t mj1 r a up llli- r tm j 9rli tul in for uiidi cre town of kji5gitu etftlotti whereas hit majwiy boyjl proclamation hath been bwea for sft pvfpow nf wiling together a leebluiive council and iioumol assembly fur ihe province of upper canada and whereaa by a certain act of he irliunieiii oftlii province im- ed in thr sixtieth year of the rcigrt of ifa late ma- jen george lfl third entitled m an acf to pro- viu for citcreftsing the representation of the com mon of ilii province hi the ilouatf of assembly ihe town of kingston is thereby entitled 10 be re srvcned in the said house of assembly by 0ie fainter aim whereas hy a certain instrument under the sum manwli nd sealed viih ilie seulofoffic of hi excellency sir john colliome k c b lieu- tenant governor of the province of upper canada i hie been nominated and appointed hemming of ficer for the said town and whereas by a certain writ under the great seal of the province of upper canada by ma re ceived ian thereby directed j cauw one member ur representative htf mo fii and discreet to be freely and indillereritly chosen to represent the tfaid town in assembly by those who may be present the day of election now know ye that by virtue of the said nomi nation and appointment and in obedience to his majesty said writ i shall attend at lie conn house on the 1st day of october next ensuing the daie olihis notice at ien of the clock i f the forenoon and proceed lo ihe election of one member to n- prftsent ihe said town in the mid houof afrtfin bly and hereof all electors of ihe said town are to take notice and attend accordingly ia yid joily smith dated this 12th day of september ism lake ontario the elcsatii strnm itnt william avery prtmettfd by vmpmcerful fatpfutrfl engines cant nathaniel johnso will for the remainder of the reason ply on the river st lawrence and lake ontario between on- densarltgu and niagara as foliows tfrtfard- leaves ogdensburgli eveiy siturla kingston u c sunday sackcts harbor oswego m rochester landing monday toronto york 0 c touching at prccott morristown alexandria and french creek and lewiston on tuesday morning giving m st 41 m m wellakd canal at a meeting of the board of directors of the canal company held at ihi wetland l ce si catharine of 5 wetland mv office st catharine on thursday he 4tl september bc prtjd submitted the follow iice in consequence ol r ia rorrespondence which tookplucetn cqmttjim a notice appearing n lite upper ctmdn ii under date ofjulj wiiv of which lite fuilowii copy tike notice hint an application will he rnrtdu at the i istaelon orripfovincul purlhiaeui for ml act m imp u ml two muicti acre upon all umcuhrated iaiuu in die niagara tvommij find london isnrl and on puny an acre upon all uncultivated lands in thb province tiro proceeds to imj i pnlid to the support and maintenance of the wvihndeanal ufonuhx la july the above wu not inw ted i the gazette until late in auiut its being dated from grantham induced die pnaidrttl to address a note to the edi tor of the government official gazette stating in substance that as he felt convinced there wna nor non than one iudividiial in the township of fin h utain who poe5ed a hostile feeling be heland canal he m dtairousof asccrtnininp who it rooid be and rentjested the name fifths author to which the fallowing reply wan received 7vfwi0 3wa aut is3i dear sir 1 can have no hesitation whatever myoitf qimt io rofonn you that the uoiiee nihtded to rs pectilifl he wetland catial is ini ffed hi the zee by desire of mr- clark nl he falu hi- nnv iv given to me a reponsihlr for it pper oncci in dtich a way that i feel my ejf perfectly jii isod in ti cc as tn any ottr to awer ihe qtkflton coming from yon or aiy other ptoiu very trulv your robert stanton w 1l mcmm after doly considering the efiedtllii notice mijhl prodoce tlic hoard unanimously r39itiii thai ilipy consider it a duly duf to turnseltef 1n ihe public to publish ihecorrctipoq- driicr in order that the couniry ihay knuw the frur itfurct from whence the notice emauattd by order of ihe board john clark stejfc ivrjidnd canal ojficc st catharines stpl 4 1834 n b the government official gomtie and other paper will ptaitf give thif uf ise i n 1834 lake ontario the new btajf bovt at 9 a 7 a 1 r 9 p ha 9 p brockville arrives at passcneers all the day lo vine ihe falls of niagara anil return y die boot pownwahos lpivps lvwiitotl every tuesday nl rochester wednesday oswego ii sackets harbor sr 8 a br ii r a a m m this day pvboishet aid for sfllb the ifkkmftveb ftutmi an lutraiiveof a change of heuitj dj kingston sept 12th 134 a j will il fulling dressing cloth notice ia hereby given thai the suhsct tends to carry on ihe business o fulling n u ing oloth in a style superior to any thai l ever bceii attempted in this part of the country j t new building near mr feier bfflwrtfcl mill- all those who iny please to favor huo i g custom shall have no reason to complain and a those who have had wool carded if brong 0 the machine in good order and not done in a urkman- like manner will please to give notice and t sub scriber will make good ihe same- cutiaf for cash all kinds of produce received in payment the works wi kingston u- c thursday touching at french creek alexandria itrock villc and monistown and arrive- at oghensbnrgli on thursday evening fron whicli place passengers lake the steam bool down ihe sl lawience on friday morninir and reach montreal rhc evening- mavl2ih ist 28 jtv store kins large the subscriber nffert for sale at 111 mora sircer next door to mr- leahy tavcni nud well wtectod awrtmenl ol enflush mask roots ad shoftf rmien 8klttd llwnllwicliifti iriab lwa ycotrh dojs thread edgings xiedle thread taps c ara the wlmlr will be dtspowd of h terms surpri- ttinely hw ur cash john mubray kinir- kiiiffston anff- 2g lm- mlls wool primer from dublin and work- ld for mt bnl llft this town abclt two years ago anil prmrecded in upper gaitihta- any infunnalmn reprriincr him will m thankfully received by his itrolltcr jiiiw by king ufi at the ol lice of the montreal ihiily adverthier- tli imhim rtf ihn rdfrtrtiw journal- tlo uir tro- viiic will carr a itaof lv laterttnjc ihiaufluft 3l aoivcfi to navigators rock r irj stone lies in the entrance of the cast angle of the pierhead upon it there are only seven feet six inches of water wlietnl around it here is 9 feel 6 inches a temporary buoy or billet of wond is laid ilon upon it vessels drawing more than seven feet water will be croful not to pas over ihe huoy and steam tffclsat niiu wjll tic he pier a rood birth hull kltihakusoft ttiroufn frvpi lt is3 america u p hove will on the 23rd of julv commence her trips be tween ogdensburgfa and niagara a gof no w leaves ogdensburgh tuesday at kingston wednesday bruces ew york type foundry- the subscriber rapeeiailiy inform the ivinters thattliey have recently compehd n varietv dfjicw hints of 1ttn t in flic style ot the latest fitiropean afpecimen well calculated for omatncmal piinihif or tasteful display and makm their assorhncnt ol printing types iiiirivalhil in beauty extent and variety a honk ofrtkciinen may he obtained at ihe foundry io 13 chanibtfihitfrehi warcbatliamatrmti orat wo 1 city hill ilae it ronrirt ppcttimti ffin tw- 1- i i i jif tv r i of roman ii be tn operation by f t of september next r hiram grakn1 wet loughborough aug- 2ih 1831 6 to the free and independent eleclors of the town of kingston nvlhanng publicly annouucod my imentioui illicit your nihwnf w mtmticr of parifancm for ibb tuit at die ncit gerteral election 1 nnw u- leave 10 j ihat h cgmpli- anc wild ttic wihcof fllficpurtiontujy felly w totfmqnq a4 conveyed to me in a numerouftly sigocd requimttw i hall present mjclf tuyour nouce un uic djyofcltfction my itfdg roiitleiicc moug you tutitrm ni t fay ihht my prifiriplif uc well knovvo nj my aluchmoot lo tfa crown and confutation uc grcl britain unqui iu wiportvt whkh i tmi almyiie 6tjj prominently forward ifljiuld livc the honor to ih rcuitn aayour momber i pljjir ioyvlf it 5uiit a bim li ineoriumw vto iwn wf ktogftoo a bill to prevcut tlic provincial penitentiary being an injury lo niftclanic a biji iu repeat the summary punishment act which pria thrbnttiih ubjct of his dearest ri- ui bv jury my most active exertion will be owl 10 prevent ihe clergy rvsttc pvwltig into th hamlofa domipinl church aiv privfiin intcrcuirc insuperably bound hit with fi- ofdlbtafwd to promote the prptnty of which will always he die chief object of mv umlnlion bavetbe honor to bo gcinkmcn vour obedient servant abraham tkcax auction commissiox the undersigned begs leave to infoitt his friends and the public generally tliat he has com menced ihe business of auctioxeeb anp commission merciiant in i its various branches at thti old stand of the lic alhliacj muirtii iii king siani m liiini and others furwarditig their commands may depend upon the utmost punctuality and dis patch being used lund horse cattle and household furniture sold in town and country advanced on goods james linton kingston april lih ifisl sash factory the subscriber respectfully inform the inhahi- iinh olkingmon and iis vicinity lhai he has reccnt- iv commenced making window buliw at hit shop inljoinhig the kingston foundry where he intend io keep on band a itvq assorhnent of every jtliitji whicli he ill ell low for cash ind he hopes by his arduous attention tohufiities to merit a share of public patronage oy ail orders for the above thankfully received and prnitrptiv attended to klngtftoni mny3 1334 j sargent foh sale the oi tolttso bl4xk5 deed and memorial cnnrv of requests itlnnk u- b- bonds and powers of aturney promissory nomflj w order and to bearer coiifes iotis of judgments summonses on aejounl unmioites nn note declarations judfflwtils rolls and sundry other law blanks in ihe cmri w kings uencb and district courts to the number of blank thus advertized addi lion ire being innde weeklv- itrtimitthjg office 11 2h fol ows m u 4ft if ft sacked harbor wednesday do oewego sodus thursday roeheeter do toronto late york thursday coming down lcvet leraton friday rochester saturday soduis do 14 oewtgo do s- harbor sunday kingatou do touehiogot french creek alexanoru nd brock ville oo her way up and down june 26th 1334 is 0 a if 6 a m 12 mi 9 p m 1 a m 8 a m 9 p x 4 p m 8 a m 2 p m 7 a m 2 p 8 p m zo 5 s 5 17 12 5 2 5 2 25 11 10 7 it k m ii ii ii 41 44 44 ft 14 l 4 ii ltf capital fi do do do do da do do do do do with figures to the freeholders ok lfiftox addington we the undersigned having hetrd that john solomon canwright esq denies hiring any words derogatory to methodism at a public meeting held t mr s merrills in the township of kinntnti on the 12ih april 1032 and that his rirnds have tried and are now trying their utmost to iuvulidnic the public leetimony which mr john james gave on a late occasion do hereby williogly certify that we were present at the said meeting and heard hini the said john solomon cnrtwright mukc use of the following words or word very timilir z that among the ffltjtkodut softit here wen some wttl tttaning loyal and ttsplnbh members but that their preachers ncithtr feared god ma nor the devil nor honored the kin to the general sense ond meaning of the above expreuiod we are willing to make affidavit jf re quired henry tkood loughborough chairman of tltc meeting at merrills john mcmichael kingston annuel campbell do aaron luke emestown john s- inrrlflct loughborough comeliut ilujhttou do uugh cdmpbcll do afeittfitlu lake do jcmjmrwd p luui 1w4 itlie tiilr roman title italic shaded roman antique black open black script german text open text two f ine r capitals two line italic capitals shaded capitals of various kinds italian capitals and figure beside ornamental letters bockslopc music lottery figures piece fractions superiors as tronomical and other sign space rules brass rule ornamental hashes lonf brace more than 200 kinds of borders and more than 1000 kinds of cuts and ornaments for school hooka xewspnpers and scientific works orders for any of which or for composing sticks cases chiijos c will be executed with the inmost promptitude a larce mock being always on hand they will also execute ordersfor priming pres ses paptfr ink c which thty will furnish at the manufacturers prices printers of ewspapers will please publish ibis advertisement with ibis note three times sending a paper containing it to the foundry and receive payment when they purchase four times the amount of their bill from the foundry george bruce co new york 1531 lvformaliqixis tvavted of eliza jiilhraith who with her brother left he residence of her parent in lower canadu last nl to reddd a few months iu ibid province on arriving ntpreftcohi she entered into ihe service of a mr rteldl a idow lady who ihen kept a public house while her brother proceeded farther up the country to atop during ihe winter he immediately urottfiu her but reached ho answer he returned home ibta spring and on bis way called at the above men tioned plitce for bis riimiti but bene iher could lind her or gain any eatisliiciory inlbrtnuoii from the woman with whom she had lived concerning her and who 10 his most anxious inquiries gave hut ve ry iitdiflcrcm and evasive answers from the pe riod of hef stopping at ml- m icbv to the prevent time her friends h ive not received he least intel ligence ah to her fnte or place n residence if living which lead to the hipiciun tlutthcic may besoine loul play in her euw the object of this notice is to request the auihor- ilic of prescott to investigate the alliir and romniu- nieiite the result to the editor of the itiititih ameri can jimiriah elizabeth irulbniitli is a native of ireland about twenty yer of age tall and well foiincil black hair dark blue eyes and light complexion immmewlfal heckled ftliu of unexceptionable moral diameter wore wlitit ww leiihoiue ft khorn bonnot mid h white luce veil any pcrnon havmg any kuowlrjye of her will perform an act of humanity by couunuui 8t katharint 8fot diss olb toa of pjrwer8wp the copa rtn ership itretofore existin be tween the subscribers under tlofirm of j w arm strong tfe co is this day by mitual consent dissolv ed am business appertaining to he firm will be settled by robert b armstronp and thomas greer to whom all debts dae the eauiblishment are to be paid and by whom all claims on the late firm will be liquidated- j w armstrong r it armstrong thomas greer kingston july 30 1834 the business hitherto conducted under the firm of j w armstrong co will be continued by the undersigned at their old stand tfi urock street un der the linn of armstrong and rer r r armstrong thomas greer to let for one or more years that elegant stone house situated in church street in the town of kington commanding a most extensive and delightful view of lake ontario and the surrounding country with an excellent garden roothouse coachbouse stable wood- bouse a ice house with every convenience suitable for 9 large family also anetettbive brewery and distillery with utensils complete steam ami with an engine of 3u horse power malthouse stores and every other convenience for carry ing on the a- bove business also an ntfnsive wharf with storehouse thereon well adapted for the forward ing business whether by the saint lawrence or rideau canal having a greater depth of water than any other wharf in kingston the slock in trade vir barley malt rye malt whet corn rye oats caak cordwood well seasoned wall- nut cherry pine plank boards may be taken at a fair valuation if required the above property may be let either together orstfperately for sale a quantity of whiskey pale ale of superior quality also an excellent low pressure steam- engine upwards of four hnre power made by me0ra j d ward co of montreal- used for merly forgrinjing rye corn xc fortheaoovepis tillery mashing 40 bushels per day likewise 2 cop per stills also a pair of excellent french burr mill stones low for cash for further particulars enquire on die premises all persons indebted to the subscriber arc re quested to settle their accounts without delay aod those to whom he is indebted are particularly de- seired to present their accounts immediately for li quidation t molson kingston june 27th 1831 the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received since he has been in bubiues and takes this method to inform them that he keeps constantly on hnd tin and sheet iron ware buckskin mittens and gloves whipa cigars corubs buttons sewing silk and thread iml many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers which can be had on advantageous terms by applying at the ftign of the bsab nabkst square geese feathers paper hag old pewter cop per and brass df skins sheep skin bees wax tallow c will be received in payment the highest price paid at atltirnt in cash for furs v b those who have unsettled accounts will pleafecall to settle the same and by so doing they will oblige barton phillips kingston feb 41834 i c hatch chairmaker kiwostow ttpper canada notice the public are hereby informed that the suhfvrribflr will continue to hire our the hearse as usual on the following term for a member of st george church 2s 6d for a member of any other church q who is not a subscriber horse and driver provided 5 0 to hboiuiiifl people 2 6 he will also wkr required undertake the man agement of funeral w p cook- notice to the inhabitants of pittsburgh thatthofe wish ing to attend their respective churches on sundays will be allowed to pass the bridge at half price john sorive4ns lake ontario tbi paty milijo itum t george it hakper h k cmzuiti will for the remainder of th teeson in different ports as follow urwarda kingston every saturday morning at 8 tmnv cobourg saturday evening pofi hope saturday night toronto for niagara sunday morning at 7 downwards niagara for toronto every monday 2 f t toronto monday evening at 8 port hope tuesday morning at 4 cobourg tuesday morning at 5 and arrive at kingston in dtt afternoon on aer 9econd wtey rip cpwardjl kingston every wednesday morning at 8 cobourg wednesday evening port hope wednesday evening toronto for niagara thumb y morning 1 r 5 downwards niagara for toronto every thursday at r n toronto thursday evening at port hope friday morning at 4 cobourg friday morning at 5 and arrive at kingston in the oftwnoodi thus making wo trips per week from kv ro niagara the st jmjim will await the arri val of passenger who leave montreal via the lawrence on monday and thuoduy morning they can proceed from prescot to kingston in tk britannia the sr george boat also tuttilu tw arrival at kingston of the rideau canal bunts passengers leaving niagara or toronto in he sl george ot monday and thursday st win arrive ai montreal on wednesday and saturday afternoon as there will always he a boat running in connexion ith hot between kingston and ivescou this mauvirvi vessel is propelled by a low pressure kngine of 90 horse power ia schooner rigged and is elegantly fit ted op for cabin passengers no luggage or parcels taken charge of unless booked und paid for alt freight payable on dt livery kingston september 4th i3t notice the subscriber has taken out letters of adminis tration to the estate of the late mr john cado of this town bkicklatkeu all petxms udelncd to thesid estate are requested to make iminetbue pay uient it him and all persons itavingcljuns agdiust the said estate are requested bl rfcwill their oc counts duly authenticated for idjiuciiiicm jambs thompson- kinstnn sept 4th 1831 london line of packets sail ta riiurr ixtikith iacb umttii the lias it it prtuot composed of eiht fhip whicli will hcrcstta iil fom nsw vtirfc anil lmtfofl n lha ift8wl j6th and from porrm6ut1 im the 5th unj 2uth cf every month mlttl thcdiy ofituirift ihouw fall d sunjtj in which cow it will bo deitrrcd till next day prom new york sepl 16 ship president ccoric mrnrc maiiff a frbii supply of ciiocrkies the subscriber begs leave to tender his sincere thanks 10 hie friends and the public in general for the support he has received ftilke he commcured htisiiiesin kingntoii alsu to inform hem i has just arrived from montreal witll fl large and clwice assonniem of winrs jamaica spirits sranluil and c70vac bbalov hollands oin pjtfwt- vwv nl fiuu fejrih l oo ortavfnt k era also groceries earthenware among which are a quantity of figured flower pots glasi ftrtd oct oct nov nov dm dec jan july aug aug bcpt scpl oct oct nov 1 ship ontario w 8 ifvhor mvivr 6 ship montreal c ii lumpuin mitttr 1 ship canada thomas iuum mwtcr 16 tfhiii sovereign j- kirncv mailer 1 ship hannibai f ii ilciurd mitcr- 16 ship philadelphia e b morpan rnaatcr 1 ship samson d charivi ik maucr prom loalhhy ig ontario leaves pommmth julv bo- i montreal lcipormiith 10 16 canada leases portinutli april ii 1 sovereign 1mvc pvtimwiili scjl 00 ifi if annibal knvc pcwii ih 8rt ij- 1 imiiladklphia irav h lrlnmith oct 5 16 9asison iravc portuniitilli ocl 2u 1 president leave prmouth nov j a large quality tahle honey 1 ther then iwlpi ar ai trilic firft cbs and ofu toinmindijit hy able and i oreat ciiri will ik inker uill ho b quantity of wttt india riec of the first best lewcriptiuil tlio price uf atfn a laige assortment of salt water fish salt cheese butter oatmeal corumeal flour potk oata sole and upper lam- pisiivfecting a quantity of ra fluid he iihove exeelle chemical compound to pieventcontiio auddesiroy the ill smell from rkfc rooms nif he kept constantly on hand during the uinuicr at the british tf hio orrioc price in uuart shilling pintt one shilling ad three pence with directions or to sieun br- an1 retail dea- lilnno alluwanee will he rrude chejip eieln dftwo gig forty for sale a superior london built feet long with mast oar and complete applv to baker egan k insinn tunc 27ch 1 s34 ah wllki 07 an mwo apply i 10 kiugiuni wanted to putfntue tin- exiuit nuinuiv of i- british olfriduy hi- 3ih ui aucum 1851 price nt prtcc ill bt ij- editor of the clwonicle wudium fibcrre- fpt 2nd tuu roiiimr rial acwlfuiy store street kingston wasreopencd on mkpat ijih algu 1631 constamlv for sale w t cook store street kingston july 10 1831 starazv nnri wliarfae rue frumtfivvj vifc wuiis to iiitoia uic puolic thai he has rented the well known storehouse and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcgttire at the foot of store street au to location they have not their equals in town those who triah to lore property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured with in the above line of business n p for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception of bog- gage raron philip s kingston april llh 1834 for sale lflfffc acres of very excellent land in the 4th concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which arc improved with a frame f louse on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the shuation ofihe place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer apply to a truax esq kingston oriothe nfthscriber jos neilson brnegtnwn 4th march 1331 9 extract prom mr stewarts jmpgr the inde pendent examiner august 23d ims trial ow mr klihml for murder hi lordship hav ing coinimntod on the cihcnce and explained the law to the itf n a wy tbli murine they retired and in i few ruioutts returned wiui a verdict of notruihy as th prisoner wiiflbom lo he dischiindj a circumstance occurred in ihe court which ruffled the kwrgi of puuifj wc wore among the number of discontents and rnctnt to inir i i iljet very nevrrrlv but a the apudf h05oradli hi- fince ben publiciy made tve nhnll tnke no further notice of it wc mention it now with no other view than trundle fenttarmu who fnit hurt and wholwl left the luwn below the close uf die court may know tint a till and satisfactory i ton merit wo offered extract from a letter i the kingston chro- mli way oqib ikm sigflbd john stewart in ibstfhr hafiumail was judge of miz fui this circuit a trial camconbelbre him in the courthouse oflvrth for riolousand disorderly cfihict of some of my minpuided coun trymen llen employed 00 the canal at tlie hugs back and i believe for murdtr as one lift had been lost in surtimina up the ividence and charging il jury mr ifagcrnuiit rmr- lad ihat a vffr onerous frnok and w parted as the irisr shoujd tuser their kiasions bo ibr to c the ascendency as todrivthenitosuthauoruutragouhviolcme ilehhc wiu rjtrobatvd m strong fermi the sectional and pariy ftl- idf s whusb unliiitiqiciy cxwt amonir to msnv of mv coun trymen amuddcrthc mewtientwy impuho of wlikh thtvaro friuanilyiuilt ofthemt deplurajjlowchwi aadjniht caitcvunimilioaswrtcd tlutt ihicwiduclotiaich uncivcralifn pint was o palling u tlie let ling 0 onlorly and w nol irithmon to make hum blush f thai land uf uwlrr i hi mi die my head and from of his itflsindias m i muato c n entered as nd iiithnntv atturnoys umo at the lime roportla itisniii true as stated hy th an agreement onlrcd into in conjm j of ihe several livcrp- v 1 i eluvo of wines and liquors each passenger ut iho cstallilicd r prinltj ranh ihst will he found on alwiitauv ion burthfa vp rieiiced nn itan ingrct ac ireofri pisag uutwnrfl tnit nt tun wiili the proprietor s i now fixtl ai 3130 uhich will tv turiium jks thjt aie fixnl i i4w id aril iif the rifk tocilhir of the t0rfiiiittdnt4 t 1 wai mttinj by iho 0 trml fbi my own pa cagr locauli who waited upon him fir an ix action it truj ln js rdmen mindorhood hm and bat lbj w a i si djnj sijstss553 livofr m ssarfif aiio conciliate n invro liinaly sssrawjr md ht skwtbbi aerve r for ivtiglit or pasag- apply board the rlnn or lo geo ulldes a co no laculemu john ltlv01t fflrvvi j sihkvd is o- v- rual hfccl n b fitflomboah run daily from iwtsinoulh where t packota top to land and lecew parger to different prj of england and lo the contcnenl very information relative to hi line of packet abini may be obtained hy application at tin office post office arrangement lfrafttuftt of tbf- haiu tifr mail forthe orficesonlhe mam post route 10 thccatf teardef thiioffico ore closed six inratf a week rir onioo day tuesday wednesday thuradny friday tft saturday those to the rlvtieroftliis office hihiidinpftianra a far as ancajt areclosednx lime a weak w on mnisd7i tuei day wednesday tmndoj friday and satunlay thest mail will cloe each jay at o oclock the mails for office between bath and brighton ifcs prince fa ward county route are closed ftrvc a wirck viz on tuesday thursday andckturdava 6ov5ock p m the mails for jamdcn east and vilton ire made up oa tiiesdsr and friday at6 ocloelc p m the mads for al offices kvif of anrastei r 1 tkiet week viz on monday and thursday si 6 oclock p m the mails for newmarket and other officea iftfrjl of vork are closed twice a week iz on monday and tbrr- rjnv at 6 oclock p- m the mails for offices ncrtkof port hope ie cans peterborough ac aie closed oncea week tij on wsturdit at 6 oclock p m- tho mails for marmora are closed one a week viz na thursday nl oclock p ii the stills for the offices on the route through bevertr prrthe are closed tocice a treek viz on mooda i thursday at 6oclock p m the mail for the united states aro closed thrrt nmffs week vii on monday wednsday and friday atsocloes arrival of the mails the eastern mail arrive si times week viz onmcudar tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saurdj the western mails arrive six times week viz on moadir r wednesday thursday knday and sotufjuf con wr hour of arrival 4ocock p m tlic mnils from offices iffcjf of ampler mill arrive ftfii a week w- on tuesday and friday with the mail fiom york the prince edward mails arrive tkw times a week rb nn monday wednesday and fridav at the same lima wrtfc the other western sluils the southern or ii ited sates nml erriva three tune week viz on monday wednesday od fridav probable hour of arrival on an average through the year 5 tvcloca p it office hqufis- thc offico wjllboopen c- mi socjork a m 11 uvxk p m eary day sicspt the sabbath when letters will l delivered unlv between ihe hour of 8 afrf 0 a m a3 to letters qottio abroad the following regulation must be attended to othennss they will remain not forwarded and be lost to 1 i concerned letters for the united states must be post paid to cape vin cent atut iuch as are intended toco that way to euiop ui be post paid to now york cotter for europe intended to be sent by quebtc must t 04t naid to quebec and those intended to be aent by uji fix per falmouth packet mmt be pott paid to h m- lcuern can only be sent byway of quebec between v9th maynnd 1st november in merchant vcsksii uiey ipty m forwiiulid by iho other routes at any a swmii f01 ho roulations relative to posne on letteri cofiiinrnl of europe vveit indies at see the post muicr oihieril advertisement put up in this otfic kuirvn of postage on a single renter from hit office cbhi vinccnl3dio now york 0tsv4o cub ai tt lnlifix 5d any nffwwpo that is forwarded v dhoul beiuf postpvj will w charged with inter pontage taonfimlam of a ntwpoper from this office toviy p nfthe british provinces id to cape ilmttu dwd p capi vineut to now york one cnt an h half joltn hacaiiav p- kiogstcn feb 7tli ifm paiivts oils tinrl live stulti lorwfr by mav39 iffm jqhfi 0- fahker-