miscellaneous london police as unlucky squint- yerrday u young fto man very splendidly attired who pive her lline eliza cook was brought up oss n wan ant charged i with having assaulted mnrismuew mliingtoo a young indv of equally stylish upptmraneoj residing at no- 42 york square regent spark thc complninniu a very pretty woman with a slight obliquity of vision bing bwoitl stated llmt on the preceding day an die waft returning home from the park where she had been litkincron airing she met the defendant who suddenly drew back m ii some object or great aversion ihw met her eye hut aftcrn imnnentapause oho svang townrds hrr and without the slightest provocation spat full in her face she expostulated with her and inquired what hs meant by adopting such a strange and tinndylike mode of salutation to which the defendant replied with a countenance more expressive of anger than contrition that she ftlwavs made it 11 strict rule to spit in the face of every sqiuntiiir woman she met as she considered it extremely unlucky to fall in with a person of that description and hating gircu iict this laconic explanation of her conduct she hastily withdrew the defendant did not deny having committed she assault hut said in palliation that the complainant had in return seized her by the nose squeezed it violently xenvms al the same time a handsoni blonde veil uhicb she wore she thercferc considered that the hud been sufficiently punished she was ordered to find bail tclicious novkltv in ooukino a journeyman tailor named edrard pluik was summoned to an swer complaint of 01 ml ffatmwtt- the keeper of cookhop in nortonfciliftte mrs frnncos said that on monday the defendant whn had been in the habit of annoying iter by enierrig her fthoji when full of customers and uskintr ftv plates of stewed car grilled monkeys andothei dishes whic fthv never sold wdked in tipsy and xtlcfcd a pnnnd of utork- inffdeet pud dine she ch ily tidil him sin bad none what said he can yini loll such a lie when 11 was only thisblesd morning you bought the stock ings oltinyfect to boil yotir pudding in the al derman you never could have bad any deulius of the kind with him complainant wsrvor iny lord with nobody solhstaxetl up a piece of plum- pudding i just weighed out to a voting woman and be puts it to bis ncjc and 9dy4 no ill gie my oath thateru pudding was boiled in my hose the young wofflnn walked nlk leaving the articles behind and i took up n pint of llucr i bad jiftfl in and thtowed it at bis bead upon which he shifted me by the shoulders and shakedme so violently that i thought i fairly lost my skin and im tore nil over me from my neck to my toes ttver since jne al derman well defendant uhat have you to siy in utiti ftntavfta p- fi ntinnrvr rnj ofiis poor woman and then imviiig nkauled her plank please you my lord im bi uit itabii of getting my wittles in ibis city ladys shop lor bite sells good things now and then only buuietnittt ftlif ant nice in such fuzzy weather it wont kcuptfirrct well my lud wluh i went in says 1 mrs frances do you steam your oven with gas j ocn you blackguard tailor says sha 1 i sue a stn- ing laying on the counter and says i may be you make pudding bag of old stocking mid lean to i you shant have no rtistom of mine upon ehnttlj up with the pot and flings itatimhcutl iis a com mon thing with cookshops there tin i one oil em as dont sell stocking feet pudding in the do day and its a rascally shame complainant dou care who sees the cooking in my house plunk j i never knowd one of you as liked fur a person to link in to your men i ujui v often n om mc irouse ml rmrid but i believe lite neighbors ant kept awake all night by the cits poor creatine complainant tm aivid of my lie of ibis man please you my lord 1 lrpe youll wml him to noogatc plank 1 wont do livr lurm nr lord i tbrowed her down a peony for tin pud ding but she would not deal with iuead i si nil these here shop ought to sell to poor prmplc or ipy ought to shut up for cur the ahhrumn aud what would yen have doao with the puddui plank done why im have just ate every into r the aldermant now that conxinces mu thai you wished to do this poor woman an injury fur if it bad been what yon call stocking leel pudding you would nothave touched it vcu iuul iiiid b to answer for this assault itwaon rtpf when iheearlofrtpuisscat of kimi joi l in england was lately destroyed by iir- a pltii mar ked 4 b saved lirst in case olure id it irv cued auhougli the furniture pic some imagined itcontained title dcctls otherscold nd silver but upon its being opened it was ovy to contain the play things of a deceased favorite and only child thisis n trait that honors human ituturu and we cannot conceive a sweeter tribute tin u 1 1ts to the memory of a beloved child powett of machinery i great lirfnllxmr w pare at a public meeting lately t ihnniubam stated in proof of the increase of tint power fnf pro duction by the imprnvemeut of muchiucry bat 11 1793 the madiincry in existence wn cqm in lb 1 labor of un millions of laborer 1 in 1837 in 300 nulli 0115 and in 1333 to 100 million in iiil tef- ion trade spindles that used to revolve 30 times hi r minute now revolve in some cases s000 liuis in a minuit at one mill at manchester there ore oq spindlo at work spinning one million two handrrd thousand mih of coton thread per week mr- ow- cn at new lanark with 2500 pcifpl daily pro- tjuces as much cotton vurn as will go rufid the earth twice and a half tlw lottil inmiriiiery io ir- dom is calculated wto to be equal in uiwork of 100 millions aud might be increased to an iucalcti- lable extent under proper arrangement bsrjtitf hum journah sonie idea may befonned to the ex ten of bwne carried on in the printing office of mr clowe irtwl- doiii where the publications of the celebried pul- hsher charles knight and of the oeiciy ftir ilic diffusion f i7sclu kiiohlede are printed by the following particulars furnished by a ivinul who recently paid a visit to that cutltblishmeut there were employed typefnuufler 5 slcrutype founders 7 men damping paper ittfl compactor the principal composirjguom wlkrc die type are set is 270 feet long and is filled from end to end with a uouole row of frames twn fttlninicnghift are employed in driving the printing machine ol whirl there arc 1s that can throw ii fioni 7h to 100 impressions each per hour there are 15 mi- mmi pt intin presm for performing the liueatt work and 5 hydraulic pressea of 200 tons piv r each for pressiiw paper- there are in this esiablibment about 1000 works in stcroiype of which wnthl a- mouiu io 400 the weigln in about 3ihhi un and if melted aud sold as old metal nouitl be wfirlll jt70000 the average quantity of paper printed amounts weekly to tle hmonlshtng quantity dubnut 2000 reams when the paper inaler aud otfirr tradesmen are taken into account the mcu in whiesj this establishment glvca employment must amount to several thousands faou babeadofx- jly the arrival of the kdttnnl al alexandria c irom bnrbadocp we are in possession ofa lile of the barbadian tu the itf of oc tober inclusive monday the uib ultimo was observed throughout the iftlijnd as a reliyionfi coumieinoraiimi oflhe awful visitation in 1811 by destructive cnrtlltimtkc willi the exception of the sad divrder in ooiui- iitca which is briefly related below be papers nro generally barron of incident aff u oual ilu riii cipnl topic relates to the aclol emancipation and us consequences in rarbatloes all wnmpiivi npuitllic surface ahbnuch the blacks muniloied a lebittau obedience tu the law a mtrlinlo slate nf thjturs ex isnt in jnuorurajvse- quiboand berliico the blurkslnd nurrly rrfwil to work and irreat apprcbcikhrii wns mitrrlniu tux smydi lmwvcr niwruil ilimii ami h chiutioil nml threats prnenwd 11 ninjinrarv t i- ece- the ininilii chromch lniwr- ofilujhb august states urn t tlioiwirrn wure iiifaiicly detrr- mined to resist the law in lit- inst tmd ibat u ndiinj but car restrains them from upeuuiidu livevinlencc xba planters there live in a 4um of constan and in creasing expectation ordisiibtucc in oemrrnra too the barbadian of the2n expresses iiureurd apprehension of coming irnabh hliftlcanb in domini a al nbnilt rix ocnrk on the evening of saturday the 20h ofeptemlht die rain commenced pthiriutftlottu in heavy fih wenf ac companied hv high winds until ii when the rain subsided nnd the ncl iicrstwd about midnight a dead calm ensued hist it seem tnhave readonly to receive fve vigour in about a ipiartvr unni hour after tiio wind rayed in every direction and before i the work ofdevnhtation waa compkttd tito lof ty cocoanut trees be strongest on th inland toawri a aud fro like the withe stuippvil ii two t were raised willi a terific noise front llie earth th snd- cr houses in town wrtf prostrated everv wiwing on the garriso was aivatly injured orlobtllv dciitu- lisbed the spaioa npttl wuspurlly tmmofed and the barrack master nnd adjutants ofivv- en tirely detrnyetti the ccownniiunt 11ne cum missariat ctifftoni hnn tmi court house 111 id ever titer lvotcatant charcli stud indeed allium house in the town bad kllibrcd must sverelv from tiie hurricane tin mewsonlilo lious of mr thos- laiugtojnmcsgurrawayco v doyle bad luperimcifd viry h avy soyi not fewer than an hundred live arc said to have been lot manv uf bum were buried undern mass ol niqfcf the plaututiuus are s id to exhibit but iiu ion detail ol an i sine that lviui in li bur- j- c d expnuisve field of wash and do uesiructtonnmtfiioeiufhonseii arc truly appaliinj vtvw slnojn borat the tunc of lgalnwcr lost nil an aniwi can schooner ladim with i unities was driven tarlinr htumnd day withimt any prjou on board an imynssupp d llhitall uumu llltt iitlvu peris uecirotdiu reached the shore it was in courenvdaion to declare the port hlv fjr the introduction of necessary uvtiulcu from a- br iad liibu lioudc of ambly nf liavbudrjes 011 liio istof october i vvnm vrv to appropriate the 311111 ol seven hundred and fifty pound towards the relief or the euivvrcrs tliu i ihabiiants of hii i town had also held a meeting mul passed recita tion oxpnvsive of condolence aih to intitule uire- iieml subscription to alleviate the tiislrew wliiclitlm hutriciine hut occasioned pl rilrili on ij r of i r ware of eomtcrfv uanndu a geuibmau lately firm tho land of hanking d posit pjd in dilftit slncs in ttijtiu on riiuitlay fitn isimbertd cxrt citnter ut ten titdlar bill on ilm uunfc nf lv ctsmtlu and wen it not hv h eaji i pam tu 1 many nf them he miln have escaped unupted the ijills are so ingeniously executed ihuunftar he was arretted atd the biu under lito ckaiuiuiututl id tin ascnl30f ike uilterent bailkj in jhn twu t fri eight they considered tli in wuuin linwvwr by coniputriaj uh mr a jones delected slu irnul in ihv trinatnre ofsidotiti the in heintjpf a paior tolr aud tho letters soeba smrtller olhtwi tin bills aruwost exenited after briar in c dy fur 11 1 iui luitl jvj piiideiii nc ml flu- le ul aolllo oil ttvfimrtr x- ji j ivvvp catmuy vvc invar ihutoil baittrduy iumi a per- sui was apprehended t ivescuit fur tin ie cd spniutis ihuik note but luin ill ittrd b an- ibrhmurfiy cstoied 111 1 e i am ebubst jar i h uln r he utun d vew ln n i 104 ibe lnk d upper canada vluut o 5 i c pavdlc ti btioltlsmtth anl m 1 loih mnrrb feil in irou mr kidmti3 nntrervcilly lie uud written it tlnu on the te rmiihu r mnaiurj on thua eiuin last four letters n j w t ni i d lined ii th paper rssri and fc iiefe i cnairly less such i j r eesi nf b er tb 11 il exeerted 1at 1 le i uihi ill jd mm iihs iv i i uinriiiin iiiai invi imj th nil ni lhj- imv id iti tdi tti- in y netjuj uiipimuii nrrr pf 1 ie litct rfml n aenp buvd mr prcimil niade ti counterji the nut- of the upper i hank iiit induced the pin be tu r tuhtni7 11 1 j im lit t u1 ivc thercinrj thudc proper in mtiicn ihc foumvtn niiut poltitu otdillereiiec fifteen t n th csuttfiirfcit bill the rppcr part oftlu ix in u jmswa tsiiiueih uirilij tc of the gunudia bdj wliii u i iiul the ca rnoiibjiuh tlio words jtmplut o ure vei in stronger and cottrsur iiirrs in ibtj vui ill in hc genuine hill thertlt ufvui ie d unl uniuu ie ir inoi geuutik tliun on iie counu bjttvivh tu w wi b dilerenei ht twten tbcui 5c eral encellnv fu efil- i- cannot hv inn much on tiei ti ilmlih i id v fltllu aek l w in mv litbv tfvh limw tuard uvl lliv tur hi die i uiira- lieifci 11 iui- ja a riviu uhie il tw in auliv alio eau only l vtf rtu nthtii ty pre- v irm- bv liicnit uii cntud iriiin purauiuyt fiuirvul in i reniteiitiay ihtitm in addition to llw above cnutiiur nlih we cip from the iiuimi1 wc have leimied ibij morning id the commercial batik tbit oac dullnr imiet ol thu sunk ol upper cnnaifa imj uiuuly uucrctl to have also been oircd to lllti public they can be readily detected by ilm ditiirciico ol tlio i ue or ic iirfuru at thu top in the two bhu in hie nine f cll- h 1110 wgncitc h a rpreseiimtionofthbay ol york or ionmlo wish ihu 9nrrnuidinliuraand ha the ikrbt-boum- ii tj c me v fchun lotttf w iie of luduutry willi n ouuropu beehive ir e it urn ttifilnciice iodine inmimb tbecoujjtericit will be at once wetu t tin litsj mad 11 town v have been aevftrel auci within u day ortftoi to pass the forged ten dulhu lidls a thomas ntchol ttf in his credit we are tuld limllecnvtiry active invearch oflhe rojuc informs n that ulero uru lhi persons either to- aether or separate enyayed iti putting ulf the cnun- irrleit wu have been described 10 himrts lbov ujiu u man ofhctwceti and 30 yean ofge dark cuinplcxioncd dark clulll ami une or two of his front teeth anting amutieft about 30 yeur old clad in a moleskin frock rout or hnntlnjf juekci villi iftmtf butlniis the ynnyesi aed iibont io yecri ol rtihcr gentccl appraimuce and dresetl ju din k clothes tiie eldest u die p aiy m sud to talk nguuddeal of ilamiltoji and rliagnni ovour eouiitry iiieid had better he on lllc look ou chronicle thc whole of the arrount of the ieeili elec tion lit the lirmkrilk a r oiei us tfi ctlitot i one of ihc disappointed ciiiidiiloirn was take it cm granted written by bun ell i n imimm of uii statetiiliitd aud gros exaffiifatiou i iml could ii and grow vxatfifcratioikf 1 tut sm ve been written by an eye wituctf mcui hardly credible so strange are rumi of the pener- 1 hmvi nn dfl little uliachiof tttrl there were prcfcltl lir blious llflllo truth hen oulof the cuutily of li too many rtfflpcctablu wiineitt vlulfrcipiiivd will givo their testimnny as ti hie ennduct ufthe pernnns hit ismlly amivrd am a specimen of lla writerv candor i ail mention iwu kurt vipicui all union hi made 10 running thorp hntntmttls nth th tmdu9 0 mter who iwreatippnriuninfhnrlluiid i inward thr only foundation ibi yb an v fiiimi iul t ui imagine nr whieh i btl cxtats uastbis on the third day nf the poll nh of the volrttf wbil wa jiroshu in at tli- dinir n the iliwtiiijfs called our to lbs ltttiirning ulvnei rhttl somebody as ruiiini lii ioto him a iniiimhttfttfrwurdh ik wan giving his vote and hilr hthinliitji at die phi re of txaaif- natio 1 repeat d rublnirr hw ihiii apsirciillv nittn in irihr llbinin p lin fc ibev lluh been pricking illui wilh pbl or bnids mr itltrll r- biuied to nr at lliv anoiny tili iau lls mijetyv go vcninent hiall bear til tiw lmtiii ihj un had hrcu dirrettd r th ae upprovthl bv thai oaieer id hi letvv inxnuu iitht 111 wind vltctimi exrtihl ih lollueneu un nil orejsinjis in injitijj irritation whenever dvinptonih of it appeared and suppressing every voice of triumph or iaar xext observe how th s writer glomes over major conduct and rrjircasriit ilia us the rtuti a n it mna ibi to the utitiotft 1 j per inch was in fart the ctnst of ulna the liaraiony of the thin day ly et cited and hav- ivei e j pthm i tlia voter of t5m of the elittt illpir place was taken in oftlin attorney ieuero cumiiiff iutn the villalm start numbers perfect tjulet prevailed- aud it was ut this un that an injudicious fricitl of wcft huell ilonard jlnjor super f the miluht afic bimoif obstructed ilw lir uf httfttinp ml ins parttjtii5 nnnoii wiui u m a jsirtm direatwhi tempied lv made fjfiv men to put 1 nuj cle if 1 iterraptiona in wllich erej natural baiuefuliv eatrt- and howard vbniirjt took mhaviinrmvr their votes heir tarn by the supporters uid mr gowan uho were theiuci t this tnomeui and iter having it to any with a brtt tdion at- 1 ho bid public- ircccdniff l ikdd funi mat ii ii e ca nauv lo f woud with at his cont- u conuitlcr- a well as himlf were d the i i at tsc i leud of able pnrtv many ojwnoi armed wfeh riub marchd round the lliwiings not 41 la a diremlon from thchustlngs with alioataand thrarti of rfciarctf tlif cowcqncc was inevka- hlc but before anvcollfjoh took place between his party a d the otlhwww who wet biefly irish- ineu and not likelvto re vc such a challenge tame ly the attorney fomarij ran h tomigor an i entreated him to tb a qopctj flitch might p comma od uce di 1 jiidshct pence the sheriff ivasatao out rbelrellbrts wlto unavai- cluba ivero taken from lug iiia few uiiiiutw ciuos wera mucnirom ftiajor soper and bis ffiiwl and they were driven quiet v soon rcmorctli and swe- i hod been taken from the fioin the liii nil of die bliidjeons w 4 t in order to prevent the and thij h the outral wttnr in thu lirocfevill and laudable altsuipt 111 04 me jjtuujcoiis wih jefeated party were ftiki j j victors by ihe auoruev ueaeml one i and concealedj 11 order s nrcvent thei being again put in use m d h 1111 v i renixmcnted by thu recorder nt a peaceable tile pari of the major to dn hit whale reu vocatioi the d vai pr of the beclive fi iiuchie d mg the iable petty diste ounces took place ui uider nl artwouiof diwgrow pro- mil ihennt uuft ppfiwhm that be defeated parry were turniug armed with dead ly wrnpot to iw veniri ulrc a wic parly were sit rctiruuwt tthvii ibey acw met nd wained back ly a recciabli inagiue who resides cloc by i i lidntdy widmui feundaijius thai any one was wrimfy bun dnriiig tl whole blcctiuii major iiti who got a btfofaii bead was riding cm the morning but one peifeuily well jim ivhinincjll wliiell they have inserted in the pntrrfrtr hrd ftpirituotw ikiuortf were dwtribuicd by niiorltv of the anorue tenvial or hi friemlv n jrnumdlcs calumny thii poll was never throne uinmcntincitupled except during thcal1vn enacted by major sown after ouell and uiwvurd had withdrawn from ulidues it tt not 1 next the land id equally well adapted for cultivation aud which are nearer to the parent state by several days journey are left entirely neglected in b1w subject iho inbihimntanf prince edwurd have an interest as well as lhoe of the midland district foratthough we have but litile wild land in this district yet when nnec iho tide nf euitsration is directed toward the midland uitriei wcaltau derive un advantage from it our lowly and romantic wencry will not be nn- uoiced as it aud prince edward will soon become ubai it intit eventually be the garden of upper canada- i on bat tidurday afternoon a tjuarrel took place in tins place in this village between two persoifs na med joseph chisholm aud hugh nichols iii the sen iii e both w0 thrown but chisholm being the stronger man succeeded in getting up lirtt ami com menced kicking nicholsiu the hotly wbtlc in the act of rising such was the shock of the kicks on the nervous symem of nichols that he ell on hid side and exlihed instantly chisholm was imme diately taken into custody and has since been com mitted a coroner jury tat over the body last evening v hen tin following verdict thut the deceased hugh nicholi came w his death by blow received innn joseph oitdhobn wilfully and inali- einusly iullitted at cobou 01 saturday the 5b instunt hcfvratr a small steatuer has commenced rnunin beiween tn tov n u d fort cnvingttin entitled the present t of oirdeiiishursh she starts from port coviwjftoii lock a aud returns to koil covington in tiie afternoon via st licgta and llogaiudiiirgh cortiroll observe lord wilsiani mcntinck having retired from his tioverunicnt in indir consitlerable doubt appear u prevail in fiiffland as to the person who shall suc ceed ins lnrdship in that higi aud important olilcv- tbe duke of buckingham the earl of minister who has served with distinction in the easi nnd who is represented i having made the character language nnd trude of tic prople his siuuy uortbe ivjuiersloji and dnrhutn and mr oh cht every morning sunday excepted at 5 oclo m toucbin vt lloansburu oil lier way isere laris rrint flu 1 i j entest and were no nnger eanun lriiiir that no more vr were give 1 in their bc- uah itliiuut true tltm ty one after ifaeir rctjra- iiant wiiti prevented ivrvi voting for theni to rtittto cvttricr ed some time since in stwng lernn our opinion of tie conduct ol the irustcea itmtnl4 mr- 11iu ubo mule the hral tle of macadajuicd road iv ihe way that iic in the pioviic a piee f road by tfie way rfttuh htmur in hw skill av u the province tin fir- ir- us bilows a wpiue uridci bctwettt mr cull and tbejelvimiee fhey agree tti have it to cvpluin hoimyeaatle 1 fmn cull nughl lo be paid bis denund tbe vf find out uapl holly- iaileiu miruvy not vf t engineer tmtl iheyrc iwsr tube bound by bit though tihy feu selves 1 ropod bim then say to mr cull tto vill ciiouyr peii md the two shall cilolw i rjin vn a third 1 i htlhll a stcoml nd we will si bimn uljjuj c vubd yiii iil give and jcl u4 itu j i- 4 teb tu ilhdo rad ilea die bukic mo pro tool c bniuh are all spoken ofas probable successors it i u post winch koine in her proudest dy had 1111 the like to bestow and it is to he hoped llmt his 31ajes- ty in the exercise of hw prerogative may delegate bis trust to a person every way lined to dbclurgu ltd duties huherloour governors in indi i have been more solicitous to increase their own fame and the exchequer of the local government by extend ing the territories of great britain than by iuipiov- iugwlmt they already possessed a new held has opened for tbeexeitions of the statesman- he has now an opportunity of raising the character of a mighty empire drawing out its resources adding o its strength freeing it lrom the elavleh bondage of paganism and substituting instead the light yoke of our pure and nudeiiled religion wotttn at ga zette hontueal west ward election on turdivi a mhttlt iktff hnl whii th nnrtmi- oraof sicww iptneou and nebou proceeded to die residences of their candidates aud forming a joint convoy escorted them through 6sl janur street to the place of election tlte friends ol messrs walker aud donellau who hud assembled at the general lirock hotel in avgut tstrai moved slowly up that street to the hustings which were erected at the upper extremity near the uavilffirkei weighhouhe at eleven the heturuiug ofiicur di c a i r iiin with the candidates and thei prin cipal supporters appeared un the huntings aud the biitfiiicaof the day was proceeded 011 iitg 1 ho writ nf eleeiioiti tbt rented the proclamation in both higuaum tain clauses on the election law touching ie rpia littcatioil of votersj unit the penalties atlcmn per jury these preliminary procecflirtn beimj us length ccuiidc too iiil cunliduttti cvcrtlly addre- a lier reml- tou use keurniuf oiiicr di- of cer- the house mr mlean is understood to be toiy candidate and mr bid well the p r candidate mate of parties and test the general mr ultratoi i a classification has bcci put forward by ihe bk tith whig which would pive people in engud erroneous conctptiou of i berate of parties in hl per cunada of the first 43 members returned m are called whigs and tories kow the abfiurdj t y of classing the mayor of toronto whh ogle get an a voi ion l orangeman must be obvious enough there could scarcely occur a question whereoti would vote on the same aide hume or ocmityjj might as well be called whigs as far as coloij politics are concerned the terms whig and tort have very nearly the ea ne signification jwovm daily advcrtiwr we bvn s irry te find by die cvashcqu ktpacm that die preaideniv country mddence the he tagc has been mdly d strnyetl by lite tiicb valuable partof tlis tmiture was fortiiiu and we hope as we hear nnihiti ti ihi the numerous valuable p inern ol which he niui aewetl uk a bniteau hulamrinse tu mvwpi- mucpherw henderson co laden with a valmjilc caopii merchandize was lt belw i let pi i pzrfht tliusj of sunday hurt tfliu snk itl ilip wtltct alul regwt toad that the emidittmir crew nil indiiuw from taifcfiinnti cd- we inideriaud hint prt d urd bv lllc 4 ittrriix mvmrinr pany te elyaatti coaion aud tniv df t itfui wire drav l t jtiis wm priitiiiaii tjiis day and for tela i tlo kijiooftliv hmtimi wmc tiliw lions on iho kiiiimii ciimi hi edwavd j ufki r m u inrnboil ty mfru i kvcjiii isir jjui 1 war nice oueidtulina 11ml three wiic ra vi vii ritti h kiiitna klvsrl l3i jiingstox ti tstay tsvjzsixfl 32lj we have lnnduu dutc3 to lb 251 vir 4 iwa but no notvtt- ive can make plcjl the follow iuy are the fe exin t gkeat lilutmv e people of uuiflnnd having nolhinkatpm 1 to distract them at hum lion to alliirs ubruadai relate to their cnunucrci inarketsat amslerduin a fccin to turn din j d pectdiurly tu ibuc h d intercois- tlur celai id liollcrlaui and tlu sales of nutiue rltnt4 mace and other piw seem to be ainong uia tnojt prominent topics of cutujqil it was nnderstiimil ibtt ir harlcs gwat n about to be appointed goernor general oi iuuus the place of lord william ikihutck sir john leeii mn iir of the knl an hfip- timt jtiiltltal ullk 11 l tttl ium trolessorof ih l of si audrcws iug land have recently ilictl poatfual lutelulurfl was received at f mouth bnni lminn to ibi- tb ul ifvjdiiinicr jh pedro was said tti inr in a ery duiiuitoutf male i up l lit ouwelv the puwuns aroebo ie nunue signed tn road tool and el one en uowionni t mburuiow altera lull atitatitallvmi tlvt t te iiiori dcinutjed s due tu air cull d ouyhl lobe paid ftir darey 5oiiiua je uvtchuin aid o tin- p win w tuc aiitiiiu rciaes nnd we will u abide liiim deridinii iml ibj tluuftcof a3cmbly lns why ilun we will pay thenmey mr cull hav no nib riiiuhe pititiuiw the house committee i rf jouiicd ul iti ii j itu huice duw ni altur a ehev uf hatidii bad taken place the ive- turning ojlicer removed the poll to tlio honacoi the earner oc thu unvinarker recently purchased by c kudier eq at n quarter pasl one todav the poll stood wnlhcr 133 donellau lj papineau 1jy welsou v7 t county election cununenced yeittiday und waa terminated in a short time by tbu iinopposed return oi mcatfd papiueau and clicrricr tile pre mentation of mr 1 npincau fur the county bus been talked ol tor some days past and the ivsjuh caused no surpriae hut it u absurd for lha vindicator to bay thai tins nianenvnr lo secure mr puplreotlfl seat that his medical ntfcttdallh i uounciu hint tliero wtutnotthc vt his recovery the cnftc ad toi were occupied in dehatim nt luijwi the future well- hi of tlte country 1 to the abolition ol the present reir press which th i i ury ppi ried it was repi 1 d t pari on tfaiu ih broken oiltnt m idiib been muipellcil n tuei i ikii d luiuiti jlltosl thiiir i o anri auee nbifa eiinl prtiflilf tinna vt of win utftuq iie 1 i t i kthat vel ed to tiiui rttinur bat ill relation o i li from london 1 pa taaajr unmriijiil rid thai th s tvcnruiorre nnd 10 jiiirh mitsat verv bale iivuit uwlba rtit rrancis nvm 1 tlte co tl parinre nf mr i hw uhobcon tin kudu knhjecvi a variety of ctnje uiluis and the reed uf ml u rothschild by lideentpb who va 01 ls wu madrid was aho hpnkeu of os all 1 cnt of nlea portancc wv do u ecexacdj why any ultaj r porta could hive avfled til price of the fu wot ihc very air ivn lriwibe s n itnprtn utctjv terror aud the ftliphtttrt breath 11 iw n rcitdi it was osscrred 11 iadiid hi ihcht anutoi from that capitul dial ilea atiua was ueioru the hotted was not klkiwii ti liin ciore tu loption im 1 where tin election for that unrouh tifufe iit we iao re n nu mr v j one ickel was wo a- of untbee the ppti ilnient of tthieb mr cult it and iltvcttligaic and decide c d vii i del ui in 1 111 1 lti iain km bated m it lo t aile and iho arhiimcnrd ist j liai r call wiht to have i j irv tiiil mr darvy boulnui his a better ihuj the li rni u je uetchinn gti ntnuagcil mauan r cjinutice of cuury nnd a seconil re- l waib k ld new rale dis vport spoke inwil in hi fflv il n tuc lunnerwie bjltl to wurihies so mniaijed pv ntlbu iviiort fro inalcri a tu n being brought 1 p before the tini wa tbuued mr cull lliii n hi pen aenni dlo bonil at lie avsiee mr daicy uoiilton it a demurer which went to du kniy ijehcb l jiidfleeovtktolcd if and on thuidiy lai it 9 broitgbl irlore the chief jus tice when mr edybujjcd juujnent for 504 s ulld esccutiun wi jwlu the lint day of nexttcrni israeli cotuluc jjdiflabie raiber is it not most dimccitil mr lla now been kept out of ins money early l he ha injt nearly xlooby the mad be ha 1 c p oxpeacon of nearly ju0u he was nut ilt pcncc for his tune f rouble and expenses in rrkbig the road and having wen hi method uf prdui ihc roatl i luken out ol uid placed in ulrlofbi ownfuitn iuanaenunt man i this ia dinutdul transaction we know nut what is- impjiovicmgvv tiik a report iicincir culaiou which kf that ncgotiaiton have been for noma lime pcf between die governmeiii and a cumpanv of bn merehailltf relative tn theca- nutting at the iv iitfidbtitweiki not vouch ibr the truth of it lhcomany bioflured to complete ihovanr necordinsy 10 the nlau and egti- nmteiiofn li irj iiq- civil engineer provided iho fciovernmelh fe hem undisturbed pusses other liitclhgeace than 1i1 head nt bin opponent m litit owning the upper town oftlncbec clcrtiou rt contl- muucdun tuesday uiul tliough mr stuart way slid behind mr iucrihcmi bis iriciul continue to be muguitie ofuccew for ihc ciumtv of quebec the election commeu- ctd uituejdy and uo notice by the vtcury that m awitfoti wits about seventy artvtti of bis oppo- iienti mi blacbjl the iirsldy j ne electiun at three iiier eoiiinicsieed on the rthi and is contested by jlr- uinbcr one of i he present members mr- bartntrdi an advocate of that city and mr aloses hart the votes on the 2cttli stood thus kunher 00 barnard 57 uari 1 montreal gazette the only certain means we have of cictermining the political divbtioil irom tvrolibt put forward by the twn opposite parties previous to the elections with tlio avowed object 01 hdlucnciug the same in the idvwatc was printed direilziu uelbrin list and in the cuuricr a paper devoted to the ruling party wua put lorwurd a list called tuc white lihty containing what the ameiicaud wouiti call the torv ticket for every county city and borough to be represented against tiie names ol mriubers cboaeu fronl mkenaes keforui list wv have placed iwomurs thus iri and against those chosen iroui the white list a dag0r thus f and the mouiber ho eboscu stand as lollowa prom mkrnae hefurui lbt from the white lit not in either list cccd ifodil in tile cholera boa where one fill bv the di4 firoen uiousnn it mi repir w eo on mud olibr qui inrouj vtirnmmitiiur eiiat rixai- sin i bruhd vieihlt i 23 lj 19 sinn and the pw uf lcv luis for of sixty years af ullcli lk ciuml to me space t to jo in 01 n lh terms arc equitably diill be ln 1c11 tllul liir rcetneni nid mat this work is about to he ithttnith itia an undertakinit the vermuenr and we h bs been ratiiied cuuuneiiced for uxccuiiuuidwh j retpiirw an innneiine ouily yet badinitlv u j l surrounding country our own disfrut nut td wouw derive from it are almost ineulcula cn uc ljr insensible to the taet that it u ll l i dthly profiiable apeeti latiou ami a soi wealth tolbose v prrx we pre n j thmm w iditioiial townships sbmildnnt hesun w linr i the vast l-s- nan ufcoiliilry iu hnrear of km tun fur ii ivdlv appears in uh im i be rxiuidinu the net- derikmlfh no lar t i wwl lft1 lih boftlifii u ihimht- vintlibmihin- uth mh- oflhc ivimtr in whlhl total g of the remaining ninetciii eleven arc avowed the names on the who will scimrnlly re f eerti im umbiirk in n n not immediate ii lluiunpilt reformers and even amon white lint we recognise men be with the uidbrmer lliram norlnn7 for 111- emuce is a uelumier aud if it be true as the li- beralmy that walsh is the only tory elected for ihc loudon district u duncuinu should have a star irrae lur kent has nut been classed in anv of ihc upper canada papers from these govern data we have classiljcation kkfoumkfis named by mkcuzio not on mlvtirieb inst the fulluwing fi k li iu a i- a uiiiil uort im in l nduu v 1 1 hail iveiif hut 11 r day ate i iupuatiun of a t lav lb that on curb papers of monday and tuesd av iva nnd ii may the durlm prunud o b tlo not rrmtina h bub thd cttttkktc lil fjut iiftlio prutt li rotecmir- uwvbtofkiojnon lneirroberiitiiil i pmfyi sutcincut wi bll givo a lit nf thu unmti shops at present anurnpil in fcuvctlr t tlo hrlii of inktafln ofa town coal uidag lew ilrm bitvan at ilic top of ili- rtwn ar ilic luiefj nfilf iivit ftird hilc mr vatiahtiiii ikdai thorn i- ti kiw 1 irroiiv tuuirrun uxt u 1- ililciie nutrut pilt an iwodii 11 nciug u mr c hnn in n iilinp bclonii atr t ii itl sttiro of itrkif uuii at imttunivtm tl mt iw ii mil utll i ipinmwistlicl ill- ltli store oft 23 35 antiitkformkrsnamrd on the white list diducti 11 nor- toi uiul dunenmb oilier known tories dotrntptil mfilie ami c dimcoinb i 7 21 vor ihc sceund hiding of lincoln there is no turn liifibity pr nluced n tie by voting tor himself bmu nut bavin a vole emild not retaliate bum isilu fh vurile of the people the htioii iifsuiiker will detenniuu the real re tboi tim vnnalsiinc oppuvitu laf tt rtor ihtuiins lo mr trc ikiiuw thai in lheetoref mr wia lodttliv oipnsiio r6j lalo simp ofmr jho tiiuiimi lower dmvu on ilic oltitxidj is ilic houscoftlic iau mr g mkcazie irtciikciw nrdown isasnjll slutp nit dnuj to mr iviliriljt opposite die hie more of mr haycock ojjritc iro tic llwfil mcsr uidwoll ikcuiciy all liivabovd ninaouojare lliis if isont tunc oncccupicd two nr thuc vc believe n ken bat only cm i ly a new inlialiiitii tlio main caiue nf ti icriin r tiie mm ii to tic- ft in lliu extreme parm spiiil wliili ii ililjvcl uv lli un whofaavoal present lumipnirhinii ihctcorrnnrntfddbpli ing tliij ppnii at tliv vkellon ofilio iwim injl bjiik ijrs fir the prcut y t luniing hi j lrkr iq ita nft moirlnnt in ftc litwn and tuc man iml ciuilil ff one person to tlisciirollic ihitijot linctitr atil nlicini jnms sampmi in in roini what wv ibft rinriiijikt mr lnrker at one- rdd ins business inl lell ilc unvn mnru lltan tliirtv isiniilk liavo turt imiwiit uh kvai fulhliul uku iftkiily liirlimp trmliiiiiuuiil nvef thr mcrji tile robttun of snvity tint kintnn wm no pbec h tlicni tliat kingston i ill recer fivm iu pic cm 3liintil nu is our canept liouc iul helirl inn tint rrcuition doc nol a ininidi 1i19 miividti coinlm t dftlw thin w lie to firjhfy ithahjtnnl spirit hovil not bisicilcd to rlrivc nvvny frrni amori lliern a large portimi f li ir fellow lownnion we ofier the lullowiiiiriisa elmice snmple of thj species of newspiur conipotition ftylrd ttrarfd it is taken from llmt must learned of nil learwj newspnpers tin toronto retttrdtr veiily m is a great aw 14 we havchrrd tl jiieat dfttl ubont a few of im late elvclions nlijnl in lio crntanied mid the ym which have beieied iiion iid those which m must likely to beaded njion at un approaching ft riotl for our nwil part we are determined not otfer an bpiniun a it rrannls any t them at prej tillm the tftltll timer ill lei iw all into ihc tec we would not willingly make a ibke impression coronhr iaimwttyoikonlliy morning an j quest was held hpoh tin bnily nf soamnn no robert cluimbts a native uf north shield was foinid drouiutl limr drnminondv wbarl apprareil nnemihii that llie dreeaed os rno oil boitrd the hniiner ru then lyuiyal i