hit is published semiweekly volume it opiper per obbbm dicor the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial and political mfounaiion is jmblished every tuesday and friiliiy orcninstf by doctor ctkcr editor ami proprietor at his of fice in hear street iuxt door to die commercial hotel for country circulation only tin british whig u published every tjhv tiy ilkruoot in n weekly form and will lie sound to cofltkift tho mnrt important matter of tbe sami- wocfcly paper tkum for the somiwcukly paper one pound per annum if pud ii a ivancc or vitiit thres month- from tho receipt of tbu liri number undone pumtd litcriiilling if collected at the riidotthc ycm cxiluive of polac fortlio conntiy piptft twelve fhilmigt and einpance per annum if paid in advance or wiiliin ulim month from the rwvijtlnf the fir dtmtmhcr anj fifteen shillings if collected at llrj end ofulu year exclusive of postage companies of ilivmyjn who reside in the country and who may prefer to send lu tho oltiee for their papers may have thuin supplied at ten shillings per copy er annum prompt paw no ubpciiptiod received fiir less than six months and no paper duuontinucd until all arrearage 010 paid up except at the option of the publisher smkueminite six lines and under 2s 6d firt insertion and 7 ad each suhseouoni insertion ten lines and under sfc 1 firt insertion and 10j rarhubsciiltit insertion above ten lioei 4i fl lino ftf tho dm insertion and id per line for every subsequent inftorttod advcrticmetm without written directions ore inserted till forbil and chirked accordingly orders for discontinuing advcrienmnts ihimj in writing prodikc f every kind received in pofluht nb letter abm in except limn agents unless post paiu- sjetter press printing doctor rakker imvin obtained a most superior press and an cxccllcntaortment of jon type i enabled to execute every description of job printing with neataessand ex- sedition upon terms hitherto unprcccdently low in upper unada ktftstojv uc tve8daykpteber9 by e j barker m d 0101 black 4 while smithy the subscribers tag leave nulj to inform ihe inhabitants of kin ami its vicinity that they intend to com tnence buincsh as white black smiths brass pounders fit dili siitkers in the premises situated at the haul of store itrecl ately occupied by mr edmund smith m biowii by the name of chcsmits old stand in addition to the above horse shoeing and fur ring will be carried on in all heir branches- beer pumps for tnvenw and hotel made to order kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 whereas conrmlsilla having neglected to fulfil the conditions rjfo lease grunted to him of the northern part of no 10 in the second concession of the township of kingston- this i to give notice to nil persons no to hire or till oi trespass on any part of the said land as the lease is invalid darius smith waterloo sept- 4h ism- notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins and hides s r caldwell respccifiillv acquaints his fticndrt on j she puni that ho sill continues the il in the market articles in that line seminary for yoing laduis the misses haines respectfully inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicinity that they will be happy to receive a limited number of pupils at their establishment corner of rear and clarence streets on monday september 15th to whom they propose giving instruction in the various branches of a genteel and useful education n- b a card of terms upon application kincston august 17th 1834 8 ingston j leather uusiues al ills d cm place where every description of msiy bo hud at all times encash paid for hides kinfftqiii june 21ih 1831- an d saws forwasdihg tcp 1834 the riilciu and ollltwn steam ioat forwarding iivmv recuiilly inform thu public that tliey will lc ready atriieopeiiitigoftha navigation 10 re ceive anil transport ivnssumcvnh cnods wants and mrrclmndikc to and from montreal to kingston at 1i10 uudcrtiiiiiiiottcf rate tihii pabneitepni trom montreal to kingston and from kingston to montreal 60 and fonml emigrants taken it montreal and going through the route to kiilson 1 i d allowing to each dnt 30 1 imtfgaetf freight oi guids wares mid merchandize from montreal to kiukoii 2 od per cwt frvicht from kltisfon to montrtnil asunder flour fork unrrel do do per bushel cases 3s in 3 allies 5- 6d wheat 00h y payment of ficijht will in all cases be exacted on delivoryofthe ropery tnodshv this lice will be put into large barges which nrndedwd all avor und not disturbed until ilirv arrive in kinc c n nand liavi mwlm lull mwed hy steam boias insurance may b- d ipci d lt wiili til ilv t 1 it la utb isittieiun uf tl x company flint these hs s inl z wiilr tfonds i nd hfengen in modtre- ul a mi r i ic vivw rya piutdyot kinc- a robert ttvtv jlmtwi a grrit kingston i i 1liinti agent btmtmh tiiniuki 100 tz acre o wl h z vow salk if wry cxrelv land in the 1th tt7ovtrt willl a frauiu llouhp i iini sircciu of water wx 1 avl i mllm- titt near risin a c 1 ot itva ifltii ti 1hj tishscriber i2riictn timi iftlic l si luccisczn iubletttiuiicaitiiy urrnmd by rlrfl and bin- iitd inwchiff every kl dvnntut i ihu eh of ihc nutrprinng frnw trtsax eq- icingslolli or to j jos keilsgn di hftvcb 151 nu shortly will be published the memoirs of a wag by an officer of the roy- navy after a residence of fifteen years in america written during his temporary banishment in lake champlaln 1829 dedicated to a liberal public by the authors most obedient humble servant jack junk kingston august 26ih is31- 6 fulling dressing cloth notice is hereby given that the subscriber in tends to carry on the business of fulling and dress ing cloth in a style superior to any that has ever been attempted in this psiri of the country in the new building near mr lvter swuaers saw mill all those who may please to favor him with their custom shall have no reason to complain and all those who have had wool carded if brought to the machine in good order and not done in a workman like manner will please to give notice and the sub- wibtt will nmke ffood the pittite chkap voa cash all kinds of produce iccuived in payment the works will be in operation by the tenth of september next hiram grannia west loughborough aug- 20th ia3j s jsejv store the subscriber offers for sft lent his store street next door to mr leahys tavern and well selected assortment of english made boots and shoes hosiery gloves shawlsand silk handkerchiefs in a king lame iriii linen scotch dowlas thread edgii 3 needles thread taesc c the whole will be disposed of on terms surpri singly low for cash john muukay king st kingston aug 26 1931 jotmcb all persons indebted to tins lotc firm of m i beach s vaunlstine are requestetl to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and ail dirinuuus against the said linn are requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 22d lrtjl 5 k notice all persons indebted to the private estate of late duncan vanalstiue esq arc requested to make immediate payment to a ttuax and all persons ha viiis any claim rgahtst the said private estate aiv requested to preset the ninie for liqiiuuimh k y ahmstkonu a truax jjxoctkorisi kii ni- auguet22d s3l one house and apply lu kingston varc io let lunjry kooni ml a1sa1su otlicr hourck ives 21ft 1sji- tin the of k acquaint and kee tigrtn inwlcdgcs eivcd from the inhabitants iitl its vieiuity and buss leave 10 ihciiip tlml he cutsiinwci o on hand i to thk pubuo subscriber most rwpectfuhy ack patronage ho iwarc iinfston and its ul manufacture well selected stuck of ifoots and shoes bud hopes by a steady intention to their orders to merit ii continuance of their favors t7 an arpukntice wanted to the boot and shoe udltam dan1eli1ickey kington july 20th 1334 to the jlgriculturisls and itncrs who iktbnd bringx tubus kx and 1nd5vx cokn to kisvsto habkfiti fob iwwbil vein past the isubsciibi li carried ou the dihliuiihc business this place nd whete he farmer found ready tale for the almve khids oi frain and received his cash this is therefore to give soicr that the subscriber is under the disa- grceoblc necessity ofntyhia ttntl he cannot ptrehase any more brain until the will and power oiilie au thority ill this place arc known and it appears there is an intention ofleadlne characters hereto stop my distillery and i certainly think they cannot be par tial to put down a part of the disiilleries only il they have that power the plja appears to be that pigmries are unhealthy and unpleasant to the smell ac to their being unhealthy 1 assert with out fear of any just contradiction that in all places where 1 have been acquainted it has proved oihor- wise audat thisphice where the cholera has pre vailed not a single instance of any person or work man living at or near where tu efltivia ofthv pig- v or a distillery it has taken the disease ami wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston lands for sale id acres of the very best description of 9j land situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed 01 in one lot or ill separate parcels of 100 acres each for cotl an excellent bargain may be made 1 tie indisputable apply if by teller post paid to the whig tci i retire par dttii distillu- uthcrwise are as healthy as elsewhere ticularly to mr druminonds and my ries the time in passing a ptffgory is short and hie effluvia not more disagreeable than most uf us ex- nerieiice dailv and without a murmur therefore il novm to let k the pnmitwm formerly occupied by the are henry su situate in iore street tbove the scold k for n term of year james doyle ii hr john low attorney pinrc ion ulvqstb l 10 fstss mm faomthk wm htltbl uespft ifvllii infmw ihc in- ha iltniitakiiibionaiid f ctravel- ling coiv ilwiliwtme leased that ixr and couunodious ja house ofpiiteitainiucntj known by the name of the kingston eloielo where it u his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the c ond eonwuienc of his fftiestk the liingslcn hotel lately nmlcrcone n tlioronah repair has be- htetel and plated am wnrt o ufttm public houses in the lvcio it u well situared for the coav uf tru- near the lake shore ar eniuinnndlir of the arrivals athlepaf the 8 irunt wliii i v becowveyed ly porters attending the ifltfifveaon purpuj to the domestic orram of tlw house the srfeuteat attention will br paid a firs rate table w ill be kept the beds will he uf the best description ad the vi inbs and spirits of superior quality m connected with tlu bvtabliebitteni is a iarffc and capacious yard wnb excellent fitfibhug kiugstou imavoth tw rv iniii aitc tuih44h imiruwy jic bvine a lul i lew am isiata 27 whereas my wife hannah bns left my lr ami boiinl without any it cause i liuruby inrliii all peisons liarljourinir or trusting her on my ac count as i will nay iiqtcbtef iters contracted uft this date jacob h1llman bath 1iihjuly ilh whosolu ilctail grvocery wine spirit and general praviumi sorc vilavv iuj hj jtm u ml iinlir ailiiitll mir tsij sttitcriber bcs to inform the inhabitants uf kington e that he i4 opened ihc above bdfah- lulnncut where he ha now on sale ihu followinjj article retail 0 at unusually low prices by wliolcsalc or sp its brand puncheons jtrotlf jamaica pipes uocmtc hiandv dtipuy 4 ifhda hollands oin 2 pipes ueiiccarlii wine 2 do superior old inirt 2 do prime old madeira 5 qr casks tuticrisf 2 do do tale sherry 2 do do brown do 2 ilhdtf very supfhor whit wine vinegar 20 barrels upper cmada whiskey a quantity of l old chietlam gin ad chrenta draudi in bottles 20 chests twankytea 3 do young hvson do 1 ilo old do do 3 bajw cirt cufteo k 2 hhoa- double relmcd loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxcs muscatel haislus 5 bacs alitiondff 20 boxes poland mrcli a quantity of pitch tr kosiu gluo wlnliii window glass oils and colors c- c with every article in the grocery a provision iinr george armstrong kingston tth july 1 3 1- j4f to 1 rib eimndiu nerly occtticd by doctor iinnlvy uf being hon ki vvvll nub ultowiti to heat tlvchetis iii bihu h- glmn the i b tlii ot riniro fi ig barrici esq itu pivh tfwr il late f fin- ion 20th alav walter ji crxhtk kpel bcf leave to his uilfons and rhe puhltecc e- ciiiukii io earn on uolcl und aj id tavern lu llid riiiiv ihat i t 4 t wis old the jtmansio bsonse sfcid pleasantly situated ij sorc street being tie principal and most cental slwjt in kingston in ihe busimw pan of the lonvl u convtfhibil ti ihu dif- ferciil5tihin boat wfaarvwi ad no establinhtne 10 v of tlic land in the i rellcucc and eomlurt rs e cjii surpass u i apariuients the ex in rcirard both to pnrlofmnnd bed roonw all of which are furnished in the very wa style the tlglcl has been recently painted ihwngiwiui and oibvi w ic iw- proved in the rear of the mauion house h a terje yard in which there is an excellent range of stables und where a livery sade isconwanuy kept- uaanino having jept a rublk hume foi i i tany yeaw nas and ht trnjtt dial comfotlts ofhisgi public psilgoitat a- hr ti- lo inl kington puhlib htw ic- ii dim li nilsl uinviuittiiig aitcniton to st it uinit cirii ii ill cumtiiuio to uurit hu ra l in i rcifliripi to coivcy lilg- ruiti iii li mav isi iii jtvid dluun bynis editor of the hiiiti august ll 52 be e icra a libera dxsxxfectixg jflxjid a quaiitiiy uf the above ex cc 11 chemical compound to nftfvcot contijion anddestrov tl ill sntvll from kick roons wi kept cowaamly n hand during tl uiumcr at the british whig ofnoe rice in unarts two shillings pints one shilling and three pence with directions fur use to steam iouts and retail dea- allowance will he made i cannot take any benefit from the slops ol my dis tillery i cannot pursue the business and my distil leryaud premises must lie dormant 1 shall hvr cause to regret ever commencing the business here as the consequence would be a serious and ruinous oss in premises and works not calculated fur any other business a damage to farmers in the sale ol their grain and to the merchants who expect to gel a share from the farmer as the time of year is near at hand when distilling grain might he coming to market 1 wish to give no- tice that it will be well fur fanners to ascertain what pvi 0 can be obtained ami a free cll market font the perfect good understanding that i have bad with the farmers generally in the purchasing ui grain is the reason why this timely gj kin augmn 15th 1831 3w for sale cheap a superior london built eight oared gig fort feet lo ig with mast oars and sail complete apply to baker egan kingston june 27th 1sw dlxsolbtlox of parta the copar tnkrhip heretofore cimi be ween the subscriber ui btmns co is this day ld all buiue settled by robert to whom all debis d- paitl and hv whom u be liquid 30 r der ihe firm uf j w arm- by mutual consent dissolv- iiinieg to the firm will be strong and thomas greer ie establishment are to he iaims on the late firm will tted- iv 3rmntrgxg r- is armstrong ihiomas greer jvo io lake ontario the spl atlid low prepare sfonm boat gkkat bisitai1v cvtta1n wihtnly will during the eratoii 134 teiv- ihc dilvercnt xnts as luluws coniinoiicillg on tuesday the il if april vliei ttwanna prescojt brovkvillta kingston oswego state ofni v cuboiirgt toil i ioh- toronto intc york g- rcingara toronto tticslay even tnchclay night wednesday noon wednesday eventne thursday morning thursday nwruinff friday morning downwards on every saturday afternoon it 4 iaic york sunday morning port uujic sunday noon cobopig sunday at 1 p k oswego fftaic ofiv y monday morning liingstun mouday noon brockritlca monday evening all bnreaffe and tmall arceu aru considered at i ho risk oi the owners unlcs given ii charge to the miner on board the ttcconkrftdsitattji on hoard ihc great britain have been tiiueh enlarged and improved during last winter- and every exertion will he used to ensure rcsuhirity and coiulbri to pas3cnjfcr tile above hoai will await the arrival of the pas senders that leave montreal on monday by the up per cunai lake o rario steam boat olvice frcflcott 1st april 183 s vetiiklwuiy s una eon eave to return his grateful ige kingston 1 as he li the subscriber hoes acknowledgements to ihe inhabitants o and its virihiry ibr the extensive patron tfinre his commencement in business as a gcbseoxl clackshith farrier tie now respectfully informs his pttrot thai he lias ninoved hia establishment to ihe other side of the road opposite chenuts old stand here he trusts to he v nticit upon as usual- the subscriber keeps on hand every ilorse tnul cnttle flzedirinesi llorftes shod on e culm cm kiiid cd lrhie ns i v kdmcnd smith kintnn sopt l 1s11 avracsioleua pilis surgeon adamson h p of the bengal army ban for sole at bis residence north end of the town antleifokkra pmlabf icb as were used in india ftltd proscribed by him while tnilirarysurccon tinder the ronunnd of the marquis of hastings governoi general and commander in chief kiiilmijnlysl i89l notice alt- pcrnps bovit claims against the estate of chelate benjamin iuirfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate pavinent to ne charles fairfield atlmiimlrmor ituwn l4lh july 1934 mi notice peter rich i hereby give you notice thai i vill at the next distiict court to be held at the town of kingston in the midland district of the province of upprr canada in and for the tttid dis trict file a petition in the said court praying that pftriiijon miy he ma dred and eilhiyninc i ihe said town of kingston winch in and h of che lot number one hun- and one hundred rnd uincty- ieht eeitain grunt fam the crown under tha i su id j loince besirir7 date the fi and rli eat lav s- or ui iivc cr one thuuflufeiiit hundred and twen ty live were granted tn eli7jileih tculwuur- wift of jacob tewkbury livdin hurley eincrson buj william i5urey jni heid ttifu of resin the wi t t tirj daivi town p u d burley joseph hurley eler iveid and alltl uuiley a t emergen buru y hue of the and to ht in the press y published immeduitptv- tho it kingston a 1834 baker egan ish qt1ce ebyp en that the uudcrairncd has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late henry davie all those who are indehied toih ame are respectful y requested to pay the amount af their accounts w thou t delay and those bavinc claims to present the same duly authenticated for adjustment application tot made tomamret davis or james doyle agent t kingston aug 23d 1634 i william marsh who ieft kingston v lor new yorj on the 16th may jart in conse- c quence of the death of hw father is requested to return home immediately and ji persons who may know aught of tha residence of ihe above young man are requested to communicate widi his mother mrs marsh kingston u c thejvtw york commercial jjdvertiser is request ed to copy this advertisement three times and eharffe this office august 26th 1834 6 extract from mr stcwabt3 parer the inde pendent examiner august 23d lfi2 trial or sin kivbos for murder lit lordship hav- n mrnownled on tbe c idsnci and explained the law to uio urtnavcry abb oumnc dy vctircd and io a few minute turned with a verdkt ofiiotguuly 4 as ilie prisoner wil about to be discharged a cireumstnco occurred in ihe court which ruffled the fbeuon of many ws were among the number of discontents and meaot to nuiniudwri on flic subject very averely but as tho aueuds ho0panle has since uccn 1vbliclv made we shall take no fiuihor notice of it we mention it now with do otber view limn tlmtthe genttomen who fijt iiurt unci whotiud left ihc town bervire tie cloc of i- court may know that vjitlt auj stttisjhrtortf atommeni wis oilcred extract trom a lktter ln the kingston chho- hti may i- stgflbd jollm stewart in 1828 mr tlacinun wan judge of assize for una circuit a tnl name on bvfuni him in ihe court houso ofperth r rioriti ninl fionlarlv conjuct of some of my misguided coun irvmuii tbvii eitilil on i cani ui rhc mi i ocuove rtf uiurih i u in h he n iul in wmnix up t he aviilen and chareing the jury mr ha rerci m liku a people fo irawfotti irani and warm hearted a tli irtfttt should tfuflor ilicir kwioim to sn to per iheawdeih i9 to drive uiciti lu sucli aj of ouingoqui viotene lie lik- wwc rrobatcd in tttiig tenu ttmicctional and party fotl m which untortiinately exist umung too many ofmv cou trmcn and under tho momentaiy impulse of whiehtliey ric ftciiuently guilty of the most deplorable exctne and in k conclusion he asscited that ilio conduct of such ungoveroav vpuits was wgallrig to the feelings of all orderly and msh- lablc irishmen at tu make them blush for the land of their iki iiiy this waa the very head and front of his oflendin limt be coiifciderud a good auhorit attornevft table ii the tin per ths bditpnittn examisek word thtii trnpircd it it not uueas slated by the corrcipondem of die whig that mr llagerman maje an apology to a party of gentlemen who waitol upon hini for an explanation it fstrue thatsoinu irishmen misunderstood liim and that tlicre was a good deal of desultory conversation among tbcm respeetin the tenor of liiscliarjc henry raliaut tvjuire of this place and rav- self ivoto titsjatiy wjih hito on the evening of ihe some dav juid upon our iuciouing ihe inuconitructioa ofiiis laogualc f hz i some of our sensitive friends entertained he declared that so fir from attempting to wouud the tccliogs of the irish there was no people whom he would more wiliinly terra and conciliate as tht best and die truest friend hevid iijijii wl were irishmen atlornevft able al i e linicjcporlinthc trinl for my own pa i i wa sitting by ihe trial for my ot eager to catch every ever groveniuieiit contracts for ordjvajyce services commissariat kingston 30ih august iw4 5 separate sealed tenders will be received at litis oiiice until one oxiuck i jl on friday the irt iy klrs4toii drirrsrd uiiiiiniit to ihoctfltutc u ilic linn yvw itfiho reign nf liij pmciit vili tlic fimrtsti vittrtlotl mi act to kii fur t 1 cf re i ausfitst 13 i jhl stc ax uliey noticb- to liuyereof lcalliiriitlcudrorsklm si uitha tlie btitsinces iierctolurc carried on by s r cald well u changed to the imitdtf of the rubwriber at tlil store ndjoiuius thomas smith lint 8oiv hear tn kincston hoicl where cvrrv ricficripiiou of leather may u bail at all turns j9m a scncral anortment rf articles used by saddler ftiiit tihottiuikcrs swell as peddle trees llames moot tre s and liusl lining and leadings ninstf uoff skiiisp c x c si 5ho mikcrs saddle and harness maker par men und all doalcn en leather will find it fur their interest to patronize iiti establishment as the stock will he extensive and ofovery variety ofqnolii y anil will ikssold at the itotrtst pflcrs t7oia jmf- jt ttijo tint kington juno ioiiu 151 wiimam roua lii cheap fou dakerkgan marke i i an dil e fullowiu ii anurc cop constant articles at extrenicly law im1 ono ii pork clcths a tow kincston jn tiw butfinwn wthertifi conducted tinder the firm of j wa anntrorj ss co will be continued by ihc undersiymd oi their nlll sand in isrock stfccti un der tlie firm of awirtwinff and ottcf ttu mm8trovg tflomas queer eatit prices ptimc mr hmnked llin mellon hams smoked and dried cofcf young llvsoii ttvankav and black tuar bvcmj isrc njicrlin flmir indian and oatcu meal 1nkll ijniunt cihuuilhri 0iw corn pea utfuw vc- kolel llarrlri mwkefel cd rsh c n pajwr- and cavvadua tuhaccv 4iip cntidki a- with eerv other article in the groiery and prnviinn line thrv imvo j reived feveml crates of crockery of die liiivl iinmirlntioh i cnucs of stone ware 40 renin winding pnptt a uu ititily of tfcoiclt nit j american mnnuficturcd tin wnre i vcgcftdilitf fowt pjlaioe c at market price ca ft ptfidihttolvvery decripliun- kinttom ayguci 1st is34- l2i day of september next fur entering into votlr ordnance wharf print henry to clour awm and remove ihc defective pan of the wharf t www the timber iron the level of tho watei iheroval llngiuecr uvpxiltneut bmliit uncronly tu fill in between the new limber with stone and hubbub and lo cover the tarqi with mradamized sione to ihu dcpih otthfcdlneliet ihc mcadamized stone to be covered with gravel atid iturc atrccuiiii which letter may be procured ou jic worktf- thc frnl ofdtitranctf iou lo be flawed tjw cuutiwitir furuujiins all labor and materials except tiudicr- tlie vwtk ti li fnued in a norkmanfike and substantial manner ijijci v tm amiival of ihe comg royal eogtoeer ami according ti sitciueation to be hod aithc engineer of- litcf yhmtiufther ihlbfuvitrmi may be obtained or from tho urerot knyal eimetr ucpailmcnt at point henry the tender to vpvcily tso gros hoi for which tho whole will be put formed uu j to be completed before the 311 of octo ber nel oudxancltfroukkepiyisquarterpoixthkkr to remove about on hundred llid iwcntysix i l of picket tvuec on south siilc uud to tubilruk a uoud ft nee eight iviit hili the oivkt nut reutcd ior iols ufthc new iencc arc tft be depoiu b ihc cuiilactor in the engineer yard adjoining the cotrtraetot furnihitt all new materials aed labor the tcudej to speeny die gros amount lor tho wbole and o he finished before the 31toctobr next to make paint aud tut two pairs of louvre window bliods al per pair to paint and color die undermentioned buildings i to paint the exterior wood work of no j fckorchooe ordnance yard point henry- j to paint the exterior wood workoftwogonsbcdfl royil artillery park kinsjlon- to color and wbiuwaih the interior ofordnance storckeep ivquaitu point henry tu color and whitewash tho tnteiiorof orduance ckrfc s quarter poiul henry the whole to be liotahcd by the 39th of september nexi aceording to specification lo be teeo at tht engineer office tender to spvv ihcaqiflum far ea bojidirug separately including worumarihip and maienat j to resbinglo the koof of old barrack occupied by the hoyal anulcry at poini henry including the strippio- off the old tfhinsles and al workmanship and maionau 1 he whole to bo completed on the lffa of october next and subject to ihc approval of ihe coui kojai engineer tlietcndewtocipiwsibeirtw in currency in words at length tbr euh swico payment will be made by a drat drawn by ordnance storekeeper on the bant of tppcr caoa- a names of two nmctaue persons to bo inserted lu tho tender who may be w illin- t- become bound lor the perform ance ofsucb comraet agg am c oen a j- ferns bbgs to inform in iiorncrs iluu helms received by tin i tie itrriwils u summer mijijjiv nf lading mitwex and cliimnii- fashioiiiible boots nnd shoes uf every iknii uv w disposed of iit iirieomiiioidy low kianston juneshh 1331 10 cial bank for sale by the subscriber 300 hide fust quality sole leatlier 100 do ti per do 500 calf skinu s t caldweic 0 ctwli paid fur raw hides and calf skins market square kingston 3rd june 1831 31f c o sn ui e 1 ok the midland district notice is hereby given lhat a meeiiog of the stockholders in this institution will be held at the paak on wednesday the 6rct day of october next for the purpose of electing a director in the place of the late robert dbummond esq by orderofbe drfj cutter kinsmon 21st awga vl tsrancrs heretofore desired to copy the adver- tissiens of a rt 1- ttil1 p m nbovv the