British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 11, 1834, p. 3

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er for the g rek loan and the result of both games will be alike dulton of toronto has raimckefthe billinagate dictionary unci thrown its vilest epitls on the honorable member for mtduieac tw patriot of toronto is a journal which reflect great diagrnce on the capital of upper canada and it nbewfl that tnleiit a nt a very low ebb when ouch a journal hack or the very toweftt description is tolerated mr hume is a man who possesses n wuinry aid ftiiriumirrin cnorirv t man aiiolms imtffht manfully and with fearteanctf on the aide of ijiihptndnncc a tmri who lla advoctlted the squ- iimenu ofthut ctua of the people who wish to have it stronger proof of he utility of an institution than its mere exutencr every act of mr hume which has brought hin before the public will on examination be found to be clmracteriwd by a sin gleness ofhuftrt a love of justice haired of corrupt lion and oppression and natunil liberality of senti ment air hutdfl has done more good io the coun- in purlin- h of such indefhugp- ida in lain r uepresnitarives do gathering in die circle of hish- hnt or ri kungiti tbu it dav btuiin of extravagance on icrs try dun all ilo orators irlw linve siuim inent for many year it is the mvrvic practteal untight forward and nitfia air quire i hume thai the emergencies of liri- isread oraiionditia ilia time asmanv in and rimeni rnli millions way arm orru as uie uirauii the on hi wltudmwa to his private pica hiiimttir with such labnrioii rttttdtl lo enable him to see ii rhaoie ma of those dnanrihl arm inch htdmooona air retrenrbment are founded i hough ht isiiuverabsciit fron u muin iliehouse nf commons be devotes more of ilia valuable lime 10 the acrvittta ofjiia country in private than in pub lie i he obscurities that involved manv bronchos of british expenditure wwv an ihhkand palpable thai a man of only ordinary intrrpediv would liuveshrunk nppallcd from the attempt to penetrate it mr lltune planned fearlessly into the dark abyss and by a degree fll inlifirlo which none but himself could have submiivd inrtonishad the country confound- ed the minister with he extent nitd acctitocv cf his arithmetical rwunrches to the cxpuurox of finals ml a fmid on thi iucvnfrovertil evkll tif rfnrw fur ho nvtrilt h vague ene the d untry i imiinlv hulubtol for anv diminution itiua if ita bttrdna llmi h taken p hmo i ilie cnhinet he ffould trffrct wi n t iliadriiac to the nntiou a redaction qxut had he a bttttha least of millions in is annual expend iture jf there is a patriot living joseph hume is the man and while the me mory of three transactions in which he took a part it preserved his name will maintain a distinguish ed place in the illustrious cfttalogu of his countrys heaefactora anil this is the champion against whom abuse and pnfeonoua iiiwtaunlsni are poured forth hi every possible manner tut firm and en trenched in the strength of his own hjcthuda of put yss tit hbpwlwm wtwtl v- tine rock against which drive innoxious the blast immlltd byciuutuoi pttrhv il ribaldry misrnlsrd wit fi she the hghfnin jnst him the ihtiuderinsu amlaatauiohiuglioftiiry evcoplmn u u rairs loud nround but the liftrt scathes him hom no h ifis tlioothn inspire him wiih dismay such is and for his countrys sake long may he continue ti be joseph hume the iron of whom as la scotchman i nm proud 1 1 th voir 1523 mr hume was accused of fran- dutem appropriation of the money that had been cmtributej or borrowed to aid llu greek cause if we loik into a torv journal for an account of i this transaction no doubt whatever is entertained ufbu guilt his selfishness and meanness hut on taming 10 the columns of an opposition journal we ind a veiy different opinion expressed of his con duct and a sentence of acquittance pronounced it is preposterous to allcdzc that he was bound to lhm his piopnv bv the mionjuct cf the greek 1imiuea to iaivr t ii eo thoy fiikihl him by their insinuations loss and were bound in justice to make raiitin liaiors were aiowd 8fu to cointltu a wron aad tlwn to pruiit by their own lie an cscclhrnt exaivlmtf ivuv l to commit rona this would i fine card for ccoccrtcd measures the proceedings of the poll on friday were in- stt 2 0r y w cy- on thurschty im jim efectora came m early and by their tj om jmjr donnll and fe kcs nwmja poll nitii oneovlock thia in- would take aid keep entire potion of the poll fnday obey were indemifecl bv awvnt i-o- aaiha tamo who interrupted then the previous day about ten ovol was perfcculv oilier and peaceable when iw ar three caleahea drove up io uiepoll aiidfl jnraou porvssing to he a gentle man w heard toeny there ihey come or words to that eltecf mmufernmd die same person who flourished atihaaaehecelectiiimatid another nam- edluvictoirelihtedvidiothefroiulheealeihesj and without any provocaiiull whatever commenced a furious and brutal usaault upon atsveiul peison tlicn present no provoeatitm could at tlmr tn have been given by the pnhh so hwiultedj sa that the commencement ol the r is elcars brouhi home to moinfcrraud and his confederals tiiy mail without the leaai inftult or pruvocuiion atrttek an irishman named michael moyun n mason w or three times in ihelicad with a large bludgeon john mgec who attempted to defend moyun tu knocked down by a blow from behiirl and rtf reived a severe cut over the left tye whea down mr vve- iherit a master plasterer f thia city was huu knock ed down and severely wounded on hc ibreiiead but dig most brutal nuoek of all was made on an old baldheaded man apparently an irishman he was pm sued up st janicv street by three rudhina two of whom made tip to him and collared bins whilst the third struck him many severe blows on the baldhead such brutal and lorooiotia conduct soon brought about thiny old countrymen to the ground and when the drtstarda perceived they were about to be resolutely met they made off and es caped that sammarv punishment which we siil hope the law will inflict upon them the vindicator asserts on saturday thatthe per sons who interfered to protect their friends were hired by the adherent of doiu3ttan an i walker and were paid four shillings a day ihisis a false- hood- the persons who interfered were principal ly irishmen they remained on thegiound quietly and peaceahly as numerous affidavits will prove until they themselves became the objects of attack j ihey would have pursued and perhaps chastised the cowardly rufliaus had it not been for the exertions of mr doyle who used the influence lie possessed over his countrymen to dissuade them from further pursuit montreal llerau the rev william lord whose appointment as president of the wesloyni methodist conference of canada we lately announced has arrived at new york in the ship grca britain from liverpool he is accompanied by hivilc and daughter mr pointed but mr lord wascentually selected the latter gentleman the christian guardian states pteseaaea mr marsden virtues with the advantage of more bodily vigor mr m being upwards ol sixty years of age and mr lord beig about flftvi montreal gazette an attempt at robber v was mado oi tuesday evening at the stoves of messrs a ferric 6c co which fortunately was discovered by the watch and has resulted in the arrest uf five or six of the gang of villains that have been for some time prowling adout the city the depredator had succeeded in breaking into the store add had prepared for remov al several bundles of goods oj of which was taken in possession of one olthe robbers ib alexander miller esq was yesterday elected a director of the city bank replacing francois an ionic larocque bsq resigned 1 the co of itusselfu c lilection terminated on the 12th inst in die return iiltho mckay esq of new edinburgh by a majority of seven vote igii ipoople to ili 3gii of au- whieli btl been uiore de w a rorttoal account from lialmn itrc not later than were re ceived a few davs since blm bey confirm ihe inn ijgeucc ol dun pedrott approaching dfeaolution and that he had riven order w be conveyed from rhe ajiidi to the uueluz tah the place of hi birth and waa left lying in tlivmvy oin in which he was burn lie had expressed ih to perform notm- aciiou uhieh bhnuhalww lirfpaftr hat he did not dpari thi hie at pint w itw brother jon aliuel which it is uddevit minirften took care to prevent the intrigues respecting lie regency were going on he prevent minister ftiiugiiiinff that tluir exist ence in office depends uaohihe lurhess de lira- ganaeav holding thesuii power in oppoiriliotl o the charttr which wosdd place the regenev ii the hands of he princess lbel iuaria who held ir when don ivdros pew conajiiution was put in tbrte jim insurrection hi i ititrftor provinces evident ly iticreao the enerill rtihi uivltrntig and lurniidable at the same t tltodevcrltoikf and eiubmitioua to spain couttw advireg rrmn cons rusr mute tint the pi tnicle ditni for mam etfphw fuiiih t gam on iii decrease jlc turks are lhgimiing in umo ihrlr prcjudiecawldi wpct4q saiiitary prcenit lions- ihey have recoup tfl euroican fumigation width forme iy they d piwd tile practice is u- dopted at least by be higher circle and uiol of the ministers of the portti thu nuniber of viithm has been be ween three atj btu ihtiusaud dailv still lv1cb pbosi it lpi hy the ptfrfcot inp foully cupl fordrs ibmi havre we have received oar regular lihs uf w papers to the 27ih ul sqflvniber incsuive tlu papers cutdaia one day hriorlivtu ivujfla d itmnwa before received ill england the funds u inactive and depressed from an apprehended ncvovity of money tlieru- vuges of the cholera huduccrii reduced to in ji week previoth to our lit dates utd the accounts which the ppers eontai ilnmi the colony of dema rara relative to the insiilhjdinatioil of the negroea and of the prorogation d parliament had been an- itcipated by our advices v the last arrivals the schism in the french cab ict eaya thcmessa- ger is no lunger asecreund n proof of this will be found says that paper in the fact that blucc the loth sept when marshal erai became re-cstab- hshed from bis illuesh j has not once met his col leagues utthetuilleries spain a letter from madrid of the 2cdl ufsp- tcmbor in ujlignani of the 27th t gie a very un favorable account of th condition of spain in all its aspects civil politiral and belligerent the treasury is said to be empty and the people poor- the prociiradores at oriuucamona temelves ami at war with the proccrcstbe conitndintr anitica flthe provincial parliament is not expeetrd to meet until after the christmas holidays tbe toronto courier sayn the second week in january the whole of the liberal party arc united in the choice of mr indwell as speaker the advocatk has been finally discontinued mr mekcnzie jlsu mature delibenition baa rcliu- i lii for ever the editorial life tbe correspon dent is fur ib rulurc to be published under the name of jtofooeau corrcpotiilatt wcty thursday dr 0grndy guhia an adibsion of nearly 700 names to his already extensive subscription list mr mc- ivenzic i in havu no connexion wiih the newly na med newtfpttper except the privilegt of fulfilling his contract wiih ilmse persons who have paid in ad vance for the jilrccau and ttlioe terms ofsubscrip- linn are not expired wew oqqdsu j d brtcb jt co flsmjmmf molekin wsc irs n blelineb cotlons bleached ac unbleached printed cliche apron and other checks small wore c c also a very choice as8orimeit of black and colored oros de naples figured and watered do black and colored sik and cotton velvets colored ter ry velvets colored silk pluah fancy ribbons artificial flower and feathers fois c c cioou aovicii vi hull tod ndvicc is piven hy i kind henrtcd por- whi u is stiilnlite it is natural it will have weight iill evirv inftilluotls mind fioriries have is that those iiu one rciiaon why j emiuraticc some hcc su ijtlle iiiilucmi- nmkc ihtirietsi otiicry agninst touching tastins jiiiuiit cr lllow wlme hearts wuuld not allow lliphl to slinru u checitnl glass iciheve never was a temperance social y ill existence jut vvjwil u kind helt llirougll its unvarying as- jixiiiite a ftcttrcliou dultreiicc not the brawl same kirdncss leads him to ig v eich ill r nnl om ni- vnipriftv bat for nam of the en tilled i nia i v i j j filfr i tic a vn tins ii iiic mat to n uepresentaiive it7u it ws taction mexara iiinvisi pc40ii to y ilic w nt future when mr mumes coircjkidece with i riie ireek deputise was rumisliudi 1 j i defence was ronsidered a hone one by thsc vliotu his politics lud rendered his deadly enemies but no impartial man with the evidence before his eyes hesitated to jwoittitincc him fuiltlem ue never realized a six pence by llie transaction and ii wete ell if every nun ronilictttil wiih lite hirty by whom he was then ivllificfl cenlil biy hi uwt ujicmi his litnirt nnd any mih irirh u h nvh aft q tlcun rt those of mr in upjwr gunnda tbinjia bave coma to a p llmuc lifts imvii cctted of ifish treason peri- lions have been cot tip lo his alajtsiy find waes iiic fiif poor sqwnev- i do not intend mr editor it iulyitite the prfncipluwf a criaia npprmeliing whivfi mr itanwjwa awl a 111 terminate in the mttithtn nf citnadn frum the mother country i o sue a urifn would prove an irreparable loss to thin oanada but to say ih it gicvincea and abus- i of power iihvc not existed vnd do not exist in canada io a great extent is just to say lhalihe suh kwt almue u nnnimiav jadericireolcbailod despatch nil he long rc- nmbcretl and every liberal heart will long conti nue to return an echo io it it lias been the means of breaking dowt at least in part that powerful pha lanx who have so long rallied round the govern inent of this province and entiched themselves by sacrificing the dearest interests of the people at the eiirine of srllwirio nnd there is not one liberal minded indivi uul in upper canada who docs not feel regret that those oftfcebeufcrs of j1u majestys solves in sheeps clothing who wre dismissed have ngain hoe admitted into the colonial sheep fokl dot a duv of dreadful rctributtcni i upproncliin a day when the libcrnlizing spirit ul the hruphs now fast emerglug from u low nfcitc t one of greater knowledge will demand redrew with ft voice of thun der and the call for ii enforced by a power before ffljlell all torv opposition will bcdiiven as chaft be fore the wind i consider the man a benefactor to bi country uho encourages it on rational grounds to persevere and hope for a deliverance of its dfieulties but i raniiot help thinking that there is something very fallacious in the adiee ol those who would lull this province into an imaginary security while they at the tame time are plunging n in enormous debt and enriching their ftaji pockets thereby licpelhturen should nev forget though very opt to doso that there is a point beyond which the sub- loiasion of the inanv to the usuipatioiia of the few cannot be calculated upon thai there is a force in public opinion which the mightiest monarchies have not been able to withstand and which it would be atitnpossibte tocontrmd a to assuage the fury of the winds or restrain the advances of the tide we should not however cateulate too sanguiuely on what kuftirtu will do for us in the most perfect mate to which polliieauiwtilution can be brought there will mill he found in the cap of human file many a bitter draught which all our attempts io sweeten will irt unavailing bat though reform will not rain down upon us mnna from heaven nor bring hack the icliuiiy of the gohlim age it will be pruduciivo of fur more advnntago than many of its votaries arts disponed to admit to conclude mr editor of all the real greivan- ces which may hereafter exist in upper canada i at leafttibrone sinperely wish notto see 4i crieib ispproaching ominous of tbe baneful domination f excluive high chitrch toryism there hwu see 1 have uiree poinia of exclamation ae i have peached the top of my climax 1 am sir yours c richmond oct 30 1831 georcium sipos j3i the c closely contested the poll held at mr door gavtl ibis genilcmun a decided advantage over his antagonist but we have no doubt tat if the elfetioil had been held in a more central part of the county us prayed for in n i to tin lieuten ant governor previous to the election ihe return oi mr oconnor would have been put beyond a doubt montreal vindicator about nine oclock this morning a fire broke out in the house of michael osullivaiii eq solicitor- geueral opposieth former uritish american ho- tel whieli was extinguifihed in a short time after doing soin considerable damage to the interior ol the house oulpablii manner in which the joists of the floors were set there was only half a brick between the extremity of the timbers and the interior of the ehimiev th lire communicated in consequence to the lljiring i jvseptl llout was killed on monday last at the river st llcnv l c by ascending si toc to gather nuts from which he unfortunately fell on aomc stones and died iunnediatelv cornu ill observer paralized from penury on neither able to advance in ahostle altitude count of fraternal means ofaciioi a duel was luugbtftimtwirid ontlic 17th between mr ttirnbull the correioiident ufihe londou time and mr maberly walsoao english man mr middeon the sreiftry t die american legation acted as second v mr tumbull and mr mabcrly was attended b m gabnnia a trench gentleman after twoshur middle ton declar ed on iw part of mr turned dial he was satisfied ulid although there was e me doggfdms on the part of the latter the parti eepemted without fur ther conflict pomugal ftwaaevidnt from our advices bv the france pu wished on fiioudav that don pedro was in extremis his decea had not taken place at die latest datns hut every m- htd been resorted to that was deemed iuuu us a certain pv zrrr snejidde disposition makes an unwise inpuiiiuns and buffers from overbid i fueh aonefeuls itscousetntpncesi ud jees ins error when such a one speaks be speaku from pxirrience liu advice is not the uf narimw routed seleisiness- the tthichj tuisdiitqled led him into erroi give his l advices and iliose who possesf the vanic dijhhioil are likely to attend to what he say i say then one glass of brandy in a whole day la ken at a place of public msort scents to be a cir- cmnstaurc nf liiile cnnseaueucct nnd yet this con liiincd fiirfl whole year tt itild more than iwy fw the interest and une of one hundred bounds fur that year ns it would aim tint io to 1 8 ijui as asocial man would treat some acquaintance to another glass tin would make it ci i 3 4 ud if ibis social man shuold take nn additional glass as wliai u called a night mji iliis would become is 5h ptr yean now any peraon who would settle 19 5s on you as a pension for life would to that amount assist you in the stlpport of your family would be consid ered a more lhni oiimry friend weh a penny saved i a penny gt vouliavc it in yoiw power to conr thi annuitv on yourself do so and yon vou good advice kington co 11 1331 ai tr wn nn mvluv rvmnjr oltt liwt bv iv vcncrnblc ilc arr ikrwm iuviujr ttto m k nhfi orivnh urirrltcrfii law l lir ifatthih rrritliur1tcrortiluicllonomblcriioiuitot sirror giunii cirimr 1ruvijtcr in thtiwt on tlsiirltty uvrnifip ty thr avnmmr arckicfiion fitfiiri aiti 1auunu pniiii ivq cpiiln ii hpmmi kcrl 10 cifiuim uii ji iit faigtauranta wc prtcr hmbis bsht- al liitivwit iicf aniwon is iiiurs a will fad that 1 have given aviionsciouv -yoroachiiur- liesohn nn hi cordial cooneration tor itw iccmiiy f peace and order in the kingdom the latcid j ironi sunday tin 21s of sfpleim 0 not expected to live tbrnuglumt thod llmoll wi mi pedro s ol was an e egant assortment of shawls in the mo beam tiful i- rench style of filled middles these were introduced into britain last winter and are n the prevailing wear at home also plain middlen with french borpers these goods having been purchased at the va- rious places of manufacture m great britain and imported to kingston direct have been subjected to no intermediate profit at montreal and j d b co are thus enabled to supply the public at prices greatly lower than have hitherto been general buy ing with ready money in the first markets they can retail at wholesale prices j d b co again assure the public that they have a fixed price from which no abatement is ever made the lowest price being named at once and every customer is placed on the same footing sell ing on these principles they cannot afford crtcfif and their terms are therefore prompt cash kingston nov hrli 1s34 39jts postponed sale will be sold hy auctiua on wednesday the 12ib instant at the subscribers store the follow ing effects belonging to the estate of the late robert drummond viz 10u0 0 feet of 1 1 and 2 inch boards and flooring 500 gallons of malt whiskey 50 dozen ale in boules 50 dozen bottles ais0 a quantity of port sherry find madeira witie peppermint and shrub hair mattrasses and pillows plaga and pennants handsaws and axes old iron in lots together with a large assortment of delphi crock ery and crystal ware carpenters and miners tool tables patent beam scales and weights and sundry other articles purchasers under 12 1g will be entitled to three months ereati 00 fiititkbittg tiffffflii tfljflg ed note sale to commence at 1 1 oclock a m hugh scanlan auctioneer kingston 3d november 1s34 k on iir siui ultimo uy ilw rev mr lccmliw cttfmft- i etklqawf kurrimcr m u murine ntahlcr of firrcll ijm ormiriirnintourr cminiy aoirim lalaiiil ffsaonncfsl l and wv- uat niiirious tttil ul the qudlty iincf tntiquqtt what ever oar ruatters ny j they seldom have hadreasoi tocomm ftyof ourcdiiorial remarks i w kkkiiiffati indul gence forthe scarcity ofih r rljiind mjicr ufto- king ample a- rhmanks on tail montreai- harkrt mostssal nov 4 1s34- tiiltteea ike early partofoetohur end ilie middle nf no- vuntber m llie time ufwhidi tlie mcichani im toavail himself totlusc bis tall iimhc30 vln lluio wtdie eiminiiiancfl itnaksut upon it uwdggj to die iiacniilir mtic tl c ocaaivily of llie lllu mke inuy iiy we huvc vcurccly dtei known loss bu- hilhtftf dl4hi t iix uiini of llie t up to lie middle of bt in itl ilei ivero well mtniel nnd icuori viic pono rny hslufied witli tlij privoilicy uufltncd sisice thtit time tlicrc liltern a decline tif miiiiy wliicli we can only ftufl buto to iln- taue wy ikivc puiuhsl ul as its k ri ji oy their rescnt price in consequence of an ottn tnelv awll enfpty fho demnnd lias heen very languid lhmugliiiil llie yit tnii le jsreat discouragement to produc lii h kejitttlu prj down to ihc diminished demand and own u tllm ft 4 fthc hade will he seen bv a fattlc m day we do it fthh the prfliffifrc u mends on tuendny nest ijhoe ofoitr friends who judge of hu editors talent y the length ofhia ar ticles will fancy ms lobe a second demosthenes when they peruse the accm 0 nte visit wp iaid lo jtohlo in con- bu1tish wiima published this day andforftattfit itio olficooftliu bltltihi wlilo omurva- tioiis on ie kidnau cunal ul ed wind j dwkar h u- inscriud hy permission 10 his excllency sir jtilill col- uonic iticc one shilling snd three pontc kingstjii nov 3rd 1831 to cobrbsf 1 is iijll i txuknts- ip la ufeo hc ions ltlicr of statkdim -v- fruai thclciwrofrtiejvrrt svbuiittr d nccotnt oftlicliiie va garies of u note j pcoogugtic we wonm miih riuier not jiumifcti it la u bwlirr n itti which ihe pabyk iiivc nought io do gvedmeiif like rrofittrd love is otlcn dcarnta gin we hnve veoiurcj lhepiittictou butblei igutnhoiirfipininiorii- utility iinttuf ilie2uili inili u c4ting distfii1iony kixg3tox ttsdnesdav normxg nop 1 loll wo itna received via ne york london dales io the 2til seplcmbcr tubes days later from byropc iy ilte nrritnls ofclu picket drip ivnurt ctjr foncfc lioiii havre v huvn loris dales til ihtiilil of september ami by live awp henry oipu tjray have london antes to the news tlitrv bring is not i in great britain the parliament ol england w furl iter itforogtietl by comuiusion on die 2jdi of tsejilcniueii ti uied again on thuiaday the 23d nit spa ix don carta is stated ill the french papers to u dispirited and in ill health owing to fatigue priva tions and disappointments it is do rumoured that his partisans have it in contemplation to mil to the throne f spain the west son of the prerinder alio is about seventeen years of nge tit- cailisu- being in posrtfmifln of no aeapjrts unl great dtfii- lulty ill proeuiing supplies ol arms and ether muni tions ol war estmcl oiu letter of tbe istli of sfptemtwr from madrid xln foni lataionsrl lined ibr the insurgent provinces to inarclt fo want of money ti finances not having sent thein the 2000000 rial required for the purposr raised these battalion we have extracted tit folluwing from a late re former the attempt nil- win qoican to writt down the reputation of tv ptettm to sr gbokuk and its commander will fve abortive ihe more the matter is inquired iip be more ill capt har pers ronduc etuiid out t- bold rcliafadtuint the edi torial ulander f his nrfurious cnlntnniatr we shall shortly haven word say to mr guwnn on our own account twnigai euipluyed in read ing the wexford trial from the fiforiiirr mr editor as ai individual i tannot btl express my reffret mi iii9 tin mnlirions aitaelt hy the edimr of the pot hope wartkr upon the rhiracter nf a gemlommt whose conduct has ever bopn spokm ivim sucl charges s have been brought against him ftwy individnul tliat ever i have spoken to on the uhjert has cnpresotd the itighest ffrattficatimi ai ukaenerwl conduct as acap- luin mid wondered on iital arrouml such false and iiialisnantchargracuutd m been iitaikf i how thai ihe suitoii imc inhiibilniits will pnb- lirlvexprvw their opinio to ilietoiidiietof capt hakiit ami lint lei the ifttlicious poll nfwhi- iinjlvi- ffuil be raised above ttutt iilt whom uie captain n the fitf george has for long mne imi n acqtutint- cd and dons business a rnxvstiubn vvc ttaxe glwn irtwrifr ton rommutvir rtl a tniveilcr nnl ioftiiit iiic l nv ticurg e imvti mfui axwi inquiry idmcli plcnnrc 111 iii jif nl ronducl n cttptuil ilv edatbfiticiioi risvv it 1lill iliitli wiiratwe know ofootfiiftg frli commtiiiicat eeniiiijt hie gniiil trade the flhcotifslging of wo eog lish mtjrkefi litis rcvuiitotl any nrtivity ht so ii3t no induce inert su be n lnm utit t hrtis any portion ofthfl new liarvcst jorwar t tin upily ihrvughtml cjpcr canada will lm pretty riomb ptnno if imiirtirtii in hour liavc bcf1 t our quotitlitllh hill ifio lichrind i very trirlitijr inoucj the liwriool inmbcl offir no inducement io twy a small de tnind iimy prlily jirm4 up fir tlm wen india till mdrti 1m wilier nrtmtvofiutpirl wc heal of nritliin worthy ofbc int noted djhf adrsrtiser by i jacksoai ride a u navigation the stkam boat iiic nt v blgln ui iln ul itavt tlil enut utiqukiiill- a lofturaoti mtiral phuwviy w mtim u nigii at the cdurl llonsr by a jf ihnmwkms we havi no op rmrlutihv of liilaliub upon the pomtaailliislrbltfriifdlin tin notiteoof tlie lecturer did nl extend ioticufltpiury civi- lny otvruiittidg rcjcret tor kingston thtmial corps gimtiemcu in cvtnvta wli cua bcfoto tlio pithlic wullltl ivrffl tiutdinjrhy nihy- the ijiihm vatwnof ronrtidf ma ihe pkcm vj ie mi uccti auic miuihter uf the if this paltry sum can be 1 move 10 ruinfurce llie liodtl apathetic army of g it is not precisely known where don carlos atid zuinala carreguay are the iroithlioimof ino ini- tir kiuiiliiklta- nfllw hu h- dniuiiiivml lip ind tucd hv him on the kid m navigation vill ik titujli to i hamniuv iv mr rjturkiuii mi llitf 311 iii an ppuiiujiy will then phtfonl luelf in tiiie cnlcrprn up indiicuil whieli if pirii- cdly enihratjcd imii undoubtedly londlotiuj actuniulalioii ot weallli tilomas mckay mtudlnf engine and jrunutttrt wltlk kom poiiveiy without rkseuve on tuioay ihif tjll eiktatltg at 12 nvlock noon precisely this bofll hnving been built fiir nnd i mi an the uidenii canal iluring the last summer is nearly new aixl u good order also vicloni rosektc nt ilu nmc lino and piacc ittfonjrlitjr io ttic eftiltt f the lrfr b- druinmimd esq j the stsa2g 2jts k biimba17 maroaeet wiih nilncti and kuruecurc complete those ifsave in good uilin7 condition nnd hnve ik en ronsannily uwd on ilfehidkau ca- ai- during the present vent ii fai it is nccd cah ty stwftrtlici ii rwouiiueiidatimi of ihcmdmu to kmc hiiii iliey were bucwssfid duriiigihc uuuau- nl lovrntss of ilie waters of ihe past season nnd during most of the lime nf ihcir running had three or fuut itenvity indcti bufgea in tow mkewisrs till durkaa1 boats etrett three brothers ami tob blag with masts ant kigglko- fhe m vcela i l whatf jhu a litilu boy named putnck mcdermol lie was given intn diorce of llie driver of the baili stage on thursday the 6th iiist with directions to leave him nt the widow reynolds neflr the scotch kirk in kingston the driver states that he stopped his waggon opposite the house and saw the chjld go to he door but did not tee him enter the boy has not been hcorl o since whoever will give information of the above to hi afflicif h vi ncar the artil- j iucm house will be rewarded kingston j 12th i83 28 to be sold ihe presses types and mjlllfaif irftitrriiitw of the fxoronlo advocate otve consisting of an iron im perial pftftvf n qmtillj p nttn age press a large and powerful standing pre very many founts of type in fine order and of ill the requisite sizes of book jobs and newspapers a great variety of cute ornaments borders chaw- cases dashes lends fractions rules frames gal leys troughfurniiure composiogstickscard plates leaders nnd every other article requisite for an ex tensive job and news office the whole establish mont was corcfullv selected byfthe proprietor cost about 750 has been well taken care of and will be sold for less than half the purchasemoney 3 credit will be given it required apply to 1 iwm l mekenhe toronto 31 nov 1831 meeting of the hoiise or assembly as ihe approaching sesyt liameut promises to be one of vast interest to the inhabitants of upper canada the subscriber pro poses to preserve the proceedings of the house of assembly in a more durable form than a newspaper and to rcpurt im 1 at more length and at the same lime more minutely than has been done heretofore to attain thb desirable object an experienced re- btfter fiuni england will attend every sitting of the ouse and accurately note the votes and proceed ings of that body which will be published in week ly number consuting of sixteen pages large oc tavo primed with a good type and on fine pper and delivered to subscribers in the city of toronto every sniarrfav ftftwnoon- at the end of the session a title pige ami index uill be furnished to each subscriber groti the whole forming a volume of great imuortuncc aid necessity to every man in the 1rovince nnd a sure guide to euctors as by a re ference 10 its pages it will be seen not only what their representative ri7 but also what thoy intend cd to do the price of each number will be one shilling pay able on delivery any person procuring ten subscri bers and hi coming responsible for the same shall receive one copy gratis agents will shortly be appointed in the different towns and the greatest regularity observed in for warding copies to subscribers as the execution of the intended publication de pends entirely upon the support which may be af forded those who wish to patronize the undertaking will please to signify the same as sooo ns possible all communications addressed to the eubecribcr to be post free s bkegai 52 lot street ffj editors by inserting the above thai receive a copy of the woi- weekly during the ensuing ses sion toronto october 29th 133 education johnstown district school brockville under jomv smith a at studies and terms per qr x s a w mi e wil take iu- oil hcinrc the res- whirh ill lc inouiod nluugfide tlc montkial wtst vvakd election swtc uf ihu p4 irijay vrriic sept 7 l j l 1 1 i i ir l nelson wm walker j duiicllin 480 479 133 488 fj the reiiurc of mr lihgurinaii8 bring eect- eil to the bviicb torus out tuho o hoax the iuhu- of kiiijsijii i hiivi to endure much iniso- nlacrtlievthougu to eurprisc hvium mteiupt vwl r before they ro emmlpmd from the baneful not moreforiunatc for them than the other ler having been repulsej when making mi uiwckoii 1 lotii proceded to eusondo the garriwu of which i llvuiis wishing to iavc uti interest in some of the fmest wntft c cuimutiictttioiifl in ihe caituuqi would do woll io cmbrneo this opportunity ihe terms which are liberal will be made known at the lime of sale u jackson auctioneer kingston nov 1 lili 1s34 28 fly the daily advertiser montreal is request ed to copy this advertisement three times and send the account to the subscriber 0 d 0 i domination of that individual want1 a vrmhg man as an ahustatllin a dry goods store in kirsston npply if hy letter fott paid to the btutor ofthc jjritish whki 283 ts english rending writing gram- mar and arithmciic ii mnthcinaiicalelcineiiwfyad prac tical geometry trigonoiietry alge bra natural philosophy geography with the use of the globes construction of maps and history stenograph yl 10 0 iii languages latin greekfrench with english composition logic mid rhetoric igj or the whole course ut li u to suit young ladies or others who wish to at tend the higher branches of these studies classes will he formed at separate hours from jilio o cimb p m on wednesdays and saturdays i p qr mr surra can receive two more boarders m ins family board and waging apcranii boaro- crs provide their own bedding and towels one vacation in august and another at the new brocvville october 22nd 1831

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