British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 28, 1834, p. 2

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foreign news london papers have been received at new york to the 20th sept a splendid publicentertainment has been given te earl grey in edinburgh it wasa great occasion- the lord chancellor and many of the nobility and sentry particularly of the north were present bail grey lord brougham lord durham and others made speeches which are highly commended the prevails with s w parts of europe and particularly hj i bweden upto the 19th of sept- there had been 31 0 cases and 1279 deaths of that disease ill stockholm containing a po pulation of less than 80000 vconncll continues his aritauon letters to lord duncnnnon but the london journalists speak dispa- raoeinl both of the letters and their ctvects tkerigkt rev dr england w c are happy to announce that the reverend dr england bfahnp of charleston arrived yesterday sunday j hi this ins native city by the victory steamer from bristol we have the gratification to slate that the estimable prelate enjoyed theiiest health and proceeds in a lew days via liverpool to charleston south carolina accompanied by some ladies from the ursuline com munity at blackrock who purposed establishing a convent of their order in the vicinity of charleston after founding this institution dr englaud will we understand proceed to hayti in the exercise ol ins legantine commission from the holy see which has faeetv renewed and amplified to the utmost ex tent a the venerable prelate deservedly enjoys the highest confidence from the father of the faithful and the va rious congregations connected with his legation according to the latest accounts from the north of spain gen zumalacnrreguy the carta conunan- der was again acting on thy offensive besides vta- na and bergara the carlists have made an attack on tolosa a place of some importance having con- eiderablegarrison and the key we believe w rodil comm mications with the south of spain i- ruiu that itis quite evident that uodil has not made so much progress in putting an end to the insurrection us ins friends wished and that zumalacarreguy is still in a situation to give him a vast deal of trouble if not to make the contest doubtful accounts have been received from greece to aug 26 ironi which it appeal that an insurrection pro voked by the measures of the members of the re gency who have recently been displaced by the king ofbavaria had broken out in arcadia and mcsscn- ia and was believed to have had ramification m con tinental greece and the islands but the energetic measures of count armanperg and the confidence inspired by tie restoration of his authoniv m i he regency had almost entirely suppressed it in every part ofthecounuy at the date of the latest account a proclamation dated 16ili aug had been issued by the fiovernrnent calling on the people to return to theirhomesj and promising pardon to all but the cnlias plapoutas niketa zerbinr uriiali mith- ropetrovas and the zcrgopouti were required to sur render themaelvea within four dys to be tried by the laws upon their failing to do so within the lime specified they wrre declared to be outlawed and rewards of 3000 drachms were oilcrcd for the capture of each of them dead or alive rrew satisfaction was felt in greece at the rc-coil- etraction ofthe regency and king oiho had again begun to mix with his subjects instead of shutting himself up atargos 1 lttkrpoui sept 17 ashes per cwt pot first fcort boston and new ymk none montreal new 26 a 27s montreal okl 21s a 2v pearl first sort boston and new york 27s a 21 montreal 2a29 for pot and pearl ashes we have exper tcnrfrl a very acii- tnated demand both ppeculalive and for consumption lint ie amount to nearly 700 btu of pot abiics at 6d a 2ft 6d including 200 to artrye and upwards of 400lrls of pearls tl29a a 30s for naw ashes including 420 brlt lo arrive prices of wheat have further declined jd a 4 j per 70 lbs at which reduction however there has liien latlur more en- quiry and the market is now very steady ottts lnvc been in good demand at an advance of id a 2d per 451 wheal and flour in bond are without alteration jjrlbatc tones orrteiuc of tje safin 3abr liverpool sept n the times newspaper which delictus in arroi- tingto itself the title of the leading journal uf bit- rope has during the mot fortnight marie a ilrad set at the lord chancellor brougham on the wrote of hie political sins and transgressions those at tacks have beeu made almost daily in that hold and uncomprising style for which the 7v- is distin guished- theinflnensc circulation and influence of tiiis journal necessarily impart great important to its opinions and those who know the chancellors inordinate love of popularity will imagine the elvect which these withering castigutions have had on iris mind lord brougham unfortunately for innimlf has of late pursued a crooked and unaccountable line of policy but there is one bright one redeem ing trait in his character which like charity ought to cover a multitude of sins he is passionately attached to the advancement of the lower orders of his countrymen in moral political md general knowledge to a certain i tent our corrtpundeui should say ile is ever anxious to support and encourage every possible means to enlighten the minds ofthe million the ineinorftble declaration which he has put on record that the suiuulma ter was abroad and would trust more lo him armed with his primer than to the soldier wiilihis bayonet proves more powerfully than a thousand assertions the fact of his being a decided friend ol the people he is known to be in favour of the immediate re peal ofthe stamp duty on newspapers a mea sure which more titan any other will work great and important changes in the character of the llll tish nation by bringing political knowledge homo toevery mans door- the repeal of this duty may be confidently looked for during the next session nf parliamenu when that event takes place as hike place it must then farewell to the present aristocra cy ofthe press which like the aristocracy of riches is sufficiently baneful you may rely on it thai thin measure will work a silent but mighty revolution in the affairs of england there are those who he sitate not to assert that the present hostility of the times to lord brougham may be traced lo the cir cumstance of his lordships being in favor of the im mediate repeal of ihe stamp doty donna fruncisea wife of don cfiriosi of spain and sister to don miguel died on thursday last near portsmouth a bilious attack added lu great anxiety of mind respecting her husband is staled as the cause of her dead she has left three chil dren sous all of whom at present are in england ina political point of view her death is a matter uf no importance whatever mr fraser the publisher and proprietor of the tory magazine of that name ha been appearing before the public during the last few li under cir cumstances which in the present dearth of domestic news have furnished abundant fuod for the daily and weekly press the last number of his periodi cal contained an extremely severe attack on mr ditncombe the recently elected member for fins- bury in consequence of which that gentleman sent his friend lord allen with an hostile message to the man of letters the message una delivered and the noble lord demanded an answer til eublisher declared he had no answer to give on eing pressed however he said the object of the communication was to induce into tocommjt a in each of the peace fight a duel which he begged re apectfuilyto decline before loid allen had nn opportunity of conferring wiih his principals jwr eraser had made his way to the policeoffice and obtained a warrant against the m p for finabury who was accordingly bound over to keep the peace and bo the matter rests the affair has given rise to sundry lengthy dictations on the cnorm uellimr mr frwcr evidently tliuks with tin- took rvlfwr isil lustafltthat discretion ia the better part of va- vhe neighborhood of liverpool has been scene of a great conservative dinner which place at the little tow or newton midway betwmr liverpool and manchester on the fine of hwlwny the compaiv amounted to 700 individuals inclu ding two pecrtbe earl ofwillon and lord 8m inciidalc the former acting as chanman inc elutsun of this himxr have arud inn shalihy uui selfish manner they excluded all reporter ex eunt those belonging imnudiauly to tbnr own lac- tij which is ihe rexche oiht s ctnay on such occualoiui this luiberal twfm tl down the signal indignation oflhu lllml part l hie local press which has in some ihawllce lejwcu io give anv account of the talk wind took nkre on ihe occasion tbt whole was a untnperv allair imtwiihst ihe noise which it has cxcted iii this part ui ill country the celebrated hcv kdwanl irviltp of hom doubtless you baxe heard inmh is gutd 0 le ma very prccarioulnc uis health has been for suniu time past declining and all lioma nf ha rccoytrry areatenc the complaint under which he irjow is an alfecuou of the lungs the newspaper postage at comes into opera tion on the 10th of october from that day oviym newspapers cumins foin countries where ikitlsli journau circulate vice of postag- will be ftllod free admission to ail paits ofthe isriusli islands and colonies in the cse of papers coming horn coun tries where any postage is levied oil lnghsh jaunwie awim oftwopeuee will be required for lie itrtjumul- man of such papers throughout tha liriiisb lelontu and oolunieo it is probable thai fangish paper- will be admitted ftm into havre and itcgiuin ul cist and in ihai ease we shall receive t rcncli and llelgiuin papers fur lliu price they cost subscribers in ihe countries whence ilicv came unite states papers will still liaveto pny a hstage of 2d but ihosu from ibe canada if the inland postage be paid on lllcltl via new york or any tort lit the states will nfcourse be free the health oflhc king of ihe ficnch is repfcrpmt- e i to be very precarious so at least says ibecor- rcspnndciiis nf the daily paper resident in parts his intended journey to the south is in consequence postponed to speculate on ihe events which niighi arise m llmt country in the event of his death would indeed he premature the aflairs of fr a very ticklish slaic andauy serious ac ring the cilizen king would soon ten to a crisis ultaugcsorcenokeuof in ihe french cabinet lu spain dun carlos still continues to elude the vigilance of ilia pursuers but all impcs ofevcrgrasp- in the crown of spain that great object of his i wishf- and ambiiion are at an end the dttlnil ol tin operainms of the contending parties in iliil eouniry evince a spirit suiluiriitiy sanguinary no- thiug however decisive has talen place ard ihe accounts are very conflicting and contradictory our government huvo sent cohmel cumdoo to the head quarters of general rod j while russia on ihe con- fa ry ha seni on officer lo the head quarters if we can discover tliuiu nf owl carlos ihis of course is done 10 exhibit ihe imsiiliiy ofthe lallrr tower to our policy the determination ofthe spanish oo- verniucnt to piy he cortes bonds in full has had a tendency to raise ihe price of stock in the ilritili money alaikri though the fraud that wueoulein- plitcd on the holders of ibox builds is but lilile creditable in the jmuiiicr who piopncd or the o- veiiimcnt ului lor a uioiueut eouiiterianied such a oclieme ii most recent intelligence from portieal in liirnis us hat a couimittce ol he chamber of de puties hid been appointed to lake into eondeianoii the laws regarding the paper currency of thai country alter minute examination of its dtuils it was unanimously decided ihai from ihe lirsi of sep tember specie alone should be a legal tender in that kingdom all contracts however made before july wj he liquidated according lo ihe ueli they were contracted this report clminbers without one disscuiient voice iduiitoccur- britig inat- 21 the leuus in w kuawd lliu jhe quesiion olihe hegmcy was also a very decided manner there beinonlv five lieul niecs gin d in dissc fiio incirj r hank iionrbkv the hunk of ukt oaimda in kiapnrfli vnbnkrn iiiiu ii thurly hi unsm iisrtiowi nboiil hur rrhick mid mlibed ofbank nfliw to die nmouihtrxrmi n rawunl of 4t dollars i oocrwl for thu vmw iciioii of tin ultnclvr or ollendcra vvi ti lltfrdsuti no diwovcfy bu been inside vi- anra iio7cr ctefftottkla tmolkjn at halifax halifax oclolier 2 i93j i idmll not nlicmpl to give y tho swiii or woo ibui were coni on my ullviitioti flnriiijs tlic r m a description lunllvrrowhecl ii it uuhi vigcs of ihis drimlfiil i v uti5iiics8 whs riiiiicly at nu cud lie pwi ilu from he country would not conic ucn i novw aoliihry vessel aimroncli our whurvc tim miuisi- ry left ia a inio prohriioti of our inlinbilmitsi fled iniin die finrfitl htiunwc uavingotir unvote en lirvly diwrl1 mid our ciiy in ippernici like ihs rily oftlie ikol p diwasw bnabovn very luiwl liuriai svopt away very niuiiy of our ciuzimwj inn it hth now much nbniml the miliary bvc btmi csilm hack some of our cittkcm hne returned ihe country pouplc are brgihiiinjlo visit us ond bu- siiiss slowly to revive- cholkha mohjus tlii discosc still ihigcrs nmoiwimi oad during iho lost wecki in wh ilii we tiwra prevalence of dull and fopiry wcatbor havfl occiirrctli wud bu cholera wim cases nro hitwever so ivc 1101 1 ought n ic- iliutigli itwiubowen 0t rocoohucnd ihe issiir hn ijoci social c wfi3 qnil i 1 1 rnistiivii- tin rew timi hie board ol henltli i roiwary lo nd1h daily report hy ihrinniiuitcnihni ihttydo uf eleuii hills of health from private letters nf- 1 1 a beitrr wurce of infornintioi than public jour- ual v irani that ihrn havr been ulldoubtud cft of asiatic cholna in sr juhn n ij- below will hi fuuud mitnsmellvimi iho 3 john vsckhf ohsn wr iii rolmiim thereto wewnccrely hope thai ihe raititury iincauiiims taken by he authorities in timi eitv will hioii ihe lurther pruijrcts ofthe pctttlcnco noltata lurues for several daya pat llurc have liven npuristlmi he mnligiiuntorauiatk cho lera had broken out in the ei y and thai kriocfllu cases had proved filial v have taken puins lo iovestigale these rumour ftlullllciomlit is thai u cannot discover there are any sufficient grouiide io excite alarm niuoo our citizens wis have cimdircd today from those who have he earliest and hest iofortnaiioiu and we have sreal pleasure in congratulating our readers thtil nlice sunday when it was repoiled iliat there were few suspicioih cubes up to the time of our going 10 press m oclock t msnnt a binglr new one has frunpircd the board of health continue their merilurimu ex ertions and deserve the lest thanks ol the commu nity for their discreet conduct the rmil hut delightful weather or totlay mill which seems to promise a continuance will be ninch in favour ofthe city ftjtiktfr observer stpt lift from die letter of an intelligent and valued corres pondent in i he gere district we derive he fotlow- ing notice of oil occurrence not hitherto alluded to in the papers oftlie upper province a high pres sure steamboat nf thirty horse power had lately been constructed at dunuville for the navigation ofthe grand hivtr she is named the s- walter scott the paddlewheel is inthecenire by which arrange ment the wear ofthe excavated banks ofthe canal by the wave created by tithe strokes ofthe paaoie wheel will be obviated she draws only two feet of water a few days agy set out on her trial voyage and proceeded osbout six miles up the river on her return when witlfhfn a fewynrdsol the wharf at duunvillc the boilers exploded forcing out the bulkheads and limber worlrk ofthe cabin providen tially no lives were lost utr injuries inflicted the on ly sufferer being a dog wmiich was scalded to death the proprietors are engaured in repairing the injury and in a short time the vessel will be again ready lor service from the same source we learn that mr milrny from scotland is erecting a brewery on an extensive wale at duun viue- monhtrcal gatcfc conit op kunt behkcb among other cases decided during the term illicit closed yesterday we wen happy tu hear the result of ihenpplicahon made 10 the ufturt or a peremptory mandamus addressed io the medical bktfd of l this lirurt m rehitiou to the cowj of df william jlogie ivho hy that body wns reliimd u license to ppraciiee because lie ivlivd upon a diploma granted ii by mjill ildlcgc j lie court on fjhttipday lasijtoy iheir judgment hne or dered in positive teniui the hoard to grmt the li- ctuse which had leenunjunsilv and illegally withheld the question is thus settuudasto the validity in law of ihetliploaias granted bhy the university ofmgill college which had heem by this refusal somewhat called in question- mrr huehauan acted on the part ofthe university and imr cherrierfoi the hoard a judgment wasttln rorudered in the case of james baker vcharlcutid liiuifis heard the plaintiff who is t corporal of the ksui regiment sued the de fendants wlio are two huttchcrs of this city torecif- vcr datuagud for nil nggftuvoted assault and battery the testimony adduced nm the part ofthe plaintiff horded the must uiifacuory prouf that the whole riot and ie after aauft mid batrcr were the re sults of u deephiid plot otf the part of the ddcndailts and oliluns to illtreat ttw plaimift and the court gave judgment in favour of the plaintiff fori25and full costs which we understand will in all proba bility amount lo iu0 mre mr hart was coun sel for the plaintiff and mr turgeon br the defen dants the assault it will be recollected took place in the quebec suburbs twrof months after the events of thejjisimuy wlitn the soldiers oftlie garrison were frequently assaulted and beaten severely for no oth er crime than carrying n british uniform one of the witnesses proved thai the pica rds called out se veral times to one another to kill him while they with others were beating e plaintiff vc trust thai thev have just received lesson which will teach them uiid others hereafter not to illtreat a soldier for wearing an honourable wiifunn we have to re mark thut benjainin pari stanley bagg esfjs came forward voluutarilyi ond became the plaiutifls security for the costs of the action without which his suit would necessarily have been dismissed and thai justice denied which the cult has now granted for ifie injury ftc sustained as been adopted by viih4 uabioim the cholera hascontinued until now to hang about the city of new york and some occasional deaths have occurred attributed and without ontradiction to that disease the new york commercial ad vertiser of the 13th instant has the following para graph i ilealttt of thb city it in an appropriate sub ject of congratulation that the cholera has nlniosi wholly disappeared from among iw ofthe denths that occurred during the past week it is understood only thirteen were by that disease the whole num ber was about one hundred and sixty which in a population of residents and strangers bo great aa our city contains indicates a restoration to its usual mate of health editorial apology the editor of a newspaper at columbus ohio apologizes fnrthe nonappear ance of his paper on the regular time of publication by saving that he was engaged during that day in cuvhid i l r a vofy excellent expedient ha lhelmumnxrccomarvofthi t p tiiemliers together dnrimrthe win elvavotd- in- puuhc ruse meeting they l determined to the members mav itrnding koom wh ere reccsssrily liu iietl as club for ai open associate together as ilirir funds i the public arc indebted to the made for public benefit an occas spare newspapers will he well hc llieni to the reading room ol v i i mli tt iili 1 imlftihf i tv i v nun indeed v iui hlivanecs isional donation of send y ing ie phcruix lire rrience pamphlets club judging by our own exp acdiimulaiela llidi ufb p a nlnnning the club will be glad to receive wiiiel mm is now proposed is free h tiaujf aftrerllser it seems the seei cirs of the crown re better with ofthe bur u t i ol ihe huflit hon ns to be the the opinion i tl i eurv for the colonic lhe w ot the crown i re better s a f ml t lite people of prince udwnrds h ft w 2 h f r- t i fijhoili ond n appears nop at the n u j i i i j miners mat the re prince hdward s island p i f b1 i rw t comply wtiii then fihe colonial olhce to r v ii ycu to them hv the has recent v been coavcl i i oung wiio has the re- lime since tor by ihe prince fusal of ihe nrayer lieutenant governor colonel v a iiiw inrmrfrtv mw ivqhmwl- we believe we arc in stating that there is every probability thorns excellency lord aylmer will spend ihe winter ik p tt ti ensuing sum mer in this province u i ho said that when his excellency was appqied to this lovernment that he liargained to renin with us for five years which period will not have expired until next october vc have only to inform his excellency that he has thoroughly worn out his welcome and that pic of this province would have no object him his years salary of jeg000 on cnmlii would retire from the country vindicator distasesiko acci wednesday even ing law ivranee fiu a lad 12 or 13 years of age sou of isilla flint etaj merchant of this town was killed by the accidemol discharge of a pistol the wcap he jieo on to give on that he nn was e liuufij to lire which he barged nnd several attempts had been bui put it into u vain in conserucnce ol icc thai was standing in the hnp and was endeavoring to extract the ball when it went oll mid the contents entering the breast pro duced uhllobt instant death brecktiltc lueonur a most lumentahle accident occurred on thurs day last m st elhtfnchc at ihe place called the hitphtcs du grand moulin the misses virgi- nie ami caroline iiuaout the two youngest child ren of mr dtimont were tiking a wnlk with their father who had some works to superintend at that place wishing to ntoin their father from whom ilny were aepurdlet hy the river caroline the yutuigest but uinelctu years of age ventured upon r piece of wood the nwo ends of which rested on ei ther hank and whici served for a communication the eldest sister folliwed her and when both had reached about the mildle of this frail bridge caro line lost her bftlancu and rolled lo her sister to reach forth her hunt which she hastened to do when in an instant they both fell into the water were carried bwiy hy ihe rapidity of uiccur- their bodies were not yet ifiund cu the night of the accident tftus perished iwu moat amiable youiiif ladies leavincbi their family and to a urge cir w of anjuaintunrvk the painful contemplation i their premature liltc mvntnal herald a liietid jnst returned from the upper eotiniry re- lati j an auerdnte nf the lute elections worth record- and rem ing lor lhal ihe 1 i minute he to held his watch fore the hour t we believe i candidate it night the us siiigiihuiu atom nl then where mr lulfcrly wan uie refon hi was kept open lil i uuu k opponents pulling nrvk md neck the entire day at e i2 lallrrty wns one behind lie in hand and a few seconds only he polled his last vote making a th when the reluming officer gave die easiing vote in his favor votwurg star aimiiitutnoorlim klliiiiiudniinjtaorobfahaaut in ibohmwu ul miclhl ivriidlivftn ilq solittorfitiiitial oupcsiui llw loiiiirr llfithjl anirriimii llnt whirli watftsxlmguuml in 1 mintl tune allcr doing ntnim uonsiduiolitc dutiigo lo die inlu- nurtii tlw hniimf vu lire it mijiih vm ranged lv tho ctnfatf and ciiimiiio nuuiitoriu which uiujthmi uf ilic iluoii www sek thsre wm vuu imifa brick betwrnn hi- otfrauity aniw liiubm wa tuv lutvnur ut hie cltminey tho fire cuniiitihiivaled in eoiuw tjtwim u tho i1oi in 1 wdwitur iiit jtjcnc gazette confirms the statement of the jmercary that a deeiaion had been adopted at the colonial office to pay the civil oflicera of the pro vmce out of the military ehent we earnetly truhtthnt thia arramreinent will be speedily curried intoelfect toronto vatriot a fellow who had slandered him and ultliit get through early enough to get oh with his paper hksrwitanimty we apprehend that there is no one thing ilut occasions more misery in x world than the wrong meaning that has been given to the one word respectability what is respec tability is it being a lawyer doctor a merchant or u minister docs it consist in wearing the best broadcloth or in being able to dance giacefullw or jabber french fluently 1 assuredly not all these may and do exist and yet their possessors are as fir from being respectable as they are from beiti useful members of society which by the way in us far us you can get by way of comparison true respectability consists in adorning the situation 1 1 life in which providence has placed h 111 striving wiih all assiduity to make ourselves wier and bet ter in doing all that is in our ocr to dnhanee our own h ippinrss of our fellow beings thcttiuu who by bu honest industry gains himself and family a eookfortnble subsistence by tilling the soil is far thore respectable than the lawyer who inns ainasstnl his thousands by grinding the face of the four and wrenching irom the hands of the unfortunate hi on ly support in the uiapc of fees ur tlic doctor who prescribes his nostrums which oftencr kill than cure or ihe merchant whose worthless limbs are covered wilh costly apparel men from false estimates from outward appearances it is not outward show nor costly apparel nor difference of calling that make men respectable there is a certain class in soci ety mere butterflies who it is true lay claim to re- bpccabiliiy and who affect to treat the common people those who do not choose to deck their per sons in gaudy attire and spend their time in idle fii- olity and senseless mirth with great indifference but when we become acquainted with these creature e shall look upon them with very different feelings than those of envy we shall view them with pity ud contempt pilv btcausc they ihes cfluluinv ty ilieu reflff wot om ok exigence ulu unnj uk soul that only principle in them which tan afford lasting irappiness and make them useful in the world in which they are permitted xostay to iivc such beings do notand contend that those ho have the power thus to make themselves really hap py nod useful should thus render themselves com plete drones yes complete nuisances in society let the honest farmer ami mechanic content him self and act consistently with this reflection that they are doing more for the good of their country foi mankind aod their own happiness while engaged in their useful employments than a host of indolent lawyers ignorant doctors insolvent merchants and let them leach these things diligently to their children and we shall sec less gilded poverty fewer bruin less dandies fewer effeminate and tipeless females and more trite respectability than we now meet with monti free press tub universal pius we can scarcely gn into any stieet in london in which we do nut ht morrisons universal pills for the cure of every disease staring us in large letters in the wind ws of one or more shops we learn too that immense numbers of them are scut not only lo every part of this country hut to the continent to india and to america now it appears from analysis that they depend for their medical properties chiefly upon gamboge a very drastic purgative long used in me dicine but rd by those wlru understand its action in very small doses and with much caution the pnmhogc exists in the pills marked no 2 in the quantity ofaliouln gruim uudallull- audi oiftthjso g s 10 ond upwards are sometimes given at once thus the patient swallows about 15 grains of- gam boge for a dose but besides each pill contain in addition one grain which is made up between aloes and colocytith two active purgatives and hall a grain of cream of tartar which is probably added foi the purpose ol assisting hie pulverization and blending inset her ofthe other substances the pills marked no 1 contain less gamboge about a grain and more cream of tartar the other constitutes being the same there kolso in boih a trace of ginger that a mere compound of drugs should he put forth as capable of curing every disease might be deemed the acme of aburdiy did we not see that the public swallow the imposture and the pills with nmaing avidity and this leads us to remark that the components are vc ry imperfectly mixed pvoba- lv from large quantities being prepared at a time and the mass not hciot titurated with sufficient care wo have repeatedly known caws where half a dozen pills have produced no effect and yet on taking one or two more mnt violent and almost unrontrolla hie purging has resulted a circumstance easily ac counted for by supposing the first dose to have con tained little more than cream of tartar and ginger and the second to have been nearly undiluted gam boge at this season such doses are eminently cal culated to prove injurious and as the country news papers loo readily admit ihe wollderffll cures by interested parties wc deem it a duty to caution the public against being deluded by them afccfc- cal gazette ankcdote ok william iv an opinion ha generally prevailed in the naval serviee though er roneous in every respeei that our naval monarch when prince william henry and a youngster when under the care of the late ir rtcbard kcai3 wjis mastheaded by that excellent officer and rigid di eiplitiarrattj for some slight breach of duly but sir kichardj who always bore testimony to his royal highness innate lore and respect for order and obedience and that exemplary conduct so indipen bible on board a man of war explained the ciruum- kiance which gave rise to ihe misconception in the ibllowing manner during a stormy night in win ter as the gale increased sir richard then lieute nant ofthe who lif to make all mtug ordered the top oiiii aloft to close ncf the topsail the night was dnrkand squally nnd his koyil highness who un- perceived had entered her rigtfiog among the firt was in the act of mounting the ratlings with ihe seamen who crowded around their prince to pre vent his lulling overboard was recognized by sir ridmrd this trust worthy officer anxious for the sality of his clunyc immediately called to his roy al highness and said there is no uecetaity or your royal llihues to expose yourself in tlu weather nor do 1 wish you to venture aloft at night- but our monarch who was then stationed aloft at reefing topsails and knowing it to be the duty of a uiidslupmau to head and accompany the men uu- liesitaiiugly nnd heroically replied thuuk you mr keats hut where the men go 1 go naval and military gazette a great work is about to be commenced namely a plan for securing the wtera ofthe nile so us to render them serviceable at will for the irrigation of the lands a toll is to he levied for die purpose and forty thousand men are to be employed in the under taking entuh z v j v w the jjwkte htttu cotr br enm john bl mr lo tfta ttitturrxj sir john cfw brttfc whiff olftceffnjt9lh 1934 y y iffl tftftfston as ien the following t a coinplctcliat of the member of th uw parliament tho only raombes of whose return we have any doubt arc thoe from the counties of huron and estc hii singular circumstance that up to the preeeol day w havtmu j no authentic account in any ofthe local paper ofthe election in the western uimrjct what can the sandwich emigrant bo about t the liberal majority so hire that as tories iro reduced toihepooraul pitiful attempt of claiming a victory by aswt- lag thataohijoiity of ummlieraofmr heknxto willoot be in the pmmil house they therefore class the mcmbeiascjirfiriiw mer inaert the tinmcm ofaoiihi riho lnmom and moh mrcnu- ou supporter of reform in the province place cornwall wjin brock v ilk kingston toronto niagara haoiilton j j r i o arid addinton princb edwaii frontciittc grcnvrllo h ilnlmiy nuilhumbttrhtiio lanorki tcd haltoik i x york lathldurj 2d do 11 3d do t 4th do 8torniont ii duudjih m duiimid inuiijml1 oxford ottawa otsng ii j ii spimlt thriaa a mulrtin p- j1ics c a ilttcnnan a iv mvnabb v bidivell irv j ivilaht j itowin- j shibley iv ii- vvn ii norton ih vgcr dr ijiklnuu r s jameson chopkiim j diinitil i uibtna iv u mdektwiqi dr imorrboit j ilrllltwli dr bntre l m hedonoh j cook r fliavrjr dr ci diineomlife k ahwy c- waters cd chmidnk j bu jiic j ii- smautt a mcijonull w lmris col tnjlur o it juwan j crown g s- dofiltoji w ii ftlcrriir d mcdonald a mcdunfill 4 2d ft 4th wenlwortfc t sinkoo biiddle9cx it xutfidk kent ii ituhl huron ejscx ii catltou if do it lo j kickert dr loltrtj i thorhurn g mesfurvihg dr smiui j rymal luunt t parl e mooro it dnncninhr v mccrao fi cornwall double return cnuwol dairy cipi inwi w b lubimofk f whwk t mckay ojit dunhkp n mallock kiukau canal no 7 the distance betwevu montreal audltytownn 120 mile and the navigation between these two places it niauu complclc by meane of five sllurt c4- nals the firil raual cmnmcnccs atgrcmille in lower canada bityfour miles brluw dyinwit it i- six miles in icntli anfl is made to overcome the raiid jmiperly ealltil the ltoig sauk of the ottawa it was euuuneticrd in the year 1821 by the engineer department ami completed early in the spring of illlviinmm vfiht xinveof the lories are made up on the scale of ihe lachinc canal viz 103 feci long and 20 feet wide but in the year iz3 the remain ing four locks in be built were ordered to be ofthe same dimension as ttioe on the kideau catuil tin second canal i at chute a if inudcau and is about 700 yards long with one lock of the cnlargctt diuhmibjons the third canal rs at can illon rapids which com mence at taint intuic and extend about a milu and a half ihese rapids arc four miles below chute a blundeau and a canal about two mile ami a quar ter long is nnde tn overcome them having two locks of the large size all thiccaiiuu have tttoiiu lucks which arc built in the most substantial manner the distance of intcrrintd navipniion from tin foot nf the carrillon rnpidn lo the head uf the long cuull is twelve iiihvhi luiuthc three raiiau arc usu ally classed as one under the nam ofthe crenville canal bcinr- complctetl at the same time and by the same architects the fourth canal is mcrelv one lock built bv a private company styled the ottawa and hideau forwarding company twentyseven miles be low the carrillon rapids at the junction ofthe ot tawa and st lawrence at the western extremity nf the island of montreal arc the st- annes rapid which are hotllyjgnmc for barge u wns orinrinnl- ly the intention of ttlu engineer dejiarinhut lo have made a short canal here als but lor some reasons lite design appenrs in hac been almiidoucti in lhe vaudrtral passige rparated from those rapid by the islede perrot the novate company btfuru men tioned have erected a wooden lock through which all their own barge pass with freight to the upper country ami the possesion of which cubbies then to command a nmnopoly oflhc forwarding business it is however in the power of either ihe imperial or provincial government or in fact of any other com pany or private pqfmlh 10 erect other locks and thereby take a share of the lucrative trajc the fifth and lut canal is the well known lachinc canal commencing at the head ofthe lcline ra- pids and extendiin a length of nine miles to the city of montreal this latter is a provincial wort the trade on the oirawa river and rideau ca nal during the present year has bcni ery consider able jwauy thousand emiirraiits have arrived io upper canada by tins mute in preference to that of the st- laurence in consequence ofthe lesser time consumed ill the journey and the absence of thotf privations and disagreeables which have hitherto itl ways accompanied the passage of emigrants up ht st lawrence the passengers arc embarked t montreal in decked barges which are taken in to at lachinc by steam doats and conveyed all tl way to kingston the time usually occupied i- from four to six days but when the steam boats ofl the ridau canal arc made better adapted to the de the journey will be performed in much if

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