British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 12, 1834, p. 2

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county pauper has latelypitempted to raise recruits tor joe smiih on pillar point near this place- he pretended that he bad a withered arm miracu lously cured- from m knowledge of this bold at tempt at imposition and with a view of getting cor- rect information on this subject of morraonism a person in this village addressed a letter to a gentle man of the first respectability in palmyra and re ceived the following answer palmyra county of wayne state 0 jv y aug 16m 1s34 deae st your letterof the 5th ult requesting information respecting the people called mormon- ites and concerning their origin and leaders has been received this imposition wa begun by joseph smith in the vicinity of this village however iqcratiible k may appear the following statement is correct and shows the great folly and weakness of the people who have credited the im positions atl lmaeheodi which joseph smith and his associates in iniquity have propagated ibegin with the leader 4 as he is and has been called here fcr twenty vears jwl for mu rcuicjiiuci fnau tue principal conienis ofthefelatitfo fm de saint mars it was predict ed t the kaueen anne of austria thai she should bring forth twins hkb should one day be the cause of gteat troumet m the kingdom- the xueen was struck with this prediction- arrived ac the moment ofheraccouchmentahe was delivered of a boy whose birth was verified after the ofliciaj mode when the court attendants had retired with the exception of her own immediate servants the queen wus again seized with the pains of labor and was soon delivered of a second prince which immediate ly recalled and seemed so far to verify the predic tion which had been made io tier in our ancient jurisprudence it was considered that the inst born twin was the eldest it was decided tlierefore to con ceal this second birth artd the infant was delivered to m de saint mars who was ordered to depart immediately for bourgoyno where he had a resi dence arrived at the age of sixteen the young man suspected the messages which came lrotn time to time from the court related to himself- profiting by a momentary absence of m de saint mars he forced open the lock of a cabinet in which that per son kept his letters and he read enough to discov er who in reality he was m de st mars when he returned and found out what had taken place to over tne souinwesternsky fc the ottkuttlv was at one time so great as to invent the shadows of trees and other objects frojfo being distinctly visi ble as we walked out towar x period of greatest obscuration the effect ws y marked crowds of citizens were collected in the streets and every win dow from which it could be gctn was crowded with spectators all with telescopy g smoked gloss in tensely interested in witntfmfftlg this grand phenome non lu the park was a ifi telescope of which numbers availed themselves at twetyciifht mi nutes past 2 the ihermomiier hud fallen four de grees and several stars were- visible the darkness resembled closing twilight fend the shnps bciii all hut peacefully favored tin illusion of coming and sudden night its effect on the inferior quintals was striking a favorite canary in the parutv from which we write which is usually allowed tht range of the apartment m i on rye wlwcm stitulion and as the meeting we understand ie called be endured the conceding matters either connected with orarmng out of politic we think it right to bay a few word upon the subject ae far ns we are acquainted witli the persons who at present have the management of the affairs of the society we should be willing with one or two ex- a piece lr your coin me h should vercd baasts t bull with mm eyes with hundreds mad thousands erf rye- ns being eyes all over otfrer at- flrtsmnmftvh boih rand and water ifcnr diej the number und quality of their eyes that they come in contact bodily stiength avails but lit tle for that whoever can shew eyss in the i jzuiw nnliiiral biue number and of the most brilliant quality t sure to toacqutthemofusmgther polucaiou0 j g jjj fcr twenty yeare past for ten yearahe has been a man of questionable character he lived id a sequestered neighborhood where his ordered hiin 0i1 lhe peril of his life 10 be silent as loquacity gave him a reputation wjtfa some for be- 1 hjs dj3 having immediately sent off a coil ing smart these he flattered to assist htm n dggng j fier he court wilh he new he rece orders for money thece aooo vawbis deceptions and got 0 proceed lo lhe i saint margaret will his pupil out of patience with htm to avoid their sneers joe pretended that he had at length found by dig ging a wonderful curiosity which he kept closely concealed after lee had told different stories and had call ed the pretended curiosity by different dames he at deogth called it the golden plate of the boole of as smith was from time to time questioned his story assumed a more uniform statement la the mean time joe visited a viaionary fanatie by the name of harris and told him he had received some golden plates from the lord with directions to call on martin harris for fifty dollars to enable bim to go to pennsylvania and there translate the contents of those plates at the same time he a firmed to harris that the lord had told him that he and martin harris were the only honest men in the world joe had doubtless heaid martin frequently ay this of himself thia he kgew was the assail able point in his visionary mind the deliciousbait was greedily swallowed the fifty dollars were soon put into the hands of joe and he cleared for pennsylvania martin harris was then worth five or six thousand dollars and the whole brotherhood of the smiths were in very low worldly circumstances the smiths used martius money freely some other men who had a great dislike to honest labor about that time joined joe in his acts of deception in that reinforcement was a ready writer by name c and a whitney who declared he had uitee wen m heaven who assisted joe in writing the book of mormon as a pretended translation of the golden plates which smith affirmed he had been di rected by the spirit of the lord to dig from the earth the whole was done in the most secret man ner at the same time smith affirmed that it would be immediate death for anv one to sec those plates besides himself and the writers of the book of mor mon poor martin through his lack of faith and his having at a certain time refused to hand over to joe more money was excluded fom a view of lhe plates previous to that base course of imposition and de ception martin harris was an industrious farmer but unfortunate in his choice of a wife r rather she was unfortunate in her choice of a husband it is a truth of public notoriety iliit mnrtin harris who is the second in authority among the mormon- ites who gives to their preachers license to preach and authority to put their proselytes under water has laid violent hands upon his wiio and so cruelly and frequently whipped and beaten her that she has had to seek reluge from his abuse and cruelty among her relatives to this day he r- considered in thm section of the country in domestic matters a base scoundrel in religion a dupe to the smiths in all things an unlearned conceited hypocrite he paid for printing five thousand copies of the book of mormon which exhausted ail his funds in ohio he has attempted to get another wife some one wrote from ohio and ascertained that his long and greatly abused wife is still alive in the ticinity of palmyra and thus defeated him in his iniquity all the mormonites has left his ptrt ol our slate i know of tio one in this section of country whoever gave them credence joe smith dare no come into this region from a fear of his creditor limn wliiiiu he absconded to void paying their jusi demand he has had a stone into wlhcn iieh it 12 placed i m hat he pretended to look and to sec chests of monej buriwi in the earth he is a fortuneteller arid lays he can tell where stolen goods go pro bably too well harris prophesied that this village was to have been destroyed by lightning more than two years ago some other things he in like manner said were then to have happened as his predictions have all failed he is now seldom seen in ihu region he knows that he is considered a false prophet and an iiuposter the founders and propagators of the mormon im position are here considered as not uttering the truth in any of their sectarian assertions and as wholly unworthy of public and individual confidence the truth always loves the light aud docs not refuse to come to the tight thus dear sir you have a general but true de lineation of the mormonites in their origin and the character of their prominent characters smith and harris make what use of this communication you please such use as you may judge the cause of true religion requires sijch as may prevent the propagation of error and delusion youra respectfully jesse townsend the above letter can he seen at this office und the writer can be vouched for by persons who know him here as one in whose statements the fullest re liance can be placed sackews harbour courier dtscovcar op the man in the iron mask the gazette de france has published a letter written by ma billiard formerly secretary general to the minister of the interior which would seem to clear ap this long cherished mystery in a way sufficient ly marvellous tle fetter being done into english funs as follows the secret of the man in the iron mask will doubtless be won disclosed the government hav ing authorised the examination of the archives of lhe foreign office up to the reign of louis the fif teenth inclusive in the mean time permit me to relate how i came to be acquainted with the truth regarding this mysterious personage monsieur de hauterrve guardian of the archive was very inti mate with count montalivet minister of the inte rior under the imperial government attached to she cabinet of this minister i was often required to copy manuscripts confided to him by m de hau- cerive as well as to collate others with the original the most curious of these was the relation written by m de saint mars himself on the important com- tnimioo with vhicb he was charged it formed a little book resembling a schoolboys copy there cannot exist the slightest doubt of its authenticity- f my memory is faith art for it is now twentytwo yeari since i had this precious document in my haotff m d saint mars said that he thought it ma duly to nut tbe lelation for his consciencesake m well as to render ib jcccrata of the manner in who then became his prisoner m dtf saint mars repeats frequently that he tnok always the greatest care of the unfortunate youih he speaks of the gentleness of his character and ol the resignation with which he supported a captivity which was only jmnrfr crt bra lira if i the perusal of the mantiscriptofmde saint mars left upon me a profound and meluucholy impression 1 was obliged to read it attentively but with rapidity it was our duty to forget matters like these confided to our discretion the clerk who inadea copy of this important document is named amyot and i believe still resides in paris the late m gaubauh prefect of war read as well as myself the original i believe that m lubich cheif clerk did so like- oftex almonte the report uili he unfavorable our wags have undertaken to hoax he was born and as population uoui rs in upon us lay to day i meet many of my old aiqtiuint- wise in the memoirs of marshal de richelieu j where there are many things apocryphal soulavie gives several particulars of the life of the man m the iron mask 8c agree with the facts related by m de st mars according to soulavics account mademoi selle de valois obtained tle secret from her lather under an infamous condition which however she no sooner was possessed of than she communica ted it to her lover the due de richelieu it is there fore not surprising that the latter should have men tioned it to his secretary i am couvinced that vul- taire also knew the truth the son of count montalivet ought to be in possession of the copy made of the manuscript of m itetffejtof3 fwnislhihct ptmftii ili gm care all the historical documents which he could procure extract of a letter from a gentleman in texas to his friend dated san bernanoo 15th aug i8l the mexican government 1ms had an agent a- roongst us very recently a certain col almonte we had been long expecting this irentlcuniu of whom we had heard something and knew that he was to be sent here in the elevated character of an official spy what report he mfly make of us we neither know nor care but it is very certain that if he thinks as contemptibly of texas as we think of cul some ol colonel and succeeded famously making htm believe him self the first man in the country and the magnus apollo of the trjanos iut in sober earnestness 1 would say that if mexicans can exhibit no better sample c latent and judgment than it put forth in rliis col almonte they had better for the sake ol their own repuaiion be kept at hmiic the iiri pression here is that mexico considered us an un taught semibarbarous people who would gape and starj and wonder nt the grea ttrau they had sent a- mongst us they have yet to learn the character of this people it seems you would be surprised to see the improvements already made aud daily making in ihi country it begins to exhibit the appearance of the place here from d ances in the first settlement of texas ihe population were mere adventurers many seeking n residence n an asvlum at present the emigrants are wealthy educated farmers and professional men physiciansi and lawyers affording in every neighborhood a cir- lle of intelligence and decorum whose association is equally interesting and agreeable as that yon would ijitd gifni i k in any nf the wvrn mm political condition is equally lavorable we pay no taxes we pay no duties but enjoy all the advan tages we can derive from a rich soil n happy cli mate ami a favorable position completely unbur- thened how long you may ask will this contf- nue i cannot answer but this lean fell you that wl can and we will prescribe the ruled of political government for ourselves we have ill the moiul and physical force necessary for our own protec tion col austin we understand is still confined in mexico still in prison without triala glorious exhibition of mexican liberty they will not have it in their por to make many such examples of the citizens of txas we understand here and can appreciate verj justly what liberty means in mexico j down east major downing is certainly as o- ritjiuala character as any one described in the no vels of smollett the major is determined that thtuaxf shill liavi- n imvl habitation as well as a name he describes the distress that a southerner encounters after he passes new york he expects to find downeast in connecticut but it is not there in passing through rhode island he inquires for it in vain arrived at boston tki surely is down- east but you cannot offend a bostonian more than by giving to that portion of the country so vulgar an appellation so it is in salem and nenburyport in alighting from the stage in portsmouth new- hampshire be inquires am 1 downeatftf nut by a jug full if you want to find that place you better not stop at this house keep the mail stage to portland almost distracted he inquires at portland for the residence of major downing my dear major relieve me from my anxiety col crockett told me you could clap your anger upon that renowned spot the field nf your martial achievement i mean downeast i begin to be lieve that it is an imaginary place upon my word squire youre almost half right the farther ii proceed the more you dont find it it is like ats ilea put him between your thumb and linger and he aim there just as it used to be when i and the president battled the watch so often about our cabinet you could not catch them any more than sou could catch the motion of a conjurers balls iut ill tell you what theres uncle joshuas home stead at downingville hes about dividing that for he owns most the whole town and he has made a deed of gift of one half to me when 1 retire from the editorial chair i mean to petition the general court to have my half called downeast and then there will be n more if and and about the matter thats a facty fc com ado the eclimk yesterday at the time predicted by astronomers the moon passed between our pln- through he day returned q the highest perch in cage as it to customary res and a pet dove in the same room went likewise to sleep as the dark ness rolled off the cocks and hens who had retired to rest exhibited all the clumoruus joy usual on a return of daylight and seemed as if surprised at the shortest night they had ever spent although the spectacle was less sublime than the total eclipse of 1s06 it was still solemn and inte resting and calculated to leave useful impressions upon the mind which were generally improved hy the clergy in the several churches to the government have consented to advance the sum of 250000 for the completion of that magni- ficent undertaking the thames tunnel the works will wc beer bt immediately resumed under the direct superintendence of mr bmmel mrs itelttuni widow of iiie celebrated traveller who has lor some time residled at bnissele hasjusl placed in the museum oftbt city a fine egyptian muitimj and other valuable articles mrs uclznni intends to return to africa to undertake another journey for the prosecution of science the celebrated archibald hamilton rowan whose connexion with the irish executive prior lo 179s and whose singular escape from prisoili by which he preserved his life as well ns tuany subsequent inci dents of historical interest have associated his name in a remarkable manner with the modern history of ireland died recently at his house in holies street street dublin he had reached his 84th year mr bwau was 8 man of large fortune representation of louth there has not been any candidate as yet officially announced to fill the vacancy in the representation of louth caused by the death of mr fitzgerald but it is rumored that mr de sftlt mr stafford of maine and mr charnnn drawford will offer themselves we have heard however from good authority that the latter gentleman would not seek to represent any county with whw lie is nnr gutfsf f rwff ecptions in their official capacity we believe they have at heart the prosperity of the institution and their ef forts have partially been crowned with success but the great error through which all this misunder- standing had arisen was the fatal one of choosing the rooms of the institution at the chronicle office likeciesara wife a mechanics institution should not only be free from actoal contamination but free also from the suspicion of it how this can be the case in the present instance we leave to wiser heads than ours to determine that the choice of this bite for the rooms has given great offence to a large number of the members we know and are able to prove indeed this fact proves the assertion the rooms are miserably attended we know one member a gentleman of wealth intelligence and enterprise who would have been an active friend to this society but who has never darkened the doors of the institution nor ever will while it remains at the chronicle office the reason he does not choose voluntarily to come in contact with persons belonging to that newspaper an admirable situation for holding the meetings of the institution is and has been long vacant viz the upper part of the house at the head of store street at present in the occupation of mr w p cook had this place been chosen at first no cause for disunion would have arisen as it is it is not too late to remedy the error suppose eyes the more topper and the most mppwa more influence i can tell tllis gentleman wtifra he ntav be that whatever other eye the hw bullseyettmakers of kingston havfc they have eyes to ee how to malte reoroatr wffct however good they consider a future world they are- determined to make sure of as much of this preaent etrit world as possible if he will open his eyes and see he may see oftt of them at the west end nf the town with solid pro perty founded on a rock f and although some of hie neighbors may envy him because he can afford a carpeted pew for his family i ask whose business is it and if another has progressed from anwh begiunings to a palace if he has raised himself from the swinish multitude lo sit among bank princes to his praise ho it spoken he is certainly the greatest man in the same compass among us to be sure it will be vsc as well as christian to avoid all appearance of being purseproud as nothing else can justify any person in reminding them of the rock whence they were hewn an eve witness remarks that they herd gether and i ask who will nut herd with a dank director when he wants a discount it is perfectly useless for an bye witness to expect such exalted personages to herd with the bergamotts of africa if you are your own friendy take theae wholesome hints from a rclisher of bulls eyes dec uth 1834 for lhe bfillah whig mn enttoit your correspondent student is a prodigy alter all if not in grammatical acmueiv he is nevertheless u prodigy aud suoie how or another i partly guessed that he was prodigious in something before i addressed him although i must confess i never dreamed of ts prodigiousnets m grammat student is a prodigy in discovery by what pro cess he came to the sage conclusion that i was n doctor i am at a loss to determine but rather calculate it must have been by means of tint ims- terious artcallcd in varmount jovering at which i suspect he is an adept and by which he isena to bring to light many occult things such as provincial wc deeply regret to hitve to announce to our rea ders the destruction of the large brick building in ibis village owned by david 0 stevenson esq part of which was occupied by himself as a store part by david l fairfield esq as an office and part by dr chapman ns a duelling house this building which formed the greatest ornament of our village is now reduced to a mere shell about half past twelve oclock on friday nifyht last a lire was discovered in the rear of the large wooden storehouse between it and the stable and owing to the ttuul of water or rather perhaps we should sa owing to the want of a fire engine it rapidly extended itself over the whole building which was distant from the store only a few feel- as it soon became evident that ihe biick building would fall a prey to the flames the energies of the villagers were directed to saving the goods of mf stevenson together with the papers of mr fairfield and dr chapmans furniture and although in the confusion many of the goods were much injured we believe that the gicnter part of them were removed into the adjoining houses the fire continued to burn with great fury until about three oclock in the morning when it gradually sub sided its origin is not clearly ascertained and so many rumours nre afloat on this head that we are unwilling to mislead our readers bv mentioning them until we arc in possession of more certain informa tion a requisition has been addressed to the ma gistrate praying hit they would institute an en quiry into the affair aud we expect that they will meet for that purpose today we are sorry to tfiy that mr stevenson was not insured and his los must necessarily be very great we most sincerely sympathize with him and lumciii to see the hard corned savings of umnv voaro ij swept away as in a iwuncul uy tfvi destructive ele ment hallowclt fre press n rmpflpjpvmf frinu w iwfctanai has exist ed for the last week between some of the contract- ors and their laborers it appears that the employ ers h ive undertaken to curtail the wgs of the men 10s per month during the winter which has been the means of an almost general strike on the line of canal wearelwppy however to say that an a- micabie arrangement has been effected between the parties the men have gone to work cornwall otecrvcr wc perceive by the british whj that a meet ing was held in the court house at kingston on the j day of december to consider th expediency of ascertaining by survey the practicability of esta blishing water privileges near that riiyj partly be tween the toffn and loughborough lake and part ly between the town and the kideaq canal john muciiuluy inquire was in the chir and mhtee of gentlemen wan appointed with power employ an engineer and to collect subscription to promote the object ill view another public meet iug will be called to receive the report of the com mittee as soon as it is practicable to prepare the same the advantages which may thus 1 secured to the town of kingston arc unquestionably great but to realize those advantages to the utmuu will depend greatly upon employing onengineciof real ability we do not presume to dictate but ut sincere friend ship wo would advise the committee to turn their attention this way where we can asm them of the service of a man of first rate talem nud integrity we are certain that to make the popocd survey advantageously no person resident fcmong or even cognizant of the conflicting focal iitttrsf should he employed and montreal can boastf superiority of talent and integrity in the line of ml btigjueere which if not encouraged mwtof gmiwj he hist the country and seek another field tv i montreal hcfofl ugni ii com- io up i to 1v british wfiltt published this da ad fhr silo at din office of tliu rhitisk v ofm hoft on hc riimu c ascribed hy bums price aoai by kdwmj j- barfcer m psiilwnonto hi ecelleiy tjjyjuiiii iiiolnlifiir find three luiid- rvii- ii col- kinjpitun nov 3nl i3tl to uorukhpnrsnivw a young dldpw of jbrtttibumht nifimv iotoo uni hi doiig 0 uicc lii mmuiuuii i ir- ftrnihtnw ttoca about till u what luvcuu public utjouitti ill mii in name it i ci inl fie iiirrfrt jwjng a nor kingston friday el exixg l m itt on tuesday we noticed t ucncr mechanics institution to le held oi tfcctillgof the bled wi mn kfi- tor or any other person was born by merely hay ing a few data given whereon to found his calcula tions student has also discovered that the line i re quested him to purse was go ambiguous as to re quire the resurrection of alex pope himself to ex plain and then quotes what he calls a puralleten- teucc from a page in his own brain i imagine and which he would fiiin place parallel with one ol the immortal pope but it wont do mr siudcui it jttwdo you are not yet quite so great a prodigy pope wrote sense your pretended quotation is non sense the lines from pope can be correctly parked in but one way your sentence may he parked mtico ways xe former is quite plain and ftftey to a gram marian of ordinary capacity the latter would re quire a greater prodigy in grammatical acumen than lindlcy murray himself to explain the one ifi perfectly intelligible to a- v the other can only be understood by the prodigious j d now are the sentences parallel mr student but student has made another discovery ah he smells a trap he must be a cunning fax in deed who smells a trap and then puts his loot into it but the varmonntcrs would cull him a sneuk- ing varmint who should call out a trap a trap at every object he wasafraid to approach all bey nard reynard you arc a yankee fo i know by your tricks is your foot in now m student student says having finished a v stcjmia td eh pane parce precor oh student and do not thus despatch me at once suffer me but once more to brertk a lance with the literary goliah of bath anil if we are not both smashed at the wi- shught i have no doubt we shall one day or ano ther together pss the jordan of all grammatical difficulties and with homer milton and even alex pope if student will but lei him remain where he is tptffftii ljw of ihuhrtatity so much in regard to students reply to a v and right glad am i that he so soon left me for dead m he apposed but stilt alive as he shall find to turn his aitention to another victim i will not follow him through his humorous critique on cana dian language but would just beg of him to explain among hi cant phrases the following which may be heard an hundred times a day within our post of- fre during only a few games of chess viz how uold is yottr coult air jslacky and now mr editor do you think i have f- nifctp student oh no that would bt a task more herculean than the compilation of his dictionary and grammar for hang ine if i dont believe he is one of those kind of chaps who wont lay still af tor they are killed no no mr- editor all i can hope of effecting is to make him complain a little louder than our p m did when his new boot patch ed his instip and then gradually coax hiin he is too stubborn to be driven to pa me like unto gram mfiriatut j v bath dec 11 1834 there is an omdistinli commencing at donr dwelt c ac by meana of which maoy mysteries can bo nlved in a manner ineipliablc by me ftod thu proceu i technically called doverins to the bath student stn in looking over your remarks in the otrtish whig of the 5th inst i observed that it wap your intention to hold up to scorn the language that the inhabitants of bath make use of now sir were i to point out to you a few of your errors tin you think you would write more correctly in future you say dr a v appeals to mc ns a prodigy in grammatical acumen pray sir what is a pro digy in grammatical acumen again you sav when alex pope rises from his tomb i do you call that good language would ic not be bet- alex pope should rise from the tomb ble to tell e i iii another place you n tcr to say i he would be fltrp ji11 me in what case ihe word riches is in what ihe use of more than one in in that sen tenet youaay the docmrstalk of their trappans c do you not talk of being knocked under iiul thrashed like a sack end have you not said that if dr b r makes another move as you wimt him to his game will becooked j do not eeu why yon should find so much fault with lhe medical gentleman for saying that the mono honi oit qui irish when you pronounced it say it not ambiguous if you tike the trouble to look at the sentence you will per ceive that the verb m in the singular number and that attention is the nominative case to it no where is the ambiguity in that yours c iota ma y peiwc to be 41 1oli 77 was 4 i w kindlon rviccliunics institutros notice a general meeting of the member of this instilo lion will be held on thursday evening the lsth inst at the court house at half past oclock on busi ness relating to the eeneulafliirs of the institution by order of the ootnulittc of management a mcnabb secretary the question for discussion at tbe committee itooinn nfthe institution on tuesday evening next at 7 oviock i whether man in a civilized or iuh civilised state enjoys the greatest amount of happi ness any member of the institution can of course take part in the dtectiwinn kingston lthh december 1 83 j 19 itic1k unemployed tub advertise who is unemployed on saturday and after five oclock every other lawful eveniug intends employing his leisure hours in posting of books or making out accounts those who occa sionally require a clerk will be served on moderate terms ami the strictest confidence and secrecy pre served apply to the editor of the whig kingston dec 12th 1331 37 american isjeather store just received and for salt by lhe subscriber at bis cheap cash stnre church strret one door south of mr lalnurd druggist store market s4pinre the following goods tut ides brt spanish tfule leather do do 6lnuguiers do do do do upper leather do do ilartiesd do do llridle do do calcutta 500 300 300 300 100 200 800 200 100 100 100 cair skins kipp ho bbls porki do mnckarilt do sail also 20 boxes of saiks co a ovat broad and tttt row axes a variety uf stoves of different eif and patterns a large quantity of lamp oil ttr gcthcr with a variety of other necessary article in his line of business the whole of the above goods will be deposed of on uncommonly low prices flthu highest price in cash paid for hides fs 8kbvs william fori kings december 1 1 1831 3z- a uctwa the roidencc of the lute george mckenzit eq will be let by public auction on wednesday the ltt december 81 at the house of dr moore io stor street sale lo take place at one oclock precisely kingston dec 12ih 1034 hugh 9canlan auctioneer barh luih member 1031 splendid sale of household furniture to be sold by public auction on wednesday the 17th december at the residence of dr moore id store streei who is about removing to symond mills a lare and splendid assortment of household furniture consisttng of a very handsome sideboard a do sofa dining and card tables cane und rush botiomed chain drawing dininfrand bedroom carpet bedstcnas and liw tables beds and bedding double and single hair mattrasges 2 splendid looking glasses 1 pair of superior table lampa a time piece 1 set of elegant engravings a mahogany medicine chesr ivory handled knives and forka splendid dinner and supper sets alo a quantity of cut glats silver and plated arti cles viz fish knives soup ladles table spoons liquor stands c plated decanters wine glasses and tumbler likewise an assortment of kitchen utensils with ajuantityof wine pickles sauccic- franklin double and single stove apothecarys shop fixtures c sale to commence at 1 1 oolock precisely hugh sca1vlan atctioncr kingston dec 9th 1834 39 cointry schoolmasters u or three desirable situations for country choolmastirt are at present vacant in the oeigh- borliood of kingston apply to the editor of the british wiik kingston dec 4th j 831 in the british whig office young lad of lnphsh education as an apprentice apply to tfas kington d fch 1881-

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