thkmi fv hi rm fnmcv roh vol lad1e0- ilsunjs respectfully inform itiffmna- drill it vicinity ihlh rty will i limited iiumtwr or pinnta at 1imiiii cunicr of efcai fffh m w lotli tnd cwnncc to whom thev prnnoat gumg uwim mb in the various bwnchi f neittvul ft uacfrtl bducftuuo i i lsird if turm upon application annul 17th is3l r kipsmiu found- rdtv 11l otl board ilic toronto hfn luiurcu lbs imwni- of biock street a i hcrthi timing lo cqum whoever hastwt tin iinr mi ltvo it by proving property and paying cxikticcfti su apply to thomas musii crnvr sr kindlon pop 29ili us kiiiffmtnn for sale ay excellent cookixg stove apply to this ollicc 11 1834 lake ontario the klcffnnt stem of william avery propelled by uct powerful fotr pressure engirt cnpi navaamsib johnson will for the remainder ufthc kui ply on the rtvcr s- lawrence nnd luko onttmo between 00- dcnnwitgii and niagara as follow upward s otrdembursli every saturday kiinmon u c sunday sackets hnihor oswrgn linelkmir ivndim monday this h published and rob sillib by the author the dnscurvbltfti pftaykri and other pocffif il iustraiivc of u chanir hcnt by a- j williamson cqiuijo eabpbfikumhitji uw leopard tripoi kington sept dv iph 41 ato tpt ifltll 13 well and canal at a meeting of the board of director of held at rl wlluiul iiic wollautl canal cumpiiriy mil u- st catharines on thursday the 4th oi ctptehiihr iiu prssmodt submitted the following rdrfpimiumc width touk piece in cdtteuqueiite ol notice uppcritiff in the upper canada iazctrc under dam uf july loihi or which the following u a 09pv tike notice time an application will be made at the ncxi scoi of the provineuil parliament lor an it to impede n tax of two pence an acre upon all ililciiliivfitaci land in the ixiugam western unci london districts and one penny an acre upon all uncultivated lands in this province the proceeds to be applied to the support aud maintenance otlliti wvlland canal grantham 19a jwv 1831 the above was not insttsted in the oaaotm until late in ivtlguiit its being dated from grantham induced the president to address note lo die edi tor of the gwuriitnlnl official gazette mating in bubstaifctff that as ho felt convinced there was not more than one individual in the township of gran iham who possessed a hostile feeling to the welland ciinal he ww desirous of ascertaining who it could be and requested the name of the author to which the following reply was received toronto 26a gttt lm 7ar sir i can have no hesitation whatever ai your re quest to inform you that the notice alluded to re- nectiiiffthe wrlland canal is inncd in die itt rrrtr k dmn f mf nafki i ik iv1u il name is given to inc aa responsible for its appear- ance in such a way that i feel myself perfectly jus- tilied in this case as in any other to answer die question coming from you or any other person very truly yours robert stanton w h muim elq after duly considering the effect this notice might produce the board unanimously resolved that they consider it a dory due to themselvea and the public to publish the currttfpop- dencc in order that the country mu knuvi the true source from wlipncc the notice emanated by order of the hoard john clark svc wetland canal office st catharines ftept 4 1831 n r the government official gazette and other papers will please give this one insertion 1834 lake ontario the sew atbvm boat 44 4 41 44 44 i 44 it 0 a 0 a 12 9 r 1 a capn r uowc will on the 23rd of july commence her trips he tween ogdensburgh and niagara as follow going up leaves ogdensburgh tuefday at kingston wednesday sacked harbor wednesday oswego do sod us thursday rochester do toronto late yoric thursday coming down leaves leyiston friday rocheater saturday sodue do oswego do s harbor sniririy kingston do touchingat french creek alexandra and urock vjlle on htr way up and down- june 2gih lil 4s 8 0 j 8 2 7 2 hi m- h m m m m m m m- mi kingston u c medical academv under the ausptcks and mt0xa0b op the laini governor sir john colborne k c b csc mt coll3 surgeon royal nkvy ill open an establishment according to the above notice on lie 1st avgust j lis terms arc as follows gentlemen with board and lodghw tfuhingi axr- 100 per yeir without board c 30 per year the gentlemen will be taught with great cam the duties incumbent upon them as professors nf the general science in every branch theoretically and practically their morals will be carefully wauh- td and their religious duties will be impressive vu- furcetl upon them according to their tenet tlioy will be taught amatohr medicine midwifeliv stc clinical lccturcs will be daily given in the leisure hour they will hae tlieatlvanftge if they please to study everal languages wuh which jttr colls in wcllaequainted as the foltnwing french sauja portuguese italian ami dutch these will be gratuitous 2o will be required in advance as an entrance- fee which will be considered as part of the first years payment july zi lm 10 the new and elbcj4nt o-i- 10 at fou ki i i it uptniu dotf prepdud fry n lev p tf tiij nnrtc tr melt will leave pmcou on monday and thurmluv nvynmg after the 3 of the 8lun itoai irom below will touch at drockville frcudl cwck and arrive at kiiigmon next mornine will leave kingsioii for the hcd ofihc bay on tuesday and t nday mornings at 9 oclock will touch ai haih frcdericksburgh adulplmnton hallowrll cilbcrwmv hiv m f t i tl torontn vurk ij touching a- 7 a- 1 r dr h x or brtnk m m h m mile si lrecou mititown vlexnndrin l tfraicli ticrk and nrrivw at lvwimon on tinrsdnv iiiornine giving pqracngcrs nil uii day to visit riw knlto i niayra mid return by lie boat nowswvnps leaves levuion every tuesday at hochctcr wednesday oswc snckols hnbor iviiirsloil u c tlmrsday toncluiiff atfrencli cretki alexandria d villr and mofrimowii and afflvcaat ogdciwburgli fffaursdav evciiins iroin liich plarc posaciiguni in liiiut down the st lawrence on 8 p 8 a 5 r 11 in m ock o take the fi iday may morn i 2ui and reach montreal the cveniii is- it t eiv store the subscriber uflt ia for sale at hu store street next door t mr leahy v tavern ami well kclected nasartinetii i english made uool and hosiery iloves shawuanl silk llandker king large suoii lush linen si scotrh dowlas needlc tlircnl the whlc will i singly low for eabll i- mi in is tluxad tapes ic p io disposed of on tcrm surnri- king st kingacooi john murkay auk 9g 151 uellevillc to plilntiltx john woods primer item dublin anil work ed for mr hull toft this town about two vcnrsngn mid proceeded w upper canuda any inlbrmntinti npectini him will he tlmnkfully received by ua brolhf r jnincm by being left at the olliceof the miuireal daily advertiser tho ejrtvtvot iho rwpeclivo jowmio flwuppjf viikv will coofcf a fiver by inserting ihu- august m tro- ftotice to navigatqra a rock or hiftc stone lies in the entrance nf the horihir of toruuto nhoul 150 feet s e- from tliu cmt nniile of the picr-hcad- upon it there b only titiiccf mx inches ufwaicr wlnltarunnd it iherr i 9 feci 6 inches a temporary buoy or billet o wood is laid down upon it vessels drawing more than seven feet water will ot to pa fulling dressing cloth notice is hereby given diat the subscriber in- tencutn carry on lle btliillctf f fnlliug hhi dress ing cloth in a stylo superior to any that haa ever been atiemptetl in this purl of the country in the new building new mr ivier swieib saw mill ah llow who may please to favor him with their custom shall havti no reason to complain and all those who have iishi wool carded if brought to the mudlitte in good qrderand not don in a workman like maimer will please to give notice and the sub scriber will make yuod the same clibar koft cawi all kinds of produce received in payment the works will be in operation by the tenth of september next west loughborough hiram guannis uc20thi lb3l 0 to tilefrce and independent electors of the town of kingston noi having puhlkly wuotlttemliny intention to solicit your mtirragus as iimmber of inrfainwiil fcr ihifl lpwilot ihu next ii mcoi risglioftp i now h havs to tur thai m mmph- aoco with ihc withe of a large pvrtkw of my telluw townsmen as con eye j to inc in a numerously stgnott requisition i h nrecm nyc1f to your tmtkt ou ihe day of elecliob my ioii rcsutenic aiuonj yoo entitle mot ay that my prjnripwnrwull known and y attachment to itio crown inirmiiiiuuun ijtril brttiin unqmt h h in support ot ttliicb i mifl alwavi u hand prmnincntly forward if i rtlnuld htivc the ionor lo tc rcttunud aynor mopiuor i pltln mvmjhto upfvlt a till lo jncorponli die town orkingsmn- a ihil ui prevent ttic proviacu ruttintwy being an injury to muetiatii a bill to npcil tlio ommarv punishment act which dc privrs tlicliniish iulytctof hi ucireat iijjhttklal by my ftwtaclift excrins will bt w4 to prevent die clergy kescrvc p4ing into l hid oa pofttlmfit church m ft 1ivl intcrcmc inseparably bound up with those uflhiitown to promok the prof pertly of which will always he lilt chief object of wj ambition- i hive the horor to bo gentlemen yojr obedient servant abraham tkuax beenrcful and stcain ves- sat nijiit wi s sovcr the imoy c the hler a ffoorl birthi hugh ulrilaudson toronto pept other ediloih are requimcl to cojy tho above- ijmtcrtf n hughs ofsstr york the ttttakrihtts rcfipjclftifl inform the dint thev have recently comprvteil a variety of new font of leter in the styta of the lotmt europrmi spccimcitt mlt culculiitcd pr ornamental ptimitii oi- tnstful didphiv nid mtkinf thrir tmorrmrnt ol phlvtlyg rrpeh unrivalled in trcnmy cxiciii stml varirly a hook nfpvrimeim may hcobuiined nt lira foundry jno 13 clmnilwn htwvif nenrchtiilinwbirwtorni nik is ciry lih plan it coiitmns ppeciittcus from twelve line pkn iu fcail comprbtn j5 louts of rmtiati auction l commission the uindershned begs leave to info in his friinda ami the public generally that he haa com menced the bushier of avctioxeeu am couhis9ion merchant in all it various jianches at the old stand of the late michael morau in king street merchants and olhfrwartling thoir rmumanru may depend upon the almost puiicwiiy patch being used laud uorftct cattle and iiouscfcom furniture sold in town and court ry caa advanced oi oods james klnton kiugston april 4ihj83l sash factory the subscriber mfwctfnlly iiif lc wm- eants ofkliigatou and is vicinity llin im recent ly cohiiiiunced makinj window sa- m ins shop bdjoiniiu the kmgaicn foundry wl he inteiuls io keep on hand a irrgc assortineni f every kind which he will sell lo for cash and h- ty rv iduouaaucnlion to business to m- a share of pjihlr pairoruie rmonl received pronuhv attend d toi kfnsspu may 2 is j arfient o 5 5 17 12 5 2 5 2 23 11 10 7 i i if 14 ik v 1 it ia capitals c do do do do do do do do do do liatir title roman title linlic shaded human antique black open diack pcrlpt fionnan text open text two iincil capitals llitll figures tvtl line itdlie capitals shaded capitals of variotia kinds italian capitalaand figure ocstdch oiikunrntal lcucit backtou muic lottery yiimvpf iieee frnttions unirinr as- trononiicil and oilier sikos space kiihs ltras uiile unmmettthl hashes iun bniccas more than 200 kinds of borders anil more than 1000 kiinuof cuts and ornaments for 8chnol hooks iwwspapur and siicntilic worker orders for any of which or for composing sticks cases chases i will in executed with the inmost promptitude a lairc sinuklainy always on hand they will also execute orders for printing pies- bc5 pttpctt liik c which uty will furnish at the nannfatiirer t i printcrn of newspnprr will pirate puhlih this advcrtuciitcitt wiih tliin note throe tiniet milling a paper runt lining it to the touiidry uud rcctave payment when uicy porcliaae four times the amount of their bill from the foundry georufi bruce co xew york j93i lvroitma hosts nwytt of eliza galbraiih who with herhrnthrr left he residence if her parent in locr canada last fall to reside t lew moillltil in this province on arriving at prcscott she entered into the service of a mrs uvlch a widow lady who then kept a puhlic house while her hrothcr proceeded farther up the country to stop during flic winter he immediately rote to her hut received nil answer he returned home this spring and mi 1 way called at f h c abuvo men tioned phiri for hi sister hut he mvuut could find her ur cain any satisfactory inlbniwdon fmin the woman uilh whom she hod lived concerning her and who to hi iuqh anxious inquiries gave hot ve ry indilterc in and evasive answers from the pe riod of her slopping at mr ifelrh to lilts present lime her friend hte not received the leant mtel- licence a tu her fate or place of residence ifliving which ivadn to tin etlftpu ion tliut there may he some font piny in her can rite uljject of tlti0 notice 13 to requoftt the amhor- itien of preaeoii io invmtinte the aniii- and cnniimi- nicite the teult to the editor of the british ameri can journal elizabeth ualhtuith is a native of ireland about twenty yvarsof air tall and well funned black hair dark blue eyed anil liht complexion somewhat rmtflfii1 rtf i a ft c vhliteim n leghorn bonnet hlltl u white hiceveil anv pcwon linvuig nny knowiede flter ill perform wi act of hutnamy by commum- tiling it above st kf p deeds and iwcmoiials conrt rcquwti ftlanfci u e uoads and power atrorney promissory notes to order and to li i confes sions of judgments summonses account smnninu mi ifii 11civ- jlmjmil1l rull and suiuliy oilier law inks in 111c iourl ui king hench and district ourts to the number of blanks thus advertised addi lions arc hcin made weeku british whiij oflicc i8 26 diss olb 770a of jartjstership the comrtnershuhvreloforeuttfting be tween the subscribers undo the firm of j w arm strong co is this day by mutual consent dissolv ed all business appertaining to the firm will he settled by robert b armstrong and thomas urcer to whom all debis due the establishment are to be paid and by whom all claims on the lale firm will be liquidated j ft armstrong r b armstrong thomas greer kingston july 30 181 the business hitherto conducted under the firm of j w armstrong co will he continued by the undersigned at their old stand in brock street un der the firm of armstrong and freer r r armstrong thomas greer notice the public arc hereby informed that the subscriber will continue to hire out the hearse as lifiihfcl on the fallowing term for a member ofst georjes church tor a member of any other church who i hhi ji subscriber horse and driver provided to labouring people he will aln wlien required unlcnauc ugemettl of funeral w p cook to let for one on more years that decant stone house situated in cburch street in the town of kington commanding a most extensive and delightful view of lake ontario and the surrounding country with an excellent iaidcn uoothouse coachhouse stable wood- house a ice house with every convenience suitable for a large family also anexteumve brewery and distillery with utensils complete steam mill with an engine of 33 horc power maltbonse stores and everv other convenience for carrying on the a- bove business also an extensive wharf with storchpuse thereon well adapted for the forward ing business whether by the saint lawrence or rideau canal having a greater depth of water than anv other wharf in kingston the stock in trade ia barley malt rye malt wheat corn rye oats casks cordwood well seasoned wmu- nut cherry pine plank boards may be taken at a fair valuation if required the above property may be let either together orseperately for sale a quantity of whiskey pale ale of superior quality also an excellent low pressure steam- engine upwards of four horse power made by messrs j d ward co ol montreal used for merly forgrimlinr kyc com c fortheauovedis tillcry mashing 40 bushel per day likewise 2 cop per stills also a pair of excellent french burr mill stones low brcmb for further particulars enquire 011 the premises all persons indebted to the subscriber are re quested to setth their accounts without delay and tiiom lo whonl he is indebted arc particularly de suired 10 present their accounts immediately for li quidation t molson kingston june 27th i1l the subscriber tendirs his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has tcivivcd olnoo tu lias been in business and lukes this method to inform them that he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware buckskin mitten and gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers which can be had on advantageous terms by applying at thckignof the eea market square geese feathers paper rags old pewter cup per and brass deer skins sheep skins bees wax tallow c will he received inpayment the highest price ynid at alltimcsin caskor furs n u those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the saint and by so doing they ill oblige barton phillips kingston feb 41s31- i hatch jchai rm akc r kingston tipper canada the fact sailtfo stffa pactt t george t 2s gil g 0 5 2 ihc 0 6 disinfkctixg fm7id a quantity nf the almve excetlc chemical coupoin 11 prevent cniaclon nnidwrov lie ill smill fromfick rooiiw jll im- kppi constantly on bund during the iln i at tllc bbztxsh whig orfxoii price in quarts two shillings pima one shilling nn three pence with direciioim tut inc to stesiii nl retail oca- ra liberal iillituaucc ill be mzii i or sale i iieh a superior london built ciln oared gi forty iiii insii- with mast ars no sail coiniivte aiply to wakrb bgan k mi ion june 2ti ism wanted to purchase alili thi eximii niimlcra of tit whki olfridiiy tlw20ih of a can exocllriit price will lie paid apply to ti bjir of the cllulclli kiiiriloil 811h t ism u rr1tis1i x1m3 commvjilaj acatuiny store stim3et kin g ton w t kennedy ittastbr wtw reoncmvi on monday llih augutif isil kmmitn ipl th iji 11 pf of l waon leave 1 notice tuihc inhnhiiants of piilsburgh ihanhusc wish- inc io nttoiul their respective churches on sundays will he nilowcd m pass ihr bridge at half pricr john sckivens a fresh supplv of guocbris the subscriber bcgi leave 10 lender his sincere thanks 10 his fnrnds and ihc puhlic in gnernl fur lite support he ha received since he commenced buiiitc in kingmon alsn to infiirm them he 1mb just arrived from montreal with a large and choice nssomnoiii of winks jamaica spimt spanish aim coovac rttaloy hollands gin prrrtu- mint and sititvh worth the notice oftavein keep- lt h ail per will for the remainder diflercnt ports as follows uruaiibs kingston every saturday momingats oclock cobourg saturday evening port hope saturday night toronto for niagara sunday moraiug at 7 dowtnwakds niagara for toronto every monday at 2 r- h toronto monday evening at 8 port hope tuesday morning at 4 cobourg tuesday morning at and arrive at kingston in the afternoon on her second weekly trip upwards kingston eery wednesday luomlog at s cohourg wedneeday evtriihtg port hope wednesday evening toronto for niagara thursday tnoruing ut v mwkvarsq niagara for toront every thursday at 2 fc k toronto thursday evening ui s purt hope friday morning ut 4 coljourtr friday aiornini hi 5 and arrive at kingston iu the qhcrnooi thua makblg two tripa per ucek from kingston to niagwa the st jeohgk w awail the arri val of passengers who leuve montreal via the si lawrence on monday and thursday mornm they can proceed from prescoti lo kiugmon in tlie britannia the sl ieorge buat ao awaits the arrival at kingston of the rideau cumu boats passengers leaving niagara ur turonto in the st george on monday and thuisdny will arrive u montreal on wednesday and saturday afteftioo as there will iway be a boat rutiniitij in conncxki wiih her between kingston and pfmcow 1 propelled by a luw prcesure knjlne of 00 ilorw power is schooner kiggcd and is elegantly til led up for cabin passengers- no luggage or parcels urien charge of unless booked and paid for jill freight itaolt on rfc- lioery kingston september 4ilu 134 notice the subscriber bus taken out letters of adminis tration 10 the estate of the late mr johxudflf tllh town baicklavkr all ptions irdeblerf to the said estate arc requested to unilt rumnedhte mentto him aud all persons having claims qgtfblt the said estate are iqneted to present iliotr a cottllta duly authenticated for ahjikimcnt j ames thompson kingston sept 4ih isjj london lii of v a r iiq moritu tbo line is at prceut c n j l of i- j ora which will hcroaflcr suil from new yoik and london oijk ltftnj icih and from pururoouili on ttm ill i mnj very mwnih unlc thhy ofwiti lnntm tall on suii ia which case it will bcdtliucd lill n wlday from new york 1g ship presinnnt gewtfr m f are a larire nualitv also cjnmjmpia ijajjiruwpre anmtiff which a quaiiiitv nt i igored r lower ror uii nrn maxtor uphia itmtor rpiaiifliy of weet india rtrt a inige assortment of salt sult cheese butter oatmeal llinrv flfntr rrfc lieu cuiwtiiiitry lor w ii of the first water fish coruineal liiiiih aril iu uiiiitutti srpl j0 mli siil aw 1 rtiimhout f lei i mill hix so i iiimth nov 0 rivimif m fw c 4k acres of very excellent land p cook store street kingston july 10 1s3i storage and wharfqgc the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcgujrc at the foot of store street as to locatlonfaey have not their equals in town those who uish to store properly or dispose nf it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured witlrin the above line of business n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception of bag sraerc baron philip s kingston april lliln 1834 for sale n the 4th concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved wiih a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of vtatcr crosses the lot te situation of the place isagreeablc and healthy nenr excellent mills surrounded by rich aud flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer apply to a truax eq kingston or to the nshscriber jos neilson krnestmvn 4ih march 1s34 9 rxtract khom mr- stewarts papfjl tub inde pendent kxam1ner august 23it iw turai rr jift kiraon ron meiideit u loftmirphdv in amuntntcd on ihr viftence and explained the law ro the v in a very abtu maiiiicr they retired and in a few minute juimod will a vcrjiri of not collty asthc prisoner waihout to bddilmred a circumstance occurred in the rourl which ruffled tho fcfin of ninny jlve were mon the number ofdiaconteni and meant o onimndverr on the subject very severely but a dig 4mfde hoortailc has since brn pltbliclv made wo fhall tolm mftirlliec notico of it we mention it now with no oihrr view than ihitthu peniemen who mr hoi i and who hurl led the town bofurc iho don of the court may know ihat jult and sttritf actor y atonement was oftcrcd extttact fhom a letter in the ktncston chro- nicle may ooih tt stoned john stewart in 1898 mr iligatntn wm judge otamau for ihb rircuil a riil come on buirc him in iho conn hoom of perth for rkhuui ami disorderly ennduei nfttimc of my oiisguitjud cvtm- trvmrn then employed on llic canal at ihc hogs b it and i lnjiovo fur murdtr 0- one lift had bc 11 lob in muminv mita ividenee and eharing bc jury mr ummm tm s p fr n wwhoittaj uiim jmh bnum fliffcr their pamjonv o ftr lo t the ascendency adrivethrmtoriarunf hofke w4c r rnlnlrl in r6rv lerms tlto sectinnnl aiu pativ bti uhrhuiinunaijy exist amon dumy oi trjmicn and nr ji n i nfwwth ibrv aie fieqncmlyphhvortlermm kplorbe excuses 4nd in um nelutton he asserted ibat the conduct or web diupiwaahh qierita was m piling tmhe imiui ofnll orrfrly nnl rop abbj irirfimcii uiorruko them blush for the bind or their vhh ww rtto very bead rind front of hrl ofioii ii i nti iriif m ihnl mr ilognrnun lirlty hn cftrrnspondm f iho vvhi ur wuted h hmi r an pion ii binw ui pmi lz ltrv llm f r- ihtcno or xzzrl on pv nfvim aj t lhn ftth- i sort oct 1 slifn ontario u iior oct is ship montreal c 11 llw nov i sbiu canaua llfniib ibllt nov igshiy sovl kkign j k nr dec i ship llakmral f ii llubird master dec lgship nulauclpula l l morgan oiatcr jan 1 ship samson p chad- h u mmter from london julv if ontario leave portfiilj julv 30 aw i montklal 10- a113- 10 canada leaves portsn gnt- i 6ovrre10n icve pu siil 1hnmi itfivui l orj 1 rillladclpillakaw- oec ib samson irata vmun hut i prksidlm mm lx these ihlpt arc c f the first ela rcl raro mil ik taken out ibe un x x description j h pficn ofcjbiu iklsaffc oiifwukl 4 an agreement ntrrcd ihto in cttiihii iin uiib iu ihuir of ihcfcvcral liverpool ftiktf liii is u ju at mm ftvffotivc of wmir tud ltvin ii- i ifl srifitrtl cards iht will be found ou btjard each oftbert or jriiglh or paaie apply to either tf the cotmnanjta board tfitlliih orlo geo- wildes cc co no locoleman t 1 john griswoulbbsuutltmrwi nuw yorfc grinnell minturn co 134 frortttitt n b steamboat ron dtily fiom ptirtmfiaqlh vhertw pachetsrtop to land and iecive pbtwngcn to dilttrcnt vf england and to the conicncnt very information relative to ihulinc ufpart ibto may be obtained by application at llui office post office arrangement uipartvnr of not mails the mails forthe otfices on the moiu pasi route lo the em irard of this office ore closed six tin a week viz oat ruytuefdav wednesday thura lay fvidw evaiurfc thosetotlte westward nftbi office iiicludtug niagara ancostft arc closed iix time a weeb vixf na monday lc day wwdncfcdoy thursday friday and saturday jc ma u will c05celcli day ut c oclo- i- the mails for offices between bath and brihion prince edward cuunty rouie are loved rarirc a wevlc on tunsdaj thursday and saturday ii govtoch p m- tbc hftju for camden east and ilton ire made 1 turdav and friday at 6 oclock y si themaiu for all office ifr of a mor r f jv r week viz on monday and thursdtv it 6 oclock p h tle mail for newmukei and other olficcs awaf xoik are clod ttciee a week vi on monday and tta rlav- at 6 oclock pm the haiti frf offices peterborough cvc aio closed oncea vtwh viz on sat at a oclock p u the mails for marmora kre olur cd owe iwevk tji thurwlav at g oclock p m tbo slaila for tlie tffices on the route perth cvc arc dottd ticu a irook via thurdavat6oclckrk p m the stails fr the united stales uo closod thrrc week viz 00 monday wcdnmjiv and friday it 9a arnival or trl the eastern mails air ivc six times a week iz onmuth tuesday vednulay thursday friday and sftiurij tha western maruarrivc six timesz nuek viz on mrjo tuesday wednesday thuisday friday v and situri contract hour ofanial 4 oclock i m the mjibfroa office if or anjisier will arriearke wcck on tuesday and frilaj witlitliemoibffdayi the prince edwanl stuih arriw three tonus a ueelta on himdoy wednrsdy and fridit at tho simc limo the other western si u- the soulhern or u ilad sates mails arrive date mk on monday wednosdm andfridity p honi r arrival on an averao thrutgli the year 3 o office hours the oltico willbeopen from 8 oclock a m fill 7c p m every day except thn sabh ih when liters will delivered unly between tho hour of 8 and 9 a m as to letters ookxg abroad the fdlowing leulation must uiundcd to mher they will remain not forwarded and lest to ill concv leiters for the vnitcd states mut be pon nitd to caps j cent ond such as are intended togouvit wa 10 euiopsi bo post paid to new york letters for europe intended to be scnl by quebec post paid to quebec and those intended ro be sent by lax per falmouth packet must be post paid to hi letters can onlv bo sent bv way nfqiibtc bom may and 1st ftovembor in merclmut vmci forwarded by the other routes at any seison rot ihc rozuhiions relative to pv ino on letters f continent of europe west indies atvse the poll oeneril 1 advertmuhml put up in ibis office katewot pomtjeona tnsfo leu r from this orncs capu a meenr 3d to n york d tohalilatefwi any nvwspapi that ifonvarded will be charid with letter pontiujo kaloef poviakq of nowspanti fum this ottte to ol ihe llrilidl provinces id to cniv v iik eul ida tape vinveilo kewtork one cent nmlahnlf john maiallav p m hiiiffhton feb rife isitl north of port hope i c ctra through be on m theyoxj 1 q 1 iviihoui iiog port iaims oikllia dye is mnv30 isjil hi ii l joung i lv ah rsi