11 tt icuilcjvml iuulpv kvi that they must immediately pay the sajsc or be put to w d roblin napanee nov 19th 1834 30 wot1ce the subscriber hereby givw notice that all notes and accounts in hi ftvor which are now past due will be put indiscriminately into the hands of bib attorney for collection t macnideh kingston 10th nov 1834 30 ljijws for sale qft acres of uie very best description of sp w land situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acre each for cash an excellent bargain inay be made tittle indisputable apply if hy leiter post paid to the editor of the british whig august 1s3l 52 notice application will be made to the legis lature at it next session for an act to correct the survey between the eighth and ninth concessions of the township of king king 16th july is34 notice the inhabitant of the eastern parts of the newcastle district and the western parts of the midland district intend petitioning the legislature at its next sitting to be set off into a separate dis trict river trent 12th july 1834 notice the inhabitants in the cenire and rear of ihgtistrict of newcastle intend petitioning the ensuing parliament to grant the means for open ing the navigation of the river tretil district of newcastle july 9 v53t the commissioners of the canada company give notice that iris their intehtion at the next meeting of the legislature to apply for art ct authorising the canada company to improve the harbov at goderich on lake huron canada company office toronto 11 th july 1634 notice is hereby given that an application will be made at the next session of the legislature for on act incorporating a joint slock company for the purpose of making a railroad lom hampton in the gore district to port dover in the london district hamilton 21st may 1831 notice is hereby given that the inhabitants ol norwich in the london district iotend petitioning parliament at its next session for an act to confirm peter locking survey m4e hi flte eastern dnu aion of norwich and autfvokze an assessment im posed on the owners of sayl land to defray the ex penses of retracing said survey and replacing monu ments and to defray other necessary expenses orwichucthmayil public notice is hereby riven that the inhabit ants of peterborough in the iewcastle district will apply to the legislature at its next session for an act to incorporate the said town to define the limits thereof and to establish a police therein april 15th 1831 notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of the gore district will renew their application at the next session ol the legislature or art act incur- 6 orating a banking company to be established at amiltou the county town of the gore district hamilton 21st may 1834 notice application will be made at the ensu ing session of the legislature for an act 10 estali- lish a dank and also to define the limits of the village of st catlinriuea and establish a police therein st catharines 16th aug 1831 notice application will be made to parliament at the next session of the provincial legislatui e fur an act to divide the district of london and erect a new district from the counties of oxford and nor folk with the exception of the township of nissouri and the addition of ihe township uf bayham and so much of the district of gore as lies west of grand river notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of g raft un and its vicinity will renew their application at the ueit session of the tafffrlnturc for ad net in corporating a company to build a vhnrf at the raoujh offteans creek in the fowrisliin of haldi- raand uraftoa lath august 1831 iwice the inhabitants of loaghfaorough in tend to petition the legislature next session to moke null three lines of concession i e between he 1st ana 2d between the 33 and 4fli and between the 5th ahd 6th concessions of lough borough and a liberty to divide equally tor concessions which by the old survey were laid out by twos together and also that the side lines may he governed agreeably to the old sorvey loaghboiougb 1st may 184 notice is hereby given that it is the intention of williaiw purdv and other inhabitants of the lown- smpsorofis mariposa cartwhgvrt and reach to petition the legislature at its nest session to estab lish the said william purdy rn the privilege of main taining the water in the river ougdg at its present height in order to secure the full operation of the mills known as pordys mills in the township of ops and the safe navigation of the river notice is hereby given than an application will be made by the subscriber at the net session of the provincial parliament for a grant of an exclusive right for a certain time to the use of an improve ment in the construction and propelling of vessels navigated by steam whereof he is the inventor thomas graham niagara 18th sept 18s4 notice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at the next sluing of the provincial parliament for an act toreorganize the county of sufi lilk in this province to be composed of the townships of wafeingham houghton bay- ham middhcton and the western division of the township of charlotte vi lie together with turkey point and the promontory of long point and to constitute the townships of woodhouse walpole townsend windham and the eastern division of the township of charlotteville to compose the coun ty of norfolk and to form the said counties into a separate district to be called the diimct of long point and also to raise by loan on the credit of the said district a sum of money to rebuild the gaol and court house at vittoria 10th september 1634 take notice that an application will be made at ihe next session of the provincial parliament foy an act to impose a tax of three pence an acre upon all cultivated lands in the niagara western arid london districts and one penny an acre upon all other lands in this province- the proceeds to be applied to the support and maintenance of the welland canal grantham 19th july ww loiinno advocate odicb consisting ol nn iron im perial press asmiilljob pressj a second hand ram- age press a large and powerful standing press very many founts of type in fine order and of all th requisite sizes of books jobs and newspapers a great variety of cuts onumenis borders chases cases dashes leads fractious rules frames gal leys tfooghsfnrnitire composing tickacard plates leaders and evevy other article requisite for an ex tensive job jud news office the whole estblish- rnent wa carefully selected by the proprielor com about 750 has been well taken care of and will b sold for less than half the purchase money credit will be triven ii required apply to yvm l mckenzie toronto 3d nov js34- notice sixpence reward runaway from the subscriber sarah crape this is to forbid any person or persons harboring or trusting her on my account as 1 will not pay any debts of her contracting any person who will return her shall have the above toward but no charges paid alexander hurtman tjaih 3rd nov 1634 26 notice the thomas mckav 5 steah boat did not arrive as was expected and consequently as not sold as advertised on the 21st inst there will be due notice given of her arrival and the lime of sale kingston 22d november 1834 32 brass ami iron foundry the undersigned respectfully begs leave to an nounce that his brass and iron fuundry corner of icr and lot streets in this city is now in full operation and that all orders he may be favored with shall he executed with fidelity and despatch cas tings and the various other descriptions of work manufactured in his establishment he will warrant to be of the best quality and every article will be airnibhcd on the usual terms of the trade joseph turton toronto 18th october 1834 32 ror sale on moderate terms the stock of types presses cvc of the daily advertiser printing office it consists of a sulhcient quantity of types to print a daily semiweekly hnd weekly paper afl estfllifil ammnm bfteh type with vnt and devices an imperial smithes press and job press with cases and n nil u flunitlrk cumpmitb any person desirous uf carrying on on es tablishment of this kind will find it an advanta geous opportunity foi so doing and hy putting fur- ward a suitable prospectus would most like retain a large portion of our picsent subscribers and regain those which we have lost xt the proprietor of newspapers inserlingthis advertisuient will receive our thanks november isth 1s31 commercial bunk m d notice h hereby given that a meeting of the otockholders of this institution will be held at tin bank on monday the 23d of december next a noon for the purpose of taking into consideration the pro priety of applying for an increase of the capital stock at the ensuing session uf the provincial parliament by older of the board f a- harper cashier kingston 21st nov 1831 32 miss wilson having passed five years of diligent applica tion to the dress making art with mrs kennedy assumes the confidence to inform the ladies of kingston that she has commenced business as mili- ner and dress maker in clnrence street west fftl as forsyths two doors below mr j evftnitiv where she is determined to merit a share of public patronage kingston november 14th 1831 30 lost on tuesday evening lnt from tln pasture nf ihr subscriber a fox hoksk about sixteen hands high with a short tail and somewhat foundered in the fore feet any information given will be pro perly rewarded r smith kingston mills nov 14th 1831 education johnstown district school miockville ujvder j0kv smith ji m studies and terms per qr s d english reading writing gram mar arid arithmetic 10 0 ii matlicmaiicauelcinentaiy and prac tical geometry trigonometry alge bra natural philosophy geography with the use of the globes construction of maps and history stenography 1 10 0 lit languages latin greekfrench with english composition logic and rhetoric jo o or the whole course at 1 15 0 to suit young ladies or others who wish to at tend the higher branches of these studies classes will be formed at sepsrare hours from 2 till 5 oclock r m on wednesdays and saturdays 1 5s per qr mr smith can receive two more boarders in his family boord and washing 25 per ami hoard ers provide their own bedding and towels one vacation in august and another at the new year ftrockville october 22nd 1834 26 for sdhe ttje following blapksi deeds and memorials court of requests blanks u e ijonds and powers of attorney promissory notes to order and to bearer confes sions of judgments summonses on account summonses on note declarations judgments rolls and sundry other law blanks in the court ot kings bench and district courts to the number of blanks thus advertized addi tions arc being made weekly british whig office 1834 26 the jcuffjbws book ninth volume 0 lupqsucjrn toe jttiufc bngratfngs cvoob cuts potry and phone by the moht celebhatkh authors published at 3 dollars per annum by u a uodey athenian iiniiii in- franklin plhce philadelphia houses to let two newly erected frame houses io be let buu- ted at the top of brock street enquire of j p mad1gan kingston oct 25ih 1m 23 t james uvkkr rcsptfully informs his fp friends and the public that the busi- fresit teas ness lately cstnblisljd baker egran is now carried on souly by himself at he old stand in lie market square j ii in returning thanks to his friends fur the sup port hitherto received takes the opportunity pf id- forming them that he intends to up cor sale every article in his ime of the best qmlity and on the must reasonable pi ices frime me and one hug pork smoked i loins cheeks e mulum 1 i iiw sunk i and dried dccf young uysoti tfffttlkw and blackteait suara spires ftc c superfine flour indian and oat mwl pickled oniony cucumber a oats corn puas beans jfcc scotrh herrings mackerel cod tu c pluj ptr andcavthdili tubarai m cjiihifs c e with every other article in the grocer and provision line he ha just received several cnitu ofcrotkciy of the la test importation 4 crate uf stone ware 60 cams wrapping puper a quantity of scotch iind american manufactured tin- ware- vegetables fowl potatoes slca market price 07 caih for produce uf every dccnpton jj ljmed baker market square kingston october w 1 prize medals it is hereby announced that the jmm4l hisronv society of montreal has resolvd to offer four misdald for the best essayspresented during the pnseut year medals areofltrcd accordingly 1st for the best essay on the clp between the features of a country and the jiaracter of its in habitants 2nd for the best essay on thcpeculiar size and number of lakes in the northern ij both con tinents 3rd for the best essay on any at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on anylyect connect ed with literature generally the conditions are 1st the essavs shall be presetm on or before tie 20ih of february 1835 2nd the essay may be in frrft orenglish 3rd the names and residency the authors must be concealed to ensure whp each lssay shall have a motto and shall he tfeoropanied by a sealed note superscribed with the 9 motto and containing the name and resident of the author tl is note shall only be opened seof the essay being declared worthy of a frii otherwise it shall he destroyed 4th the succtsful essays sbnk remain the pro perty of the society 5ih the society reserves to itself the right to withhold the lrixe should no one of the essayi on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays arc to he addressed to a f holmes m i corresponding secretary of the society andrew ii armour recording secretary od 23rd 1831 the nw splenitidt nod fast bvnn1ng steam boat general provision store market square patrick egan respectfully informs the inhabi tants of kingston and surrounding country that he has received direct from wontrealarid other mark ets a choice assortment or the following articles which be intends to dispose of at unusually tow prices ivinesy spirits groceries sfe strong jnmaiea spirits cognac brandy hollands gin superior old port m- i ft wine upper canada wbiskey yoone and old hyaon teas twoiikeywid bluck do cuui coffee ihmble refined aud mucovada sugar pluc paper and cftvmdigh tobacco scotch hurrin- cod fih and mackerel salt water salmon mintaui rttisim figs almonds c prime itets and one hog prk by the bl smoked pork andmutton hams superfine flour oat and indian meal ontt corn beans peaa sec c 30doz corn broom 100 bu salt 50 reams wrapping pupcr a quantity ofsmne and tin ware 10 crates assorted crockery sootvl- american cbeefle a quantity snap candles starch blue bw barley crackers lemons pickles ard american apples- p e intends always keeping on hand fresh butter eggs fowls and vegetable farmers coining to market will do well by civing the above establishment a call where they will receive the highest price in cash for every description of produce 90th oct 1834 the subscribe tenders bis thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he lias received since he has been in business and lakes this method to inform them that he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware buckskin mitteus and gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers which can be had on advantageous terms by applying at the sign of the bear uabebt square geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per and brass deer skins sheep skins bees wax tallow c will he received inpayment tae highest jmce paid at alt times in cahfor furs 1 b those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the stune and by so doing they mil oblige barton phlllfps kingston feb 41834 i c hatch oil ttubilh kingston upper canada commodore babbie bedford rubins ilncr rroptuol bij deo superior hie pressure engines of messrs ward sfcas xnnufaclure montreal j will leave kingston for prescod every monday morning ami wednesday evthlilltfi touching on her way ill french creek and broclctilh fkill leave prescott fur kingston and the hay ol quinttf every monday and thor y evening af ter the arrival of the steam boat fi mow touch ing on her way at the above menii intermediate plrtccb and arrive at kingston tie following morn ings will leave kingston for the hay of quintie every tuesday and friday monits nl oclock and after raiting t llath fredhtgl adol- nhustown hallowell culberceoia sophiasburgh belleville river trent will nrrf al lhe carrying place the saie eveningg will leave the carrying place wff ivedncsdoy and saturday morning after thei of he jkcst- ern stages and after ralllgat ihjmwve mentioned iniermediaie places will arrive at aingston the same liuiiioon every attention uill be paid to the ccmforl and convenience of passengers and particular care ta ken of all property regularly put on board kingston 20iti sept 1834 15 in the press and nearly ready one rol 12mo 400 pages and 14 plates prick 10s hawkins ptotvfix of quebec and its knvibons with historical recollections drawh from tue most actthfjctjc sources fc editors of tit scrrral papers in vyperand lower canada tehicft gore inscttion io the protfcrtus utiupuist to copy this atltertisgmvnt and send thtir addresses to tht subscriber alfred hawkins 47 st lewis street tiii october 6tli 1834- meeting of the house of assembly as tlie approaching sessicui of ihe provincial par liament promises io he one of vast interest to the inhabitants of upper canada the subscriber pro poses to preserve the proceeding of the house of assembly in h more durable form thnnn newspaper and io report them at mot length and at the same time more minutely than has been done heretofore- to attain this desirable ohicer an experienced re poricr from enghmd will uttend every sitting of the house and accurately note the pofarand proceed iugs of that body whivh wdl be published in week ly numbers consisting of sixteen pages large oc tavo printed with a good type and on fine paper and delivered tamlbtfchbcf hi the city of toronto every saturday fiftitiiooii al the end of the session ti tiile page and iidtx ill be furnished to each ulscriber gratis ihe whole foriuing a volume of freat importance and qecettity tl every man in the rovince and a sure quid to eftetors us by a re ference to its imgga it will be seen not only wha their representatives iirf hut also what they intend ed to do the price of each number willtoaj-jftf7frgiury- abteon delivery any person procuring ten subscri bers and becoming responsible for tire same shall receive one copy gratis agenta will shortly be uppointod in the different towns and the greatest rrgularity observed in for warding copies to hubscrihere as the execution of the intended publication de pends entirely upon the support which may be af forded those who wish to patronize the undertaking will please to signify the mine as aooii as possible all conunuiiicatious addressed to the subscriber to be post free s 13reoa 5 lot street q7 bailors liy msortingtlie nlovc hi ccivc a copy of the work weekly during the ensuing via- sloll- toronto october 2ftli ffc notice to lhe inhabitants of pittsburgh thai those wish ing to attend their respective churches on sundays will bo allowed to pass the bridge nt half price john scr1vens a fresh supply of groceries the subscriber hega leave to tender his sincere thanks to bis friends and the public in general for the support he has received since lie commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has just arrived from montreal with a large and choice assortment of winfs jamaica spirits spanish and coovac uiiandy hollands gin pkppfr- mint and shrub worth the notice of tavern keep ers also groceries earthenware among which are a quantity of figured flower pots glass and a largo quantity of weh india rice of the first quality a huge assortment of salt water fish table salt cheese butter oatmeal cornmeal honey flour pork oats sole and upper lea ther constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston july 10 1834 storage and wltarfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that be has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcguire at the foot of store street- as to location they have not their equal in town those who wish to store properly or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give patfclactinn for all orders he may be favoured within the above line of business n 11 for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception ofbag- gage barton philips kingston april 11th 1834 wholesale retail grocery wine spirit and general market square next provision store uoor to mr scanlana auction mart her begs to inform the inhabitants of the butmc kingston e that be has opened the above estab lishment where be has now on sale the following articles at unusually low prices by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy dupuys brand 4 hhds hollands gin 2 pipes benccarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old madeira 5 qr casks tenerifle 2 do do pale sherry 2 do do brown do 2 hhds very superior white wine vinegar 20 barrels upper canada whiskey a quantity of prime old schiedam gin and charente brand v in bottles 20 cheats twanky tea 3 do young ii vntin do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 miiu double refined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes muscatel raisins 5 ba almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pilch tar rosin glue whiting window glass oils and colors sic ac with every article in the grocer v and provision line george armstrong kingston 7th july 1831 44tf notice the public are hereby informed that subscriber will continue to hire out the hearse umiial on the following terra for a member of st geoigcs church 2s for a member of any other chu who is not a tiubnc 5 b rch buiiftcrider c horse ami driver provided to labouring people lie will also wlken required undertake ngcniuut of funerals w p cook the as oil 0 0 2 6 the man tohsaik r n by subscriber 100 barrel sail a quantity uf cordage and other ship chandlny ul o r g armstrong market bqiiarc kinrnton october 28th is31 c t lenuuiii iai uiivmi haying rapuvu anf wards hairiff been made the publicajion qc veml manuscripts hae been commenced antf continued till the budget of originol matter is exhausted as the publishers of the menu to relax none of their efforts to make per well worth the patronage of a reading thev have decided to repeat the offer of one dked dollars in the same ruids am viz 50 for the best original tale best original poem 25 for the beat a humorous sulgccl the writers are at select their own scenes and characters tfce ers of the galaxy having decided not to them to any particular age or cotilttfy tbtf scripts may be directed to the fmirnr nf ihe a postpaid till the last of april 1835 and the aa4 will he made during the mouth of may fouoiw the addresses nf the writer should be inclosed 104 sealed note marked name and the directions of the docccwfiil wriers only w be opened in addition to the matter contributed forthe prizes which will from time to time continue to be offered the publishers determining to spare no pains to make the galaxy a useful readable and interesting paper irave engaged contributions from the pens of prac tised writers to say llwy have done all they can do would be a contradiction to the present eitpre sion of their intention to increase their rhort turner it patronage as that patronage increases althouih our list of country exchanges is already sufficiently large and we have felt obliged to decline hew exchange we now offer an exchange to any country editor who will give this notice a few inac tions tsrsis of the galaz7 three dollars pur annum persons at a distaocft who order the paper are expected to make pay ment in advance or give a satisfactory reference 4ft the city persons obtaining live subsciibcrs aod remitting filteen dollars will be entitled to a sixth copy gratis boston augiint 16 is3i slolt 11 or strayed a laeoe black doc who answers to the name of watch whoever will hihtg the dog 10 this ot fice will le liberally rewardtd fnr his trouble and whoever hsulinr ur ditaina him after this notice will be prohceuted llrith whij svpt 12th 1834 wasli factory the subscriber respectfully inform the inhabi tants of kings on and its vicinity that lichasrecei ly commenced making wjudow suslieff nt his shop adjoining the kingston foundry where he intend to keep on hand a huge assortment or every kind which he will mill low fur eash and he hopes by hii assiduous attrition tobusiulss to merit 0 share of public patronage t all orders for the above thankfullv received ao7 kintonmny2 1s34 j sakgent losbol link op packkt8 mvtfxsth or u ru sail the nnr month the lino u at present composed of eight m0j which will horeafter ail from new york and london on tc it and i0th and from portsmouth on the 5ui nd 20tbf every uonih unless dtodoy of sailing huulj fall op suodtj in which caso it will u- dehircd till next day fromnbw york lship hannibal f h ucbard master 10 ship philadelphia e k- morgan maftten dec dec jnn jan feb feb mar mar 1 ship samson d cluulwfch master 16 ship president george moore master 1 shm ontario w s pchor nmtcr 1g ship montufal c ik chninpliiin mutor 1 ship canada thorns uritton master 10 ship sovereign j kearney master s from lojydojy oct 1g samson leave porittnoulh oct 20 nov i president leaves purtwnouth nov 5 nov 10 tlntaiuo lcurcport5niouth nov so dec i montreal leiivos porumonili december 5- dec 16 canada loaves porumouth december so jan 1 soverficn 1imv portmoiiih jan 5 jan 1c hannibal lunvi porlfmouth jan 20 feh 1 piiiladfji iii a leaver lviifinunth feb 5 these hipxarc a ofilic first clow about hhi tunc burthrt and arc touinwnded by abls and experienced navigatow great cart will be inker that the dcd tire r areofik bcrtucfertmitin the pritre of cabin nanpn outward unde an ngfcctutmt etltoreil illto in conjunction with ilc propricmr of the several liverpool pa kct lim is now fixed at jib oxcluftvo of winw and liquors which will be fmisw each pajmagcr at iho qslauimied mien that me filed to tfm frintid f anl thai will holbiintlnn board each of the thip or freijrl or patfbgfl npply to cither of the loruinanderaai board tin ships or to geo wildes co no 10 coleman t iondou john grisvold9 south street new york cltlnnell minturn co 134 front ptrcot n b steamboats run daily from portmonth where thai packelsnloo to land and icmv paencrs to diltercot pwti of englaiu and to the coiilencnt s t vt may beotaatntid by application ut tins olfiee post office arrangement eta1ltvrb or nu t- the mnilff forthe offlcw on the main post ronlm to the eom- ward nfibiit office arc closed su times a week viz onmoa boy tnrydav wednesday thursday friday saturday thosetotlo lycshcartt of this office including niagara as fati ancastvr aclowdttlttoow vtx on monday tut day wwliicftdqv tlmrsday friday and saturday thed haim will ciomwii day ut 6 odoek the htiils for o0icc between bath and bricliton ootfti prince rlwuril county ronlr arc riod thrice a week m on tuisd i thursday atul saturday at 6 oclock p m the mniwtbroliihlirtl raffleiiid wilton ire made upoa tuesday nnd eridav at g oclock p m thcmaiu tt all ouiccs hxerfof aiuastcr 1 closed twict week vi on monday iind i in uiy at g o clock p fif the mails for newmarket and other olhcea north it york are domd ttcicc a week viz on monday and tbim- dav at 6 oclock p m fthc maiulbr office north of port llopo utt cans piiterboronh c ate closed one a w viz 00 sawrctay at6ocbhkp hi tlie mails for marmora are closed once a week tiz n tbursdav at g oclock p- m the mails for the offices on the route through bevwly pert a am floscd tinri- v viz on monday and thimday at bvciock p al the mail lur the united states arc closed ar times week viz on monday vcdnday and friday at 3 oclock attluval ot the mills the la- tern mails arrive tx times a week viz od monday tlltfdai thursdav friday and saturday the wpatcril maiu arrive six tinutk week viz on monday tuesday wednesday tliuivday friday and saturday contract hour of arrival a ttvlock p m the mail from offices ttest nf ancaater will arrive hnca week viz oil tuoday and friday with thcmails from york thaprineo edward uaiuarrivo three times a week via on montlay wednesday and friday attlic same time witi the other western mail tlio southern oruuited satrs math arrive three hrncs 1 weekvi on monday wedncalay and friday ptobalc hour of arrival on an average through the year 5 oclock p m office hours the office willbcopcn from 8 oclock a m till 7 oclock p htovery day except the sabbath when letters will w delivered only between the hour of 8 and 9 a m as to letters going abroad thft pdhiwin- rqpitatiuna ouiat be attended to othenru they will ninaiti not furwardeil and he lost to all concerned lelteiv iwr ihr united stales must be hst paid to cape vrft- rent nn i sneh ns nmlnleiuiou loxallml way to europe niw bo post uiiltu now vork loiter- fur kurope intended to be pent hv ouebcc dwrfw post paid in tluebec and tne iufindcd in be scitl by h wcrcpot fdiuoutli wkil uuttt lie posl pi letleii an only lie sent by way oflvttkvc may and 1st nnvmliir in merehnnl vesc forwarded hj ihe other routes mx stwioii foi th reolatintis ielaliotti fumlnra oil oontine fkinupr- wurt lulicfi i gonvral ailvi rhmeru put up in this ouiee haus m poittaeuna iuvw leiter iv this office j i ape mrintdiniv york u bw to quebec k al 10 lluliii a ful any nrwpapei thai ilrw withoiil being poatpctf inrinl with letter potting id to halift between irtti j ihey mrry u letters for in ivist h will bo uf posl oftlie hi 1 apo yin m tifn keut from rii nfin towy q ad aod m jr john macavlay p m kingnfon ivb7lb ikm wwyfi ti a ntwymiipr irom i hjj pi miners ll to tnpe vim i ill 1 new yoik oik rent and a h