British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 9, 1834, p. 1

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tish ig published semiweekly ofzfelt per or dem dicor volvhk 2 by e j ba m d klivgstoiv it ft tijsay odbesek elsfrfl the british whig a semiwrhklv jolrnm rie voted to commercial and political infill matron i pubkllcd etvry tusdoyand friday evenings by doctor birltur fmiiur und proprietor m his of fice in tlcar stvmt ncal door lu the ccminnrcinl hotel for country circulation oitybij british whig is published every wcdmsdiiy ukmung in a weekly form and will he found ocoutriri tin wu important matter of the semi- weekly paper tkhus faf ihc somvw ettkly piprr turn pound per annum ifpjid in advance ni within thru- mouths irani tlie receipt of tlie first number iinduu jimiihl five dulling if collected it the end nflhe ywr cxclimivoip pustak for the couitry p per iwelvo hillins and sixpence per inmi ji if piid in advance or within tlucc months jyora the rccint of the first number stilil fifteen ithilltijgs if collected at hcendoflhc yonr exclusive ofjkmthfilf companies of individual who runido in the country and who may prtlfel to sen to tlio oflw iv their papers may have them supplied at ten hilliud per copy per annum prompt pay no nhcri prion received for lcs than six monthe and no paper discontinued until all arriamgtsan pud up except at the option ofthe publisher new fall goods flfibcctl cements six ijhc and under 6d first insertion ami 7jd each robttauont inwwtinfli ten lines and under 3s 4d firrt insertion nnd 10j cm ti uhftueiii insertion above ten 1 i j 4l per line for tliu first insertion and id per line for orery wibjcquent insertion advertisements without written difmintis are inserted till forbid and qhargod acmnltiiidy order for discontinuing dverthmcot3 to be in writing produce of every kind received ill payment letters taken in cmrpt fotn amenta unless post paid xtcttcr 8resa fringing doctor baukflt itoviop nliiniiiori a most superior pres and an ixocllntaortnwntnf jon trrkbt enabled to execute evnrv descitptim of jon rkjxtixci with neatness and ex- iditinn upon term luthcrtn uuprevedvntly low in upper cuad4 the sxtbsoribafl respectfully acquaint their friends ond the pub lic that they are now receiving their usual supplies for the fall jijvd wfnteit trade comprising an extensive and very choice nssort- menc of seasonable goos the whole of which will be found of superior quality and at exceedingly lov prices among theeb leading abticle8 will be pound a great variety of brnadcloaths oassi meres flushing petershams sutruetts and pilot cloths blankets flannels baizte and serges worsted nud lambs wool hosiery shirts and pantaloon drawers grey domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ging hams ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos botfibazetls camlets and tartans j bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c c c a general assortment of fashionable furs mufls boas tippets and swimsduwn rulfs oap9 gcnllemcns very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1834 27 wholesale warehouse offers for sale at siores st street for merly occupied ycsslie sons the undermen tioned goods coaninc brftnditfil madeira tore uith b v jtjew s respegtpoltjy inform the inhabitants of kingston and the midland oniric that he has late ly returned from won iron with an extensive and vnricd ussortment of merchandize which he is now selling or cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail nt the store lately occupied ly messrs parttcr ai33 benson in thk cgtjir lip ttoflk stftskti the sock coniss of wftrt f lindand ami york shire superiint fnie qlld common limad cloths flushings petorshnms riniiuiln niis carpet- in atm 0rni baff t tmtans boinba- zitcs nn vviilt urat tma u trih 0jcoiui linncns stcim ftitiiii tnid uwy cnltonsj russia sheuttne lhi tiies llmik jaconet corded mishs lilovos and hosiery witli a vari ety oftmsill ivarust a lutee and uoll selccied slock orroccrtes has iteeil purchasrd hy the advertiser wllirll will be sold foroisa or exchanged furnrudwcconilw lowest pos- uiblo terms fur caps op am- dcsciutpions kiiinton nv24ih m 32 just published a uk avd coxctsf ststew ov arlthmftic calttllatkifr to fac1l1tatkthf imfrotejtest 01 footr 1 vitkr canada this arithmetic has been published under he pn tronage of his excellency sir john cnlhome vl c b the hon and venerable the archdeacon ol york the kev dr harris principal of the u c college c price ten shillings per dozen half bound eastwood skinner toronto nov 18th 1s34 32 york paper mill warehouse lienerarlonnd spnish kcd do musroviido e ivhhtmd juturjittts pilars buinb mtrscntd resins and bnnnfcll filberts e india compit 40 c 112 lbs cassia cloven 3 blue baupcttc and ejwcm suits japan pints i dr nn pi y jtranini japan qnnrts finis hnlf pints and paste do f warrens g l a h s w a r e jj casks also wrouirlit nails 33118 os trace ilalmvt a bigcing chains spade shovels m frjing pans sioves 90 a 30 irt cnsiing cat crawley nntt tjlistcr steel sheet iron sari irons ami horse nails painis assorted tion pttuy whitinir ami ortcl oil and a few cases rfsuperion chnmpnign anchor brand window u lass amcd ws tkrnb coder h cash 23 to x50 ihree months je50 mid inwards six months credit by furnishing approved endorsed notes hexry mart kingston isi koxomlicr 1834 2000 is cash paid for wheat kvfv indian corn and oat- and also fur sale at aii times sood old wllfokevi wm garratt kinsinn 21th nov 1834 j4- aoii h the fskvfiv maoazine if tii society far ihc viffmioa of uteid kaoutcdg pibiikiiv in ioxnosii a most untektalmmi wvu as a lscfix pk- itiiial a few copies just receixed lv the subscriber who is npnoiiil ligem aid u1 nwiw subscrfpuons lir the same as wefl ns her publications o the above society r storcst kinton nov- 2ih 1j4 32 oooo vards domkstk flannels a caijiial nitiele fur nil and dm ability jiibl re ceived and for sale by the fletie m herwolj siorest kiiston nov 2mi ls3t 32 tt hi puis run jwlk by 27fe swsscrwer 20000 sgnr 50 kegs imil- iobacco 20 jars superior iaeeaboy snuit 2j bis rostli 10 d tar lit biijt ivpp 10 d- ritnenio storcst kingston nov 211 iv uautlbt 1631 32 tolumbelt mehchaxtsi cajval con tra crons couvrn y merchants and other dealers the subscriber lihsiw on band and is daily manu facturing a verv cxtetmive asirimrnt of strontj pecged boots half bodts shoes and can fmnish al short notice any number of doz ens that may be rvqmred ihrawli dm winter at the undermentioned uncommonly low prices mens pegged hunts assorted size 13os to 165a per dozen piths do pegged do half buois 82 fld to 90s per do shoes 67s osl to b3 6d- womens roys girls roots and sfanea at equal ly low piice file above are made in his own manufactory of tiic best inateiian and workmanship the fid lowing ore the only terms that the above goods can be sold al cash or ciiiursct jsotrt al in days in order that customers in distant parts of the province mav not be disappointed and put the sub scriber to unnecessary expense of postage be is de termined to send no small panels ol goods out ot kingston without a reference lor payment in i own unless tu wholesale customers he avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the numerous favors be has received from al nans of the province and begs a gs a j fekjno kingston nov 24th 1334 32 tlie cornwall observer balhurm omrur toronto patriot chi iian gsurdisn uud brntwl suutuisl wui plea m the above for um nouls mil nd ur accounts to the chroni a- inzc q flr p wanted immediately two 1iiou8arb rolnds- for wliich iiidisputnble secjiril letters addressed to a r post october 2nd 1834 eastwood and hkisser paper manifaflurrr respectfully inform ibc printer and hr- cfiants of upper canada thai they have opened a parbb and station rv wahkhotpk on the east side of the market square toronto e they will keep writing priming and wiap- paner a ls0 such school books as are or may be mauufuctured in upper canada for sale on liberal terms rags boueht and taken in payment toronto nov 18lh 134 32 notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last hill and testa ineutof the late robert drununoud respectfully request that all persons having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated fur adjustment and likewise that ihuse indebted toil will make payment to him without d signed margaret drummonj executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 1834 15 hale of governmknt lands gorkdlstrwt the public are iiifrrmcd ilit the nndermrntinne lots simaied in thr township of pusjllncii clurgv block will fcu olveml for ile hy ww ac auction it lllo court house i ilmiiiluml in ihc tiorc di- trirr oti winhimhiy rlc will hiv of dcccmhrr uirxi ill 10 oclock mm dl r l 15 imir- rency cr aero and upon condhinn of paying 0 pur cent duttii and the ivuniudur in nine years hy an nual inttlirrfinir 10wt ccul willi interest on each m tlts i 8 00 2g 27 23 0 3 11 13 1 5 10 1314 2122 3 0 10 15 11 13 is 20 21 j d brvce co havb now received lurir fll supplies consisting of hrondcloilisi cnimprcs- lvtcrahnm kiloi cunhs livoil min riuhinirs camlets libllkcm flauaelr voollcn hosiery mleskin wocdlen unrdvi conhiroyr mrrinu9 boiubozcitk bmnba- kiiii lied and table linen cmtuns bleached si unhjratliod printed calient apron dttd other checks small wares ise tfce c also a very rhoiec assortment nf blnck and colored iron do ivuplest figured and vitrod do itiack nisd colored silk and cohon vckets colored ter ry velvor colored silk husk fancy ribbon anillciuj flowers and fiaiher fchp c- c hkevvlse all elegait nnoriuutntnf sbimlts in ilipmoat bean niul franch piylc of rsicd middle these were inirudueid into brilain last winter nd are now ihe nrevaisinc wear at home- ao plrtbl middles with ymtch borders these goods having been purchased at the va rious places of manufacture in lircat britain ond imported in kingston dnr have been subjected to un irilermediate pttilll ul aliwwcal and j jx b co nro thus enabled n supply ihepublie ui prices irreallv imvrr than lisiw hiierioluen genera k liny- lliff wilb realy money in the lwt market they cin relail al wholesale prices j i i st co hjiiiil assure tte pitmir hat they inivif a lucil price from which no abatement u ever made the lowest price being named at uncc every customer i placid on the ramefihuinc uipc on rhee prineiples they cannot allord credit and their lennsare therefore prompt just oysters c rjni l f0r sac the subscriber di rect from auehec inspected rnd ii rm rate ordr 0 barrels oysters h n herrings 50 barrels north shore do 50 do mackarel 5 tierces slmon 3 tons table cod fish 10 cwr irish hams terms cash or approved notes at 90 days m ui armstrong market place kingston nov 1s34 30 the i- pleasantly principal and tnbsf central sixft k and scll- ivimrion nov llih lvti cams isjti laltlltlli hi to ii in ioi 1st couccssioii ios front halve r ludf sndiuiiccskiiin front httlves roar hilvcs 3rd ronccsion from halves tcvmv fifft til met e ulwrrllht crtteliil fr ilw patmnniic be ha reeeivid hew to jiluiil his iiiesnls find the puldk thai hesiisi rotitri in mmnifocttliytii orde bat i ins i iwi tfm of almost u 7th poncedrtion m front halves rear half 8th concession front halves 4i rear halves 9th concession front halves loili coiicetfloa front halves rear halves 5 g 15 23 29 30 19 20 k 21252627 33 15 19 20 21 22 23 3125 2g 27 33 ii 12 ii 26 27 19 22 23 24 3g 37 31 3337 shop i window oass si bieiiis a erv urn and every other r the horiai notice tid flue i j 10 ii 12 13 14 17 is 34 35 black 4 white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston aod its vicinity that they intend to com tnence business as white black smiths brass potjndims sc dib sihkers i the premises situated al the bead of shore stiee lately occupied by mr edmund s and known by the name of clicsnuis old stand in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery vill be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 candle manufactory collftell of vjtock and it da ii studlts samuel phipfen returns thanks to the in habitants of kingston and its vicinity for the en couragement he has received since his commence ment in the above business and begs to inform them that be is daily manufacturing mould dip candles of die very besiqualityand ban on hand at the present time upwards of five thousand weight which he offers for sale to the trade on terms un commonly low private families supplied by the box or otherwise kingston nov 28th 1s34 333m notice all persons indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vaualstine esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persons having any claim against the said private estate arc requested to present the same for liquidation kingston august 22d 1834 commissioner nf crmin ttiinm ojficc toronto will nov 131 l jtlftwum bams by 11 jackson rideau n a v i g a t i o n n b men j uiih all htqnes ill th smonc culling line iic inc rvuthitmmu ierin abram lotl kinds of produce received in ia s carmino respectfully hegs leave to ac quaint his patrons and the public gene rally that he continues to carry on the buinesof hotel ant tavern keeper at his old itfaud t t situated in store street bfeihiriae buslncss part ofthe tort isfcoftweftttihedif ft rent steam boat wharves and no etfftbhshroibt oillla kind in the province can surpass ttintheex rcllciicc and comfort of s apartmenta in regard both to parlours and bed tooms all of which are fiuuixtlgfl in the very bcfii jtyle the hotel has been recently painted tbroutjiout and otlierwise ini proved in the rear of the mansion house is a larpe yard in which there is an excellent range of siables and ttherc a livery stable is constantly kept s carmtno having kept a public house for ivuinv years has acquired experience in that line and lie triors that with unremitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will continue to merit tho public patronage c porters will be in readiness to convey lug gage to and from the different steam boats kingston may 183k leather store tui3 subscriber returns hi sincere thaoksto uts friends and ihc public ingencriil for the liberal sup port he line received since he commenced buaineasi ml assures them thai no exertion on his part shall bcwamjtigto merit a continuance ofthe seme he is new receiving a large quantity of sole aud uppe ii it 10 331 13if wmmtrshm tmttiff280jr fiom tih k pi ri urn wrtk ctruuy rihurehiifitiii infnrri ihc i and l ttr i- i hut be i and eoi aincttti amodinns i wliere die and irtud hi true the nimo nf nlntii m devim the whole of his m the ritisirt uud cwivonicncj ot the steam boats fite 211 above steam boats tke phct on the 21st inst nliicii is ui- will be riven office kingston to let that excellent stone dwelling ho the best part of slorchtrwt i prttion of m s uidwell eq for terms apply tu situated in ud lately in the occu- abi kinvtoiii tei 6 183 liuill iliinx or cassady 18 for sale the north halfol uit no 17 in the 6th con- ofthe township uf kiiitun abtiu 0 e improved 0i the picuiisvs are good hani and shed for paniruluv- u subscriber or at the spectator oifice kingrt11 o 9ih 1s31 29 cession acres a frame 1 loose unrfl apply to th mr vv3 vx at times not interfering with the regular dudes of his school gives lessons in private and in classes on the following branch es viz writing arihnetic short tjjjni pw reading and speaking eigtish grammar and book keeping ladies may accpure in a few lcsiid a neat epis tolary handwriting und a thorough knowledge of the principles of enehh grammar to professional temlemen short band if not csseuiial is exceedingly useful as a means of re- cordiu their own thoughts aud those of others and to be able to deliver those thoughts in an im- presvive and proper mmucr is a duty they owe to tlnir pud sen co persona engaged in mercantile pursuits may ne- gut3 i i shoit time a good business hand an un conation facility of calculation aud a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may ho made at his academy nettr the n w corner ofthe ccurt houe or at his resi dence front street next to mr marklands kingston sept 17th 183 beav iharaika v iiii r s aud iuriiitum complete the sale ofthe mu advertised to avoidably potiomd unt thursday tltc yyth day of january f when dj will be positively sold without risenrcy if not nit iously dioed of by pri vate sale those vessels are in cvod sailing condition and have bfoii constantlv usl on the 1udiau ca nal during the present year in fart jt is need less to say further in retnimnenduliou of tlumnthan to state that thev were tucessful durhnrtho utttwt al lowness of the waters nf the past nefteoll and during most ofthe time uf iheir running had three or four heavily laden baiues in tow likewise at ihc huii time and iaco the durham boats margaret three brothers awd rob toy with masts and u1gc1ng cr the yile w ii tiki place on bnurd the w neciive vessels which uiil he moored filungide the late mr dnimnmnds wfautf persons wishing toiuic an interest iu some of ihc finest waier eommii iiicati ns in itn- cttiuilui would do well to embrace ibis ftpiirimiiiy the terms whiih nffi krii lihcral will be a ado known by onnlvirip to r jackson jlrtctioxccr kingston nov 22nd is3i 3s 0tk iqlkivuig mjviucopjrllw abovaonc a week ttiiiirg twi mhitriid gtnwun k- rvcoriluf itjudiux ihvlf ac- till tl m nc ijiin div vf sa this c ikitlnirsit guurlor id bwwki counts io r jnckmo 14- notice is herehv nivciii that the umkiinid has taken on letters of alminisiratio h to the uiate of ihu lulu hknuv w wilkinson ksj all ihose who ore indebted 10 the wniie are- respectfully reipkted lo pay the amount of their awuuiita without drtay ami i hose having claims to pivsent them julvtitittienti- entvdi for ajusanent uu ur before the i7ih day ot may next thomas smith kin h m 1 rliw id and monies in aud fni lt lakeihn li- iniu and p pnlilie wtluh nrar tl iiftlie from w porter to tje i are itirfi ultmi be kept l bi ihe lks ami era coiniireiid wit ni 1 ha fciull iirfefztitq lc iiri vuifj viorocco liioing he has now un hand 3ik bidus sole leather 2ii miirs upper do lou calcutta 3u0 call skins 20 loz ulazed morocco 20 do unglazed do ho do liniug- g do boot alorocco 21 do binding skins win u iu assures the public arc manufactured uftlio best nmlcrias lie is selling as low as any use in ihctrflde he has also on hand 0 dua stalk gos double refined ares 20 do do do do jjrod do also iso barrels sift other market sijuarc kingston oetoher 33th 1834 ii cash paid for ilidej r caldwell v 24 and flax seed s r c ji lltsil irnis hicli a imu lictf u c id ei k i u i lmmpjvuly n is nnu iwu- nfihe hiiiidsomcrt lliv lrnviici i i stdniirnldy riiveniviiinftravelht bsu2 in und imiinnuduu n ux vwi iniurrsivi nf i frsin llmtift eninrjtwtjft will he ruiveyed hy tc iilittrvnon intrjiim ic irnimhulif uf the itowc ihe n will l lid n flr rate ilil will ii hi il lb lit i l1cm tmd nul iiull tifstuperior ipialtty this eauditfsluueut ualarot iciou yanl w uiion mav 9it ith eseolle it sabln 1s 21 vetel r jl suugeox to reiuri his grateful the subscriber lngd levt aeknowudements to the iihahitauts ti kiegtlufl and its vicinity lor the extensive patronage lie has since his conimciiccnicnt m husmess us a uerbrjui biiacxvbpuxtis v farbltll lienor restjoitlttuy informs his patrons that he has removed hifl wtaddislunem to llie other side ol th rod olpositc ciiksxuth old stand where hotrnsm to bo wniiftd n tlw uhsrriler keeps on eioiw titid ciide fljiidiehw miorssihotl on profcsroi ed principle ioi un usual hand ev kim mom sept 4 is31 kind o colnitiivf iitiprov- mpmund smith soticb oher mitl heller ofskins ilitk bnine hereinfore niriscd oil by s h cttld ehaneed to the luuuls of the uheiibrr at to hi tin well i ihe rem ofl iinii lb slnre mljuinher thoulus smiths lit stoft the kitiinoti iiomi where every dettcfijaion of 1tbsr nuy be imd at all titties chii nnorimmi rf anit td ltlslv i antl i m s used by saildhrs ddle trees humes lings a ire and lihnvmak hunt trees skirling ling tfkit- o vc u- shtrt makers sniltllv nutl llarners makers far mers and till dealers in le1thvai will find it for i heir interest to parnnit this eslahlishmwit as the stuck w ill be exteiadvr aiul olvvery variety ofiptulity run sale by tiil subscriber twtvseayi young 11 ton iiyoauyson skin vd sou i 1vi mnvvoiili ltlnjiaandrcfincl soparj pmm barley sogw and sinilinub niimim ii scale and sun raisin ihi v rpm ruml mutanl la asnlod wot india j ie vei mijwtwr madeira wine in pipes mids qr casks and balui slictry u u nud dultlcji w nu tim 11 lt tuuiiffc pipei commoij shebrt amd pout wihesi nimi4irlo wine iu blidi tito9tfori cifiltc brandy in likta and pipes bunlicouv ii ji trnli gfa u old j iinnici sun iu i to 2j superior thliimluin in cosu ltiinlttii pon- iii r- vn tfioul riul old ma wliilcey vry wiicriori pil stil mi liiiecd oils suvim oil in riik vcty ftllufiqr hiilt and coukiii sloe sjndind hhovuli fcib ufatl hm43 paints nf dillirrcnt ookmr antled cnwkcrv in crates caintic wick kwlsbov thread ac c a lliuire r5irlnichtnr dry goods amongst whicli are h pinu uid middling f und cawimmfc puirrslioms fhuli iiix- pilid ctulliki blanltcu camlet plaids merino bom- liosaur greon and s t baize white scarlet and yelloir rinimvu serffc a ehoiw wsortmcnt of dark fancy prinu loinn sliiriin urowu cotton and a complete asaortineat of reasonable good wliich will be found worth llie notice of ikivck thomas macmder kincton kd october 183j to reyt the commodious dwelling in cnrriefield for- merlv occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor hartley of the 15th regt the premise being so well known do not require further dekrip- arily walter hccijniffe kingston 20ili muy 1s34 ulltl will ik- nom uc llll iooma ptiil for iii frill iliccx un j trhini kingston june loii l william fni j0 kiihwlnn tvovcmbr l7 lj yjum the stock houjrfts u tbe swmn ill iu lllit oil 1 uvcviiiih ihnl llll lioh vvhj john smith t7t v si luiiii mi i tout un muntlnv on puniculi rci iil- kllll llir ut iiuiin and for sale 5j v j a 3 k s a k c it j i5o iutuiis oy salt nn nnc cash kintfti nov vt hfb 07 tin aioec mctti the loti d j smith esq kitr ftttfi c f l- 1sj m povtpnodjvr ulay oi ul a the ojjitt of ji to hreiieus avjt maltsmev va tf i miiiiui ii urwfrih muliauran u pti- inii wlnj utidcol il ln- lnitu iei h iis j lah mil cun we i-i- u tivinuiiiuls irvm vi in iliis nmuiv is tu ibility iuittulur4 iipiiy 10 lilt editor- notice all persons having claims against the ctutbol in- latr benjamin fiiirfield esq dtcewedi of ihe fon ollsaili rc rciincaicd 10 present their accountb july ftulbeilticotcd and all pcons hulebted to lite cfltnte are rcouesicd to make i pycitto charles fairhcld admuiwtralor erocbiown 14ili july 1834 c orgt to be sold one share of 22 in the stfam boat 5 apply t0 margaret dat jldministratrit o m james doyle j3gcnl kingston october lth 1834 np for fii 0h licr iiaiiiciih lltli l 1 quick thorn to be sold by lira 8ubscrjber aqtianiiiy of english qvick thohtf t misphnted nettr lytwn years- also a fine selec tion v iun ieeds newly imported james wadsworth kidtton ocr280ij 1834

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