British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 16, 1834, p. 3

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ffear jo nt leum na matter go and really from the way in whirh wonro ircnirrf it would appear as though it were the wish ofinvmiuient to make ua retrotrrnd to ihc period ciflhe onrib era you in barbnduis arrmeue fortunate and have besides a- nother vatf udtniitair- over iw yaur laboring dss must rtn 1 or starve not sn hurt they mav migrare to our mountains 111111 wmida and then would thev require more iran the kilts militia to drive them w viuna out the editors trip to toronto cntkipiitcj frrtm no 3c it wan about ten ftvhrcit uiht ithftll thr gallant st george puffing ami blowldjg like sjiont grampus made the port of cob our ifiba ppotewt lattcnwl poft which is naught but an opon fondicad expd to every u ind save from the oorthwifd end vrlmh llw noihin in ilic shape or appearance of a harbor but a lflt atl4 wbatttlual pier orjifty t retching its lenprh into the open like bern niht we had no oppor tunity of scanning the hrtiiitietf oftlii rising und promising vil lage hulas on our rvinrii in daylight the steam boat chanced to stay u few uiiltutn at the tvtivfj vc are enabled to say a word or two ttluiiit ik ulao- coboury has quite in lock of an american town it houses are built in the yankee tyle audita manners and charactar uf a lare portion tjfilm iulialolnuts assimilate at least eo we aio informed willi the oiittvnrd appearance ofth village there is deyorthtletn good tociety to be found in cobourg and its nvifeu5 ctjualitji said lu that of nny other place of its size in catiada und all person who have raided in or about it speak in the liihsi tenn both of hu people and the place it contains owr 1000 eitlnbltnnta and has he appearance of much commercial bustle and sdilinugli it may be a little too much yankeefied novertttalesa illaono ofulq most desirable ntutfiftlm in this prov incu firf the iiiun f business or cntcrprize luyiiitf cutmurjfi it wtt midnight before the steam boat reached tori hope mmiwrvllhigeon the lake filiate seven miles distant considerably ww hi size and population than iu rival and neighbor of his place we can say nothing as onr curiosily was dili sufficiently excited lu wtplon it rccfetscs in ihc dark and on our return w were busily engaged to the intricacies of a jamu ofchc to attend to any other earthly buibus trior to the boats quitting puithope some gen tleman slipped into cftpf llarpera hand a latelj issued num ber of he wardtf i an orange newspaper published in that vil lage in which the whole public business appeared to be mer ged into a tissue ufabuiivc inveriivca directed against capt ilarpcrand our humble self along with the newspaper was a pamphlet contiiini the repott of a trial at the wexford as- sizes iu ireland at which mr- william gowan the editor of the aforesaid ncwptacr was eonvi ted of subornation of per- ury and forgery in attempting to piq himself of a small estate iwhtnjring to hrt utttfosod cither he being at the time an llliitiinale child nftutitlg rimutt the demand slate of dm press in upper ca nada more ihji the fact uf so many person of blasted fame and character rondaeriu public journal togo no further than oiii good town of kingston th chronicle is under the liuoftjbhtom ufb reiiado yankee republican who changed both hi rrjioi and hit politirx to miit the people he came ullyli ii jy is i u who are never atisfied unlet you are continually praising them or their productions among thctfc individual is toc tiwd the editor ofan epliemcral newspaper yclept the vttteviue intelligencer which our readers may mncmberwe honored last week by a slight notice this notice written more in sorrow than in anger the intelligent editor has taken in high dudgeon mid with the true spirit of a cana dian newsmonger has replied to it with half a column of petticoat lam slong attributing the tew words we said to envy hatred imdjce and ull uncharitable- ness y as if cithci of those passion would be brought into play by thing 60 utterly worthier and insignificant ns himself or his newspaper tuy the proclamation contained in todays vvmoi it will be observed that the provincial par- liament is to assemble fur the despatch of public business oil the 15th of january cl we have been requested to notify to the in habitants of kingston that by a vote o the commit tee appointed at the late public meeting memiff- t smith and j- meagher are the gentlemen who have volunteered to solicit subscriptions to defray the expenses of surveys c to whom one half n the moneys subscribed is requested to be pnd it tanur leaving the other half until a future period i w nen me good polhcy of visrount goderich wni revised by hid sufceesaw unions became necessary and were recmniiiendetfl to ensure he election of pro per persons to represent ihe people in the assembly and if they had been more generally formed would probably have caused a diilereiit return from some of the counties it was during the same session in which the des patch ir its nuthor were insulted that the debute on an address for the annexation of montreal to this province was had in hie assembly when if the re- roports of his speech in the newvpnpcfs was correct and i am not awnre that it hus bpen contradicted bv any one the attorney general boulton said in his place j 4 we havr reason to hitfc forward to such nn event as the separation oj these provinces from the mother country the rapid growth tf wealth and popu lation authorises such on expectation that is s i understand the lunpuage there is reason to es- pect thit a separation of jtese provinces will take place when they become strong enough or in other wonb ay h to revolr i o not thiit the sulhi recollect ting ui4lij tifnis clitiait author qfsif ljtliijrtiul ftpoum ii whirli it difficult lo de cide wliotlht scurrility or r4i rwly niot predominates the spectator isunnntenel uy johnny vincent alias dirty jack lie rulhuf ofnotliing tu all except hil cnglimi a gentle man 50 uttirly coniciuttupq in uu pvrmn and character that ihc vcrv tnpya hotit at hhn as he wallu nlong he street if thcrcfirc in the weond town of tins province these three bright sinking cxiiiiih of loirniiii a purity are to be found cawiing lothe pollltcl appulskr ofifel inluliiant5 how much m hi it to be wmvjfticilat thatthoqoaj ucoplo of port hope glad to ctteh atony tiling laita dmpeofa jowiudtst should o long have tolerated the proense of mr william gowan coni led in his own eountry of perjitry nt 1 forgery i luvihg stiil whu an i w hit mir awiutitit i it will bo need less to kay nnc wad in coutrahiioii t tlwit which he has pub lished fgticitti ii eoridtotim wchavr thnuhtthoviibject wor- thy ufmi allusinn flid it ht aluwit m m ihrlunity to pay a few nllincritpd compliments in oijt ilatptr the primary object of win oo wan mftluvnfuikt among he nu merous icun buats whit h mvit the canada water none beiri a niiro ciamihu 3 lrni tor f r srifcv speed regularity ofarrivri jhi diwtrtnnffi ln1 jnrtl at on hon to jnn and busin s umn ilw ftv owrgs xu commander capt h to vhunitie bnltn nnl detractor i mainly attributa ble ia otltlaakin ol ciinily and fidfjeition an olfecr in his majesty m ivtv aituntiv to hi- dirty mrail fiirward and hr- neal in bis dalin and mnst whom during hi jtojonrn in camda no nhrulow of coniplml hr ovu been allec prior to the oiii brought ftirwdnl by thi rrspttiohu journalist and hi ba krr cipi kiumuill worjltlll not enter into themc- ru of this rutihatiitti ww h it op cars has arisen out of private nlctn since they have bcn dicurscd and the alleged facts cmlnwilwi cwhkm nmiiu pf jlwwwflfi moam btlrtt but wo cannot dimu itlo uhjcict without ex- pressing our imlijinaiion t tbe otrpibtue ol tho individuals vhooiiginated the fde accnation and tin iulatuation or apa thy of tho pcnplioflort iitpe could tamely standby and permit a fern of resolution afortin the professional reputa tion of a higbiy worthy gentleman iu be whored into the world without cndcavoiiug to aufy themselves of the truth of the charges it waf eijsht oclock oil sahuuay mftrnirswhcn the sieam hoat entered the noble harbor nf toronto the day was fine and dry and tho sun shining upfltl the tops of the houses gave the city u mfcndid appearance the harbor h formed by a long point ofland stretching itslf in ihc form of a curve in front of the city at the extremity of which utiilt a substantial light house it is said by many hat wcw a small canal cutacross the nch of bis peninsula immediately opposite to where tho river don disembogues itself into the bay that a mateiial im provement would becflvcted among other expected advan tages that of preventing the upper pact of the harbor being fill ed by he mud and and brought down by ih don would not be the leasl important since it is highly probably a current would then be formed into the lake through the cut the practicability of getting to sea w itb a southwesterly wind and taving he distance of nin miles would be the undeniable rc- fults of neb canals to tlic accomplishment of which wo tru the citizens of the metropolis will turn their speedy alien tion we cannot enter today upon the subject of the city the tnpto which has been the head and front of our offending suffice it for our readers that we have actually arrived there it shall bt our duty and our pleasure lo detail weekluntil the j party meeting of parliament the wing and doings curred to mimlf and others hours which we made at the conn of general adjourned session helrf at kirgston 15th december 1834 present john hacuulay esq chairman ales pringle james macfarfctnt george baker james sampson and anthony mnnuhan esqrs- it was ordered thai so much of the police re gulation no 31 relative to carmen an requires them to renew their license on the first monday ii july in each year and the order of the lgth may 1831 on the subject of the premiums to carters be rescinded and that from and after the first day of january 1s35 the licenses now held by the car ters be cancelled in future each carter to take out a license an nually un the first day of january to pay the sum of two pounds ten shilling for the same besides the fee to the police officer on the nlarm of fire carters and others to be entitled to ihc following premiums for the first puncheon of water 15s do second do 10s do third do 5s every other six pence each in case of the alarm from b chimney or flue the first puncheon 7s 6d second do 5s third do 2s 6d every other threr penceench lobe paid for hy hupfutiiiiimihuitiiiihuen ttnliivimtundnm dtiirar hy persons authorised or on satisfactory proof of its having been furnished in order to ensure an early alarm in rascsof fire the individual who shall first notify the sexton of he catholic church to he paid 2 6il for his trou ble the sexton along with his charge for riiigirg the bell will state the name of the person who so notified him by the court j nickalls jr curk of the peace at d to the editor or ihc briiidi whig sir happening to sec the chronicle of the 25th oct 1 discovered a classification of the members of the present assembly villi biduell and perry un der the head radical which hus induced me to no tice that neper in this way and as this communica tion may appear unreasonable i shall ofler us an apology my publication not seeing the paper till long olwr the antf tire lime leisure time i nave tor wn- i was induced to notice it because 1 am one of vi- wv ntf for bulwcll and perry and conse quently must conclude that the loyal editors of that journal insinuate that i also and the rest of these constituents are radicals i wish therefore to put a few queues to these editors and hope they will not find it convenient to take no notice of jftflfitt iibififefljj wtthiifewgflwniffpi lion of the epithet and then to show that it is justly applicable to bid well and perry on looking into my dictionary 1 can find no bad meaning attached ro the word radical though i am aware it is used or rather misused in a bad sense and in the poli tical sense have been desirous so to act as not to deserve its application ferhapsi the publishers will say they sufficiently explained their meaning by calling the eidwell fee a revolutionary par- tv and 1 must aver that this is no definition 1 have for fome time past wished to see an etymolo gical definition and the history of its application to twt which oc- duringthc sojourn of fortyeight in this good town of kingston one occasionally meets uh a rogue or two- the other day a fel low pretending to he sen from a respectable person stepped ittto a shop where jewelry is sold and walked off with a quantity of valuable articles to the tune of a dozen pound another roguish trick occurred on saturday even ing as mr riddell of the film of thompson rid- dell raker was carting home a quantity of flour from the wharf finding his horse too heavily iialen he left one barrel near mr whclpleys corner and on hit return to fetch it found it missing suspicion lighting upon one of the town carters application was made at ins house but no tidings were ascer tained of the lost barrel returning to the fellows residence determined to see farther into the matter the barrel which it appears the carter had taken a- way in a joke was discovered being rolled out o the house into ml i1 oi ii 1 1 i- to l l y that creed is the liberal use the learned co of editors have made of the epithet justifies the supposition that they may be better quatifitd to give the infor mation desired especially if any patt of republican ism is comprised in it than any other in the pro vince- there was a time when from the dictatorial style and to me sediiious appearance of the addresses nicknamed grievance petitions i was apprehen sive that there might be a party in the province whose measures might eventually tend to revolution and that w l mckenie might be the agent of thai and if at that time the counter addresses had been couched in decent and unreflecting language admitting that there were tome subjects of complaint which from the confidence reposed in his majesty government we had no doubt when properly un derstood would be attended to and the necean remedy applied i should most willingly have sign ed them flfcci rr geiierul predicted a ll bot if my mcinorv serve lie ttua irported to have bftidi in his pprcch nifaiief tin capitation tax tlmt he wunld rsiutoith physical forte autl i under stood ihnt the cxpies imi was elicited by an expla nation thai the law complained of was passed bv the lower province hi the recommendation of thr colonial secretary int long after these ebullitions of loyally the deapateh arrived coairmiiiratfrig 10 the attorney and solicitor gnieml the informa tion that his majesty required thiir services no long er that henceforth they might ict if they pleased as independent members of the assembly with out bringing a censure on the government or words to that effect and col rowan explained to bnul- eon at his imptirlenl request impudent because he knew as ell as col rowan that the cause of their boulton and hngcrmaio dismissal from office was their havini unconstitutionally promoted thereex pulsion of mckenzie by the mere force of former vote of cxpuuon contrary to instruc tions conveyed in a certain despatch which he go derich concluded had been duly communicated hv the lieut governor then it was that poor jnrnelis reservoir of loyalty hurst and flic courier the mouth piece of the party proclaimed to the prouuee that one of the kim ministers wa an ismora mus c had written himself down an ass that the minds of the l were nuttht- ed and that ihey wire beginning to cast about in r mum fltfh tifiruttilvm once c not iwoyearo after this the same geo gurueit had the eflitniery to propose a resolution censuring humes tier on account of the treason able language it contained now 1 think there was r one tory pap o the whole province the a ntidoe miico rtfuitct and whose editor pro perly speaking is miher whig nor tory in the best sense of the word m the leader of the orange fiction that denotm boulton s language above quoted as ireaminaile and 4t whilst uoultons friend dalon the editor of the patiioi denied that the luugiftge wns either treasonable or antibriiuh anl to prove his paradox said the rime would com when a separation would suit the interest of hot pnties when great britain and canada would hecotte mutually tired of their coil ncction and of cour amicably agree to separate it is a matter of urpise tht a writer f dauaa acumen did jjot at leal draw from history one fad to illustrate his view if the subject or at least to point out the causes tttii would operate to create this ultimate necessity ol a separation he discovered so dearly- the american colonies now the uni ted states were tired ot their connection with great britain at the commencement of the revolutionary war great britain became tired ncttr the termina tion of the hrtlgfflci when they were mutually tired pftlcrfwiwfrrttitt wtu ihereiore made a treaty of separflrat ion daltondid indeed af terwards attempt to pencil up his ridiculous apolocy for the cnattorncy general by suggesting thai these colonies night btbe erected into a kingdom c c lie mtwt have foiurgot the vulgar proverb the more a putrid heap is stired the worse it will stink i have but one more remark to make on he ex-at- lorney geaerapa lang4iwgi a llat is if dalton judgineui he correct tha it is not ainibritih it must of course be british and if british it must have been dictated by briti feelings and if this he the ttnd of british fecfttig alluded to hy the gover nor when be complimented ihe memhera of the lc- by ballot is not so sncaing uh the publishers n- tirnents the address of the methodist conlerencr must be considered merely in the light of an act ol retaliation in behalf of e rycrson for ihc plain tttrtcmcnrs against turn in llomee letter and though aldcinmn dennison presented the toronto address it was i believe jot up hy ieo luructi some of whose unequivocal expressions of loyalty are quoted above they would fain make the colonial secre tary believe that ihe numbers of those in this pro vincc who do not concur with them is comparatively wuullj perhups the time is nut far distant when they will he detected in another misrepresentation which will cause them one again to k to cast about in their mind eye c c cato adolnhtiiown december ist 1831 the free colored mans appeal by robert jfjthhs on brilains sacred ground i stand and therefore am 1 fre britrtin thy kivured happy land adaiiu not slavery i thy masic tnuch thou wondroiii soil mahcs ihains ainj shatkles fiill to rtiik thy sweety no bondsmen toil thy sou aro free- men all and jo thro all thy vast domain the jubilee jiath rung and called forth blfcttiojp on thy name from many u sable tongue for africa no loner moanft across the atlantic hlw soj freeborn briton take my kds my sons ire bcitohisbtmrf but afrirn sons are brilish men o glorious ight to sec t tbrumtod it sound it out again briiain and liberty i and sure no5enoinc biiton now would hand or tongue employ and tauing ie distinctions t throw a damp on all our joy avautitl thou fratricidal sin i insulting to heavens throne nor find us guitiy of a skin not colored like your own i kingston dec lth 1s31 toiilc editor of rjtc briiisb wll sir i have now to perform the melancholy du ty of announcing the death of one of your late cor respondents- iiatlt student is no more on the receipt of the last wine he sent for me in haste immediately upon entering the room i saw it was till ner with the noor fellow my dear master doctor a v nmjituattiuei were bittmworua- 4i i thought yuulkid finished him i thought so mo u send this which i have with great dif ficulty written lo the wine and i beg of you to write an epitaph to doctor a v- the circumstance of my failure in finishing you and the event of my sudden death prove the first that 1 mil not a doctor the second that 1 am a patient i fnnrivc you my death as i presume i am killed stientifically and am convinced thai it is merely an ordinary business transaction on your part a student poor fellow he was not a patient much longer he soon expired beseeching me to take every pre caution that doctor a v should not get hold ol his body and convert ihv patient into a subject query is this what a v alludes to whflo he savs he will not lie still when killed epitaph here as stiff as a lath lies a sudent of duthj who was killmby a pill fiom the point ol a quill a v the eoncoctor a kindcrhvolc doctor lias thus put the finish and he can diminish all kinds of diseases sv death when he pleases a pedagogue dec 1g i83k bath gislature fuiou i t ittibr oui a pco comjillmcnt to the street it was returned to the right owner j usl in the nick of time for mr thomas nicholts the kingston thieftaker had been cent for and was then ut hand came of ciies this game lately played between the bath and the kingston player has ended in the abandonment of his game by the kmgstouian black it being morally impossible to recover from the effects of his egregious blunder in the fifth move but if the mckenzie petitions were con sidered disrespectful aud seditious the opposite addresses were iniquitous and false and calculated to mislead the home government and injure the pro vince that is according to my judgment and 1 therefore declined putting my name to any of them when however i read viscount goderichs des patch in answer to them evidently etit for the pur pose of correcting misstatements recommending the removal of all just causes dissatisfaction and resto ring tranquility and coutentment to l classes of inhabitnnts and for this purpose requiring puhli- when informed of the treatment this despatch ed from the two branches of our legislature hough if it discovers any partiality it was partial to those who abuseii it 1 began to doubt the correct ness of my former opinions and when i afterwards read mckenzies letter ftothe saving that there is now no occasion for the people to form themselves into political unions for that the government who had sent such a despatch meaning the one rejected and abused by the assembly would do them justice i remarked this is not the course a man would take who premeditates revolu tion he would still advise them to unite into poli tical unions under some pretence or other city receiv t many of their consiituientt hy saiig that one re sult of emigration war ihe introduction ofuutish feeling into the countrv i say if the feeling which prompted the exauortney generals predictions of separation be yet a ctiesideratum in the province it might be well to impioit all that part of the popu lation of ireland which requires a standing army of forty thousand to fceivp them in subjection we should then have a plunality of hbtfthfa feeling great britain would hie relieved from the expense of supporting a then unnecessary army the first question fl wotid put to the co of editors is whether lhtty would rank the earl of ri- pnti with the revoliiihwtary melvnzic and party if nor whv did he wlim colonial secretary dismiss the crown officers frwn his ma jeatya wrvico for promoting he reexpnjtion of mckenzie the same secretary for the culinsee neii u electors n the county of gasfie had i ten placed under an inconve nience by the reexpomon of christie to which no body of electors in this kingdom cnnld he sub ject i would like to know whether ihe lfc edi tors rank c a iwttinan under the head conztitu- tionav because of his agency in a measure which still more unjustly than in gaspe subjected thee lectors of the county of york to the inconvenience complained of by viscount goderich as no doubt the opposition of bidwrll and terry to that measure is the strongest reason they can assign fir ranking them with the mckenzie parly which they have chosen to call radical why have not maclarlane co and all the tory editors made a display in ca pital letters of the treusumabte sentiments expressed and published those of their shu party and why have they not informal the public what marks of disapprobation they hai received for betraying such sentiments as a warning toothers the publisher refer with exultation to the riots in the united states as an argument agaimt the ballot whv did they not say something abow the riotous and outnigeous elections in the county af leeds where the return of jameson and gowan v effected by brute force and contrary to the mh of a majority of the elect ors it appears tome fast the l4 of voting to a v op vutfl sir you seem to be afllicted with either a con- foundidly liizy disposition or with a confounded stu pid head ihis circumstance liasipiite exhausted my vocabulary ofcognumens ror his assship and yuur selfship are to much alike ihut one dcmna- tory ami only one suits both you are to each other as a- s to v one v turned up tother v turned down one looks like a boor the other a clown if you wesc nut able to take up his tfs3hip why did you undertake n and if you were why ditl yuu not take the trouble to do it properly fun honor 1 think the globular pruiirjerancea upon each of your esrtljiy bouies require the salu- lry operation of a birchen rod vhurston dec 13th 1331 proclamation ijfpeft canada v j colborne william the fovhtby fhe grace nf god of the united kingdom of grenj britain and ireland jung defender of the ptiiltc fc to our beloved aud faithful legislative council- lorsofour ivovince of upper canada and to our knightd 0tfixens4nd u masses of oursaid pro- vince to oi r provincial parliament nt our citv or toronto on the twentysecoiid day of december in stjmt to be commenced held called and elected aiid to every of you greeting whereas by our proclamation bearing date the seventeenth day of november last we thought fit to prorogue our provincial parliament o the twen ty second day of december instant at which time at our city of toronto you were held and constrain ed to appear now know ye that we taking into our royal consideration the ease and convenience of our loving subjects have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council to relieve you and each of you of your attendance at the time a- fofesaidi hereby convoking and by these presents enjoying you and each of you that on thursday the fifteenth day of january now nest ensuing yoo meet us in our provincial parliament at our city of toronto for the actual despatch of public business there to take into consider ation ihe state and welfare of our said province of upper canada and therein to do as may seem ne cessary and herein fail nor in testimony whereof ft have caused these our letters to be made patent and the great seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed witness our srusty and well beloved sir john colborne ic c b lieu ten ait governor of our said province nnd mrtjor general com- manding our forces ihprein at uur city of toron to this ninth day of dtcemhcr in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four aid in the fifth year of our reiga j- c government contracts comoijarib vj kincwoq december tluk tsm 1 sealed tendeits ill be received at this of fice until noon on monday tbe22nd day of de cember 1834 for furnishing the royal engineer department with a quantity of stone tobe de livered at the new works ot point henry and for soft wood for burning lime specifications may be seen and the probable quautitv of each article ascertained by application at the office of the commanding royal engineer also at the commissariat office- security required for such contracts as may 1 entered into stolen cow left in the possession of the subscriber at the pannerjlnm by a young man from the coun try a cow supposed to be i stolen with the following marks white lace white on the back and bell red sides and about 8 or 9 years old another cow as brought by the same person but taken away next morning it was a black cow about 5 years old- both cows were in calf tbe owner can have the property bv paying charges h- mayo kingston dec- i6th is31 sect ai toronto on simdny inrrnlmr 7iii left at looclock orpleuhsy of tcr m abiettttoflmraaiday mrs cmica wife or george gurneu eq imitor of the unror canada courier market pricks t kfvtaffoir spat mbcr ig4h 1624 s j 9 d a 17 6 b 0 4 il m 0 2j 0 4 do at tin tall per b 4 4 0 3 i a sb 0 0 9 a 0 7j 09 a american ftour per brl- 24 9 a 25 0 a 21 3 10 0 a 11 o a 0 0 2 6 a 0 0 0 o a 2 3 a 1 3 a 2 g a 40 0 o l a 0 0 80 0 o a 0 4k a i s a 0 o 70 9 00 a 00 a uctiojv the residence of ihe lata george mckenzie esq will be letby public auction on wednesday tbeltiii december 183j ai the house of dr moore io store street sale to take place it one oclock precisely hugh scanlan atutioneer kingirton dec isrlilssi splendid sale of household furnlturei to he sold by public auction on wednesday tho 17th december at the residence of dr moore id store sireet who is about removing to symond mills a large and splendid assortment of household furniture consisting of a very handsome sideboard a do sofa i ilu fnfa dining and card tables cane and rush bottomed chairs dialing oilimsuiid bedroom carpets- btdsteadd nd urewing tabled bed and bidding double and ningl llnir matirasscs 2 splendid ioukttr ulnives 1 imiriiisiip table limpg a tiine pitce i set o elrimnf enirravincs a albnlmny mulirme chr kory ll-d- kinvmuud forks ptcnuul diiricfai sujipur sew al0 a quantity of cut giuw suer and plated arti cles viz fislt knivos suup ladlvj table spuons 1tqimr stands 0 plated decanters wine jhissesand tumblers mkrwisk an assortment of kitchen uteflsllsi ith a quantity of wine pickles saucesc fntnklin double and single stoves apothecarys shop fixtures q sale to commence at 1 1 ooluck precisely hugh scanlan auctioneer kingston dec 9th 1891 30 american jjemlthjer store just received and lor sile by the subscriber at his cheap cah store church street one door south of mr palmers druggist store market square the following goods viz sides best spanish tfole leather rank of upper canada notice is lierebv given that a meeting of the stockholders of this institution will he held at the hank on monday tin fifth day of january next at 10 oviork in ihe forenoon for the purpose of electing director in ihe room of william ii dra- prr ksq who has resigned by order of the board tllos i ridout cashier rank frfttpmt canada toronto 37 ill kovotuljer 14 two school country schoplhastehs or three desirable situations for country nastcrare at present vacant in the ocieh- horhoifd of kingston bltltisu winn kingston dec 4t apply to the editor of the 1 831 35 wanted in the britibh whig office a young lad of good gnfrtwll tducation as an apprentice apply to the editor kingston dec 9th lst- w 500 300 300 300 100 200 800 200 du do do do do do do do do do slaughiers do do upper leather harness bidle calcutta calf skins kipp do 100 bbls pork 100 do mackarel 100 do sail also 20 boxes of starks cos best broad and nrf row axes a variety of stoves of different sizci and patterns a large quantity of lamp oil to gether with n variety of her necessary articles in his line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed of on uncommonly 1 prices tythe highest price in cash paid for hides 4- skijvs william ford kingston december 11 1831 37 notice the advertiser who 19 unemployed on saturdays and after five oclock every other lawful evening intends employing his leisure hours in posting of books or making out accounts those who occa sionally require a clerk will be served on moderate terms and the strictest confidence and secrecy pre- i served apply to the editor of the wnr- i kingtton dec i2di 133j 8t

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