fiisi fiwmwv if c njfmves of children there is now confined ill newgate to await his trial a child onlv right yqttiv of ae named juihi vnlsd who was committed by jtfr ucmiet the prtlfce magi strate ofworhwp street and ciiitiwd in the ca lendar as a prisoner lr trial for stealing the sum of u 2d the irtotiics of henry swmiim the boy wts on n previous occwioncliabgeil with having stolen a penny ril before uu sauiu magistrate vhfli it u beficsvod eonmiiued hira to prison en the benevolent hepc that the unprotected condition of a poor infant mght excite compassion amoiigat those who superintend the prison of newgate ami lead to voiuc arrangement likely to bovo him from utter ruin whatever mhdit have induced the magistrate to vend ihv child into iiil- eaol of rfewgatcj where it is so difficult to pruveill the rapid spread ofinoril contttninuiiofii itw certain that the warrant of com miunent was rauivcu with a start nf astonishment even by thoe who arc in the habit of witnessing accusations against persons who are not very capa ble of disthntuialting between right and wrong the boy entered the prison with his arm in a sling bavin broken il some weds previously and the row sir- cotton immediately entered into conver sation with him and found him to be a mere babe the hew and taftt sailing steam boat black hawk gapfc wessemi will leave sacked harbor every tntvday and satunlu nionnitg at 5 oylock for osfdensbnrilu toitchitir at kingston french creek alexsih lhi brockvillc and morristuwn pasmiiff t1n ukh hinds in the river st luwffctiru by daylight july 17th 1831 wtafa ihi ton the ftoru mc much was and the policeman gov iceman took hold of inc and took it ied the boy with a smile how u you have been doing said air pal real 1 1 said m cotton- m was a h has nicked it sirt- i am told it was two shillings and twopence mo there wasnt more than one shilling i took it out of the lilt myself oh you did it upon the sneak did von the boy upon hearing the slang word looked im huighiuijinto the face ofwtfr cotton and said yes thats true enough i did it on the sneak r and who told yimi to do it p i did it myself there was nobody with inc ami what were you going to do wiih it fd buy bread and cakes and fruit when you stayed out all night where used you to steep the boy laughing 1 used to so into a old house ami fall fast asleep when i was tired the appearance of the poor child was that of perfect simplicity and it occurred to the experienced and humftns ordinary that if ever there was a case which called for a measure to en- forco magwuhte t eropttniwl juricarfc draunston tious anfl inflict punishment according to the vari ous ofteuccs committed by persons brought before hm thi was the case- to look at this babe in ihe tol of newgate uud r a warrant of conuninuctii ibe exact copy of that which is authority ior the detention of the most hardened ruiliau would make many people laugh but maay mure weep at such a mockery if this poor child hud been pro perly corrected when he tint showed the propensity to niifer it would havi been unnecessary to fasten iipun hi ill uu oppmtli iuiis uibtiiieuiiiiy n hn tiflvr dii of having been committed for a robbery to his ma jesty gaol of newgate true s auction 6c commission ti1k nnoliksigivkulhiwltfuveuiiiiliiin lite friends mid ilia public smitralty ii liu in com- meitced il business of mfctionblik and mtmxttpi wbrgiiant in mi ii various bmiithutf rile uh siniul ufiuu laic miiliiul moran in rii fnvft mvrchoiitt ami others iwwnnu chir rrtnimnntirf may uvpuntl nprni tt- iiununl uiinciuiiiltjr klltl iuui imc1 land ilmvcs cuttki and uousclld furmivn sol i tmwi mid ciuiitr advanced on fflwiil james linton kingston april 4th ljl uu the piercera in one of the oldham cotton mills children between ten and fbuituetf years have struck for higher wages had a meeting appointed a chair man drafted resolutions and finally compromised to the free anu independknt klixtuks of the town of kingston not having publicly announce tny inlrniinn lo sov il ycur suftragc u member of parliament fir thu lottnol t next general election i now bg icate l rllal in compli ance with the tvifrhcsof a lare portion ofmy hn- hmnincn u conveyed to me in a numerously signed rtfuihiiun i slial present myself to your notice on ino day of election my long resijenro among you entitles mr ii twi that my principles aro well known ami rny nuacltincnt tn the crown and constitution of great britain unqiiclioinliif tn snpnort ot wikich i trui always to sund prouunenuy furwnl if 1 should have the tionorlobe rcttiiiiud btvwif member pledge myself to supyotl a bill to incorporate the tmvn of kindlon a sill to prevent the pnvlndtd pciiiuiitinry ieing an injury to mechanics a bill to repeal the summary pimuhmoin arf which fr- trites dubndafa suhjeetof bis diaret rilt t1ual uy jury my raoatactivc exertion will he cfttl to pravrai ihfi clcruy reserves pasiug into the hands of a lmimint chun h my private intercuare intpcmbly limul up with itioie of tin town 10 promote the propcriiy nfwiiicti will always be the chief object ofmy ambition i bavcthc honor to bo gentlemen your ohoilienl sen ant aiaiiam tkcax kington feb 2i1ii6j ljbpi book a mwthlv ma0a1um of oiugivai- and sblkcted tales exgraviks and cttaisrenlv tlvi ir the philadelphia fashions slteitblv colhuekih whsn nhoot 0aryear ayo the ladjd dook wd ttibniucd ismhc uriofpttbncrtjiniwi ic propnetors majc aomfelnm likely n crctiie txpections tvhicb ifcry ronm uniktc even n lmitntbalikuiy ofreahx- taf they were netferthctcwj rtlclli lllllni i progri ivily n alnpt ovcry im- frevmmt whkh oiugciit ooileiy lopbfliollhir iu lnuj tfrrtmt ttttd lift w oow the rrmorcn ting ttioi- faction ttfti r ictvln ch fully oro mraijilv puriivil l cowrve orc4in it tantoirtl y u nrrul itinn tmr eucbaltc ihftd dlal ftfoj o niinlmyjfnitu ih initnt sttfm hm1 ohiiseswhi otjiiifoiaiseilhc fnmlaibllfrac eridince dflttptfl n- iiiily ulftffbriol ihrloi guarantee or wimw rxrrlli rr yhchteff- ary dqvmmm otitic laty9 deol fs ortmiirlmi4 riori litiuroa- function with ilc grcrl ui unlozsird tbcfulii w nh hu thej iivroutt edcielopcnrctfiraoir authors ihry pmh larilitir erofifoi ihocti iheir foreign actits nod compcndebu ami vrk ofwlikli p fill p copies ire sf ni to ihtu oumry amou ihc ukin clainui whtcn ihc lotlyc oflk uti n itw patronage otamntad he tcai li no utc u m ir im pgutorli lo pcd rorrect rcrctettacion ofthc nvrv owtiioo or i mau ctune nnd n lh woeui may ftlfly cluimarrioriiy orr1t 4mt roftkinpom ric frr wc prop klito fcmov cuiibrc tkr hjc or rendering ital icfpcaff wcring fit- irreftir j inrreaiv rrrrnp nrtrr wot the ihle ofa took iwejniiuu uy it enilnii dnm uiat of in laif dooleiijtctmm fbvjii door iir vrhxiol and ordinal knfinwiibm on mocl tnt wofy tierafry ilitiiuitird ibliion aad cmtjtf44cry nl rich and bcamttfltl m mii llic kinoeoafir tovrt mnraht artitv lu ihfrmore mi paruutiry nrci fr r jvom duil 0 thoah ueiii wilh tifryhiloeff and coflvr dm uorr rnl etanuifr- mcai tfimnii ifcc fltfmblfq htcdboi of dclifait flrtffinlntlriifl to m- ical ainnicur of l c the iad dwk oflrra mmy dviinlnp- each diimf briiteoinyatilri hy a popular ptfty arftttpd uith ac- tom for h piano fore c ac hfcfrf the jnrr7flec orcon- lctroi pcwvtff joulfoiiii pflgirsiheepi6f0 rribr cttqolmiys turn and fiuj aiuncnrjni nivhiy ail iublrudion tncu iminur iinll a kith erto aveng co mlfchw xtra royul octn ctlcr prr- ur un nh clear bctrtuldbtivutllllliypcj on prpcrof tlrrftti irifmk m wmlflbl cotoor it will copiinue to k eroutuled with iht utrim yiendid m viiiptnncopprf iiolfcrl cinbmcii vey variriy i mlrjivt ntmihr rulirutty uum1ettf will ui her vmtaln i3m rf ljjjinfllfliia fdjlm3 two occasionally ihfce heaotirull uivt f noifntk- roksire locommenee with tc jnouary auoibvr brio noa 1 nftfcrhliui volftne it may be doovety w ay thai ihcsc eocro irc iwool drawn and eoravcj expfcaly for ihwork by d mpe mil prtit fjciuily coojei lor iftai purpe tbemheultihmritm otlm work are vonicft hctlty uicror to any which have tieeo aiiuihod mi any mllcrmmtbr puldkaiion uixl ftfltn the nrranndcnu whkh imvc brcn mcwv lurc iit cvrry rcximn io bcncth thy willboblill intmr m in uddiiten to uic sceelcficravrnv eaeli ntioibcr will contain kttfnl umulifbl won cnfavinfi on fine yellow tinmt papt and vvry excrtiri vscrelftcd t mtimin ihc preheat exalted rcpoiatiw and n pmuncm ofihe la- dh book the puwieotion of the pftlzbtalbfi v ill tic rcsorordarnl cnniimied ood fcvcml bo o pwf and verr are expacirtl fron writers wholavcnlret mtaiord much c1ua ly i tte excellence orutcir poldihj cohtridotiaiif the term of the itadv8 hook nr dier ddjurft per annum poyuuciuudvanci- all order pt pailj nddn itoilie piuhhrr will ba promptly ttfdmtal to penion remitin tin dollars hajl be en- miri pioruic work ivrof4 rrmnimt jlitin didfard huh be entitiod to mx cop filii work iihi udddniil amn uf iim het en gfftvtrrgn i r immii irn ww phtwclbw n v lfu jtrdiitt llic rat- li for inriame lnidr n discount ol lirtren ptcl ni 1 pricntfd willi acopyofihcihird vofome of rework upcrhly bmmjpt i wlntimrr puh- imien and mucr reapoiuiiuic pcroah wtoukt in lmmc agobw of il work ure roqocatcjujkfid uvlr wiunm toil pnritor lncornam notes ofokent tnnk recckcd to paruni 01 pel vntur plmufcrtbj l a gouhv a co atheoiaii onildini fnoklio pbee phtladctltaft to let with inmnfjiatc powttaion ihtu btisirrew lately occupied by t uituatcri next door to mr warehouse store street cnpital btantl for tfubfciiltcri and truurtf hardware iv yhu 1834- lake 0nta1u0 wilxiam avery trnpntrerullrlrurr i milliliter of ifae waoi pl it gmts 1 1834 lake ontario the new htttaal boat fiir rl i s he in i i t uidluki ontaritf bulwcei aoara as followas lipwabl uirali every u- c otl lllc ois- iitnnlty suntlav i sash far-tfory- ti1e sucrihcr rcpfctfiihy infortll ihe in tatii90fkiikniom nnd iis vicinity ilrai iiohwrt v connnenrtj iiuikin vviiidtw tfasiict sii lii nflloiiijitig tic kingston fourulry where tic im to keep oil hanil a ifirsc ttttonimltt ofcmmv wliicli i- will wll low kir rah ami lie luipn l qsiduoualciiiuu to bunlut to tucril uvh niimir pntrtinngc c allorderfl fonhc obovo iliankfuuy ivc and promiilv siiteiulrtl to kintonmny 2 ljl j paiuibn huhi- tvim hllop trmls lilid y ida re o cird vttckv llufbor hurl rcr kmidinr mttliy toroiiirt york il c il liiucllitlff i ivcecott mnirimmvii kxihflrii prencli crrck mid niston ttt livliv ruoftiiw uiviiiff nil ritu tfciy to i ii fulu oi by die huif downward- bto a 7 a 1 h op or m ik at tt 1 4 li cdtictnli do tti niagtin brockvtliu nrrivea a imssriiir dcoas and memorials court of krqttwla ninnks u e llond ami powers of attorney lltiltiiworv xutcs to orut ntnl to bearer cutllw- sion ot juugliitfitbl i slltmnonso w account tsmiihiotiaua on ntt declarations jttdlptwntt rulb aiitl mitulry otlur law lhinks in the court ol kin uilicll anil distiirt oottlta toilio mtoi1cr if wnuk diuv adtprtiwdj add lion nreheins iutde wccklvi bniisli whig oflicc 1931 tic wwn u men cowin hkq itonlit unto iow in the pre s mid linly will ihs lniblivbcd at ihe toronto heeorjtr ami oundral evitilitf kg tallihment markctliunct toronto x mk fftjfl ft lktftjt to ins wonmiip tin mayor or tokonto declaratory of a design to free thrsc provinces from the bantful domination ef the mother coontrtf ui tli lie comments of ihe prrs if cjiper cunaua on ihe pernicious tendency and ireiikotmlilc ubjects of that icjter and the speeches hrsoliitiihlffv and ameiidinents of the connwom council of ihicify which were the result of a motion of hint hotly to divow all participation in iltt sentiments of iilihic wrrn as istrodcctwn tiieketo- it cmh trshwta of tafftisiiti cttmts of tftix pamphlet inll plutsv to signify tfirir trish mmifwts i ft f bjf titter post paid 1 to 6 j buul as a i- pttlatctt number ontif uil he vritttrth toronto i7ii june j 631 42 the jnardtan toronto briiih whiy khi- toik free press hamilton and cittkutloj aiuii- trti will please publish tie ahove cnnmuflkr ltiihjiint xotjvb h henliy irivcn llint the coikt of oyer and ter- uiiiter beaivral iaol dulivrry and of assize and kiprint in and lor the iiikreiit iltrict ill be ft follows totnu ivrth vrnwall- broekville kingston iicto iimitun ihnntlton ifjndon sandwich xiifani toroiiio t district itafhitrxt atrhy johnstutrn miiixl ctatft to cnwntuc vcdnrihiy oih july r moil da v llih august avednewlay 20th tio wcdnrmlav ii sept princt crzrvtuctdav juth sop- h idnv i i irt dorr niagara i llwtr 11 oui uv uaolcrs constahu itaililui and rttltei fietfp are eoininnnded to take notice uv order of the cottft id so- n timry j0h july monduy llili iuut ayedurruhtvj th ang- xtitffbivi 2nd sav tim- lv ulhortnhr t mo t at 1- it i i lucc u- chahle5 g svivll fjrrt ij tltr ilurit ci5atcss klncstox uprbit caxaja kot1ck t1u3 pukuc nro lipiehy informed that lliv suhenhr 1 conliniie t hire out he iiearci mhiial ui llic follouhl irruis pop i btciiibw ufsi ienrirev ilnudi tor a member of any oihrr cluirch wjio is not n tdenhrr v lloro anl diivir proidcd tn aliouiir people lie will alvo uhrn wip d nridrriake liic liitiw- flffunient of funeiis 2 gil 5 5 w i cook kingston aie iiiih thoj leave to give no- ortultutc circttoi- hreakintr her en- stox to lake the nils until she is rlorm those trips d suiter much in- ihe uaviiitioh beg leavti locate s well tried iviend tih3 proprietors of the stenniito irnitelid lor the very liberal patrui have received from the pub i ic beg lice dial in codwiploiscv of the mil aftaikv u tlh stramhoal itrorirftc iriiie iltry liuvu allowed the uim- place ft f the urocktille on iil- raj rctinrcn as no ttherhnat could ik and without which the puhlic word convenience by the interruption of the proprietor of the ktihttton tllftl they have procured the piihlic ami faitliful servant rhtr steatnhnat toronto to supply the place of du ktogntm on the bay and river until the kingston restaurs her irimognjil on the hay the toronto will leaw presroit on mqutlay ami tluiprtdny afternoons touch at hroruville t knieli creek to kingston wdl hxc kingston ibr the bay tin tuesday and friday morning will kavc the carrying place or kington on wednesday and saturday inorrtiinn will leave kingston lor precouon wednesday evenlqgfl and on monday moniiua at 5 oylork livery exertion shall he made in the toronto to ensure the comfort of passengers kingrton july 4tt i63j- t every tuisday at kviss jjcwu n rochester oswcei saeketrt harbor kinffhun u cthuidiiv tmiehhiu brencli ctt ek alexandria hrafa and moniouji nnd miiat ogdcnauryb wcdtiwday u f 8 p qa- 5 p ii r 7 a a m k i 4 ll 0 a it c a n j2 m i e v 1 a iu 8 a m- 9 r u 1 r m s a m r hi 7 a m 2 r u 8 r m r aft s cash paid fur rags by june 10 i1akur egan for pnriiculars pplv to mr yorker or m i f sale tinware crockery riiai fra kfolgfltod mny olh 1834 j a cokkett jiiimjiw iy bakei ft eg aw bwcs jtsw york tyie foundry the snhscrilers respectfully inftirin the ivintcrs thai lltrv font of liave recently completed avaricty of new letter in the style of the latest european i calculated for ornamental piiirjii ur lutefnl disjav and making their assortment ol pwtijyg types tinrivalled in hniy extent and variety a hnok rf m3 ivunnined at ihcpoundi io ij chainhers street lf chatham street nrat no 18 city hall place- conhiiiw ftpecimelis ivon twelve line pica ro patl c0ropllo0g 41 fiuits of ktiiai cnpl i itowb will on the 23nl of jul v commence her u lvceii udeiwburgh and niiigani as ruiluwft coinn ir leavra oydcnslniih tuesday at kingston wednesday sarkefs ilarhur w oswego sudu4 thursday hnche tcr do kt tonmio late yurie tliitrmlay comim mowni leaie icistott pnday wocikut saturday 8ndtj do osto do s lirhor sunday kinstoeif do toucbimrnt french creek alexandria and brock- ville no her wav tip ami dwn jtmc26tli 1sj 4s a fkks1i supply of grockriks til s3 suliscribur iwgalwiveto tender his sincere ilunk to his fneiau and the public in general for c support lie has received inecle commenced iicajll kinyator also to inform them he has jnsi arrived ironi monircal with a large and choice assortment of wisks jamaica bnnrrvj sranisn ami cocnac biiajdv hollands ciis pkprkii- hixt and snatn worth the notice of tavern keep ers also groceries earthenware among which area tjuiutttly of figured flower potj glass and a large quantity of iv at huiia ricc of the first quality a huge assortment of alt water fiju table salt cheese butter oaitncal cormneal honey floor pork oat sole and upper lea ther constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston july 10 1831 storage ami wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known s houses and wharf formerly occupied by mr joint mctiitira at the foot of store street as to location they have not their equals in town those who wish to tore property or dispose of it by consignment mny rely on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he maybe favoured within tlteahoic line of business n n im utitajjuiundouuii of ivuvethsn lltctc will be a room ctiwl for the reception of ba- uaron philips kingston april llih sk 1884 summer arrangement the proprietor of the steam boat united sfato finding that the poat is competent to perform 3 passage in from 30 to 36 hours have determine run her through the lake from the 20th of jo to the will of september leaving lewtston ogdensburgh alternately every 5b day durhji which lime she will carry no freight but run excltj sivcly for passencer on the llthof sepiembe she will resume her weekly trips as heretofore vertised steam boat 5 3 0 r 2 3 il 10 7 it li ii 4 41 u 4c italic thin mottnin tiilemic shadii koina antiipi lllack open llwck cniffli do e script geunn open two two 1 arcs- do do ita do dr do do u text do ivxt do iiier ciijntals witli i die italic capital shade capitals of various killtls italian capitals ami figures boeide ornamental letters baekslope mutid lottery figures piece fractions superiors as- troiioinical and other b0 space ktdcs bruti killed ornamemal phm lung braces more limn im kinds of b ml kiiids of cuts and on xewpppcw and scicn4 orders for any of which or for conip- sliefc cuse chases r will be executed r he utmost promptitude a isirire slock being towftv ii l- jhev will also exece orders for i riuting pres- sis pajier ink c- w lk iii rarnisfi at the uaiuifacturertf prices ffigc ioxdun ii j op pvckbt8 ru ail 1iil kirst 4kd sivrkttfth or iacii vvjurli irtnnd igi everv mvnth month tin line is at procfll tfoinposcd of eilit liiop i lurciik vnil jiuin nvw vurk and london on the mid i rum purtmoutti on tlio 5th aim aoilt of unless tlioihiy otvtiliii ikkiii fall ou sujjj xv prinicn of iwspnp w pkbw pnbiidi lliis idvcriisemen with tin ote three limn sending i paper enntaininff it i foundry will receive ut when they jn paj pa in of tluir hill ironi die jynv york ifflti in wjnrli case it will bu ikurrcd till next day prom amy yoiilc jnjv i shin canada tlifimu brittoh tnaitrr jv ig hiiiji dovicrcuix j- krarncvv martirr an- 1 ship iiaxn1dai k b itrinnl tnnt4r am- ifi sbip p1iilaoelpiiia k e moran urasbrr mny 1 lii samson l cliidwkk master miiv hi saiji ihkiuext itfiiw mooic nvwtcr june j ship onta1ho v s- tiubor muter juno 10 ship montreal chomplln master from london slay ic 1iaxnibal ua port mouth jarnwv i jiim i l jili0 icamon icavxd lvrmoutli ffeb 10 nenisllir school bookn t j lpnesinknt leavv ivrtmiiouth ku20 july igontak10 havcioruminilli mohi 30 aii 1 moxtkbalimlorlmiiiili 10 april i6canaua lvavm pbttfoiomti dewudier ml mii i stvikliun leaviwfurumcwlh dc 3u tliiwithqiiim allofilusfirwitfhuw ubouisoo tuns uurtlwit itnl am commamfch liy atilu jnnl i k i mvifeotim tlntol ram will in taken ilnil llilt hcih slurc r an ufuu i- ilttfcripfimn tin- piic uf cilnii pii oiitw irl mlltn atifuotcmoiil ntrs itiuh in rutfjiiiulmm iviih rliv pmprititdr ul llirjjvoral lavruool kit lttlui is now fixed at 130 exclfflnvfl nfvif1cf ail hliiuofj wliiili will be faniblm riijji p4tnir n llicrililijnl mil- llit ar lurd the pf iiiftd ranl thaw ill unburn mi lnlvari oftlirliipfc base fuur times tin anion it i nnirv v tl 0 lkt roit oxt on noue ybahs vt clririm stone house kilirjled hi church trvet in ih town ol ki rommndul a mol t x uive and dc5inbtlillicu of lake ontario and il surrounding country wiih an excellent iiih ii jinntlikc nchlioie stable wood house a ice floosie vit every convenineenitable itir a larire family uuk anexieiiriie ijrew rrv ami nrdlho jt r apply t tte iuiioiiiihui vti in uot- btkoe it kngla liny if i np ui i iviijji rf x- tflciliutiiti in ckiswlml inllii kuw mcui wliwuklbv vv tuu aiiit1iiit run daily fiin lurlmrunlli whctc lilmc ton itj loml and tccuivc porx llur to iliticrenl ioiis fca ti i rokuhtit vork i- mil in tim contcnvtb y jnliriuafimii relative lo ic inul y appirahii at uii i it l llko nfpwktt mit i uitt ywith uivmrihe miilei tfienm jiill with i dutilh an liiil of j isorc and i wry iim r conceit how btiiiitirwi also an ajebmim tiicrcoit well in biifittew viehvrhv auer malthunto ice lir ciirrvimr on i extensive n a file itkhiii canal liuving a greater depth of water rlinii iiv otln whnrf in kingston jlie sleek in tmdi via irley voir rye mutt wheat com ryi hibs cwais cord wood wu ieaoned wall- run clkry ivpiiic plank boards may be taken m a fair valuation if required the above property limy be lei either logutljer r tutanlv for sale i niritcri or ti miiu rirlilp odioisctiiie m i if ihwullicc otqi umddx lii hj wiluilav ii floats he a- wharf with mail u ifrd ibr the forward- tliemaiu firiliihttwwn tal nml rijiiin nnllm aiut iurctice cirl roujc weluum tlthrn mvk viz til miiu lurtv oiliotctiilie imttst pu nmle to tli erf rr nf ihwullicc ar iiicji lin a wn k vi ohmku liy tn ifciy wyjnilay tlmirjjy friday a saturdav llic iti ih jl tttpimt nf ihii oie iulinf niaiua w 1irajt aiiaft ttreclmtelj linaa ivuk vi n jiimhiuv tnv- iav v tjuimli ilitlay tad tfjuinty tbve i rivm iili jay at 0 ovinek a pum fuuiii iiy of vi aio ilia u1 key kuirine upwais jf b messr j i ward co ile 7 of superior resinv stcam- nnwer made by lent inw r lmisj of ajnntrii utl for merly forirrimlin ke curn a e- for il aoove uis lillerv miitfliins 10 bttillei- iw iv likewise i cu- per stills auo a pi cl rseehent french itnrr mill skinia hivr forersh for further parnculars enquir on tile ilttftlbta all hprsonfi indehie 1 to the suhscriber arc re- quested to vtih tlieiroceihiotfl wjilioift delay and those low hum im in hiilehtvd are pariieularly de- muivii to prcst ut uieir oceouula immediately for li quidation t molson kington june 27th ljk dvi tj4iliy tliurmlai t ini fi ijk p si tic lil fir t liimlrn kitaj vilto v majc upon tinjtw ami ivijiy at c ielnck 1- 1- the mail 1r till ojiiv itf ittwatr i tlmil lirccc a wvk iz i mindiy ami thunday liovtik i m tie mads fiir nvmaikh anil mfam oilicw xwth of voile rc clucj tttiw a w viz un monday oitj tltor- jav ai tfovleik 1 m the mriilstnr oilie xotth of port hope ie cavan riteritufnuli e aie closed mfc week vik on tfutuiday nttloidndc p u the mailftflftf marniora arc closed onrc a week viz on tlnifmvil fiuylnrk p m the maiu pr tin ollicc on iho route tliroueh tlcvcrly tlinrriljv the llai week viz vcek iz on sjtuidjy hqj the sui1sckujek tinders his thanks tii hie rublle fr die liberal patronage he has received since he imi been in liusjnes hill lakes ihi method to inform lliem that he kcepv constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware buckskin miurus and tllovcs whip cijrars conbs buttons sewiuif silk and thread and many other article 100 huincmufl for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlcffi which can he had ou advantiieous terms by applying at the ftijm of the bear uabkt svaur old are i ttnrc a amwetak p ai u fur tin united state an loaeil thnc times a on mowbtyj wejnday and frijay qtsoctoek ariiivai or thk hauji the eaftrjnmhinmvotfftfftte9i wek viz nnstonday tucntmti wvjnrijay tiiumhv friday and tfalunjay flh vleni jiuuarnvcxftwiaweck viz on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday cwrff lifisr of arrival 4oclock p m tin slaill ifool ohices weti of ancasler will arrive twice a wcukj vzz on tuesday and friday vviili the mai fioin ork tllc prinre ldward mail arrive three times a week viz on muhillyi wednesday and fiiday nt the same time with the other western mail tiie ticiulliern or united satcs mail arrive tfieehmes n week viz un monday woduotfdvy and friday probable arrival on an average through the year 5 oclock gcee peathers htpcr koh jtl pwter cop per and ivntsg oeer pfklnt filuxp skins hee wax tullow vvr will be received inpayment thv highni price paid at alt t inns in for furs n ii those who hffc unsettled accounts will please eall to neitks the hwflbq and by o doing they will oblige killefhluii barton feh 4 ruillirss i paints oils and may 30 18j4 dw stuflk forsflle hv john iaukgk ploulilljs axes ikakes pitchfork 8cylb and smithy just leeeiverd an i forfialc by may2 john j parker hour ol p m office hours the oifiec will licopon from h oclock a m till 7 oclock p ii every day exeeui the sanhath when hruers will bo dchvcied mily heiwtn the hour of d and 1 a si as to letters uoinq abroad the following leolaliona musl lie attended to otherwise they will remain rntl firwardcd and he lot to all concerned letter for the uuitrd states nuim le postpaid to capo viii rent and sucli u hw intended to go that way to i j mum he pot paid to kuw york leilw for rilmpc inlelided to he nit iiy qurhcc must le nr paid lv qvowei and ihoe intended tu be sent by halt fttf ppf fahumiali pnrbcl mutf ho pim paid lo ihlifiuc iueiimii niiy im mtii iiy way ofqmboe lielween aith slay and 1st njrin1itr in slerrhaul emls i in y may ikj hirwarded hy th other route at any soanii foi die reulaius ivhtivi to poste on letters for the gmtiamtotkumhs wont indies ae eo the pot siatei gunoral advtirtnkfttent put up in this ofbco italrjtof ptmaeoua single letter fiorrfthia oflic to cape vincent 3il to mew voik u 2d lo luebec 1 btk to halifax lm any ewspapei that in itirwardcd without being pol paid will he ehaned with tetter postage uateofpoaye of nbwupwir from lhiolliec lonny par olthe drituli proviuee hi to cape vincent jd and lap vineiil to new york on cent and n half john macallay p ii kuishvhth iftm for wigtcn at 7 p- m e3111 united states propelled bif ttro j fut twpr wr tinglta capl n leaves i july 22 27 august september 5 10 passengers go fiuin odiinliurgh to muiiitvalq from 16 to 1 hours- leaves ocdknci icu rna mra xr 8 a m july 20 25 30 aigttut f ft ij i 21 september 3 8 xouchetat toronin hit trip in the evening of llu s- ways voungstown akiy sackets harbor kmsfmtnti urocktlle and morrtuvti she will be at oy huitd uptumf un h morning of the sctotul day ami doirurnd in tin nl tcrnoon of the second duj piwrtcuiw from thr south will find owetm as well us iiurheier aroii- vcuient point of embraknituu for niagara fafl any ports on lttke ontario m the hu lawmio river rkon iiir ujwrinl nil njujifbui rutin uay ifti iiiehr tv b vvd gri m o m a ut am cajtj pair at xapjxer by viutce or a riottamatwn issued hyfe excellency the i4eutetmtil tiuvernor and hoari date the istlt day ot april last past a martxd cattfje fafli is to be holden at napanrv mi the fnt jitesdyoh september lt0xtj wd uti lliv iirc pucay in t months fmircb mil rfcv in nrwdi fidlnh year public notice 18 ilturrfure hereby civcu that rtj said fair beiiiq ihtr liot will be hell at ipmt on tuesday lhtttenul day nf sipiendor nn pl will continue duriii- iu tw liillnwnirilivs vl horses and cattle oi every dcdciiptmn v ill be exn ea for alo living fully aware of iv lrntial umhi ricultnral country tfwm derive ivnai ih merit of a wt4l pftl tvtl ltbin slnri iftiir the produce of every part of ihu uitritt inay w ut eaui brought ij fab and iiijiar uj hon stewards would durc i- pttblit ibui orxtiij will be hrnnlinff nn sliirir put lo render idtabl vromtnodatinn 10 eviw clts nf tricntuutft others mnplu pnnnu will bkuuij bj irmdefi ibv eontiinncc ot i ira tuiere aiitimuvrs pn lirs hikkitcrs aii mc ulher pvrons tthv mr fuel disponed tu hlti ml nujnmctf 18th auuu 1s31- the st os k tiit will reoj 1111 llll lomiavi kinsvtun an 7 rti isi iltl aiiant 1su konce tiicconmiit1firi4ilitil llj i fitliit nf fk idiilih fc kioion in mid- tnfiwitri lif nliuf fr tltb wiltoivd ulumians vft hy ifu i bilt ri in vl tiwn jin d ru tl- rtllowio ittvolutsflffr unjiol lhthjiw m tri and llorso iirtiiulifly nntoir thv lhrrikt4 in llu hiunfrfpl rcicrtful rrifj il i crav v it ekcomuikjiita uljt i nf iuliititi inl pnitr tiiisd dtlilil krmhrtl tluit ini v lit lvti in flir iniihr riw an if i i il if i nit4tiik nfpr nn rrli t vfc will apnly loll ivrst ii t i dititii imhiisimi uuv lowu trfu wnitumitv iticrm4x y in- uljinrd kr0tftf thai dli- im in kis1im mllhi vdulior in 1 1 ju hltv ofliiir i itr- r piuiilu ioinl rh 1 i i wdt im itmubaittv p ii iin- win rm i rvculto co pvurluvifd uc i ts l lll rrtrf kiimim aniim xouick tulip inhabitant nf pi bayh linf wtl iinr in uikid it irrt rsivt ii irrli i uikiv will hj aliovcd tu i i t liid id imii p irr tub prattrlosiir of h mi irkhi iimiu daiiv ooniki iai imtt lunw kuvi tn mftn h ktilncribei3 j klitiuiii d k- iiriitiy t liar h ban appointed a- tlwr liw vlitui whnyr ty uotxl itrr t 4 iimi ill zlitfl t litisvttcii witli iiiv no lnva bo4 tt 1ne oificl wij iind tirir pupitie mr invr v ill fuwartl tu muiitivul the hftl ufmieh may tliprti hi ihribi and tlj mtnuht ptiuclnttliiy in didivcry may he depcitdt kiiinmsdjtilylt 13 in ternh uf the montreal ltud and daily cg mercifil gasieue c3 ivnn of tiie tntthuly pithlihvd on mondu ud thursday xi i noticji ijlli junr is to emigrants in want of work emkf uavis in avsur nt linphynr nt are iufmul ed the grand river attiitphhhl company hfli adveritsid fur one thomhttittt aforerhj who will meet with immediate rmplnymrnt ntilin pounds currency ptr moirlu and board several hundred laboreb5 arc also wanted on the well3xd cmn at the sttmo rate of wages emiraurs desirous ot availing themselves of d above oiler should proceed hy way of the wullai canal and land at port robinson there i also a jrrat demand far mechanic at hamilton oundas aneasier and liruuifoij farm laborers are misch honied in the ndllihorhoml of the towns for furiher infbriiaitioii fiinienmts are lircci io apply io mr caluriuolu a uomllioif a- h- iiawke frlmiiitttt jlriiiil kingston volunteer kirk companv notice is dcreiiy fiveil umt the mevctiip of i company itl lie ilnpcnsl with until iik i m tiny in ociuikt next augiini 29th isji ii smith c oliver s citptttim