miscellaneous 1 1 t i cxi kft in uadkid from uii ii liuurolthc morning reports of the mmuluy hoilticcd by uic itiliiiir ofccsmv be came more rifcnml cxiuiiitud ami ii rvoniuii as llw number of aunt casus am uccurritg uvaibti ero dittciosedi si ii uic iiiuitral iiopltioii tttvu peoples uiihis oisqiuiied ami iiituithil tatuucling then to utlicr caiims in conrsi- of time is added a ne one thai the fountain hud been poisoned ami litis fiuiu its enormity soon absorbed all oilicrs lor uiifuiunialtlv receiving countenance ivoin some cir- ciinisiaiutsliiehatcinapanied h it suou wholly pys mssed ihr psilie mind and greatly duturbud public order and tranquillity uappeurcullwinboy ultcn nit of a cunning beyond ins years the sun of an exrovalisl volunteer was found with a small vessel in hisbaml in the fountain ufavanigs this occur- mice alarmed die immediate nrchuurs and ilie ad ditional circumstance of an atcaiuu having removed the vessel in order to luvo its coatents analysed but aggravated the alai iii about the same liinj two uiauafictarers of cigars in the city wero detected upon whom were found nrious small cakes or wff tomica which they said had been given then at ail eatinglinage in the calle 3e los coyos where upoi examination were found mo pounds and seven ounces of die same mateml which die owner admitted lie had received for work ing up trorn the junta pharmacy an hour after this discovery a itany of people at the puerta del sol tupped a voting man of 3d years whom they accused of having thrown somepowdersmto die tank fountains in that neighbourhood but treated him so roughly ihathediwl whilst they wercconducnnglnn to prison public irritation being thus increased by thlse now oiriteinonis the people turned out in q body and rushed towards dm college ofthe jesuits nhciicc they said shots had been lird against ihein and where an agent of deduction with the mu ram a cakes 1101 hi butson bad sougit refuge the jesuits closing their doors upon inm and ringing die alarmbell upon die arrival of bis excellency die captain general of police at litis spot be found that the po pulace bad already scaled the convent ad whed six nf the jesuits and in the recess of be bolted gate four others bad been put to death ttlnw una was paslng in this rpmricr another party of he mob bad formed together in the quarter of st j ho- mas by previous arrangeuunr for an attack also upon the same convent it was said that the mob were irsi provoked by a shot fired from the place against die captain of the police which proved die sciial for the insurrection and that the mob then assailed the place in a body forced the dor and ilitlldtfte ueleudliv- illc unexpected jppeatfavee of the captain general put a stop to funher violence and he left upon the spot a sulliiieui guard of mili tary and police to guard against their icnewal inquiries ore now going on into all these occur- renecs and it is hoped that on the result the truth will be discovered it isa curious circumstance that owing to this last excitement the people of madrid seemed to have forgotten their original fears us to the fountains having been poisoned k montreal criminal tkiim tuesday september 2 the king t jftasoliyffftbailtn dtflksltochffftsj for he wiiful murder of itis sisterinlaw the prisoner was placed at the bar for having on the 22d of march last io the parish oflassomn- lion struck his sisterinlaw dumithildc perrault wife of raymond brief lit dcsrochers seven blows with an axe whereof she died the prisoner was rather below the middle size of appearance in do way remarkable aud did not appear much affected by bia awful situation the attorneygeneral addressed the jury ut con siderable length lie pictmvd in vivid colours the enormity of the crime with which the prisoner stood hmrrm the bonds of society and even ihc ties oi f v h he bad viohml hi then reminded th ftil the prisoner fate was in their liainu and he thned them to dtflftird from their minds any previous impressions which llv had received and judge solely by the evidence the attorneygeneral then described the family as consisting of raymond brien and his deceased wife his father aid mother and the prisoner at the liar besides another a young man named joseph chevaudierc hit lepino on the night of ihc murder the father and mo ther were gone to st- jaapirs and the young cou ple occupied their room lbpine had gone to bed at 7 and olivier had gone to pay an evening iteil tfcltftj dh j j j ivi k i yimmii i lepine heard cries and arose en hrarh tz kay mond exclaim mha somcoiic otiswiuut to murder him- he lighred a caudle and took it m k iytunnl who stated that he was awakened m his sleep by ins wife moving and crying out that he heard the blows and seized a stick which was left w ith him lepme saw some one go out a back door and a few mo menrs after olivier entered the attorneygeneral then dwelled upon the in difference of the prisoner hi bloody clothes and his subsequent flight all of which the evidence sub stautiatcd and expatiated on the extreme cruelty of the prisoner in basely lly big at the moment when an unhappy woman required ins rssisfancc the first witness examined was the bereaved ftus- band he detailed ihc fact sketched by the alter- ncygcneral described the manner in which he was awakened his seizing what turned out to he the handle of an axe he described also the wounded condition of his wife one circumstance stated was that his dog which always barked at strangers was silent on this occasion the prisoner and the deceased were on tolerably good terms though there had been a previous rjunireh the crossexamina tion did not shnke his testimony joseph chevattdiera dit lepine was awakened about one in the morning by the cries of raymond he lighted a candle and repaired to the chamber of the deceased and beheld her bathed in blood he knew the axe as belonging to the house he had seen it the day before in the hands of olivier who was examining it carefully he aw someone go out and soon after olivier entered he then went to call up the neighbors stating that bo required their assistance for bia master who had been nearly mur dered olivier said nothing he also mentioned the unusual ulence of the little dog he saw blood on the gable end of the house it was not that way which olivier passed- by me jdge no stranger knew where hie axe was kept pierre la porte confirmed the statement ofle- pine he saw blood on ihc sabhes and on tlig road to his own house captain pepin captain of miliia arrested the prisoner lie confirmed the other statements aud exhibited the nxcatid jacket worn by the prisoner spotted with blood they were stilt bluudy when exhibited in court raymond brien again examined deposed to the jacket being that ftfhis brothers smd that the axe was the one kept in the house the witness was here much dejected joseph iepine also proved the same doctor ctiseneuve stated that ihc wounds on th head of the deceased were the cause of her death the character of the defence ws that the blood proceeded from a cut finger that the prisoner and the deceased were on good terms and thai he was not a quarrelsome character the chief justice charged the jury who after retiring for nearly one hour returned a verdict of iuihy sentence of death wa then passed to be put in execution uti the lib iiistaiit allerwaids res pited till the 2ulh wednesday september 31 l g lmlanne pleaded guilty to one of the in- dictinents against him for forgery he stated that hedid not intend fraud montreal daily advertiser the rial of james jray esq of brockville for an arson committed on the uvemtam of jonas jones esq near that place on iltcslh january last was had at the johnstown assizes jltot lenninaied from the situation in life formerly held by the prisoner an uuiitfiiul degree of interest fully testified by the crow ded slate of the court room dining its progress the jury were occupied in its investigation hum one oclock in iheaaernoon till six next morning when a erdict of acquittal after about u quarter or an imus absence was rendered the details of the rial occupy seven and a half cuhimus of the brock vith hieormr the editor of which juirsial niuntions lhatbaigin the triil after the rmdhs wctc lighted one omhe constables near the door under the gal lery called out to lha sherllv that the gallery was giving way an immediate ruh was made toward- the door and much noise and eoiifuiui was the consequence- uuriujthe lime two or three persons iumtied from ttld window sin lk stvotld try a height of six tt en or eighteen awl thu prisoners remained quietly itt the dock ultough i was the impression ulvnne that tlu alarm wis oaiued to alluw an opportuutty of escape order was finally rcstoltnlf whuu if waj ascertained that thce was no cause for apprehension from any thing that we ran learn it dotaitlo appear that any pail of the building has moved from its original position the man who gave the alarm was induced to do so from the information of some other person no serious accident occurred to any one a fev hi macs aud the loss of abator woi fi piiixipal items of da mages montreal gazette lu reference wall lite qebcemcrcury found it necessary to say on the subject of the complaints againsttne orosse me establishraeiit repeated in our paper we arc authorised by a highly respecta ble gentleman who came out luftdy with his wire and four children to say that whatever may be the amount authorised to be charged ihl was the price exacted for a loaf which on reaching tiuebec proved to be worth ld and hid was the price ex acted for a quart of beer which certainly did not cost ic retailer quite 2jd montreal utraul lord duucaiuiuit member fur nottingham and secretary of tate for the home department is ihc eldest son of earl uesbirough born 17si married in 1805 maria daughter of the earl of westmorland ueaatlbrtliu county of kilkenny from id2iiu tile late election and last his seattlieu solely on accountol being adverse to a repeal of the union lord melbournes lately deceased wife was sister to lord duncannun 1 the halijar jvunwtociuc 16th ult mentions the had occuired in the early pan of the month but the alarm had considerably subsided there were no cases of cholera in novo scotia in lji i6 in the month of march last a petition most nu merously and respectably signed by the merchants and inhabitants of fredricton n- ii onthesuhjcci uf the timber duties was lorwauhnl to the pro vince agents messrs liaiiibridgeutid llis tu which those genilvricn trausmitteil he follow nig eittitving i answer wiiieh will be jiily o to ihoe connected wiih the limber interests in canada ve ivel cxccchnty gratified uy the maimer io wliihi pc iiiiiif have urrn ga u ami wcp llli i frcjrktn nntl oilier part ofltw irviticc ani c doubt not jimiwiii hfti liirned tieforcll h with equal satisfic lion dial hi majos- tfm riuiiir do not propost to introduce any fllicraiivii of ilic existing scale ofilulics at present l c are happy to iiifintn vnu tlut vu believe our cause ii gaining pruunij zra tbnt tlic imfkrtlnam aftbo coluoii inter ti u rnort ami more iawtciwd oi ihfi nijnj uf public mmi and of the liinsttiraun io tin country w uxl any future change thiit may be br uglu utmird upin t utjct will be of a ur jihreui chraeier or akxgc froin the lmtfc tlic report of the timl of jfltltl tirjiy kq- anj jubtl stush r arson wtuch tuofcatacvat tlls urokville afizcf oicu phfifovctt ami a htufclomly printed cihiuuiatof ilie bricuilh keitrjot as die twtsof tbitetuw hawetnacn ulrcdy befirc uurrwulor it i5lu1iicreary io rcciipitulate the vvidtffitti on boillfbtc mw tiipfchlty fl the limltlfc pf a ialy paper ore tuo ebcattrhribwl luro voluminous a irtjl a we uberved on momtay uic prbooon wf re acqtutiel ttiu silieitor gc rieial conduetfxi tho prosecution on tliv pait ttfjouh junes tnq but ilie keconlrr un not ihougbt it nceesiry in name tio advm aten employed tor rlic defener xlw lrid occupied the court fur i huuiv anaction wttbrouglil at ue same aize by mr- ogle k liowati aainn adicl sherwood sbrrilt of llic ilblriet tor damage bating setaeduadtfr a writ of attaclanuut hie mt4 ami typ9 ueil in priuitn tlm aithil nuwhuipcr a be lontfini to jihh rrtlv f fftwhu fvitiel tlru lhrv wore interested in our comm wc and wish a per manent residence in vnr happy country within the last year the tuipre have been greater a lot itf land was pttr- on the lake fthnre about than any previous on chased by mr mcnabl a mile from hamilton w is a beautiful site for buildi itff being near ll wharf and commanding a virw of both lakes a ffou many lots have been laid out for building ai a nuinbcr of houses built this will no doubt in cohort time he a place of busi ness a we understand tl it i cry appropriately cal led yiaejtuhb 7wi he messrs ilughsonshave also 0ened a road ioli hike aid built an excel lent wharf and store iujom this will in a very few years he the handsomest street in hamilton there have been a number of houses built uu it this season ami from the peculiar beauty of its situation we may expect in a shv time to see a range of houses on both aides of ft from the centre of hamil ton ro the edge of the lkc it is n continuation of the old mountain road utelycalled john street and is so straight that from e middle uf the main street you can see tin water in the little lake ike under stand thauhe messrs ifughsons have offered lots for saloon both sides of tjs street which allbrds an opportunity for persons t build on a street which will in the course offline be as good for business asaoyiu hamilton i u every part of the town we find houtfos building and the population in creases aster than tliex can buihl houses for them if the town ofilamihou increases as lust as it has done for three years pas it will soon compete with the mkxnid own in the pmincc iihhl messenger hhitisii whig in tin prb anrl will 1 fuihliiihh oflc tiin- itcjrntcnjr ttvlru uomt t cdnid jrm hrfcer m j muo to lit kveljcftf v sir johti mltoffic k bnlmi wliliiijujjllt i3l otef otaon wn ie lacr0rd uy ttennto to ctiint aubsckibeb8 oureoiihiry rehiilnreniuiiv intormm ihnt in future inecountry olitiniinnit- rritisu wiiks mpfwn m most imponanl puuqr luetoetu twl fnilny pr will o- wmn on wnamsqf plonlrlgi at eihl oclock nml nwtm ilc wmr evuttoj to cirrlmundent3 1 friend to sumtury rtgfations in informed that we havn made inquiry into the ft of ihe clothes of ibe deceased io clinfora a dlommond wrf having been east into the mtorbi kingston uarbm sodflad that ome misapprehension ttlia the authoring at atd wiarf explicitly denying any uch charge kingston tcesay ftextxg sept 9 1954 iwiidy entefsd hat premises to ccrutc the above writ a jkiiil jury was r nianiiclkd to try the csac anil iinese on both sides benig exutnined the jude rernniluhited the cvi detiee and stated the situation in whicli he conceived the par ties lo taud he observed ilia according in ihc pleadings the jury mtittt mnd ionic damages fwt tlia trevp in cnl nn the prcni i- t no juttneation had bcnvtct up it was wholtv w ith dietu liowcvrr to my if any tliiii should he allowed for the piws ami types if they cuntdcred it sulkeiently proved that thej did belong to gray and not io tiowau then pcrhaph they uuht to runider the value ofrufttq mileriiu wiiieh were swotfl io have been purchased by givnn il there wnx any urjni4 uftojnin m their value tin rented wholly with them lliey mut however find onn dimae though ihcv should be trillma for 1iq ircipuft the jury nrlired about lulf an hour vcniiei 7 ith for the plaint illl ia it will le seen by mr uflv notice that the st lawrence ward election takes place next mon day the liberals support charles linker the conservative uphold joshua heard the coun cil numbers i whiles to t tories tiik nhvv elections now that a thorough re former of twenty years standing ilia the chair of the colonial office now that for the lirst time in a hun dred and thirtveieht years a truly liheral cabinet is in authority in knliml now that all the power io tlo upod it can rcusoimbly wbh fni will he conceded to the house of assembly about to be eh cteth will the people again fail in honesty of purpose and unity of execution ve really cannot tell fur ma ny a lone year has the wriier of this paragraph stri ven io cheer his mind with the hope of a coining dav in which truth aud worth would gain the ictory in upper canada cheered by this hope anil look ii eroumled confidence that ing forward with a w ful oi insulteil for another four years e the tfreai interests of the pro tlic yeomanry will not allow a handful of reformer tube hnllelled and in the assembly wl tince aie sniteiiiie we beg to remind ihcelcctorsol the province that iliehour hastens and ihut ei cry man of them should from the present moment make it his almost exclusive business to secure thu return of faithful members at the coming poll which will be it is said on the last week in september or the lirst week in october lists of voces been sent in all directions in a extra half shtvt with a second pait oflhclimfo votes herewith enclosed atlt with reference to a writer in the whig copt hun ter of the steamboat ltidcau desires us to state that no deaths by cholera have occurred on tbii bout this season and that he removed the boat the other day from one of the whanes in tins town to pre vent his crew from coming in contact wiilisouic ick of the cholera on the wharf chronicle improvement of hamilton within three years the improvement have been so great in this town that one would scarcely know it who had been ad- went for that length of time we do not know one owll in upper canada that has within so short a upaccoftime increased in population and trade so much as hamilton more than two hundred houses have been built ami the ilnrs foi improve ment seems to increase every year we have real ly among us some of tee most enterprising matt in canada who from their desire to improve fee assizes the followng criminal offences have been tried since thursday sept oth ta king vs ifm jamicson the prisoner was indicted for stealing a watch and pleaded guilty tfte king vs georgt petrie the prisoner was indicted for stealing some articles of wearing appa rel from the kingston hotel theproprty of c arm strati esq uttity the king vs thomas dennisotu the prisoner was indicted for stealing a quantity of hats the pro perty of mr john rutter guilty sept gili the king vs john stewart james slettart and peter gibson tltc prisoners were in dicted for stealing a number of pigs the property of mr win baker guilty three or four bills of indictment were found against the same parties lor offences of the same kind but abandoned by the crown lawyer the king vs tfwmas luffman and wm doug lns the prisoners were indicted for stealing a watch the property of mf- 1 p- gibson huff- man acquitted and douglass guilty the king v smith jan in this case one of assault aud battery the prosecutor df barker the editor aud proprietor f the itninsu whig op- plied to the crowo lawyrt c a hagermau esq for permission to emplo his own counsel an ap plication which was reftd the defendant who phded not guilty applied to ihc court to put olfthe tial to the next sessions on two or three trifling pretekcsi but was unsuccessful hie solicitor general dated the case plainly to the jury aud called the fnsccutor etttara j barker rrn was walking down store street on the 4th s p msu sd stepped op posite the office of the didniu to speak to two or llirecgenthmeu when the defendant ruwbcd out and withou giving him any notice struck him a vi olent blow on the head had no distinct recollection of what further occurred until he found himself on the ground thinks the defendant must have struck him many blows seven or eight or more went immediately before the grand jury and preferred his complaint the prosecutor also stated that for a considerable period the defendant had by many ways endeavored to attract his notice had been the bearer of a challenge to fight a duel and also very recently had brought him a message from mr f m hill of the kingston chronicle of an imperti nent nature hat io consequence of some kindnes ses received from the defendants family he had al ways abstained from noticing his actions until last tuesday wlien he alluded to him in the bhitish vviuo this witn ww crossexamined by the defend ont but nndiing material was clccited the de fendant in ins questions exhibited the petulance of a boy with lib legal knowledge of a lawyers clerk in the third moih ofhisclerkftllip jam 11 donuid mtwrjl was present at the transaction- observed ibe defendant strike the pro secutor sevejfcl heavy blow and trip up his heels did not ob that the prosecutor gave him any provocation crosscza7 was present with the defend ant some ft daya ago in tfe prosecutors office when he caudoned the prosecutor not to say any thing about the defendant in his paper t u thh worn gave a similar account of the assault i- that given by the two last witnesses this was the case the defendant addressed ulo jury which by the bye was chicly composed of the political and per sonal eneinie die prosecutor ami endeavored to show that in- had received great provocation fur tlu assault hr read to the court an extract from the with a verdict of guilty and a recommendation to mercy as requested by the defendant in consequence of the crown lawyers exerci sing the exclusive right of being counsel for all pro secutors there was no opportunity of showing to the court that in this particular instance the defendant had been the aggressor and that the prosecutor had alluded to inm only when compelled to do so by his thrusting himself upon his notice on a late oc casion this matter was considered by the solici tor general as irrelevant to a case of assault and therefore not mentioned by him while the defend ant took the opportunity of pleading to the jury that he was the aggressed instead of being actually the aggressor sept sth the king vs john briee the pri soner was indicted forstealinga watch the property of mr james gho of ivapanee mills guilty the king vs otren kaleen the prisoner was indicted for stealing a watch the property of corne lius donahue pleaded guilty the king vs james welsh joseph welsh and robert jaexon these prisoners were indicted for grand larceny in having stolen from the person of i im cain lite sum of jg6 5s it was a swindling gambling transaction but as the prosecutor swore steadily to the robbery the jury could do no other- aic than and the prisoners guilty the cases on the civil side have not been of any pubhc importance the following case excepted hcdcft hyman vs j mcdonald p zioick executors to the estate of the late win zwick esq of belleville this was an action to recover the va lue of two notes of hand given by the deceased to the plaintiffs to the bfflullm of s3 2s 6d the de fendant pleaded no effects on the part of the plaintiffs sundry witnesses were called to prove that the defendants had at vari ous times admitted that they had sufficient effects in hand to pay all the debts of the deceased the defendants brought forward tullogh a clerk to the executors who produced an inventory of debts due to the estate amounting to xi01s0 and proved the value of other property to about 3500 more many of the debts he said never would be recovered and most of the debtors had large sets- offagainst the deceased the defendants had paid a judgment of messrs shuter and wilkin against the estate amounting to 5400 which had exhaust ed all their means the judge charged the jury not to dwell too much upon the admission of the defendants that they had assetts in hand to pay all the debts because it might appear that they were in error not knowing what debts the deceased owed he also thought that too little time had been allowed the executors to pav this demand the diseased having been dead barelv a year he also said that the plaintiffs ought to have proved that the executors had money in hand to pay this demand or that they had not been dili gent in collecting the debts of the deceased neither of which had been attempted verdict for the riaiutillk- we have given i i another place a short account of the trial of mr h smith juu for the assault committed upon us last thursday it is the inten tton to allude to the transaction and ts motives on ruesd jy next we mention this because it has come to our knowledge that threats of a violent nature have been uttered in case we mention the name of this young man again now we wish him and all others to understand that if individuals misconduct themselves no considerations of a personal nature will ptevciu us fioui doing our duty to the public the late recommendation to mercy will doubtless be considered by all the sneaks pug and yankee scamps in town as a general license to assault us but they arc egregtously mistaken if the most severe bodily injuries will prevent the exercise of the moral courage of holding up them and their actions to pub lic contempt and ridicule of an editorial article it was originally sent to s whig for publication but forwarded by uvto q bee to have the facto ascertained it is smguui fact that while the editors of two such papers qnebcc mercury and montreal herald are d about this letter that they should have omitted refer to their quebec contemporary for inform afforded a month since t cc the steam packet united states called kingston on monday we are requested to sm that the summer arrangement of this vessel bw terminated and that she will call as usual at rja ston every sunday evening on her upward trips 0 in the week coding august 30th there rji4 at new york 448 persons of which 103 were of cholera so says the city inspector u some time ago we copied into the wih an article from te advocate accusing the provincial government of toil ully misprinting the status of the land this accusation has drawn from mr stanton the government printer the unusual publi cation of an extra gazette in which by extracts from the journals of both houses he completely disproves the crime nd makes mr mckenzie out lobe that which out of respect for our late sapm- sed connection we shall not call him t a verdict was returned today in uw or of mr barton philips for 3150 azaiiut the estate of the late w zwick efin belleville- proclamation upper canada- j colborne wjhhlam the fourth by the irate of god of the united kindunaf gnat unlaw and ireland king dtfendtr of the faith jy t to our beloved aud faithful legislative uottmcmbrs of our province of upper canada and to our knights citizens and burgesses of the 11 use of assembly of our said province called and chosen to our presud parliament of our said province and to all our loan subjects to whom these presents shall come gkektixg whereas we have thought tilt by and tufa the advice of our executive council ufoursaiil pro vince of upper canada to tlimolve the presritt provincial parliament of our said province which stands prorogued to monday the lilteeuih day uf this present month of september now kauw ye that we do for that rn publish ihiouc kwd proclamation and do hereby tttuolve the said pro vincial parliament accordingly and the legislative councillors and the knights citizens and ilur- geases of the house of assembly are diharged rout their meeting and attendance on the suiu libeenth day of this present mouth of september in testimony wheueof we have caused these our letters to be math- patent aud the great sitff of our said province to be hereunto altixcd ikrc- ness our trusty aud well beloved sir juilv colborne k c b lieutenant governor of our said province and major general comman ding uur forces therein at toronto this lint day of september in the year uf our lord due thou nil i eight hundred am ihirtyjuur and in tie tilth year of our reign j j by command of his excellency iu council saallhbp jaitvla t c uttr d cameron tswrttartf wu have not had it in our power to fullil the pro- uritfb of examining lulu me contagious uutufti ut oie cholera it is an intention we shall shortly execute lcnnwhile wc lay before our readers the following fact from the brockville recorder since writing the foregoing it is wiih regret we learn that the cholera had broke out in merrickville on the rideau canal on monday last aud that s cases had occurred at the time of our latest informa lioi of which two resulted in death mr thomas buck who has for some time been before the public as a candidate on the reform interest for the county of greuville is one of the victims the disease was most unquestionably communicated from a barge which was in tow of the steamboats and on board of which 15 deaths are said to have occurred on the passage from bylown to merrickville unfortu nately for the people of the latter place some de rangement in the machinery of he steamboat led to the detention of the barge from friday till satur day on monday following the first case occurred thus clearly proving the contagious nature of ihc disease bi itiiil wn which convulsed the court with laughter ami extracted a smile even from the coun tenance ofthm judge himself at the conclusion of his address which a lamentably deficient iu everv essential rcqdisitcj he threw himself upon the jury and beggod h t0 consider his m and inex perience tr l they had the power to recom mend him to ie and hoped to god they would thia supplicn repeated twice or three times he called no witness as the jut y w retiring the judge told them that a jury lrn he power of recommending any one to mercy l t suggestion usually came from themselves k s a very uncommon circumstance for a defenda lo request a recommendation to mer cy after bf- out uorac lime the jury returned some persons affect to believe that mr mekcn- je and the present editor of the advocate are two separate persons the following circumstance will prove they are one in a late number of the hamil ton free press mr jtfckcnklo is accused of timing to be a danton or robespierre which accusation is met by what follows iu the advocate of the 4th in stant tlio conductor of the free press eulogizes the memory of the deceased and is sure that tee only want the opportunity to act the part of a danton or a robespierre if this be not complete identification oflr jvc- kcnaic and the editor of the advocate we ask what 1st at a meeting of uic couumttcv of jlaimfleuiyril of the king ston mtcbomc involution beld at the kooowofdiv butt- tuuoo onttaffaytmuiiris the 2d of tfeptuinbcr itfst juiju mitcmjjy in the cniir it was unanimously ri oked thai thi ittttfllttion uvp- lyimpfmmd with ntnrtihmtt wf gmtuudc to- ftvvidoiirah being now permitted to mullki in iumiui ami jatity uic cvura of proceeding wlich hit pmuftce of a fiartbl incidence had for a lime siopirmlcd that io rcautiung fair operation the member of the in stitution now present cordially ttyutptitrta with thtm fiunilta en ktyptoa which ban taut u rawed ufibcb mmfttw und more especially with the nuuy worthy mocbtlrici who bivo ben suddenly swept swsy hy the ruthles dlftcue which re cently prevailed and wno lo will be long rtgrcitcd vliat amoog the numeral victim olxliulera there i none whom rjiiti liiktituituti ran more riawdy lament than mr john buuerworili one tf thu vfeu iveidtil tt ho w nut only a zealous promoter otitic intefcttcofluj association but most exemplary arid uscuil member of society that in mr robert drummond a member of the conimit tee ofmaqagcmctit wh has also fallen under the stroke of pestilence thoy have to deplore the lomof s mostcslimabkas suciatc a loss which wilt not he confined to usil intituhitn and his domestic circle only f but will be extensively fell bv the public in general it was also resolved that a copy of the foregoing resolu tions be ent to uic famihr a of messrs buttcrwonh druiu- mond a ilcnabs re sccy totcnslop affvrtinnd itatul tux isp2 jan 14 1832 amt paid aaron volley per j order of comniisluucr j 5 0 0 feb 23 paid jacob shiblcy eq com mis inner 68 2 es kingston itilt aac- r4 07 2 j thomas markiand troanmr foe the unuh wliic mr editor please to discontinue the adverri- ig of my card din rv jack has not paid me but cannot alfoitl to through awav any more ood money after bad yotns respectfully sept 9tlu ism tut camdln mail dov mr qwelmvo beard it userted but we hardly credit the fact that the board of health of hallow- ell is composed of srentlemen without the presence of ahiilc medical man although no less than three experienced practitioners dwell in the village tt lly the official proclamation it will be seen that the provincial parliament is dissolved the new writs may he shortly expected 7 y a notice in todays paper we learn that a meeting to choose a candidate for the county of fronteoae in the room of the late r drummond esq will take place on thursday next at kingston mills ff tlic utter signed thomas nicholls which has been the cause of much discussion between the quebec mercury and montreal herald did not ap pear primarily in the toronto patriot but in the old quebec gazctc where it was made the subject for tlw druid whiff editor you arc ware nu dirndl that ii i llic practice in great britain ami ireland topiddidi during tlu atfthntc a statement oflhc opening nftlie- 1 mri ihc names oflhc preci- din judges oihrers finuid juror and the ipccttl and pent jururx in all mifiortant casr tuiffp ir i wouhlhcj h ve io rrcmnmend here in order thai ihc public may know who the tirard juror lc arc and thereby be able to judge oldie impartial soleotion made hy the proprr officers as none imi pituii no only possessed of propeity ion reidcik knowledge and sound sense tnit of tctltknvicn integrity and arsy should be entrusted with th live and properties of thcu ueihuuirs and fellow subjects sthseptr ism scrutator to ihc ediuformv uhiim wuf sir 1 wish thro tlu medium of alt the newspapers m kingston to tell hi- public that with talents ca pable of producing poetry hketliat which you are publishing i am destitute uf every ihing that rend bis life comfortable i tlo not expert however that your contemporaries will oblim me so far one of them refused the monody on lmrtfc mackenzie but i hope ihvy will nay as a literary mendicant i beg they will in order that i may get a word or two out the suppression of nhieh is choking rtic wiih your leave e startling to see a man come boldly forward and dtvlare himself deserving who has got a bad opiluoilof himself in private or what better security euu ik man give of his hones ty than ft public avowal of it i till he be likely to err grossly who bring the world critically upon his shoulders is ac likely to he wrotltf dial iu si- ber carnetiiess feels god ro be hi father if these questiaaft be fairly atwereil the people of kings-