the book and its con tents and will retur birally rewarded them to the owner will be li- samuel vkoman a j ferns begs to inform his customers that he has received by the late arrivals hts summer fcupply of ladies misses and childrens fashionable boots and shoes of every description and will be disposed of at uncommonly low prices kingston jun 24th 1831 40 notice to bmers of leather and sellers of skins and hides s r caldwell respectfully acquaints his riend and the public that he still continues uie leather business at his old stand in the market place where every description of articles in that line mav be had at all times c- cash paid for hides and skins kingston june 24t 1834 for sale i 4 tf aiie of very excellent land in thejltbj rmmnnimi or tredertcksoutjr auout 60 acis of wtii improved with a frame house on the i- i i utyd a never failing stream of water crosses ti lot the situation oftb olaoe isagreeable and healthy near exeehent mius mpaanded by rich and flou rishing settlements and uotvebtmig every advantage calculated to meet the eye the tnterprising farmer apply to a truax 2sq kjngajon ortottw nehschber ios nlon emestown 4th march 18f sale of ceugy reserves western district notice is hereby given thai the undermentioned clergy reserves will be offered tor rale bv public auction at the court house chatham in the western dis trict on monday the 19th dy of august next on condition of actual settlement and upon the folluw- iing terms of payment viz one tenth of the pur chase money to he paid down and ihc remainder in nine equal annual instalments with iutercst upon each irrstament as it becomes due township of sandwich at the upset prict fff j 55 cwrtney per oac north east side ofthe tnlbtt road n e halves 295296 299 300 303 304 6th concession nos 12 14 notice whereas my wile hannah has left my bed and board without any jus cause i hereby forbid all persons harbouring or trusting her on my ac count as 1 will pay no debt of hers contracted after this date jacob iiillman bath 14 th july 1834 wholesaled kelaii grocery wikk spirit and general prvion storn mtrkct square next door to hr scanlan aucifon mart the mibrribffr hers to inform the inhabitants of kingston c that he has opened the above estab lishment where he has now on bale the following articles at unusually tow prices by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy dupuya brand 4 hhtls hollands o in une vinegar giti and 7th 11 13 15 8th 4 12 u 16 9th it 1113 15 10th a ia 14 16 11th ii 13 14 15 townbhh of maidstone attfu i up fritt i of 10s currency ftr acre 2nd concessior i south side middle road 2d 4th h do 29 7th u do 24 2nd north side 13 middle road 5 4th ia do 13 6th a do 17 7th do 13 8th 44 do 11 9ih ci do 13 lost on sunday morning last at mr masons wharf a small fbxnch pinchbeck watch whoever will bring it to this office winbe libe rally rewarded british whig office julyth 1854 to the public the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the patronage he has received from the lnhabifeats of kingston and its vicinity and mo leave to them that he continue to aeitfaciure n e halves 287 w half 269 n halves 10 25 8- halves 8 13 291 acquaint of to and keep on hand a well relecw stock boots and kimb andhopes by a steady aiiwition to oair irai merit a continuance of their favors 07 an apprentice wanted to bjjfr4 and shoe making business kingston julv29ih 1934 j lltlitu mualiua ms3ssaf ttddae4eal krtment of dry goods suitable for theoa- north east aide of the talbot road south west side of the talbot road j north side of middle road s south aide of fiddle road j wwnbblr op bochkstkr at pimc of vu eurrauy per acre- 1st concession south ede mflmie ro do do do do north side mwleroad c 3rd do 5th do 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 2nd m t it no 36 26 28 28 28 j8 14 20 north sideof middle rod f ub sidffsf middlmd i n halves s halves 10 5 25 16 of maldcn at ths ptpria f iqs currency ptr mere 7th juoncmioo noa77 79 81 ih 194 pbtut robinson f qf crvum lands oses iff 55 t 2 pipes benccarlo w 2 do superior old doii 2 do prime old madeira 5 qr casks teneritte 2 do do pule sherry 2 do do brown do 2 hilda very superior white wine 20 barrel upper cuimt wy a quantity ol prime old scliicdum charente brandv in bottles 20 chests twarky ea 3 do young hvson do 1 do old d do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 hhds doubliremied loaf sugar 3 tieixcs wigli muscovado do 20 boxes muscitcl raisins 5 bags v i j 1 1 1 1 rt 20 boxes polanl starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin glue whiting window glass oil and colors c c with every article in the gruccv and provision lic george armstrong kingston 7th july 1s3i 44tf to rent the cominodiois dwelling in darriemcld for merly occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor baitley of die 15h regt the premises being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to walter mccumffe kingston 20th may 1634 s carmino respectfully hegsieave to ac- quaint bis patrons and the public gene rally tlat he continues to carrv n uie nusineof hotel and tavern keeper at his oa stand the liansion sbusc hotel 1 pleasantly situated in stoie street being the principal anil most central street in kingston in the business parr of the town is convenient ti the dif ferent steam boat wharves and no establishment ofthe kind in ihe province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very best style the hotel has been recently patntec throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear or the mansion house is a lame yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept s carmino having kept a pubhc house for many years has acquired experience in thai line and he trusts that wit unremitting attention to the comforts of his guesu he will continue to merit the public patromige tporters will b j readiness to convey llig- gaeto and from the different steam boats kingston may ijj for sale h h su fur 3 5c luk pllch fo c thomas hardy kington j 8316 to let one house nnd sun roan in other hous apply to j sua emestown july 1st 1s34 notice i hereby caution all persons against huyingnoica sifftirtl by me in laior of mr jaanes ashley dated hu fltii april 1834 in payment for apiece of land whlvll he luis since deeded to hi brother george ashle after deeding it to me lorkinzoswitzeb west loughborough july 16th 1811 notice all perwna having claims ngoinst the estate of the late benjamin fairfield eq- deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated biidllperois indebted to the ttaie are requeued to make immediate payment to charles fairfield adminutralor emestown 14ih july 1831- infonmation wanted of john mcilowin shoemaker a native of coun ty derry in iteland uho left his wife aim child in montreal about two years since he is supposed to be in the uu of the absentee ihiii olkcc ited states persons knowing aught arc requested to communicate with kington july 11th 1931 to the fkek and independent electors of the county of frontenac gentlkmks 1 have been requested by several i tf ftpcetttbln frnlifdriera to come iorufh a gflfi didate for your boffrages at the next general elec tion i have now the honor to inform you that should 1 b spared in healrh until that period that 1 shall present myself at the poll i am not a par ty man i deprecate party spirit and should you do ma the favor to elect me i shall regard your in terests and the interests ofthe province as the sole end and aim of my political career i am not an ufliccaowcr and it has pleaded providence to place me in circumstances that put me beyond the neces sity of being an office- seeker 1 respect the government but am independent of it and will never yield a single right or privilege ofthe people to gain the favor of any man or set of men although friendly to internal improvement should cerininly have opposed had i had an op portunity some ofthe lavish grants of last session jf elected i will support most strenuously an address to his 3ajesty to put a protecting duty on impcrte from the united states it i impossible that this country can flourish so long as weave exposed to this unequal system of what is erroneously termed free trade with the best wihea for your welfare 1 remain gentlemen your obedient humble servant robert drummond kingston 6th june 1834 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore carried on by s r cald well is changed to the hands of the subscriber at ihe store adjoining thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times albo a general assortment of articles used by saddlers and skoemakers such as saddle trees hames boot trees and lasts linings and bindings skirting hog skins c c c shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mers and all dealers in lethr will find it for iheir interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will be extensive and of every variety of quality and will he sold at the lowest prucs ietcash paid for ffidcj and skia william ford kingston jtmc 10th 1834 3g ww t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston june 3rd 1834 34tfd rf veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the above fine at ckcsnucs old stand near the scotch kirk an ixfjrv ah y for sick horses edmund smith profsasor colemans im- mjorse shod upon proved principle krogsroa marsh 10th t4 balk of crown lants winae x ntheton wot of sand- western district 3 jnll be offered for sale bv public auction at tu 1 uourt house m that town on monday the stli day of august next at the upset price of 1 10s cur- rency each upo condition of building a stone bnck or frame house not less than 24 feet long by 18 feet wide to be completed within two years from ibe day of sale one quarter of the purchase money to he paid down and the rcmauider in three equal annual instalments wth interest on each in stalment as it becomes due to wjt l ots russel street nos 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 bedford street east side nos 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 bedford street west side nos 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 peter street east sdde nos 2 3 4 peter street west side nos 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 2627 croas strew east side nos 1 2 3 4 cross street west side nos 1 2 3 4 back street west side nos 1 2 3 4 park l ots north of the centre road no 6 south of the centre road nos 3 4 5 8 9 10 wa ter l o ts xi r 9 peter robinson commissioner of crown land office toronto 10th july 1834 47 sale of clergy reserves in the niagara and london districts the public are informed that the undermentioned clergy reserves will be offered for sale by public auction at abraham wilsons inn in the town of simcoe in the london district on monday the 11th day of august next at 10 oclock a at upon condition of actual settlement one tenth of the purchase money to be paid down and the remainder in nine equal annual instalments with interest upon each instalment as it becomes due township of woodhouse at the upset price of 15 currency per acre 4ih concession nos 17 22 5 9 16 6 10 28 township of townsend jit vie upset price of 15s currency pr acts 4th concession nos s 12 17 6 m 22 8 22 township of windham at tic upset price of 15 current y per acre 2d concession nos 10 22 3 14 16 6 10 7 v 9 d 10 23 9 16 10 17 22 13 16 14 11 22 township of wals1ngham at the upset price 2nd concession o12 qd currency per acre no 10 4 10 22 5 16 6 is 8 11 22 10 17 it a 16 12 10 22 13 2 16 14 10 22 township of charlotteville- at the vpttt price ff 15ff- currency per jtcrt 3rd concession a no ny 2 7 8 9 h h u 41 16 16 township of walpol ii ii n 2 10 2 3 jlttht vpsetpiicc of 15 currency per acre 4ih wncfession nob 10 17 9f 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 18 14 16 16 4 4 ii it n 44 ll it ii i h i m ll m u 41 i ii ii 9 9h 8 10 17 16 2 did 9 w 1 2 8 13 16 3 5 12 2f3u 16 10 9 2 township of ra1nham at the npsvt phu of l5 currency ptr sere 4th coneefbn noa 10 w 6 u 23 9 6 310 9 2 township op ca13toe at the upset price of ibs currency jtr axri 3rd concession nos 5 hi 4 4 11 15 5 12 20 6 4 h township of bhbbueton at ths npsetpritc of is asrrvuy per ac- 3rd concession south of talbot road 2nd c0ncenon south of talbot road 5nd coftcession north of talbot road 3rd concession nonh of talbot road petr bobipfson vmtimimw ef crmmjm q a nos lfi 2337 30 1203427 3131 69 14 16 3 7 13 1m i 1 i 1ai