original poetr7- tmg ctfbeliever8 prayer low qtl p h nufdcc i bow liplbre iky throne in rrw fa wh difo oflrike my tmulor heart haimcuowu laurel 1niprmaihoc yeinglwtoify ueericrt by many sientfls phoffcec o m w world gut from iny tlgta tiavolo iumraalfi glare pur robs rw prt ofuir mlgm that frihl a cend v iih proyrr and tel imagination rcoca the ifcttfrt of ihy form i thai nwm ubcntujion tuny bocch aucduoft to a worra- with gta ll doubts nd vara import my eoat to earth i ehainm 1 cannot reach thee i woum by woriweafiws rwimiocd yet o piji this twesiine war thou kjiwi thai vm mirtere and tear mg cev a pilot star from btlraroeksioxeer with towjy fervor at thy ft ae now 1 ntthily pray for ir or from the mercy aaai and e raioa dcter sbine on id but iinofce ihymite afld iocr itfee a heart to ihe thai wold not walk with jutto- 1 ot one ray ofli hi divine cdouomtobm from the wy i on my benshil path to hlne inpuy or nwirif i god help tne io mine boar of need lcemaff i purine the nhiidm of a baseless erecd aodcaouot trust a oewl thoo koow my sopplkauoos serial from n uaworthy drrao oj a destroying azrar p wing darm fter ty hwl and that calamity haih wnuj but patience from my aoo the it haih well ritgfc been uuatruf beneaib iby chasfafag dole i raid to my mjeuodp come 1 since a uy hftiliey eame tte wltittlod mtitf iwt 1 weiaa or glorified iliy name lord ifuilstraelfrighieoosiiese tia tboo be heart ttuii scan job id ibe day of bis dinre had no relief from man am 1 tmffaiefui lord to ihoe v that yearning tor ihy tovc 6ee noi hy face as other ate t oh light me from ctove grant me in promise to trust i in hope else bopeegiru tbcqf welcome rorfv in the dutt fitter v art in bcvn i monody on the death of george mckexzie esq latjb op kingston v c gone to be coorta above t exchangd the tooekry of an earth ur on irm love well god be praiacl snotiie r boroe of attr bhicea out above tobadnotrioaapb rr lit fbjnd no icrtor in thy darkhn nod obuoueatfdjpc loom out i0d threaten i alt tbo aooa of ooi 6pit on oj- pane brtphtapifil one behind wha r v r i li w rr uke tfwe ftfind dad ye notlook on him and grieve t that ho wkfllpcmiid oh tbia jbndneea qaftc yoor lamentation ceatin lo annoy on that baw olghi orcw hearniy pity mmclod with your joy and cod requite be tboo my anjel george the meaeeofer of love and joy and peace till n tbe gorge of mortal denotation i detroaaa toicreae george my dcareet friend ibrcwel ye bat bare gone to aopper wuh the lamb jaruer i tell yoarboondleagtatitndo while here i am oh ore thee weq fatorite likes whtttct 05 th lake shore 4t cobouro by ratflebtbe endearing word 6weua i r my boaoms core how like a wonnded weary bird 1 wiab roy flight were oer my lowly flight in nether ekie afar from light and thee bevc it aocb aa starry eye im shadow onto me t at hard to y yon orb u dim t forfkro to it thine bar then the eye of eerapbtm before my ftoe divine i am o it jaots my ruibt ow etctbnl aadthegooh the clod th etod tlbc weary c tod t oppreaaive btade my aonl l pebplexitv whyaml thna eaat down myetmll why aebe my weary head t am liooviteubomade whole for all mail bare readf bore tbcroi a riff baeooa god abort and esn f be dceewd t doeabeprofet myaartoioear would he be tku bollevd t how rooa the invtiailon t aek to yon it ahall be given 8o aaitli tho boole of boc4a a taak aa it la aaid of hmtj i nay k tad ibe aacrod rod t sacred baoemlmr aodaapird ilombly to wauc w l god have i not rtv4 at icaac to act accord bag to hb wlu aadfcqaltdoabtfoll u the fact p more than illative atil t la 1i oanttmfl monality may aavk mm to excevat can there tm auch anomajyt aa ctrr fhioooamaal fnscbvtablet lookdowoon me and liaun to ay prayr make ma to look with to on the for thla la all my care fm weary of uu wrenched plfbl vntoavrlaf wbare to tj aead joalaa ifaa damnd vaojaavl i v wjth4jeida1ryt lake ontario tub new and rast sailing steam boat tltc splendid jm preastire sicnm lloat great britain captain whitnryi will duriiij the season 16il leave i lie ilifllrenl ports as follow cununencins ofl tutstjiy ilie 29ih of april uz upwards t prwcolt hrockvillc kingston 0wcgo swio of np y ciibouri port hope toronto laie york etvutv evening tnelay niglil weducwlay noon wuillieday cwnnic- thuradny wonting- thwdrty v jul- fj ijitv tuoini kias eirn downwards on every sttt onlay nfiernnou t 4 mornnig port hopr sunday nuoii ftumlsiy nt 1 sun ft iiv toronto laie york port ho cobourg ftumliy m l p m 0wego sslwg of n yj mmidiy inominif- kinflsion muinliy mun brockviile monday evening all bqggatfg n small parcels are considered at the risk of fhc owners unles given in charge to the purser on board- the accommodations on board he great britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter j and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passenger the above boat will await the ai rival of die pas sencers that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada stage lake ontario steam boat office prescou 1st april 1634 rlack hawk copf webwh wur leave sackcfs harbor every tuesday and brt inn j rdnv morning ot 5 oclocki for oi hiutt tit kinwion pieuch creek alexhitdria kvillc andalorristown paiu the 10001s- k in die river i lawrence by daylight iv ili is3l 3 t friet to thefklk and independent llecturs ov the town of kingston not having ptiblicly announced my inteiiiion to aolint your surtrvse aa member of parliament for litis town it the next general election 1 now begltraieto iay incomj1i- anccwilhtlic wishes of a large portion of my icllotv townsmen at conveved to me in a numerously trgned recuiiluri i liall present mvfcif to your notice on tlie day of election mv lon rtwlttm among you entitles meto aw principkan well known and my allarbrucnt to the crown and constitution of flreai itritain uhducaiion4bl in support ol which i lrul always to tand protninrntlv forward ifl should mvclhc lionortobe rebuntd toy out member i pledge myself lo auppoit a bill to incorporate the town of kingston a bill to present the mviqcid penitentiary being an injury to nwchaftica a bit to rtrfal the stmtmiry pnioslunent act whib nv- rttc the british subject of his dcurcat rhttki al bv dry 1 1 1 i i 1 1 vo rtatititiiifi will 1it il1 fi pn- rot llj 1 pfp v rctvrve prismtift ur haud of a i dominant tjliurrli my privato intercu arc inaeperably bound up with tiioe ftf ihlilowo to prnmolo the nrospeiity oiwblcb will always bo the chief object of my ambihoci ihavethv lifinortobo gentlemen your obodient servant abraham tkuax ktncaion fl- 4h im to let with immediate posspsion tliat capiial tind for bllsiilowi lowly occupied hy the suhscriher anil sirtiatfd next door to mr- arkore hardware ivnrchouci store street for particulars apply to mr yarker or to kingaton may oth 1831 t a- uorrktt sash fncl orj the fuhrriher resppclllilly infonn tlio inhabi tants ol kington and u vicimy that he lius recent ly connnimcel making h irniuw jahltw at ins shop adjoining the kitittltoil foundry uhere he intends hi fcii on hand a innje tiftftnrtiniit nf ett v kind vicll li will ptl ivw r-r- nml iit- ilivjrc ly hiv assiduous attention to husintss to merit a allure of puhlic patroisne ot all orders for the above ibankfnlly received and proitmitlv alundrd tn kingston ivlnys lu j sargent for alk the folloirtmi jilamxsi deeds and jlcmoriultf cotirt of request- rliwf r i- 11tprta 1 p f g v lfomtfrtqi v otca tu oitt iiuti tu l tu r coihr sioiis of judgments suinmon on arrnnnt snmitionsev ti ivuio drfluratioti titilaitir rolls and ftmidrv other inw hlniikn in tin court of kinds dench mid dimrici coun to tin mntlber of blanks thus advertized addi tion ure heio made weekly british tt bis oftice 1331 2g acct10n comaiiss10x b cadersioned begs have to inforit liis ls and the public generally that he baa com av trcxker axd commission merchakt in ll its various brooches at the old stand of the late alicbnel moran hi king street merchants and others forwarding their commands may depend tipon the utmost punctuality and dis- patcii being used litndi howes cnitle and househoul furniture sold mi town and country advanced on cikid- james linton kttigloli april 4th 1931- 1s31 xtiaoaba montreal s u m in c r a r r a ii e m e n the proprietors of the steam boat united stater llndinsitittt the boat fat competent to perform the passage in from 30 to 30 hour have determined tr run her thruueh the lake from the 20th of july up to the 14th of september leaving lcwiston and offdentbtffgh alternately every 5b day during which time she will carry no freight but run exclu- ftivelvfbr passengers on the 14th of september abe will resume her weekly trips as heretofore ad vertised the steam boat 1834a lake ontario i in- elegant steam oonl william avery propclftd hy two powerful taw pressure engines capt mffmkr joiis will for the remainder of the season ply on the river st law reuce and lake ontario between og densdlugh and niaoara as follows tt wards leaves orrdensburgh evpry saturday at 9 a kinfftotif u c sacked harbor 7 u c sunday if it itabws book a t ri v magaxtfte op original and selected tales pqetrt essays a- music rmbriiivd with simrral dunatred tttcfcrcut a auaetbftlv ptatis op the philadelphia fashions 5cpcrblv couicbko ivhrtfi abooi fouryor ar tv lodj bimkyrtfanbqihih iota if torpi1ltc opinion tc rfrror irtif ru prori ft likely tn rrtr ctptftatinh wmrs thy rmm anticipate fvm in nikprnfthliiiity nf rciln inj oicy mm nwnhclca dvtf raunrl afncrravrty t aiipt rxcry tin- pr wwch tklapsil writ ty to pktir ihnr paaraw tium avjarut aort have now the rtmmicrniuvr atiiftniian niw hivtti fiiilifully aiml atcnhly uruf3 this fture orrrin it mc oj t fl cfrctrinuofl nmrr clloivrthan iliaioratty oilier moothlyjo4immtdttuki sttra ind aathiacmvntorrironnre tela mot iumurilf cijro ofila a u- iiiit t it h affiatd tl tb f cuftrant ir krfun necflrk the liirr nry dcpiinmrai afhc tjriyt isok i- ofmlminnl tepcrjomy fcrirroa- uiouoo vith ihrrrtit imi untioa0illi1rfralitymiihvhh 0rytikotrarc ihcrjcvcirtprmriitiourc jttifivrw ibry potc bcltttca vfkknnn tikmkrir forcm ascent iind mwlttpdqavdia atftt worla oc which aa ofaer crnics arc acu tn bit couoiry anwmir hr nxun rliinawhrch th lftd bk lift m ih patrouarc otaahrfcatt ii trai h noi that it vw the fir r tian m prvtvn cottccl rrrcarfiultou arthc qirwrai rtfiiatta oi female couunc awl ioi imt rcwci it may tatrl rtaim a i orr all other corutupora- riea i pr we pmprletrira fewoheaktilulr ibcexpriue or kftdcrlm tla- tojtibcr ilejcrviriff pflli torrcafrc aol iikrrtc pairoa kflw araftlhe titte of a book mrc jimified ly it erani hnn thai if the ladyu bok literature foceyu ov 4aoejto selected and original ensrcvioa on nel notl wood of arenrry ilfeimpiihcd nermnw faabkn and embreden all neh aud bcimum rnd from the hand oflhc mot cmiacnt artifrtf lu literature ia particularly aclrci fnae frnm flnll- osa thooch treainwitiuacfulm- amcooveyio plcasuie and rtbkue meat thrown the amfuf medium of dchcuie dienmi nation to mu- eical nmatmr ofboth icta the ladya jlf6k euera many advantage each numtrr win orcomnanied by a papular pirce arrajicrd with ae companiinrnta wr 1c piano ftnc ie ac under the lurrtuanrc of com petent perftn unt lo ita paga the ftnirral reder eaa ulwiiyd turn aod find amuetfieat novelty and inptruetion eah number rhail aa hilh- crta avcracc co pig extra rayal octavo mat pr printed vrkh clear new and braatilfrl type on pnper of lw finest texture and whiles colour it will continue in le emlwihiicd wh hie most pfrnjtil enpra- rinconeopper inj ateel embmrinicei variif of t noee and the quarterly numbers- will iw heretofore ffajfffn nguc of rbilmlflptaa fnaliiitit tvo unit oeainiahy ihrcct tteiiuiiiiulyiind duihlbtly collared locormune whfc tl jritnixry nttmoer i oar h oftlierlnh volume it may be nccrwaory o ray thatl tbec envravini nrr flevirjiel drawn tind cflgmvh exprly for ihb vnartti ly emppftein pirvoa fwrmlly coraed jor that purpoae trkceuiu-uihlimem- of fite work nrecoofit- aedly superior to noy which hac uecii furnished in any oilier friuiilar i froui die urrarjemcn ukch ac leen majr llicra n e v y rraion to behc lacy will ire rtdl toie mprjr nthucn 10 the steel enraviag ciich aumvr will eoaiaia is era i bcauuiui wood cnravmp on line cllov tinted ajvr an i etery exertion w to euatam ihe present exalted icpuiatin nad tulmiurxl uaeftjtaejta of the la dybook thepuucaiiouof4 fr1zhtaixs will be rrnmedand coaunued and acranl rommuaiunoii in proae nnd veftc areeapccie from wruera who have ulread attained much eekbrlty by tbcexcrlteucc of uicir pamithed cninbutioot tbotermofihe laiivs book ro ihre dollar per nnrmm payablcinadvancc- altordora popad addreaaed to the pnhliahera will be promptly attended to poraona rmlttltaal teo dollar ahall he en- tilled tofur copicaoflhc work persona rem ettt0 dumndonnra ahaji be amitlh lx eople oftlr worl and ndditionnl topic of the heat en- graving persia rcmiiuftg ten new bbacnber t fcrwardtng ihecaab jbr icaaiftf bejctf a dh count ot lllleru per cem alkali bo prefeiucd with acopyof theihird votumroftbe work auperbly bound poatmaater pub- itahera and oiber rcapooalblc pcraon wihiog m ncomc agent of the worbarercqucatodtoarfil tbejr audreeatoihe propocture tlixnjrent note ofaojveot bank received la paymaot at per vajue poblubojby u a oodpv 0 atheoiua bfdmhtfi frardrkn place pblladelptuj m m l m pl m 7 a 1 p oswego m 9 p rochcsier landing monday 8 a toronto york u c- h 9 p touching at lrescoit morrittawd broekville alexandria nnd french creek and arrives at lewiston on tuesday morning giving passengers nil the day to visit the palls of niagara and return by ihe boat- downwards loaves lewiston every tuesday at 8 p m rochester wednesday 8 a 5p 11 p kinjrston u c thursday 7 a touching at french creek alexandria brock- ville and imorristown and arrives at ogdenshurgh on thursday evening from which place passengun take the steam boat down the st lawrenee on friday morning and reach montreal the evening may 12th 1s3 29 oswego sachets harhor m m m united states f proittlled hff urn pnwrfttl ftiirprfxktrr finffipt cup 11 j tan im u i n leaves iietiston at 7 p m july s3 27 angus l 6- 11 16 21 2i 31 september 5 lu passenger go from ogdenshurgh to montreal in from 1g to 1 hours leaves onornsbcftgw for niagara at 9 a m july 20 2- 30 august 4- 9 14 19 21 29 september 3- 6 touches at toronto n york on her upward irip in tin evening of lw second day and tup9 hoth ways at yungstown niagara rchrster oswego stackers harbor kinftston u c french creek brockvilu and morristowti- she will he at oswfi bound uptpant on the morning cf ihe second rff and rtowntcatd in wof fcrnnortoi til srrotttt y passengers from tin 50iitli will find oswego w well as rochester a con venient point uf emltrakittion for angara ftt or any portion lake ontario r the st lawrence k i vpr wcobad nhcqcoaspim pxhj aicft siu jtai w u ibe preaa an shortly will be published m the toronto tlrturm j o p lablishneilt mnrkcthniise toronto price u jff iiumef celebrated letter declaratory of a design to u thrsc province from ttt hanrfttl domino- f th striker ctthttnf with iik cortimetits of pitm of i pper canada nn the lefiiirhibb tendeioy snd treawnabie uiijcm t htciiliihimi i amend nnts of the common luuicjl of this city which mfo he resnli nf a fliolitl of that body to disavow all paruciption in b sentiments ol mr hume vtu an intbodcctlo ftereto ft persons desirous of obtains copies of this pitmphlcu mil please to signify tufr wish immediately if by tttter post paid to g bull as a ftfj pnlofcd umber unit teitt he print h tororto 17th june 1934 42 the guardian toronto british whig kings ton free press hamilton and gazette mon treal will please publish the butut- crovnotvc llithjurt 1534 xoticl is hereby given that ihe cnuug of oyer and ter miner general gaol delherv nnd of assise and xwpriqft in and for tile cliltlrreut districts will be as follows totcn district fotirt to fonuunec perth bothtirxt w i 30ih julv bruce s new york type foundry the subscribers respccifully inform the printers linn they have recently completed a variety of new fonts ol letter in the style of the latest european specimen well calculated fur ornamental printing printing types unrivalled in beauty extent and variety a book of specimens may be obtained at the foundry lo 19 chambers street near chatham street or at no 13 city hall place it contains specimens from twelve line pica to pearl comprising 45 fonts of roman capital ac 25 lirilic do 5 title roman do 5 title italic do 3 shaded roman do 17 h antique do 13 block do 3 open ilac do 2 u script dn 5 u german text do 2 open text do 25 two lineu capitals with pkuny 11 m twu line italic capital 10 u shaded capiiau of various kindft 7 italian capitals and figure besides oruomeuial letters backslope mtttic lottery figures piece fractions superiors as- amtminjl and other sijzns space rules bniss utiles dinamental dasnes ijong nrares mure than 200 kind of liorders and more than 1000 kinds uf cuts and ornaments for school books newspapers and scientific works orders for any of w inch or fur composing sticks cases phasi arc will be executed wiih the utmost promptittulo a idrffc stock beiiut always on hand fhf n uitni sw jpipet ink c which they will aintiuh at the msnmfaciiirer nrices printers of newspapers will please publish this advertisement with this note three times sending a paper containing it to the foundry and receive payment when they purchase four times the amount of their bill from the found it george bruce co new york 1934 oritwi el3t trn mtudav llrh aurusl urnrkitlt jvarrsoafrtvute6day 20th do kington midland irineday 3rd sppt pictou prime 1vrrvtuduy 16th sept hamilton avrc7i5monay 22nd do hamilton gon tuualc 29th july jouduii london monlay 11th august sandwich western vutnclftv 20th aug iafara niagara tutxduy 2mf scptv toiokii home tuiyilay mill ottoher of whirfi all sheria coniiwih imiistrair gaolers coutabks mil other peace of ficers ure cotmiiftmcd to tnktf notice by order of the court charles small f yr of the crown the proprietors nf rjiestenmjoat kingston grateful for the very liberal ptfrmtftge which they have receivcl from ihe public tts leave to gtw no tice thai in consefjueixi of llit- ulifortunntc rirci in stance of the steamboat brochrdtc breaking her en gine they have allowed the kingston to take the place of the bmckville on the rapids until she is repaired s no other boat could perform those trijs and without which the public would fmflcr much ii- convenience by the interruption uf the navigation the proprietors of the kingston beg leave to state that they have procured the public mill tried friend nnd faitlifiil servant the sieaulnat toronto m supply ihe place of the kingston on the bay and river until the kingston resumes her iripvugain on the bay the toronto will leave prescoti on monday atid thursday afiernoons touch at biuckville ivneh creek a kingston will leave kington for the bay on tuesday ami friday morning will icftve till ctrryini place for kingston on wednesday and sitturday morning will leave kingston for prescott on wednesday venings and on monday morningq at 5 ollock every exertion ahull be made in the toronto to ensure the comfort of passeuuor kinntnii julv lth 131- uagmunh paid fur kag lw ilum jo daker gan for sale tinware crockery cheap for rash jinielo bv baker a ean to let fob qtte oh more years that elegant stone house situated in church street in the toun of kington commanding a most extensive and delightful view of luke ontario rud the surrounding country with an excellent gurdctii rontliou3e coachhone stable wood hoihca ice house with every coiiveniencesuitahle for a kifte family ao anexteiibivc brtfwery ami distillery wilh utensils complete sieam afill with an engine of3j iiore power j mahhmic stores and every other convenience for carrying on the a- hrvo btisine auo an extensive wharf with storclruic thereon well adnpnd for the forward ing btipincwf wjielhtrby the saint lawrence or kideau canal having a greater depth of writer than any other wharf in kingston the stock in trade viz barley malt rye mai wheat corn rye oats casks cord wood well seasoned wall- nut cheny pi0 plank hoard may be taken at n lair valuation if required the above properly may bo let either together or sepcrately for sale a quantity of whiskey pale ale of superior quality auo an excellent low pressure steam fugine upwards of four hone power made hy messrs j 0- ward ceu uf montl used for merly lorgiinjiug kye corn arc for iheauovc dis tillery mashing 40 buhet per day likewise 2 cop per stills also a pair ot excellent french burr mill stones low for cash for further particulars enquire on the premises all persons indebted to the subscriber ure re quested to settle their accounts wilhotll delay and those to whom he is indebted are particularly de- seirtd io probent their accounts immediately for li quidation t molson kingston june 27th 1834 the subscriber tender his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received since he has been in bilifintihv and takes this method to inform them that he ktvmconmftffily on hand tin and sheet iron wrtoi buctakhl mittens and gloves whips cigars combs billion sewing silk and thread and many other nrricles too numerous for detail requisite ibr country merchants htmi pedlers which can he had on advantageous terms by applying at ittifjni of tub bz1a5 wafiket square geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per and linisi deer skins sheep skim bees wax tallow tvc will be received inpayment the itinhest price pnu at all timts in cash for pars n b those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same and by ko dotnff they will oblige barton phillips kioirou feb 41331 i paints oil and dye stulfe forale bv may20 m john g parke ploughs axcs rakev pitchforks scythes awi siirtmhs itrt received nnl forsalr by may lohno krkbb lake ontark the xew steam boat copf d now i will on ihe 23itl of july commence her trips be iween ogdensburgh ami ivjngara as follow- 9 m 12 n 9 h n 1 a v a 9 fj p h s i j 2 k 7 a j 3 r x goino lp leaves ogdensburgh tuesday at kingston wednesday sackete harbor wednesday oswego do sodus thursday rocliester do toronto late york thursday coming dun leaves lewiston friduv rochester saturday sodus di oswego dn s harbor sunday kingston rlo s p touching at french cvrk alexandria and brocfc- ville on her wav up hki dawn june 26th 1834 4s a fresh ullv ol- grockkiks the subscriber leave rn if nnvr li niutvic thanks tu his friend ami iha pumi gencial for he support he lia m in- i hiiwliecwnmcnwd biiaiocmin kingston also to inform them he ha juat arrived from mom- l unit larjfo ami choice assortment of wines jamuc tifirn- spavjh and ooovac bhaldv iiollanus lt ivrrur- mint mid shrub wouli thu umie oftuwrn ktp era also groceries fttrtlwiiaarc amoi- m hij are a quantity of figird flower pm glass and a large quaniity of wrt hilia hire c xhe fiist quality a laige aorimont of cult water piili table salt cheese butter uaimat curnmnl honey flour pork oaf su unpef lea- ihei constantly for sil w p cook store street kingston july 10 ls3t storage ami wharfage the subscriber he iyto i infiinn lite public that he has rented iln- vl irvn ftl aod wharf formerly occupied b mr john mcguireat the foot f store sin cl at lociniuii iliev have not their equals in toip i uv xtfot wih a wmc ifvaany am 4awmh iviij umiviltj ijky relv on the utmost eiideaionr of the wbriuer to hc satisfaction for all orders lit may be froured the above line ofbuainch n- b for the ticcommodation of trrtvcflrs there will be a room luted for the rcceprion fdai- s uro philip kingston april lit 151 ctl lomul pvihuts to mil thx inm ao juriotii ut iri vnfn xh le i ai prwcvt composed of eiglii jliiji which will liercifiit sail ilm ncv vorl uij london oo th llnit llfthj and from purthdaiilb oi idc ihrqtl 2ih every uuatb imfoa tbodiy of alililif eliould frll od vmit in whidi jse it will bed ivrrcd ldl iitituu from xbitt york july i siiip cnaija iliimii vuillvrl nj july 16 phin soyrrrthn j- korncv mncr aut i sliln hannibu h ii lhir isier au 16 ship huualmlrhia b- e mormnmiier ifav 1 ship samson ii ctiatlwkk motor mir 16 dhip presioknt cconi ilof m juiio 1 ship ontario w s sebor master june 16 8mp montreal cumykn idlor from lonjjon hay 16 haxxibal r w ponm iit june i khlxacctjttl i wc rormmhitk i june ic sas1sox kv8 portmumh ivk ifl julv i pltesldeyrjcrncjpvmmoutfi hkw july 16 ontakiojciivrismouih il 2j aug- 1 montrcaljoei purltraouili march li april ic canapa lea- porfinomh dcccmhcr 10 may 1 sovereign tavcipfcittmwth dtttito tlwsc hip e all fu firt rjnn abem ol wn grul cars will l tnkni i iio ram arcorii bfrt jccription tlit pric ufqiliin pivkf oiilwwl fi an arcmcnt eiitared iir- in coalaiicuvn with ihe proprietor of tbe several liverpool packet lines i now fiwd at 120 exclusive of wines and liquors ivjiirh will br furnuhul etch passenger ai tbeeitihllnd ratea thnt ore fixed ifo printed cardfl that will irr unrl nn huartl caii tif the lnp for freight or pasngo apply to cither of ilic voiniaijlrgtra board the ihips m in gko wildes a co xo- jockrtnn u tmkop john fauswoijx gsutuhfire new york grlnnell mlntlrx co 131 frwitriraob pf b stenmhoats run litlv from potbttlcuittl wherr uiee packets st- to iaoj and icoftve paenivi 10 difleieitc um of hnguna nnd to the coiacncnl every informntion teitive to thlitio ufpavkct skips may be obtained by uppliciiion it rhi lv post oftlcc ariaiigomeut psrantav r nu mails the miil forthe ooiees on rhe mnn pott routes to the easi- irrjrtflhinffirearecloilfj liiur a week viz onmon day tuchy edncdiv thuradiy fridttvj jcsaturda tliqrto t1r nrivfrtnftlis ojriee incbuiinximarn thru aerth f arcuikcjw iu a vek vizon mnnflyluj dftjr wedne4ay thunilty friday and saturday tbm m ii rlosceaeh day at ti ovioek- th mliu foroflvce in iween bjik and brihtou mikf prince ejnwil county nait nre rbed thrift a week on tmjrfay tliuwiay anl saturday at 6 orock p m the mail fur camden eatlartri wilton ire made up en ttteday and friday at 6 oclock p m to maiu for ali office iivf of aocvtertidelofttsdteicta ttecki viz on monday anl thursday at 6 oeloek p l the mails for newmmlctf and other olrce xmh rf yoilc are close tmee a ireek viz on monday and that dav at 6 oeloek pm the mails for offices xorth of pori ifoac u cav pttth borough c arc clccd oeea wwk viz on saturdar atciiclotkp m thu mails f tt marmori are rlo5ej one a week thurdav ai 6 oeloek p m- ti mails for the 0tues on thj rrmtc throujzli rcverir prrlht ar are closed hrict a week z on mondjy and thursday at 0 oeloek p m the mails for tho uotfd states arc cua thru times weeki viz on monday wedn nnd prulav at3oclod rr1t1l or thk m the exiein maiuairi5ir fjjca week viz onmondv tuesday vedurday thurjday friday and saturdv the vvsuitb mails arrive fix times veek viz on monday tuesday wednesday a thntlajr friday and saturdi contract hour of arrival 4 nrloek p m the mail from offiees ttt otawter will arrive aria wuk vixs on tuesday and friday with rhr mads ffom votl th prinre edward m ids arrive three times vreck vb nn monday wednesday and friday at the same timo uidf the other western iflails the southern orutited sates mail nrrnc thrtehmtsi wmlffvw oh monday wednesday and friday protwl hour of arrival on an average through the year 5 oclort p m office hours thg offieo will be open iiom 8 oeloek a m til7ovloci p m every day except the sabbath when ictlcrs will m delivered only between the hour of 8 and 9 a m- as to letters goixo abroad the fallowing ngulationi must be attended to oihtrw they ill remain not forwoled and be ltst to i1 nneerac4 ltiters for the coiled stale must he poi paid to cape vc cent ad such as are intended logo that way to eur bo post paid to now york letters for europe intended to bo eent by quebec mum poit paid to quebec and thofli intended to bf sent by htl l fper falmouth packet rmm be post paid to mali letters can only be sent by wy of quebec between ib may nnd 1st november in merchant vessels they raij tbrworaod by the other rait nt any season for the rculattoni ieluiieto postage on ictrers for continent ufmiiropo wim indies dec- so the post utf genonr advertirment put tip in this office rites of pomflgo on a rinm letter front thtl 0ree capo vincent 3d ht new yoik 1 0lto qucfrce j 3d toliahftvkm- any newspaper that 1 forwai jed ivilhottt being post p will ho chargod with lettei iotniei kheiifurafxe of a nepnpt from ilnsollieo towl p of ho british provinces lif to pane vincent fd and f ttt lp capu vinont to new vork one cent and a half john macatlay ridfhoit ui tth lfi3l p m