itish volume published semiweekly the british whig a semi- weekly journal devoted to crtfeiexoiil and- fbliuoal jnpjrmttiunij publiibed evert tatlij ud fridty mn ttf ttoetor mtker editor and proprietor st m of ftvvbw strt rferf door to th commercial hotdj- fmemocry circulation only the british whig ii pwktiantvrerj wlneday oiornjog toftwrvekly fynm ud mh tyt found tocoauii tbo mott important mattr of lbotemi- hkfr paper tkitirt fbr thtf serai wrffekly paper one poun j per ltnw4 ifid in advwoe or within lhr montlii from the ijntkff oc the firrt oumbor and one pound five shilhogt if oolcji lie on j of the year exclusive of puitags for the country piper vm shillings aad kltnutn if paid in advance ur whhta tfiicvniotitfjftote roeiptjf th fire number and fifteen shilltngaif otffcot4 tb efld of a yeir ekolueive of ptta companies of utfuoll who reside in tbe montry who may prefer to tend to tbe officer for their papv may 1 them supplied at ten shillings per copy per tynwtmt pcooapt riie8toy p tpe8qay leptiwber 3 1884 notice thb 8ub80riber8 having bewimppoimedbx- eeutri and bxflcirtorby tfce fast ffin and tea- mettof the late robert druramomj respectfully reqietft that all penont having claims against the eaate willpaftaeut hem to jowph brace dqy au- ibcpiiomcd for adjustment and likewise that those mmbied to it wigk make payment to him without de- executrix joseph bruce i executor i kingston 24th sept 1834 j jtinvfon fair cattle mart anil fcoiubeorfpuon iweif- for lets then sir mahi m j is hc p lh e fair and cattle mart will be opened at kingston agreeably to the charter on the 2nd tuesday in october at 10 oclock and continued the thref following days tbe fair will be held at the earn place avlast year in lheopenspmee nearly opposite the scotch church johnwclean shrift 8url tffirgrfon twrrffptts8l fro agricultural society of the county of fron- lejuic will endeavour to have their nnnual f cattle show or the 1st day of the fair the friends of the socie ty are requested to meet at the court house at kingston un saturday the 20th inst at 12 oclock ta elect officers and make such arrangmeihsah mov b necessary for holding the annual cattle show g w yarker paper discontinued ontil all arrearages arc paid op except 41 tbe option of the publisher flmftrflivmtnts sit line end undera edfintinsertion and 7ad eeoh fubsoouent insertion ten lines end under 3 4d 6rftiueertion and lod eaclieuqecpiont insertion abote tji rir j y line for the first insertion end id per live for ererylubqucnunei fion advertisements without written dirivtimw ftreiwm i jgj forbid md charged ccordinly orders for discoatiiitiing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letter taken id except from af ents unless pott jletter press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior pre end sneicelleniassortmentof job trtttil enabled to exueote every description of job printing with neitwsseod ex pedition upon terms hitherto oaprecedenuy low in upper canada ivoticea the rideao at ottawa steam boat conraitt respectfully inform the public that the undersigned is now their agent in this place in the room of the late robert druminotid deceased and that they are prepared to receive and transport passengers merchandize and produce to and from montreal to kingston until the rideait caual is closed at the following rates viz cabin passengers from hence to montreal and from montreal to this place 60 and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through this mute io this place viz for every full grown per- onii ivn bujuuiaj4rlillrlhim ii imim- mi seven and fourteen five shillings do be tween three and seven three shillings and fourpence luggage 2 9j- per cwt freight of merchandise from montreal to this place 2s 9d per cwt freight of produce from this place to montieal viz flour per barrel la 9d pork 2s 6d tomb mummt jtc the subscriber grateful for we patronage he has received begs to inform his fiieads and the public that hestil continitea to manuficture to order at his shop in bath tomb srtwe of almost every description window oats bills stoto pi am hearts stores and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the most reasonable terms 4bram lott n- b all kinds of produee received in pay mem bath sept 16th 1831 12tf notice this is to give notice that will not pay three itofta of hand given by me to abraham pringle of the township of richmond drawn for 12 10s each and made payable in jipe 1833 october 1s33 and april 1834 not having received any value for said notes abm gould jlnh tyendinagn sept i5 s4f- 123w woie lake ontario kingston 10th sept 1931 acting secreta ry 5s od 0s7d on delivery of ashes ivlicattfibulk per 0 lbs friilu in all cases to be enacted the property goods ty this line will be put into good large bargee which are docked all overhand will not be removed until they arrive in kington and being mi inli i navigation and always towed by 863111 jtoau tlip j4nie of insuring may be dispensed w u w rnmnio days at tlt com at larliinc and along the tome emigrants from ia y- t aj black 4 nviife smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business oe white black smiths fovxners ml dib biwkms die premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chesnuts old stand in addition tu the above hnrao shoeing and far riery will be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 seminary fob vol g ladihn the mietta haines respectfully inform ilte inha bitants of kingston and its vicinity that they will be happy to receive a limited number of pupile at their establishment corner of rear and clarence si h house rek the premiss furmerly occupied bv the late henry davie situate in store street above the scotch kirk for a krhl of years apply to james doyle or mr john low attorney market square kingston july26th 1834 49 tke splendid row prtwnre steta great britain captain whitney will during the season 1834 leave the different porta as follows commencing on tuesday the 29th of april viz upwards rreacott tuesday evening brockvdle tuesday night kingston wednesday noon oswego state of n y wednesday evening cobourg tttiradav morning port hope thursday morning toronto late york friday morning downwards niagara on every saturday afternoon m 4 toronto late york sunduy morning port hope sunday noon cobourg sunday at 1 p h oswego state of n y monday morning kingston monday noon brockville a monday evening henry davis ah ths rtslsts u t an raepectfolly z 0 the af their accolmta arithom teats ts2 claim to present ae aamc i l ls sfs davia r je boy a v out khgyton aug 23d 1391 m davi8 jidminutratriz 6 fawt uvrnnmowtkam boat reels an monday september loth to whom they propose giving instruction in the various branches of a genteel and useful education n b a card of terms upon application kingston august 17fb j84 a mb s wood off the burrsnre allowed the pruileye of embark itwon hoard 1 he stem i- the steam boat st george plies regularly twice a week between kington and round the head of lake ontario besides other steam boats depart dai ly for the several pores round lake ontario and bav quintc and goods can always forwarded from this place without iiny dcliy- james mccutchon aoent kingston 24th september ism 15 editors who have copied this advertisement from i he u c herald of wednesday are request ed to alter it to the present formula the edinimof the courier of toronto gleaner of nisrsta uamilton merourr and cobourg star will peoee copy tho bov and utit remain fin one mnnih anl cud utir accounto tor o doirv to the olcv of he ridnau 6l ottawa stoain boatoo atlhu place fromthk pketb hotkl respectfully informs ihe in- hanitantanf kingston and tse travel ling community tbathehas leased that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfevt and convenience of his guests the kingston hotel up lately undergone o thorough repair has beeu completely refurnished and painted and is now ne of the handsomest publtc houses in the province ft u dmirifcij well situated for the convenience of travellers being near the lake shore and lominnndtng a full ie of the arrivals anddcpartuids of die steam boats from which passengers lutjage will bo conveyed by porters attending the wharreson purpose to the domestic arrangoncuts of the house the greatest attention will be piid a firt rate table will be kept the beds will be of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiugston may 9th 1s1 27 kingston sept 19th 1331 13 whereas conrad shu having neglected to fulfil the conditions of a lease granted to him of the northern part of no 10 ill the second concession of the township of kingston this is to give notice to all persons not to hire or till ot trespass on any part of ihe said land as the lease is invalid darius smith waterloo sept 4th 131 jtotmce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vanolstine are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and ail demands against the said firm arc requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 22d 1834 5 notice all persons indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vanautiue esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all person having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation kingston august 22d 1834 5 200 1vuthvc to buyers of leather and sellers of skins and hides s r caldwell respectfully acquaints his friend and ihe public lhat lie elill continues the lftvriien business at hi old bland in the market place where every descriptionof articles in that line may be had at all times jjcjish paid for hides and skims kingston june 21ih 1854 fjvfjmvt school miss ibham respectfully informs her friends and the public that sbe will recomiuriiccliet infttsenol on tuesday next september 23d nt no 1 coun ter building brock street k ings sept 19 1831 to the pcblic the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges ihe patronage he has received from the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity and bege leave id acquaint them thai be continues io manufacture and keep on hand a well selected atock of boots and shoes and hopes by a steady attention to their orders to merit a continuance of their favors t an apmentice wanted to the boot and shoe making taring kingftton july 29th 1831 jjvtorma t10jy wjtvted of ricbaad bcmy a blacksmith who left king ston about two months ago for hamilton ocdunda nd has not been heard of since any person know ing aught of the above will confer an obligation on a wife and four children hy addressing a letter di rected to mrs berry brock street kingston kingston sept 12tli 134 lands for sale acres of the very best description of land situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each porcash an excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to tl it notice whereas my wifo hannah fan left my bed and board without any just cause 1 hereby forbid all persons harbouring r trusting her oik my ac count as 1 will pay no debt of hersuintracted after this date jacob hullman bath mth july august 1s31 52 mr jennings at times not interfering with the regular duties of his school gives lessons in private and in classes on the following branch es viz writing arithmetic short hand public reading and spculcing english grammar and book keeping ladies may acquire in a few lessens a neat epis tolary handwriting and a thorough knowledge of the principles of euglish grammar to professional gentlemen short hand if not essential i exokjiigly useftil as a means of re cording their own thoughts and those of others and to be able to deliver those thoughts in an im pressive and proper manner is a duty they owe to their audience persons engaged in mercantile pursuits may ac quire in a short time a good business hand an un common facility of calculation and a thorough knowledge of book-keeping- application may be made at hia academy near the in w corner of the court house or at his resi dence front street next to mr marmaiuts kingston sept 17th 1s34 14 wholesale ltetatl grocery wine spirit and general provision score market square next door to mr scdhnt auction mart the subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of kingston c that he has opened lit- abovp estab lishment where he has now on sale the following articles at unusually low prices by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy dupuys brand 4 hhds hollands gin 2 pipes benecarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old madeira 5 qr casks tenerilve 2 do do pale sherry 2 do do brown do 2 hhds very superior white w vinegar 20 barrels upper canada whisky a quantity of prime old schicj qq a charetite brandv in bottles 20 cherts twanky fea 3 do young hyson do 1 do old do do 3 bags citbu coffee 2 hhds double refined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes muscatel raisins 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rodin glue willing window glass oils and colors c c with cyepy article in the groccrv and provision line geopge armstrong kingston 7th july 1624 n w commodore barrie bbdfobd bobims mamtmr freptud mffer low prutmrt jftbjtm ifmmxw word 8r cos mamtfatfim tlmtal w1li leave kingbton for prcbcotl every monday loomnjr and ifednetiday evening touching on her way french creek and brockville jfill leave pmcolt for kingaion and ihe bay of ah baggage and smaltparee are conaidered m qtj every monday and thordayevenirwa af- ul us unles n charge to terthrvrival of the steam boiifrombelow touch ing on her way at the above mentioned iaterzbccliate placet an4 arrive at kingaion the following morn ings will leave kingston for the bay of quintie every tuesday an friday mornings at 9 oclock and after calling at b fredricksburgh adol- phustown hallowell otlbensons sophiasborgh belleville river trent mu nrrive t the carrying place the same evenings will leave the carrying pla every ryednenday and saturday morning after thenival of rhe west ern stages and after calling at the hofl meniioncd inteiinediate places will arrive at kiiton therame afternoon every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of passengers and particular care ta ken of all property regularly but oo board kingston 20th sept 1934 15 commercial bank op thb midland dlstaict jtockholderein rhia lnbtitution will be held at ihe bank on wednesday the firet day of october next for the purpose of electing a otrecior in the place of the iaie rotrr daummoni eq by order of the board f- a- harper cashier kingston 2 1st august 1831 6 ff7 tapers heretofore desired to copy the adver tisements of c b m d frill please copy the above aj f1srns begs to inform his customers that he has received bv the late arrivals his summer supply of ladies misses and childrens fashionable boots and shoes of every description and willde disposod of ai uncommonly low prices kingston june 24th ism 40 for sale vvmsobxbbb 300 hides first quality sole leather 100 do upper do 500 calf skins 8 r caldwell t cash paid for raw hides and calf skin market square kingston 3rd june 1831 43tf tbe new and fclefiii bteam boat ihepurscr on board the accommodations on board the great britain have beeu much enlarged and improved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passengers the above boat will await the arrival of the pas senders that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada stage lake ontario oteatn boat office prewot 1st april ism veterinary surgeon the subscriber bees leave to return his grateful acknowledgments to ihe inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity lor the extensive patronage he has hiice his commencement in business as a general blacksmith li farrier he now respectfully informs his patrons that he has removed his establishment to the other side of the road opposite chesxuts old stand where he trusts to he waited upon as usual the subscriber keeps on hand eveiy kind of horse and cattle medicines horbrs ehud on professor cohnans improv ed principle edmund smith kingston sept 4 1s34 information wanted offraxci rovle from the county antrim ire- lund who arrived at quebec in 1808 the last time fafl wm heard of he was in albany a letter addressed io his broiher john boyle to the care of john boyd tailor front street kingston would be thankfully received ttthe american papors will confer a compliment by in- teiin tlieabuve sept i6i1i 1834 kingston notice ing claims against the estate of fairfield esq deceased of the r persons y ensuing to let on liberal terms until the 1st of mi or longer if required that most excellent mftitd for mercantile business of any kind hitely in the oc cupation of t a corbett esq and situated in hebe8l kiagsion spt 19th ism 13 stolen or strayed lar0i black doo who nnswcrb o ihe name cash paid for wheat the hifflkm canli price will he paid for good mer chantable wheat at ihe gwof lfamta khigaion 180i sipi 1831 to rejyt the commodious duelling in ijarriclield for merly occupied by john r glover eq inieilv by doctor bartley of the 15th regt the pwimiaca lieingso well known do not require further detcri- lion apply w walter mocdniffft kingston 20th may 1831 s carmino resprotfully begs leave o ac quaint his patrons and the public enj rally that he cmninues to carrv dip busiucwof hotel and tavern per at his old land the mansion house motel i pleasantly situated in store strict bclna xhe principal and mo central street in kingaion ij husinchs part of the town i coitvemem t th jr ilrent steam boat harves and no ctatjlilj of the kind in the province can surpass it in ui eeltence and comfort of itt apartments in i both tu parlours and bed rooms ail ofliiilf funished in the very itei style the huitl go 11 iii ib an ally painted throughout aud othurwm iis im- o watch wlwever will bring the dig to of fice will be liberally rewarded for hi trouble and whoever harbors or detains lum after this notice will be profeciited banish wiihjoflce tpt lfcfi xeef wanted an apprentice to the black mhhm apply to the eubecriber opposite the w hig office rear street davy kingaediv qvpl ittr proxoil in ilc rear of ill mansion houw t a lafw wjj in wliich there i i cxrclloiit range of stable an where si livery 0whb is constantly kept caumino listing kept a public hum mauv years lias acquired experience in fliac i tor ne nnd he irusts rlmf vriili unremitting auention he comtoris of hia guests he will continue to de public patronage oy porters will be in readiness to con vc j gage to and from tbe difleveotsttfam boats kington mnj 1834 all persons hav the late eiijaiiiiti town or natir wre reipimctt duly authenticated ond all persons indebted to ih estate an requested to make immediate navment to charlrs fairfield aclmhrnlrator ernestown 14th july ib34 notice ma peter reux i hereby give you notice lhat 1 will at the next district court to be held at the town of kindlon in the midland district of the province of upper canada in and for the said dis trict file a petition in the said court praying that partition may be made of the lots number one hun dred and eightynine and une hundred and ninety- eight in the said town of kingston which in unri by a certain grjmt from the crown under the great seal of the said province hearing date the fifth day ol december one thousand eight hundred and twen ty fivc were granted to elizabeth tewksbury wife of jacob tewksbury lydia burley emerson bur- ley william burley john burley joseph burley mary reid wife of peter reid and ann burley as devisees in the will of emerson burley late of the town of kingston deceased pursuant to the statute sassedinthe third year of the reign of his present lajety william the fourth entitled an act to provide for partition of rel estates ann burley notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore carried on by s r cald well is changed to the hands of the subscriber at the store adjoining thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of imemitiiisr ni ay be had at all times atfco a general assortment of articles used hy saddlers and shoemakers such as saddle trees hames boot trees and lasts linings and bindings skirting hog skins c c c shoe makers saddle and harness makera far mers and till dealers in leather will find it for their interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will he extensive and nf every variety of duality and will he sold at the lowest prices qjcash paid for ilvi and skins william ford kingston june 10th 1834 36 wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston for sale jn excellent cooking stove apply to this office- kingston sept 19th 1834- 13 dissolution of partnership the paruuttfhip heretofore existing between the mihscnbcrs in the market square in the grocery and provision line has been thuday dissolved by mutual consent the business will in future be carried on by james baker who is authorised to collect all debts due to ihe late firm and by whom all debla due by it will be paid jameb bakebi p f eoan kingston sept 22d 1854 oswego propdbd iy uco tow prtsun egint epi mint 11 an vill mil between ogdensburgh and niagara the remainder of the present season as follows on her passage up the lake she will leave og densburgh on wednesday evening kingston u c thursday morning sackets harbor do 12 a oawego do evening rochester friday morning toronto yorku c do night arriving at yongstown and lewiston early on siiml v i n ii n r ne 5 j i j wj i fvq lewiston on sunday evening rochester monday morning oswego do evening sackets harbor do night kingston v c tuesday morning and arrive at ogdensburgh the same evening the boat will touch at french creek september 1834 1834 lake ontario 8tejlm boat united states propelled by two powerful towprcssvrc engines vtiu b j tan dewater will leave kingston every sunday evening for sac ketts harbor oswego rochester toronto and ai leaves every friday morning for french creek alexandria brockville morristown and ogden- burgh sept 1 1834 oswego and kingston the rt 8uinf- racket rattlesn ake will run cmsiaittly until the close of the navigation- be- twlhn otvaco nd k making as tmo trrf pe week permit 1 fri i up ply to th w kwgfc wi i d nd wcht aw