miscellaneous the presideiiia message sent to both houses f concrcss on the 2d was brought to new york at mszn of s700 til toeiu aours by the councr and enquirers express and appears hi most ol the iouroau v the 3d it is as tiaiml a long docu ment bit there is less in our opiticm to interest dttvhu at a distance than usual from our crowd- cd space e must cotem ourselves ftw0w taets the first relative to the state of nego tiation with great britain in regard to the north eastern boundary is the following terms the ouestion of the northeastern boundary issti ii oending wia great britain and the proposition made in accordance with the resolution of the se nate for the establishment of a line according to the treaty of 1733 has not been accepted by mat n- vernment believing that every disposition is full on both sides to adjust this perplexing question to the satisfaction of all the parlies interested in it the hope is yet indulged that it may be effected on the basis of that proposition the relations of the american government with utisfactory eraie owing to the idemnifying the shipping are not rendering the treaties to bo france are not in norexecution of the treaty for i losses sustained at its hand by american during the last war after describing the progress and failure of the negotiations the president goes on as follows to recommend ihe adoption of coer cive measures should they become necessary to obtain justice from that power tjie idea of acquiescing in the retinal to execute the treaty will not i am confident be for a moment entertained by any branch of this government and further negotiation ia equally out of the quesiton if it shall be the pleasure of congress to bwih the further action of the french chambers no fur- tnc cwwww t ij oay probably be required at your hands but it iron the original delay in asking for an approbation hom the refual of the chambers to grant it when asked from the omission to bring the subject before the chambers at their last session from the wet mar including the session there have been five different occasions hen the appropriation might have been made and from the delay in convoking the cham bers until orae weeks after the meeting of congress it was well known that a communication of the whole subject to congress at the last session was preveni- ed by assurances that it should be disposed of be fore its present meeting you should feel yourselves constrained to doubt whether it be the intention of the french government in all its branches to carry the treaty into effect and think that such measures the occasion may be deemed to call for should be now adopted the important question arises what those measures shall be our institutions are cssentialy pacific fcace and friendly intercourse with all nations re as much the desire of our government as they are the interest of our people but these object to be permanently secured rights of our citizens or permitting solemn tr for their indemnity in cases of flagrant wrong abrogated or set aside it is undoubtedly iu the power of congress seri ously to affect the agricultural and manufacturing in terests of france by the passage of laws relating to her trade with the united states her produris manufactures and tonnage may be subjected i heavy duties in our ports or all commercial int-r- course with her may be suspended but here are powerfuli and to my mind conclusive objections to this mode of proceeding we cannot embarrass or cut off the trade of france without at the same time in some degree embarrassing or cutting tour own trade the injury of such a warfare must fall though unequally upon our own citizens and could not but impair the means of the government and weaken that united sentiment in support of the rights and honor of the nation which must now pervade ever bosom nortait impossible mat such n course r legis lation would introduce once more into our national councils those disturbing questions in relation to the tariff of duties which has been so recently put to rest besides by every measure adopted by the govern ment ol the united states with a view of injuring france the clear perception ol right which will in duce our own people and the rulers and people ol ii other nations even of france herself to pro nounce our quarrel just will be obscured and the support rendered to us in a final resort to more de cisive measures will be more limited and equivocal there is but one point in the controversy and upon that the whole civilized woild must prniiounci france to be in the wrong we insist that she shall iiay us a sum of money which she ha acknow- edged to be due and of the justice of this demand there can be but oneopinion among mnkind true the slightest pretence should be give to fmncu in persist in her refusal to make payment hy any net on our part affecting the interest of her people the question should be left 85 it is now in such an attitude chat when prance fulfils her treaty ufstipuhi- liona all controversy will be at an end it is ioy conviction thu the united sies ought to insist on a prompt execuiion uf the treaty and tn case it be refused or longer 1 vcd take redress into their own hands alter tha delay on the pari of france of a quarter of a century in ncknowled ing these claims by treaty it is not to be initiate that another quarter of a centurv is i he waited iu negotiating about the payment tlr- laws of mi- lions provide a remedy for such occanima it is a well settled principle of the inferupiinnul code that whnre one nation owes another a hquidnlcd debt which it refuses or neglects to pay the lukrlevudjinr- ly may seize on the property belonging to rheothejyil citizens or subjects sufficient to pay the dvbl with out giving just cause of war thu remedy has beeti repeatedly resorted to and recently hy france her- elf towards portugal under circumstances less questionable the time at which resort should lm had to this nr any other mode of redress is a point to he live ed by congress if an appropriation hill not he made by the french chambers at their next iwiom it may justly be concluded that the government ol france has finally determined to disregard its own solemn undertaking and refuse to pay an acknow ledged debt in that event every day delay our part will be a stain upon our national hn well as a denial of justice to our injured xv prompt measures when the refusal nf fronci be complete will not only be most honorable and just but will have the best effect upon our national character- since france in violation of the pledges given through her minister here has delayed her final action so long thai her decisions will not pnibihly be known in timeto be communicated to this congress i recommend that a law be passed authorizing repri sals upon french properly in case provision shall not be made for the payment of the debt at the ap proaching session ofthe french chamber such a measure ought not to be considered by france as a menace her pride and power ate too well known to expect any thing from her fears and preclude the necessity of a declaration that nothing partaking the character of intimidation is intended by us she ooght to look upon it us the evidence only nf an in flexible determination on the part of the united states to insist on their rights- that government by doing only what it has itself acknowledged to be just will be able lo spare the united state the ne cessity of taking rediess into their own hand and are the property of french citizens from that sei zure and sequestration which american citizens go long endured without retaliation or redress if she tfaould continue to rafifff that act of acknowledged justice and in violation of the law of nations inak- reprisals on our part the occasion of hostilities against the united simcs she would but add violence to injustice and could not foil to expose herself to the just censure of civilized nations and the retributive judgments of heaven collision with france is the more to be regretted on account of the position she occupies in bumpk in relation to the liberal insiituiinii bui in mam- laininc our national rigbts and honor all govern ment are alike to us- if collision with france in a case where ihe is clearly in the tfrnng the inareh of liberal principle be impeded the responsi bility for that result a well as every other wil rest on her own head having submitted these considi rations it belongs to congress to decide sietherafier what has ukjn place it will still wit tbe further wmion of the french chambers nr now adopt such provisional measures as it ma v deem necessary and hirst adapt ed to protect the rights and maintain the honor of the cuuntrv whatever that decision may be it will be faithfully enforced by the executive as far as it is authorized la do so indfan uurdkrano prooablk war tllc steam boat warrior arrived nt this port on saturday from praire du cliein we are sorry to learn- as we do b her that lh indians in that region have again been engaged in hostile act and that they portend a serious termination a short time since a party nf the sacs and fuxcft attacked a party or lo ige w the menominee upon grant river and killed three persons the murderer weiv however it was ascertained at rock island delivered up by ceo- kuc to a detachment at united states soldiers un der the command ofcftpt- they were put on board the steamboat winnebago then ascending the mississippi co b purpose of being taken to a niwifr nla f tr i on the day previous to the ariival ofthe warrior nt praire du chein another massacre took place hy a party of the same tribe of indians on the island ins room sinu ess ia still liv i intnediatelv if i inert thuhihiipi iciu ng and dr larjoliin who bad been soil for had i im assured extracted about three miles above the prario a lodge of vvin- nehagoes was established it was occupied at the time bv women and children only the warriors be ing absent on a limiting excursion suddenly the sac and fox party made their appearance before the indge fired into it tomahawked and scalped ten of the inmate- but one ofthe sac warriors lost his lift and that was by the baud ofa winnebago boy about fifteen years gf age- the youth was standing nt the door ofthe indge between a cmti ger brother and u sister when two of the warriors made their appearance and fired upon them re collecting instantly that an old gun remained in the lodse loaded he procured it and awaited the return of the foe who had retreated for the purpose of re loading their guns as soon as they appeared be fore him he took deliberate aim at oneofihcm fired and the bullet went through the heart of his enemy he then escaped at the interior of the lodge mode his way fi r the river swam it and gavu information ofthe massacre at fort crawford- a lemrinieni of troops was immediately ordered out in pursuit of the murderers hui as far a known without mie cess the winncbayoes iluttaud had demniihtid oil retaliation and then wirrftfm woi0 illrvtulv citl- leciing their foes it is also known are reudy 10 receive them having heon recently arming and equipping themselves fr fight towards the in- ncbagoey all parties ofthe srtcaand foxes have an undying hatred they viewed them as bavins been the cause by their bad counsel of all tin calamities brought upon ilium hy the late war an i as having acted a treacherous and infamous pari at the termination of it- many circumstances con cur to make it more than probable that should a con flict lake place it will be a lung and bloody one- st lrtuis republican extcnsivk rufifleltv and sincliar recovery about six weeks since mr- witinicyr buardiug housekeeper 109 washington street lost a gold watch and 150 in gold pieccw from u chot in his liedrooni tiiekesorttchot were kcptundei bis pillow from which place they were taken by the thief who after opening the chest replaced the keys under ihe pillow iir w had no idea who was the thief and he bad considered the money forever lost until yesterday when mary anne oamurccur a young german girl who was living in mr wv house at the time ofthe robbery and who left there ten days afterwards went to bis house to bid his rcwell previous to her departure for in or as ixens shall tnree ofthe balls from her fmdv- she retained her senses but was notexpecnfi to survive her wohiid she i- thdinodier oftbreeeldldnrin j about forty years obf such is die trayjy which has occurred it is suid in a family well k to lilomt of those who have frequented the draftm rooms ofthe french capital from a vans imi tuc arctionker theto j no man who spends ml inueh breath wnn tilks o fast and is sa lavish of words as the auctioneer- he repeats the same thing over aain and never grtldges his labur- he is fond cifsnmrt sayings ad sudden turns in the sense and he if witty at the expense of his custom era he can talk ofseveralriilfrrent things at once and without eoufhsion bmi lie sometimes very lu dicrously mixes up different sjbjects hi the same sentence for instance lately droptfnji in at a book auction there happened to he a man who onimved the com pany and the auctioneer with a sefrar- the book bad qone up to twentyseven omts and a hall and the auctioneer dwelling upon iu cried aiid a half and a half and q half when sndling die amroyance be flhouted out m n vouiscr rtncl a half and a half twentyseven and a half thirty thirtytwo a half and a half kid out aft man wilh the negnr and a half and a lalf and a half going going thirtyfive ihirtyfrc thirtyeeven and a half curse that segar suuia and a half and a half and a half it gives ne the phthisic and a half an i a half going croiig forty forty cents fortytwo and a haliwho brimstone on the stove- and a lldlf and a lilf and half i wish i had bold of thai boy anda half and a half id choke the rascal and a uif and a half going going who says for y- five ot half the price ofthe hook and a balfand a hanforiytwo and a half foilysve now fortysevenfold a half and a half a treatise on the toothacheenilemen whomi give lifty cents cur the tcjothache and a hair and a hair forty even and a half lookat that buy there and u half and a half pockeitn one of those penknives and a half and a half i 01111 have my eyes every where and a half and a hlf fiftytwo and a half kick all the boys out ofthe mum and a half i tish the proprietor success ful and prudent management the undcrtnktng prove to and trust that by have been a profitable investment ol rft free press family f new which plftcc she had taken passage and sailed this day thev had never sus- orleais foi was to have peeled her of ihe robbery and received her with the greatest kindness and she made the children seve ral little present she went into mrs vvs bed room lo take olther bonnet and incauiiously left her purse on the bed and went down stairs to sce mlu n r slltj v vrmi tm into 1 ii r limtmjm nod spinviht sinwtv- ng on ihe bed the recollection ol the stolen monev immediately afterwards mi nnd dashed upon tier mind she opened the purse inur ed nut its contents on the bed and saw among them several gold pieces which she recognised from the marks upon them as having belonged to her hus- bmd she called her husband who identified ihe ioney and iuuntrdiately charged the girl wilh the robbery she was so astonished at ihe discovery made by them that he imneciately confessed her gt ilt and was taken by mr w to the police of- ilfft ifeic she stated that she had ex pern led two it m hired dollars of the money in the purchase nf rlothfc and had left the watch at a store in chat hammreim to he repaired it was found there and 230 of the stolen money was found iu her trunk rod hlfsc- it is worthy of remark that at the time she stole the money there was nearly 300j in pa per and silver besides the 450 in gold iu ills chest not one cent of which was touched the gold only being taken jv v com adt dlcspklxatkriougoy for a oeperate disease they tell a good story of old dr kami he was railed to tisita hypnehrondriac patient who fancied hid rwituowad a mouse on entering ihe room die lady exeliumed uear doctyi i am so glad lo see vu i am in such distress such pain dli diciorl doctor fvc swallowed a mouse swallowed nonsense replied ihe doctor in bis mild and pleasant manner oh uu doctor sjid the patient it is not nonsense it is a mouse a live mouse he ran down my throat when i was asleep with my in iuth open and i eel hun now creeping about my stomach and tn ing iu gnaw out oh doctor tin prescribe something piiek or j shall die prescribe says the doctor ill prescribe souiclhing thai will curs yo i iu a iiuuute what is it dodor what is it fll take any thiujr orner 99 wei ihcii my deur miujiun ownl- you low a cat if that dont cure you nothing will was effectual dreadful occurrence in paris some differ ences ofa pecuniary nature had existed for some lim between ihe baron and baroness p which had brought on a separation the lady an ameri can had brought her husband a fortune of g0uu a year and inhabited a splendid mansion in the rue de faubourg st llonore puns it appears that recently a rapprchement had been ellected which was likely to lead to a complete reconciliation the lady had gone to her husbands or rather fa- therinlaws chateau uearstmh the latier a man eighty years of age was violently opposed lo ihe arrangement which touched his pride or what he called ins honor on sunday week in ihe morn ing he entered his daughterinlaws apartment desired her to say her prayers and prepare lo die and immediately discharged at her one alter another four pistols ihe balls entered above and beluw her left breast cutting off three of her lingers hc fell but bad strength enough lo rise and rush after the old man whom the clnuped hut who fled to iid a half going goinitj gone jv y tram provinuxal- at a meeting held at the ommerrial hotel m the town of kiuijsron on ih 1 fill december lvji of genilemen drsimus of jtn ing the upper canada urauch uf the highland ttodetv of bowhin the right rcvd alexawer mcdumll bishop of kingston being called to the chair i was ue- eoked 1 that the meetings ofih upper canada uranch of he iltghhmd society ofii uiwin alwll 1 1 ttn lake place iu tin town of kington inart former place of rondexvook being a muu eeih mid conimudioits situalimi pilar a iummt rfir tuiueu who uwi d f t- ileseii iu nu id ivi y of isieir dili recollection o in vm i or celr ithnugh ut burn ng an atticliiiieul nturs are deiroik to pre ihe iwtmigr anil achieve- h i iu eithi and vci libvuumh i of ihe eratlon t oh tlimis ol l ntid irela ctnuiiiies the coimti serve the niunts of those heroes finn whum ilwy are descend ed anxiously wish tojiin the canada urarrch nf the swciety and therefne this meeting consider it expedient lo form this briucb on i border basis than that of highland atoilo provided the parent sci- eiy approve of such an alleratiuuj and designate i the critic satiety 4 upper caitatla 3rd that the object dlfils ociet be to rescue from oblivion the iatlioir celtic language to pro mote the cultivation ofeliic litcratare and music o preserve the loyal ani manial spirit of the anci ent cehs and their attacuncui tn the country of their nftrtmui ni mnpoann and nii iu thii laud able pursuits the dfscftldantfl ofthe gael or sells frnm whatever portion uf the empire they may come lib that the fo committee to draw that of the parent ow p renilemen sia form a oustitution founded upon james alacfar- m loau aiiffus cameron soctyvjz o take cial lotel on wednesday the oi- p- m fur the purpose of appointing oilice lane f a harper hugh macgregor 5th that a meerin f the wietv sha place at the comme ith instant at adopting the cututiturn and bearers the right reverend shop having left the chaii and mr harper being eed thereto the thanks of ihe meeting were voted 1 his lordidlip for his dig- iiilied conduct iu the cb chronicle statement of the number nmcs an ofiences of persons convicted at said and committed to the jad ofthe home irict dec 4 is31 wc car will capital halloicc there u quite a contrast between the dull same ness that pervaded our streets and the lively mid businesslike appearance that thejf now assume rents have admitted 76 or iw per cent notwltli- standing die immenwj number of buildings that have been erected hi many instances several famines are necessitated to occupy the same tenement the greats number of our merchants have extended their business and built more capacious stores three or four heavy establishments have lately commerced business a neat and elegant drug store has been opened by dr powell we wish him every success m his undertaking cernwau qbscntr a man was killed on ihe canal yesterday a little above millrorhe by the falling nf a bank of emth under which it appears he was employed uncon scious of danger at the time some precaution should he used by the contractors in order to pre vent a repetition of such melancholy accidents to we have devoted a considerable portion of our columns today to the report of a public meeting held lately at kingston to consider the expediency of ascertaining by survey the practibility of estab lishing water privileges at that place the subject is a highly important one to the kingstonians nfrd it must have been a source of congratulation to all who either attended the meeting or are inteited in the prosperity of the town io find the question o ably handled hy the chairman of the meeting kinffs- tou may well be proud of such a citizen as mr ma- eaulay the extensive knowledge acquired ir- ihe daysof his vouih under one of the most able teach ers the province ever possessed have been ripened and matured by hlsanceasing deiic to increase his store of useful information the lime valuable front hi- numerous offices of responsibility which alike mark the confidence reposed in him by the execu tive by public corporations nid by private indivdt- uls is freely and disinterestedly devoted to the assist ance of every project calculated either to promote the general prosperity ofthe province or to ad vance the local interests ofthe town and tai all these occasions we ihid his interest in the cause nm limited to feeling the office of chairman ofthe pub lic meeting hit his i kiefatigubsc zdnl is apparent af terwards iii cvitry depart intnlhe i in faei the great moving nfmri ii that directs the wlml tc ri i is cs ai v ihs any one imnfippii sited uith sir mh an soand like exrnan eulnvy und vet wc ve to aert thai ery wnft wonhl bevriirhiail hvany liberal pcru in the rauka uf tint iu the ns my ithie rvmi inlri- al nppi ieus we plans nropo tie expens caikil 01 the h d i a en iiirs that ww nt ll an ttimftjlffo ul a mlfvpy wi from ihe levj ofthe r in ivinvmtnn x ineks will ts r r e rl til- i nu a iu jiimidt tr u ijiiii liiil tin id nil iy hin p ti wuh ml vi wii tttp il it oi t oh die slib- il niiiiiepr wi is pecntiith throw a e nos even uware whether mr i5nlrd is yet released famt hfslatc eoiploymeulby the upper cmaiia ex lcuie aicl the british american land cunpiiy no whether he cunld ai present undertake the aur- vev iiiquomion 3ewfrc juzetie mt ltia bin e ill v eir i i proi io rp ni ilnit the t hneau luud iilv aeipiui infnrn nuuuihil te u iiirelv of our own aeci n ns vc british umjz publt51iei this day ami vrsftlssi li oaicciftlic hairish vhi ourrv liutti on the ridisau canal by edwrsid j rarker m i invribuj by pcfu lli etruleity biriubd cl- boinc price onq aliilui and uiruc peiice kintqu nov 3nl 18 4 to correspondents thornier urr mm ingoil3codl lo imrrct lue rrnrr octlc whtff kixgstox tuesday cvexixg dec 16 ibm qxzat britaiv ten m r the u catharine fagan dec 4 petty lacny six weeks mr ellick m- p the waiv the ministe rial paper nntiouiiocs the prolmblc reiirnattmn of ibu secretary at war on ho grounds of in health and rcqniritiga warmer cliiuntr wcshnuld regrci much more the right lion gentlemans illness than bis resignation and snsiuct the real cause u the war office being made too warm for him and not the ch mate being too cool at all events wc hope his suc cessor will take a icssoil from hisunpnpuhritv and avoid the rocks oi which he grounded hibernian k si journal and conservatives oil the 30 h october in the vici nity of hduborongsi iu the county ofduwn the meeting was convened by the hiu sheriff of the and politics and ofthe government fjr supporting them and oppressing the ivotcstants formed the staple nf almost everv oration lomttm sptctmttr nov a in consequence of some expressions made by lord londonderry ntthe down protestant meeting wtrich mr secretary littleton took as personally ofieabe to himself that genilcman put himselfintothehanda of sir hussey vivian who wrote to lord london derry in most courteous lenns forau explanation on the subject that nobleman replied that he used the language generally iu reference to the conduct ofthe whig government and sir uussey viyln has declared himself perfectly satisfied on the part of mr littleton sikftfta lio tl emohimpnts ofthe governor of sierra leon are otimated nt 635011 per annum the late illfalcd cfovcrnor oetavins temple esq had only received lltree quarters salary when be fell a victim to the pestilential climate the gallant of- lict r who has areepw tlr umiiapicious nppoint- inent major duuilascampheh w- bcim taken foni ihe halfpay unattaelied lit of hlj h is said that he is also tn itave the counn md of uia troops but that appears very unlikely as ihe present comman dant has the local rank ul lieut colonel it is slated in the lat paris accounts that the dukeof ilassnim the former minister ofthe inte rior has been en trust e j by the king with the forma tion ofa new ministry west ivpies the spirit of inmimrdinatt u had appeared even in jamaica ii several of ihe parishes the follow ing is a statement of th condition of alfairs at st georges nn ihovid iituotoberi the negroes in this parish are taking every advan tage and although they have not generally acted with open violence lly inke every opportunity to defeat tuir plans and are not dottlg more tfiail one half of what thy did before the first of august unices sonic uiiturrseen receemiug circumstances occur very soon their obstinacy unchecked as it is will gather into a bead and hurst out with a pov erfnl ttiutta the fori ccvart negroes have bueu feeling how far they can go and a number have ab sconded forsouu weeks the giiinlurupprci enlerinto ara htmuo s fllthnngh lliry nremn number nf hour kpeitj d hy i aw uml uhn thev wcreiurw ua ilipl ihivo ruirld nevrrbe taken uif iliml iieplan lo cumtnenci work i ih moinig ibey declared llisi vviik nj l htut i to u body breath i k hi antinviiy the special ma il i cel with tfivit linunes ihe hn exi e an 1 fiir itiifoly arriv- ve ihe bnriiitu nflho linens set of uikl rmiml oil yiiaavuihlfeai ilieos absolutely refused to iid- to m tmificiure surar ivipiiivil to work bcvoid the atv ier i i i till rul ajess iii s u little tar til v wfiiil i mgdettitic mtntta an politic wcrn ci ii lime l wrkwiihm oi wff imtm itll mid xcnin i- wirj whmtd t ivblt ng the traviiiu if but v ii ll i ih ri ii itrc1 wiald b inn about ilu uiitm au snci kiie iiirh w cmpiov d ttork nol- redetl in fir- lilud with ecfiid utteinpi was nngaisheil iliout a u luadein n ditiwvlil place ami two shiih were fired a an iiiceudiaiy ciiui xoiing to sci fire to the trash house the until between kingston and muatego day h id been roibed iy iwti itejrojs but very little re- gict seems to have bees munilcsied otithu ncrasion itlid little ihort m de to tipprehcnd the pcrpistrutorih tite negroes in sr tiionias ii rhe valj greet i viiley rtute a piopery ctdled old england and at uobertkld had enbvly ceasl and refused to work and no means wve at huid in conlptil ticm to ilo so three ultcmp were made to sui lire to the town ofsavannahlaaiar mid lh negroes general ly were manifesting a deternrurum to resist labor on shrewsbury estate tn which thitixnrc attached upward vs four hundred n t where ihcfurm rly used to make thirty h tiend gar per week the only quantify low manuiu is only one hogshead thw hs prnciimil from the resolution tki mi l nlv or 3u- invd insoii 1 1 i irt ij t n 1 1 u i f m x o ft iu will g mea- i wliien ve have alluded is ig article from the guinea m- prisonment in the house of torrecnon at such la iwurasthft magistrates shall brecr and afterwards la he banftktd the limit jis pact of uectvc months qr and tould the prisoner re turn what then f h john shpparfl craudeny three calen dar months imprisonment jit house of correc tion at hard labour breaking nu erwards to be banished from the iloim district for the space of 12 months 3 dnvitt doyen assault ri cattery fined o to the king ami to be hnptw lino be paid 4 mary doyen his wife assault and battery to be imprisoned iu the floif correction fur three calendar monlhs a hard labour as the magistrates shall direct 5 robbtrt kitpntrick tetr larceny two calen dar months imprisonment hi tv 0usc ofcorrectiou at hard labour breaking stori ani afterwards to be banished the home distil for the space of 12 months 6 john bcttford petty ujwpy i three calender mouths imprisonment in ihe of correction at hard labour breaking ston and afterwards to he banished from the home piriei for the space of v months 8 daniel sntlivan assaitfnd battery fine to the king of 8 10s and to in imprisoued until fine he paid paid 8 daniel sullivan assault ai battery fine to the king of je5 and to he imprisoned uniil fine be paid paitl 9 thomas piatt riot id pay to ihe king a fine of ten pounds to be impri in the jail of the home district for one cttlciltl nonth and to main in prison until the fine ln paid 10 edward fcchatt rior i m v to the king a line of ten pounds lo be imprisoned in the jail of the holme district foi one 1alendar muiuh and to remain in jail until the line ie paid mkai the only species tf employment known in me at whieh the jailor can employ the female prisoners ordered tn he kept at work is washing wards and prisoners ap nt making and onndiiig clothes iov prisoneii darning blankets or bedding ami washing clothes ihr priont-i- w u haken2ie msyur toronto dec 5 1831- wt are pleased to her dint the si ubes sail works near ulwiuuield at preem but lltl known have lately been purcuised by our enterprixmr townsman charles i lockup lsq who k aetively employed iu making pivparaiion fm exieimenp- received a s emit m t is ll county lord hillsborough and the orangemen were also specially summoned hy their authorities every exertion was made to procure a numerous at tendance the landed proprietors appointed places of assembly for their tenantry and then marched ihcm to the ground to oppose oconneii and the repeal of the union was the ostensible object of the muster the real one to alarm the government by a demonstration of vast physical force and to sid in perpetuating tithes and the church as it is the numbers assembled aro variously estimated the lowest we have noticed being 10000 while one es timate ascends tn 150000 ihe standard calculates that about 70000 were present the assemblage was certainly very intre and its appearance respect able the report of tile proceedings occupied eight columns of the morning herald which had repor ters of its own on the field on the platform were several ladies the countesses of roden and clm- william lady elizabeth jocclyn lady mandcvillc lady baieson e the principal gentlemen were the marquises of donegal downline and lon donderry lords uoden dullerin clan william end casilereagb sir robert bateson colonel foide dr cooke late moderator of ihe ulster presbyte rian synod and between twenty and thirty gentle men and clergymen of the county lord hillsbo rough took the chair the resolutions were propo sed and seconded by the marquises of dowushirc and londonderry lord rodeu lord castlereagh lord author hill colonel forde lord clunwil- lium lord duliwitig dr cooke sir ruben ba e- son the reverend holt waring and mr david ker they were to ihucfleci that the state ofthe country was very alarming that evil disposed men were plotting to never the british connexion thai seditious and dangerous leaders of ihe catholic po pulation exercised a palpable influence out minis ters that ihe consequence ol this was the emii-ru- iniu of peaceful subjects and lite spread of crime union ofproivstauis in oil parts or the country ry to muintiiiu thetmegrity of ihe id thai an address in the king now necchs in i we w llqvu ri ccniiv crutiona ollho alt wblcli he lm muiiiificiaftd iluvc pure clcur mid miklbig und tiisieu wdliu uli in- dcd lhai we found a very small quantity quite auf- liitueni criii- s should i ttml uf the was proteatdiit cliurch ami thni an utld and petitiona to both lluuwsorpui dying the nfiitiiiimtri ofiheso reolutioi rtimrwl mid aigiietl ui the upecclich mru of luiidumlwiv wus anarkullo for hn length and vvhbfiittiw h- deiiwiiiewl tlelnli go- venuiunt and speiiullv air lltll t uii uriiu r c-iki- tint i iirdi iit as uiiy o itmia iiiliiiii ii ijnr im- fay cut 1 lir i-nym- i l j tin tim i i ton cm 1 1 liuvc nttml till vinlnchiifj sucout the i nijiihii iif- h ii iiltitiia yt ruiii wuh a in his is rh irruvlihil liviii nilii i tii ih ul lirlhj inn ml illiini itwiifh ikd nhtit nuum ice in tin- diy uijauick tli counn usui n hh thai no yv 1 in ui in i i rtiiii t ikifis lint tu uik ii lj the wiil i a it her work uiu ihiiirn w thoy in ike uu exclunc oliiuu uiil r sure are ishumi to tt cmniul thum lokibtir whh nioiviilieiiy -ikmihi- have done kic theveinenr- ed into a suite oliomlnoiu lecdji the demirara nuwa contained ia tte ibijon ciiwittlttliich iriwitjroes the aniuainitmce with liunh a lira cilmiy the naitmuhm of which we have t v eivel although the general faet of insudardtaation t uuj haa bi lnure than onre limned in iliatjmirnil lhis days iinpnjmi mi concludes our report of miflmvrcitllddilivcuileis in uu cuanuutloilb in this colli iy- 1 hiriysix out of tiiousaiius of negroes in open insnrreetiiui in una colony have been selected as examples lor ills rest ol their followlaborerg on wlom the jaw exerts iis power and vindicates its in sulted majesty the selection appears to hac been judiciously madj from among the tinerloaders ofthe iirtysix one only has t con capitally con victed tl circjeujtunce however is nttributablo to the hutnanity nad mcrcihil disposition of the court not but the crimes of many olheis deserved and might have received with justice the sftttia pun ishment as it was the remark ofthe chief justice that if the court saw it necessary to coiuumn them to death ihe sentence might he carried into effect although one only is to undergo the last dread penalty of the law several others however have been made terrible examples of one is transported cov life and three for fourteen years here then are four human being- who have so lately acquired ihe iirstiuiable boon of freedom thai have now in oic moment swept away by their crimes not only the ollvaniigc they had just gained but have plun ged thenimlves iuio n sirtte of tcnitude and exile where horrors hardships and miseries can we be lieve be but adequately described by those who have witnessed or expeiienced them the remaining ihiryone of these offenders have all been sentenced to very severe hoggings varying however in extent of punishment as the nature of their crimus required the sentences have given the most unqualified saiisluctiom to the whole community j earnest hope that as warnings ihey may deter others from a commission of like crimes and induce a more peaceable and obedient disposition amid the labor ing class terrible warning indeed these sentences are and such as ought to produce the intended good eflects but dues ii augur well we ask for the rea lization of these reasonable and just hopes when we learn that at the very time when this court was sil ling at ihe very moment when the dread edict of death was proceeding in solemn accents from the bps of the judge the negroes of a large estate not very distant from town the gunlcn of eden were m a state of open and voileni rebellion nay worse than this thai after this awful sentence had been some tluys pronounced and when the salutary warn ing had been made known to the colony the cant j j tl estate peter jfrff bebiiud in a simi larly rebellions and uuirtgeutis maimer j ii s ii da likewise tweniyfonr uegrncs from me lillc lhuuitl arm hrouiu 10 town lor trial i rh uimnei curt u insuhurdiuaiinii ini f5 lui ih- iineiiigtiieo i nearly as had ifihii i nmrr 1 r ngiks are duiug luile or d forming ihniues mini ol issuuig huch employed iii numbering ihe diflerewsecisin irvlamll ktt l midnlent hihi reckl i uu ovrumdiica liloiie eontuiiisthe following e 0 a letter rem st lucia dated the luih offt her u gangs are ckless mrau ptein-