itish w published semiweekly opiper pe1 orpem dicor volume by e j barker m d the british whig a semiweekly journal devoied lo commercial and political infwflmtion ia t l i i every tuesday and friday evenings bv doctor barkor editor and proprietor al his of- ico in near streot noit door to uie commercial hotel for country circulation only liie british whig u ktivostojv u c friday september j 3 1s34 no 11 itibltsheil every tuesday alurnoon in a weekly form and will e found to contain llic most important matter of the semi- weckly paper tcptmfor the scnitvkly paper one pound per annum if paid in advance or within three months from the receipt of the first number ami one jmund five shilling if collected at the end nf the year exclusive of postage for the country piper twelve shilling and sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within three months from the recoiptot the firt number and fifteen shillings if collected at the end of the year exclusive of postage companies of indivrliuu who reside in the country and who may prefer to mivj to the office for their papers may have them supplied ot ten lilliugs per copy per annum prompt no subscription received for lefts than six months and no paper discontinued until d arrearages arc pnid up except at the option of the publisher black white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity ihatthcy intend to com mence business as white sr black smiths brass fottxtoeas bl die 8inksbs in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of cljesnuto old stand in addition to the above hnrse shoeing and far- ring will be carried on in all heir branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyta housb to let the premise fbrnrly occupied by the laic henry dnjfo sfrvaie in store street above the scotch kiife for a term of year apply to james doyle ar mr john low attorney market square kingston julv25th 1831 4 kingston sept 2nd 1831 8 airijertlscmtnts six line and undor2gdfirstimertion and 7 id- each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d firftinsertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten linear 4d per lino for the firt insertion und id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisement without written direction are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ordeis for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agents unless post paid jlctter press printing doctor barker having obtained i most superior press and an excellent assortment of jon typf is enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprecedcntly low in upper canada seminary for yolkg ladies the misses haines respectfully inform the inha bitants of kingston end its vicinity that they will be happy to receive a limited number of pupil at their establishment comer of rear and clarence streets on monday september 15th to whom they propose giving instruction in the various branches of a genteel and useful education n b a card of terms upon application kingston august 17th 1831 ft 77 j having neglected to lease granted to him of the sillt whereas conrad fulfil the conditions of a northern part of no 10 in the second concession of the township of kingston this i to give notice to all persons not to hire or till oi trespass on any part of the said land nathe lease is invalid darius smith waterloo sepi 4ih j934 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of shifts and hides s r c alb we ix respectfully acquaints his friends and the public that he still continues the lkatiikr utwttlcw ni biv old stand hi the market place where every description of articles in that line my be had at nil times qjcash paiti for hides and skins kingston june 2 1 i 1934- fokwaeding for 1834 the ridciiu and ottawa steam uoat forwardiug company respectfully inform the public that they will he ready at the opening of the navigation to re ceive and transport pasenffers goods wants and merchandize to and from montreal to kingston at ihe undermentioned rates cabin pafl6itgfb from montreal to kingston and from kingston to montreal 60s and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through the route to kingston s gd allowing to each adult 50 lb baggage freight of goods wares and merchandize from montreal to kingston 2s 9ri per cwt freight from kingston to montreal as under flour 2s per barrel pork 3s oil- do ashes 5s cd do wheat 601hs 8d per bushel payment of freight will in all cases be exacted on delivery of the property- goods by this line will be put into large barges which arc decked all over and not disturbed unti they arrive in kingston and being an gation q bed it shortly will be published the memoirs of a wag by an officer of the roy- navy after a residence nf fifteen years in america written during his temporary banishment in lake champlaln 1829 dedicated to a liberal public by the authors most obedient humble servant jack junk kingston august 26th is34 6 fulling dressing cloth notice is hereby given that the subscriber in tends to carry on the business of fulling and dress ing cloth in a style superior to any that has ever been attempted in this pn- of the country in the new building near mr peter switzers saw mill all those who may please to favor htm with their custom shall have no reason to complain and all those who have had wool carded if brought to the machine in good order and not done in a workman like manner will please to give notice and the sub scriber will make good the same curat for cash all kinds nf produce received in payment the works will be in operation by the tenth of september next hiram west loughborough aug 26th from thps rivrtft llfltbl t respectfully informs ihe in- ha te travel ling communftv that he has leased that rxfcmsiw nd commodious house ofcnteiwinment known by the namjjof ht kingston hotel where it u ins iuicntionio devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of his attest the kingston hotel ha lately undergone a thorough cpair has been completely rcfnrnishcd and pointed and is ntiw cn of the handsomest public houses in thtfrovf ce it is admirably well situated fos the convenient i travellers bring near the lake shore and coniinnttding a ful vcn of ihe arrivals and departure of lite steam hums from which passengers lugac ill be conveyed hv porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic ananjenieiits of the houee the greatest attention will he paid a first rate table will be kept fir beds will be of the best description and the t ies and spirits nf superior quality connected with tin- establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stublng may 0th 1834 27 lake ontario kiugston grannis 1s3l g notice whereas my wife hannah has left my bed and board without any just cause i hereby forbid all persons harbouring or trusting her on my ac count as 1 will pay no debt of hers contracted after this date jacob h1llman rath mth july 1834 wholesale iuail grocery wine spirit and market ornornl provision store quarc next door to mi scanhos auction man ing 01 us store in s tavern a king i area inland navi- id towed by steam boats insurance may espcnsed with with safety is the intention of this company that these jsefv store the subscriber offers for sale at sireet next door to mr leahy and well selected assortment of english made boot3 and shoes hosiery gloves shaw silk handkerchiefs irish linen scotch dowlas thread edgings needles thread tapes c c the whole will be disposed of on terms surpri singly low for cash john murray king st kingston aug 26 183 1 all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vamilstine are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and nil demands against the said firm are requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 23d is31 5 the subscriber ings to inform the iafcamtemf w kingston c that he ha opened the above esta lishmeni where he bus now on sale the follow articles at unusually low prices by wholesale retail 5 puncheons slrong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy dupuys brand 4 hhtfe hollands gin 2 pipes bcnecarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old madeira 5 qr casks teneriftk 2 do do paleshctry 2 do do brown df hhds very superior white wine vinegar 20 barrels upper camda whiskey laden with deliver the goods and passengers in montre same within four days at king- barges ak will uon robert drummond agent kingston e cushlng agent montreal kinsston april 12th isj4- for sale aa acres of very excellent land in the 4th x concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved willl a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot tve situation of the place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded bv rich and flou- rishin settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer apply to a truax esq kingston or to the nsbscriber jos- ne1lson ernestown 4th march 1s3i 9 to the public the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the paironage he has received from the inhabitants of kingston and its ucinity and bogs leave to acquaint them hat be continues to manufacture and keep on band a well selected mock of boots and shoes and hopes by a steady attention to their orders to merit a continuance of their favors c an arpkentjce wanted to the boot and shoe making business daniel hickey kuiseton july2shli 1s3l notice all persons indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vanalstine esq- are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all person having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong a truax executors kingston august 224 1834 5 a quantity of prime old schiedam git charente brandvm bottles 20 cherts twankytta 3 do yoang hvsm do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 hhds double tefinrd loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes muscatel raisins 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pilch tar rosin glue wl window glass oils and colors c ft with article in the grocerv and provision line tieokge armstrong nd iiungi every kingston 7th july 13j 44tc icfield for- sq lately by wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston 200 lands for sale acres of the very best description of land situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the bftitttn whig august 133-1- 52 disinfecting fluid a quantity ol the ubove excclle chemical compound to prevent contagion and destroy the ill snitll from sick rooms will be kept constantly on hand during the mimmer at the british whig office price in quarts two shillings pints one shilling and three pence with diieetions lor use to steam boats and retail dea ler a liberal allowance will be made to lk i one house and sundry rooms in oilier houses apply to aliiver ives kingston march 21st 1s34 to the agriculturists and farmers who intend bringing their rye and indian corn to kingston market for several years post the subscriber has carried ah hie distilling business at this pbtce and fthfcie the fanner found ready sale for the above kinds oj grain and received his cah this is therefore to give notice that the subscriber is under the disa greeable necessity of saving ihttl he cannot purchase any more grain until the will and power of the au thority in this place arc known and it appear- ihere i at inenttou of leading characters here to stop mv distillery and i certainly think they cannot be par tial to put down a part of the distilleries only if they have that power the plea appears to be that piggeries are unhealthy and unpleasant to the smell as to their being unhealthy i assert with out fear of aiy just contradiction that in all places where i have been acquainted it has proved other wise and at this place where the cholera has pre vailed not a single instance of any persun or work man living at or near where the effluvia of ill pig gery or a distillery is has taken the disease- and otherwise are as healthy as elsewhere 1 refer par ticularly lo mr druininondsaud ny own distille ries the time in passing a piggery is short and the eilluvia not more disagreeable than most of us ex- iiericncc daily and without a murmur therefore if cannot take any benefit from the slops of my dis tillery i cannot pursue the business and my distil leryand premises must lie dormant i shall luive cause to regret ever commencing the business here as the consequence would be a serious aud ruinous oss in premises and works not calculated for any other business a damage to fanners in the sale ol their grain and to the merchants who expect to get a shave from the farmer as the time of year is near at hand when distilling grain might be coming to market i wish to give no tice that it will be well for farmers to ascertain what price can be obtained and a free esh market for it the perfect good understanding that i have had with the farmers generally in the purchasing ot ecain is the reason why this timely notice is given wm garratt- kinsston august 15th 1634- 43w to rev7 the commodious dwelling in ija inerly occupied by jehu it i lover 1 doctor uartley of the i5h regt the premise being so well known do ns require further descrip lion apply to walter mccuxiffe kingston 20ih mav 334 s- carmino respecjtfully begs leave to ac quaint his purons and the public fren rally thit hi enminucs to earn on ifaf bushier oft intel and tavern keeper at his old sund mansion jltntse mtolel the pleasantly viiuaied in store street being the principal and most central street in kington in ihe business part of the town is convenient t the dif ferent steam uoat wharves j and no establish men i of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments iu regard both to parlours and ued koums all of which are furnished in the very hem stvle the hotel has been recently painted throughout and utheiuise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a lare yard in which ihere is an excellent range nf stables and if here ii livery stable tecontfaiihy kept s cakhixo billing kept a public house for manv years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unreminiug attention to the comforts of his guests he will continue to merit the public patronage oj porters w i 11 be in jase to ami from the thlu kinsrsion mav i8il readiness to convey rem steam boats ingsioi for sale cheap a superior london built eight oared gig forty feet long with mast oars and sail complete apply to baker egan kingston june 27th 1834 dissolution of partnership the copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under ihe firm of j y- arm strong co is ibis day ky mutual consent dissolv ed all business appertaining to the linn will be settled by robert b- aniixrougand thomas hrecr to whom nil debts due tlu erstjblishiueut are to he paid and by whom bll cttuois on the late firm will be liquidated- w armslfioxgi ft armstrong ffomas greer kingston july 30 1a4 the business hitherto voiuhtctcd under the firm c of j w annsirong v w becottlinucd bv undersigned at their old s a j b street der the firm of annstroug ai jgljbi armstrong ia greek the un a- vkrns regs to inform ins cust by the late arrivals ins r misses mid children others uint he has received miincrmippty of ladies tsliioimhlc boots and shoes of every dwcrip ond wii be d cl of at uncommonly low pn r the ilndld iov proitir steam bout great britain captain whits will during the season is34 leave the dilterent ports as follows commencing on tuesday the 39th of april viz upwards prescott tuesday evening brockville tuesday night- kingston wednesday noon oswego state ofn y wednesday evening cobourg thursday morning port hope thursday morning toronto late york friday morning downwards niagara on every saturday afternoon it 4 toronto late york sunday morning pori hope sunday nood cobourg sunday m 1 t oswego slate of n y monday morning kingston monday noon brockville monday evening all basgaire nd small parcels are considered at the risk of the owners utiles given in charge to the purser on board the accommodations on board the great britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passengers the above boar will await ihe arrival of the pas sensors that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada stage lake ontario steam boat office prescott 1st april 1934 s veterinary surgeon the subscriber betrs leave to return his grateful acknowledgements in the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity for the extensive patronage he has since his commencement in business as a gfakaij blakhith farrier he now respectfully informs his patrons that he has removed his establishment in the other side of t u il i notice slsfy fss thc undersigned taken out hjtters of administration to the eatate of the late henry davis all those who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested to pay lhe amount of their accounts without delay and those having claims to present the same duly auihenticafcd for adjustment application to be made to margaret davis or james doyle agent kingston aug 23d 1834 ml davis administratrix 6 the load oitosite chesncts old stand where he trusts to be waited upon ns usual the silwriber fteepv of mmd hy llihu di horse aud cattle iwcdirines horses si ed principle lod on professor cohnanvp edmund smith kingston pept 4 1s31 astichoiiklu pills surgeon adamson il p 0 the bengal rmy has for sale at his residence north end of the town anttrnolkra tills such as were used in india and prescribed by him while military surgeon under the command of the marquis of hastings govcntol general and commander in chief kinccotijiiiv 31st 1834 notice all persons having claims against the estate of the hue benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate arc requested to make immediate pavment to charlhs fairfield administrator ernestown mth july 1s34 ma peter keid i hereby give you notice that i will hi ihe next district court to be held at lhe town of kingston hi the midland district of lhe pro ince of upper canada in and for the said dis trict file a ivtitiun in the siid court praying that partition may be made o the luts number one hun dred aud ciihiynnc and one hundred aud ninetv eight in thc said town nf kingston which in and bv n certain grant bom ihe crown under lhe great seal of ihe said ioincc bearing date thc fifth dav of december one thousand eight hundred aud twen ty five were granted to elizabeth tcwkbbury wife of jacob tewksbury lydia burley emerson bur- lev william burley john burley joseph burlew vtiry ueid wife of peter reid and ann burley as devisees iu the will ufeniersod blfrfej lt wf lie town of kingston deceased pursuant to the statute awd in the ird year of the reign of his present an act to mr william marsh who left kingston u c for new york on the 16th may last in conse quence of the death of his father is requested to return home immediately and all persons who may know aught of the residence of the above young man arc requested to communicate with his mother mrs marsh kingston u c the asw york commercial advertiser is request ed to copy this advertisement three times and charge this ofttce august 26th is34 q extract from mr stewarts paper tue inde pendent examiner august 23d 1p3s trial or mn k for murder h lordship har- ing rotnmeriicd on thc evidence and explained thc law to the jrinavcry able rammer they reiircd ond in few minutes f j turned wttli a verdict of not guilt as the piisonerwaflabouttobediicharcd a circumfitanc occurred in ihe court which mfred the fillings of many m were among the number of dudoolati and meant to animudvcrl on the subject very bercrcly but as the ahcnoc hosohablt has sincu been plblicly njade we shall tak no further notice of it we mention it now with no other view liian tliattlie gentlemen who felt hurt and who had left thc town before the close of the court may know that autt and srtisfaclort atvnemait ffu offered extract from a letter in the kingston chro- njclr may otib isjt sigfkd john stewart iii 1838 mr- httettnm was judge of ajttfeq for this circuit a triil came on belore him in lhe court house of perth tor riolous and disorderly conduct of some of toy misguided coun irymen then employed on the canal at tht hogs back and i believe for murder a one life had been lost in summing up ihe tvideucc and charging the jury mr hagerman regret ted that a people so generous frank and warm hearted as the irish should ruffcr their pasjiont so fir to get the ascendency to drive ihemlo such acts of oufragcuus violence ho like wise iepfhated in irons tenrs thc fcctional and party fcttl- tng which unfurtunalclv cxth among to many of my cooq- trymen and under lhe monicntaiy impulse of which ihcy ai frequently guilty of ihe nst deplorable mtniccsj end in ihe conclusiun lieacittd that the conduct of such ungovcrjiablti ipifits was so galling iu ibu feelings of alt orderly and rcjkc tahltf irishmen as to make them blush for the land of their m riti wt vrhod d frtit of his offindin i lliirw vary head ond front of ti oflendin- 1 must be considered as good authority i w silimcliv i a attorneys table at the tuire reporting the trial for my own ta per tm lnordit examiner cocr locatch cvir word that transpired it is not true as stated by the correspondent of the win that m i lt made an apology to a pariv ofgenileme who wailed upon him fur an explanaiion iiisirue thatsmuc irishmen mistiuderiood liim and rliat there was a good di of desultory conversation amopg them rcbptctin ihe tenor hischargo henry gntlwn esquire of lliis ptace nnd ni self were castmtlij uitli him on the evening of the some div and upon our roeiomng lhe tnisconsiruciion of his lanu which some of our snitive friend onttrtftined he derurc that so far from attempting lo wound the freliiigs of the irish i here was no people wllool he would more wijiinly serve and conciliate ns the beit and tho truest friends he had ntf numbered were irtfhmon commercial bank op thk midland district notice is hereby given that a meeting of thc he leld at the stodthold rs ii this inslilution will s ittjctfiy willirm tho fourth cui pfo1g for klltloii 01 real cstitcm ann is3l tied 7 ii iin3itoi aucrtist i5ili dclilev notice to liuycro of leather and sellers of skins sc llidca the business heretofore carried on hv s k culd- vill is changed to thc hftjida nf thc suhcriber at the store adjoinins thnmas smiths hat store near the kmcston llorcl where every doflcfiplion of leather may he had at all unwfc a lbo a general assortment of articles used by stitrftcrs nod shoemakers nich as saddle trees humes boot trees and lasts linings and itindinirs skirting hog skins arc c c shoe makers saddle and hnrness makers incrs and all their interest stock will be extensive and will he sohl at the howzxt rwm hy cash ptriit jot hides end skins william ford kingston june 10th 1634 36 liaukt on wednesday the first day of october next for the purpose of electing a director in die place of the la bobelit dnriond eq by order of the bourd f a harper cashier kiugston 2ut august 1s3j g 05 tapers heretofore desired to topy thc adver- lsements of c b m d ill please copy the ii bote gverniueut coutraets fou ordnance services comoiissiriai kingston 30tb augujt 18j4 j lie ieceivcd at on friday the tracts lor the ol orthu ar- dealers in leather will find it for to patronize this establishment as the ensue and ofevcry variety ofquality p kingston june 24th vggj 40 cheap for cash uaklir hgant market square keep constant ly oy hand the following ariiclds at extremelv low cflml prices priin mea ond or hog pork siikili 1 iei chek jcc million hira suiokod and lliicd beef young hlvod twbdkayi and dhtlc teas sii li c suicrin hour indinn nod oaten meat pirktod onions curninhfi c oafi gurti iva bwm e- hrotch llrrrirj mwckeril 0d fih rc ilnt papot und cawndidli tobacco skip cnndl9 a wiui every nthcr article in lhe grocery and provision line thy havo jul received several cralcj of crochciv uf lhe lalrl importation 1 crates of tfmne ware soreoaifl wmpping paper a qnantnv of scoicli and american monofiicturcd tin ware vcffetables fowls potatoes c at market price cnli for prodiko nf every description kitltm angul 1st lc3i for hale by t3e stjbsonzbub 300hldts first quality sole leather 100 do upper do 500 calf skins s r caldwell cash paid for raw hides and calf skin market square kingston 3rd june 18w- 3uf separate sealed tender will this office until one oclock p m i2h day september next for entering into con- owing services once wharf point henry to clear away mid noiam lhe defective pari of tho whrf at t- renew iiietbe from the level ofthewatei it engineer deptllmoht fimlin limber only j to fill in butween ihe new timber- with stone and rubbish and to covef the fnta with mcadamizcd stone to the depth of ihrcliuhcti lh- mradamized sioncto bt covered with gravel qiil liincurtieiiing which latter may be procured on he worlux tlie front of entrnnrc door lo be flagged the contractor furnishing all bbor and tutorials except limber thc work to be peifurmed inawoikmonlifae and substantial manner subject l the approval of lhe comg royal engineer and according to specification to be cen at ihe engineer of- where furlhor infermauon may be obtained or fr rn the ovcrsccrj royal lnginecr department at point henry the tender to fpecify the gross sum for which lhe whole will be performed and to l completed before thc 3lstoftvto ber next ordnance storekeepers qraifrftoihttr to remove o hoot one llfimtml rd ttventvsix sjh of picket pence on south side and lo substitute a qoard fence eisht feet hih the pickets not required forpom of lhe new fourc aifc to he deposited by the conhaeior in the engineer yard adjoiiiini thc contractor furnuhing all new materials and labor the tcndci lo specify the ros amount for lhe whole and to he finished before llir si t october next to make paint and fix twopairsofloovre window blinds at per pair to paint and color lhe undermentioned building to paint thc exterior wood work of no i storehouse ordiiaurt yard point henry to paint tlicmicrior wood work of two gun sheds royal artillery hark kington to color nndwhiicwashtlie intcriorofordnanco storekeep er quarter point henry to color and whitewash tho interior of ordnance clerks quarter point henry the whole to be finished by lh 30th of september next accmding b specification lo be ccn at the engineer office tenders to specify the amount for each building scparlcly including workmanship and material rorcothinglu uie knof of old barrack occupied by tho rural artillery at point henry including the strippiog off the obuliinglcsund all workmanship and materials- the whole to he completed on uie i5d ofoctobcr next and subject lo the approval of the coru royal engineer thtcndcfstoexpieihc fates in coirency in words at length for card service payment will bo made by a draf drawn by oidnance storekeeper on tho bank of upper cana the names of two respectable persons to be inserted in tho tender who mav be wilvmgto become bound for the perform ance of sucli contra a may be entered inio charles a clarke a- u l lit ljt u ya k i til hyi i pt mr und feathers bv t horns furs kaga baker boxs