miscellaneous all the aposrs oi the ind from uhirh all ilte re- tlh y have com- i tielrvisiitc it would appeal tlmiuiw ck is to be lie fixed heulquartc of the irvingitca in north britain and in nch doctrine ire 10 be educated fntu eehiirrhctare toemani meucsd u baild a chapel in xelmnmreet directly b- hiu tlw niesiinghousi of the c ngreeution of t rt present fleeting ill unionstreet and from the princely wealth of oneof their leaders mr lvummond the great london banker which i confidently stated by those who know him to le noi less than c ayear there will be no lack of any earthly requisite calculated to ensure the sucrc of their object at present thev form wo congregations one of winch meet in the gardiner ha i wml the other which is composed entirely of the trwly ftitbfitti meets in the house of mr wil kinson- some time pert minister of toe episcopal chapel here- mr tutt jlhi lrol edinburgh and a mr place a gentleman from london officiated jointly in the uardhwrs hull which they state to he merely a place tor teaching and initiating and when any disciple there is bi worthy he receives admission into the congiesation of the faithful in which only the unknown tongues and prophecy is practised lady h drummond who with her ta in i i v and servants arrived in town from london a few days aijo lias become a prophetess and has al ready spoken unutterable things on several occa sions and her son a line little hoy abott 14 years ofge also prophesies occasionally mr drum inond himself is the appointed prophet and on the occasion on which we heard him his voire was most tremendous and overwhelming and power fully calculated to excite ihe nervous leelings of weak females of which forms the greater part of their audiences aficr tiie meeting was dismissed the only feeling which a serious hearing could cherish was a mingled oic uf anger sympathy and sincere sorrow that such pitiful exhibition of human wcak- n ss should be so held foith under the rliantcter of divine worship- the proceedings of this sect shire tliftir appearance here have given some extra- ordinary proof of he wild and too wovwunl wan- denies 01 iic human mind from the path of recti tude and reason we may odd that the oilier party called campbelhies which now meet in the metho dise chapel and which wag once connected with them sill remains separate and refuse to admit the right of the irvingites to the appointment uf angels evangelists and pastors on the just consideration that it is arroirant unnecessary and ullscjjptuial grrwrk jldverthrr earl grey we umihed the other day an extended notice of the publir life of ejh grey co pied from the london morning chronicle the of ficial career of that statesman during the few years past is such as to give uvich additional interest tu the antecedent eras of his hpto-v- the uri bead ofalteform ministry he undertook a most arduou in the two weeks ending 30th august was 223 000 and the amount of gold remaining on baud un coined was 5207000 daily additions arc however made to the uncoined gold ib mcaata at sea the brig juniper capt cros by sailtd frtnn boston for surinam on the 4th ulr wh in lt 30 on the 1 1th the captain was stubbed tw ice with a dirk whilst asleep below in his berth hy his cook a spanish negro at the second blow the dirk broke capt c sprang from his birth antl gained the deck as he passed out the com panion way the second mate ran to his assistance taught him in his arms and asked what was the uiat- eri capt crosby answered i dont know and immediately expired in the mean time the cook took a bayonet from a musket in the cabin and stabbed mr ljldred the ant officer in tighteen places mr e threw him self iroio his berth grappled with the assassin and succeeded in reaching the deck when the second mate and the man at the wheel secured the negro mr bldred is confmed tu his hammock but will probably recover on the same day that these events happened the juniper spoke the brig agile capt furious wbu put his second officer on board to assist in navigat ing the vessel and on tuesday she returned home with uie cook in irons jv y cttit advertiser a catholic paper published in boston called the jesuit states that buhop feuwiek bus succeeded in procuring a house suitable bra boardingand day school and that the ursvltue nuns will again open a seminary for the instruction of yotmg ladies in the hrifher tranche of education montreal daily jtdvertixtr it was piqposed during ihe hot everting in london to pill fifty or more pleasure barges on the artificial canal called serpentine rive in ii v do park with band of music in ihem to serenade the vhuiurs like the venice gondoliers when the cholera pre vailed in pari the french government opened all ihe places of public amusement to divert the mind of the peoplp and thus prevent the ftprcad of the disease these innocent revocations have a power ful moral influence on the health don carlos is said to have cone over to lance in the same packet with mr dnpri tu priiipa euro of mara 1 1 sauks re- sinauon was his wish to have ihe army con tinue a 100099 men count gerard the hero uf am- wfru is a brave officer but not a statesman gene- bunkftofurper canada on pawnent oltl we hope si 0 be the case for we arc con in a to lie mec iftluse ihut y i and delicate task and he performed it we lhitlk with pure zeal skill conraire diuiy and we ma add with all the success which the cncumscneeso his country wilowetl we susjm liere bom die london examiner a paragraph about hull which may illustrate the imrieiy tif judgements passed ua his oolitical conduct and charueir- lve hail notalleit regret ut the 1iontiou of toe gfpy ministry we regarded its rreontiticiioii vib derision and we look upon is downkdl with indifterence as for lord urevi he rendered all the service he was capable ol reujeiin- ttlld more tlin ite contemplated iii carrying the ileform bill if we supposed that in giving its rcfouiiis precious as a means he would be entitled ten fenju hare ol cratitude hot it is clear that lord grey did not e jhe setjc cf ho ieuru upon whib ins fame as a sidesman is based he would have placed h barren sceptre in the peoples litiutift li bu gtvrii them a power and mjuw oppow its cojimrtiticiieutf- le gave them tne keys u their llousf mid would have set his shoulder against the dor to nvisl lb constant and active pressu u nmil withmtl he in a shonsrglhd sunvsinaii cast uilll old notions upon new tunes one of the st jntrs street ehuul w liosu political woi 1j is made iiji o in throve and the two houses and who have uot itunit tu nrul i destiny in the public mind twenty nay wu yeai ao he would hae made a great stutemiiiti but the age has much outgrown him an miuintci who now dallies with odious abi aial miles ii grievances will be shrunk to pigmy proportions and helplessness by the demands ofreuiv winch wii grow up in mighty masses jround iflui there is no running im orrearvf justice iioies without being utrhejuleil in it man is like a oatiier in a uost uni keep moving on or be smothered anl ii wv to the uinpllion tn lufn imperlect comprehension ol the ctrliiiovaiis wi u which he had to do an exaggeration ol one set of formal powers and an undue esiunte of the cul- fltantial forces is all uij we impute to lord ilit trr orne skonmom honrtubie lum never existed there was the dignity of truth in every word tbat tropi from htm a suspicion of evasion could nevtt enter the thoughts of any one who beard or vvm hi speoche every thing that came from him how- over questionable in matter bore hc stomp of honor he is a man over whose truth no cloud has parsed it has been ever fulgent in ail that he ever said jie was moral dignity which commanded reapcel and saved bis feebler conclusions from contempt no one could deride lord grey however much he might disapprove his last speech was the only speech he ever maje unworthy ufu noble cmfcious- ness qve8tions and axswlr9 q who shed bis youthful blood in the american revolution t 1- andrew jickson q who defended tie frontier eetilortieitis at the hickory ground against theludiau a andrew jackson q- who erected tie american standard flndoh- lished the american government at floridul a anderwjacksortr- q who put a glorious period to the lartwar hy a splendid victory over the british crmy at new- orleans a andrew jackeom q for all this what is he now called 3 a a tort q who in his speeches at faneuil hall bos ton during the last war discouraged enlistments into the american army andudvisrd the boston capita lists not to lend their money to uie government io de- feud the country i a daniel webster q- who counselled the boston merchants at that time to carry on a neutral trade wrh the british at eautpotl a daniel webster q who advocated the pasmg mlll nlution in the masachuseis senate that txas tutbecom ing a moral and religious topfo to rrjmct at vhto rica obtained over the hritnk arms f a dftniel webster who advocated the hartford convention daniel wedster what tloes daniel weuter bo call him nil ii viiritc tin xi lite celebrated girgmecr ojfieer of ciinl i under secretary crowd of piltrrims eacii with torch ii a fa- aid of war nd at tu the filv cfepaltrftre m jruvafem was so gretr on holy saturday in may last that the air became oppressive and many in attempting tn siaiu ihe door were crushed to death abraham iarba viis pre sent and lost his sabre and diamonds lord chancellor rouphamis op4nl y nernwd by the london tfutrsuf irtftvtsafilmi ad fituhwj on ihe subject of the iri h coercion bith it is srtid ihe fretirli poerniii ut r tsivi now the linuta of raprioolvihi pjlievihev hits- pursued in acgrnn itzinjihc power of tbu bgyptian pat hi tla hit ir dfiiot bass turivd round against his pairu and the shattered ottoman enujtre i in diorf rfuuihling to piiee- but it i thought ibnt ivlaiid and i ranee will iudeoinily tiviio mi ih otlut band bymakhi with kiraiii a iriairltie di tin- grand sultans hnne if old mrfiernirl come in for one of the quartette what a is human government i what a dimi boasted liberties of man the young kintr offrecce b3 t cn us wv re tropcongaifn cov aoatctltojtal bank mr woodward has commenced business at thi place as an agent of the above banking company and we understand has already discounted to some amount many persons are however averse to the principle ol whig up their notes in full at ninety days but we are inclined to think from what w have heard that vnewal notes will be taken as at the irds and vmced thai unleas the accommodations are extended iii some measure vond ninety days tle country rill be but little ltiefitied by the establishment ol this encv many persons will not thinkof borrowing on such tertw- this part of the province has long wanted connce of the kind which if judiciously used will pi w6 beneficial and tend to establish a more real vjue upon property of every kind than liihert existed- we give mr woodward leaving selected the most advantageous r district for commencing the banking st thomas unquestionably is ui n- metcial to lu district and is cemral to the lureest esie lantl iik1m p of commerce here is httle prohahihtyof its being ss by some new j own on hie jmke notes issued by trnscoti jreen a has credit for place in tli bus i s juiness iff as t t nomas it r irtih c exception ol ine neign hbourbood ie only c rivalled uulc shore th co hae a circulated the succcfl capital ant intctigc fntlayson arrived at i landsome appearance an j have a read rough many landa wo wisll them all vhicll the well dhvered employment ol abihy should coinmsind7 thomas j from v tain had air duncan partner ofiue hudsons bay company tcliine on witurday the idi itistaut m naieared bv ten vnvaceurs jf that a bark caiu f x i r c sell roil vancouver on the columbia west coast of america on the 29tb ulfsed overland ioyork factory the ucipal dpot in hudsons bay which ted from on the lth july 1 wo other y mx teen adjitionul voyagturs are ed at lichin and the remaining voy- issengers from the interior this season in the course of the next uionth oc- from the companys usual despatches concern- v river iort march last companys depot he de t led t canoes man daily cxpiv ageurs and will be dow tobei a ml in ihe interior together and letters ft ra rivcf colqy mf fiutaywn i i packet from capt back addressed to las brought i f jn b olhce london with those brougl the colouia w e are happy tnsiate that tetters h iv been received from thatgentleman t ii leliancc cast end of great stave lake hated tori i mav t he was preparing to up ulterior objects of the expe- dilioil the packet irom london intimating capt ross and pttf sap return which was forwarded i o vmion o iuhv ttt mockery are the iii sum- ulence at arg s fifrovmciitl jo rior connected with vuiuffhtioh crtti hi ninre heartrctdhtg then jt ridatel by ih- pasenmrs of ihe jlit r din fnim cork a put i u whom arrived hen by the w gcorgr from quebec on jsimrdiy tin sinretia arrived at urosse i after ufcix wc4ks phshtfi willi allmtlt o ijijsmnieiv ui as ftmid condition athe usual prhmlionfruin the want of room and waill pmiiou t prmi i he iniitlvdi and afti inwards ctietiee itjn was l inj l the nlaurf diicl tin eoiiiined in euti belt tied i ics pliecl rnre in md p- i crowded rrni sou on h di nnuil u i al i fawji raid mel iiimiatcly tfu sseiufrrs vvru nw shftl ji ar die lhi tub tu prevffiit their sir n dv or wosnkn rmd hum two t six in led to the ilosttal prkneiled on ihe hduud a r tnkm i s oruereti mil d and pluil w ib lyiaia beyond the md nroke out a- nen tlmuvd nut i tti vvr to return who w ip v ii li ng about linr wwun sixty mill one buudrii the luiutindcr were di irj iik 1 wiiv carrn i hlluved in ne- mi paivnis hitli- fbu sl george pit hy ut remairi i f between io tllij gravi s l t it k 4 rtn ittuivli ajlltoul parents out their children one woman in bail lost lour sun the condition of the suvivors should excite equal commiseration on an tiler account tbr were pooi and idlnrt of provimoits w hen their little store was ixbau i they were compelled tutfjll their hcddiiiri clothe and cvcnsho io purcliah lance irom day to day at a dear rate a part ui theiu were scut up by the quclicc bniierant so- ki others force a free psnge for the purc r o easy ncitlie frnin montreal last november reached capt boss the 1vft april montreal gazette stramioats bltven hamilton andtoroxto ten vrars aiiu we 0k steam boat oil lake ontario that ind her peitnittiitg lound its xva from present to auceiiston in the course ol tl wed and back aif ta ncatb w0 f hmu crowing tbt la i direction- and tracking its blur waters as thi j ns concession roads side leliueatel jrl msi of our townships hues ai ue tour years ago hamittan was an icoree carev erect the alternoou every moruinj t irrtval ofn steam boat at iort ev of such importance that mr d a tower upon his brick tavern fur the mirpoje of cor hnunicatjng the iiteresnng inte- ligenuc wa have iij three boils pigng jy hd- vvceil toronto and hamilton the kiuffsiofi and cimenhion leaving 1s ever moniiikrfor ha milron aid returniiir promo h od the oak ill lea n m0 lm toiomo andret hamilton m the eve- five press hr been denied the boor of ad- veriisiiia for steam b wn ael j he oaki die beingdie first to mtrdv ronscieiice to puffing sy happily it stands or rttherwotiunoner owpg m t ucs its own upon the high p ibim of its engine fin by a much better one hi rtatina that its cr and its captain atten ifc im saw the w ke ontario on board beuneuton in i wucfl ycaw that tim pass j 1ow n nullds lw and hopes hive fled in fuusintr the uucci inwards us and ml we know nothtiiit- ied in the free pr essure principle to say no her than that it is to be replaced next season we feel pleasure tu itf spacious atld convenient e and obliging ft we arc happy to have it in onr power to state that we have been credibly informed that the alarm in relation to die cholera at mcrrickvillc has subsided and hat hut two deaths by that disease had occurred in that place the report of 15 persons having died on board the barges between ferrick- die and bytown is aid not to have been quite correct it is now understood that that number of deaths had taken place but a portion of them below ijytown this town continues free from cholera and we are in possession of such accounts from other places aa enables us to say that very few cacs now occur in upper or lower canada brockvillt recorder six lives ost bv the fatal explosion op a steam ras aoilea the first fatal accident of this kind since the introduction of steamers on the st lawrence in 1811 twenty three years nijo un fortunately occurred yesterday sunday about 4 oclock a m on hoard of the steamer zodff of the lake capt irklew the vessel was just leaving the flueons ftharf for montreal and had cast off all her moorings but one when the ixplosiou took placet and was heard hy some of ihe persons on deck to make a noise like the discharge of a musket- the patty exposed to the steam which escaped oc cupied a middle cabin and like many of the passen gers thai trip had slept on board they were at ilie time of the iccidenr all in bed with the key of ihe door turned by which the steam as unable to eoeatic we cive the details before the inquest held this vlay two inquests were held this morning wi the bo die of the unfortunate mdhidirs who met their deallls oa boaid the lad of the lukr thev were in easy circumstances and came in the conference captain from leith sent back to the qua famine station and detained for near a month there were eight individuals in the cabin at the time of ihe explosion six of whom have died the two survivors jane ronaldson aged two years and ro bert romddsou aged seven weeks are still in a very dangermts state the first iuqueu was held on the bodies of william ronmson aired twenty- nine years ellen ronaldson aged twentvuine year ellei ronaldson aged six vears archi bald ronaldson aged 4 years thomas molfart aged four months who all died in less than twenty four hours after the accident the next inquest was upon the body of grace pump acred twenty year who expired this morning the evidence in both inquests was the same the jury having first examined ihe bodies at th blue store ilospital to which thev had been tra ported as soon as possible after the accident pro ceeded to the lady of the lake to hear the evidence the firm witness was dr j a sewall superin- tendant of the hospital who stared that the five first deceased had been admitted to the hospital about five oclock a m on sunday and died be fore noon mr fflimik engineer of the rl qtorgti i am a professed emrinccr and have been in the employ of the tow boat company for ten year- i was cal led upon this morning bv capt maxwell to exa mine the boiler of the lady of the loke i con sider that the explosion of the boiler was caused bv a small leak the water from which continually run ning down crmded the iron in nch a manner that the plate has been half eaten through the acci dent mlffht have happened with half the pressure of steam which the lady of the lake generally car ries- i do not know what pressure was on the boil er at the time that it burst the steam forced its way from the boiler through a partition into the room rdjoiuing if the door had been open tbey would not have htfen so much scalded as the steam would have bad more vent it is eusfonmrv to have the boilers examined every spring before the boats be- ffin to run and this boiler was examined by one of the first engineers in the country mr cochrane of the ivrr lazqn who told me that be had done cve- e ns- scolding and beating his wife after which a profomut silence appeared to reign lappen fell asleep u2 was awakened by several blows being inflicted q the servant girl called out his head with a mallet for assistance and the gndty man escaped by a back window of which he broke four pnea in passing through as he did not take time to open it tf vallee wa soon aftpr called in to visit the ott4 ed man and administered to him medical aid ir is said to be extremely doubtful if lappen can m vive his injuries sloan who has disappeared and who of course is suspected of being the amlur of this attempt at murder has not yet been arrested montreal gazette all ocoumsnca look place on board of ihe sufota transport on monday afternoon at about fuur o clock which had nearly nded in the escape of the whole of the thirtythree military convicts which bad been embarked wo or three hours before itarj pars that after thev bad been palely pin on hoard they were placed below the batches closed and their handcuffs taken ofi while in this condition some of them discovered a passage to die neighbor ing roal hob and sceral ol them exchanging theh clothes passtd into tin cowl hole from which ihere was an easy ascmt tu the open dck of the vessel four of the convicts hail already passed amoigtfat crowd of invalids and soldiers buv in stowing away their stores c and to the kings hharf walk ing past the sentry a few feet from the ship aafelj got to tbu cuidoiic and champhn snvel and vstrt at large when the fifth being of the 70di hich landers happened to be known to hi reeimentsl comrade on duty and was arrested the atarin beiuff given the trrrater part of tin convicts had already passed into tlie hole una would hneuo doubt escaped also two of ihe runaways were retaken in the afternoon b it dennis mlaiihliu and john smith of the kith have as yet escaped detection quebec gazette a notice appears in the official gaipttaof up per canada settiiut fnrth that 4 application will be made at the hrxf sfwffln of th provincial pfirliameut for an art tn i npoe a lax of three peice an acre upon all eulhwuwl and two pence an acre up mi all uncultivated land- in the aigura wes tern and london districts nod one penny an acre upon all otfaer land in tins province the nroksl to be applied to the support and maintenance of the holland canal now the holland canal was to all intents and purposes a private speculation had it been em inently successful what umild the stockholders have bftid had anv utieuipt been made to eisc ibeil of a portion of their profit by t lax for tin beueatoi some other class but the speculation has turned out an unprofitable one to the stockholder and so so during the lust esion the directors hit upon die admirable scheme ofnmkitur the province wythe concern but it did not succeed so they now ask for a land tax to enable them to pay a better dividend if the new parlament shoidd turn out to en outfit to carry the proposed lax we really shall begin to think seriously of moving to that liberal province find then of kriiiouiuz parliament for a small haro of public plunder for our own especial use surely every paper ill upper canada will discountenance the scheme daily advertiser foreign evs ry thiiifl reqnisite to make the boilers stand througli uicyear the part where the boiler lnkd raasc thin that fom rake a trip her pay o to ikrc isa melancholy pleasure 1011 nll unchanged m her lace vea worthy of the kingston reason she hs not ttdver- fjhould hc do ho we shall m regardless of politics with ir passa strange i i and puff her into the bargain uitwith three daily b unt ot have one steamboat tu tu ismgara and iroprieturs abvo- wesle it n ad oat er to collect nonev our s ulcutta wiil rs tire pen thoiuns ccuse to be a ted up at grosselie jiltonesas with r q a q sell a q a file gu coinage procecdb rteadily and the new coin nnivmth tan iug the eboroiof tiie bank par tizmato ridicule it and to excite the leo of the people by tounterfeit iueb is daily couimg ttito cireulaiioa- jt appears by the olticial icuort ol the direetor of the mint that the amount coined with a whig 1 ho calls andrew jackson a tory daniel wedster ciery of uis vteain boat ibui fires from peuplc wliu spgtr- the jllack iiule of proverb ifpaseitfft as the captain ot tli the ct lawrence on one sode and bayonets on the other- montreal advertiser titiussx islk- we tcel truly son y that the rem- marks ol others have driven us to a lurther notice ut urowe isle to relieve ourselves irom the imputation of disseminating grouukess eouiplaintm three pettier hoe navies arc subscribed arrived by the itriir jvelsoti from maryport they called this office yesteiduy nd give the folfow- ing description ol the uvatmcut they received tiw ncunt had about 205 passe eia on board mclndih diudren thej were all healthy and passed basuch by the huulih oilitur at cirosr ik on uie gth august they were all put ashore together vviih every ailicle of batrag they poa- sessed on a barren luck to wash their ilothes and puctd io an open cdicd where they reiuaiutd ibr three tcccks tiie lirst two tuys were exceeding ly hot and they were turned out of the shed ttt sud risend not allowed to enter it till sun down on pe nalty of being sent to the guard bouse they had logo into the bush and cut down trees lor lirewuod to cook their victuals the trees were so large that ibey louk from twenty to thirty men to carry them to uie iock where die hod ihe greatest difficulty in ivducing them to the shape of lirovood being de- itcieut of tools for the purpose in cuuslqueuce ot licinir thus exposed ieijriber with bad provisions enormously high an unhealthy ainiupbere and bad vatei a htre number ol them took sick on the third dy three died on dial day and six more while they remained on the roek the sick were rem oved to hospital where their relatives were unable to obtain any information ofihem till they learned it by chance from ersons who recovered and returned io the rock again a husband w not allowed either iii see his wife or hear horn her a wife her hosband a mother hei child or a child its parents sometimes three days elupaed before the relatives of those who died ascertained the fact cajuain wait refused to return the emigrant tax of live bbithns each only about twenty having obtained it william little john knox michakm aldurct montreal herald 1 is if no rormito we should munm have t lulely conspired to shut cut this part ol the paradise from the view of the thousands of polite people that congregate at the falls that ultima tkith of fashionable tourism two boats one lea ving hamilton the other toronto every morning can do all the business that can be done profitably- ii ota of hem will consult its own interest and the eon v cmeucc of the public by inking the route to niagara wo will engage 40 passengers lor her the lirsi trip whether she advertises in our paper or not hamilton ifbcopy from the urnsb whig a report of the ay navigation comply wearc sorry we cannot jw report the cotnpletim of the canal us appears was anticipated by the directors at the time this re port was published tie lower lock gates are still hlliiffi and the canal eihenvise as yet unfinished but we trust that the present favorable opportunity of low water will not be reelected and that the com pmy will at least maketome exertions to complete this woik and also in clear the river of logs and tree which in many hhecs impede the channel manv and just comphnfs are made that this river is in n worse state thiiii lefore the company com menced their internal inprovements and it is to be hoped that when future lists of this kind are making provision vviil he made loprotect tlje public from in juries hy delay and iliu such companies will be restricted froui leveying nils until their work is com piled it is rather han to be delayed by dams in et throuuh unfinished to pay high tolls besides thd the canal vvmild if pro perly completed be of gnat importance to perth is very obvious but if gmds have to be carted from the ferry as has been the case for the lust month it isclear the canal is uaefcel and it is equally dear and certain thai some mdiod must be taken by our merchants to facilitate lie transport of goods that way if the tay navigaitff company do not imme diately bestir themselve- bathurtt courier about the date of oitrhst jimhrrstburgh which had until them escaped as suddenly msitedby this cruel scourge for twoor three days it raged with alarming fatality caryhitoff 15 or 16 of the inhabi tants and ihenas suddtily disappeared its intro duction into that town arirds another irrefragible ar gument of its contagious nd infectious character il any further proof were winted of a act so fully dnd solatally establiehed- his town has enjoyed un usually good health and iota case had occurred un til last week the iiihallunis congratulated their selves onthe pan mjicic me umiut mi r vas so it lour inches of steam would burst it not half the quantity the lady of the lake generally carrie the leak was in a situation extremely dif ficult to ho got at and neither the engineer nor any any one else could sec without taking off the bulk heads i cannot bay t bother there has been suffi cient time since the rprfug io corrode the boiler in tht vnnttnpr in which it i at present if it roan coudi in p reseii was m lion at that time captain niekles corroborated the statement of mr nouns with regard to the inspection of the boilcftiiii the sprin at the rime tlje uefiirfeut hap pened the boat was just on the point of starting she was unmoored and the enfoe would have been wui onle h iug if we had nut been o p to keep clear ofa scbooier icer had teen wurking all day till b i he went to bed in order to obtain a gd to shove oiv in iebt ahead the fp 1 litile rest a river have to work htl to c locks where thv have m men to attend and elial w be il i very requisite to vatch the steam rising and i did tlnit myself whilst the engineer was ill bed i waked him at the proper time and he went to his duty the engineer was intoxicated but i consid ered him capable of starting the engine after which we would not further require his services we had tired with deal cuds which are much more inflam mable than the ordinary fuel and consequently cau sed the steam to rise much quicker than usual the engineer is a very decent itnrt of a man and not much addicted to drink- he wa the first per son to rush into the room and help the sullerers capt n then said that the mercury might have been blown out of the guage so as to render the en gineer incapable of judging what quantity of steam was on the coroner then directed capt n to go and examine ihe curiae w ben he returned he said there might have been a very small quantity blown out but only enough to make a difference of half an inch ii is my opinion that there was a greater pressure of steam on the boiler than it could hear owing to the negligence of not opetffoff the valve i am positive that the valve was not opened the value of the boiler i 300 or 100 the coroner said il was very evident thit there was no criminality on the part of any one hut there was gross negligence on the part of the captain and kngineer the only way to punish thorn was by a deodand which plan is followed in england in case of negligence of this kind they could not be pun ched criminally and the only way to leach them a lesion wa to give a eood dcodand the jury consulted together for a short time and returned a verdiet that win- ronaldson and others named had met their death accidentally by the bur ling of a boiler on hoard of the steamer lady of the lake and that the boiler which had caused their death was worth 50 ir exempnoi from the affliction which had fallen heavily on thei immediate neighborhood and they might in all hull probability mill ltue been able to congratulao heinselveu but for the per verse obstinacy and incredulity of two unfortunate victims ofthediseac these luo men contrary io all argument and remonraiice visited detroit du ring the height of the mnnihmotf whew they re mained over night on heir way back they were both seized with cholera md paid the forfeit of their foolbardiuess with their lives before the close of the day the canadian bmi grant we understand that mr ronaldson and his wife were irotn leith in scotland or the neighborhood of that town a brother of mr k is supposed to reside at byown on the ottawa another at phila delphia and be had lnmelf lately returned from van liemau i and they had with them all their family and a respectable young servant woman grace purvis we learn that there is but iiule ex pectation that the two surviving children will reco ver the bodies which were shockingly scalded could not be recognized they are still deposited in the deadhouse kings ivharf and as they had large funds the rev dr uarkness having depo sited today 60 sterling in the montreal bank and ihere remjuing very v aluable effects thev will receive a decent buiial tomorrow quebec ga zette the mineroe of yesterday mentions that an at tempt at murder was made ittsl week under the fol lowing circumstances a man of the mime of lap pen was left as guardian in charge of the goods and chattels of one john sloan a trader near the uon- uccours church then under execution during the evening between saturday and sunday last lop- pen frao sleeping in the house and heard sloan th following items relating to the state of the west india islands after the day on which the sla very abolition bill came into force will be found interesting west nnik extract nfa letter fromaeen- tlemau at st thomas to his correspondent m new haven dated august 15 there have been some famous doings in st kilts the negroes have alt turned out there is a vessel down from that is- and this morning which brings the pews after a great deal of trouble they have been brought into subjection aiain with the exception of about 400 who are still in the mountains those who have been taken were severely flogged so much so that some died under the lash others were sent to ur- mudaas convicts and i believe there are some to be shot- fourteen of them were killed the other day- it appears ihey had assembled within range of the guns of the fort from whieh they were greeted witfi a salute in the shape rf two bomb shells which killed fourteen and dispersed the remainder from taimdao the schooner joshua ffrcer wood from trinidad brings dates to august 8 srat- ing the restoration of quiet among the slave popula tion throughout the island with the exception ofa few gangs on certain estates who are still absent letters received at triuidid from columbia state that the town of rianta mardm province of terra finmo hak been totally sunk fcy an mrthqiiaktf madmo jt ly i when 1 closed my ietter of the 15th i did not expect the fearful picture i gave of the sititatimi of madrid that the reality would have so far surpassed it the returns which vcre made up at ii that night announced no less than 260 deaths and 500 new cases of cholera and though yesterday and today the numbers are less fearful the disease still labours with malignity and not an hour passes but scores are hurried tc their last homes yesterday the deaths were 15u this day ihe list inot vet made out every moment the black litters are passing through the principal streets while the death carta go about collecting the bodies of the poor rind we see ihem heaped eight ami ren together covered with some tattered cloth which scarcely conceals them with decency the few medical men that madrid a fiords are hurried from place to place without being able to give effectual assistance to any and i know mem hers of rich and respectable families who have died before a physician could be found the manner in which the police is managed increases the alarm and while oil everv side in broad day the dad aru paraded through the town not a single bulletin is published to satisfy the doubtful nor a jingle medu cul report to convince the public that the calamity has a certain extent even the gazi c ol today while it give the sanitary state of tin kingdom omits that of madrid and so crippled l the oilier part of the press by the government that not a sin gle paper litis dared to ly a true statemeut of the arts before us the board of health isnot allow ed to make known the returns and wore it not thai there are means of gelling at their proceedings wo should be without the true knowledge of that vhich is passing around and thoac who llrvd the reports of the town only to trust to for inorntuliou must suppose that th disease is still more anal than 1 re- preseut k though the crisis i rs soon brought in lon- and paris the general symptoos of the cholera are much less painful here than were exhibited in those cities voliutiug and diarrhea invariably take place but there are few cases attended with violent agony and many have gone off without any decided suffer ing- cold prespitaiio i is an invariable attendant from the commencement to ihe the termination u every attack all classes in society arc equally cal led upon and iikuv of the chief families have alrea dy inscribed their victims one case of a young and beautiful german who twudaya since was the admiration of the vailo andwhowns in madrid under painful but romantic circumstances has at tracted general pity she was alive yesterday o live in the fulness of health and loveliness at 10 she was a corpse mr van ness the american minister nnd his lady have both been attacked the former lightly but ihe tatter with severe symp toms atone time the hie rift his excellent and charm ing woman was despaired ot hut as hc had lamed for more than thirty hours it is hoped the rancor of the disease is exhausted and ihnt inedicl id will restore her to her family i wculd gladly here end the cloomy portion of my