miftccunncons l7ttt he i iu- 11m vvs dais royal tli- r i am ursi u night w- 1 vim h wind howl in a uutl si ilt i tc i i mpes so did i wi ihta kit f hi w i tovi mjutvr uopp sivcrv b nl had imi lii every bo iivtl u mv dm it my ruil ai m had been jockeyed j hi iik iiiivnohi aud diviry hour as a last re in the inner chamber nntiv nuo i 1j fbtf a jjfi vn ftw uat i calkd in at th vru i found a pom for llmfc wiiotn soon learnt hod been n heavy breathing in the wis ilitii dso watchnwn vmin about twelve month lluey eq smudill created bj nuicc it the ma oilier lf jrjs miwable hi hh on a diargc of extreme iiikmp i chnm the prisoner pleaded ouilti t hn ii it4clf i piiwd kj ct nui if they lutif jsiiy q uckil ialjjo it- therefore knt the locale of the table and the rltftttfcr ii the company oh thia nhrht lhe was iheottuul family puny with some black legs and khitrj oil cues i lew small merchant were ped dling tuub olid the only dashing flayer wa then rejjidarl y doue up civ ili csifa ui cvuilttvell atfrud you wd and mvkvi riruttf n icvcoinii vicj which issued i i itc vajuehued hpaofa mrinuif emcralder j io puiy d mi he tt a in mou iiijiiij lelow ol six feel ic will ha it tiuutowt whispered a lemoncolored a iioud ribbon at his button live hundred napoleon 1 rer ngaix the trrotiehniau tf i ir the carries daredevil iiidillcreuce j diuwed tliul he possessed that lru lie 4th iff d 113 lost mllu jo tdienuus to the landlord itf fortune sinks and es 4ritfl it- npvimciu i ibm which rite wh tdy aldelinnce hiv i till gazed at the unlucky sainller he nd siuncd his hat and gloves preparatory to vus c scene of his defeat when dflftjuddcit tr i7ei occurred that even yet luck might cat ind the poor fellow ralficvu his iu94c- i tpa ei xajudtons from uiv hure cdkl hi til nival mhj whispered my wui a bioid sjs- picigj jtare from the 6lrauger a succeeded by an oaniirv ti whether 1 was serious on thj inu i wtilied him and the next moment he tok out his ticket case begged me to interchange cards and returned a tiurrily to ploy as if he had already netted a thousand fc devils in the jellows carelessness said i my ivapsj are ijono forever ami the vtty first movement at the tuble deinoitshetl he irrie- ty of my subsidy fn sileee 1 cursed my owi lolly and determining not to witness ite result ieft the idai koyal and battened to my hotel reprobating iikinkitid and the element 3oni hours passed every lodger in the house was sleeping but mylf suddenly a thundering knocking threatened debtruction to the door ami the drowsy porter muttenng curse deep not loud rose to parley with iln untimely writon a eoilouu in 1 keu fcilih cnud my iiuiiiu vm mentioned fc is in bed moniem is not iihh jewel roared a voice whose recollect isible or not vii- i will by every thine thats the briefest spare imaginable of the faluh ku- irmie examined mjvepl vrinifssea hi order fta- ecrtui the true character oftlits prisoner and the cxtcth ofhugitutp it appeared that he hiid indtilsed in the ccciic use ti spiritinnh liquara for several years midthai in emaeueiigt hi family was re duced to povcrtyatwl want and his house become the ttbotic f wreteihrdnew and despair- the niogimtrate observed lohilll thnl it would b budlltv to sentence liiiu to hiltneincnf wid bborhi the floueof ln- dihrtrv hcre by due rcairaiiif and proper diwipltnu hfl miriii possibly b rclnrfned lie then addrmwhl t ptionct ina very frelimf ntuiner and pointel mit flitf deleterious cottficfbvicca of inicniivrance iu 6c ue of ittoxictina ufpior do reminded the prisoner of the dejdoniblo utnaiiwiofhis wife and chililn n and nrficu hhn no looiferlohug the viper la his botiin which hai brought w much inwcry upon hiitifi aid hid dependent- the prisoiser who had lirtt d very njutively during the whnle of dictfi rema ind particularly to ihor liirh alluded to the diikved whia lamily- wisscix l with deep enn trinaiand cried aloud m hchch iiir paction th iuigsirate believing tttatihe work f repentance lind been fully wrought permitted ihti prif oner to return to his lamiiy thu wctic was highly artdiioowtu iveali in my rceouciiun as estordty lte pnner wfui was n rachaiiie hastened to his and higgf their brimeis tvext morning m emplnvfiicmt ami iroftt thai time to the pre sear ikisfitiiltliilly pursued hi husie and amply family he lb i uetlershin my tones 1 bean 10 ble 111 see him fortunate and in the black whiskered adventurer al bore down all opposition a my bed side vc have been lucky my claimed be excited mlltmiadj as he kerchief filled with notes and coin verlh the old ghl of the whee self a giiilewuuian stuck to me provided fcrhia family he has trhotftf abandoned niu drink aid now kumains tho character of a vuhr honest and indiiftriou cuikiti lie ftfmftthttrf with the wfreaiid good ami i a rnistaot nuendam on p rfdic wnrhip his rlnldren arc well drawedi placctl m iuod mshooltfi and hid fair tor future ufttifitl- new illhhisu once the eatof umiutigiited mis ery now abounds with the comfofth nf life lie mj joygridd bodily he ihi and a mind calm ami serene j ilijuiteand children enjoy the fruits of his labor and arc contented and happy zsmttuckct lamdw 1 confkqvancn or not kisixu a trial took i place a low day wjo before the court of arises for c deitarcmcm of ate sitting at maon which ox m e a named sadiric j s ftccmed of ai- coityrntbltrrft a rang of counterfeiters has cctl broken up in newjersey by thcarrnst on ha thcfiriint of aubel llaldwin and his wuv mark baldwin the brother of arahcl and alotio o i ire en ii appears that ciffhl or nine months ago asahel baldwin and his wife came to itahway from citicin- iiftltkand took up their residence in a dwellidhouse and more formerly ocenpied jofpli ffbod- ruff wiuwc atorfc of goods baldwiti purchased and eommmiced businen a a nicrrhant among olher suspieious looking trancrers occasionally seen at the tore but without exciting remark was green who made hisi appearance in may lavtf and took board m baldwins house he displayed great dexterity in penmanship nod showed the eood people in the neighborhood that he could w their signatures o exactly that the counterfeit could hardly be de tected the lirt circumstance that attracted suspicion occurred in tlte early part of june when baldwin beinp in new- york for the purpoac of mlatas chases for the store sent out two trunks filled as his clerk supposed villi dry coods one of them bavins key tied to the handle was unhx ked and ind the poods taken out and placed on the shelves the other was without a key but the clerk fa high iv rcipcttabta voottg man by the name uf tuaisoiij ha vine one tlnch fitted unlocked this also tins trunk contained a haraeat tinder which was fo md wrapped in several envelopes a large packmfa of blank lulk of ihc uticsi hank from which mr t impressie lexlrarwxiacopy the harness was rcphucd the fit were ol j trunk relocled and left until baldwins renirn this fact excited the suspicion oftnnison whd being fear til ief he ghould wfler for the roguery of others waitetl otl a friend not only to reveal the secret bu to advise wih him what course lo punvu e was advised loaweft a suitable time when positive proof ouhl he prodaccd olualdwios gtiilt f was on the igh of june a few day afier- irard lunion tdmrwd one of these utica bills of the denomiuation of three dollars in the money draw er atfnrd and otherwise tilled up subsequently other of the sune denomination were placed ihcrc uid ii every instance taken perhaps passed away by aftabel baldwin his wife mark baldwin or 1 hiljiteail umisuil instance of female venffe vnuni woman of 15ycart of agi bresillon residing at etat as aidnnr at darling hoy vs- llnni a haid- upuii the eo- proved her e litruiune till bysdnt fatrick i cleaned out the company and broke th bank and now for a dlvtalolv a division i have no claim beyond a return of the sum i lent yon said 1 4i claim arrah nuboclish sure w were regular copartners to trade replied my loving countryman 1 denied altogether the existence of the firm and after a stout demur on ilia part received tarurj lcd his re with earlv n ft lkiti h treasure in my i which l tiecac a knot a ux day when lic portc ny 1 mar with mini acumj liii an innir his htt mr mllv the handkerchttd fteemn bv would see d proiiiiiiiff tii waa in the act n r knocked and waft m he obeived ol af- di me two lijuvaince iviterin b doubt but they 1 with evil drwgno tnhiutc ilmie ubuutetl ii ii o su ore th- hoivh u doled themaie atiiai hia purac tfcallt to at4picioua u id iiad no i r thither the window of my sitting room commanded a vasw of the street and leaving he coltdie hi my chamber to prevent our jin oihivcrd bs w without wc peeped r4utioly airoad ihe iih tra variable as the cloada calwtvd arrocw uic moon prertutlv she shone bnliimly ur a moment and in the poairtg gleam we mu di- linetly to fiuies suchadtlic sersn di reined lutrjug in tlaj opposite portc oocbc hie huth as evident tij aueceanful gunbler ud been li liom ttat wnk of vdlamy the royal t aul ih lulsa s ouudu were wa leivinj ie lucl to rob and murdehinu erd vsimi ihougii how narrowly the kiora viciim d escaped assaination 1 the plagu- c these llllos tulais g hib i -fhud- uflcotl want gjrcj my cvuutrvmui wi iiovunilt rerp- u oier rnunci- fchr gged u his should- sj with a polite bow i unr tpialify monsieur for the norjuc ii the ijjcrt tempting to aajaninato a young man named moir toubantt in consequence of his havimr insulted her at a ball on the did of december iw3 the rtartiea ivercdauctnga quadrille togedtef in one part of the daticeeaeh ceuileman wai in khm flu rmtrofju mily but when it came to montaubant turn instead of embracing hi3 partner he kltte i his own hand the iult committed 11 the midst of the young flirt companions produced a vrry forcible impression on her and from this period ahe had made up her mind o sake rioipilat vengeance- shortly alter the diice udinc dressed in vf a i tnan and about wx oclock in the evening afatioiiud bvrelf at a lonely pnt where hie knew montaubat wtuthl pas when he approached in r she atlaked and woimrdrd him aft tllo eric of the younmau who daiigcrottsly wounded had strength to hold ins asvail- ant several persons came up and sadilie hresthon was instantly rergnized she declared with the most perfect cahones that her object in inflicting the wound as totvvenge herself lor the insult which aha had received at the dance the younc man was for dome time in danger bat the wound did not prove innrfal- the jiry found lint there wite extenuating eircuiaiarennd ihe iudietive female wtia sentenc ed to ft vtora hard ibor jrzittr ilt trinttattr mfn tinlhppeins given ihe woild another hook on uebintn ami wtom tiermany shv hintihea the annei d jgttrtiul of a day of a deigten lady illy about pcll ndoek prtivi- lio all vloeo tit lnt room have npuai till to latt an hour uer long a black petticoat being the tinker to the rap and brown cot iwn in which hu sleeps in tin i iieranip- and haf a do- wliieh isih hut a now nl baldwins premises were found snue- tftte rise gtncn ijm me cluiilreu u pvriuil4d her to toiiet dors lljt u hi wjiii one c y uoi1 on wrrppnis r ar u to hi chcn am rrhnn1 onarilin ttu oijl ol tu k ut lady commence the toilet family an operation which she always aid the children are ncptitm 1 fw moo ol tl sie e ctoe- da 1 it the ki pa audh ffllcfaai k nr i r- iu i neraruip hla often t i i uilm tltis trouble over of her litib joilbnie carefully and dvaputelutj tuaeiiool a ixeeral review of the matron follows and vvoj to lha tervanla if any caodle cllda of the prece- dingtirglls hove heen burned too low if a single urain ofuuflt be visible oti the furniture or actio broken lor crimes of thin cast ever become the ub- jecttofiutfeii vehement raprovcli neat i rmr ftr mas at length the bell ire not peculiar for it elegance succeeds a black cloak and hood inlhrou morning o the ov er she bar- cl iiir to the and cxe- aid it the h xxi w lk ttj h 0 llovl icir pir if iij l rw ihj if tl- you ill ie wind yom travel ja c milealn with a lueyr alter niiight 1 myi niarkimgirons on if uu phia just it v 4 w f s ovailtify t the ttnds ngou- ai id if pecusmr wtii4 til i have the a eery daceih yoitr ibk wucn i fjo tan in tlic cotire ui w n coo ly taken ii m private uciei irubl ow would it not aavc you soon trouble and me a charge or two of powder if on would not interfere with the executioner and remain eon- teoted for a few hours where you a is oil excellent ofit wood enough in candjt wine vour ivourty iind and you bleep there the grate may make a pillow ol upon napoleons and but row bank notes bead you arc right you are dying fur a row said i why faith 1 would giv a few pieces to ac commodate the iicounurels with the nrong metal and while they expect gold make lead answer well i have no doubt but finishing a brace of cuwhroatfl vonld be a pleasant windup 10 a uigl of play hut till i recommend the sofa to yon and tluai to the heatmaik you are right sl itermott but it i un fair to let thhonrt men without waste time in utiles expeclati ft he opened the window gentlemen of the pave the top ol the morning to ye a we nay i tipperary toddle off if ye tin going to practice at the post beside ye and as the light but ind ifterent why mon- amondiuould 1 might by mistake shoot into the gate- way the address of mdermott was understood and indeed it would he surprising had it not been nu ho delivered it in three languages ellgliah it eh and lienh- a l 0 feet a jnutter- d terc a momentary glimpm of two pcraom slcalht round the cotihir bhowed that the hint wi ntlpiid i to to 1 lit 1i1 iu inl rllmptd the mc lo b on a hla 7111 wd nrt comtnie il and v iih a baske on her arm clench and jrom thence to maktl cute ojiiuiiasiomfc tiir period tio happi of htrdav la prolonged till efhmcl- iii ihocoursj ol her peregrination hie tibtta hit aetpnintancv and the hloat innocent co iitisa ake plce it is now that she icarna how imieh lis- s9ucilsioiic tive be uml what fiho ouhl tur a turbot and couacnutnitlyliow verv bad a ina- lulfer si iiiiith- while on tllfl other hand mft s bdy iso stingy thai he afandtf half an hour ingjlimr about tuwat nva mn a has ghm her m id wotmg mr ii has a sick baby and the imv ii hiadu a vtit a bwt half an hoar long to and laiuc from sr and tin miiable the breakfast tin- dinner ih eaten in a handtfomo room ornameitd with iniiv roiw eirets and sti forth hut nnoe of the ihoinmi prciiiierae which touhtilutc idcaiice every ibingbhandautite and correct every nnng i heavy and gloomw jt tciiatila know ihc wanu of animal f hut linle more tin rt rrgood and abundant but die conversation nnuglm ihe meal ended and the desert distributed ai ff the children peace is once more restored dismissal to school thu lady then places herself ot her window vmk wlneh she continues wiihont intt die oes to esjei alter which nhe litea her r supper anl jmu thm tti bed then mult jmiis her hair into papilloic toy rpiawrs and while waiting the return of her httle widi her ery lioul v0ii the cliick itody home the tuuju 1 one con strike twelve th cbihlrei t and the din tiivc to rend r tin and dinner air rcturikd it 1111 again dinner as i and one little and comfort and everv tl t ouiid jmie tunisnn crdled again on hit friend witlia hill filled up which lie took from the drawer and on comparison with the blank formerly taken by him from the trunk were thought evident y to be from the same plate in august several eouruerfeit three dollar bills of the utica bank were known to be in circulation still tunison had no evidence by whom they were passed until a sou nt mr burdsall baker in railway returned one which he had taken from baldwin himself tuni 401 redeemed the bill believing it to be one of the batch he had seen in ihe trunk this bill was then endorsed on the back by young burdsall ind tuni mm o- utdiiti bff vifi 1- away two eomtterfcf- dollar billa on the albany bunk at different wvema in woodbridge- these facts beincwpnwented to the auihorines tf xcwark a body owwpoltco was sent out wlu on the morning of the instant arrested the four per- aoim first above ok utond in baldwins house the chirotrraphist iiju waa detected with two hfauh five dollar no t uw bank of albany in one hand and a pen rcjy charged with ink in the other ready for operating in bio vocation the three men vvereimmedhitlyhndcuited and conveyed tonew- ark followed by m bouwiui for whom however bail was accepted iff tuesday and hc liberty after a thorough erch of oil tuedav the plw r toola ly tloue up and se nnder the centre of a bed lying on the cordsr bedrtead a quantity ofrr- ciei letlrrs iiom rii notorious couiterfeiti3 willi a mai ofihhei info iiwn whieh will probably loud toadll rurtherftiidiie among a quantity of lolls fl r a large number of fives on the ban ofalh0 altered from an old auburn prtte bearing differ- dates from it0 ism aud variously signed jvme i 163d bv i ftrowti mide w jessup nlu olllcr9 m r lansing president in mssv harh- dewitt iveand those chited in 1s31 y n wiubma carfhicr and p van rcojc p there is a large quantity of blalk or- die wbltllcator mass bank besides cvi ibww m ds bank of itica ruiowrd chart i dillil m- dmed in v5 and pigird l t adams cashier and ii iluiiiiueiott piwdt it itiidert 1 oifm e- ihrecs in itaiay and its vicinity but to what ex tent iliey itum been circulated is not yet known a- v gw ttetriier discover v op inteaesttno manusactptsfrom tlte august ninnber of the new monthly magflunoj we learn that m uuppel an accompli tahed traveller how on his return from abyssinia has discovered and brings with hint a number of manuscripts ol great value the most remarkable of these is a co- py of a bible containing an additional book by so honor one or two additional of idras atut u cou- sitlcrahle addition to the bonk of esther j none ol iheeaiizineuiraiionsof the bible have yet been heard of tu fcurope- it contain also the hook of enoch find ihe fifteen ne palmf the exifrtencfi of which has been for gute time known ansong the hanied another cirns imiuuveript ii a species of code jcest indies columbus himself enslaved five hun dred native americans and sent them to 5pain that they might be publicly sold at seville the prac tice of selling north american indians into foreign bondage continued nearly two centuries ftecrro slavery wan first introduced into aitieric a i i h by spanish slaveholders who emigrated with their negroe a royal edict of spain authorized ttetrro slavery in america iu i5m king ferdinand him- sell sent from seville fifty alavt to labor 111 the mines in loll the direct traffic iu slaves be tween africa ami uispaniola was enjoined in bv r ival ordinance las casus who had seen the indians vanish away like dew before the cruelties of the spaniards suggested the expedient that ne groes who atone could endure severe toil might he still further employed this was in 1517 the mistaken benevolence of las casas extended the slave trade which had been previously established sir john hawkins was the firat englishman that engaged in the slave trade in 1502 he transported a large cargo of africans to ilispamo la in i5g7 other expeditions were prepared and sir john hawkins in one of these expeditions set fire to an african city and out of soou inha bitants succeeded in taking 250 james smith of boston and thomas kcysor- first brought upon the colonists the guilt of participating in the african slave trade tit 1g15 they imported a cargo of ne groes from africa- throughout massachusetts the cry of justice was raise againat them as male factors and murderers 1 the guilty men were com mitted for the ofiencc and the representatives of the people ordered the negroes to be restored to their native country at the public charge at a later period there were both indian and negro slaves in massachusetts in 102u a dutch ship james river and landed 30 negroes for sale- this is the sad epoch of rie tmrtnlwrimi of negro slavery into virginia for many years the dutch were principally concerned in the trade in the market of virginia- llampzhbe gaz sir your journal of yesterday contained fake information impossible allude to said that mr moncrief had been tried but tell me what do you a fact and now i hope what you have alleged h tyuc condemned very true hanged moat true xow sir i am the gentleman himself impossible i assure you it is that you will contradict by no means sir how what do ycu mean you arc deran ged it maybe so sir but i will not do it i ahl complain to a hlagkuaip as you please but i never retract the most that i can do for you is to announce that the rope broke and that you are now in perfect health i have my principles sir it is said of me that inevka deceive 7v y commercial advertiser a writer in the jww york farmer estimates the number of ting in the united states to be 1300000 and the expense of keeping them upward of ten millions of dollars annually we should imagine that in canada the proportion of digs to the inhabitants exceeds the ratio ex hibited by the above number ib postage on newspapers- the following are the resolutions of the house of commons as they appear in the journals of the house i that a duty of postage of two pence be charged on every newspaper sent by packet boats to any foreign port and that a duty of two pence he eliaigrd on every foreign newspaper sent by the general post in the united kinffaoith3 that the po by the x hirb rhe ahyiuianicarryas far back as the cuutt- itl nl nice when they say it was promulgated by olioof their knit thiscode is divided into honks the lif of which re lutes to the canon ill l wo aw and ci- whieh grcftt results apcartn be 0x- newpvieris galvanism acrnm a nit children uiidives by their whit otiiptiim i tie iiwd husband 1 appear a sub the vvliule hou sc ttjmuse amuwm herdf by chatitug wftvaula in the kitchen a welllirl never later than nine as soon as hi stantial supper is served and at ten is iu a state of profound repose this lite will very few oxecpiions 1 that of all the ladies th m if their minds do not greatly toipmve bv if ihhr plumpiiearrand freah troioplcxloua prove at icom that itagreen well with their coufttiluiuum whu can ilny wish for more of what uac would mind in to ihrin a hi iriing marries in nrtlor to i lioiimkeeiier who will and treats of hie relations between the enure the temporal power j and the second is purely a vil code m- itnppel has also with him some ahvs sitoioi t i irrh hyitiiia which display the only indi cation of poetry which has ben found to cxitfl among the abyiniimrf ih nkw mfcn vmc vl powbju an ingznioua mocha- nie at bruatfel ha just applied a new power to me ehainc iron peeled thi flv wilted whih i4t0 ivc motion to the nnchme it has placed 0 metallic bar previously maguet- ed by a galic pile and within the attraction nl two very pfweiful mognet the moment that die bar arrive in a rotatory course at the limit of the iiltrartive pnw and where it would necessarily taud tll th inventor by the appticutitjii of gab ttlilistn middtffy ennvcrts the att active into arcpub ive power wnth continued the motion in the game by these alternation well managed ires a rapid rotation the cxperi liave been completely fiucccssfnl and irked for a whole hoar r inntions that for bum day lidius through pans of the city hi n acted upon by ihc wind with eotire npptffiat ttrveral placoiai pleasure rol of the tiitt- w tinasterieucral be authorised to forward pnt certain uimamped publications on payment of such a sum of money as may from time to lime be agreed upon for the cooy oi the aawe we arc happy to have it in our power to an nounce that it is the intention of their royal highnesses the duchess nf kent and the princess victoria to pay avian to ireland this summer they may be rxpected in dublin about the 20ib of next month this announcement ve are sure trill be hailed with joy by all classes of the irish people not the less so because it was totally we earnestly recommend the following letter to the attention of the medical profession we are acquainted with the writer who is a surgeon of ta lent edtication and character and one that ir not at all likely to adopt any theory without taking some cure to ascertain that it was grounded on facts to the eoltoa of the london times sir about three veara ago i directed through the channel of your widely circulated journal ihc attention of my professional brethren to a method lor the prevention of hydrophobia in my commu nication to you 1 stated the result of more than 200 cftaeftootna of which i had myself seen in germany in which ihis method had been tried wjth complete success since that tune the same plan has been rcsuried to in some of the hospitals of the metropo lis i have myself tried it in several case in the german dispensary and iu my private practice 1 have nnt met with or heard of a single case in ting country in which it has failed a shocking and fatal eac of hydrophobia rela ted in your journal of this day leads me to fear that ttc method is still not universally known and to beg that yon uill agalu allow me to state it it consists simply io cutting out the wounded parts unci keep ing them open adopting means which will sug gest ibeinaelvea 10 every profiwaiomil man to kep up a discharge from ihe wound for ihe or sixweek i remain your obliged servant wm couuwf 2 frederick place old jewry julv 17 iroriiicirtl vv diritiion and the wheel acq inetit is said f the timt a pari pap peniui ha bet ear with ands uifrcvia lie aittlappcared r- have complete con chine lie evn niotinteil a hilly srrcct wind al most nhenri ifthinrpigoon ihtar bteatu powe willaoonbeai discount oatutn op nkoao ihc llnt volute of hu union state rives an of the bllopc lt al tha avery- mr ftancraft in interesting history of ihe account of the early tiofllc vea 11 ihc middle 0t venetians purchased while men christian napanek- mcr was on the sin and mated beyond measure wen between four and fiio hundred a ph im xkcted guest had ar- n iji rice t anuwietlon heaped urn fortified his ioino ij by far ihe lriitt portion of u bottle of lafilti jut ling were i could conpoie toyaelfw sleep ui ive a m keeper who will hoi cllcttt him his dinner punctually ervlil hw children kept clean and bin stoekitigh ineuih tm pit tectl v eont lie ask for nothing mure and led willi thi they are happy v hat more ctu be dindrvd i imtlnug exceptiur pirlkipx iheuoi being obliged iowuwwo lutlllm nes so insupportable ipp eilld fulnrs nltld aold diem to the saraetn iu sicily and spn- in england tlm anglo sutton oobilitv ohl their kftwiia as slaves to forcigturr 7be iniriiiinu 1 iropurtcd nejrro alaveafroin memeru alii if knropr m mlj spain soon engaged in till irnflie and negro slavci booh u- boiiutled in sotnf plariii in kingdom afnr ainerica was ilinnivwi d the liulinns oflliapaimol vv i 1 e imported do 1 mid made sluvl the spaniards vimo hi rouitbiof aorth america and kidnapped ihnuiudh of ihe indians whom dtey fratipnrtril iiiito larry in islonc and the failt the ceno ftt this iust aiirring and a there were between four and five hundred had nf cattle regular ly entered for sale with the clerk of the fair besides a great many others whose own ers could not be induced to enter their flocks having the cardinal some payment was to be made to the clerk this we understand was not ihe case for 10 obviate this during the term nf the first fair a subscription had been got up among ihe inhabitants of the village for the purpose of defraying all the expense attending the fair the purchasers were 11 nt ho numerous as might have been anticipated front so busiling a throng but ihe inexperience of the country in such mailers and the uovilty of all about la a sufficient reoaon for this scenting lukc- warmuess there can he no doubt however that very repetition of the same will be attended with in- erraaing aueccaa all the grain brought to market idiom one thousand bushel wan huiiirht up with nrttclch for cavh by a mneplieraou w and the other merchanis l the wbule our maijen fair went nv well ieoph- from all the neighboring country had gather- ed to the fry tc and shotild our next he attended with not ten aueeefts o may won expect 11 have a regular and well orgaitid imin wlneh is lite true miuice from which the pikvs of all agricultural pro duce should originate a htnteiiwut of dtp hiiinlmt of hirvs and elumrd the several ilnva at the fa ir- 2d day 3dstahioi 0 iforking h young horses 14 bulls 0 oxen 21 young cattle 6 3d day 4th nnne total ot the two day stftlliom hoi c ii oetior t ramsay i v john cliambeklah exthxsivc and dcitrlttive conplaoft j the city was tins morning the scene oft foul of the two day stallion 5- w iraea lbc young horse 15 balls q cows yi- youmt cattle 41 uiodt destructive fires wc have witnessed oaeof tone- it broke out between the hours oti oclock in the bakehouse tf mr erskint street and the dwellinghotws stores r of moaan webb burnhain erskiue heap of ruttin the fire has been got undetu burning timbers ahew it alarmmc dd have been ftr greater bm j and which would have been praiseworthy and intrepid conduct ofourv fire company assisted as thev were with diet est effect by the hook and ladder company g cannot speak in terms too commendatory of t tine bodies of men many ofvvhom were re if ltellj hwe i j m a tlerkuucr hate in the most perilous situations no accident of aiy account the extensive store of g monro esq on die side and that of mr e havke on ihe otber only saved from destruction by tltv mthtacdnf ertions of the firemen both of whieh were rcpe ly on fire still their exertion ceased not elnwkes store vas saved as if by mrracb autj quantity of properly is destro d but we taw a this moment give further particulars m y ham we hear was heretofore injured bet llfrufcg eired a few days since torwttv hccyrtkr i scptcrnhtr a rrrport m in cirvukuuu at o itlnu llui ibc vernoriitcliiei lord aylmer has been casd ina that hia successor lioutenaotgcutiiil sir hu vivion is now actually at richihtitio on liu that the writs cor the new election will not ikmsj until after his arrival and assumption of the liorenv muni i cuniirmation of the report it is staid that all the officers of the governors housuholtlait giving op the premises they had taken to their hutil lords the immediate prospect of removal u aba given as a reason for his excellency popauia his visit to the eastern townships lm iferald we perceive by a notice in ihe perth courier that the inliabitauts of the townslups of ifvkwrtfr kamnay lanark and dalhousie intend to petition the upper canada legislature ai next sewion to employ a competent engineer to examine the route from the rideau caoal through tolbonie deck to to the mississippi lake the excavation it liyaid will not exceed five miles and vhen completed will open a boat navigation for sixty mites through the above mentioned townships asvy 1 a r i f if io uv a4iolmu ldlltli i t his excellency the governor uf kcinuda has re ceived a communication from ihe suctctuty of state acknowledging the receipt of an act puwed early in the present session of the legislature of ibis coimiv for the entire and unqualified dbutilloil ol tkivtry i bermuda and conveying the hiiulliueuceihat thit act is considered by his mnjcssj s uoveroiuvuat tree from all objection cither ol a lgal nat ire oroi grounds of discretion and mulld ohey ih the whig convention oflhc tite of ew york which lately met at utica to nominate candidates for the offices of governor and lieut governor of hat state have selected the uon jl wardfor the first and silas m btilacuj ll-tj- lor the sccoad the opposite party wlhch met nomtnated governor miircy ad lkuteu rortnieyi for rccction ith the writs have been issued for the general elec tion returnable on tlis 20ih of october the coun ty elections arc to take place on the ith october the poll fur the county of siorniout will be opened in cornwall m ihe court house jaintflriitglc george jar via equtrej are the ttcitiniiil omcers rbrt rormwjvf tlw tfiinty and d ipttwr fin tin ioy il the town election will be held on the lb octo ber cornwall obscrvlr a fatal accident occurred oi friday lal on mr harveys section of the canal at the long saulu ilia following are nearly the particularsua related to us as some laborers were engaged in excavating under a large batik theeurth jell io and captured three of them after they ivere extticated from their perilous situation ic wui ascertained iliat twouf ihc paite had received much h- inufl and that die ujnd hod ilia tilled ajij ito i i-i- hcmgvrctt till tuewiay last in the moat excruciating putn whc death put u period to his existence ib town op isiiockvillc as the day fur cleciiog a representative for this town draws mli the auxu ery of the candidates and their friends increases the probability is that there will be a sharp contest but wc trust that the victory will be gained by liber al principles the candidates are david junes henry sherwood john liogert and andrew ukuell esquires mr huge it was appointed re turning officer but being anxious to continue a can- dtdate has declined acting ant furardcd notice to that cflcct to the executive govcnimcnt the time fixed for the election was the lt of october inil from mr uogerts des ring to be excused from act as returning officer it is probable that the elei may be a few days later the reformer should be unsparing in their exertions in te interim broekvillc hzcorder in the city council mr andrew t mccord was chosen to be the chamberlain in the room of the late al waltson etj this was effected by tho adherence of four of the reform party as they have been called to the tory minoiity whoioa mui very consistently supported mccortl ilte finance committee which dovrconstswofmears morrisoa chairman giirnett antl lcsshc have full power to order payment of all such accounts as they may sec fit to pay nut of the revenue they have also the power to remedy all defects in the city assessments there haft been much outcry smut the inequality of the taxes for thi the parliament is tu blame and as 10 ihe errors in assessment mr ascxr trtrc twnrj and no man who felthiinc1f aggrieved was compelled lo pay a farthing until ho had a fair hear ing and investigation nor have an cots been c- acted ufany person- tae advotitt voa tlw west httiies hy an arrival ar alexan dria advices have been received from harhadocata the d of august every thin remained quiet ucn alihmtyb an idleness w l manifested letter dtej oti hie le 0 w asgener lolhiwinc is an extract from a idth of august our ivcc laborers continue to behave very well ot so however in the neighboring colonies of ocmerara and trinidatl wherein the lat accounts a good deal of insubordination was manifested in these possessions u general passirr resistance lo la bor is evinced but no violence sttvuiptetli et it will be very inconvenient if the laborers do not return to their work for it will very materially injure the plantations it would appear thai our government tines not wish to use harh measures except in ex treme caacik jvrw york getscffa faille entered oi ivapance imday 2d sept siallioiih 5- worki ic ii t i i co ft you uf b yotu llor lh 11 tile 3a ifum r tittt oxen 70 notice the subscriber iwin prorholdortf f tuwulup of kn rctpicm o tni ofllii fhitily nrpronttitiir m lir lioic in ibo ihol uuitansioaorilietaniihla day the sjrii diy oftfopfcitibfi instanli kiii mtocoihihnitiail ihc niontu and fl tmihtidilch wlui invdlrrmjvutrredthci ith rtmtiiy aiih io nominate new one i clniir to li labium 11 vlork a sl al m imiui lljt iua ikivkl italy jlin otiwi ihmy tiviik msuhw thimrlt k hpi i ini nl lhiiliuniitf of ijm hnfi vf the erlor nf mr divil my ikiamton suui r tht piirptm nl u iii1iimtihib of tuh i iwmdrd l ildvklttr ani mitrhnvlli jitiu luura gi0tf spnlitnt ivtei kas