he lime limited for the receiptor articles tor the premiums last offered having expired and the n- ards having been made the publication of the se veral manuscripts has been commenced and will be continued till the budget of original matter received is exhausted as the publishers of the galaxy mean to relax nonuf their efforts to make the pa per well worth the patronage of a reading public they have decided to repeat the offer of one hun dred dollars in the same suras at before viz 50 for the best original tale 25 for the best original poem 25 for the best article upon a humorous subject the writer are at liberty to select their own ccnea and characters the publish ra of the galaxy having decided not to confine them to any particular age or country the manu scripts may be directed to the editor of the galaxy postpaid till the last of april 1835 and the award will be made during the month of may following the addresses of the writer should he inclosed in a sealed note marked name and the directions of the successful writers only will be opened in addition o the matter contributed forthc prizes which will from time to time continue to be offered the publishers determining to spare no pains to make the galaxy a useful readable and interesting paper luivr engaged contributions from the pens ofprac tised writers to say they have done all they can do would be a contradiction to the present expres sion of their intention to increase their efforts to mer it patronage as that patronage increases although our list of country exchanges is already sufficiently large and we have felt obliged to decline new exchanges we now offer an exchange to any country editor who will give this notice a few inser tions terms or the oalazt three dollars per annum persons at a distance who order the paper are expected to make pay ment in advance or give a satisfactory reference in the city persons obtaining five subscribers and remitting fifteen dollars will be entitled to a sixth 60py gratis jwon august 16 1834 welland canal at a meeting of the board uf directors of the welland canal company held at the welland ca nal ofice 6t catharines on thursday the 4th of september riie president submitted the following correspondence which took place in consequence or a notice appearing in the upper canada gazette under date of july 19th of which the following is a copy take notice that an application will be made at the next session of the provincial parliament for an act to impose a tax of two pen e an acre upon all uncultivated lands in the niagara western and london districts and one penny an acre upon all uncultivated lands in this province the proceeds to be applied to the support and maintenance of the grantham 19a july 183 the above was not inserted ml tlie gazette until late in august its being dated from grantham induced the president to address a note to the edi tor of the government official gazette stating in substance that a he felt convinced there was not more than one individual in the township of gran tham who possessed a hostile feeling to the wei nd canal he was desirous of ascertaining who it could be and requested the name of the author to which the following reply was received toronto 26a august 1831 dear sir i can have no hesitation whatever at your re quest to inlunnyou that the notice alluded 0 res pecting the welland canal is inserted in the ga zette by desire of mr clark at llw falls his name is given to me as responsible fn tis appear ance in such a way that i feel tivwrlf perfectly jus tified in this cade as in any oulur la huwvf the question coming from you or any ulltcr person- very truly yours itodeltt stanton w hi mcrrnr esq after duly considering the efleet this notice might produce the board unanimoicjy resolved that they consider it a duty duo tt themselves and the public to publish the correspon dence in order that the country vnuy know the frw source from whence the notice cfmnimtnl by order of hie doard john clark scrv welland canal office st catharines sept 4 1831 n b the government official giitfettf and other papers will please give this one insertion lake ontario the elegit tit steam boat william avery prvpcllcd 6y two powerful low pressure engines cpl nathaniel johnson will for the remainder of the season ply on the river st lawrence and lake ontario between oc- desbourgh and niagara as follows vpwauds leaves ogdensburgli every saturday at 9 a kingston u c jackets harbor kingston u c sunday j oswego rochester landing monday toronto york u c 7 a 1 p 9r 8 a 9 p m m m m m if krockville arrives at passengers and return touching nt prcsco morristown alexandria and french creek and lewiston on tuesday morning giving all the day to visit the falls of niagara by the boat downwards leaves lewiston every tuesday at rochester wednesday oswego sackcia harbor kingston u 0 thursday touching ai french creek alexandria brock- ville and morristown and arrives at ogdcnsburgh on thursday evening from which place passengers lake the steam boat down tire st lawrenee on friday morning and reach montreal the evening may 12th 8m 29 8 p 8 a tip 11 p 7 a m h m m m jew store the subscriber offers for sale at his store in king street next door to mr leahys tavern a large and well selected assortment of engusu made boots and shoes hosiery gloes shawls and silk handkerchiefs irish linen scotch dowlas j notice is hereby given that the subscriber tends carry on the business of fulling and dress ing cis g a 8l euperior to any that has ever been m tempted in this part of the countrv in the new building ne mr peter switzer saw mill all fhose who may please to favor him with their cusumj s nave no reason to complain and all those have had wool carded if brought to the machine j good order and not done in a workman like mif w please to give notice and tire sub scribe w ma good the same cttbap kor cash all kinds of produce received n payment hie works will be en operation by the tenth of september next hiram grannis west loughborough aug 36th 1834 6 stolen or strayed a laiuje black doo who answers to the name of watch whoever will bring the dog to this of fice wi be lilwrally rewarded for bis trouble and whoever harbors or detains him after this notice will lie proccuted kriiuh whig office sept 12th ism dissolution of pjlrtaehshir the partnership heretofore existing between the hubscnbers in the market square in flip iioccry and provision line has been this day dissolved by mutual consent the business will in future he carried on by jurum baker who is authorised to collect all debts due to the late firm and by whom all debts due by it will be naid ii rcfl the ft edgings rhread terms surpri- m kingman spi 22d 1834 james baker p f egan needles thread tapes c c the whole will be disposed of singly low for cash john murray king st kingston aug 2g ism to phinters john woods printer from dublin and work ed for mr bull left this town about two years ago and proceeded to upper canada any information respecting him will be thankfully received by ink brother james by being left at the office of the moiitieiil daily advertiser tim kjiln f uo ruspcflivo jnurmn in tlio upprr pro vince will confer a liivir bf iuriinj this angus 23d acard dr holmes having relinquished bin appoint ment as surgeon to uk l george kionm bunt will ik lirty u cxftlrhj the i1utnuf in profito ftion ill ibwhrtrn and its environs having been cdurutcil at a large public infirtiwu and alo re ceived ihr advantages of tllo different medical schools of hfith london and dublin during ft period of three years he feel himself fully competent to practice n any branch of he profiuatiqii u4 residence is for the present ut mrs baynttms hoarding house kngmj october bdi ift3 lf noticti is hireby given that ihc unditsiuued has taken out letters of administration to the hstuc uf die late henry davis all those who arc indebted to lite wine arc respectfully requested to pay the amount af their accounts without delay and lllttsc having claims to present the sitnu duly juilttfntirntrd fur adjustment application to he made to margurcl oavin or jaincd lovlc agent m owis jidrui strut fix kington an 23 t 1881- b notice- whereas my wife iiankar has left my bed and board without any jmt cause i hereby forbid all persons hafbearin or trusting her on my ac count as 1 will pay nodebtof hers contracted after this date jacob h1llman limb 11th july 1h jvqticb all persons indebted to the estate of the late ro bert moure eqr of kingston doct yad arere- fptested to make immediate payment to mr wil liam wilson merchant and all persons having any claims against tlic said estate arc requested to present their accounts to william wilson duly au- ihenticaied for payment william wilson r john b marks eicclors kincston u- c 20th september 1831 that elegant stone houee situated in church street in the town of kington commanding a most extensive and delightful view of lake ontario and the surrounding country with an excellent garden roothouse coachhouse stable wood- house a ice house with every convenience suitable for a lurge family also an extensive brewery and distillery with utensild complete steam mill with an engine of 33 horse power malfhouse stores and evfry other convenience for carrying on the a- bove business also an extensive wharf with storehouse thereon well adapted for the forward ing business whether by the saint lawrence or rideau canal having a greater depth of water than any other wharf in kingston the stock in trade viz barley malt rye malt wheat corn rye oats casks cord wood well reasoned wall- nut cherry pine plank boards may be taken at a fair valuation if required the above property may be let either together nrsepcrately for sale a quantity of whiskey pale al of superior quality also an excellent low pressure steam- engine upwards 4 bur horse power made by messrs j 1 wwrd go tf montreal used for merly fur grinding rye coru arc for ihe aoove lis tillery mashing jo bushels per day likewise 2 cop per stills also a pair of excellent french burr mill stones low fortaah for further particulars enquire on the premises all persons indebted to the subscriber are re- imicswd to settle tbeir accounts without delay and thosr to ttbom he is indebted are particularly de- seiied o present their accounts immediately for li- iiuidutiun t molson kin june 27th 1834 the subscriber tendera his thanks to the public fur the liberal patronage he iws received since he has heen in business and takes this method to inform them ritat he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware buekskin mittens and jtovcs whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous fur detail requisite fur cuuutrv merchants nd pnilefff which can be bad on advantageous terms by applying itt the sign of the beavl rtarket bttuahe geese feathers paper rags old pewter coh per and brass deer skuts sheep skins beeb wax tallow c will he received inpayment tht highest price paid at all tims in cash for irs n b thosw who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle ihc sajnc and liy ho tlmw they will oblige st george hapea h txvml will for the remainder of the different porte as follows ufwaed0- kingston every saturday morning at 8 oohourcr saturday evening port hope saturday night toronto for niagara sunday morning m7 downwards niagara for toronto every monday at 2 r toronto monday evening at 8 port hope tuesday morning at 4 cobourg tuesday morning at 5 and arrive at kingston in the afternooo on her second weekly trip upwaiuts kingston every wednesday morning at 8 cobourg wednsduv evening port hope wednesday evening toronto for niagara thursday morning downwafllls niagara foi toronto every thursday at2r toronto thursday evening at h port hope friday morning at 4 cohounj friday morning at 5 and arrive at kingston in the afternoon thus tnakitur two trips per week from kiigj to niagara the st qsoilg will await the val of passengers who leave montreal via tbe lawrence on imonday and thurwfoy wm they can proceed from prescult to kingston baitannia tbe st ieorgc boat almawaiu arrival at kingston of the kideau canal boat passengers leaving niagara or toronto mifc leorge on jlfoitday um thursday will arrm montreal on wednesday and aturdtiy aftota as there will always he a boat running in cooott with jht lietweeu kingston and prcscott this beautiptri ve8bl is propelled b a low pressure engine of0h4 ower is kii igmoii barton rulllips fvlt 41834 1834 lake ontario the wew tbam boat it 44 i it will on the 23rd of july commence her trips he tween ogdcnsburgh and niagara as follows g01nc up leaves ogdensburh tuesday at kmstom wednesday sackets harbor wetlnesday oswego do sodus thursday rochester do 41 toronto late york thursday coming down- leaves lewiston friday rochester saturday sodus do oswego do s harbor sunday kingston do touching at french creek alexandria and brock vjlle ou her way up and down june 26th 1831 48 u 44 41 41 n t m 6 a- m 12 m 9 p r 1 a u 8 a b y p 4 p h h a m 2 r- m 7 a m 2 j- m s r m wholesale uetnil grogery winjs spirit and gooefttl provision sorc mfltot sin licit wr t mr scaulmi atiction mart tiiic siilsttiher bgs to inform the iubahitnnts of kiiigtnii ivi that he i- fpenhl the aliove estali lisbintiili where lie haft now on sale the following whkreas conrad sills having neglected to fulfil tlv ondifinn of a icak fanfpd nvhhivhw incirihern part of io 10 ui the second concession of i he township of kingstun this is to give notice to all persons not to hire or till ot trespass ott any part of tin- said land as hie lease is invalid darius smith waterloo sept 4ih is3 sash factory the subscriber respectfully inform the inhabi tants of kingston and its vicinity that hehasrcceit- ly commenced making window sashes at his jop adjoiiriug the kingston foundry where he intends to keep on hand a large assortment of every kind which he will sell low for cash and he hope by his assiduous attention to busiuesatj lo inert a share of public patronage all orders for the above thankfully received and promptlv attended to kiiatuii is31 j sargent article at iimtstjally low prices by wlndesale retail spirits puy s hrand or j r i i mis tron jamaica 1 1ipi celiac hrandy ui 1 imkn hollands nil 2 floes beneearlo wint 3 fi superior old iort uiegai f 8u du s tko new splendid aud fabt running steam boat commodore barrie bedfobd hobins natter fropttud by two superior tote pressure engines of messrs ward fy co manufacture mcrntrtal will leave kingston for prescott every monday morning and wednesday evening touching on her way at french creek and brockville will leave prescott for kingston and the bay ol quimie every monday and thursday eveutugk af ter ihe arrival of the steam boat from below touch ing ou her way at the above mentioned intermediate places and arrive at kingston the following morn inge will leave kingston for the bay of quintie every tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock and after calling at bath fredricksburgh adol- pliustown hallowell culbertsons sophiasburh belleville river trent will arrive at the carrying flacc the same evenings will leave the carrying place every kedneday and saturday morning after thearrival of rhc west ern stages and after calling at uic above mentioned intermediate places will arrive at kingston the same afternoon zvry attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of passenger and particular care ta ken fjfsil property regularly put on board kingston 20th sept 1934 i5 do do prime old madeira fjr casks tencrifle 2 do do pale slierry 2 do do brown do 2 hilda very superior wlijtti wine 20 barrels upper ctuiada whiskey a qttanthy of prime old schiedam gin and chareute brand v in botilcs 21 cherts twanky tea 3 do young hysou do 1 do old do do bip cuba cofivc 2 llhds double refined lo 3 tlotccs bright muscovado 20 boxcs musratel kaisius 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin ghio w window glasiltojls and colors c arc with every article in the grocerv and provision line george armstrong kingston 7th july 1831 41 1 f information is wanted of eliza galbraith who with her brother left the residence of her parent mi lower canadnlast fall to reside a few months in iis province ou arming at prescoti she entered into the seivire of a mrs welch a widow lady who then kept b otifajil house while her brother proceeded farther up ihc country to slop dtiringthe winter ijo immediately wrote to her but received no answer he returned home this spring and on his way called at the above men tioned place for his sister buthenether could find her or gain any satisfactory information from the wo nan with whom she had lived concerning her and who to his most anxious inquiries gave but ve ry indifferent and evasive answers from the pe hod of her stopping at mrs welchs to the present time her friends have not recived tbe least intel ligence as lo her fate or place of residence ifliving which leads to the suspicion that there may be some foul play tit her case the object of this notice is to request the author ities of prescott to investigate the aflair and commu nicate the result to the editor of the british ameri can journal elianbeth galbraith isa native of ireland about twenty years of age tall and well formed black huir dark blue eyes and light complexion souiewhat freckled and of unexceptionable niond cbaraeter wore when she left home a leghorn bonnet and a white lactf veil any person having any knowledge of her will perform an act of humanity hv cnrmmiui eating ito above st katharines sept mud heminaky fob voino ladies the misses haines respectfully inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicinity that they will be happy to receive a limited number of pupils at their establishment corner of rar and clarence streets on monday september i5th to whom they propose giving instruction in the various branches of a genteel and useful education n b a card of7vrmsupon application kingston august 1 1431 a yon ak rut followxg blank derds and 3emorials court uf requests bhtnks u e b onils and powers of attorney promissory notes to order and to bearer confes sions of judgments summonses on account summonses on note declarations judgments rolls and sundry other law bhtnks in the court of kings bench and district courts to the number of bhuks thus advertized addi tions are being made weekly british whiff office 131 26 c hatch glial rm alter kingston upper canada inoner rigged and it elegant ted up for cabin passengers no luggage or paitvu taken charge of ori booked and paid lor mitt freight pnytau c livery kingston september lib 134 xotieil the subscriber has taken out letters of ajiw tratiott to the estate of the httc mr john sad hid town bitu ktayen am person ithfcbp the said estate are retpiestedto make iinmediatfri incut to him and all persons having cluum ag the said estate are requested to present their counts duly authenticated fin adjustment jambs thompwk kingston sept 4th 134 tj 3ail the mmm1pi a hq diss olbtiojv of partners iip the copartners iip heretofore exiting be tween the subscribers order tbe firm of j v arm strong sc co is this day iy mutual consent dissolv ed all business apperiiiing to the linn will be hrtihdby hiljn r hnlrotig and thonins reer to whom all debtsdue the establishment are to be paid and by whon all claims on the late linn will be lipudated j ik armstrong r b armstrong thomas greer kington july 30 1831 the business hitherto conducted under the firm of j w armstrong co will becontiuued by the undersigned at thetr old stand in brock street un der the firm of armstrong and ireer 7 it armstrong thomas greer notice to the inhabitants of pittsburgh that those wish ing to attend their respective churches on sundays will be allowed to pass the bridge at half price john sckivens a fresh supply of groceries the subscriber begs leave to tender his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the support be has received since he commenced business in kingston aim to inform them iip has just arrived from montreal with a large ami etnnce assortment of wines jamaica sri it its spaniii and coo vac bhaldv hollands mx pn-rtu- mint and shrub worth the notice of tavern keep ers also groceries earthenware among which are a quantity of fiirnied flower pofi grab and a large uantity of west india ri of the first quality a laige assortment of salt water fi4i table salt cheese butter oatmeal corn meal honey flour pork out sole and upper lea ther constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston july 10 1hj rikst anu mttl tlio lino is nt present computed f eigm ik which will hcrcafwr sail rum nw votk uid lotion 0a ivtand 16th and from ftirtrfiimutll un uio ftli mui every month unh tliuday ufailttit diould fill on stnf in which cau it will he delvmrd tdl ntt dav from new york 16 shin president ttuttom i ship ontario wrf sopt oct oct nov nov dec dec jan july all aug tfrpt sept oct oct niv nor antcf 1c ship montreal if choinphin inasw i ship canada tikik lttiiton lattftcfc 6 ship sovereign j knmey masiit i shi hanniual t ii ifitunt mis f 16 ship imillaimrilla k k mutpatmtowi 1 ship sanson iv tludwik mtt from honwky igoxtarkeiinpirtrinoiiihjiik lmuntreaihmvopdrtfiuiotith aupmia mi i am a kk ivr t ith april tv i sovkkemin lemes invrbnmith sept so ifi hanniiiai hv rmmmiuth stl i rilllahkiimiilcapimniiiiliiuli o8am0on imws rur1ntiuh ih 3- 1 president iavw lirfathmutlt nut 5 these siis vc a rtlifi fiisi i ewd tre ooniimitilhl hj nltlu gnca caw will bw hit that thf lct rirtonplkin tlio prii of nmaimnmititfitpl lm in o hv ohonl 501 ions hw intl perirnr- mio iis eum a mut ifin rnsvic itittvtirl u iitiriuin wiili hq pfpft l pnkt lim is hum luijjt notice- tlllv public are hereby informed that the uhm ribcr will continue to hire our the hearse aa usual on i he following terms for a member of st georges church for a member of any other church who is not a subset iber horse and driver provided to labouring people lie will also wlrn required undertake ogemcut of funerals w p cook 35 6d 5 0 5 0 2 6 the mau- storage uml hvtttr frige the subscriber ihvfl leave tu inlunn ihr pnlilir that he has rented tin mllkinin smrrlifueil ami wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcoiiira a the foot of store street as to location they have not their equals in town those w ish tt piure property or dinpoac ol it by cuitfmriiiuimit may rel on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber lo ciyc satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured with in the above line of business n 15 for the accommodation of traveller the e will be a room fitted for the reception of baij- ae barton philips kingston april 11th 1834 auction commission the undersigned begs leave to in font his friends and the public generally that he has com menced ihc business of auctioneer and commission merchant in all its various branches at the old stand of the late michael moran in king street merchants and others forwarding their commands may depend upon tht utmost punctuality and dis patch being used land horses cattle and household furniture sold in town and country advanced on good james linton kingston april 4h 1834 of thcsevcnil livrrpm jhuivr pf wiihi whi itnir u liirli will h rinil enrh ptvi nl llii i tnltfohiil wif iktl nne ihol trintiil rarjs tliit vil u u imnnl wli f ir liiilit r tftfsifti y ti ihr nt tin imard in sliif ni lo csktl- wii4m cw ki intmliiimnbluw john isritfwoiji iit squill it i miv vit griivnrll illntkhn a o 14 fintirtrt n b fmmnbain mu ifiilj firn ivihmiihtih luhinefl plckiitiotofi i lml and ii i- ijiviigir f oillrnot f of j r i it j 4 th i m it ilnii ill may be obtained hj nwilirtion ikt post omce arraiigcntcnt ihfifartvhk tiv tilt 1au3 the urib fortho cmbcwoouic mam post tmgn to tfcefi tirmn ivivk vixrttjl riuirliv friiliiv a g ilfil weik vir on moinlnv ami 1 t via information wanted of richano rrrftv a blacksmith who left king ston about two months ago for hamilton or dundas and has not been hm f wnce any person know ing aueht of the ahme will confer an obligation on rtwjfo mid four children by addrewiiitr a letter di- rected to mrs ueifv brnrk street kington kington sept 12th 1834 tin laws book tnth voixmk poetrv and trose bv the mot cfslgbratfo author pxibtisked at 3 dollars per annum pv l a r atkcnlun nildlng- franklin flacc philadelphia in the vrv ani nearly keaoy one rot 12i- w pages and m plaitj trice 10d iws pictui1b of qxtbseo a its environ with hhtoincjlt recollections drawv rnom ihr misr aotmftlc voqitcht editors ttf ifa rftf papers in tpptrwtt faiwrcanajlt chifh xancmstitinnu fwttwtwp mttptfe to 0wf uf adrcrtzmett ami send thrir atbirisnm to tht ivllafrftcr alfred hawkins isicis strm 47 st qtttbte t f 6th 134 wanted an apprentice tt the black smithine business apply to the subscriber opposite the whig office rear street ivjj davy kiiightoii svit will 1831 extract from mr stbwarts papcr tub inofi- prndext rxaajinrft acocatchi iw9 tftial of mr kituiun you murdkr liffbdip hu in imdwniad un ihc tviifvoq nnl rplgiuctl the latv to tlir jry m a yi ry rtlilc minnc tliy rotiic nml in i fuw minute jturrhd with q verdict ofnntniliv t the prisoner wtsdktkttobe lis uxtfta airnmistanrc occurrcil in tlio court which raffled the fcwiii of many wfl wore nmons the number ofducontonttf ami moant to -ii- m en ihojubjod very evenly imt as tlir asrnok homirarm liaj sinrfl ikii publicly mnile xn inll tahv nofiintirf notice ofil we mention it nov tvitllttu oilier view thui that tlic gcnllcmnfl who rtlt hint flnj wlio bud left un town before tho close oftlw court iliajr knuw that nfvu and wmrsafiutofjf ntqwmrnt was olfcrcil extka0t from a lrtfbr in tug kuhmton cltro niobb may kh imi stosei johv stewart in 2ri mr hai imiiii w iik nf rr for this circuit a trial came on bttgwa him in the cuiirt iiuimc of pertly for rntous rihi disorderly qoilduol uf some uf my misguided cotiii ltvmn iliun employed on theomal ni tho hagn back nnd i bolmc lur nuirder asmc liti had bnti hxi- in itimmiu uoihr hvidmicfl and ihariog the jury mr i lasermaii rsn-t- led tluta pfoplaf j i- fnuilt fllf wirmi liqartcd as irish should fuller thrir paiifilm s fir to i tl ccmln t0 tlrivii thorn to siuli actof niiiracmis vndini c j 1 wise rmirfihated in lining iffnift ihc actional and pnrty fnph ing wjiidiuriiriunriivly rit auuii u many nonv poiiri iryinm ad under m monientaiv iinouue uf which ihcii ttlfi roipmitily guilty of ihomot deplurahteoxcies and m ihe conclusion he aster fcd that tht- conduct ofmifh ungovi tmhh pints wi- no piling beliium ofall orderly and nvwr ihlilu iruhtncn wiotiialcotlictn blwli fur ih land ofthilr ia- iivny thbwtht very head and front of hi offimjin moil he considered u mod auilmruv i wmkiltins h bii attorney uhle at uk time reportiiir the trial fir myown o iter ihk mvuim blamiui caer tomtrh cvry wore that tnuwpjn it u not itiw mttfinl hy tin rmr spomlent of tho wilw uuc mr ijueratan marfe tuiajtolopy to n inrfv ufpniuiiim who waiimiih bimtof an expl maiiii it wtnm hii ivmmui firiwodmtooil him hlid that lliere ua a mkhi dt at irdedbuyconvimlmo anion limn rrmhrtins tl tint hitch oi ii fir y firolintif mutv tl iciii njcinn the tenor of ii iiciv nnd elfwere faguauy with him on tin mmu of the mini and unon our bmotnmint thd mwmnalftktidn nfliw htufi which ome of our mnmtivcr frinmln wlturtmntfd lie drvlttml i hut ao r rroin attempting to wound the feulinps of fin- micro wot no people whom he would more willingly u and onhiair a- tm- host and ihc tntcm frnnds he k tjiiikiji were innfi i inl mr da ovn htfrrf of lliia ilit arclom dftjpp tuesday wrdntday those to the tlrshcard nftltl olli inrudininiejana aocaster arclokdc limes a wiclt iz mi londyt day wbdnextai tliurmlay friday and saturday 7 slails will cloevah ihy at tl nthch the mails foroffirc between unih and brighton q prince erlward county roulf an closed thrift a wrk i on tuesday tlnirmlay and saturday c irtock i m the moiu lor anln iatand wilton irr niajc up tuesday ami kriday at fi nvwk p h r the mailh tor all hffrck hluf anritrr t rnraun wmk viz on rtinilny and thursday at tt link p h the mail for nuwffmtkut and otbof f ft sari yoik are olimcd tfcitti 0 dav atfiorlock m the maikfor offirc xtrth nf port ilopp tcg rtterboronh o air tlood rnreca week vi on saturirl at 6 oclock p tf the mail for marmora air closed onfc a work v thursday at 0 oylo k p ii the mails lor ihehfrch on iho rnntfmlirongli bctca pcfflb are tlmnl ttritr a xtu viz on mondar 4 thurmlov at fiovloi k f m the mail lor tin itiitod state are closed tkm nw week vizi on monday vednday and friday r atsodtl arhivati ok ttif haita the foteinmui arrived times a week viz oto monti tuesday wvihimilay thur friday and ihluni the western mjils arrive timetf week viz on m4 tuewlay vwdneilay thursday friday nnd satiirai contract hour of arrival a ovinfk p ii the mailit from offietv wwl of ancanter will arrive ahin wci k vi on tuesday ami friday mithihr mailmtjoni yi4 thw priniv i m ward mail arrive thrrc tt wt q wuk i on monday wednimliv and friday at tin minie tirin the other uv 1 1 tho soutlnin orvtluil sat- mttih arrive thrrt tim week on hfncklny urdneitay aiulfiiilav fy hour arrival on an average through the tur5eh p tf office hot rs tlie office wilibcuinq from pu clock a mtiii7uvu p m uvry day ttcjt ihr satdialli when letters wji delivered only hcovicn tho hour of fl and a m as to letters tioimvq abroad the foltowioi rogtilalkmii must lo attended ro otlwtj they will remain nor forwarded and taloal to dleomrn uuers fur the toiled states must be post paid to cape r rent ami naeli an- inkmlcd to p that way o europe du pot paid to new vork letter for furrn irtlt nded lo f sent by quebec 1wh mini paid to uunbor and umaa intended to be ncnt by hi er falmouth pnkii mtwt bo pom puid to h itewcanonk in- i hyway ofqueoec betwe t n yarn ui immln r in merchant toujcijij tbrv mj h hirwanlwl hy h othor nnhs at auv rcowd forlbo roiilanonx ivtatic to pomwa on lettcrifcr ruitimntoflaion utqw zts tho post tviieril s aik tiiserm ur pur up in fhu office kate of iwitfi- 011 a single irmr fiooi tliin onw- cap- vincent ltd to new vol id lo halifiv m any nftuumtiml iiirwar witlioul being pch nil ihm lar with le 1 pi pf niwpaih r from thi offioa to9 r run ilomurs id totai viimvnt id tsf vinciit to now york nne cent mid a half tf jhn mattvulav p m kington fh7tli im 1 i mi t i till trt 2jd to oiii ihr m ma rnnuht 8 a uentibt mill cial hotti kidgtton sct- i wiji 1851 wood few doys nt the lit 13