forrfsti scwh iot ha illplt hull wrfla1 at ismil af cholera jhilicrl th- jjekct wpnipolwn cn tfiniiluhirivcftl mmi iiliiy from livcrjiool hwu wm on ihoitirnf aueul with the adjouinmeniof pnrtiiuuntf ihv mm of note hail quilted the metropolis for the sports of tho country and the fashionable uhc ofreurmml all was iranquil in ihc diree miwoml mr o cow- nrillmd gone in lcrr mint- i iouhoiii had departed for westmorland on his way home he pawed throng utncwter and honored iho bar with his company to dinner the tunic soup wan there with mwimliim jccellcnt and ihc toasts and jokes were of the oh i lit- attack ul this character not as parson of harrow would say tit to be reported piiiliaineni it ia said will not he called together until ihe end of next january and that all the great ministerial measures will he laid before the house 0011 after it assembles a company is in the course of formation for the construction of a railway from london to norwfch the line is intended to be through romford brent- wood ingatesione chelmsford william colches ter ipswich and borry- in one ofthe clauses of thv poor laws amend mem bill it is enacted tim orphan children shall be educated oa the parents shall direct we presume that this clause of the bill was in tended exclusively lor ireland a courtmartial is ordered to assemble to try a- lua made a simul lawrence surgeon of the buzzard on a chuigeol drunktnet city fitn piiuii and d mi iku ciiotrnv is ivrius the authorities of th vi to rttipii lnr i minn u lu uw wc no let uttkl ho lltitalrer liftyclclh inw cn hi the it wi ntwmw the i0ih of an one uf lhth pot expired on the loot path in mwlhitfourt f hn- viiig hren lefuscd all hlgfi a h the ojlnpiu l mates ofthe housesin whose utfimtvww wrt ujth he syiiiploililhi dresutflil wrder ac counts from cajrtlihar comity i mayo spr k nl the speed with which surtrye now trim- 4 il indent the phywctaits y lhil on inurli ore rweinbh asiatic cholera hum thosr of 13 run ilotv slml il ijeymih him sorry i l form vou ofn serious loshufn lifcbl ivranleb j the church of the sepulchre rronl laulhri lu 20000 piurim us i am informed wea awcinied this year fit 1 the lore hundred ol ultra slipi it church the night before that ou which holy lir il peanr and during the day thousands tfcdgctl hl ceiher within ita walls the acd and the y tci met wotciuandciiildreustftndhibforhourt viui- out suatiiiuiice and inhaling i contaminated ull closing atmosphere at leiith moans were heftjd ditliaeiu parts and ft hcuuiig wid exciement w observed nil when the flame epiiwl the wmle cons hi mit phuf the viu lltspom rtfllie pvnrf ud aeeordhndv prorcedw lilir pfm i iiv the i tn ltd ratm i odui i lh pluiiiiiasi wntf heicliuu on the part ol hf ihe put stiockinn citanornis at chrk extract of u letter tla 11 siice writing the above rihieiihilt towaa ihc ikm i medical men we regret to learn concur m sta ling that there is more sickness at this tune in lon don than has been at aoy proceeding period of the year the supplies of wheat in marklane during the week ending aug 23 were larger than in any ior- mer similar period biucc the year isil advice have been received from fltbnlm lei date of the 0th ultimo stotim tltuuhe huit jiuci ceased and elcnn bills of health had ik tsued a inospeciusfur establmiiup a m pw t company hab been issued at iunmghaui avah- ft mihtfaiieq orminoound for which a patent has in the mauulucturc hd fyjpulchre jhousandfl nl wrcliee were lv illuminated the air became rallied as lire natine oveimrn ber fuhitcdj were uwiie ahu upon the atrempt to sura men pm iutatcj -il- ei in their fate the nreatus and cxcrfcllaeul d those near the door to reek heir tscupc iitit- nd scd anu hausied gavo way iim cuuruc utotur llh andweixrod causes panic 10 ilia hole fins ut and disorder cnsd able j balance or cpmpt been granted to beeinp ihe capital to b03tvw in 6 shares- the uueeu had relumed to england from her visit to holland and germany the su tftaoijrqvrthc mth of june u m brig charybdis mmk h brig ralleit the tainatfii under potoocotolfctin ihe light ol bomit with 444 uaijw sco i which shu proceeded to citawftv mox dlanc xrt moni blanc was reached on the 18th irtw wsj m fcoin who tu their dtbceikh l m a 0n so tremendous thai iltfylipenshed of cold and cxhaukuoii p metiopohs rather d by diemostersi thai to ihc trader umuu solved ro persevere isn the cork hj olan who took je their example gave a w uu a scene of death boil dcbcriwthnn iwwhim parlmt lio ati puosvjiuv i u ihe bodv the church was borni out bf ovendic n iiil force in the arms of oinc men exhausted nj nearly overcome all coisiderulin biruwii- iihi ullerinc was iohi in ilrr ihl winm d ii- e vnunc the nfiitmneiif the la na- umv builders struck th tlum sign a decla they do not and ww societies tlie conversion raid states that a leading part in ireland i jiu doyle ts repotvd preservation me vuunc tne ivw mi nur and the fakeiti were trod dutf loot by ouirosliinz nmliitude and the m 3 ldl lwd to glance upon the now vacnit iie ol lamult to- held the vast aisles of the lll clmrch strewed mitfl the dead and dyin pit irim 1lt lwt smteinem givoo the losui loylhcs one which ia rcspiro- tablc between 3tw and s00 and report sajs iktat nearly 400 have been l and among ihem man of the egyptian soldiers and some odicers it appears from rto elaborate eortwpondence ol a london paper that russian intrigue is vmty active iii urcecu stid that tomtthno must elapse ue- ibre the thro- e ooiho can beuirmly esteblmiurd asueawce ihrtunculed roohf uw oniirlii nfa stable iuid good povvrnmeitt tiie same paper con- uuiistheacttqccusution and scntanceoi deatli upon coleciroui and coliopulos in rpect to whose trial an explanatory note of considerable lent lias been 11 luweia reaideo cuidrcssejto tfic mlubrtcwoflbr in uroccc uii cvrloi at tllia moineut 111 diocese of leighfijtaiijtobhionnert tu tritbctiiirr of the establikdlbtti tranhswattuft i the groondwotkaotneci of the church ol konm ucovcrsialdiscrnsj 11 pilce ul pun carlo at ihsnoimui m luimaie fnepof br tir rt of a holy iilliancc manoeuvre likiiedhieowliiliiifrimi fci it wis thui iii a mil ar ii ilhe iviitltsuili t resigned hi puthih a shortj wcstmorlaiida ihe 1 mimhmixif j lookiug ai charged sorry to siftvjwft ihnien of ijte tunrbbt oli justness of the jcwxktw hours at eoe ijumi lyndbursi f it you are ai gcntleineu 1 am isiijedalso thegen- howore very lung laeou a 1 ided boirsjacd 1urj cws i4 j jiian on pronouncing sen- leuet of t sampson at the luc well 11 of put a mi to ii p an oimion a mfte uns on mhm hjuaetipi an omuion whiehj naii hie 1 in i m 11 y iif ppafts ol iie present western cirnii lordd a pmtsulotioo that this leauie ol die judfio atul duty is in future to be dispelled mil iw muitkuf summer anixee circuit has teinif- nreo und die ixrsult is two executiuos only one lo uluracj t emus another man for the wint enme at 1 i lice none at limerick or uurk the oxford circuit hajudt concluded although it extends over eight counties no ieion has been sentenced q dbatft braham whose real name was abraham hut being a jew nud fearing it might interfere with u pi oleftsiouul success made an abrasion of the a died on the 12th ult of ihe cholera in londou- his talents were uf high order and he sustained an estimable character weipperta disiiiiguivhcd piu- noist also died on the 1jih of ihcsju month itraham the vocalist and his lamily are gone to swansea for the bcnolh of aeabaihmg and fo the convenience of bciugnear to cuidilf and to hereford wiiere music meetings in each cuihedml will be held in the course of the autumn onjuly31sl in the house of commons mr ahercromby presented a petition from ihe inhabitants of edinburgh complamnig of the btatc in tthieh ships were sent to sea by their owners and more particularly ships intended to carry euucrmts to the new colonies and staling that in consequence ol the uulit state in which those slops were sent out utc most heartrending losses of human hie had ti- ken piacc the petitioner niiriouied tins line o conduct on the part of shipowners in a great mea sure to ihe system of insurance elmsillctuion that existed at lloyds audit prayed thai ihe house would be pleased to appoint surveyorn to inquire in to and repoil upon the aea worthiness or otherwise of such ships and vessels before they were permitted to iui out to sea house or couuova orncts bill tlit fna t unite mi th bill which reduces ihe alay ofiho sjwaktr hmu jcguuu tw 3000 a yuaf t 1 aciccd to in committuo on tjiorxby bv a vote of 3b to id after ionic ttrcnuoua oppoviuon roul mr t auwoodp sir warbuttouwlio thought u10 ttdurtiea jim be profptciivit mr e uutlivcn aktsnmn tliouthur ajikr mio woodp ilr 0hilty unit otbotlt lord alumrp aut that as uic tiighift saury paitl f minister of the crown wo 5j00 a year hcaavr no ihjvctiou to rcjuco th spaktis alary tooiomjna uuounl oo tho eiolion ofmr hugo lal oight it waa agreed in conimitiev that the ttdsiy r tin im- aooi speaker abooldnof bo roditcod and thu bill min anivmlid to uiat r h the bill is to bo reada third lirno im moiliy august 2 moitoouak election iho commtueo roprtcd n w-i- ncsday that mr lucaa wan and mr wshtiusj the fctttiti mcinber was noidolj cltcttd- tho rutoru haabc ai anuml- sd accordingly naw pens a concapondanl of uio forin foatof ka turday atatea that uitrc arc u be half dozen whig ivoi rrc aud at the cloac of the aeaton ad inst tho iblfowing aro tho new baioftp with their littea sir gilbert lualhcote v rf cilibrtiss the parties to the hue treaty or civuo t ninny hrtueeu tin nb it hacdtuinlx loured ihem preiumtiietx into an tttowul of prinnpli jhr they have aeiveil to lulojh inoftvwnn rotore euv to spain tlw baeiijree to prevent don carlo from rcrt ih itiiiifdrv hicrours ai l of ctkifnt the next stop will h should he iunimam his imnah to adopt measure to compel him to widulnw in ihe uimiitnne the co c litis roinnkncod irs hihors and uijutls he spaiiards are more tuhascu ihan even th ir enrmiefi allege thereftre hop lor die rc- uenrratioi of their eoiuitry a w 110 tinomt mrr a piciaph hcudiil k tlupi ittnkii ihe circuit o the paper mid behave been given t uodeitau 1 1 1 1 1 tln e- rial vrnh itfl ft luost uv ifl icet hfcjj ie t uf a lish and ctileulated to p iiiiu and iiihi of wha it wax ti ha vi tf with 1 pgivuluft 111 hnaid pleil in luht liivr 4 tcinix or eihi initio it u l mh at is the iii 1 eirt afl ulaildlm mwti wcijcht oi uvjh mittmrtiu thirty pf jiii on tilt ljili uih ioni die atlventuiors t x- t i r 111 rair t i ion pejinu vcr 1 il till iloui lltltrt dm llkitiuo sothiit tlltfuud lit- lit 111 u til- 1 the 8ir franeiit bordcu mr lluiihury tracy- mr george byng sir georgopbillipa- mr liuiiion lord norman tun lrd votcttmtu lord ivacy lord n lord sheldon jord tiddgaky prmt ui pnsthuiid tat tty rtarv frafff d inst ildniihiilioh to don iedin nod then 1 hiiuhl tins proe ikihtiiiml to have rvuiirc to cxconiiuuitkitr lion tleofliec of uf- x v hcsfv corner of albany mid wasliitigttui street wus entered lt t uiit by ibrcitis tiie htirk dour and the iron rhr rctimved tutu 1 cod yard tidjuhihtg with a tc of felo niously tbsirariing its ciitteuts shciiuthoy piove to he any of thenretllhl hut thdr cudeaturs to force the lock of the sufi proved unavailiut not withstulldilt they uvd hit je wciylkft nhich lhe obtaitii il in tho yjird for the purjhw and ah 1 d uioltshhva a consider jv p ntiou of the from oflhc dt- 0 lutinn the loe they a ased the i vise ami predoions and deeaiuped taking ittl th 11 which llley its hid in a drawer in tlie olliee uitb the keys of the lunous diuwers as ft convotlhoi for their tihu and trotdilc mr w requests us to kay that n ihc crnttrtncm bvm hardly nnumerted for their m-ihii- uu expense he will he hippy to re ceive uiiutlier vwil from liitd jfimiriv a y ttf i offgoon as tluy can fltlts provjiiciul we hope oiat ihe tortcipondont of tho post will prove 10 hn inthufghi and ihere ia a circuniitancc whni iudum 111 i think thai he ia correct 0 tar at lul si one of utu llotf tls9e- en it concerned it ia that mr llanbury tfscy who ivtn an- nourjcedaaaflaudiaateriirinyiicoatiniiii tho pltioi ttftfh vv- u onnc li withdrawn onovuuit hit ou mr tray lrjjgli haa como forward 10 hiw aad tho naw jyor ktippninfr ihc lit to be correct his h men of great weatih tm ttolv lulormnn liid with on irrplin of aic nl mid ilbljri- jtmhod faiilia tho i reutfou of cvou imii a tsu of ifilni kit4cotj6dnc ami aeaivb infti mjumtry and m unffcn3ary latrpotf tonw 1 vii it prvl might b uhiij i ii jl nfiwcasvub assizer igrakl elswurtu i isaac oc asa cilvktt tiiis was a vitrj flifjrmnttj cae of assault and trespass delendiinof were ktuiis to dieir hruther who liehl a pioperty ivoirt plaintilf under lease tilth rcsertli- tiuil lu riatntitfiil a erp of wheal ul i3aeres wllicll h hul put ill- it whs piutid in el i tie nee liml pljju titles light lu outcrop liid been imly uihiuikrl irt riuui liutcby tlelemhuilh uid iheu brother ilias- illurh as inv huil permitted imaiihilf to oncivir sc wralnjieciul hcts of ownership on the smile socll as friuiny it in c neiliihelegrt tih n harvosj litih eaine tliey dniied hi ntthtuitiigothttulid iroecudid in ijiu hi the crop llieiiwlvesi ilaintilv broogltt his wajtoh and 11111 in oppose ihem 111 li and on hi- atieiupon tn eiiler the lit id the kstdiolt couipwttcil id look plaei i lenthiuts piity cxpeeihtg this oppniiiuij burl giuim piy ided slid utie idlluu ttut sjllipp d at the plaiutili on his petiliii lu jviumvl the lenee rortlllutidy it liishcd in ihe piti onl or in all pibibiiiy ne woaitl hm been kiilrd on lite jtpot as it wis perbtcli lie mieti up a pichrork throwing iiit uiu ubml hoircj struck huij in the side another un nas dim hu ed ai him uhich took edict hi lusuniif svundhtg it se verely lie wes then induced to retreat iv hi op poitcjtls kept die wheal it did not appear thai eiiliei of the dclemhihifi touk any ttctlve part in the fiay tin brother was the tuao who liivd iwnt suiil be hits aheonded verdict aeaiust eich of llleiu c70 10 powkas ahd scott v the sscitirr trcaparis a11 interesting and hnportom case defendant m trine uf bin llinee iwtitrd u wrhuf uttacopnnt a- tfaiiist he propel i ul tmeswav menuiian and fur- ran ol colborue abscuiiding dehtuis mhi in due emiim neat his ulliei r to sell the name by auefiuij definttuiils protested tighimtl the mk nvering the properly wasthekv huftngbwil aviijjud lu them by mrrrtimm and tnrrar previous to their buns it mas slumely eouleildrd hy irneit tltut tu ntwitflrtiiiti illegal and irauduivut amis memniaux tairar made lor the iu jmi rik loff their other creditor mhi thenloiv it coum be allowed iithtwo- cquitw iliitlordrfhip diowhi diivercmly and cimrd the jury thui a tr thm had been proved vehet for pl w4l i7 1011 the tviimatrd ilerdwid the 8leril 1 unld we ard triad to um demnified it thi action tthie of the nu les ifaiihiirord ilurteaches uv m ik mlhuw of he v hi niuel pte0 to lenrn that the j u mmknk fan appointed bymi confereuve and v cowcrierf to come ml hlm drrovm xelthrovjhthe proiueaml titleierj mtul work so that rfl hodeire lu bear audee lor lhcmeli ill in qlt ptulmbhty have an oppm- lttrt in theemuseofa m months ii dliilit w an- informed mr mnrn mtetuu to ten 1 u the country at tart two yews- c 7ft we mm exeeetlniuly to iearn that our ul laith- folaidrdefatible meuiher philip aunuuuet iwdiwsiuithlkinl toolkrrua a cimlidt at the auprkiehiu- ulecfam xliis will not only cause ludchmiqirwc tonlfhbihsnite hut great disappoint- iiknt and ih vd we omv ndd to the pobh- yeiierai- iv wh il hnn hee lite cause ol briugiutf huiilnnittiiihideiermiiiauoi we me unable lor ft certainty m my one uibiifr however iseertttiihchat lie nevei stood hkhmf in the estiiotitwu ot tite 1 rec iuihlers ofcionnont iluu he docs nt tins present noineul kvpoit says that the leason lor his 00- clinhiy iinconacnoenccof hisprirkipai clwkf thu hud the chanp ot his business tor many years pejtj haiu taken a contract 01 the can d and that lie imwi now absent himself from his hinea with out sustahitug too heavy a loss since die above was put in type wc were inform ed thai froine of mr ft w fnciitls intend to briny i ini brrtrrd nimlltg or in we cannot vouch huw- eier a totie accuracy of the iatuuciiit4wroi jjvrjrr kiiiukutscninid the sheriff of niagara coun ty olfcrs a reward of vsoo for the appreiiension oi rieniiuit uaker who won trial lor and eoniau ed of ferjury and who effected hi escape whilst the jurj were out the lodtporl vuuncr in notic ing his trul and eetapc concludes as follows o communit in nhkh he may take up his reidence will be atftu h knf as he may remain in it should an opportuivoliir in which tin ennuuittum ol ernne would ihc of benefit to bun the pew ol sociel therefore requires tlisr- this criminal should nut be pcrmiucd to run at hn he is n lawyer by pro- ilioii is from j0to 19 years of age eboat s teel hiii somewhat slcmur made round shouldered dark billow complexion long visage and prominent riqsc iulij cheek boiuft dark hale pymb the ex- pressiori of whicli i il ktrateht black hair ftioojiw somewhat when standing or walking uiitl wkeucou- versing wears a forteo nunatitrsl smile on his eouu reuunee willi these descriptions few can imake the man it uy albo be well licre to add that he was ft short time sum an editor of a newspaper in tins phiee and as sucl obtained souie oolonety milttta toolkrv a must amusin and ridicu olnerrd statultf that the law provided for the coe kheanl hv auc ut matnuc and throtghoi upmvitoiiscihinihlv referred towjmrttoi inl in 00 imnmcr wn th wuidv4ni nr refcrencc overruled had in more ihait out iiul lewo tnnrimr ihrohsfli and fic objection was pnceeded theeaae wasijone iiazittrmrs ctoecil b pasjtkjy uieiit srarhard wiv ifopiuion the complaint wot ihvulotth autl thijhl to be dismissed ins broher mai rate wisoipuient it was fully proved and that the kekpmidciit should he cntnmtucd tinder this iliscurihuue of opinion it ivrvs agreed to call in a third niagisiruie mr william robertson was sent for and immediately a tie 11 jed iic endence was read oivr tn him ihe two justices commented upon it autl he was of opinion with mr mcatchard that th com plaint was frivolousf ad that the complainant should pay alt costs the parlies were called in and judg ment pronounced accordingly and the cotnpbiinam left in the hnndjof a constable till the cost were settled wc need scarcely add that the dissenting nudist rate whos tender mttcg would have incarcera ted the respondent was ira sehoficld and perhaps it nottld be snpcrlhious to observe that the object of mxxihu wfritfrfc on the occasion which induced him thus to volunteer his viduabte services was john ihilitced a proprietor of tins paper who would if judged by mr seholicld have been incarcerated on h charge which two honest upright magistrate one ofdieui mr ttcholield issued a warrant for tlie arrest oltlie respondent on saturday evening under which he was arrested how fully has this circumstance hewu that the summary punishment bill leaves our liberties and our properties to be disposed of by an arbitrary a rmrjrtrand in too many cases an ig- and an unprincipled magistrate true rafriot london ij c wc understand no writ is at present to be issued for the return ofn member front tins town the cen sus of mr askm embraced a portion of the original appropriation 01 the town by ieueral csuueoe and in tile absence of any legislative enactiuenl to de- hue our limits very properly so wc however learn that it ha bcci decided to eontine our limits to a plan made by the surveyor ieneral wliich cuts on all that pint of the town west and north of jjttadas strcc leiimiig dial street as our extreme limit ou that yidc 16 toronto torough ths enterprise of flit henry kowsellt bookseller of this city whohi connected withi london establishment bus for some time past enjoyed an advantage which wc believe it thd not previously possess that of an excellent and exteu- sive circulating library the collection eoujsteol nearly two thousand volume of the most improved biighah and freueh works to which is added imme diately on publication every nftw work by authors ol acknowledged merit we trust that mr kowseil may he fully patronised in his undertaking hy the citizen ul tit flourishing uieiiupoba and thus be enabled to extend its meutsaud ns usefulness as a literary establishment mr- charles daly hns for a year past established a respectable library the plcasureand convenience oi winch lias been much appreciated by ihe inhabit ants ofi oronto we heartily wish well to all stab- hshments eulctihiicd to improve the literary taic ol the public turwtto vatewl all inquest was held hy tlie coroner at barrio liehl on lite 30th nit on the body of william dun- bar wburnei with hisdeath hyillllhtg from the lop of thewi to the bottom of the ditch fn height of in btiy30fcot of the new work constructing rtttoinl uemy venliet acctd utally killed- the de ceased km fonnrlv nr twite in h m 15th re 4 t 1 ccacu wax ioiiiirlv private mil idlhkchllcnt unmhm hrtiwaulf been acted m 1 edit con nmx maiwncuabo ll b urih a uptam and lintm rijm scrgftit hi the tmc biiiieiitrfc lh d upon to arswer jefors a court imiurtial sever al gmvo charge prcferved by inspecting field ojti- crr liciitcn mi uoloil tuuer it woiihl appear thui the cuplhioi not iaing been stsayotd the pus u honor which he coiccived the merits ol ins coin pirny entitled huu to dsitn would ud join the lme npnathe parade wtoui i but dispersed ins men and ulaiehed tiane of the authnriy of the kteld ullicer ifurtiaid ilu liist liteuieiiant haimg de- when onlercd m 10 do whs tilao mtaiglttd nimil aew liiiuswiek paprr dvetibe the paraphernalia ihe cuiui a enu- liuieulou rretlunctifiii tinxette u in d a imilititt ifiieral ord 1 rwinhnff in iwe eohtiiius eoiitiim the elnmre ihe ihiduig ul die court nud the uvteun of the coiutnander in lluth otlieer- ore bund rjuilty and con- einliii hii f w mh iih fi imt ccoiitiueihiniioiii uml to liiu e a c wliuh iuutly pub deinned to ik c- in coiiseotien- i ti the huinhlc memo vincero coi parties thty ttre t he univen ami trltion oi the vie tiust will be vood bovtr in future whenever they are called out 10 ploy soldo halifax paftt jhc mincrvt ol this morning contents a rros and brutal attack on l excellency laud ayhuer ihe authors of whib tc hope for die etoiioi td he ejj will be subjected v severe punishment tile iio- leuior is accused uflraving sanctioned the innr- deiv of tlie 2lst id may efhuving allowed to go nx lsre the uihr i uarbeuu of iim hi been ju ccisory to ihe deatis of every one who died by ihe petilcncc and lh shades are represented as eall- iigttpon him toip d a couiltty winch be bw jilled with iga11 and slimd by sns iuhumiiuiiy as iatllc ubovu languaqo wtnnisullicteimly ziroug 10 exei the worst puswiis uf iheir riiiiided ibllowers the paper is cohered with all the emblems ol woe usual ly empjoyet i bv urttspapcr when unuotiucing the death ol a soveft r uuy other melancholy e- eui we do not belli ic that any iirslancc can he point ed out tn the llimntv d any uritib colony of tin iiiigs keprescniifte beuil tints exhibited as hi olyect of execration and vengeance to the mo niul a sngma of tlicdttpcrf dye will be attached to the tin nice if the tvtcndmg paniesarc not subjected to ihe hiuhvsi pni uhiehthe law will warrant the uieaavt pea il h pfotccied in his life reputa tion and propcrt bnrely a roveuior in chief ie no eiojfieiu wv die jae ol the law mun- trtut ijuzette 2 1 mi nit miiil j nnent khmnic it i with a leohni oi extreme roitot that wc re cord bcdcttui of captain ctrgo douglas pf the hark oilmen wlo deling nearly the whale of ins useful life has bee rupiyed in the trade between the pcuof caada and that of loudon a the cholera baft made lis appcnrnncc r thiiatio phh twelve deaths lud occurred front that disease dtiiini the weik emlinfruit sunday last it had not rred una h uluriu in tiemvia the discost was in ii it had tntrpiled itsrlf aloivj tlwlmnks ol ih j riven and was making irr- al ravages 1 iiifhi hi the piiu- wimds is stated to be the only re- mrdy the avfffuni wert the principal mtdeirivio a very crraorlinary cure for cholera hits bowl discovered at rfaliim in the state of new york ft appears the discnw has been vcrv bad there for milh tune ptwl a fihort time since one ol the mm nnpluyrd ar the snltwnrk had a very mum ii 111 all vtpatlu llit lie might be covered all over w ith the hot salt from the parts his request was complied with and the silt lis hot as it could be borne was placed uioumj him from his feet to his chin the t 3fayocr oeputy potmn ofihe iitiliio lamertciut colonies renhiv via new v by one ofthe 15 is hiiviiij pud j fllr tftnyner was igo by the out tieiiisal to give rleparhur on the des upptuiloo m ri irtiviil yes- tvre piek- in to lniir- btirr hii irtrn dlid in ini- uioiit sixu n niouluv i kiehiuuid llnu io-imitrr- oiatmuiuti on die buiiirr uf hi ofthe results of veiopui 1 wa mauley already pubhhed to reientn s iumii in the 1 laiire quantitie result was a natural perspiration and a ouick and regular pulse and m jew hours the man was almost bee from the tlieise it was understood that a re- spnablc physician of the place intended to try the experiment when an opportunity offered ib on thursday lost- the britannia steamvessel had great difficulty in making her passage from laprai- ne on account of thd lowncss ol the water at that part ofthe channel called tlie troh rvrkes hc loucbed suvcml thins vwicrdny therefore the inailwas biought over in a bateau as it was consi- tiered daugerous to navigate the britannia within the iiiemory ofuian the water has not been w low as it now is ib it has heci staled that the bills for the incorpo ration ofthe colleges ofst llyacinthc and st anne ill receive the koval sanction we believe there ifi a general tnstructiui to the governor to reserve all hills conferring corporate powers if die bills ill tphrion wore reserved under such instructions wc certainly think iheir character fthnitht httw caused ihem to be returned with the least possiblo dtfrav tub ut ire iv utobly tin cvoidet and win would be siilouiited to lliti tlii- fereiit cduniai 1 ilatures pruenihly in the eimi- mg tinier oi tliuntm will kj prebls in iiluiiued to the cswaturei and the whtpvr postage be liunlh m r tvgulatcd qm h tsuzm lmmuv jl ehmliiniimmniiii- ed 011 iuudaj he utlaj toultof tbocojcpuocc llkel to result lvorltc act ofthe hil luiioi l- he magimiatea the prwr to di ces r iiieninjaiiia nr a jed upon oti saturday belinv mr vaniat exnuhd in lia uti rfidcuf when appeuiuas british whig i mi runsri ltji canrj hy havtam llarkr m ik lncrihra hv ivmi hnii trtltiilriity ar jliu4 kujk a t rii- i i-i- jit irt to cmnihrtionnt9 m vfrrtt aiak warn rccclimlbm late sismwl bfcws j fntsds iii in rciivi mtu u writ lorm on hi aamc oml aj- lir- nrio mfftmiw itnti bl mit wliat w alkifilokr ir jiittri vmmui sfcmftffrlmzimmmt whes wewadtaacauu pw osrrralraj wartiilljnii itlitaiiill j kaiv pmi ui m njij niglrrirtl u tlut aanaar httttt wpt ins iukkc wlih more dfdw if te win umi il k1n09to ivruairs ixsttttnaoh thnniriarlj ifmcuttrf wiu tntfl plnte unite tonri llovoi v- asvrlrirv ivrrnrkoiaulcci- itfg hw aamvt inai mitr if rrtiatioo a cmii ffl itow r3 ma joihi rlmrrwonh lrrirj ma trma rnnj to r ihr inrnilt i rii itcn in llr rtntt ih im- n vtot m i tivvaia hr nil riiiw r itrlimi bit v rtauftrta locaaiii iiieut pvnie to ciiehaid on a lium the lej tiesa m another m ibu luiuince ufllie i ride upon petty die eumplaiut vt rn wn u iinmii uiiom rjiiee wil- ruin- ptamanr vbo itnfd that his only tsttrtfilhftl w liu was tone in jofa b tie furthrr hearin f tbe ease wuatlioutned to mttthiy wetit n htiweur ap- peaiuii lhal ulu onnnt uf the wiines aheiien was a mere liin- on tin mrt uf the eojiiphiinaiit the wiiness beint v town ml sunday hcltvxiifi ileiil on monday inoriimgiuemiuiud lltuftlr 01 piesbd ait inmi diaie iltkpohel ol tin itflmir i flk uticldlta tv or ven xr mt klcllfn mj- u lslns nh ihr hh hm ihc ourj v flantil could procure 150 votes were polled f lens than half ofthe legal voters of the tor- oat of which nurobsr fulloohadplejgcd to vote on ihe liberal ticket dr og had only 36 votes but many good and for him were rejected by mr smith tbe officer while illegal voters for hag number of 42 were tendered and receirm same gnileman one glaring piece of was so monstrous that mr hagerman fusnd to receive the vote this was in da mr leahy who came forward to poll man 011 the house in which he now reside alleged that after the fire which bm mr leahys former residence he had reroot of town and kept tavern and did not returnt ston until another house not the one tliat trovrd was rebuilt nothing could be plaj this case and yet mr smith was willing o vote i the tint question put to the voter n9tt you vole for if the answer was flf h ma i no objections were made h mr imt legality of the vote hat if the aisier wasq grady mr smith minutely catechised the t and after he had done turned him overutlr der mercies of mr kirkpatricb the lawan mr hagerman dr sampson whouathcij oftiagerman acted more tmpaitially andrj means of a few votes being parsed for ofc that would not otherwise have lieeil allowed smith in choosing the returning ulicertjr vemment eltojld avoid niuini choke ofafc partisans in kingston and lenox nndufa two influential uucomjiromiaru lories btvl chosen and it is morally hnpoiolq air- t have executed their oiuccs properly tlv of frontcnac are somewhat bottcrelfl theiltl altiumgh a tory does not caretwupence whacb tlie election goes and we venture to predict tb partiality will not be complained of by cither pr othcr reasons existed why the mmwiiyati oijradv was so small must id the liberal 1 were impressed with the belief that his success impossible aud therefore did not wish lojmmti their bank facilities by voting for araiufite they know must lose the election 0dur9lgjlia not understand the merits ofthe tocstiun 6 ligious prejudices were excited ngjinsl a c- prhwr who thrvv vttflhvsh vudi permitted to take ids scat in the house of bly if elected to explain thu matter it necessary to recapitulate and explain nwcat something wc told our friends lut wce in the early part of the week ucnnchuolr ax had fully made up his mind to tcmiii te test he had considered all his ctiaitcea efsu and the tunny traitors whom he knew to he camp would turn the rubles ariit him if fie it was therefore resolved to resist 1 to mr hlg an ewy victory in this state of all irs dr 0 dy arrived hi kingston and would have quind instantly had it not been suggested tohimbj of the true friends of reform that three im objects could be achieved provided he or sonr ubte public speaker would hold mr hagcn ehetk for a day or two the idjecta were rirtlv thill a commencement nnght uematfcl 1 rclouh 1- sccoiic ti nun before his constituents- o pay creator attention to hi pu ucmnrs 3 ori iniikrvit rrrim w man proiwnywwtlicfchi lufng bccii aijmwj i l i m i wtiafi becwmi llcir duiinduii yarmmmhl i rrr rtuoa u ilnir ms ir1 mhi wiichiii 1tiiai mmmktl ell deftliw ul iilnuist utter 1hh1i ihovk ih a- iubhr ui- vl w wtli z j lum ir fniiirl for the cmtckl wrdm iivttiifnk 11 ifficknilyhuihomg u warrant niin mh mr ulianlio aichihc tjs i it m u cry rtmf i uk umihncv or n oiliw hub r khgsto ttksrur kvemtia ovt 7 i3j kiahmrron kubttwk ybn ki tori nn t buumiiiig liucaitw lucir clmnu mic ei dcftaiiiw um ulnuum utttr ilihl ill rcibiii ii ihts ln v hln iliit mr hiittiiiin ntlu receive m wouljindti liuiirtitiry and thirdly thut tho wjico mijli im iijixiiiraf cliult or in othc words that thorn pcps0ww bevu haugitiir on in the reformer for tlieus htitwhowreyuiieeteu to be faljrlmtiijjht haitai purtutth oi lybterhiy their votes fur a min who in their luoutllscoultl not be vilwi lieiently that these objects were fully dished is our only satisfaction a coumut ire lipmtl mnie i a i it t augean stable of kington air llayennnn dij cite a consigetloili and auch a castiatton as mi be speedily forgotten etthei by hhuself bisfn- or his eoesnies and the reform party husbecnpaal ed of a number ofusclet handis men who for 4 couvitteratiou of the most trifling sum wuiitdhn toted fvc both candidates with 0c breath if these subjects are atteiitiyi ly considered such occasion for the grand boasting of the toriot i had a popular liberal candidate who ti both british doth and a townsman to toot puss ed himself jiff hagerman would havclbuuds cost what a very slight hold lie has on tlie atvccrian ofthe kingston in ns fkostknac liiic rion on monitav iiivtin last s mclaan licllier with tho candhlatot tr tha cuunly andfa respective ftt cuds attended at the hunting in lluttliut walcrlooj fwr t lie purpose of electing two member for tha luiqg pailianicnt jacoi sliiuy efq- was nominated h abraliam truai aaustaeoki john strange ear was nominated by tlioiitat collicaral tlioma rice john cs eaq was nominated by p cook im jof cph ferris air j iv scottj was nominated by ilyrnn siikr nri job scott mc clark nicbolu wsa cominand by john day mt ai dij ah the gmdidau nadc apeeclics- sfr slubkya was 4 metserihle and mr clark nietiolu wastlielungsc t sl with tho ctccirtioii of sir strange declared tvnwhi kesiimer in the full aetta of the term antlallpromtmidtol their duty to thir eotulitusols ifelcetld- a show leinda wa4 taken and declared in fivor of shibtf ruul clark nicholti when a poll mi ihmmdcd for ft suongsi pfevlttth to which it ought tj in ajj thai campbrlt declined z contest in order that no dtvtdooi inks pliflfiq in tho itefrm parly tfatjouadod wai iimh clark nieholh a man whom nobody knour or cm aim iiotu iad been hailing on tho skirls ofthd koormos o time ptl and bad latterly conceived ihr ilnl ufthfs hhlwelf into iiailiauteiit to legiflai foi iho cotmtv wbn uughl to tm rsihot hotdmf- a pluighs taib hit man em mall cpecuion come forward to die luuiiu mid dec mnsdf acandilme well knowinj thai hera shihk cuupbsll ware ihc candidates chosen by the lo der of tho formers he was roquvud toiovorta mruidlh ho ivonld do to i in tttuag by inurf i lib ciimpheir- els lion and yml rvdwd to budo ram blct i ifrf did it ehrtl cawipboll aheuld not lu iwssta of nsktra t bftl hmirir alive wsy and in order out a jtav rna keiea ol coercion ituifidatr ahtld nnfbs rnuned eam iipoti thu uml mid im niud in givor uf rhrlt ni 1 bo pehitt thru cmtiworvdj iul at it siuidoy to ilaifc nkholla r0 fln urttir-ujar- n iikvi inrtoufiory and rlisr diimmiiiusf ie ia isiukk ljipiit