British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 3, 1834, p. 2

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foreign news house of commons jiug 4m- tbm casaom mr- hume presented assembly of that province the volume like a volume of unrifom pennon from the county of quebec in lower cannula in rapport of ilic resolution come lobyhw house oi petition was m a imcnlary reports the petition opening at n itlopi and the signa tines and leaves tswhwlt ii y w3 in- habitanis those of different counties hauug joined in attaching sienntures to it there would have been 3000 or 4000 more signature to it but thlt the rnrties were desirous uf having it presented this section he was unwilling to enter into any remarks upon the petition at the panics who tact brought t t this country had in an interview with the colo nial secretarymrsprim riec had assurances ibas immediate attention should be paid to the the couv ptaiuts ofthis oniony and he hoped with the vie vf hording redrew he mr hume was decided iv of opinion that until the canada were allowed to regulate their own affair there never would b anv satisfaction- they ought to have a controu until this ptincipl and that too when the right honorable gentle man and hi friends were in safety though engaged rertainly in a mout momentiotis struggle hear no it wm not his habit to say one thing and mean another- hear hear after some remarks from jlr p stewart as to the mode of signing lhc petition it was or dered to lie on the able the speaker it being three oclock then quitted i in fhitir on re- ind im- besides uuitetf slates- qm t their expenses and until tins principle wa adopted there never would be any personal cum md amionw t0 mr frt or peace he mr hume did not wish to see any of prerogative of the crown infringed but hi jul wih to see justice done to the colonies mr rice would repeal ls most vitfm u of jesus ams m cmcrh ialf w bring about conciliation b hofl m1 now in alb in the canada he trusted the calm maimer m which these subject were now discussed would about to leave his fetus but insisted on being sup plied with more mey before he took hi departure in order to obtain ii be had recourse to his old ex pedient of threateing and promising the wrath or blessing of oodi aconling as his deiuaml was re fused or complied wh and so wrought on mr fol- tott that hi addition to the hundred dollars lie had already riven to bin in bills he now mvc matthew five hundred and thirty dollars in fold coin ceiving which he 1ft air- folgers house mediately after departed from this city ttv rhcthnvi mentioned sums of money and ihosc winch mathews rtmi matthias the imiwwua he obtained at different other periods from weisrs few das ago there appeared in this paper nn ac- folger and picraon hi- also obtained a watch horn count of the arrest of this follow at albany under a the latter gentleman a in the month of january charge of theft or embezzlement the following is um he informed mr folger that some person nod a detail of the occurrence which caused if and taken the watch from him and that it was mr ol- which exhibit pel haps one of the most extraordinary eers duty to provide him wilh another and that he isianccs of imposture on the one side and delusion blessing of god would rest upon him if he did so on the other that has ever been made public mr folder immediately purchased a fine gold for a considerable period prior to the year 1632 w with a chain and seal for which he gave one mr benjamin folder of this city was on terms hundred and fifteen dollars and gave h to mat- of the most intimate fiiendnp with a mr elijah thews pirrson also of this cirv whose piety and good soon after mnihrwsh ft this city mr toller be- sense he hiehlv respected end esteemed a short inn to qet rid of the delusion which he h id so long time previous i the period adverted to mathews labored under reffardingthe fellow character aod piwon that he matthews mine fullv satisfied himself that matthews was a ww the spirit of truth ihat the ipirit of truth had rank fmposter and had grossly imposed on him he disappeared fim the earth at the death of the mat- offered a reward for his apprehension and the pre- thins mentioned in the new testament that the tended prophet was crested and committed to pn- ato that matthias son at albany nadas the should shake blvall controiil ufuietfo tber country uch itatemenwf the house must lc aarc were calculated to throw great difficulties in the way of flie government or this country- the right honorable gentleman proceeded to state il language ufh letter written h the hotim riuleinsu mr ii wosculemlnted to tseit the av of canada against lite jmwi country otat it rendered t1iedl0icutiea which exited xiv mble ivo tli above tissue of blasphemy and absurdity was strange to my believed by mr pierson and retmrdmr juatlitiwu us the character he represented himelf lie rceclv hw accorfnlyv m bin i ito his htu l to reside with him in iht month of september ii2 3fn r lfoibewsi lid look v greater hcfwr biecj doubted whetiitf laitgusgebadneeansedby a colonist iii br io rt c uloihvc rirfi v caii tlut j hv 13- j cu u sncii lcrncr to tins country h would nut b considered jptiftj ttlurcunn ml llwf t pr iiirfott itiir lib honorable yenileiiu ur hume bail m hi ictier styled the connection of this country a baneful do liiiuaiion but he must contend that tuth a course could not be pursued by a member of that house without endangering the interests boil cl ths coun try and tlie coloutes air hume did not beliec one word of the state ment of the committee ujhrtaitt hear hear hear the complaints of canada had been rtiincied in vrin as to his letter it had been gatbled in de time and oilier newspapers in to filing letters he wrote oriliand and without that precaution which seme men used but there was a part of that lctte hicb he was not prepared to defend heur hrnr the honorable member then read the letter whiv he observed was written under great exmenunu produced by the ungiaiefut conduct ofuu dividual j who caine over from canada and without ijh uj sistance would not have been nble to succeed in j mission coupled with the behaviour ol fltu late co lonial secretary he had given expression nme sentiments frequcntl in that- uuum a repeated that if the system of misrule wai to nue which had existed for so many yvonii i sc lion would be inevitable his opuuoo secret he maintained that he and ihct just grounds for complaint lotd ovtfc colonial secretary had forwarded to the imtrj rewms and aiiiciidiniii inai tv riecn the greater salisrwnuntmiti tcrj vhfte voted to that noble lord and ull prujtued uk most satilaciory rasult but no wuncf ll iu the late colonial secretary mr siauleyciterru upon his oflict than he had begun to undo ii iw pivd cessth had done the attorney nd hgiieisrut- neral who had been admuiedto beutlllti rtlwrtrii- ccy were rcappointed the uunr tue jel- ot newfoundland and the totter tuning uhwtti tu canada those were proceeding uit if cuvited to keep alive imtftuoo in the can to promote the must decided eiuni bete- col onies and lift mother couutfy ik w ration those were aeudwenta thai ik imi m at the time in that house and in the previa- ol the then secrctury stanley su ira ednut produce what he bad then feared a crisis u colonies there was then no prosper a tha the continuance of the system ofunrule and then declared what he should be ever rvady io scat under similar circumstances that h would etter than endurance of misrule and tyrannj there should be no separation wluii cccding in canaqat mr dfackcttue turned live limcatothe aeakiubiy u as often rejected by a tioveinmem p fiembly he repealed that ifatttih pij to be continued there would be no us sistance he wan us much lotervsteu vation of tranquillity as any uwmbvte in that house but for the sake ot p or advantage he would never submit grai principles nor shrink from lun freely defending them mr secretary kice repea ed that proper fora man speaking in safety toaend forth sentiments hat might mvohu in so much danger and be uo piejodii a to tlwl t interests of this country and ot the couadatf iiv most say that he who sitting in safety m llrynvuuti stjuokf set lonh nucii language as ftua cuusjiti in hit last leiier io the people in the caiiwbts ii not correctly understand and practiei- lite coiutt tional doctrine of resistance ii ihe iaiee arws so recommended or enforced bo as io iiauului m- fracuon of the law he hoped that the law would lay hold of all such offending panics hear and n laugh j the language of tbat letter did not uufy appreciate private character nor curivctly cxpoutd the doctrinp of resistance the hon uffiillvlfru could play the part oi l hi jcrtb tmim when he sent forth such scimuieuts as a membtr ji that houe if he believed in his own tluctriin it him go and take the field in delenctol it exposi himself to that danger m whicli his upmions iinli iflixlve other people but lie must protit lumui his sending furih and uigiuj the docltllie ul piv tance from his place ol salety licurj mr hume said he had only spoken uf tu bant ful infiueuce of downing tiiicet when cio1 as riugements were circumvented when the nkefi i il the colonies were diredarded and compioimaui when the inhabitants were driven to despeiatni and when the sulety of the colonics whs endanger ed it was intimated that his conduct was ensured by tlie colonies o lar was that irom being tie case when tho goveinuent party endeavoured to promote a censure on him the assembly delta- ted that object and promoted a vote ul thank in him for hi proceeding as to his playing the trum peter of certain sentiment mid rcinmniug in haleiy there waa no truth in the insimjiiion lie liij ever been ready in every way tu defend the principleb and opmiuiih to which heuvta uttentiwc lie never sought to involve otjicis in u ugi i wnltfiut iwnig irepircd lu participate in the clmt i nnrl j inn hh u idle rnlk who look ui nl m itu iiiirodccrii innl li himself t le hf in i- tr tiie sami iinhi m- i ana what itthews announced nd also cf hisierson implict be lli ot jlfatthcw divine attributea vr jifatbews nl at sflrt mid n 4 1 inat rirrson i htws j i havim thus become acflnaioted with lr fuller lost ro time in endeavoriutf to increase the nnmlmjrtf hi- dupes and repratirdly galled at mr tolger countinghouse to announce hi divine mission and strove to convert vr folgt belief of it on one occasion he said to hit folger i know be end of alt things and then made use of the following mode of ilhirstratiiur his assertion taking up a piece of paper he placed it in a drawer bo ihat one end of the paper remained outside of the drawer and then said to jiff folger you can sec but one end of the papet which is outside the drawff and so the world sees but sec the whole length of it 1 see the end he succeeded in iirprcssinc jtfr- folger and a few others with a firm belef ihat he was the prophet he pretended to he and having gained this paint he then bciti fc cxcwtio tin true inhahw lm came oi il hrtttiiried wr folger lliirt be was very phr ail r wimofitwney tlit theworl1 perao- clud hltri und if wos instigated w dosouvthe the ju of six hwdrcd dollars in gold was found on the person of maewa when he was arrested in albany besides a srall amount ofbank bills which found under th lining of his boot he was to n brought t this city yesterday were have bee british whig kixcstox ffim epstmm oct 3 1634 kinwton eikctn- 0n wednesday morning last hortly before en o clock the fncncfc of dr ogrady assembled w masses and conducted liim io hie court wh 2 hu lad bee erected shorv aie mr hagcrnian preceded by mo am 0le bor b and hie other by a jessed up ontuth clly wfuwename coud dot arn and followed ly his friends and lngerson arrived david j smith en te ref 3ftcr rca he illicul papin fit5 l eltslien nr a iii cxpl was rt truth now twi m ie world vil rerpi there pnerilo n ty rvin icmd mr r jg7rtojivotsfe isviumtki4lri eu seiner ur sicrc sifij 08 wee ihw rprcschtrtiiori 1 1 nwi pi vhwuin i l ii reucv t i ohm ilim l eh i 1 ihv h rr tlllfau o i ittfi rinn ir ftaitli fl to 1 mu pijffir he iickfofc intnu tthewi hid conriurrri tic feign ol tht jiltj jnj prtrtutt hvd ben tofth wiia h ifi i im tvii hjvi oe kinitlsn mccior ut mnienrtinp iora liuic im eraitt r jl ucut to r- v kui risi1 iifliqush the kii iwd b-hi- ni ihc rse nu ui r on cf to conir he it ri vvi ind ui to fjtluiilwt tit tlfcvrimtirt nt0 frf lta whri ti w p on ktitgfijii k hl member atijurncd the meeting in conaequence of the rain to ilic large hall above stairs as soon aa silence could be procured t mark- land eq tupped forward and proposed c a- ha- gennan en h a fit and proper person to repre sent the town of kingston this nomination bin seconded by w imccunifle esq was re ecrived with a considerable portion of applause dr armstrong tlien enme forward and proposed dr william john ogrady as a fit and ptoper pton to represent the electors of kingston dr dormer seconded the nomination and ad dressed the electors io a neat speech many of the reiurmefst hi faid bad been crying out aloud for a liativh bom subject to represent them here was w for them a true born irishman and an honest reformer nw was the time for frue men to liow ihtfnselvn if tjiey wanted constitutional re- form tot thm come forward and poll if not let htn in lod n ime slay awev bin licrefcr for fver hild their peace loud continued and deafen iir vhootfl of ftpplnih marked the high wnse the ftthlitorcfwho unlontnately were not entirely compo sed ofvvivrs ftitoruined uf dr 0 1 is nut imifoftom cs n pubic vritrr inadilition to the poliiral dislu ut i wc in common witb huijr rtfiwr felhw townsmen- have to mr ha- germitot to ioiury m r if m hcwuppon i n nml trrinc 1 him u vsji h torn n m liolim h a ili 1 i 1 l up h oionei ihat never bich tic w rvltiiiliiy in him and b im im into tli- i konhl frrim ai ui wjvi rnnl bapiik 1 iv wthfa iiii a d pr on i e kltip- shitid rcii9c io vuiilwdf he ed so if he in till ici jl ind ka mil is ctftprtvro halt ihflt ctioce a thereby to i 1 in jury of provnimiio sirdwto of h hgtdcn had t left mu j2 ofuur fellotf townsmen have to mr ivtr the ecoleccn of recent private y of our reader cannot yet have for- f t mjmi it p t1 rr itnt yuui henry smith contriving siaii a rcrnmiiiitfcdition to me rev by rilin who without giy real cause or rhiniiitcd a wintn utatilt in the opn utitoii at a ihnc ihc t asiics were tii we bhould not hftv codinlaitttad tc cse in the cwrn lawyers nttids icciirtli widioul attempting x obmni t w cmdcarnrferi to reqtreat ibe i ell wr imagine t ritiity under bmh c the ut he bt lhftc wi hirt pr itid dee i r- v ii in av l he ir tvi rc he lia ii in ii hnl iki i wia tti jrtrr he rcpimn lt iiv cath ut august hatthcwwetitm sing biig in west cheater cvanty whew mr poller rjrnifhed a hewse and hrc hts d himwlf t- be qtm wl our uwi iher rmin rtwiintcit w hn ju it- j tibnr i it in in rilk i wmv wild h- i riittrilii tfu a caitfcmniu tt pe tell but ineicl bji dial btii ww employing mr bid ou to cifnpkii o rritiity under tui llftgcrmnnc irimntiancc ipjubl biuttrtfms w- ll fr- for mf iimt iirfl fo- vtlf f i i f vr htviitfl in id as mntihrv broiil i jeu ml ih u1l rsuii tucvll out ei m rc- vrr- tl3lp ifcaj lilt j link t oam i himih in wn prttlty nuvions i lake b- hii jeiw l there a wcclc he koi ntuouti and tou mi of pi vim i ii u itti iwi hu- iiic a ei tho rtii and tlkv aqrrcd 0 ci responsible rq ct nf m icw ii iil in tie munlime r mumi 11 ut i v at lis feag- a but and mr ft at hf liquet tiri l wch iolvt tiu ioui sir hi on d ma phwdimi itply witii ih very atid ii famel t n of mai i ii nvfinseaj t m u h saiiqm would na l c tirfi3 fi him aid he iiihhau w hi wn ricins tjdit ii tvuhl be iniirnh r for a person nf h ciar ric jn r hjed het and rtwi thvy ought t- paiixl a 1 is f bin this alo messrs foj l fl lwtfr w i but varc thy could i- lih iklr jsrie 3itwr iuriftj n r rilati t mr ffllwivoi o divert the puii wc but weelihll muchaipos inr vv il bra ffre itll lie commenced upeaunj about a quarter before cle- vvti i cnniinued fjkmkinff until twelve oclock n lonclusioii dr ogrady presented himw f enihusiutically received he was slightly sed at the commencement of his address was delivered in a loud md energetic tone of hut speedily recovered himself ho spoke how liimlemeila never did i iie to address o lae utld respectable sn assemblage of men under nuch varied tmjtring z hose that now actuate mc the ilvdty i ill- poslton in whinh i fi d myself the ihgjcjhw by which am surrounded iie unequal inuitcm u which i stand pledged the very place in ft inch i appear before you all tend to confuse ntd cjibnru3v me and vuuld prompt nn tj ahjuclon il h i wtrc i not cheered on to exertion by more ahd motives success i cannot reuonhbly 1 am hlmost an utter tiranerto m of aih wnd wai if lobars which vlictt i ho se wluh mr falser itprccig soitw time i ii m km j rwi p i ie sw atl rd fvr mniiicv jib l pnrcikuf houwhi iritijf t i iitbf i i j rj in ihtn cicd mt mr fblfj eptc y ii j nihcugh in compliance with the wiliq 0 i jrifi hffy of reopen ible irdividujls i havecoo wiite tani tins content yet i cannot but re- ti ruifd m thai i tuemb r thct it a on monday night la4t that i jjij so cnnt icavinc rnyclf neither lime nor p ivthvu resided hnu ifj tj kidl your slifrarfm but jet it ts a le nud that glori ihiitgiocommttiwinihwhotoedofiofjitn r in imltiug i tity iwrfo if rtiorm ii b ft glorious thing to uar in n ihis mira jia1 c- nir- id r cerrttiry im with ll iliould ii ac i oh- r v ari j mvip th iiuv rri in ti vn- 11 ii lu ltvu s atiuinj i cute dij jirt l october ittconiie s ihrnr ho jitiuanded t l loarty purchat- i clear rlgic to ttftirj in it wihour further lw when he rcorir i ron who thvii residej ihiu whis uvraebsne irons dvfor th-n- and um to ill world iti hideous id though the refoimcrs may not be able tonluvihu gouah htrr he g4fni3u is i nil a rlnriou ihin 1633 lit property 7 ul ti ini tn rrn ricm jj i po ti ri tin ccttinatd 3eiv f ti id tli imry rntiti inu th rtuifed tfiycmcm u whirl- brl cftui riiiirli t kiiw and iix- lhty ruktltl bth l itug which woifli prefciit to afr ii xainsiin tht materials of the pcdestail un hj iiidn and dtscoertiig their ntunijtt khg forward tuihe prftbvhh roilu ol thr projires in libiu principle ami political bor but thought it was highly detrimental to the bi interests of the province to permit the labor of convicts to interfere with the honest exertions of the mccl antes of the country- he thought it wra de trimental to kingston to be the town whore all the thieves and vagabonds of the province would enter and might rerdc when their various terms of im prisonment were ended still it was advantageous to have such an establishment ifproperly conducted in which all the yankee scamp and other va gabonds who came over to this country professing loyalty might be properly taken care of jur hageiman was pleased to call the jwccha- nics of kingston gentlemen and honest fellows now that he wanted their suffrages but he appeared to forget the time when in the house of assembly he declared himself to be returned by the rabble of kingston perhaps the secretory might be wrong when he called the town a rotten borough but for his part he could distin guish between calling a limited constituency mostly governed by bank influence a rotton borough and mr hagermans terming ihe persons who had so often returned him to parliament the rab ble of kingston he painted the peity aristocracy of the province as a band of mushrooms raised by sycophancy to their present station and acutely jealous lest any other person not belonging to the two or three fa milies who have usurped all the patronage of the country might possibly obtain a share of the loaves and fishes he read some extracts from the celebrated dlack book and drew some con clusions as to the future usurpations of these petty gentry were they not checked early in their career lie alluded to the minor college at toronto which he described to be a preparatory school that is to say a prepare a ihry nursery whtie little lories were carefully brought up and educated kepi away from the vulgar radicals until arriving at years of discretion and oft times before they were transplanted into the hot bed of provincial cor ruption bhoutsol applause and laughter from all quartern followed the delivery of this portion of the harangue the strokes of inimitable wit humour which fell continually from ihelinsof the speaker are too numerous for us to detail without spoiling their brilliancy by our dull reporting the rideau canal was the next subject he touch ed upon the british government he said had been generous enough to expend one million sterling in he formation of u magnificent canal what was the conduct of the extra loyal gentlemen at head uarwn 9 became rwv e cftie ivtatkl might have the fingering of large sums of money a portion of which would surely stick to them they caused a bill to be enacted laying out 3oo in improving the su lawmnce to the detriment of the rideau canal and the serious injury of the town of kingston where was mr hagerman when this bill was passed t in his place in parliament striv ingtosave his constituents from ruin io in eng land striving to get rivetted on their hands the manacles of ecclesiastical tyranny at the time bespoke of the sticking of the money to the commissioners fingers mr jona junes was standing at his elbow it was extremely amusing to observe the gestures of the official gentlemen while dr ogrady was speaking lit the centre stood the orator in all the proud superiority which refined and extensive learning gave him over hi competitor there sat mr hagerman good hu- mourcdly nursing a little boy and occasionally kisving him to shew the electors how ire valued a sneer of the doctors it is true a few clouds of passion now and then passed ovcrhishaudsomecoun- tenance when the taunts and sarcasms of his oppo nent bore too hard upon hint but hespcedilv reco vered his serenity und made us almost credit the truth of his own observation ihat he seldom felt angry igftintf any man long enough to be vexed hcie stood dr sampson his back against a pillar i lift fitiyl uurjiilvinrtihaftja wbtul darkand malignant scowl was the uiivaryinfrinire of his foe the returning officer appeared to im fidgety at the length or the discourse bin n propriety kept imn from expressing any very great outward emotion and to complete the nic- lure in the rear of ihe ooctor mood ur iv t kennedy who delighiingly clapped hit hands and applauded rvcry brilliant hcutaiice ogrudy uttered 8 the signal rung again friends would return to their hornet peacefully what need he asked could thre be for fighting when they saw him and his opponent so lovingly he raid a great deal more but we have no room to detail mr hagerman then addressed his friend m the reason before given we abstain from reporting his speech he appeared to be on good terms with himself and apparently wished that every person should be the same with him he made a hand some apology to mr kennedy for some words he had misunderstood mr k to have uttered and we must say in mr hagermans behalf that his con duct in the whole of that transaction was highly to his credit firstly in the dignified and gentlemanly manner with which he treated what he conceived to be a wanton hmilt and secondly when he apolo gized so handsomely at the time he understood he had been mistaken his addreus was received with applause mr hagerman was afterwards chaired and drag ged about town by the rahbu of kingston in usiig this term our readers will please rounder- stand it as an endearing appellation h ii the same epithet which mr hagerman applied to his own constituency in the house of assembly and as the electors appear to like him the brttr tot his lan guage wc hope that should any of the subscribers to the whio have been rmong the tnflmcn whi in the mud dragged anothei gentleman through the streets thry will be highlv pleased when m style them the rabble of kingston we wonder whether at the dinner which is to be given to hagerman by hid friends tomorrow any of the kingston rabble are invited we hear ihat a list of all persons sufficiently respectable to dine at the same table with hagerman is made out and that strict injunctions are given to the toward not to ask any person of doubtful respectability an expression which will exclude the great majority of those persons with whom for thk last three djys mr ha has been on the most intimate terms qury where will the carters bul in the kitchen where the rabble oueht to be mraiiuit giving the signal to his fritnds who cheerfully re- echucd the applause till the welkin but wc digretf tpoii lfr humes letter he said the had been twisted to nii party purpose he firt one extremely regretted the publication of thnt letter he had exprerwd himfttlfm hue raithl nutucctvil im itt i i r jii a titi llll lilulm tlllu a limni born subject lie was friendly to the con nexion between this country and the parent state and all the falsehood abuse and malice of his ene mies could not alier that fact but ar humes letter had been explained by himself in the british house of commons sec foreign news in another place und it would appear that the letter was writ- mi a gust of passion at the ungraeful conduct vr ryerson one part of the letter mr hume would not defend neither would he but he could not help observing that intentions had been attribu ted botn to mr hume and his defender which hul existence only in the imaginations of a party what was mr humes conduct compared tothul of the officials at york when he mr mauritian was declared unfit for office and dicaded did not they begin to cast about in the minds eye for seme new stale of political existence v vr umes letter totav the worst of it bor un equivo- a public dinner was given by the friends of dr ogrady to that gentleman at the kingston uctel yesterday evening the company consisted of fcbout thirty siitlc- men but would have been much more numerous had greater notice been given of the intended din ner or had it been deemed consbcnt with proprie ty to have admitted any but known friends in the cttuue ot rebrm the dinner was served at j past mi oclock- abraham truax esq was called io ihe chair at whose right hand sat dr ogrady while at the the two lower ends of the table the two croupiers dc- dormer and mr scanhm were sonted when the cloth was removed the following toastsr and sentiments werp given from the chair 1st the people the true source of all legiti mate power drantcteith three timet threi 2nd the king the chief magistral of the people jvtne times nine 3rd our patriotic gucci dr ogrady vine times nine dr ogrady returned thanks at length for the honor the company had done hjm 4th the reformers of upper canada may they ever remember the true principles of constitu tional reform and ever cherish the happy connex ion between them and the mother country three times three 5th daniel oconxel the great re former of ireland jvtrft timtn nine dr- oijrudy relumed thanks in behalf oi his friend and countryman 6th england and her navy ireland and the army scotland and tho commerce of the british empire three times three th the province of upper canada may il increase in prosperity as the penrles right be come more known aiid rcspccied three times three h may the recollection of those individuals who professing the nitnost libemiiv of sentiment turned round and voted for the tfuin whom thev open- ly abused be held in detestation hv oveftf honcrt reformer in the pr ous sihnce volunteer toa by d williamson esq lrbhmeiia drank with thweftr mr wilu nnson iufrotlueed happily ami received the hearty eompji by cvety drank in contempts iiaiiumty among fipptuufti hi kcliliintfctl very c0llitmtlllitll0lli of liv iiv dr hotlip dormer the wuh pendent press of titusth- te ef ii in si ml ml ww id htit lh wrever i nonih t august itrd him ail y i d lildat ixjlll itu mf pwfidcj on te tifniiormr pie j uilicv rinc t rrside t mr fok ra house tiny ei uid continued to bi- svniihed riih sue rc we may atiunpate the not lu diu hen public opinivqt ruhi7 like a rotusy ni inifii ihe samitiil of a muumuin will dash ul t pf 11 iijto du- hfi uii iaive rops and must there is o wr rcolccioii for what iwlow the iddcs- h wvui t ii fl we ud to t- sumib march when mr hun in moy iii f iiijii luij ifl th 1 itilitin hud in not ihi u uikei illudmg i ihe hupp inlfiitlutl wre oni l ili- leudi and jirvti rtn n the lviivd le- thstwnovf kkwpt thtm wre redrvcv ter hear money by nn until last march when mr folger unfortunately became bankrupt notwithstanding this uteurrenre maithewa couttnuiid tu tekidc with mr folger until hitt tieptemhet when the latter intimated io him ihat lie could no longer contiuui to sttppori lum and that they mtlsl hen pait mauliewa by no uieiuis liked u- proposed ai rmgciui in but being determined to make the wdm he cmuld uf the matter and knowing that mr fol ger h id ftuine money belonging the esttitcp nf his wifu hetuld him ory perctnpturily that he mum uoi thtuw linn destitute on the world thil if he did v in humting t tii would depirl fnun him hiuihitit lietiaehim muney to huppnrt him tin hhhme i timl shutild cuutuiiied bj hhii mr fvr t1eikhc hint one hundred dulhirn in hillhofihr ifank ul ihe uniied hllllen maiihewn received thin money u fevduys iriui tulllu ttidi uf mepltnv j bur and on that day he told mr folger that ht was jlytedbubj lumriiiirtrinatrs idd tilted iwsil th sophistry in whi it wjsdreed ind exposed it hi us native nakeducn solutiieni- able u contemptible did he mikt luui appear that eve ft hjgenndir best friends could not avoid mdbtf down their heads with hame whil j the te he uuta e picture ol the mud whom by i vote hieywere about to send again v repreeul ihein in parliament ivjuuic clergy bcrvm a subject winch mr it btmi ho dilated at great lentth uaked the mecnig what reliance they could place upon dm fu ture it uuiih of a man who hud been the willing bfttttdor of the lpicopal clergy to obtain mveuh of the whole province ibr ilieincue demanded how buch a man could have the allroiu tusnifitl and declare he wan a frleud to toleration a iiuir wlneli ought lu be expunged torn the engbsli utigngi- up ma ohiai mniifmlanw euuhy due to ihe ute mr tliummu he hinwll was fnendly to the ystim of prison u am one and vvuihe feiitfntury that mr ihir- hft rf u mniwltlw credu ol iivuig xijijo uf be expend 1 in kinttklnn eal character hut there was no equivocality what soever inthisdeclaratiotinf mr hagerman friends mr iliigerman had thosen to deny tlieeharc o having expressed a whtohang pamil 0con- acll he repeated the story aguin and gave us a proof of its truth that it was mentioned a few hours after it occurred to several gentlemen who could corroborate the assertion he solemnly cal led his maker to bear witness to the truth of ihe charge we might follow the speaker into many other de tails but we hive no mom today at the conelu- siou the most vehmert applause was given three cheer were culled tor and afterwards three cheers aguhi for daniel ocnnnell a how of hands was not taken but at the con- clusiofl of dr 0rady address which lasted two hours and forty minutes the poll commenced and continued till five oclock when the numbers beitur declared 64 appeared for hagerman and 10 fo o grady adjourned till next day at ten oclock at ten ovlock yesterdny morning the poll re commenced and continued wiihmnch briskness un til noun when it closed by the refignatnn of dr ogrady the final numbers were for dr ogra dy 39 for mr hagermun 150 dr ogrady then came forward and addressed the hector hi speech was brilliant rnd well re ceived by both parlies he congratulated his friends upon the termination of this short contest it had ended an he and every one of his supporters hitl expected he came forward to sustain n defeur in oider ihat he or some other individual nf more ft- kill ought conquer another time- the town of kingston must he iree inue take the station it ought to take and would do so he begged bin friends not be dispirited at the result of theiruggle daniel ocmncll began itb a compare j number in the early eneouiitcm with the fell opprev- hois ul hm native country defeat taught huu thr ir of war ami behold hitn ut present nfter having achieved victory alter viriwy aeatcd as thcuvnwed lender in the house of couununs he imped hi lovniers thret p n by dr ogmdy the manor of the late barnabas bidwell drank in solemn s tntce mr- kocbuck and the reformer in england 9 times three 11 dr john rolph m s bidwell and tetcr terry enquires three times three john donahue may his com ct be a bright example co young reformers she time nine dr e w armstrong and ift kennedy eaq ibe chairman and secretary of the constitutional committee three times tfirce by mr williamson l tliibodo bw three times three some other toast were given and alter enjoy ing themselves until twelve oclock the company broke up it is but iuc to mr matrhcson the proprietor of the kmgfrtun hotel to say unit a btter dinner could not hove been given at any establishment in the province e on the 1st october mujur logic wtt elect ed a director of the commercinl hank in the room of the late robt drummond esq e some accidents have happened to the heat britain united states and william avcry and in consequence they will be detained in port lora week or two althc luiflt un r- bcbeb ilijeau cnaajoti iiej hlti mr n j teu wanted iimmrdiatelv xwo iltnnamt rot mis far which indisputable securitv will be girert letters addressed tu a b puattjoiee kinsston october 2nd 1831 stolen or stkavu from ihe poesession of miciiakl scott kings ton a small cow color dark brown approaching to black marked in the left ear by a hole white face with a dark stripe acros her nose any person giving information nf her lo mr w carrell iriukeepcr kingston trhall be properly rewaidud for hts trouble patrick martin hollowed october 3rd ism focrwa on aaturday last 2th insl on board the toronto steamboat lyini at the bottom of itiock streer a bundle containing two coats hlmover hs lost tho miilo can have ft by proving property and paying cxpeuces apply to tiiomatf mliyh rave 8i kmgiton 9fpi hklu ih3j

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