British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 12, 1834, p. 1

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volume 2 ii kingston vc friday ieejbhk 1 iwt the british whig a smi journal jo voted to commercial ond polilicaj itifihrnaaoiii b published every tu ajay and friday barter editor and proprietor at his ot- evemnjra by doctor flc nmu slice t nett door to the commercial hotel for country circulation only the biut18h whig ia pnblished every wednesday morning in a weekly form and will be found loeoutar the tnot important matter oftbeaemi- weekly paper lefuisfc for the semi weekly paper one pound per annum if pnij in advzinnfl or vvitliirt lltto mrinths from the receipt of the firt ntimhor andono mund live shillings if collected at the end of tho year exclusive of postage for the country p ipvr twelve shifting and sixpence per annum if paid ii idvinri or within tin months from tho receipt of the first numltar andfifteen shilling if collected at the end of the year exclusive of postage companies of individuau who reside in the country aod who in iv prefer to scud to the office fr their papers rnay have them supplied at ten hillinjjs per copy per unoum prompt pay no subscription received for less than six month 9 and no paper discontinued until all arrearages arc paid uiif except at the option of tho publisher fifabtrtfeement six line and under 2 gfj6ratnertion and 41i each subienuent insertion ten lines aadjigdv 3fi 4d firtineruon and 1dj- cachsubsciuent injentqn ah6i ten unci 4d per line for the brt insertion and id per line for every suhsrpicnt insertion advertisement without written directions are inserted till forbid and charged acconlinjily order for discontinuing advertisement to be in writing- produce of every kind received in payment j a no letters taken in except from agents unl pfctr gtxml paid xeuer doctor barker stress printing having obtained a most superior press and an excellent ariiiiiiu of jia tvpk is enabled to execute cvwv description of job p1u7t1n0 with neatnesand ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprcccdcfllly low in upper canada jvjew goods wnljam iu baetlht re3prctfutjy informs the inhabitants of kingston and ulc midland district that he has late ly returned from montreal with nil extensive and varied assortment of mfirclmwhw which he is now kiting lor cash or prom pt nay wholesale and retail at the shirt hiiuly occupied hy almam pnrlcrv nnfl prison is tiik ccntltk ov srilrk tkkkt the stock coniam of wtrst of england nutl york shire superfine fine and common it road cloths flutbfnfft peiersliani 1uhhu batzea carpet ing ami cirpct uuzs scracs trtftis bomba zines nw crapes bombfisctl irish scotch liinncnsi bream loom and grey cottons kusui shcctinic checks and stripes rook jaconet corded muslins giovea aod hosiery with a vari ety of small ware a large and well qelccted stock of groceries has liceii purchased by the advertiser whirh will be sold for cask or exchanged for produce 00 the lowual pos sible terms fur caps of a ii descmtpions- new fall goods the subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and ihe pub lic that they are now receiving their usual supplies for the fall ajyd winter trade comprising an extensive nnd very choice tireorr- raeni of seasonable goods be whole of which will be found of superior quality and at exceedingly lov prices among tieir leading articles will be found a great variety of broadcloaths ciwimeres flushings petershams satinetis and pilot cloths blankets flannels baizes and serges worsted nnd lambs wool hosiery shirts ond pantaloon drawers tirey domestic nnd steam loom cuttons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ging hams ladies and childrcns shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos isoinbazeus camlets and tartans bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish nnd imitation sheetings irish linen c sec c c c assortment of fashionable furs muu boas tippets and swansduwn itufis oafs gentlemcns vcrv superior south sen seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1831 wholesale warehouse the stl2lr offers for sale at llj stores store street for merly occupied by lesslls sons hie undermen tioned gnodrt coffniac branclic j madeira port and sheftf wines htnerarlo nnd spanish ld do muscovado e india amauiiiiu8 sugars bunch muscatel kaiatwjknd spanish filberts cash paid for wheat j rye indiiin com and oats and also for sale at all limes good old whiskey wm garratt kingston 24th nov 1s34 3220 w c 112118 salt petre and epscin te day martins if pints and past do 37 just published a hew aw coscisf systetf or arithmetic calcclatkd tu yclw7 ny imfnovrmentf youth i opfkr canada this arithmelic has been published under ihe pa tronage of hi excellency sir john colborne k c b the hon and venerable llw archdeacon of york lie rev dr harris principal of the u c college c price leu slnllinrr per dozcffi hsilf homul eastwood skinner toronto nov 18th 134- 32 vouk iaier mill warehouse e india coinps pcppw casia cloves phf w sails japan pinu j d nnd japan dnnrts pint warrens glassware assorted casks wrounht nails 3jc 3 ox trace halter antujggig chains spades shovels aailf p pans stoves 20 a 30 in fuioe casting cast crawley and rherstcel sheet iron sad iron n ilorec jvail painis assorted colors luuy whitins and cod oil and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand window glass assorted sifces tkrxs under 425 tvsh x25 to 60 three monihs 50 and npwnk six inonti credit hy furnishing approved endorsed notes henry hart kingston 1st november 1834 2030 ts notice is liereby given that a town meeting for the town and township of kingston will be held at the court house in die town ol kingston on monday the fifth day of january 1836 at the hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of ehoosmg and no minating certain fit and proper persons to perform the duties of parish and town offices for the town and township for the ensuing year at which meet ing all persons concerned are requested to attend john ashley high constable afj kingston dec s 1s34 livery stable tnthe bear of mil- john brknnans store stork street nearlyoprtreite ttt r rr just oysters fcc 5 tierces salmon 3 tons table cod fishx 10 cw irish hams terms cash or gpjjgg notes at 90 days market plar ki rg arms wrarkci ria kingston nov 1834 30 s carmino respectfully ws leave to a quaint ins patrons and tfe public geriav rally that he continues toary on the busmessof hotel and taverokeeper at his old stand f the mansion mouse hotel lltpwuiiuly aitnatedin aiore street v kt kingston ov 2hh lm 32 the plnney sirigaimb ut thv society for the difuxhn of usjul knowledge pvbiished ix london a most kntektaimno ad wktl as a usepul pb- biodkjal a few copies just received by the subscriber who is appointed auent and will receive subscriptions for the same us well as other publications of the wbovc societv v r dartlet storest kingston nov 21th l54 32 2goo vakus uumedtic flannels a capita article for warmth and durability just re ceived and for sale bv the piece or otherwise by y it bartlet storcst kington nov 21ih 1634 32 fob sale by the subscriber 20000 segars 50 ketf fhig tobacco 20 jars superior maccaboy snuff 20 bin mosul 10 do tar 10 bags icjiper 10 do iiinnto w b bartlet storest kingston nov 31th lb34 32 eastwood and skiwer paper manufacturers respectfully inform the printers and mer chants of upper canada that they have opened a papbb and stationary warehouse on the east side of the market square toronto where they will keep writing priming and wrap ping paper also such school books as are or may be manufactured in upper canada for sale on liberal terms rags bought and taken in payment toronto nov 18th 1834 32 notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last prill and testa mcnlof the late robert drummond respectfully request that all persons having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjustment and likewise that those indebted toil will make payment to him without de lay signed margaret drummojw executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 154 new wine and spirit warehouse the advertiser ben leave to retun hi sincere hanks to his viencttf for ilie extensive support he ba received since his commencement in business and inform them that he has removed from his old stand to thai large and commodious urick slore lately in the occupation of messrs rose cameron and situated next door co mr oltotta tavern in store street he timw f qeate ui mtwiw ncni iinpitf of the very best lituors csisting of lort mudei ra tcnerifle and uenecnu win in bottle nnd cask ctwnac and spanish brandies hollands and english gin scotch liiu und canadian whiskey jamaica and otter spirits shrub and peppermint the whole is h worthy the attention of private families tavern keeper and country shopkeepers his stock of die hestgrorries isnlo large eom- prisinffall kinds of tireen at j black teas refilled and muscovado sugars styics rice raisins cheese butter starch tahjfc salt suit water fish ofsuudry descriptions pork c c also cliina glass and earthenware sole and upper leather hollow nnd hardware blacking brushes cordage oats oat and cm meal flour with a variety of other article iohichhe respectfully in vites the attention of the frfitners coming to town with their produce for which he will pay the high est price grain of every descriftion bought and sold the subscriber begs 1 rave to inform the gemle- principal and most 6ehtral street in kingstonjm th am of kingston that he has rccommenced the keeping of horses cutters sleighs e and trusts hy the attention he will pay to the business to me- rit a continuance of their ptronae the huraes are of the most superior description and the cutters and sleighs will be furnished with excellent harness and mountings of the first qua lity tam cash john mckay kingston dec sih 1831 kingston dec 9 1834 wm p cook 15 tolvmiihk merchants canal con tractors couvtry merchants ant other dealers t o iit k hmv on itiiirlii 1 i jailvmftnuf fftcturing very extensive ninnrtuiuni ol stitoni pegged boots half boots shoes and can funiisn u short notice any numbev of doz ens lhit may bo required ihrough the winter at the undermentioned uncommonly low prices mens pegged boots assorted sizes 135s to 165s per dozen piirs do pegged do half roots s3 gd to 90 per do shoes 67s gd to 82- id- womena boys ciirls uoots and shocsatequal- y low pi ices the above are made in his own manufactory of the beat materials and workmanship p the following arc he uily terms that the above goods can be sold at cash or endorsed notes at 90 days in order tllltt customers in distant parts of the province mnv not be disappointed and put the sub scriber to unnecessary expense of postage he is de termined to send no smiu parcels of goods out of kingston without b reference lor payment in town unless to wholesale customer he avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the numerous favor lie hasreceived from ii nans of the province and bews a coniinuance p a j ferns kingston nov 2ith 183 j 33 the cornwall observer fittbuttt couriur toronto patriot chriiiian guarlun aud bnintfinl scntinol will plenso insert tho abge fir lle month anl scud thbir accouou to the chronicle a gazgl othco or peywent wanted immediately tw xhocsand pounds for which indispniable security will be given letters addressed to a c poi office kingston october 2nd 1831 to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated in the best ptrt of storestreet and lately in the occu pation of m s bidwcll eso for terms apply to abraham truss or henry cassady kingston oc lgl for sale the north half ol lot no 17 in the 6th con cession of the township of kingston about 40 acres are improved on ihe premises sre a good frame house barn and shed for particulars anolv to the subscriber or at the spectator office bpv y samuei merrill kington nov 9ih 184 black 4 uvilse smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform he inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business as white fy black smiths bbass founders die sinkers in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chesnuts old stand in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery vil be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made lo order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1831 9 candle manufactory ir5r jp hiiock w rau i i t c 3amuel phipen returns ifaanka ui the in- hfilninntn of kingston and its vicinity for the en couragement he lias received since his commence ment in the above business and begs to inform ihem that he is daily manufacturing mould s dip candlfis of the very best qualityand has on hand at the present lime upwards of five thousand weight k h offer nr t ttfcrmrte on terms un commonly ion- pnvatc families supplied by the box or otherwise- kingston nov 2stb 1831 33-3m- notice all persons indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vnnalsline esq are requested to make immediate payment to a tniax and all persons having any claim against the said private estate requested to present the same for liquidation iftsa kingston august 22d 1834 5 are mr jetfxijvgs with in pri es tat times not intei ferine the regular duties offiis school givea lessonw vate and in claascsj im the following branch writing arithmetic short hand public reading and speaking engtisk grammar and book keeping ladies inav acquire ill a few less ill a neat epis tolary handwriting and a thorough knowledge of the principles of english grammar to professional uentlemen short ilttnd not jeraemial is exceedingly useful as a meuusnf re cording their own thoughts and those ftfuthurs andtctbe able to deliver llwm though man im pressive and proper manner is a duly they owe to their pudieiicc persons engaged i mercantile pursuits may ms auirs in u short time a good business hand an uu 2otnrion facility of calculation and a thorough knowledge of bookkeepm boots shoes gloves c a j perns has received a part and hourly expects the re mainder of his fall supplv of ladies and misses london nuide roots shoes all of the most seasonable kinds viz prunella slippers black and colored shoe and roots cloth boots ooloshed do fur boots and shoes carpet slippers carriairi snow and glos- ter boots lease of ladies ird misseuaunu fncy and other boots and sbme s as are made only fur retntiiitg in the first hons in the city jilso 12ffrowof roys and childrens fronts and shoos ladiev kid and other ghwes gntlrmeus buck and kid do- of the best quality aiw being imported direct from the inannfaetory can be afforded very low lamb skin wool stuck best london made portmanteau large sicd brussels travelling bags moose deer biding boots and a large assortment of ladies 3entlemens youth and childrens rtiocror india rubbci overhoc lmidnn dressed roans and skivers russia loailxr shoe thread auis 15 1 1 and magpie htuititim galloons land punches size sicks best polished lasting tncks shoemakers kits and wfttchmoker files hall- steads paient heel sprigs shoe buckles slides and ornaments lor ladies shoes kingslevs supe rior london varnish for harness leather and shoes patent leaiher and patent leather straps and all kinds of manufacturing materials in the shoe line alftof a ry exiensive assmtm nit of jlmijbthek consisting of best philadelphia bend new york uest impected good nnd dairmvvl spanisi nr leather 20 doz new york calfskins heavy md middlings buenos ayrcsvcry heavy j upper lea- thes and kips lining and bindunj skmg black goat morocco buek nd doe skins lame quan tity of his own manufactured boot shoes con stantly unhand making his assortment the best and most extensive he has ever ottered vfof s all kinds of work made to ordei ns usui al t shortest notice a liberal discount to wholsalccus- lomera kingston november 1s3j 31 notice strayed or stolen from the subscriber nn or about the first day of september la n bluck horse with a small star on 0 foreend 1 i horse cult one year old last spiing of a j m color whoever will give iiilorumtioii thii w j haudstiinely rc- recoverv of said warded at peieia camden 3th dec 133 j bnweis miall he mills in cumdt oboe hageh o of- to let itu immkdiatk i mga tlmt ailmiiiittly situaicd iijvii in slorc bircli now in ebk 0 moore apply on ill kingston dec 9ih lii iosskssion i louse sild rslinp rhc iiccmiallon c premises til 30 notice is hereby riven ihnuhe 1iken niil boners of afnmiitirwhditni uie rf h ulc henry v wilkinson eso iiail- u 4 v 1 1 uiuse the- who are application may be made at ins academy uoot ihe in w corner nf ihe ccwrt house or ttt his deuce from street nexi i to mr kingston sept lull 1834 resi- maiklundt 11 indexed to ihe m arcrespecil q pay uw amount ol ilicn lho9c having claims to present on ur befi ciumi for luytmhoe mav ilixt i tl im without delay and duly auihenti- re the i7ih day m tli aotick notice i hereby given that the accounts of all persons indebted to ihe inle firm of beach vjijvmlljtlxe thai arc not paid or arranged on or before the 1st day of january 1s35 wmi be placed in the hands of an attorney for indiscriminate collection elijah beach kingston dec 4th 1831 35 and l uk balk by james raker 150 nyiekels of salt low for cash kingston nov 21ih 134 tomb stones vr the subscriber grateful for the patronage he ban received begs to inform bis fiiends and the public that he siil continues to manufacture to order at his shop in bath tomb stones of almost every description window caps sills slovc ripe and hearth stones and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the inot reasonable terms a uk am lott n b all kinds of produce received in pay menu bath sept igih 1s34 12if wmmtlwjim mqtg0esoj tomthk pkiith hotel ubspectpijoly informa the in- habitants of ivinffston and tie travel- liny communiiy ihathehas icised tai extensive and goinmotlious lonsc of entertainment known hy the hime of the kissfon hotel where it u his intention to devote the whole of his v anil mlldv lo ne comfort and convenience of bis ffiiesta the kingston hotel lias lately undergone a tborongli tepair has been completely rcfinnished and painted and is now one of the handsomest in the province it is admirably public houses in the province it is adm well situated for the convenienceof travellers being near the lake shore and commanding a full view of i he arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passenger luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept tle beds will bo of the best description and the v ines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kingston may 0th ism 27 veterinary surgeon the subscriber becs leave to return ins grateful acknowledgements to the inhabia of kingston and its vicinity for the extensive ironagc be has since bis commencement in hi a gejlitl biv ksjiith parries he now respectlnlly inforuif his pat ions thlt he lias removed hi establishment lo the other aide of the road opposite chesnuts old stand where he trusts to be waited upon as usual the subscriber keeps on hand every kind of horse and canle medicines horses shut on professor cohnans improv ed principle 1 edmund smith kingston sept 4 1s34 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides tbe business heretofore curried on by s r cald well is cjianped to ihe itnrmu of the subscriber at ijie store hdjoimun thomne smiths hat store near the kington lloiel where every description of leather may be bad atall times a lho a ccneral assortment of articles used hy saddlers and shormnkt sueh as saddle trees hiinics boot trees and lasts linings and brndings skirtimr hos skins ssc c e shoe makers saddle and harness makers far- mers and all dealers in leather ill fmditfor dieir interest to pittronhsc otis establishment as the stock will heoxiensiveandofeveryvnrieiyoftiualiiy and will he sold at the loiclsi prices- kjcwt paid for flulcs and skins business part of the town is convenient to the dif- ferent steam boat wharves and no estahushment oi the kind in the irovince can surpass itintheex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very besi tyle the hotel hnfl been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept s casmino having kept a public rouse for many years lias acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the comforts of his guests he wilt continue to merit the public patronage tt porters will be in readiness to convey ing- gaje to and from the different ateam boats kingston may 1834 xteather store the subscriber returns hia sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the liberal sup port he has received since he commenced buiflt and assures them that no exertion on his part shall be wonting to merit a continuance of the same he is now receiving a large quantity of sole and uppe leather calf morocco lining and binding skins he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 calf skins 20 dos clazed morocco 20 do unglaxed do 20 do linings 6 do boot moroccd 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of th best materials he is selling a low as any other use in the trade he lias also on band 50 doz stark co double refined axes 30 dozi do do do broad da also 150 barrels salt s b caldwell market square kingston october 25tb 1834 s n b cash paid for hides and flax seed s r c for sale by the subscriber tuankay young hvson hvson hyeob skin and sou chong tea muscovado enst india and refined sugar 1runes barley sugar and spanish nutsi bluom muscatel and sun raisins block pepper and mustard very upeiior madeira wine in pipe hhdi bottle m ft qr cofcflbtf ii it at shetry and bottles old port 1 cneriffe m pipes common sbcrk7 and pqvt wtkfll bcnccarlo wine in hhds oignac btantly in hhas and pipc vordeaux ll ilouandgin m old jamaica spirit i to 2j superior 3cliiedam in i- iondon porterand brown stout rual old iia whiskey very superior pale seal nnd linseed oil sweet oil in flask ry superior single and cooking stoves spades ond shovel nnild of all ies paints of differedt colours assnrtcd crbckery in crates candle wick and shoe thread c axjoi a choice assortment nf dfty goods atnongftt whwh are s fin ahd middling cloths nnd cwiimores peterbams plob pilot clolhs blnnkeui camlern plaids mrinoes bom- hsctu green and siarkt baize while scarkt and yellow flannels serges a choice assortment of dark fancy prinu loiun shirting brown cotton and h complete assortment of mi v lr goods whicli will be found worth tbe notice of ouyr thomas macn1der kingeton 2sd october 1834 kinstasi ncvcmbw 17 mi llomas gg kingston june loiii 1s34 wll1a1 ford 36 to brelveiis ajyd maltsmejy wants a situation ns brevier or malwmsn a per son wbo understands ilic liusiness in all iis tjeiails sod can qe satisficioiy tesiiinunirtu from his last employers in this coiinttv as in ability c for further particulars appry to the editor october uih 1sm 2 to rejyt the commodious dneltlo in barrtefield for merly occupier by john r wlover eaq lately by doctor hartley of tbe 16ih regt the premises being so well known ds not require further descrip tion apply to walter mocumffe kingston 20th may 1834- rrr r notice all persons having claims against the estate ol the late benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their account duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate oto requesied to make immediate payment to charles fairfield administrator ernestown i4ih july 14- to be sold one share of 25 steam boat st ceorge apply to mar0abbt davwt administratriisi james doyle agent kingston october 17th 1831 quick thorn to be sold by the subset ibef a quantity of engush quick thorn transplanted nearly two years also s fine sec tion of english tiarden seeds newly imported james waobworttf kingmony oct 39th 184 or to

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