volume the british viua a skmlwetkly journal dvoll to commercial nnd folical inluf morwu u publiftftwj ev and friday overnuc by doctor bwur bjfc anflwrietir ui in c ficoin lukirsueei ncl d to ihc caiimrrcw hotel forcumry circulation only iho british whig is pbuhedery mmmhhy momlue i- weekly form and ibetinl to contain be most unportam attar of ibe wmi nftkly iicr r f soniiwoolcly mnwrnrt pound personam i n j in a hm i williin uttm from iho receipt v h tint niiinlhti and m pound uluii itotjiootas at lio fiidol tlio yaw exclusive of penc- furllie country p pur twdlvo liuliob nnd sixpence per annum it ttudia advance orniiuln tin uuntlui iron tbi receipt 101 um lirst number and rllwio niiiltinjia if collected at lueeudorlliu year qxuhuivo tfpaihto ciiidpanioi if individual wlio rcmum in tlw country and i nio may prefer bend to the ultic for uioir papera may bavo ihom ujiplwj ul ten shilling pftr copv ucf ionuoi prompt pay nosutuciiplijii rceivcl for letl itian si months and no piper dijoiilimicj until till aircangcaro paid up except at lhj option uftli utlijir he fhipay rfovembebm 134 new fall goods by e j barker id tcl 9tr3rtlc merits six linonamj unrlcrjtid firitinserlion ij 7jd each firtitcriiti a linos 11 ptr li kincn insertion ten lines and under 3 i lod caciaubfcpjcni insertion above ic fur the ant insertion sod id per line fir ever aubsnnirnl inociliin advcriimnenu without written direction areincrtod till tabid and onwged accnrtiniiy order for discontinuing jvertiktnoati in bn in writing promise of every kind received in payment int icttcrj uken in except fiwrn accnti unless post the stjbsorzbebs kkbpftfully acquaint their friend am the puh- jg j ile are 00 receiving heir usual supplies 4 jjvd winter trade comprising an extensive and very choice assort ment of scasonnblc goods the whole of which ill be found of superior quality and atexeccditihv lov prices among their leading articles will be found a great variety op broadcloaths cassimeres flushings petershams satinctts and pilot cloths wholesale warehouse the sunscnner ale at ins stores stoe street for- the uulj jirr i- anj eettcr press printing doctor barker having oblrrim d u uiott superior pre rij riiiokrvmcntawimeutntjiiii tvri emiblwl to execute clifv i1ftrtiulintl of j printing with ucutncss 1111 ex mtlilioni upon terms hitherto unprcoehiully low in upper jtb w omps respectfully inform the inhabitant of klnfmonanil the midland dituricti thai he has late ly returned from mimtreul ithnn extensive and irled assortment of merciuuulize liich he ta now hlrne for cash r pkom it pay wholesale and itfatl nl the sturcr lately occupied by 1 1 aicwirs pttvfcpr and uctison f in rifk centkb op ptllrb stkfcet- thc slock con aw 3 of wert of england and york luiic superfine fine and common inroad clothe klulnn3 pcterehanas plamiulhi baizes carpet- n5 rtin ciirpii tig rjc9 tartans bomba- tines norwich crapes brhtilaxett irish scotch iitifr4pi iin fitmmnnd iry goitonsf russia htfollnsvi cliecktttiml striius isouki jaconet m lorded mualiils glove and hosiery with a vari- rty of small wares a larg and well selected stock of groceries has teen puivliascd by iiil- adveruser which will be sold htcah or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos- iiij term fuk caps op ail descritpions kiu nov- 21th 1331 32 the penney kmazinb ur tmk society for the difuum of vtrfut knowledge pirbmsiieed ix jdmjov a most enturtaimno as ivkll as a usef01 pe- ktoutoau a few copies just received by the subscriber who is appointed agent and i1l receive subscriptions fur ht rnitf as wfc other publications of the above societv v it bartlet siorcst kington nov 2th im- 32 fooo yahd8 domestic flannels a cihtal article lur warmth and durability just re ceived and for sale by the pio or otherwise by w r bartlet storcsl kingston nov 24th 1834 32 foil ui 7y the subscriber 20000 begun 50 kts plug tobacco i tars superior maccaboy snult 29 151s rtnml 10 do tar 10 uags popper 10 do pimento stnrcst kincton nov w it bartlet aith 1331 32 to lumber merchants cayal con- tra ctors covytry merchants ivri owuo ft j irrl75r hb pubscrstifrliasnow onhandaiid is daily manu- arttirinit a cr extensive assoiiincnt of rntont regfied boots half boots shoes mil can trttisll jt short notice any number of doz- tis thit may he required through the nmlennuiitiimetl itneuaimnnl low prieca men lvffgctl hoots asvitrild ii kv dozen ir da pegged do ilaiuooi to 82- ci- girls boots and shocsat equal- winter at tlie 135s to i65s 3 sigd to 90 per do blankets flannels bnizes and serges worsted und lambs wool hosiery shirts fantaloon drawers grey domestic and steam loom cotton printed calicoes turkey stripes atd scotch ginff- hams fl ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos bombazetts camlets and tartans bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c c c c a general assortment of fashionable furs muffs boas tippets and swansduwn ruffs oafs gcmlemens very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1834 2 john oliphant keechant taxziob in returning his sincere thanks to the iidiabjtants of kingston and lits customer in general for the very liberal support he has received since his commence ment in business begs leave to inform them that he is now receiving his fall supplies a- mongst which will be found the best west of eng land black blue and invisible green cloth sin gle millm black cassimerc vesting double and tre ble milld black oxford and steel mixed caui- meres such as have not been oflered here before double and treble milpd petershams piln cloth double millm drab silk velvet for vesting ami trimmings of every description al ordeis will bethankiully received and made to the latest london fashion a suit furnished in twelve hours p s three or four junrneymn wanted imme diately by j o kingston october 11th 1u j notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last ikim and testa mentof the late robert drununoari respectfully request that all persons having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjustment and likewise that those indebted to it will make payment to him without de- lav signed margaret drummqjvj executrix joseph bruce executor kingston aith sept 1834 15 stack 4 uvtire smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business as white 8f black smiths brass founders die sznkbbs in the premises situated at the head of store- street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of ohesnuts old stand in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery m1 be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston scpl 2nd 1834 8 jtotmce all persons indebted to the late firm of messts beach vanaltttine are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said firm are requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach ttotvuslup ufllliigsiiih auyuoi tfji 1b3 1 offers foi merly occupied by lcsslie sons lioiicil goods coniac brandies madeira port and shfrry wines beuecarlo and spanish red do muscovado e indiu ntfd jfauriiius sugars uiinch muscatel raisins and spanish filberts e india comps pepper 40 c 1 12 lira cassia olove fig blue salt pctre and epscin sails japan pints do and paste day vanins japan quarto pjum half pints and paste do warrens glassware assarted caaks also wroudu nails 3j c 33 lbs ox trace halter ami rising chains spndes shovels and frying pans stoves 20 a 30 in dundee casting oust crawley and blister steel sheet iron sad iromvaod horse nails paints assorted colors putty whiting and cod oil and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand window glass assorted sizes turns under 25 cash 20 to 50 three months 50 and upwards six month credit by furnishing approved endorsed notes henry hart kingston 1st november 1834 2s30is wo 33 cash paid for wheat kye indian c rt an 1 oat and also for sale il all times good old wliiskrv w garratt kingston 21th nov 1834 3220w new goods oysters c sc co sale of government lands in tub gore district the public are informed that the undermentioned lots situated in the township of puslinch clergy block will be offered fur sale by public j1uctiox at the court house m hamilton in the gore dis trict on wednesday iho lotli day of december next at 10 oclock a at the ltwci price of 15 rur- rency per acre and upon condition of paviiie 0 per cent down and the remainder in nine vears by an nual instalments of 10 per cent with interest on each instalment as it become dae 1st concession nos i 8 9 3 11 12 4 5 10 13 14 20 22 8 9 10 15 7 11 hunt iiiivls v rear half 2ndeoncetflion front halves 4 rear halves 3rd concession front halves 7th concession front halves rear half 8th concession front halves rear halve 9th concession 44 j d brvce havr now received their fall supplies consisting nf broadcloths caseimeres petersham pilot jloibs lyon skin flushings camlets blankets haoneu woollen hosiery moleskin woollen coros corduroys merinos bombazetts bomba zines bed and table linen cottons bleached unbleached printed calicoes apron and other checks stnull wares c c c also a very choice assortment of black and colored tiros de naples figured and watered do black itud colored siikand cotton veuets colored ter ry velvets colored silk plush fancy ribbons artificial flowers and feathers furs c c likewise an elegant assortment of shawls in the most beau tiful french style of filled middles these were introduced into britain last winter and are now the prevailing wear at home- also plain middles with french borders ties goods having been purchased at the va rious places of manufacture in great britain and imported to kingston direct have been subjected to ho intermediate profit at montreal and j d b co hrc thus enabled to supply the public at prices greatly lower than have hitherto been general buy ing wiih ready money in the first markets they can retail at wholesale prices j d b co again assure the public that they have a fixed price from which no abatement is ever undo the lowest price being named at once and esery customer is placed on the same footing sell ing on these principles they cannot afford credit and their terms are therefore prompt cash kingston nov i lth 1834 284ts tomb stones vc the subscriber grateful for the patronage he has received ihvjs to inform his fiiends and the public that he mil continues to manufacture to order at his shop in bath tomb stones of almost every description sltfc bv besubserr di- 30 barrel sjs fi 0rder 20 boxes disvrnnga 50 barrels north shore do 50 do mackarel 5 tierces 8almon in locwt inshhamb terms cash or approved notes at 90 day marfetphr k armstrong market place kiugeton nov 1834 30 5 6 28 13 18 20 21 15 29 30 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 33 15 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 ii 12 14 26 27 15 16 19 22 23 24 36 37 28 29 31 32 37 20 21 25 11 12 13 14 17 18 34 35 36 commissioner of croltm landi office toronto 17ih nov 1s34 32 auction sale by r jackson rideau navigation front halves 10th concession front halves rear halves the stftam boats sioc8g7s 6d w omens boys lv low pi ices the above are made in life own manufactory of hc best materials and workinanhip the following arc the only terms that the above suou can lie mm cash e endorsed ors t 90 days in oitler thit tusuimera in distant pnrts of the truvhice inny not he disappointed and put the suh- uriberto unncccwftrycsycnso of postage he isde- ermincd to send no cmsll parcels of goods out or iingfton vitliouta reference lor payment in town mluffl to wholesale cuslotiwrs he uvaita himself of ihts opportunity of returning iianks for the nnmcrous fitvon he has received from d parts of he province and beg a rominuance 1 a j ferns kingston nov 24tli lu 32 thfl coniwjll ouvrvcr batlitjm courier toronto patriot mtil guanltan and brntlorj sdlluuvl will pleaee n hv above for ihtco monthft and nl thtir romelq fl into office for payment notice am persons indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vanalstinc esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persons having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong a truax j executors kingston august 23d 1s34 5 lands for sale i acres of the very best description of 2rj land situated in the second concession of sevrnour on the river trent to be disposed ol in one lot or tn separate parcels of 100 acre each for cash nn excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the bftmsh whig august ist 32 rideau margaret belonging to tu estou ttf th fate ft dmmmontl esq with entitle uug furniture complete the sale af the above steam boats which was advertised to take an the 21st inst is un avoidably postponed svtil thursday the 15a day nf htmmri rrrrf when 4 v vh iiiiivpj fhl without rtserve if not previously disposed of by pri vate sale those vessels are in good sailing condition and have bcfn constantly used on the rideau ca nal during the present year in fact it is need less to say further in recommendation of them than to state that they were successful during the mutu al lowness of the waters of the past season and during most of the time of their running had three or four heavily laden barges in tow likewise at tlic same lime uxitl plitcc ti1e durha3i boats window caps 3c sizib j hearth stones and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the most reasonable terms abram lott b all kinds of produce received in pay- s carmino respectfully wg leave to ae- quamt patrons aod lhe pub iiy that he continues to carry on the blwumothotet and tavern keeper at his old atand the mansion house hotel is pleasantly aituated in store street beio lhe nniicipal and most central street in kingston in the busmen part of the town is convenient to the dif ferent steam boat wharves and no establishment ol the kind m the province can surpan it in the ex cellence and comfort of s apartment in remrd both to parlours and bed koom all of which are rurnished in the very hesi tyle the hotel haa been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept s uarmino having kept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will continue to meriiihe public patronage c7 porters will be in readiness to convey lug gage to and from the different steam boats kingston may 1834 n ment liuth sept lcth 1831 i2tf wmmmmja tthjeojv from tub renth hotel respectfully informs the in habitants of kingston and the travel ling community that he has leased thai extensive and commodious ggjjj house of entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of his guc ts the kingston motel has lately undergone a thorough tcpair has been completely refurnished and painted nnd is now one of the handsomest iublic mouses in the province it is admirably well situated foi the convenienceof travellers being near the lake sdmrc and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passenger luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic anaugements of the house the greatest atrentofl will be paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will iw of the best description and the wines nnd spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiugaton may 9tli 18w- 27 veterinary surgeon acknowledgements to the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity for the extensive patronage he has since ins commencement in business as a general blacksmith farrier lie now respectfully informs his patrons that meather store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the liberalsup port he has received since he commenced business and assures them that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to merit q continuance of the same he is now receiving a large quantity of sole and uppe leather calf morocco lining and binding skips he has now on baud 200 sides upper do 160 calcutta 300 calfskins 20 doz gla morocco 20 do unglazcd do 20 do linings 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of thi best materials he is selling as low as any other use in the trade he has also on hand 50 doz stark cos double refined axes m dot do do do- broad do also 150 barrels salt w s r caldwell market brjuare kingston october 26th 1834 5 2i n b cash paid for hideb and flax seed s r c qr culu and 11 he of margarci accounts to th wantkd immediately two thoisand folwbs for which indisputable 5eeurit ton addressed t a jclvlvr 2nd 151 b will be given posioffiee kingston 1 thatoxeu the best pari paiimi of m lortcimiipily to to uk iiii sioe dwelling house siluateil in f storestirvt and lately in the occu- ris bidwell ifeq mr jennings at times not interfering with the regular duties of his school gives lessons in private and in classes on lhe following branch es viz writing arithmetic shout hand pthe reading and speaking etgtwi gramma- and book keeping ladies may acquire ill ft lew less rtis a neat epis tolary handwriting and a thorough knowledge ol the principles of english jnnmnar to professional gentlemen short ihmd if not essential ia exceedingly useful as a nttaii of re cording their own thoughts and those of others and to be able to deliver those thoughts in an im pressive and proper manner is a duty ihey owe to their audience persons engaged in mercantile pursuit mavac- re in a short time a pood business hand i three brothers and rob roy with masts and kigginfi 7 the sale will mice place on board the ivs- itectlve vessels uhich trill be moored alongside he iatc mr diinumnnd whaif person wishing to nave an interest in knne of che finest water cmunuiicalims ui the canada wokild do well to embrace this opportunity the terms which are tvrj liberal will be msxda known by applying to lias removed his establishment to the other side the road opposite chesnlts old stand where he trusts to be waited upon as usual the subscriber keep on hand every kind of ilorec and cattle jwedicines horses shod on professor colmans improv ed principle kingston sept 4 1834 kdmund smith it kingston nov 2 ml issi ktlic fultwms paper will till the diiy of vt tin i uaisutral courkf and drue count to ili jii unn jackson jtmtwntcf iihov for sale by the subscriber twankay young h hysoo hywa skin tad sou chong tea muscovado east india and refioed sogar iiiii barley sugar aod spanish nute bloom muscatel and bun raising black pepper and muurd ataortcd west india pickles very liuperior madeira wine in pipes bhde bottles sheir and bottles t n old port 11 tencrihb pipes common 8herby amd fobt winhfl bcnccflrlo wino in hhds tanapora cognac brandy in hbji and pipeai bordeaux hnllandigin otu jumaica spiriib 1 in superior schitdam in cases london porterand brown stout real old ills wliukey wy superior pale 8ml and linseed oils sweet oil in l very superior single and coukin siovcs spsdsi and shovels nails of all si7fs paints of different colour assorted crockery in crates candle wick and sho thtcu si c 6lc 28 fie iiikvv ont a w iilnnr star iumiiival ima villi uccrjcrmliii umu kiiutttim ofil 0 abraham tmax or iiknry cassady i8i 18 qu for salk hie north half of lut no 17 in the 6th con- cession of the township of kingston about 40 acres ant improicd on iho pinnisce are a good frame house isnrn and slied for particulars apply o ihc briber or tgwgmgom kington nov 9th ism 39 un- com ion facility of calculation and a thorough knowledge f boofcpinff application may he nwcw at liis acadcmy pr tho w w comer of ihc cturt house or at ida r si- denee front sueet next to mr markjaiida kingston sept it1i1 1831 1- for salic a nuantiiv of lirsi rate chisivsk by s b caldwell kincston nov 14 is3 notice to intyers f leather ami sellers of skins hides tlie litmhus heretofore cnrried on bys- r- cald well is chauod to the hand of the subscriber at the store udiiininir thoinns smiths hat store near thr ruieulun hold where every description of leather may be had at all times a cettrntl nnvortmcnt of articles used by snddhrs tttd shorntafccn such as saddle trees humes itnnt trets and lriwts ltuir and binding kinin hog jctns c- c r saddle and hirntws makers far- dculerftin heather will fmditfor to pmroni7e this istsblihment as the ivc and ofevcry variety oftiuality hr country school a gentleman ucli qualified to teach school for an engjgctnenl in the country for then months apply if by letter post paid to a u office kingston oct 20ihj 1831 to wants a son wihi niidentttuusilie nml can sfic ttiisfititufy employers in tin cnauiiv for farther particuljrs stvers ayu maltttmbm ittltttlou us bwwitoc mltnun a i buius in all is tlcti tesihucuiiils ironi ins a l aijihly ic to ih kdi chuh maw inrr and all llieir interest stock ili hcextc and will he mjm nt the lowest iri ml pnid for hitus ttnd fianu kit giou june 10th 1831 william ford jf a choice aortrtftntofdry goods amongtl wunk are 8 fine and middling cloths and cassimeres petenbams flush- in- pilot cmts blankeu camlet puidi meriaoea bom huelb green and strict baize white scarlet and yellow flannels scrgus a choice assortment of dark tancy prints loum shirtjm brown csltml and a complete assortmeatof bssssfllbls ooods wbich will bo found worth the aotice of buyers thomas biacnider kingston 22d october 1b34 to rent the commodious dwelling in barriefield for merly occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor bartley of the 15th regt the premises being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to walter mccuniffe kingston 20th may 1334- w mj ast i ii 1 1 all persons indebted to the subscriber either by note or book account are requested to take notice that they must immediately pay the same or be put to costs napance nov i9ili 1834 3 n-i- notick pur sabseriucr hereby gives nolice that nil notes imil acconiityiii tiisfuvtir which arc now past one v into tlie hiinds of his to be sold one share of 25 in the steam george apply to boat st lim will hii put iiidiheri ip ply ociubr utii usl 10 v v an gcjb all persons indebted to mt julio mckay 1 inkeepcr kingston either by note or bonk sitcoi re hereby requested to make immediate p lymetil auii liev inr fiiireil iiiklll lll kiisui mmi v 1834 t macnidcu 3 oi to kinsbton october maugaret davis jiikninistratriz james doyle agent i7th ism 21 nake iinmcdiaie m the undersigned to whom all such debts have b assigned and thereby save ihemsikes expenses kingston oct 4 1831 wm mcuruei m utwv tub ssulwcfibw cautions all prisons against pur chasing it receiving a note of hand given by him to uohert alway for the sum of two inunds ten abtl- ling payable in january next as ihc condition on which the note was given lias not been fulfilled john kay camden nov lih 1831 3te quick thorn to be sold by the subscriber a quantity of english quick thorn transplanted nearly two years alo a fine lee- tioo of english garden wwly imported james wadsw0rth kingston oct- 2sth 1831