ridbau canal no the rideau river a ihc place it iuuee from the lake is about a furlong tlo but its natural width uae been much increased by die iame formed to give n uniform drpth of water over the rapids and shoal ii bunk which are sufficiently tp to prevail much land from being overflowed arc co vered iviili line limber of every kind but the most of it is in a dctttautg plate from the raising of the water a small bay called saw log bay 13 pas sed on the left hand at the head of which a small stream discharges into the rideau four miles from ihc ridean luke are ihc 1st rapids at which place a wouden dam i thrown stcntta the stream the dam which is made of woou backs the water suf ficiently to aliow ihc e- mil to enter an exc ration on the right bank of the river this excavation and alt the others from hence to bytown are over fiftv feet wide on the surface with sloping banks the soil of this is partly clay and partly rock half a mile from the entrance of the cut one lock is erect ed its lift is 7 feet 9 inches and the canal enters the river again half a mite below it opposite the lock cockbtirn creek discharges itself into the ri- deau at the head of a lame bay formed by a bend in the river- a small hamlet called by an uncouth east indian name which deserves not to be record ed is built at this place it is in a languishing con dition not more than half a dozen houses or rather huts being tenanted the firl rapids are half way between kingston and bytown being 63 miles dis tant from each town twu miles and a half below the first rapids the village of smiths falls is situated the canal works which are on the right bank of the river con sisi of four locks 1 detached and 3 in continua tion a large basin a waste weir and a moveable bridge a stone dam is thrown across the river be low the first lock passing which an excavation and basin are entered and the 3 locks then approached over the 3d luefe the moveable bridge is pushed aside when needed the lift of the four locks com bined amounts to 33 feet 9 inches the height of ilit hums at smiths falls and some other stations n te rideau river is not given by reason of va rious sources of acquired information materially dif fering in rheir statements the writers notes say 9 feei some printed papers give 28 feet while others tfgiiiti thimuisij the ulinutic to ecu h may ap pear singular that a matter so easy of being ascer tained as the height of dams could not readily be procured but strange as it may cem the fact is so and lei the publication of this pamphlet should be deferred to an indefinite period by allowing time for an application tfi the board of ordnance in eng land it ha been stmt to iwm in its imperfect state in places however where the height of the dam is given it may be relied upon as correct the cm- bdukments at the basin and other parts of these ex tensive works are said not to be in the most perfect sste of repair several leakages having made their appearance which threaten much expense in effec tually remedying smiths falls upon which some mills were shu nted owned by a man of the name of smith de rives itfl name from a succession of rapids or small falls in the rideau it is the most flourishing village on he whole line of the canal it is built on the op posite side of the river to that on which the locks r are situated and a rough though strong wooden bridge connects them the streets of the village are regularly laid out it contains 6 merchant stores 1 grist and 2 saw mills 2 taverns post office and about 30 or 40 houses two resident clergymen be longing to the established church and kirk of scot land dwell in the village two miles distant there is mi episcopal church and a presbyterian chapel is siboui to be erected a grant having passed the last synod in addition 1 physician and sundry me chanics are settled and doing well the country en all sides is in a good state of cultivation and the extreme facility of conveying produce to market and procuring supplies in return from monireal by the catud must inevitably in the course of a few jsft hfes i mi iiml psmurf village into a town of second rate importance tihotild bnve been observed before that the ri deau river whcil it leaves itf parent lake takes an almost due easterly course which it maintains until maitlymps rapids are passed a distance of 13 miles it thou shapes its course moru to the north- wnnl for about 20 miles when having received the south branch nf the rideau in the long level it takes a due northerly direction all the way to the ottawa this is mentioned to account for the fact of the throe principal villages smiths falls mcr- rickville and kemptville being all ecjuidistant from ilrockville and prescott the latter being only 20 miles from merrickville from winch places the whole of this hitter part of the country used to be supplied with european and other manufactured goods the canal at present bringing these com modities to the farmers very doors and taking away at the same time the means uf payment has so much bettered their condition as to cause a very different appearance in the state of ihftir houses and farms tobe already visible about a mile below smiths falls at a station called old sirs there a tc two continuous locks erected with a combined lift of 15 feet 6 inches they are built on the same side of the river as the last locks and on passing ihedi the canal enters a cut bv the side of the river of about a mile in length there is a stone dam immediately below ihe looks one mile lower down on the opposite side of the river nt the station called edmonds there is 1 lock of 10 feet 10 inches lift previous to passing which not be more advantageous to land owners to sell at moderate or even low prices and increase their ca pital by developing the riches and resources of i his interesting section of the province two miles below maitlandv hhu creek fails into the rideau through which it wjil be remember er it was first in contemplation to bring the canal from the ganauoquc lake through plum hollow it is a steam of trifling importance mcrricksnlie or merrick mills as it is variously termed is the next station distant 81 miles menicksvihe is the largest village on the canal it has sprung upnince the commencement of the works and bids fair to in crease and prosper it is not much larger than smiths falls which place it strongly resembles with the exception of being situated on the opposite of the river it is distant as before remarked hut 26 miles from prescott with a tolerable road the country has been long settled and is in a thriving state and although not considered to be quire so flourishing as smiths falls mcrriekville is a goo and improving situation or the merchant trader or mechanic merricks mills are on the bed of the river before the village and consist of grist and saw mills ill active operation to be continued for ihc briiuli wttlf to w lyon mckgnzie el mayor of to roxto sir nothing can be more false nothing can be more delusive than the supposition of you and your revolutionary coadjutors tlmt ticlt a change as you imagine has now become indispensable for the wel fare of the canadas can be effected under a monar chal form of government or if effected one day that itcould pontinue the next for so long as eng land could procure the assistance of her brave ar my and navy so long would she be capable in de feating and putting to ignominious shame everv at tempt of you and your party to revolutionist her provinces in n a thousands of your followers who advocate a revolutionary movement know all this as well as i do but their pusilanimity deters them from declaring it openly you may flatter your impotent minions that you intend nothing but peace to your country while in fact you are sharpening your sword for the bloody onset you are like unto king charles the first of england who was wont to declare most solemn ly to the states of holland that he intended nothing hut peace and concord at the very inunieut he was fitting out immense fleets to subdue those brave and hell virtue as the fundamental principle of your regime and i am aware you ptusc4s 3 great share of it for 1 am fully awre of xhejact that virtue ap pertains more to a republican than to a monaichial form of government for in a m uiarchial institu tion you must be told honor supplies the place uf virtue virtue it made the invariable standard of judgment and i am not ashamed to inform you that the office of an english king i supremely ho norable and the dignities with which his imujes- lish tithes and game laws aw every other grievance complained of and you wffl find nil patchwork i and why i it because if f could surmount all those illfficultif and ittnc system in ac tion whii j originnliv caused hem it will soon find ways and mean either uf or of undoing them ngujn aih r rc because die bona fitle exiflunce of those chidp are not rcconellea- wu vith u- existence of rih a yln nay i lave already uliown vou hd y of them cannot possibly be effected withou undermining the mo narch v therefore though vou mw in appearance bring ihose theories into practice w it it would ovhi in appearance for t 0 fni tfo the form of u hol governm ry dlteruu mdeehi you might awtf tow quality and univerwl mmg tt possibility could vou have it boa fide ald f jec y under a monarchy f broueh d in these province 1 1 h the dc- meiwie nrinoiplen power fff wld tomdjy enmarthe pnver and influ the anstocraev would produce the metirfl therefore uei- tliercunit be consistent wifl a monarclnal ilisutu- iion you will hud that these mc bounded on nnhntlw m0 sourj and indisputable 1 have addrced them to f0h no1 0l making vou ml vour fulhwf wof rt y- fire uu not mv intention to sow m your followers any mad schemfl of orsrthrotciwi nonarchy but lor the rais- f a purpose of preventing ihosep bcin r ed upon the prefent loudlv ir changes o volutionary character bys bich under a nio- rchiul regime can never reoiizoj it is idle e re na in vou to look for such chaitf vou and your followers ffly have the name of those theories granted penance if that would do you anv service but vou enjoy more than the nam the monarchy wl p lhc its own existence into your pds depend upon tt it will not while a monaiby exists while iherc is a garrison or a soldier to bi- found in the two pro vinces you can have that nnty which is in accord- ante with the principle of a mmwiarchtol institution but here you are preposterously anticipating the ef fects of a radical or republican institution under a monarchy i remain sift vour inr obedt servant thomas n1ciioll kingst august 19th l3k for the briiili whig to the directors of t6 commercial bank gentlemen jurliciou- au andjiniiihueitcisj appoint ments to the scvomt olllres in tln commercial rink must jn- honest guardianship ofiu fico iff wmhwtioffc how ever of a mere clmolboy to fill tle lal vacancy appears a ffttakj strange and incnniteoio vuur p l r tn the post of pnfidcnl of the verv tnan who used nil lii endea vours all liisoncrpv und influcnr lo prevent lie fonmtioii of this inslitution uud dcstiov it in f in i ulry tlicsc intereitel unwin and incompatible selections by you nre fully stulfi icnt to brin fote the minds eye a fur mcr kindlon estjiduhmcnt unr prompu a present the l- au excava tion of ft furlonj in length is entered an ty as head of the nation vettts his people arc also ho norable tne nobility in conjunction tthhull pub lic functionaries serve bis majesty jrom the prnici- plo of honor but whether u be virtuous so to serve or obey him is never once asked if it be honora we is quite sufficient the army yoa must re member is acccounted the most highly honorable class under the crown because it is essentially and most openly devoted to the service of the monarch but my belief is for this same reason it also knows least of virtue for whether the cause in which a soldier lights for his king when considered accord ing to reason and justice be noble or disgraceful it is to him equally honorable he may lisht for a tyrant and for tyranny against a patriot and against liberty still his honor remains uuimpcachud and unsullied because he is constantly faithful to that high personage in whom all honor centres hence it follows that so lonf as the army remains faithful to its sovereign in the same ratio will you and your prototypes consummate your revolutionary projects then will we see you raised for your political disci ples a temple to virtue wherein daily they will oiler prayers and supplication for you and vour trattsat tantic compatriots methinks sonic unlucky wicht will laugh at the idea of this and so inform you that it is in vain to hope for virtue being estab lished as a general principle under a monarchy be cause it is repulsive and contrary to the spirit of that form of government for from what 1 have adduced you must see how improbable it would be for a monarchy to be maintained did every man it from a principle ofeat virtue instead of honour- but when i speak here of real virtue i do not mean that sort which you possess virtue adapted only for the region of the divan or proper to be found in the person of a kobespierc the office of ma jesty would then immediately sink into real insigui liennce and along with italicise depending upon honor would fall to pieces i know also that you aim at establishing some more natural and rational pjinciple namely tint uf equality instead nf the present system by vhieh gradation of rank and slutiuii ar nerptmuak uul should you expect to do litis under a monarchy at home allow me io tell you vou are niticipatiug that which is morally impracticable you might nilh equally as much rebsun hope to see the wood and stonesof your beautiful city laid level on ttrru-iir- ma at the same period you leave thcin taudui one upon another equality like your virtue is a principle of repub licanism and not of monarchy it is aho n princi ple of despotism for if you destroy preeminence ol rank you make either a popular government or else the prince a despot isut as in a civilized coun try like that you live in pure despotism s incompa tible therefore i say that you cannot cfflct an equa lity of rank and property without subverting monar chy altogether nor cau you annihilate the power of the aristocracy or prevent that inequality arising from the accumulation and the entailed rausmissiuu of property while a monarchy exists or these things arc accessory concomitants and foiin part ol its constitution its fundamental maxun being no monarch no nobility no nobility no mtma ch where then will you establish your equality under anomaly perhaps you may be determined to avscrt thai su premely of nature ami reason which your invaluable friend the hon member for middlesex has sought for in vain that whoever labors shall reap the full reward of his labor and that none shall he up on the gleanings of the general iureu who does not labor but he that iunmines maintaining such a law under a monarchy will calculate most wretch edly lor the head and front of morarchy is itselt a flat contradiction to such a law and how many members or branches of monarchy inferior tu the head are contradictions of it equally as palpable lowing iiterrogatones was there no stockholder in thi i it its originpos sessed of the necessary qualifier c utuation or wu it because you in your better jre considered uch per son less fit than an inexperienced of about eighteen years of not was it because the late dr gc his kthra and connei ion not only refused to in petition in favor of th charter but supported with all might and influence a counterpetition to the legislating prevent die bunks go ing into operation that you hav appointed his son to the va cant office or was it in conseop of die recommendation of two of the most determined amt decided enemies of ibf bakk atone time that you wrfp influenced in submitting to the nomination of their favorite piafcrenc to its ivngand tried friends and suppoitcr if su h be the arguments in fii oflliia appointment allow mcto submit them for diccon ofllie stockholders hut if charm lias been vour obit in throwing 00 per an num mind v0j at oca expense i the pocket of this inexne rienced youth in the exclusion oour friends verily gentle men you simii hnve vour reward f th present is no timtf h receive money to add field t tivld an house to house moot lfl tu hestqw aioj var f tin shareholder funds upon ovriliriio injiviilual youths of elobwsj the assertion of tint contemptible i all cuilejnjnihlcs the van kec tricky rtrt iilico alia ithtmi canadian tohv editor uf the kingston chrojuclxj tu t controrv nolwilhibuwting a s1iarciiolder kingriton 55th aug nsjt nvtb by the euitik the yankee who writes for thv chroiclk informs the public tbi the new clerk u 20 vuin of arjej luit his rvjmiation for pehin the truth tluc not stand iwy bijli- to uic bdiiori hie briiwh inj pir perceiving by ih aiontreiil tjaette of the lilst insl linn it is ihc intention of the hon mr justice valliecs ofllaee hi vera to bring an action against joseili baduau esq- one of the magistrates by whom he was inwly committed fur coniempr fir having exercised ihelluctions of a justice ofllie tfjace without being thly qualified according to law allow me to rciuest you will through thu medium of your widul rxtended papur inform mc ttlhtl are the necessary iualilicuiioiis uf a justice ol the peace fur this province and by whom anpuinud an old covvhivman kmgston august 35tli 1s3j aotk jsythk editor ifutir correapondcnt will allow iisttme we utlf iiiqnire into the sihiject but we have so manv klffttcement upon our hands thai we cannot promise an immediate compliance with his request selves extensive stone dam 300 yards long is built below the lock with a fall of water through die sluice of 11 feet the next lock is at maitlands distant 4j miles its lift i i feet 9 inches and is situated on the same idc cifllie river as the last there is a small exca vation 200 yads lomr and a stone dam 400 yards j delimit in countitig the column which sup- in lengihi buill in a circular form ia thrown across p temple of majbty reckon up or ilietn uie river- there is nothing particularly striking at these ibrec stlionp nor bus die river any peculiari ties uorthv description it breadth and depth are nearly uniform by means of the dams and the coun try appears tolerably well settled although not much located on the immediate banks of the river this is chiefly on account of the great prices demanded by the balden of land in this vicinity who to their great shame be it said are holding back from ma king salee under the expectation of a great and ge neral demand for land all along the banks of the ri deau that such will be the case in time there con be no doubt but it is a moo point whether it would in the mediterranean that the snms result perfect wnfety would he the coimqqlisnooi kingston board of health aie 23 new cases 3 dcmiij 0 aug 21th no cases 1 death 2 aug 25th new ratc9 4 deaths 2 am 2gh new cm 3 deaths i total cases from commencement 221 dtfhtha 119 henry smith jujr secretary iii with no ordinary feelings of gratitude to the supreme disposer of buifitiil events that we are litis day enabled to announce the allimportant fact i hut the plasm h stayed nmnmfrt us and ihc pem- hnce whch conveyed death and desolation indis criminately lo the rich and the poor the weak and the strong the temperate n nl inirmporate the meek and ostentatious professor of christianity and the open ana avowed violator of the christian law is rapidly pasmtur uver us like a cloud and softcnin uie severity of those afflictions withwhieh manv a hirt bueds in secret silence and unutterable sorrow the sun of hope after many dttva darkness and despair btjain hnuns njon iii in healthy aspect and thr will uf him in whie hand is the issue of life and death ftpprnrsto justify the trust which the last three days has inspired that the progress of disease has been m ttertnliy arrested and that the judgment has been tempered with inorcy to say that the malady is extinct in the city would be as false as it would be presumptious cases exist but fm far from the virulence or extent of those it has hitherto been our painful duty to record and the human mind as susceptible of the first impression of confidence as ttunhapily isofdnneranri despair has rallied under the influence of encouragement and hope montreal gazette since our last publication there has been but one case of chotcia in this town and that of a mild na ture as the person attacked has recovered we ore however sorry to add that this dreadful malady is now existing amon the indians on the grand river a few miks below brantfnrd in this place it ap pears wry fatal we have no recent intelligence from gait or dumfries- paris we ore happy to add still continues unhappy jsrantford sentinel the cholera still continues to prevail with unmi- ttfjatod severity and levels to the dust without dis- tinrtiuii almost every every individual whom it at tacks many of our most respectable fellowciti zens have already falhn its victims we vainly hoped that irs progress would have been checked by a chance in the weather but it is as malignant and desolating in its character now as duritur the intense heat of the last fortnight montreal with it 40000 inhabitants lost only 890 we have not more than is 000 and yet we already count about 230 amonjrst iliti ichi on monday last his excellency the lieut go vernor placed under the unconditioned control of the hoard of health the sum of 233 for the purpose of beinjj expended in administering relief to the des titute sick and preventing if possible the further extension of this terrible malady in our last we ventured one or two observations on this subject which it appears were not palatable to certain of our cmitemporarics but we did no do so with a view to give annoyance to his excel lency whose humane and benevolent disposition cannot be questioned- what we penned regarding him was on the authority of a member of the cor poration and after an attentive perusal of the cor respondence between col rowan and the chairman of the board and we had not then nor ban- we now the slightest doubt of itscorrectoess besides thift it was a matter in which the public were deep ly interested and with which it was our duty to make thom acquainted the point at issue between his excellency and the board of health regarded the appointment of medical supciinicndanrs his excellency offered to supply hc necessary funds if the nomination of two out of the four of which number the board con sists were conceded to him but conceiving this to be a direct reflection on their own efficiency and a censure on the corporation by whom thev were ap pointed thev refused to do so toronto correspon dent f aged 44 vvzvs over abundance of wealth i essential lo the honor of the nobility and they are essential lo the honor of the sowreig i that such honor might eufler no diminution iroui poverty the law of primoocnuurk is devised and thus the nobility is ever and anon the hmhtt hence will be seen the niter impossibility of establishing or perpetrating such mad revolutionary theories under a monarchy at home in short turn to whatever change you will no one of the kind demanded by you and your puerile train band of revolutionists can be brought aboui or rendered permanent under a uloiwihy home you may abrogate uie corn tow j obtittn sut- frage c lessen the power of the arisiocrary abo- state of the iublic health the cholera still remains in kingston and while the pernicious doctrine prevails thai it is luml-conttt- gious it v ill hang about fur some time yet three or four cases occur daily and almost as ninny deaths the deaths reported to the bard of health are very few in companion to the actual mortality witnee the act that while this days paper gives the total number of deaths i id the new ly made graves in the various burud grounds are nearly 400 ill number with many of them containing double tenants among the countless proofs of ihc cholera being a contagious disease we give the following a man fom ernestown died in kingston we think ilia name uas brewer his clothes were sent home tu his widow he wusiied tlicmand died no one uould go near tins woman bui an old inhabitant named lush who btiiied her biekeilld the same day and died the neighbor kept alouf leaving the old man to be attended by his three sons two of whou are dead in these instances actual contact isufoycd to luve betiii attended with fiitul results j wit he the neighbors who kpl awaj from the sceiie of desola tion breathed the sumo atmosphere and ire ah heal thy were the mere diflerence of opinion a matter ol no public consequence wf should say 110 more upon the subject but as the tionconiagionims are eager tu pu tlliir opiniona to kst by riinuiug into danucr and spreading ihe infection although by doing so they drop off themselves une by one it is the pub lic duty of every jonrnalu to expose the fallacy of their opinions vvehai neither time nor inclina tion to do so today but fc nexl wec cuter upon the mntier at length and utempt to shew that if tin- same precautions are nsc j north america against ihc cholert as fty use against the plague ewfi call the attention of the public to the icc- tue on christianity tobe delivered by dr wil liamson tomorrow evening at scunlans long room in kingston august 22ml yih jme ronv mr viamrrlc atisiht 23ul mrs llrnry knox mr andrew atkinn auiil 2hh mr samuel katrlibold agci 51 aut st mr slrol atijrul 26t mis marv sinidt upti is atrs chtirlultv shannon sir william shuut auctioneer is li ivby kivcn that the uiulcrsisiied has taken out letters of admithstration to the estate of the late niurv davis ah those who arc indebted to the tiarik iuc respectfully requested to pay the amount uf their pccrtunt without delay and those having cuiiiis in invsenl the suine duv autliemicated for adjnstnetit m dwis hdiniitktratrix kingston aug23tlj 1s34 ciibistiaxtitv on wednesday the 2th int tin suhscriher will betfin i coursu of lectures on irncica chrisfamty at mr sctinlnns long kooin market square where lie i cry anxious to obtain an audience bring serhns tu the lust degree himself he looks for a corresponding respect on the pan of the pub lic for the marks sake and if he tells them to put money in their purses he also bids them with hold it if the please although the means of giv- inff ills printed and written productions to the world would make him less ready to ask than to bestow he would prefer an hour of daylight for his pur pose j but will try 7 oclock in the evening to bc- uiti with a j williamson nota the higher the order uf intellect the more welcome a j w kingston august 25th 1s31 6 mk william maksh who left kingston u c fur new york on the iflih may last in conse- qmcuce of the death of his father is requested to return home immediately and all persons who may know aught of the residence of the above young man are renusted to communicate with his mother mr marsh kinottun u c the w york commercial advertiser is request ed to copy this advertisement three times and charge this olfice august 2gtb 1831 6 a k tut j ff be published the memoirs of a v by nn officer of the hoy- navy after a residence of fifteen years in america- wntteu unh temporary banishment in la champlaln 1829 ddicacd to a liberal puhli by the auihoi s most obedient humble servant j jijvtr kingston august 261b 1s31 fulling dressing cloth notice in hereby given that the subscriber in- tende to carry on the business offnllingand brew inff cloth in a style superior to any that im cvp- brrn attrropted in thw part of the country i i lh- hwng near mr peter switzers saw mm all those who may pleane to favor him with their custom yhall have no reason to complain and all those who have had wool carded if brought toth machine id good order and not done a workman like manner will p lo give notice and the sub scriber will make good the same cheap for casilah kinds of produce received m payment y the works will be in operation by the tenth of september next lir hiram grannis eat loughborough a 2gth 1834 6 aew store the subscriber offers for sale at his store in king street next door to mr leahys tavern a large and well selected assortment of english made boots and shoes hosiery cloves shawlsand silk handkerchiefs irish linen scotch dowlas thread edainzs needles thread tapes cc the whole will be disposed of on terms surpri singly lo for cah john murray king st- kingston aug 26 ism jtotjce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs deach vanalsiiru are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said firm are requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 23d 1834 5 notice all persona indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vanalstine esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persons having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation a truax i kingston august 22d 1834 ecutors o o mi in e v c 1 hi u a of the midland district notice is hereby given that a meeting of the sbickhouler in this institution will be held at the bank on wednesday ihe fiipl day of october next for the purpose of electing a ijiiecor in the place of the la c roarrt diummond esq by order of the board f a harper cashier kingston sslat august 1831 6 iv papers heretofore desired to copy the adver tisements of c b m i ill please copy the nbovc notice to the inhabitants of pittsburgh that those wish ing to attend their respective churches on sunday i will be allowed lo posa the bridge nt half price john sorivens government sale condemned barrack stores will be sold by auction on thursday the 28th august next at the barrack masters store the following undermentioned articles consisting of 262 palliasses 225 bolsters 116 blankets 470 sheets 102 rugs together with hospital dresses furniture c sec sale to rotnmence nt 10 oclock a m kingston august 21st 1834 grand mart and cattle fair at napanee b virtue of a pnoclahation issued by his excellency the lieutenant governor and bearing date the isth day of april last past a mart asb cattle fair is to he holden at napanee on the hrst tuesday of september next and on the first tuesday in the ommhs of march and september in each following year public notice is therefore hereby given that the said fair being the first will be held at ivapanee on tuesday the second day of september next aid will continue during the two following days when horses and cattle of every description will be expo sed for silc being fully aware of the essential benefit an ag ricultural country must derive from the establish inent of a well ordered public mart or fair whe the produce of every part of the district may he brcaght iito fair and impartial competition the stewards would assure the public that no exertion will be wanting on their part to render suitable ac commodation to every class of agriculturists and mil uiiinlinrnvisiiin will likewise be madefbr the convenience of horse dealers auctioneers ped lars hucksters and such other persons who may feel disposed to attend napunec 18th august 1834 to the jgricullurists and farmers who intend bringing their rye and indian corn to kingston market for several years past the subsciiber has carried on the distilling business at this place jnd where the farmer found rerdy sale for the above kinds of grain and received his cash this ir therefore to give notic that the subscriber is under the disa greeable necessity of saying ihat he cannot purchase any more grain until ilie will and power of the au- thoi ity in this place are known and it appears there is an intention uf leading characters here to stop my distillery and i certainly think they cannot be par tial to put down a part of the distilleries only if they have that power the plea appears to be thai pigcericsarc unhealthy and unpleasant to the smell as to their being unhealthy i assert with out fear of any just contradiction that in all places w here i havebcen acquainted it has proved other wise and at this place where the cholera lias pre vailed noi a single insianc of any person or work man living at or near where the effluvia of the pig- ffcry or a distillery it has taken the disease and otherwise arc as healthy as elsewhere i refer par ticularly to mr drummondannd my own distille- the time in passing a piggery is short and the effluvia not more disagreeable than most of us ex perience daily and without a murmur therefore if i cannot take any benefit from the slops of my dis tillery i cannot pursue the business and my distil lery and premises must lie dormant i shall have cause to regret ever commencing the business here as the consequence would be a serious nud ruinous oss in premises and works not calculated for any ether business a damage to farmers in the kale of their grain and to the merchants who expect to get a share from the farmer hh- as the time of vear is near at hand when distilling rain miht be coming to market i wish to give no- fice that it ill be well for farmers to ascertain what mi e can be obtained and a free csh maikei for iu the perfect good understanding that i have had with the farmers generally in the purchasing ot grain is the reason why tins timely kings augttst 15th 1s34 4 st bawreace canal the plans and specifications for the lock gates willed larenee canal will be ready for la mination on the 5th of september at the office r fthe uwenee canal will be ready for j mation on the 5th of september at me he resident engineer mouhnette as plans and specifications for several large and sma culverts on for execution of the tenders will be received for ew above work till the 10th lftj3 s brockville sth augnmi w 2