valry which hae too ranch existed in this province by some individuals a rail road has btfen opposed because it would diminish the trade uf the wetland the improvement of the st lawrence because it and would diminish the tradeof the rideauaud no doubt by the same persons these grand improve merits would be opposed because it would diminish the traffic on the old lines of communication nothing can be more mistaken than such a mode of thinking or indeed more ridiculous it is a feel ing which the necessities of society ever have and ever will control as well may you attempt to stop the current of commercial transactions as to prevent suitable outlets for them the enterprise of mankind will invariably command them in spite of all oppo sition whether political or local it is by such im provements that the whole country becomes increa singly desirable and its surface increasingly va luable individuals at the cast end of the province have felt and expressed jealousy of the growing import ance of the west and sonic who ought to have known bettor from the station iliey occupied have opposed all improvements to the latier from an idea that they were prejudicial to the former- just as well may the inhabitants of the upper lakes at tempt to prevent their waters from supplying those of the lower as to stop the improvements going on in the west the wise and obvious policy of the in habitants of the eastern districts is to render them as desirable as possible developing all their advan tages and they are not few and if they can make them more so than the western it will effectually stop the mighty stream which has set in that direc tion but by no other means can they do so we shall probably again recur to this subject in our nest paper tor courier internal improvement the river trent has long been regarded as the channel through which ul timately the products of the north west region must flow to the atlantic ocean outlet as it is to the bay of quintc of an interior chain of navigable lakes approaching to within a trifling distance of the considerable lake simcoe which it is now contemplated by the enterprising settlers in the neighborhood to connect with lake huron it should now become a desideratum with his majestys go vernment and with the well wishers to the province to open that new and most evidently fertile source of commerce the meeting of the inhabitants of the county of simcoe marks the fervor that is abroad lor improvement and the prudence and determina tion with which ii is guided the junction of the simcoe with the huron is essential to give value to the improvement of the trent and it is most grati fying to learn that the natural facilities have proved imon invofttttjatinn tn ho urh a to render the eo- jkiisc compared willi as one may say the thou- vrmd and one important objects to be achieved quite jnienificant- jho spirit manifested bv the people of simcoe nriing in concert with the newcastle district and both aided and foatwoil by an enlightened govern ment will we doubt nut speedily open an interior mint at meat inn from ontario to superior an achieve ment which wiil prove not less magnificent and im portant in results than it is splendid in design but we give fair warning in the province that if the peo ple fill the assembly with men imhtmd with the fu rious destriiciive propensities of mckenzie and his fiijv ferocious adherent we may bid adieu to all improvement we hope this most interesting sub- jvt will engage the serious attention of the press the pros of kingston should most especially give a pmvciful imid to the furtherance of tins magnificent object for kinsfttnu will be n chief gainer by itsper- fl o iion our security from invasion would be ten ivd increased by the internal settlement sueh a communication would promote- indeed as we have iimvft said the objects of interest are a tkovand ttttl nnr tor patriot his excellency the tiovemormuhief has been pleaded to annoint robert armour eq late de puty master to be master of the trinity house of montreal vice t a turner esq deceased and adam l maenwler esq late senior warden to be deputy vaster the vacant wardenship has not yet been filled upl0ib gaz the nnn and right ueu the lord bishop of ciuebpe has left town to prosecute his arduous duty british whig 1htheprkss am will be publish book lime in aojn observation pa the ttfcicaii luui by edwarujohd barker m d inscribed by ptntffr won to his excellency sir joltf cotboroe k c b v briutb whig oolce jnlystcb 1934 kingston tuesday evening august i2 1834 wo havo papert from england to lha 1st of july inclusive extracts will bo found nndcr the forcizn head tomorrow wednesday 13th inst is the day appointed by the board of health for a day of general fasting humilia tion and prayer wc have ljulu to say to our readers today the cholera still remains in tho midst of us and many valuable lives have been lost since our lost publication mr and mrs d vanal- stino mr george collins mr wm marsh mrs j william son mr j h jackson mr w wright and many others have gone tne way of all flesh in montreal by tho papers received this morning we observe no improvement in the public health 40 interments having ta ken place on thursday last in now york the disease has just made it appearance but hitherto with diminished irulence compared with other cities of the same size in toronto sick ness exists to an alarming extent hut no reports havo yet been published westward of tho metropolis in gait ancaster brantford dumfries and other places many deaths have taken place while somo of tho ablest nodical men in the country have been almost generally unsuccessful in their treatment of cho lera the veriest quacks have been fortunate in the application of their nostrums and why because the latter have as far as they have been able assuted nature in throwing off the dis ease whilst tho former relying solely upon art have combat- ted nature in her simplest operations and by bloodletting cal- ojnel and opium omroiraged the disease inbtttrfof checking it wc repeat again and again avoid calom el and opi um in cholera as poisons more destructive to life than the dis ease itself should wo not both of us say thsw were loyal subjects and that wo did not belong to ny rerduttonary party or any other party who upon the least provocation begins to ravo and cast about for some now state of political txlitence i say mr editor that the homt whigs are the only truly loyal party that the tories and involution ists are on a par 6t to loyalty the one wishes to upft the present ministry the other wishes to upset both king ind ministers they are still on a par because if the tories find that they eannot maintain their present baneful domination they will immediately begin to cast about in their minds eye c by some revolutionary change thu good subject who has the impudence to call whigs to vohuionists cannot hirneclf be xtbat he pretends a good sub ject unless he can moke it appes that the king and his minis ters together with a majority of thu house of commons are re volutionists as they ptofess to be and are whigs a better subject the state of the public health in other parts of tbe pro vince may be ascertained by the following extracts kingston board of health august 9th new cases 13 deaths 2 total of cases from commencment 139 total of deaths 74 august 10ih new cases 7- deaths 2 august 11th new cases 10 deaths 5 august 12th new cases 8 deaths 7 total cafes from commencement 164 total of deaths flora commencement 88 h smith jbmt secretary wo regret that we have it not in our power to congratulate our fellow citizens on an improvement of the state of the pub lic health the following w ll interment from cholon since our last tuesday 2 w ctiut today 3 thursday lu montreal indicator generally the disease appears to have losl its chief malignity in lover canada the cases arc of a milder type but in the absence of certain infor mation we have been unable to ascertain whether the number of cases is materially less than last week mon daily advertiser the deaths in toronto yesterday and today arc about is hut some of the caes havo not been reported to the board in all from the commencement we have heard ot 90 cases seve ral of which may not have been the epidemic cholera dr lyous once surgeon to sir p maitlind has fallen u victim to the cho lera in quebec in which city and montreal its ravages con tinue unabated tor adcccate the cholera has ogaiu appeared in our city and province in its most malignant form tho cases as yet are wo believe not so numerous as in 1832 but in general more fatal in deed very few who are seized with it lecovcr it triumphs over the utmost efforts of human skill and experience there are however a few cases of rocovory thz cholera made its first appearance in this city about a fortnight ago but no cettain or satisfactory information was furnished respecting its existence and progress until more recently from tho bct u visit missioi ship i nmtwl ridraii 2 ilic diflwmt stations of the episcopal ulrica in the upper province his lord hi ue are hnppv to loam enjoys uninter- zonr health canal a t rn proceeds to kingston via the lw has to make numerous offi- on the prtitu to tho gfktrrtr and the line nal nwo11 ns in many of the rear town whrre he will ad- cihi visit of upc lm till ahnut tin- 2 5tl of august niintpr lltc rite of confirmation in mich yoiincj per- mil ns mav present thmnsrlvr hi lordship on tanvimr kinswfwn will visit llio towns on the hay of qnino for the pmrnoso of itnmins confirmation in the fevpral church and nftrr completing his itinr of ilw prnvinre will take ttp ins winter rcsi- ilmto bf toronto not pof timing to quebec before tho middle of next su turner f ik the canthan fittgf ftitivnl yesterday at two oclock with atloul 300 pasrngrs on board we am snrrv to say that there were many cases ofcho- icra on hoard at least twrniv five or more of which terminated in death we have been informed by a pft9mncer that tlte disease ws on board when she left the port of quebec the boat was in a most crowded state and the spectacle of the dead and dyins was truly shocking wc have since learned that 15 or 16 were receiv ed yesterday afternoon at the cholera hospiral from the above named boat mon d advertiser a person has been recently committed to the eaol of this city whose case deserves to be very general ly noticed by the press in order that some clue to the history of the individual may he obtained seve ral nicrlita noft gui lui wwd i u ma j nliacia- and landed from his vehicle a voting man aged ap parently about twentysix without any covering but a blanket this person is an idiot and can five no information as to his name residence or friends- he sits on his haunches the whole day keepsswinemt himself back wards and forwards and plays with his finucrs tie appears to have suffered from punishment for the moment any thinft like a whip ispresented to him he becomes much alarmed the onlv sound he utters is like the suppressed bellowingtof a frog his hands arc soft but the soles of his feet hard as if they had never been co vered with shoes in running lie exhibited great agility particularly in leaping fences after being kept at the emigrant sheds for a few days where he was fed with the hand he has been committed to gaol for the want of a more appropriate receptacle for lunatics in common with every friend of humanity we can not coo strongly condemn those who have thus bar barously exposed this youth to the notice of the world by leaving him on the common of st anne at the dead hour of night and we hope that infor mation may yet be obtained which will lead to their discovery and punishment montreal gazette accident a mr jones a mason by trade and we believe a native of the state of newjersey while in the act on friday last of adjusting the lower end of a pump in a well scarcely finished on the premises of j- c- crler esq of this town was entirely buried beneath the stones of the wall which cave way he however after the labors of fifteen or twenty minutes of a many persons as could assist in removing thcrn was taken out alive but bruised in a most shocking manner medical attendance was in readiness and on examination his hkull was found to be frtbtured which by doctor bowman was trepaned with skill and apparent suc cess as partial telief seemed to be immediately ef fected he however is yet in a dispaired of state we hare been able to procure wc believe the deaths in tlio ci ty by cholera have averaged from g to 12 a day during the past week during the last two or three days there have been fewer cases than duriog several days proceeding- c guardin wo regret to say that the cholera has proved fatal in mytnl instances since our last number was printed nud that during yesterday and to day several new cases havo presented them selves it will be icon io another part of our paper the inhabitants of this city have no reason to conclude dial thu visitation of this disease to them isgreatemr moro destructive rhan else where when in the little village of gait fiora 20 to 30 death hava occurred and in some parts of the western district in in a similar proportion toftfnto courier cuoleka it is with tieartfidt regret dial we have to an nounce to the public the existence of thi disease amongst us fire hatine fallen victims to it within the lat seven or rich da s wc trtnl tho police will exert themselves and sco that nuisances arc removed wiiliout delay the malady wo all know u destructive cnougli in itself without having anj sti mulus to aid it in its deadly progresscvritraw obscrrtf cholera since certain of thu morning papers have announced the occurrence of a few cases ol the asiatic cholera in this city we presume it will be proper for us to elate what we believe to be the sim ple truth of the matter thai there have been a few scattering casns of this alarming disease there can he no doubt a physician of character showed us on wednesday last his written report of three decided cases but they were all couvalsccnt and such being the fact it was not advisable to alarm the community upon the subject since that time there have been two or luce cases terminating fatally still however the cases have all been sporadic and it has not assumed the type of an epidemic and we trust it will not atw york commercial advertiser for die brupb wbig mr editor the mortality hich prevails among us here is so dreadful sixteen deaths havjg occurred in our small po pulation that i am induced toah the reason why a board of of health has not been appointed or some persons deputed by tlic magistrates to look after thcfcty of the remaining inhabi tant tho interior of tho housh is in such a state its to call for some magisterial visitation trfie dirty clothes and foul linen being in themselves sufficient v create disease and spread infection 1 cannot help expressing an ofinton that the eiortiong of the only resident gentleman among ought to havo been direct ed to the obtaining of what i do osk for an eye witness barricfidd august 10th 163h to the editor of 11 british whig sir please to inform tbe pdlic through your paper what has been done with 65 of the jublic money due to portland february 1832 has the treasurer detained the same or has he paid it to any person or ha it been drawing interest for any private person and the portland roads so much in the need of being repairtd your answer will much oblige your obedient humble servant august 11th 1834 the public note by the eoitor we have given an insertion to the above under the expectation that some person who comprc hendt its tenor may reply to it for the drititth whig to the inhabitants of kingston kingston auguvt llth 1634 fellow townsmen i perceive by the documents address ed by die board of health to thu several congiegations tn kingston and read in those congregations by tho several clergymen that kingston is likely to take the lead in acknow ledging tbe hand ol god and in seeking to tin- lord instead of to tho physicians that is to say i perceive that next wednesday is appointed as u day of fasting ami humitniuutu tins v as it should be the oldest place should sot die first and best example but in order that that example iould be beneficially opera tive in order that our petitions should be hoard in the court oflleavpi permit nictogive anexetnpte tz traded from an ancient author of no doubtful avzi the recordsof those times shew that it was cllectuil thai and as the same power rules among men novr ruled rtm at that al though so distant period i fcarhssly assert that the same cause the same conduct in all essential respects will pro duce the same effect the following is the extract exhibiting that conduct and jonah began to eutor iuij the city a days jouroey and he cried and said yet forty days and nineveh ihall be overthrown f so tho people of nineveh believed god and pro claimed a fast and put on seclccbth from the greatest of them even to the least of iheoi for word came to the king of rueveh and hearose from his throne and laid bis robe fron him and covered him with sackcloth and sat in ashes amlhe caused it to be proclaim ed aud published throughout niveh by the decree of the king aod his nobles saying let rtithcr man nor beast herd flflfllu m my thinct ui n w r drtnk jrtrter t but let man and beast be covers with sackcloth and cry mightily unto god yea let ttfcm turn every one from his evil ways and vom the violence that is in their hands who can tell if god will turn and repent end turn away from his tierce anger lint we perish not v and god saw their works that they turned from their evil way and god repented nf the m7 that ho had said that he would unto them and tie did it noli jonah 3 chap 410 n b let us not wait until wednesday let us put a- way tliccxilof our doings note this is such a fast as god has chosen bale of crown lands in seymour notice is hereby given lhat a portion of the un wanted lands in the township of seymour in the newcastle district will be offered for ale by public auction in col borne cramahe at ketchuraa inn on friday the 29th day of august instant at the upset price of 12s 6d currency per acre on condition of actual settle- mentnd upun thu usual terms of payment a plan exhibiting the situation of the lots may be seen at the surveyor generals office toronto or with major campbell residing in the township from whom further information may be obtained peter robinson conmissiomcr of crown lands office toronto 7th august 1834 editors will please copy tho ubove sale of lands in the western district the public are informed that the undermentioned clergy reserves and crown lands will beoffeied fur sale by public auction at chatham in the western district on monday ttie 25th dity of august next oil condition of actual settlement and upon the usual terms of pay men i clergy reserves township of sombra at ilte upset price of 10s currency per acre 1st concession nos 20 26 sale of 3d a 44 320 26 4th it 4 4 19 25 5th it 44 310 20 26 6th 44 u c 4 11 19 25 tilt a 14 3 20 26 silt ii it c 4 11 19 25 9th 1 44 a 310 20 26 10th 44 1 4 11 19 25 uth if 4 3 10 20 26 12th ti 44 4 11 19 25 j3ih 44 3 10 20 26 hlh 41 44 4 11 19 25 loth 44 44 3 1020 26 rownsiup or dawn twelve shillin at the upset price ot currency per acre 1st concession nos 2 s 25 ga sixpense cf with thanks wo ackuoivlcdge the receipt from mr stanton of u copy of tho provincial statutes tor the past ses sion- lj the montreal gauitc appears astonished with an enor mous dose of sixty grain of calomel in ten hours what ttuuiq irsay werou totvrfnesjtnc tcjspooirnirautraor uio kingston piactitionerst ilt the state of the crops in the townships back of king ston is an follows wheat is abundant and corn is expected to turn out well as is also buckwheat peas and beans will prove but a very middling crop potatoes and oats have entire ly failed owing to the long continued drought both these latter articles of consumption will be in good demand to tbe editor of the british wblg toronto august 3d 1834 sir you will notice a communication in the patriot from some of your kingstonians styling himself a good subject this good subject says there are three political parties in england but in this province there are but two tories and wbigs or rcvolvtionists now i for one and i believe thcro are as many or more than any other party in tho province i am a whig and was born a british subjoct and served my country in perils and danger of life and limb therefore i claim to be as good if not a better subject than your kingtonian nud amofeoursc a third parly if there are those who would revo lutionize this province they are not of my party this kingstonian says had he made a public avowal of hi political sentiments c c now i think that he has sufficiently shewn lhat he has now avowed himself a rank toiy and will a he says still continue to be true to his king aud country or in other words true to the interests of tho tory factiou to wbicli lie belongs 1 main lain that tbe tories are but a small faction in tins province and that the least provocation by the mother country would cause them to unmask and begm to cast about in their minds eye for some new slate of political existence- this kingston tory says this is a happy province i say so too and would be still happier were it not fur tlio baneful do mination exercised by a fe ol the vilest tories that ever exist ed in any part of the british dominion this tory gent wishes llie tories to ak their neighbors two questions whether they arc tories or whether the are icvo lutionists now mr editor suppose you and i being both whigs and of course revolutionists should happen to be to gelhtvand this good subjut should ask us the tibove questions years bceb ln kingston aucust sib mr duncwvuttlii uwtafijvrtam mrs tialrfiine wgcti samu1 r- a mr wr wiley aged 46 mr lutnn willtantfibtm child august 9th john stf0gc aged 4t years mrs seieylaged 34 ann crddocfc aged t years willinitlaiig aed 24 mr jnnihan milks azed 25 mra fxaheth pant rd 24 mr job campbell on sunday 10th instiled of cholera at his residence in king ston mr j ii jackpot shoemaker from dublin ireland and late of quebec l c lie has left a beloved wife very near to her coufmeiucm an an only brother to lament his appa rent untimely removal rom them however they have the unspeakable consolatuu that he departed this life in the fulness of the blessings of he vpel of peace having a hope full of immortality and that rfnlent expectation of the enjoyment of the favor of god and the blessings of salvation through the merits of jeus christ hond the grave as enabled him com pletely to triumph ovcrdeath and all its concomitant evils and submissively bear the troko uf his heavenly father o may those whum he has nv left in this vale of tear to mourn hi loss be favored with a imilar privilege of thus entering into the unseen world amscmmunitattd august 10th mrs t deacon aped 34 years mis janes williamson aged 32 years august llth mr muhtw gentill aged 30 team hugh thquharl aej 50 mrs jate dunnill aged 28 year mr join ktimedv sged 4 mrs mrv handled nscd 30 catliaritu m aged 14 mr wilum marsh aged 4f mr stodien ltcnvoo aged 36 mr 6-c- collins aged 28 years mr bef brand aged 33 years mrj am mceicn a cd23 mr join cradilock aed 40 august 12th patrick iavvr ad 71 years thon kelloy aged w mr ivn wright aged 40 year joseph lapontc aged 45 years- mr join mcdonald agd56 mr atliiu burnett ogfd itu year david fttcliannan agd 37 years tieorp rarclav aged 32 vears mi wzliam reynolds pontucal tn sfau from the former kingdom we have nothing so late by a fotolghl as was received here on wed nesday via st lbes in spain a serious counter took place on the i6lh of june at eruc two leagues from parnpeluna between the queens troops to the number f 5000 men under generals lurcnzo aod linares and si uttolfione of the insurants of navarro and zalava after on bstinam stru the latter quitted the iield of battle leaving if strewed with their dead and dying two regiments of the trlifttd were completely destroyed and quesada entered pamplona with uio convoy under his guard the advanced guard or general rodui army has arrived at madrid on his way to i insurgent provinces it was reported in bjonno that gen quesada had been defeated in u onagen witll tho insurgents on the 19th but the silence of our rrespondent g0 far towards dispro ving the rumor even lad q suffered a new reverse however it would hav donc iiuic for the carlul cause as the army of rodil will ha uiind i ihe basque province by this time the compu suppression of the insurrection may be therefore deemed f bond 2d 3id 4ih 5tu 6th sih loili mill 12ih 13th 1lih 4 is 44 a ii at 14 it tfi 44 it 41 it 1 1 14 ii 41 ii ti 44 ft at township the upset price oi per acre 4th concession ios 5th ith 7th 8th 9th lotfa llth 12th 6 20 37 2 15 31 8 25 31 12 27 fc3q 12 27 2 15 31 c12 27 8 25 31 12 27 15 3l 627 of chatham fifteen sb t it h u u 4 tt it it tl n it tt s 9 3 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 69 8 9 8 9 8 9 mga 10 10 ii 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 ii currency 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 township of harwich at the upset price of fifteen shillings currency per acre 7th concession ios 14 ih 1 it 13 u 15 16 17 18 9th 4 it 13 14 15 16 17 18 101 44 4 4 13 11 15 16 17 18 llth ti 14 13 1 1 15 16 17 18 12th 44 44 15 16 s i 17 18 13th m i 14 15 1g 17 18 township of zone at the upse t price of twu ve shillings and six pence currency per acre 1st concession ioa 31 2u 44 20 27 5th 44 i 25 w x 31 20 27 6th it 4 7h 4 4 44 25 31 bill 41 if 20 27 9th 14 44 25 31 10th 41 44 20 27 llth k ii1l township of dover at die upset price of ten shillings currency per acre 5th concession nos 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 8 9 10 11 12 6 8 9 10 11 12 g 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 township of plym1ton at the upset price of ten shillings currency per acre front concession no 46 croten lands township of enn1skillen at the upset price of ten shillings currency per acre 6th tt tt 7th 44 41 8th 44 4 9ih tl a 10th 44 44 11 th tl 41 1st concession nos 2d 3rd 4th bth 7th 8th 8ih loh llth 12th 13th uth 44 t 14 44 44 44 4t it 41 44 it it 41 44 44 14 ii it it 44 tt 4 3 7 3 7 3 3 at 3 7 3 10 20 26 15 22 28 10 20 26 15 22 28 10 20 26 10 20 26 15 22 28 10 20 26 15 22 23 10 20 26 7 15 22 28 3 10 20 26 7 15 22 28 township of brooke ai ilie upset price of ten shillings currency per acre 2nd concession nos 3 5 9 3rd 4th 5ih 6th 7th 8th 9th loih llth 12th 13th mth 4i 44 44 ii 44 44 4i 44 14 41 44 44 44 44 ii 44 ft ti 41 44 s 15 21 3 5 9 8 15 3 5 928 8 15 21 3 5 923 8 15 2123 3 5 92s 8 15 21 23 3 5 923 8 15 21 23 3 5 928 township of moore at the upset price of twenty five shillings currency per acre front concession nos 13 14 20 23 58 59 64 a portion of the vacant lands in the townships of plympion sarnia and the rear concessions of moore at the upset price of 10a currency per acre also the kroken lots in the town of chatham on the creek in front of lots east 24 74 and 75 and a portion of the rear lots divided into half acres each commissioner of crown lands office toronto 6th august is34 purchasers will he required to pay the first instalment down to the agent mr henry jones in default of which the sale will be void and the land again offered to public sale editors will please copy the above home district notice is hereby given that dft undermen tioned clergy rertirvei and crown lands in the home district will be offered for ete by public auction a the court n he city of to- 35 on friday the 29th dayof august inatant 12 oclock noon on condition of actual settlement and upon the usual terms of payment- also a portion of the ungranted lands in tba townships of coningwood st vincent nottawa- saga and sunnidale at th upset price of five shillings currency per acre at the same time and place will be again put up to auction in gonaequpnce of the person who bid it off at the sale of the 15th may last having failed to pay the first instalment a valuable millsite with about 400 acres of land attached to it situated in the 14th concession of the above named town ship of nottawasaga which will be put up at five shilling currency per acre subject to the condition of building a sawmill thereon within one year from the date of the purchase and the other lots bid off on the same day upon which tfie first instalments have not been paid plans exhibiting the situation of these lots may be seen at the surveyor generals oflsce toronto or with mr richey in the township of sunnidale clergy reserves township op brock at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 2nd concession east 10 10th north j 10 township of oxbridge at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 2nd concession no 15 8th 37 township of vespra- at tlte upset price of 10s currency per acre uth concession no 16 township of tecumseth at the upset price of twelve shillings sixpence currency per acre 14th concession nos 10 22 township of adjala at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 1st concession nos 15 31 township of caledon at the upset price af 10s currency per acre 5th concession west of centre road w 8 jih east of centre road no 20 township of scarborough at the upset pri of rftsffl mw sws per acre 2nd concesnion no 12 township of west gwiluahburt at the upset price of twelve shilling sixpencf- currency per acre 2nd concession nos 9 16 old survey township of mulmur at the upset price of los currency per acre 8th concession no 2 1st concession west hurontario st no 03 township of innisfil at the upset price of ios currency per acre 2nd concession no 22 10th 17 8ih 3 township of eflsa at the upset price of 10s cureency per acre 6th concession no 6 9th 15 township of mono at the upset price of 10s currency per act 3d concession west j 2 no 8 township of pickxr1n at the upset price of fifteen shillings corrc per acre 7th concession noa 15 31 townsihp of tay at the upset price of 10s currency per acr 12th concession no 6 township of albion at the upset price of twelve shillings sixp currency per acre 5th concession no 8 10th 27 township of oro at the npser price of 10s currency per acp 5th concession no 9 township of collingwoo0 at the upset price of 0e currency per acre township of whitchurch t the upset price of fifteen shillings curry per acre 6th concession no 16 township of etobicoke at the upset price of fifteen shilling curr i v rt acre no- 38 township of scott at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 5th concession no 2 township of king at the upset price of fifteen shillings curreiuy per acre 9th concession nos 17 18 citowjv lajvd township of tay at the upset price of 10b currency per acrei 6th concession e part no 13 18th 7th w part 13 township of mulmur at the upset price of ios currency per acre 4 ill concession east of hurontario sl no tiih w2 w 2 1st west of hurontario st no- h township of essa at the upset price of los currency per acre llth concession broken lot no l township of albion at the upset price of twelve shillings sixpeiu currency per acre 7th concession no l township of toronto at the upset price of fifteen shillings currency per acre 2nd concession south of dundas st no township of east gwtlliambury at the upset price of twelve shillings sixpence currency per acre 9th concession no 5 township of scott- at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 8th concession broken lot no 4 peter robinson commissioner of crown lands office toronto 6th august 1834 editors will please copy the abotb ce st lawrewce canal the plans and specifications for the lock gates of the st lawrence canal will be ready for exa mination on the 5th of september at the office of the resident engineer moulinette as also the plans and specifications for several large and email culverts on the said canal tenders will be received for execunon of the above work till the 10th september next- bv order i james hume aecv brockville sth august 1834 2 printed muslins and calicoes and a general assortment ofdry goopsj f r son for sale by john ti parker