British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 25, 1834, p. 4

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tuttftm- 1- j vi w towiwhiu of norwich intend petiuiminf the legis lature at its next sesainn to establish the roul nl- lowance on the west side of the middle town line atd in rear of ihc concessions as laid out by the original burvey notice application will be made to the legia tntisrc at its next session by the inhabitants of by- town find others for an act to incorporate a joint stock rompmiy to improve the kavigattoa of he river ottawa from bytawll byiown 1st july fosii thai the inhabitant of district of lrimv edward ill apply 10 the legis lature t the next session for nn act authorising the paving and collecting an addiiiuiml half frac upon ail rateable properly therein for the purirosc of paying ulf the debts of the district ihc said act to continue in force for three years- also bran act defining the limits of the district town fit the raid district rendering the tuwn lots within the said limits liable to assessments jmjpuwa hereby ihvcn that the ril he next session of the legis- notice is hereby cive pundas will apply at latlirc fur an act incorporating a banking com pany to br established in the town of puudns in the jure district and also for an actio define the limits of said town and lo establish a police herein oundas 2d june ism notice application will he made at the next session of parliament lo authorize the construction of a hurbour at the mouth of duftins creek in the township of pickering by a company formed for that purpose pickering july 16 1834 notice h hereby given that the inhabitants of the county of siincofi intend to petition the legislature next setthtoili fiw an act of the provincial purlin menl to erect the county of si mew into a new district by the name of the district of simcne ait id that the new and flourishing town of ifurric be the capital df the said district barrse july 24 1831 public notice ia jnen mm ic boat rapid iih furniture c ns she now lies will be snlil at auction at prettcfllt ml tuesday the 18th or november nest ai j i oclock a m the ijnal ifc built during the past r public notice ifl hereby riven that the inhabitants of ihe cotltlty of hultort will rnaw their a to divide the mid county into two or mui julv 15 1834 ipliciutoii e rid ji st- notice- the inhabitants of the first concession of the township of partington will petition the le gislature at its next session to establish the line known by the name of the m wilmoi line ihe boundary between ihe first and second concessions of said township bonmanvtlle june 5 1334 notice application will be made to the legis lature at im next session for an act to correct the survey between the eighth and ninth concessions of the township of kin king 16th july 1931 notice is hereby given that application will he made to the provincial parliament at its next sit ting by petition for passing a law incorporating a joint stock company to construct a hail road from port stanley to st thomas with power to continue the same thence to london and goderich- st thomas 2d june 1831 notice the inhabitants of the eastern parts of the newcastle district and the western parte of ihe midland district intend petitioning the legislature at it next sitting to he vvi off into u separate ps trior river trent 12th julw 1331 oik upon the liurden fiiripbn and was inkmided lu navigate the rffpituof fie st lawrence but wav luurm to draw too inuch wutw the engines ate 00 horse power ud extra boilers and are allowed by judges to be very superior in every respect- the boat and emtincb mil be sold together or separate and fla the rata inusst take place without any resent persons desirous of purchasing will ditilittcfiv find ilun rdijeet lo atend lltoftftlk yhe is admirably iuhtihieil for the trade beiwecn mnutreul anil quebec and could be taken down witlmut aiivdiflinihv une third of the ptirclinaa money will be required at the time ofale and approved embused notes will be received lor the iniiudir payable in lhree sdx and nine mouths idi interest if voider of the cummittrc ii norton secretary ivcscott 15lh october 1831- grocery tea wine and general prowatou siorr market square cash the highest rash chaiiiablc wheat at the paid tor wheat price will he paid for ffoud mit- atore of the suhscriher g y yakkefi notice the inhabitants i the centre and rear of the district ofnewcaella intend petitioning the ensuing parliament to grant the means for open ing the navigation of the river trent starjet of ineweautle july 9 1831 ktogson 13th sept is34 tfrc ttr splmdid and fast rvjcvura steam boat patrick bgani respectfully informs the luhalii- loot of kingston and surrounding country hint he ins renived direct from 1ontreahand other maik- w i choice nvrtrtmeni of the fulluwimt nruari loiich ho intenda to dispose of at unusunlly low prices ivinesj spirits groceries fye strong jamairv spintn rnjnc rraady holland gio superior old pom fllalctra wine 1npcrcntnlji whiskey vounumvlom llym tew tufiakeyitad black dv liibll rt fiaitl nutl muworoha sipar pine pawr and cavrndiili tobacco ftmidi ihrriau cud fwli ind mackarrt itt tvmer sftikin midair i itaitns fi almond r prime mf nnh one hug pmfkj by im w smoker prk anil mutton ham superfine flour jat ami indinn meal jti corn bfims c- so itrx corn brooms itmiih bolt so eumm wrapping i a quantity of stnr inh tmwate 10 cratctf assorted crockery socwl american clieej a timntity soap cndle starch blue rfc bartay cmrkcrf lcmonn ph le and american apples p e intend always keeping on hand freli butter egg foivli and vegetables fanners routing to market will do well by giving uw abovr establishment a call where they will receive the oigpotf pcc in r3h lor every descrtptiun of produce 20th oct 1834 notice appacatiun will he made at the net session of parliament for a sum of money to straighten the road and lower the hill where the high road between kingston and the oity of toron- tofcrosses duftins creek pickering july i9ih 1334 notice application trill be made at the next seasion of the legislature for an art authorizing the cutting a passage across bay of the city of toronto 23d september 1831 the peninsulu from the into lake ontario notice is hereby given that ihc inhabitants of wolford intend petitioning ihe house of assembly at its next sestton tor a law to establish the bomi- dariesof the side lines in the first econfl third and fourth concessions of lliesaitl lowfljljlijljff flgret- able to the government deed notice the wetland canal company will make application by petition at the next scionoftbe provincial legislature for building a toll bridge over the mouth of the river wetland with stout buttmenta- by order of the board john ctark secy canal office st catharincs 1st july 1831 public notice is hereby given that the inhabitant of the cty of northumberland resident in thcttmn- shtps in rear of the rice lake will petition the le gislature at its next session far nn act to erect the said townships into a separate district april 15th 1s3i the commissioners of ihc canada companv give notice tbnt it i their intention at the next meiiing of tlie legislature lo apply for an art authorising the ciirtana cumpuny to improve the uarbur at roricrush on lake huron cuxtbtta company ojjicz tvrmto ii h juhj lb31 nmice is hereby given that sn application will be nindti at ihe next session of the legislature fr an act incorponiting a joint stock company for the purport of nitikinga rxiliiond frotn hamilton ht the core district to port doxer in the london dteiricfi hamilton 2ut may 1854 notice is hereby given that the norwich iti tin lnndim district intc peirlinifitni nt its next session for an peter lowing pirvev innde it die sion tf ftftrftiimi and antsori notice ik hereby given that application mill br made to the commons house of assembly a ir next general meeting for the purpose ofnrviiig a joint stock comparty formed for the linptovcmrnt of the gananoque mat wiltso waters yonge mav 16th 1s31 notice is hereby given thai the inlmuitanfa of whitby pickering and the adjoining xowntilrff in the home difitrict intend petitioning pari at ita next session for a grant of money hi in windsor harbor in the township of whitby whitby 6dije 13m tntcm ovi mibubilitnta of wl icii iimi liner vet to lunfuin knsteru divi- uii tf norwich and autliort7 an 0eftsnml hit- mcd on the oncrtf nf asnid liind to defray ilic cx- pencft tr retracing tpftitl survey attd replacing tnoiu- tnent nnd lo drfmv uikt iitcfary vxnjj nnrhh i c 0th may 1l pnbhc notice is hereby pcii hat the nduhit- oais oflvtcrlirromfthft in ihe ncate district will commodore barrie bepf0b3 robins antcr rropcttci lu tico snpftm ioic prtssurtt etiginrs of messrs want cos v2nfuetvrc montreal will leave kingslrn for prescott every monhav mornng and fvcdntsday evening touching on her iy at french crccl nnd brockville ikill leave present for kingston and the bay ol qiintte every mondiy and thursday evening af ter the arrival of theienm boat from helnw tonch- nn her way at the above mentioned intermediate ces and arrive kingston the following morn nig ii will leave kington for the pa apply in the leilittirt at ittfnext fsnriihmic tlh mh imaii t et i tbereif olw atitil li to r tinbli ii a ro sic tgnc lviiiti imii lor art tic limits i ii v is ptstrici litrclv given v l i r next session ol the porttitg a hanking cn kitndlio lb that the inhabitants of the tw tiicif jplieattnii ni tin- kitnre fir ait acl ineur- nary to be csiablivbetl t be cuuiiiy town ot ihe uore district jlhatit 3lt mav jkm nitive lil n application wiil l iiiadi at tliv n of the legislature fiir on art tu otah itl miii also to define hc limits of the i fif a tutt in s onli latliarin69 and establish u 1331 r ir rcs ig holier apiikailin will he mat to pi at the nexi sfcinn of thr pmtincia lo an act lo divide the iici of londtn tin tlllcht irtfor nct a notice the inhabitants of the rrnntl third sunt fourth concessions of the township of anivbbundi will petition the legislature at its nest tiwhnii l ctihlis the front nnclrsnf ili- infs in ii third tn- cvufuii aa the rear or the rternudmud ibelrout ol the fourth as the rear of the third and likou ihq the front of liefifui aathe rear of the fourth conreszions ameliasburgh may 30th isji new dstric folk vilh ill and the rb inticli ol riwr ib die m iw of usffiiid nnd nm- ioij 1 ji nf irf mill itiuii of ihc towitsliip of hovliaittanj vu ilititricl of gofe aa ues wet uftirand irom the con extvptjon of y of quiiitie every tuesday and vridny mornincs at 9 oclock and after calling t bath fredrtffkahurgh aduu phnstor hallowed culbcrtsonsi sojilnrfcburgl belleville river trt will arrive at u carrying piflre the mrrwovenjg will imvv the lurying evcrv ifethiesday and saturday tnorniag avter thcarrivalof rhc iffest- ltii staccs and aft railing at the above mentioned intortnediate places a arrive at kingston the same iiftcrnonii livery attention vi j tn the comfort and convenience of pavnger and pafttautur care la j ii nf all property lvingstnn 20ji gularly put on board it ii4 1 x huh a aulot tiiktime limited for the receipt of articled tor tlt premiums last offered having expired and the wards baine been made the publication of the veral manuscripts has been commenced and wjh continued till the budget of original matter recefvj is exhausted as the publishers of the gala mean to relax none of their efforts to make the a per well worth the patronage of a reading pub they have decided to repeat the offer ofonehujc dked dollars in the name sums as before viz 50 for the beat original tale 25 for ifa best oi tg poem 25 for the best article a humorous subject the writers are at liberty f select their own scenes and characters the publish en of the galaxy having derided not to ronfii them to aiiy particular age or oumrry thr inarm scripts mav be directed to the editor of the oalaxy postpaid nil the last of april 1855 and the award will be made during the mmtrii wtmay following the addrvaaeanf the writer should be inclosed in a sealed note marked name aid the direction rj the successful wriera only will be opened in addition to the matter contributed furuioprizcl which will from time to time continue to he offered flic publisher dclcftuiniiiff tojpare nopainsto make the galaxy a uthliil and interesting nnper have engottd cnihributlona from the pens nf prac tised writers tu y they xiw done all they can do would to a contradiction to the present cxpnt- bion of their intention to increase their efforts to tnr- tl patronage aa that patronage increases although our lii or country exchanges is already sufficiently larg ami wc have fell oblige to decline bfitr exchiiiiges we now oiler an exchange to any country editor nho will give iliu notice a few inscr- tlulla ctrsks of the galaxy the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public for patronage be has received since three dollars ney aitr inn ivrsous at a distance he has been in butane and takes thi method to iufortti them that hi keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware uuck4in juttens and ilmi whipa cijrnr combsj uuttonsi sewing bilk and thrrad and many otlier articles too numerous for detail rcquiait4 for country merchants and pedlcrs which can he had oa advantageous term by applying at thenignof the beab maiiket squabs geese feathers paper ifagdj old lvwtej cap per and rass deer skins sheep sktni iletw vix j allow fstci will be received inpayment ththi htt prire paid tit all thtus in ctih filf iv ni 15 those who have unsettled acccruts vill plesccall to settle the aine and by so dolnff they who order tlie pajht are expected to make pay ment in advufltv r eie vafbrfaetory reference in the liberal i iq c 1crsun- miuiitting five subsciibcrh and remitting fifteen dollar- will be entitled to a sixth copy cratis lloaion auitpt ifl 16jl will ohire kingston i1arton plllmr feb 41631 i cpai rm ak er kingston upper canada for sale 1fe yqllojnyg bljyks deeds and m norials court of reqti iiluiks u e- hviu and power of aworney promissory notes border and to bearer gouteft- jjis of judinvimj sinnmonsc on account miiiuonscs oh n tc ndls and sundry oij klnff bench and uistrict courts to the number o blanks thus advertized addi lions arc hcin bad wceklv sts declarations jtirismrntg- er law blanks in the court of notice tothc inhabitants of pittsburgh that those wish- ingto attend their respective churches on sundays will be allowed to pass the h ridge ar half price john scrivns sua or strayed litack dul uho answers to the name of whoever kill bring tlie dos to this of- fiee will be liberally rewarded tut his truuble and whoever harbors or drtaius him niter this notice will be prthecotcd rrtfc whigodi bra vu 1834- a itaros ti lh tur subscriber tprrtfnlly inform the mhalm- lautft ofkitigstoii and is ieirihy that in hasreceitt- ly conunenced making wunti baltes nt ins shop adjoining the kinjjwon foundry where he intend to keep on hand a targe atfaortmeni of every kind which he will hell lm lor rash and lie unpen hv lia j6iiilipmjtw ail orders fin- die above thankfully received and promptly fttlrtid d to kiniralon mav2 kil j- saiuikt mstklnrn or iao on don iixe of 1j sail thr rilct a the lim i t present ftnpomd f 1 icht hirvj which will orcnfir ail from new vru nnd lotidifl rn tu tt4 tcth and iraitt pommouth on the ih utirj fi0h of i uritminititfoltrc 18jk 2g commercial bajwi of tub mnad rjisthlct notice is hcreb eiveii that a dividend of four ptr rentuui bis tllirfnv boon declared nu the capi tal surk of tin insm miiitk payable oil the first tflty of dec tnber ncx tie ijink unci its azciicies the transfer lino will he eluded on iitii day ofnuvemer nex frotn h monda eh tuii the the lifot of dciinut no transfer will be thniiid ilv order of ho doaid a harper chhr khiffkion 2th tobir lhl i notice u hereby given that an application nill be made by inhalitants of upper canada to thr next session of the provincial parliament for an act to mrtboriacl the commissioners fur improving the na vigation of the saint lawrence lo take sufficient land along the bank of the said river from cornwall to prescott for the purpose of a towpuih for the towing of roats and improving the navigation brockville june 19th 1831 notice the inhabitants of ihe toftdsliips of beckwidit ramsay lanark and dalbmitfr in tend to petition the legislature at us next ewioii of parliament to employ a competcut engineer lo examine the route from the rideau canal lbrrniuh colborne creek to the misissippi lakf tlie excavation will not exceed much above five mile and when completed will open a real naaiffaiion for sixty miles through the above mentioned jvai- shipe aa well as a feeder to the rideau canal perth 2th june 1si notice application will be made to ihe legis lature at its next session by the inhabitants oftlli county of norfolk for an actio incorporate a joint stock company to make navigable the river lytfn commonly called patersons creek from port uwi tr to simcoe simcoe 2d june is31- notlce is hereby given that the inhabitants of the undermentioned townships viz gloucester os- 8 oode cumberland rumel nepcan goulbourue larch huntley torbolton fitzruy pakettham horton koss vv and pembroke d the ottawa and uathurat districts intend leiitioiilns the provincial parliament at its next heion i form them into a new district having ilytowu f the capitol notice application will be made in the legis lature at its next session for aid to repair or rebuild the bridge across the otonabec river from douro to smith town at meriotts mills 21st august 1j4 dnltfiil nd y me at the t exi siut cojnrfi a ron lllnhtb if iem lliltff tiraaoii i i ii rtitji tifil oj a tee ilty it titaitn their application hare inr an act in- lltc w re o up in build a wharf at in lite township uf ll id augnst im in to notice l he litiahitftni loiiphiiouh tend to ptitinn irfalature oesl scwroiip tnahe iniil three lines nf cunccssinu i p iwtweeil lim ibl i 31 between the 3d and 4h stud lieiwctj the 5 it ami c conecasiond ufjiriugltborough and a librri l divide cquiiy the rotrtion4 ftbieli by ibeohi survey were kid out by two mtbcr and also ihat iik side lines may be governed agreeably o the old survey outfhboiungfi 1st mair 1631 notice is hereby given llial it i the intonlioli yf william punks and niltcr bdmliilauta of the town- siipsnf op ftlnriposa caituriglit ami ucachi tn petition the lel at its next session tocuih- hh tbuktid wiuhuii purdy in lie privilege of main- laitmuj rhu wrvter in the kiver frvu t its prefrrtl heirrhi in order lo secure iliu fill opuracion of the slit of ii ii ohiit lis know nj purdy mil in the tnwi is and the safe iiaiuatut of the kiicr notice is hereby given that an application will be nadc by the subscriber at tin next sewion of this xclui iprovr provbirinl poriiainent for grant of an t riht fur a certain lime to the use of nn ii meni in the cowtrnction and propelling of uc navigated hy atenm whereof he is the inventor m thomas graham inrrara isdi sept is3i nuticc ii hereby gisci that application will be madimo the lrifisluture at the next billing of the provincial parliament for an an lorenrmmim lite county ol suftolk in this province t be romiimit ol ihe townships of wabanffhaiu tloaditoitllav- hun middlctn township of chi- pnint uttd the p cmltftutfll tinvnsifid iviill i and the western diuou nf the irluuotille toother with tmke ninmitury til i puiut atnl hi the towiishijiic uv wimdhuuse valpac rin imtiiu ol notice application will be made to he lcgia lalure at its next sitting for an act tit dam the river thames in front of lot number tweutyciyht in the township of mosa london distfhr singleton uakdner 7th july 1634 notice application will be made to the legip lature at its next session for an act io incorporate a company for the purpose of constructing u ca nal or liailkoad from the city ol toronto tu the wafers of lake simcoc 24th september 1851- id the laatcn the ton iihii of clim inttim lib in rumpow ihe niim- ty of norfolk and to lurm ill- iil euiiiitiea linu a aparatii district to be catint lira ffisrtn olym rami mid also tu raise by loan on the credit nl the aid district a sum of tuuiiev nd court house at viltiia september inil on o iebujld thi itiili fall immhirc that u appliriitiim will he in the next chkioji of the princbil purliaincit an act to iitimtgu i tax nf three peneo an civ all cultivated lands in the niagara wciert london i l iels ml une pe adier lands in ihia province applied to the tmpport and wellauil oatial inmihaiu 10th july 3i 4c ai t for ujhiu ill lit niyr nv an acre upon al llie pruecfkuj in ik mainteimiicc uf tin run eitsudts book nx a frbsh supply uk groceries the subscriber hctflnie to tender ilia sitlcerc thanks to his friends and the public in peiieral fur the support he has received inccht commenced bustiucjes in kingston alao to inform tbrm he has ut arrived from montreal with a large and choire asimuttnenl of wises jamaica spirit- rain and coosac bkandv hollands sin phtiui- mint and swat n worth the itotirc oftuvciii kp- cri a gmceries imirtlicimare among tiliicjl are a quantity of figured flower puta ibti and a larire piantity of tvcst india ifivc of the tx ipifili ly a hi im amrtinem of sail vj et fi u iwii salt chceaei luttrr out meal vt tniiite l ffptieyt mo ir purk oulvj oj dikt iii r li a ilicr coimta ullv fur sun w p cook store f ftrect ki imffsenn july 10 is3i ever in v sopt oct xt nov nov dec dec jan julv aa an k ai t y iviuntlf bieh coso it wi storage and tutrfagc tiik jibscriber begs leac to iulurm c pi tbaihtfbu rented the u ell known trtfrtboi wharf formerly ureupied by mr john mrii the lout of store street aa to locuiiua ilu unlc tlirjav ofmilni2 rhmilj on sundoj 1 w dvftrred ull not day- fjixm xe1f vova ic phip ritllltent ccrpc irfoorc aaiftcr- lplno on takk w s scbor mvtr 16 ship moxtitrai c ii cbamplaiti itiaitar 1 ship canada thoma- drittun nmer 10 ship sovkriin j jicamcv atcttttr 1 ship hannibal f if itebord mvter 16 ship ruilaihjlhla k e mrmii motcr llnp sauson i chadwick rmtor from lojvvojt 16 ontario leaver rofttiiiiotiffi julv a i montkiial luaveportmiouth atvum 10 16 ca nap a loaves rortmiioiilli april 10 lsovkrelun iravrt rortiviioutli sept 20- lfiifanmral imv portsmouth kept so 1 philarnlilla lc portomnudti oct 6 10 pa3ipon inf ktiuhith 0t vu i preituxt haw lwrhiiouth nov 5 thrf mis ore al fiftbc first clfttf mkmii rat imi tri n ami mo vonrnand i ly able and kvperknov navevuta i gnt cre will lc taker tlit u rtj turt- a- irr of tw lioit deiiptiiit tin irig6 of rnhiu iingi iiuvarl nod an ritveinuit onhta into in cinjuiit lion itli flu pint riclot f tlacvtril liverpool im kct lircf is now ima m ts0 1 i uttittf lifik ll 1 ft poetry and prose by the most cixisbrltkll at thoits published at 3 dollars per annum bv t a covlv athenian uulldinj i ranktiu plfti piuladelrnla cuts in tlfk press am nearly ready orwrol istfo 4w page and u ptu mttrs i0 hitkirc picture o quebec ano its ksviihinbh ii rs tor i cj3 l ii e c 1 h k c ticks dfttw rr tiirr host attirsti r sutrccs ettthtx ff ju fft rut tttprrf it tipn ljrtr canada trnrh gtit insertion to tif pfqptft fi pltisc to 0py this ntrvtinitt mfl smd 9h ir ttflirtfvs tn tltt subscriber alfred hawkins 47 57 utri strrtk iihpp tviotrth h3t iictin of ihc bivu5t of assembly r r- ais tliu iiroarliitrg srasinn rf tlie rninc liuinoitt pruinim to hi one o vast intirwi to tliu lniuuiauu of ljnr catuulj lim mii wriber pro- ltectf to prltftffc tllo jiiocitjiug uf the hmtmf of avuoiitbly in a more durable friii ihaii a ncuspniwr uii to report them ai inoivierih ouj al the wuuo i hue iihrru minutely ilnu iimuth dmie licrctuforc to tittnin tins letfintbk object mi expericticetl rr ihirtit from enjliiiid will nlirrnd trtrj gltiinq of the mur tuulorcuiately iiult llie yoltzmnd prwced utly whidi will l publirfbcd in wiii ecu pnges lurips oc tavo irititt wish n untl nihmint unto tttgr of that luiivt w ly nuiulicr crifitinc ufsm n fuml tyihmind online impci ml dellvcrttl ti erilwrtbcri i t c f tor iii villi of 111 htv naiurcsiiv sf nuo ii ill- tayi aial jmtrx ulittihcr grot tin l al vtll i- ic furiiilrrl ui iacll wluiu forming a volutimol tnat itliporiattou smhi heredity fo i nn ikv ami u wur lluidr it ufa dm f uiuv to it pages it will if itli iliir iitmtenaiivesn bul d lu io in in thr r an ly a re twk not uuiy what almjtthul iliey intend- s vi nr u uj tmt ei os pwil i ii vllhltit i i w it bv coiidjgnmeirt mav reh wfulb of the subscriber to ue siiiiicthm lor a ordvrhe may be ftvojwd ii in uiratimi une ni ousiiioits ii for the i exclusive of wtrie raei sicnpcr at llsc lriilil rirl tint will 1 for ihijslil r naj iv lit hut irir ell ami liihun wliich will tiltlujjtj tilef that ir in- iunl rn imard rai i ii y t eiltr of the nniinauilt ng lfilrmin v funnsht uf iliv hip 13 00 t- i ofklooi kor fnilit or boqij the- kiltipf rr tu id ivilma cft uf england and t rmtrnenl ctvhirrnimimrulvclotlhlmc oftackcl slupi rj commodniion of travdb dmw ill u a room lifted for ihc rcccmion ol lh 5g 4 m jiakton pu1upa kuitun april iilu 1s3l rs rjiaybei4iiinmli npp lion t t- i ntsee whoicxiiio itetail grocery wine spirit and general rrovi stor market squnre noit door to mr scanlan attcuon mart tub tulncriber bog lo inform the inhubitims of kioton c that he has opened the nbove esah- ilimcm where he has now on sale the folhmi article at unusually lo prices bv ivholcatile mail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirit a pipes oofffiac ijraudy dupuya brantl ariwiigciiinit or iliifls hollands i 2 pipes bcnccsrlo wine 2 do superior ntd port 2 do prune old madeira 5 tin casks tcneriflbj 2 du do pale sitorry 2 tin do hruvn do 2 hbds vctv buptrfur white wine viltcgor riramcnt or tuk mail- the hoi fortlw tmbeesantho main ost routes to tlicr- wtml ofthi office iw closed sir limes a tveck viz onhon tuy tuesday wi invrrfnv thumay pfitbjt saiurd thusetothc frvrtiftf jp f tliii ofltc inrludinff nuigaol as farw anvmtitt arceloai hh tioicfa wefb iz on huiubryttw rliv woanodayi tlmrmliiy riiibf and faamlay thct maiu will tflwcw ii itay it ii oclfttk thcmaiforollvt ulutrii u ith and drighton on im rriueo edwrrl curly route arc rlosvd rtna a vcvk viz on tursdnv tlturiay nnd saturday t 6 o iock p m the uaiblbrc ion ewtind wilton ao innde upon tuewlavand fridav 6 olock v m tbsmiili fyrall hikes lc of atlcajttr f wloerj ticti a week viz a slcmday and thursday at g oclock i m tiic mails for n4markct and other offices north of yoik are el4 firftw a week vi on monday and thurs day at 6 oclock t m the mails for ullircs a of port hope u r cavan peterborough c art rloicd vnce week viz ou saturday atfloiicki r 51 mails flir marmontrs clofdo nwcti viz nn thursday at gnclk pi m the mails for llie wflwih on iho route through beverly perth fifrt arc l il ttrita vcek viz on ahmday and thurmlav m govsk i m irarreht upper cuiada whiskey a unnlf char 2j choh 3 du nf prinic ndvi ty uto lira i twanky iva young ifvwn do do old schiedam ii buttles gin and and saturday 1 do old d- 3 rag cuba coffee 2 hhda double refined loaf sugar itterecs bright l8covndo do 2 ditxoa mtucsticl itaisiue f buga abnutids 2ii ltixes poluntl starch a mm windm article itily in ulasft ons n in the uroccn ub tir robin ilue wliilmg h colors ac src with every md irovittioii miift ihe prmoronelinuiiilifwvini fumf fmawjf any tcruij n tm fig htmitfhliiiooinisw ivpoiimb lhc j pay rtf tie gratis atrnitt will lurtlv be npi ltttii ntd lln- rreatvt riitui will tl tit tj ctljmm in hubsiliici as lilt treutim uf the tin miml etiliivlv mhi tilt- blip iihit illume wlui wih tu luil ttrll pleihu in simiily tllttwith all coiiimuuictuioiirj uddn ij he pot ix uiited in the diflurvui ray observed in hu- ruled puminuion lie urt wltieh isfii br uf- mnjm llii tlihhrliikaiiff us ktwhi rm pimjlilt mnl tr the milttber kington ib j likoutii- uiv im akmwtkonlf iiii u ii ifli k7 kditcir h inverting t opy tiflllo uoik weekly i lnmitip oeiolier 2du l ithiciia 5-i- fjyt tittrul i- fibiive fdibll tvceiic itjiltf tin ensuing jes i t ub ih put uk public sirilicr ill en ili the fulluvii- te t ih nibrr tiff iur n himibir oi uiiv who if nut i mtlrnlu r nrs- ami driver pruvid i ithqtirirm puiu lie will nuii nlu n uwiiwiii if puikrau xotiujs urc hereby inform inue to hire th tlie t tieorcv church other churrh i v d tlinl ili iictttf o fj g i mj ired ttidertule the oh inutt- tkostaihi fur hiclnite sivc in cl iwisd three timts vcuk viz on miidtn wrdnv ond fviilav nt 3 oclock mi vat or rntf mails the ertri mainrrivjtrtiitfa week z on monday tvcday yilricdav tliumuvi kridny and saturday tlio wtwcm mail- ntnv ii time week viz on mondav titdiy vfdni rfny thursilir friday cifftytfri hour of dnuil 4otlk i- m the mail from ihcc fjf nf attcwttl will arrive twtf week iz uii tn hy and friday with the maif vtftfc thiliir liuvnnl maiu armc thrtetinwsa week tix on monday wcdiuhv nid friday auhc fnmetun- with the oilier eicrn hd5 the southern uf i vuvd frale maiu arrive three times n wolvi7 on moidiv wedaimlny and friday trobublo hour vf arrival on qii nveraga through the ycar 5 oclock ojtfh s hours the office willhoopn ftm ioelock a m till oclock p m every day ixcepl tli- suhhnih when letters will b i delivered uoly beiwvcu th ikum and 0 a m as to letters coixg allkoad i the ftdlowing rigulationn mutl ho attnkd to othtrwjm ilitiy will remain nt tut acrded and be lost to h concerned letter for the 1ithvd siaunnit be pwipak to cape vhi- rant and ttiirli a ari hituiiiled tujothat wu to kurope must be ot nuidlo tiw voik letters lbrkunii iftuttiled dvhc vent hy quvbcc must hs post paid lu qiieln v nul llbw iiu iulri u w rent bv hfllu ix t per kahiuiiith ptnul mot u hul paid to haliftv mlit u uy npqurhee hrtwern ifw von hl inn t by thb sbsonieer kh uarrela nw a jiihtitityol cunlutic nnd oil terltngi lor tit mere nvmii w wv m uim market square kmfm kr ship clmtirll rv o armstrong on l iu onlv m1 maynud it sovi i lontuided by iho ntti foi tht tiuliitum continent oflinoi gcuorqtn adverli italic uf t caim v iht n i runlet telaue wi jilihii vckelss lo potjjji ihiy nun hv 1mm ii kci-r- for tlii tfeth3 ihotofet utfuk mnu put tip in ihuothcc i otiti tin a mtltht htrcr from lliri office j fc iit 3d tuncw vmk litlmdt to quebce in llahlhx ha any ncvifhtnei that htllirwnlislp without being iiotapftij mil iiu eharftvd n hter mvre kuiorjtnma nfq nrpnoi from lliuoliu to juiv p oplte lint ti irm iiv td f tape vuu i nt d nd p t api uiiiiionmv vwk une i tt wltl u hitf joiis macauuvv t al kuightoii ivb 7h ii

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