British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 31, 1834, p. 1

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iw n l published semiweekly opipsb fee 9vben dicor vol1ume by e j barker m d kinfgstou uc friday october 31 134 the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial tad political information is published every tuesday and friday evenings by doctor bnrlcor editor and proprietor t at bis of fice in luif street next door to the commercial hotel for country circulation only the british whig ia published every wednesday morning in a weekly form and will bo found ocontaii tho most important matter of theaemi- weekly paper tkrw f- r the somi- weekly poper one pound per annum if paid in adva nee or within thre months from tho receipt of the firl number undone pound five shillings if collected at the end of the year exclusive of postage for the country piper twelve shilling and sixpence per nnnum if paid in advjncc or within thiee months from the receipt of the first number and fifteen shillings if collected at no the end of the year exclusive of porta companies f individuals who rtrfi le the country and who may dma r to send io the office for their papers may have thorn supplied at ten shillings per copy per annum prompt pay t so ubcripli on received for less than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid up oxcept at the option ofthe publisher eiwjcthscfflc nt six lines and under 2s 6d tiratintfertion aud 7 id each subscouent insertion ten lines and under 3s m firct insertion un lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d p si line for the first insertion and id per line for everv subsciuentinsertion advcftiemciu without written forbid and charged accordingly advertisements ro be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agents unless post paid letter press printing ooctor barker having obtained a most suporior press and an excellent assortment of jon ttpe is enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatness and ex petition upon terms hitherto unprecedently low in upper canada notice the master general arid board of ordnance hav ing made arrangement with the lords and other commissioners of chlsea hospital for the pay ment in future by that department ofthe pension ers from the ordnance military corps and thai in pursuance thereof arrangement had been made with the heads of his majestys treasury upon the subject ofthe payment by the commissioners de partment of such ordnance military pensioners as reside in the colonies the payments will therefore be discontinued by the ordnance and the pension ere are hereby directed 10 apply to the senior com missariat officers at the different stations in the upper province for the amount of their pensions in future j b smith ordnance storekeeper 5 directions are inserted till orders for disconiiihudg office of ordnance kingston october 13th 1834 notice the rideair ottawa steam boat company respectfully inform the public that the undersigned is now their agent in this place in the room ofthe late robert dniinmond deceased and that they are prepared to receive and transport passengers merchandize and produce to and from montreal to kingston until the rideau canal is dosed at the following kates viz cabin passengers from hence to montreal and from montreal to this place 60 and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through this route to this place viz for every full grown per son ten shilling children between the age of a imhm vi imi1shmobi iip- tfet n iwecu three and seven three shillings and tourjicnct luggage f 2s 91 per cwi freight nf merchandise from montreal to this place 2a 9d per cwt freight of produce from this place to montieal vis flour per barrel la 9d pork 2s 6d ashes 5s od wheat in bulk per 0 lbs 0s 7id freight in all cases to be vxaclcd on delivery of the property goods by this line will be put into good large barges which are decked all over and will not be removed until they arrive ru kingston and being an inland navigation and always lowed bv steam bpflft the exiwnnft of inmirinfr nnv he diftnenrh4 with at lachine and along the route emigrants from otttbc barges are allowed the privilege of embark ing mi board the stettin ronta sale of crown lands in the western district notice is hereby given that on monday the 10th november next there will be offered for sale by public auction at the court house in the town of sandwich at 10 oclock a m a tract of land in one block com prising tbe 7th 8th and the greater part of the 9th concession ofthe township of sarnia and contain ing about 14000 acres at the upset price of one shilling and ten pence halfpenny currency per acre payable one quarter down and the remainder in three years by annual instalments of one quarter with interest on each in stalment as it becomes due the purchaser will positive be required to pay the first instalment on the day of sale and in de fault thereof the tract will be again set up to a tiononthe following day at 10 oclock a m a plan of the tract and the numbers of the lots may be seen be applying to henry j jones esq chatham or to the surveyor general toronto a copy of which wiil also be sent to ihe editor of the emigrant sandwich peter robinson commissioner of crown lands office toronto 4th october 1854 20 uc- the steam boat st george plies regularly twice a week between kingston and round the head o lake ontario besides other steam boats depart dai ly for the several ports round lake ontaiio and bay quinte and goods cm always forwarded from tins place without any delay james mccutchon agent kinesion 21ib september 1831 15 to brewers avd maltsmejt wants ft situation as brewer or maltsman a per son who understands the business in all its details and can give satisfactory testimonials from his last employers in this country as to ability c for further particulars apply to the editor october 14th 1831 20 notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last will and testa mem of the late robert drummond respectfully request that all persons having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjustment and likewise that those indebted to it will make payment to him without de lay signed margaret drummojw executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 1834 15 sale of clergy reserves an adjourned sale of clergy reserves in the nia- niri and london districts will be held at beaupres inn in the town of simcae on tuaeday the 4th day of ittltabfr nrxi at 10 oclock a m upob condition of actual settle ment one tenth of the parefcase money to be paid down and the remainder at aine equal annual instal ments with interest upon each instalment as be comes due a list ofthe lots that will be offered for sale may be seen by applying tothe commissioner for crown lands toronto john b askin esq london and to mr jacob langs sbncoe reter robinson commissioner of crown lands office toronto 1st october 1831 1 ct7 editors of papers in the upper province will please insert the above until the day of sale government contract combubakut kingnwo tlri 8th october 1634 notice is hereby given that 6ealed tenders will be received at this office until monday the 10th day of november next at noon from such persons who may be willing to enter into contracts with his ma jestys government for ihe following supplies for one year from the 1st day of january 1835 for the use of the troops staff and departments at king ston and its dependencies viz for fresh beef at per lb currency soft rread at rations of forage at per each ration cy the ration of forage to consist of 9 lbs of oats 16 of hay ne ocsl floaiitvi to be de 9 m of straw s for charcoal at per bushel currency the lleef to be of the best quality of ox or hei fer properly slaughtered and of equal proportions of hind and fore quarter an no other to be de livered to the troops at tl respective quarters the suet not to be withdraw the bread to be manufactured from the best quality of fine flour and i be warranted to keep sweet for twentyfour hunt after delivery to the troops the carts employed in cimviwlnff rrvnrl and meat to the troops stationed at point henry and aj ferns begs to inform hia customers that he has received lv the tnte arrivals his summer supply of ladies misses and childrens fashionable boots and shoes of every description aud willde disposod of at uncommonly tow price kingston june 24th 1834 jtotmce all persons indebted to mr john mckay late in keeper kingston either by note or book account re hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned to whom all such debts have been assigned and thereby save themselves expenses kinsston oct 4 il w mcgruer wanted immediately two tiiorsaftd poinds for which indisputable security will be given letters addressed to a- j3 postoftice kingston october 2nd 1s34 stack or white smith inn fuuscuufrta ueij iruve puonciy to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com- raence business as white 8r black smiths brass foundebs die sinkers in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chesnuts old stand- in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery vill be carried on in all their brandies beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 jtotmce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vannlstine are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said linn are requested to he presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 22d 1834- 5 in to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated the best part of storestreet ami lately in the occu pation ofm s bidwell eq for terms apply to abraham truax or henry cas3ady k oct 6 18at 18 medical hall dafergusoninformahisfiiends and the public that he has lately re moved from his residence in ihe mar- ket square to the house lately occu pied by mr joseph corbier in king street opposite mr walter mcccnifpke where he shall at all be happy to attend to professional applica tions tiuns kingston october 7th 1834 18 notice all persons indebted to the private estate of ihe late duncan vaunlstiue esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and alt persons having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong t a truax executors kingston august 22d 1834 5 200 u1nds for sale acres of the very best description of land situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by leiler post paid lo the editor ofthe british whig august 1834- 52 grocery and provision warehouse sest- james baker respectfully informs ins it friends and the public that the busi ness lately established by bakfcr kan is now carried on solely by himself at the old stand in the market square j b in returning thanks to his fiiends forthe sup port hitherto received takes the opportunity of in forming them that he intends to keep for sale every article in his lire of the best quality and on the most reasonable prices prime mess and one hog pork smoked horns cheeks ore mutton hums saiuked and dried becf young hyson twonkcy and black tea m sugntb spicca c superfine flour indian and oat meal pickled onions cucumber c oat corn pca beans q scotch herrings mackerel cod fish c plufc paper and cavendish tubacco soap candle ac x will every other article in the grocery and provision line he has just received several crates of croektfy of tbe la- tost importation 4 crates of stone ware 80 reams wrapping paper a quantity of scotch and american maoufactujea tm- ware vegetables fowl potatoes at market price ct coab for produce of every description j james bake market ftfuaw kibjn oferfmlw 1834- 18 ps stationed at roint ilenry 01 point frederick will be permitted to cross and re- cross the bridge toll free- the beef and bread are at alliitnes to be sub jec to the inspection and approvil of a commissa riat officer who shall be empowered to reject such a in his judgment is not ofthe flialily described and cause either the bread or bei be immediate ly replaced or in default thereof shall purchase a proper quality at the cost of the contractor the contractor for fresh beefill be required to make his issues to the staftand departments either from the public jtfarket house cr from one of the most convenien commissariat mtgazhies at king ston payment for the fresh beef bead forage and charcoal will be made monthly ly a cheek on the riitik f itnfw r s 1 fie names of two responsible persons to be in serted in the tenders as sureties for the perform ance ofthe contract any further information may hi obtained on ap- elication at the commissariat office barrack street ingston john oliphant merchant tailor in returning his sincere thanks io the inhabitants of kingston and his customers in general for the very liberal support he has received since his commence ment in business begs leave to inform them that he is dow receiving his fall supplies a- mongst which will be found the best west of eng land black blue and invisible green cloths sin gle millm black cassimere vesting double and tre ble milld black oxford and steel mixed cassi- meres such as have not been ohwpd here before double 0d treble milld petershams pilot cloth double niihm drab silk velvet for vesting and trimmings of every description al orders will bethanfcmly received and made tothc latest london fashion a suit furnished in twelve hours p s three or four jonrneymen wanted imme diately y j- o kington october 11th 1831 20 tomb stonesy 4 the subscriber grateful for the patronage he has received begs to infurm his fiiends and the public that he stil continues to manufacture to order at his shop in bath tomb stones of almost every description window caps sills j stove pipe and hearth st07ve and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the most reasonable terms abram lott n b- all kinds of produce received in pay ment bath sept 16ih 1s31 12tf wijljlijw mlmtueojr fbomtmf tertit hotel respectfully informs the in- hftultantsof kingston and iie travel ling community that he has tewed that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known by the name ofthe kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of his guests the kingston motel has lately undergone a thorough epair has been completely refurnished and painted aud is now one of the handsomest public houses in the province it is admirably well situated for the convenience of travellers being icur lilu itillfc lfliu iullp gotiimiiirir i km vietv of the arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passengers luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept tire beds will bt of the best description ai the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with tuis establishment is and capacious jard with excellent stabling kingston may 9th 1834 a large 27 veterinary surgeon the subscriber bees leave to return his grateful acknowledgements to the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity for the extensive patronage he has since his commencement in business as a he now respectfully informs his patrons that he has removed his establishment to the other side of the road opposite chesnuts old stand where he trusts to be waited upon as usual the subscriber keeps on hand every kind of horse and cattle jlledirines horses shod on professor colmans improv ed principle edmund smith kingston sept 4 1s34 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore carried on by s r cald well is changed to the hands of the subscriber at notice wut went sale atiheoisr vu 3rd november u ar tne vrdi ance wharf pninr u government wards of iment stores con io00 double and single blankets cxt ility vi of up- ofa very superior quality ii m albo about 7 tone of shot from 3 to 18 pounder great coats worsted hose gloves stove pipes pad locks glass a variety of ttoopert an caqwntni cools aud other stores too numerous to detail fffeo a boat sale to commence at 11 oclock a m precisely when contiitious of sale will be made known h scanlan kings auctioneer office of ordnance 7 kingston october 21 1834 s 23 wanted doctor adamson of the royal colleges of surgeons in england and ireland licentiate in mid- wilefy from the lyingin hospital dublin a young gentleman as a medical pupil enquire at this office n b the pupil to be duly qualified kingston october 15ih 1831 22 stolen or strayed on the s9th of september last from a field be longing to jacob walworth a bright bay horse marked by a few white hairs on the forehead a few white hairs on the breast and a email lump on the left shoulder occasioned by a waggon tongue whoever will give information or bring tbe horse back to the subscriber shall be handsomely rewarded james babcock 3rd couccdsien camden october 13th 1834 wants a sittjatiow as clerk or bookkeeper a yoting man well qualifi ed apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the whig kjngstot oct 20th 1834 28 houses to let ted at the top of brock street enquire of kingston oct 25th 1834 p madigan 23 to the public ihe subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the patronage he has received from the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity and begs leave to acquaint them that he continues to manufacture and keep on hand a well selected stock of boots and shoes and hopes by a steady attention to their orders to merit a continuance of their favors oitan apprentice wanted to the boot aud shoe making business kiogsbn l 29 1 all to rent the commodious dwelling in barriefield for merly occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor banley of the 15th regt the premises being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to walter mccuniffe kingion 20th may 1634 to the hands of the store adjoining thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times albo a general assortment of articles used by saddten and shoemakers such as saddle trees hames boot trees and lasts linings and bindings skirting hog skins c c c shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mers and all dealers in leather will find it for their interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will be extensive and of every variety uf quality uud will be sold at the lmottf pricts s3 cash paid or hides and shitts william ford kingston june 10th 1834 36 wholesale v retail grocery tea wine and general provision store market square mr jennings at limes not interfering with the regular duties of his school gives lessons in private and in classes on the following branch- writing arithmetic short hand public reading and speaking engtuh grammar and book keeping ladies may acquire in a few lessens a neat epis tolary handwriting and a thorough knowledge of the principles of english grammar to professional gentlemen short hand if not essential is exceedingly useful as a means of re cording their own thoughts and those of others and to be able to deliver those thoughts in an im pressive and proper manner isadutyihey owe to iheir audience persons engaged in mercantile pursuits may ac quire in a short time a good business hand an un common facility of calculation and a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may be made at his academy near the n w corner ofthe court house or at his resi dence front street next to mr marklands kingston sept 17th 1834 14 covjttry school a gentleman well qualified to teach school wishes for an engagement in the country for the next mx m apply if by letter postpaid to a b at this kingston oct 30th 1834 22 s carmino respectfully begs leave to ac quaint his patrons and the public gene rally thai he continues lo carry on the business of hotel and tavern keeper at his old stand the mansion mmtntse meotel h pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and most central street in kingston in the business pan of the town is convenient bi the dif ferent steam boat wharves and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very best style the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept 8 uarmino having kepi a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he iruststhat with unremitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will continue to merit the public patronage t porters will be in readineee to convey lug gage to and from the different steam boats ki may 1834 notice all persons having claims against the estate of the lute david brass sen esq are requested to present the same to william brass one of the ex ecutors to the last will and testament ofthe said david brass and all those who are indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate pay- mary magdalen brass exttutnx william brass eztcvlors david john smith t kingston oct 24th 1834 notice persons having claims against the estate ol the late benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested io present their accounts duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate pavmeutto charles fairfield administrator ernestown 14th july 1834 the sew mid eleg steam boat patrick euan respectfully informs the inhabi tants of kingston and surrounding country that he has received direct from montrealand other mark ets a choice assortment of the following articles which he intends to dispose of at unusually low pricefc wines spirits groceries fye strong jamaica spirits cognac brandy hollands gin superior old port madeiiawioe upper canada whiskey voting and old hyson teas twankcy and black do cuba cortuc double refined aud muscovada sugar plug paper and cavendish tobacco scotch heninfp cod fisli and mackarel salt water sahnon musalrl raisins figs almonds c prime mess and one hog pork by the bl smoked pork and mutton hum superfine flour oat and indian meal oiits corn beans peaa c c 30 doz corn brooms 100 m salt 50 reams wrapping paper a quantity of stone and tin ware 10 crates assorted crockery 20 owl american cliecsej a quantity soap candles starch blue rice barley crackers lcmone iickk- aid american apples p e intend always keeping on baud fresh butter eggb fowls and vegetable farmers coming io market will do well by eiviog the above establishment a cull lhmtfl they will receive the highes price oswego propelled by turn 0w pressure engines j otpt shebmcaift will imv krtomv grimhl altf 8fcgs8 remainder ofthe present season as follows on her passage up the lake she will leave og- densburgh on wednesday evening kingston u c thursday morning sackeie harbor do 12 h oawego do evening rochester friday morning toronto york u c do night arriving at yongstown and lewiston early on sunday morning and will leave lewiston on sunday evening rochester monday morning oswego do evening shekels harbor do oight kingston u c tuesday morning and arrive at ogdensburgh the same eveuing t he boat will touch at french creek september 1834 1834 lake ontario the tbax boat a cash lor every description of produce 1 20ih oct 131 to be sold the in steam boat one share of 3 georae apply to margaret davis administratrix or to james doyle agent kingston october 17th 1834 2i united stater propelled by two powerid hnoprttture engine capl b j vam dewaibb will leave kingston every sunday evening for sac- ketta harbor oewego rocheeter toronto and ni agara leaves every friday morning for french creek alexandria brockville morristown and ogdens burgh sept 15 1834 oswego and kingston the fast s-amnr- rattlesnake james cabpehibb bluier will run constantly unli the close ofthe naviganon be tween oswego tnd kinuston making as many trips per week as wind aod weather wiu permit t foj freight or passage p srfpt 19th i8m

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