British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 5, 1834, p. 1

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t g published semiweekly opifer ppb obbem dicor voijume 2 by e j barker m d kistoiv vv friday septembers 14 the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial and political infatmation is published every tuesday aad friday evening by doctor barker editor and proprietor at his of fice in roar street next door to the commercial hotel for country circulation only the british whig is published overy tuesday aiunioon in a weekly form acid will be found to conlaii ilic most important matter of tbo acini- weekly paper tkhms for the semi- weekly paper one pound per annum if paid in advance or within three months from tho receipt of the fir i mmihcr and one pound five shillings if collected at the endoflhc year exclusive uf postage for the country piper twelve shillings and sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within thicc months from the ntceipl of the first number and fifteen shilling if collected at the end uf ill year exclusive of postage companic of individuals who reside in tfae country and who mttv prefer to send to the office for their papers may have ihcm appnd at tcu hillinga per copy per annum prompt nav no subscription received for less than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid up except at the option of the publisher qttbctustflicnts sit lines tod underlie 6dfirstinertion and 7 ad cuh sultseouent insertion ten lines and under 3s- id- first insertion and i m each pubscwot insertion above ten lines 4d- per line for the first iniertioiiand id per liuc lor evcrv subsequent insertion advertieimcnts without written directions are inserted till forhid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing iidvcrlijcmcuts to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except from arenu unless post pud- m sjetter jprefts printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior pre and in excellent ossortihent of jon tvptia enabled to execute cverv description of job printing with neatneesand ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprecedently low in upper canada notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins and hides r caldwell respectfully acquaints his fi iends und the public that liu still continues the leather tfumittttt ot his uld stand in the market place where every description of articles in that line mav he had at alt time i ijca8hptd for hides and skins kingston june 21th 1881 shortly will be published the memoirs of a wig hy an officer of the roy- navy after a residence of fifteen years in america written during his temporary banishment in lake chainptalu 1820 dedicated to a liberal pu i he by the authors most obedient humble servant jack junk kingston august 26th 134 fl forwarding for 1834 wiw 9wttvu iiu ottawa raw kwvasiwiiwftwjj ciimekllly respectfully inform the public that they will be ready at the opening of the navigation to re ceive and transport passengers 20ods wares and incrchaadtaj tu and from montreal to kingston at the undermentioned rates cabin passengers from montreal to kingston and from kingston to montreal gos and found gmigrrnts taken at montreal and going through the route to kingston 12s 6d allowing to each adult 50 lb baggage freight nf goods wares and merchandize from mmitreal to kingston 2s 9d- per cwf freight from kingston to montreal as under flour 2s per barrel pork 3s ud do ashes 5s 6d do wheat golh 8d per bushel payment of freight will in all cispr herrrrwt on delivery of the property ootids by this line will be put into large barges which are decked all over and not disturbed until tiicv arrive in kingston and being an inland navi gation and lotted by steam boats insurance may be dispensed with with safety it is the intention of this company that these barges ladou with goods and passengers in montre al will deliver the same within four days at king- stun robert drummom agent kingston e cughinu agent montreal kinginii april 1lt 131 for sale jmidk acres of very excellent land in the 4th j jj concession of fredericksburg about 60 aeres of which are improved with a frame house tut the premise olid a never failing stream of water crnsrs the lot the situation ofthe place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou- rihinir bculemeuta and poc4tthig every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer uulv to a- truax esq kingston or to the nibe josne1lson mre erncstown 4th march 1s31 to the pl ii l1c the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the patronage he has received from the inhabitants or kingston and its vicinity and begs leave to acquaint them that he continues to manufacture and keep on hand a well selected stock of boots and shoes and hopes by a steady attention 10 their orders to merit a continuance of their favors cf as apprentice wanted to the boot and shoe making business daniel hickey kingston july 29th 1831 fulling dressing cloth notice is herebygiven that the subscriber in tends to carry on the business of fulling and dress ing cloth in a style superior to any that has ever been attempted in this part of the country in the new building near mr peter switzers saw mill all those who may please to favor him with their custom shall have no reason to complain and all those who have had wool carded if brought to the machine in good order and not done in a workman like manner will please to give notice and the sub scriber will make good the same cheap fob cash all kinds of produce received in payment the works will be iti operation by the tenth of september next hiram grannia west lough aug 26th 1834 6 jew store the subscriber offers for sale at his store in kin street next door to mr leahys tavern a lare and well selected assortment of english made boots and shoes hosiery gioes shawlsand silk handkerchiefs irish linen scotch dowlas thread edgings needles thread tapes c c the whole will be disposed of on terms surpri singly low for cash john murray king st kingst aug 2g is31 jtotmce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vanalstine are requesied to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said firm are requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 23d 1831 5 notice- all persons indebted to the private estate of the lute duncan vanautine esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persons having any claim against the said private estate arc requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong a truax executors kington augu ggd 1sj 5 grand mart and cattle fair at napanee b x iktue of a proclamation issued by his esccllencv tlikxieutenatit governor aud bearia date the ioih day of april last past a mart and cattle fair is to be holden at napanec on the first tuesday of september next and on the first tuesday in the omnths of march and september in each following year public notice is therefore hereby given that the said fair being he fust will beheld at napanee on tuesday the second day of september next aid will continue during the two allowing days when horses and cattle of every description will be expo sed for tu h- heirtff fit hi- fttrrtre hfth mit ltm ag ricultural country must derive from the establish ment of a well ordered public mart or fair wlte the produce of every part of the district may be brought into fair and impartial competition the stewards would assure the public that no exertion will be wanting on their part to render suitable ac commodation to every class of agriculturists and others ample provision ill likewise be made for the convenience of horse dealers auctioneers ped lars hucksters and such other persons who may feel disposed to attend napance isih auirust 1831 house to let pkim6fl formerly occupied by t enrv lavi situate in store sw the 8oicli kiiki tor a term of yea he reel wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston lands for sale ii acres of die very best description of r land situated in the second concession of sevrnour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made- tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the british wuic august 1931 52 disinfecting fluid a quantity of the above excelle chemical compound to prevent contagion and destroy the ill smell from sick rooms will be kept constantly on hand during the at the british whig office ice til uiiarts two shillings pints one shilling and ihree pence with directions liir vise to steam boats and retail dea lers u liberal allowance will be made the commercial academy store street kingston w t kennedy master will reopen on monday llth august 1831 kingston aug 7th 1834 to t1ic agriculturists and farmers who inteitfd bringing ti1e1k rve and indian corn to kingston market for several years past the subscriber has carried on the distilling business at this place and where the farmer found ready sale for the above kinds of grain and received his cash this is therefore to give notice that the subscriber is under the disa greeable necessity of saying that he cannot purchase any more grain until the will and power ofihe au thority in this place are known and it appears there is an intention of leading characters hereto stop my distillery and i certainly think they cannot be par tial to put down a part of the distilleries only if they have that power the pica appears to be that piggeries are unhealthy and unpleasant to the smell as to their being unhealthy i assert with out fear of any just contradiction that in all places where 1 have been acquainted it has proved other wise aud at this place where the cholera has pre vailed not a single instance of any person or work man living at or near where the effluvia of the pig gery or a distillery is iias taken the disease and otherwise are as healthy as elsewhere 1 refer par ticularly to mr drummonds and my own distille ries- the time in passing a piggery is short and the effluvia not more disagreeable than most of us cs- ferience daily and without a murmur therefore if cannot take any benefit from the slops of my dis tillery i cannot pursue the business aud my distil leryand premises must lie dormant 1 shall have cause to regret ever commencing the business here as the consequence would be a serious aud ruinous oss in premises and works not calculated for any other business a damage to farmers in the sale ol their grain and to the merchants who expect to get a share from the farmer as the time of year is near at hand when distilling grain might be coming to market 1 wish to give no tice that it will be well for farmers to ascertain what prirecun be obtained and a free csh inaiket for it the perfect good understanding that i have had wiih the farmers generally in the purchasing ol trait is the reason why this timely notice is given kingston august 15th 1834 to let one house and sundry itooms in other houses al to abner ives kinffrfa wk ol iqqj the late he vuflw above the 8otcli kirk lor a term of years apply to james dovte or mr- john low attorney market square kingston july25 49 wmmimimj mptmmes0h fromir pelltil iioteu respectfully informs the tn- hauiftuta of kingston and te travel ling community that he has leased that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known by the nnte of the kingstou hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort aud convenience of his guests the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough repair ha been completely refurnished and painted and in now one of the handsomest public houses in the province it is adniimbly well situated for the convenienteof travellers being near the lake shore and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of the steam ltoats from which passengers luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate tabic will be kept the beds will br of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kingston may mi 1334 27 xotice whereas my wife hannah has left my bed and board without any just cause i hereby forbid all persons harbouring or trusting her on niy ac count as i will pay no debt of hers contracted after this date jacob h1llman bath ilth july 1831 wholesale a retail general providian store mirfci square next door to mr scanlarta auction mart tufc subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of klluftott c that he has opened the above estab- lishifuir uhcre he has now on sale the following article 3t unusually low prices by wholesale or retail puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy oupuys brand ijhlld hollands gin ft pi pes benecarlo wine ft do superior old port ft do prime old madeira qr casks teneri he 2do do pale sherry 2do do brown do ihbds- very superior white whhi viikgw jharrets upper uaunda amnskey a quantity ol prime old schiedam gin and chareitte brandv in bottles 20 chens twauky tea 3 do young hyson do 1 do old do do- 3 bags cuba colfeo 2 hilda double ic fined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes mltecfttel raisins 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin glue whitinp window t oils and colors c ac with every article in the grocery aud provision line george armstrong kingston lli july is31- 41tf im to rejrr the conniptions dwelling in bnrrielicld for merly occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor barthy of the 15th regt the premises being so well mown do no require further descrip tion apply v walter siccumpfe ston ih may 1s31 ki garratt 43w for sale cheap a superior london built eight oared gig forty fectlongt with mast mm and sail complete apply to baker egan- no a s carmino respectfully begs leave to ac quaint his patrons and the public sene nilly that he continues to carry on the llusincssof hotel and tavern keeper al his old stand the itfansion miotese motel is pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and inost central street in kingston in the business part of the town is convenient tnthcdif ferent steam loat wharves and no establishment of the kind in ll province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartment in rcgrd hoth to parlom aud bed rooms nil of which are furnished in the very best style the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im- proved in the rear of the mansion house is a larcc yard in which there is an excellent raitgc of stables and where a liverv stable is coiwtfluuy kept s cahsini baving kept a pnhtu house for mauv years has acquired experience in tllftt line and he trusts that with uuremitiiug attention to the comforts of bin guest he will continue to merit the public pairoikufe tt porters will be in readiness to convey lug- gafie to and from the different steam boats kingston may 1831 djssolbtiqn of partnership the copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under die inn of j arm strong co is this day by mutual consent dissolv ed all business appertaining to the firm will be settled by robert b armstrong and thomas greer to whom all debts due the cstjhlishment are to be aid and by whom all claims on the late firm will e liquidated- j w armstrong r- u armstrong thomas greer kingston july 30 ls31 the business hitherto conducted under the firm of j w armstrong co will be continued by the undersigned at their old stand in brock street un der the firm ol armstrong and greer iijt armstrong thomas ureer a j ferns begs toinfiuiu bis customers that be has received by the late nnivals his summer mipply of ladies miwes and children fashionable hoots and shoes uf cg description and will be disposed axt1cholera pills surgeon adamson h p of the bengal army has for sale at his residence uorth end of the town antirnolera tills such as were used in india and prescribed by him while military surgeon under the command of the marquis of hastings ttoveruoi general md commander in chief kingston july 3 1 si 1s3l notice all persons having claims against the estate of the late benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate pavmentto charles fairfield adrahiwalor ernestown 1 m july 1s34 notick mr peter reid i hereby give you notice that i will at the iext district court to be held at the town of kingston in the midland district of the province of upper canada in aud for the said dis trict file a petition in the said court praying that partition may be made of the lots number oneliun- d red and eightynine and one hundred and ninety- eight in the said town of kington which in and by n certain grant from the crown under the great seal of the said province bearing date the fifth day of december one thousand eight hundred and twen ty live were granted tu elizabeth tewksbury wife of jacob tcwksbury lydia burley emerson bur- ley william burley john burley joseph burley mary reid wife of peter reid and ann burley as devisees in the will of emerson burley late of the town of kingston deceased pursuant to the statute passed in the third year of the reign of his present majesty william the fourth entitled an act to provide for partition of real estates ann burley kingston august 13th 1s34 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore carried on by s r cald well u changed to the hnndd of the subscriber at the store adjoint thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times a general nsortment of articles used by saddlers and shoemakers wch an saddle trees hames boot trees and lasts linings and bindings skirting hog skins fc c rc shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mere and nil dealers in leather will find it for their interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will be extensive and of every variety of quality and will be sold at the lotrzst prices trcash paid for hides ttad sltins in the pr38 and to be pubbshed icnmediatelv the urn- ibc 8 to or e l wpav kingston august 2sih 1834 baker e jvofype is hereby given that tw ibdersijmed has taken out letters of administration to tfae estate of the late henry davis ah those who are indebted to the same are respectfully recpieated pay the amount af their accounts without debyand ao having claims to present the same duly authenticated for adjustment m davis administratrizt kingston aug 23d 1834 6 kington june 10th 1s34 william ford 36 veterinary surgeon the subscriber tkes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kiutonanc the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the above hue at chtsnut old stand near the scotch kirk as intirmahy for ftirk nokses edmund smith shod upon professor colemans im proved principle kingston march 10th 1834 10 ci i cm 1ur cash baker eganf market square keep constant ly oti hand the following articles at extremely low cash prices li irm mii ani nnu tlg purlc sniokifd iliitta cliccki uutton mam siuolittl and lricd beef mi lhniij tt and i 1 tlttlk sugai spic c siipcrfiuc flour indian and ojich uwf pickled ooloni cucuhlbttiic out com insw h ms c scotclj homim mackerel cod fih ac lug piijicr and cavendish tobacco bupi caiijius c with avory other article in llie grocery and provision ling thtry luvc just received several crater of crockery ortlic latcrt iiiioriiiiuig 4 crutci ofslnne ware mtomn wrapping paper a quantity of scotch and american manufactured tin wore viclables fowl potatow e al market price cash for produrc of every deacriplion kindlon august 1st 1s34 for sale by the subscrzbbr 300 hides first quality sole leather 100 do upper do 500 calf skins s r caldwell 07 cfldl paid for raw hides and calf skill market square kingston 3rd june 183 l 3itf kingston voluntfiell fire company notice is hereby given that the meeting of the oommuiy will bo dispensed with until the first mon day in october nex ii smith n o oliver j ca august 29th 183l notice tiiecommitlccappoiotctl by 3 meeting of the inlmlunntsof kimon to lake measures of relief for the widows and orphans left by the cholera in said town ptttttd iliis day llie following uc54ution benevolent prons in gcneiaf and lliose partieuliy among the taimor 111 the country ore respectfully requested tu cooperate with tli coiuinittec iu their object of relieving and protecting 1i11 destitute itcsotctd that notice be given in the public paper and by handbills that pcfiondcshous of procuring orphan children will apply to he eleryinen of tlic diqcrcni congregationa in this town from whom cveiy infonuauon iny be obtaind luxolri that all pefsou it kiusmon and the midland du triet wishing to coturitukr to the relief of the widows and or- phflm in the town of kington in eotwtqoaimo of the preva lence ofclnlcnt are rpcetfully intonned that id i donations will be tbaukfulv itceivil il the oltice of messrs mactahane co by orderf thi comniiltce francis m hill secretary kington 2dtli augttft i4 commercial bank op thb midland district notice is hereby given that a meetins of the stockholder in this institution will be held at the bfttlk on wednesday the first day of october next to the purpose of electing a director in he place of the laic robert diummond eq by order of the board p a harper cashier kingston 21st anffust 1834 g 05 papers heretofore desired to copy the advei- tisements of c ij- m o will please copy the above- government house 19th august 1834 his excellency the lieutenant governor has been pleased to appoint wrlliam chishohn esq- mr william marsh whojgtsiogstod ut c for new york on the 16rh mayxa ift cooee- quence of the death of his father is requested to return home immediately and all persous who may know aught of the residence of the above youn man are requested to communicate with his mother mrs marsh kingston u c the new york commercial advertiser is request ed to copy this advertisement three times and charge his office august 26th 1834 6 extract from mr stewarts paper the inde pendent examiner august cm 1sb tftial op mr kuboa roa mukdul m lohthip hav ing commeoted od the viriftnce 4ml explained the law to tho jry in a very able manocr tbej ttired aad in a lew minute turned with a verdict of not guilty as the prisonerwaaabouttobediacbarged a circumstance occurred in the court which ruffled the feehogi of many 44 vctc amoog die number of dttomtmtt and meant to nnimadverr on the subject very severely but as tht mum wonorabtc has since been publicly made we sbaii taka no further notice ofit we meotion it now with do otber view thad that the gentlemen wbo felt hurt and who had ica the town boforc the clone of tho court may know that aulaod satisfactory atonement was offered extract prom a letter in the kingston curo- ntcje may 30tb 1ki signed john stewart in i62d mr hajeiman waa jodgo of assize fir thia circuit a nal came on before him in the court bouao of perth for iiiijjlj umi duty wiijbutuiiinirrmvmijdjj tryinen then employed 00 llie canal at ibc hos back and i believe for murder aa one lire had been lol in lamina up the evjdeoce and charging the jury mr- hagennin rwtu ted that a pypw so generous frank and warm hearted as tho irish slioiild siiffcr their pasiuni so far to get the ascendency u to drivt tlicmtosuch acu of outrageous violence he like wiso reprobated in strong ternw the sectional and party feel in5 whih unfortunately exist anion loo many of mv coun trymen and under the momeotaty impulso of which they arc frequently guilty of the most deplorable excesses and in tho conclusion he asdeited that the conduct of such ungovernable spirits was so galling to the feelings of all orderly and resoic tabic irishmen as to make them bluh for ibe land of their na jivily lilt if ft the very head and front of bis offending t must be considered as good authority i was sitting by thi attorney table at the time reporting the trial for my own pa per thk inunmn bumm eager tocatch eveiy word that transpired it u not true as stated by the correspondent of the whig that mr mgrmafi inad annpofegy to a party of gentlemen who waited upon him for an explanation u is true uiatsomo irishmen misunderstood him and that there was a good deal of desultory conversation among them respecting the tenor of liisci 1 1 henry graham esquire of this place and my ejfwore casualty with him on the evening of the same day and uuon our rnetioning the misconstruction of hb lanuaso which some of our sensitive friends entertained bo declared that so fur from attempting to wound tho feelings of the irish there was no people whom be would more mliingly servd and conciliate as the best and the trucat friends henad ever numbered were irishmen notice to the inhabitants of pittsburgh that those wish will bu- allowed to pass the bridge at half price john soriven c hatch chairmaker kingston upper canada notice the public are hereby informed that the subscriber will continue to hire out the henrse as usual on the following terms for a member of st- georges church 2s 6d for a member of any other church 0 who is not a subscriber c horse arid driver provided 5 to labouring people 2 he will also when required undertake the man agement of funeral w p cook entrant office toronto 13th joue ism notice 1 to emigrants in want of work emigrants inwint of employment are inform ed ilie grand river navigation company have advertised for one thousand laborers who will meet with immediate employment at three pounds currency per month and board settebazi hdni1bed labohees are also wanted on the welland canal at the same bale of wage emigrants desirous of availing themselves of the aboveoffer should proceed by way of ihe welland canal and land at port robinson therein also a great demand for mechanics at hamilton dundas ancaster and brantford farm laborers are much wanted in the neighborhood of these towns for further information emigrants are directed toannlv to mr cattermole at hamilton f1 7 a b hawke 39 emigrant agent the proprietor of the montreal herald and daily commercial gazette begs leave to inform his subscribers at kingston and its vicinity that liu has appointed mr j h greer as his agent at whose dry goods store at the comer of store and kingstreets such as may not have boxes at the post office will find their papers mr greer will forward to montreal the names of such as may be disposed to subscribe and the utmost punctuality in delivery may be depended upon kingston 2d july is34 43 lm tennt of ihe montreal herald and daily com inercial gettp p9 wr

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