British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 19, 1834, p. 1

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tish w publ13hedjemlweekly op voiiumk a per orbem dicor by e j barker the british whig a srmlwclkly journal lovio to commercial nd political infoinnnoii h oubmivd even tufday and fridov cinna by dtictor bat kur editor iiml iroprietor it his qt lire in rear sliobl mwl dur to tliu commercial hotel for country iirculatiin only tl british whig is pablwhed every uedncdav morning in a weekly form and will 0 found wcootnti tliu mum important matter of lie aemi- rwkiy paper fills fofetvartw or willim lift n from tho receipt of the first number nml pminil hvo shilling ifcollocttjd at tfir eoaofiuc yiw 0x9ltmvcurhiiflbii fordih emmuy p h3r twelve xliillm tmdaixpence per annum il paid hi advance or within r mouth from uie receiptor the irt tiiiiiilmr and liflrofi iiijliir if collected at diconil oruio yisir exhiutvtj atpwtagea cttaputai of indm hmh who m4dn in ilm country and who may prefer to scut i tlnj ollic i far their papers may have 4m flipptied 41 ton jjjillinys per copy per aumim prompt naulrtciition rcccivr1 fur hmlian six months and no paper iliwonhmicil until all urrmngessr pnulup tnsfh at she option ofthj rubltdicr kiivgstoiv u c friday 1 k c 13 i b e r jo 134 new fall goods the subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and ne that they arc now receiving uiei for the the puh- usua supplies fttorrtfntmcnts six iiikjohj untlir36d firitinaertion nd 7jj eiuh i subseoucnt iortion tiu line and under 3s fimlhttftiore nnd i0j mhjnltfguvilt inrtion above iiim- 4d pir line fiir tho firat insertion and id per line or every jiiibat4uoni ii million advertisement without written direction arsioertod til1 muland charged accohin ufdei fur discontinuing nverliuments to lu in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters takcu in except from agents unlcs post paid letter press printing 10ctor barker having uljiiincu u most superior press t in mcollctiterwirtiiiciit uf jim tvm onnblcd to execute krv domiptkn of job printing with nwtneitud ox- fcluwn upon terms hbtrts minreccdciith low in upper jvjew ijioos iespectfully bahtlet n iie inhabitant william 1 informs the inhabitants of ineston and the midland district that he i139 late- frcttimed iroiii mitiirtiil whliiiii ex tensive and fried uimortmetii uf merchandize which he is now lling or cash or iitomit bay wholesale and tail at the score utely occupied liy messrs parker and uenson in tub cevrin ok htllrb tftekt the stock consists of wert ol bnglmtd and york- lirc uperliih qihi and rnmiioti bumd clothtf tuhiii letirshtni9 flaniilu uuizk cnrpl-t- j mik carpel isug svrics tartans botnba- irish st scotch fall ajvd winter trade coinpri an extensive and very choice assort ment of seasonable goods the whole of which will be found of superior quality and alexcficdinffli lov prices si among their leadino anticlefi wili be pound a great variety of broadcloaths cassinienrs flushings retershams satinetts and pilot cloths blankets flannels batata and serges worsted and lambs wool hosiery shirts and pantaloon drawers grey domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch giu-r- hnnis ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos bombazctis camlets and xwtaus bomhazhies crapes tc cvc carpeting fecotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen sec c c sec c a general assortment of fashionable furs muts boas tippets and swansdown rulls oafs gentleman very superior south sea seal akmstkong greer kingston 7th nov 1s34 27 just published 4 kfw af coxcisk v3tkh of arithmetic calcutateo to facilitate i iib iurkotmtkt of vout1i is i casada this arithmetic has been published under the pa tronage of his excellency sir john colborne iv nnd venerable the archdeacon ol c b the ii york the kev dr h college jtc price ten sh arris run ipal of the u c- torotito n ov ngs per dozen half bound eastwood skinnbb isth 1m 32 wholesale warehouse thk subscriber offers fur sale at his stores store street for mcrly occupied by lcsslie sc sons ibe undermen tioned goils copiiae brandies madeira port and sherry wines benecarln and spanish red do muscovad b india and vauritius sugars bunch muscatel ratsinsand spanih filberts e india coinps pepper 40 c 1 13 lbs cttsrtia cloven fig blue salt petre and epscm salts japan pints j d n panle day umhvs japan unans pints halt pints and paste do warrcrs glassware hsvrtcrl cosh also wrought nails 3c 32 lb ox trace huher d birring chains sphdesj shovhs and frvllig pans sluves 20 a 30 in dnmlre casuug cti cmwley and buster dfcek sheet iron siitl irons rtntl florae nnils poinla eiorted color tuttv whitim and cm oil and a few cowm of siaerior chunpaigii anchor uraiidp window j lass qworttd 6iu terns under jsctli 23 to 50 three monilis 50 nnd upwind six momli credit by furnishing approved endtrwd notes henry hart kingston 1st noverriier 1r34 2630 ts cash paid for wheat rye indian corn and onts and also for sale at all time good old hikrw wh gauratt kingston slili nov- 1s3l 3320 w ar- honiliaps loom nnd tiv t oiuiiis k irsuni nl strik ituok jaconet mnrwirh vmcnn sum prdrd miislms giovos unci ijosiltv with a vari- y tf stn ill wares a trf an i woll jtaiiiul stnrk if rircrics has vn purtrtirtrfctl liy the tivtiisjr winch will be sold k or exchanged fur produce ouihe lowest pod- rlr ivrtlm pur caps op ati- nrsckitpioks riuimtiiii uv2itll tfk 32 york paper mill warehouse rr- eastwood and 8kixxer paper mamtfacturersfj j chants of upper canada dial ihey have opened a pafba ano stationcrv warehotsc on the east side of the market square toronto where they will keep writing printing and wraji- th2 pflnwsy macaiwoy r tios kjricy fur the diffusion of usrfttt kutiwltdgc fiibmsiiedin onon mosi nnjtttmxu as w ill as a ireful rc few coiic just rvevived by the snwcnbcr who igent anil will rcreive suhscriptionsh inn t wm m other piiuhcatiuns of the tsociatv w r- uartlet sioret kindlon nov 2hh 131 82 ro lappaiated tihe re i loo leupii t0 lfaimja domestic klainnels hal aiticle for wanndi and durability just re ived and for stile by the pitrcti or otherwise bv wi k dartlet 5torest kingston nov 21ih isji 32 full sauti by tub suwscribert 2000 septra 3r mrs j llug tobacco 21 jar superior mnccaboy snuff 20 i j is rtriiii 10 d tar 10 hajs pepper 10 do- pimento smrcst kitigiton nov2iui ism 32 rh the winter nt the iricc stsssa 133a to 165s mr pmg alsq suvh school l3ouks as are ur may he manufactured in upper canada for sale on liberal terms rao bought and nkan ii payment toronto nov- islhi 1831 32 ove 9 lumber mbrchants caval con tractors country merchants lnd other dealers e subscriber hn now on hnnjand is daily manu- surini a very extensive nssortllienl of toxu pegged boots half boots shoes jean furnish at short notice any number of do- ithat may be required throng ilenneiitioned luictnmuonly low ens peggtl boots assorted per dozeii pairs i pegged do half boots 82s ctl to 90s per do oes 67s gd to 825 6d omens boys girls boots and shoes at equal y low prices the above arc made in his own manufactory of i best materials and workma-tahip- ritc following are the only terms that the nd3 con he sold at cabh or endorsed notts at 00 days in order that customers in distant parts wince may not be disappointed and put tl fiber to unnecessary expense uf postage h ntiincd to send no small parcels of ingston withonta rclcrenvc lor payment in town h to wholesale customers lie avails himelf of this opportunity of returning inks for the numerous favors he has received from mirtsoftlic province and begs a continuance a j- ferns kingston nov 21th 1s31- 33 flic cornwall otaemv batlmret courier tornnto pauiot utian gatrdiatl and bmottbrd sentinel will plcafc iascn abiivtj tor iluco months and smd their accounts to the ronielc rv oazeltc qlftfio for payment waxtkd i3imeuiately k o tiiocnam rolmis for which indisputable security will be given tiers athlressed tu a b post ohice kingston october 2nd 1334 notice the surscribershiiving been appointed ex ecutrix nnd executor by the lat ikill and testa meniof llio late robert drummund respwtfijlty request that all persons having claims sgainsl tin- estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjhstmeut and likewise that those indebted toil will make payment to him without de lay signed margaret vr ummond executrix joseph bruce ex ecu or kingston 24th sept 1834 15 black v irtift- smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that thev intend to com mcucc business as white 8f black smiths brass founders st die sinkers in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith nnd known by the name ofctiesnoltf old stand in addition tu the above horse shoeing and far riery mjii be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made order 0kadt fob8ttr kingston sept 2nd 1831 s candle manufactory corses of bfiocii and hear stsllti new vine ant spirit warehouse the advertiser twja imve to return liis nincen- hmksio his friends lor lla uxiciiaive support hfi 1ms received since his coinimncinent in biwiiiems and informs uieni llmi he lnwifcmoi ed from his old siand to iliac large mid ciiminhioiit iic store uuh in the occupation of mo rme cameron ad birubiod next door to mtoieoifr tavern in soro street lie now oflens for sale extensive aworirueni of the very husl liimoni consisiing of port modei- ra lenenlle and lieue wines in hottte md cask conac nnd spij bmndiott iiumands and english gin scmch hull and canadian wsaffuv jwauwj affrf mini milvlt fllnh tnil peppermint the wholes well worthy iheatieuiion of private faimjic tavun keepers and coimtn btiopkeepers ilisintk f the host fioccries is also large coni- prihiieall kind of ireciand black teas itcllinjil notice is hereby given that a town meeting for the town and ownhtp of kingston will he held hi the court house in the town ol kingston on monday the fifth day of j hilary 1835 the hour of tf oclock in the ionnoon lor the purpose of choosing and no minating rerinin fir hiid proper persons to perform the duties of parish and town offices for the town and township lor the ensuing year at which meet ing all jieiaons concerned are requested tend joji ahlev hgh constable m d kington de s 3i livery stable intiik hear of mhp johv brrnnans wtwk htore rtrkkt nkaitlv opposite thk comjtbfttali hotel the stibwrilwr begs leave to inform de gentle tiipu of kinjrtoi iliut he has rcmiiiicnced ilto hordes cnrrers sleigllb r uitd trusts by lie utcnteotl he will iiy lo the business to me rit a coni nuance ofllieif putronagc lllo superior description eijrhs will be furnished u ith d mountings of the lint qua- di- jn9t oysters c jvox received and for mu uv ih n 50 do mackerel 5 tierces salmon 3 tons table cod fiat 10 rwi irish haras terms cash or approved not 90 day market place kingston kov 1834 keeping ol flie utcntion he will a cntiinunnce ofllieii the horses are uf the and the citttera and s excellent iirnes ihv terms cash dec si 1831- john mckay kings tot and muscovado sus urs spice rices r aisiny cheese kutter starch unhh salt saltwater fish of sundry dcfecrijuions tork c c tjtfo clunn fi uid enrhenware sole and upper leather hollow and hawware blacking itrusbe cordage qni ouiandimi meal flour with a variety of other arlideto which he respecifully in vites the attention of ihu farmers coi too with theii produce for viiicb he win pay the high est piiee tireifi of every dwwription bonrii and sold wit 1 cook kiieton dec- 0 isofc boots shoes gloves a n of the ic sub- he isde- uoods out of samuel phippen returns thanks to the sn- habiiaui of kingston and its vicinity for the en couragement he has received since his commence ment in the above business and heps to inform them that he is daily namifjictiifinir mollh sf dip candles of the very best qualityaud has on hand at the present lime upwards of five thousand weight which he offers for sale to the trade on terms un commonly low private families supplied by tlif box or otherwise kingston nov 28th 1s34 333m notice all persons indebted to the private estate of the late duncan vanalstine esq are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persons bvifg any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong bsccutora a- truax j bmcuiors kton antler sm- 1834 5 a j perns has received a pan and hourly expects the re mainder of ins fall supjtlv of ladies and misses london made hoots shoes all oftlientosl seasonable kinds viz prunella slippers black and colored shoes and boots cloth hoots guhwhed do fur buots and shoes carpet slippeitt carnage snow ami glos- terbootsj leave ofladtatiind mihsosextranuide fancy and other hoots and shoes such as an made only fur retailing iullie first shnps in ihe citv- alsq- isgrossofbnysaiidchidrens boots and shoes ladies kid and other loves gentlemens buck mil unit lltffi10 i 1 iibviia vmvf fyf f4 direct from the inanufactry can be altbruid very low lamb skin wool ftnek best loinlon made ponmanteau hirjcsicdhruvis tim veiling ua moose deer kidhls hoof and a birji asurtuicn of lad uhrq ueritlifi u aw ess vientfimiicns india kublici ov oans and skivers kussh s black and magpie t youihs si rtthnes l lchllier tindlnff cji d childrenti i dull dresrrl mine thrid illnon ilum notice notice is hereby giveti that the accounts of all persons indebted to the late firm of beach vanals i le that arc not paid or arranged on or before tlw lt day of january is33 wi be placed in ilic hands ui an attorney fur indisciiitiutate collection elijah beach kingston dec 4lh 1s34 33 just received and for sale 1 v james bakr 150 uarrbls of salt iw for cash kinffstuii nov itb i8l s carmino respectfully begs lev to ac quaint his patrons and the public gftir rally that be cnntinue io carry on tb bohflemof hotel and tavern keep at his old tod the jf mansion boue hotel is pleasandy situated in store street being the principal and most central treet in kingston in fhe business parr qf the town inconvenient tu the di fcreut steam boat wharves and my establishment of the kind in the province can surpass itm the ex cellence and comfort of e apaftmdrfis in regard both to parlours and bed kooms all of which are furnished in the very besi tyle the hotel has boon recently painted throuoootand otherwise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a bf yard in which there i an excellent raoee of stable s and where a livery stable is constantly kel s cahmino having kept a pubtit rouse for many years has acquired experience in thai hue and he trusts that with unremitting atteotiou to the comforts of bis guests he wtlloonfuiue to merit the public patroiage importers will be in readiness to convey tog- gairc to and from the different steam boats kingston may 19l that hcbti his shop in tomb stones 4c the subscriber gmtefu ibr the patronage he has rcciivcd begs to inform hi fiieuds and the public continued to inanufttcture to order at hath twnb status of almost every description window caps sc sills j stovu jipc and hearth stones and every other article in the stone cutting line on the tfhoruari notice and tbeiuot reasohameefm a br am lott w b all kinds of produce received in pay ment uatksept lgih is3l 12tf filial puiicliis siati slicks liot pulishcd intini turin shoemakers kits nnd wb pl sieads piif ni heel sprier llitll slijo ingslon august 22d 1834 to lkt 1at excellent stone dwuuing house i bttu pari of sioresirevt uitl luicly lion fm s buhvell iisq for terms apply to abrahuin trirax or situated in i the occu- tingaion ort g 1831 uenrv cassady 18 for sale lenoiililwirofloi no 17 i- the 6th con- non ollhe township of kingston abour 40 es are improved on ite f od ime hoiioe barn and qt ptmiti liy to uic subscriber or at the spectator office samull merrill xiiigaton nov 9ih 163 05 mr jenxnings at times imt interfering with the regular duties of his school gives lessons in private and iti classes on the following branch es viz writing arithmetic short hand public reading and 8pttvttg eigtish grammar and book keeping- ladies may acquire in a few less ns a neat epis tolary handwriting and a thorough knowledge ol the principles of euglwh grammar to professional gentlemen short ihtnd if not essential is exceedingly useful as a means of re cording their own thoughts nnd those of others and to be able to deliver those ihousjhis in an im pressive and proper maimer is a duty they owe to their udicnce persons engaged in mercantile pursuits may ac quire x a sliort time a good business hand an un common facility of calculation and thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may be made at his academy near hi w corner of the ccurt house or at his resi dence front street next to mr markland shoemakers kits and watchmaker files tihoe ituckhs and oruameiit lor ladie shoes i es supe rior london varuhi for harness leaiher and shoes patent leather and patent l straps and all kinds of manufacturing materials in the shoe line also a very extensive assortm uit of as tu k consisting of best philadelphia bend i york best inspected good nnd damaged bjmmihct sjtile leather 20 dost new york 0alfskins heuvy and middling itucnos avresery heavy lo upper lea- dies and kips lining and binding skliig black goat morocco duck nd due skins a laioe qtian- titv of his own manufactured isoois and shoes con- stantly unhand making lib assortment iln betuud most extensive he has ever o1wrd for sale all kind of work made tu ordrr as usmil at the bltottest notice a liberal discount to wholsule cus totners kingston november 1531 31 active strayed or stolen from the subscriber on or about the first day of september last i blsck horse with a small atar on the forehead alsu a horse colt une year old is1 spring of n dtrk ruancolur vhueer will give inforutuinn lhit vill lead tu tlio recovery of said liurses shull ins handsomely re warded at peters willis in camden ueouue 1iagek camden 5lll dec 1s3i 3f wmmsmimmis htmiesoj fhomtiik riktil iiotel j rkspectf ully informs the in- habitants of kingston and tc travel ling community that he has icised that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known by the name of the kiqistosti ibotels where it i his intention todevow the whole of his time and study to the cumfort and convenience of bin eucsts the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough tepair has been completely refurnished and painted and is now one of the handsomest public houses in the province it is admirably tftm pfffr f f1f tyt wtli rtf tthl hbjhb near the lake lnm una comnnuiding a lull iew nfihc arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which pnssibcislui7gaire will he conveyed by porter utli udiiks lue wharves on purpose ti ihe domestic nrranincnts of the house ilie ercatcsl aiten ion will be paid a brsl rate table will in kept ile betu will be nf the best description and llin me and spi hits of superior quality willi this establishment is a large and cnnaciulls yard villi excellent stablmg kimsumi may 0ii isil 27 ve terlyar y s urg eon the subllber bees leave to returi his grateful ackiloydedifenieilts to the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity for the extensive pairnnage he has since his commencement in business as a general 1ilack8mitii farklctt he now resperthilly infttrim his patrons that he has reuaned ins establishment to the other side ol the iotd opposite cue8nuts old stand where he trusts to be watted upon rs usual ic subscriber keeps on hand evviy leather store the subscriber returns hie einoere thanks to bis friends and the public io general for the liberal sup port he has received since he commenced business and assures thsin that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of the same ho is now receiving a inrfleqhautitvfif sole and uppe 310 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 oitcinu 300 calf skins 30 doz u lazed morocco 20 do iwylnzcd do 20 do iiningit 6 do bool morocco 20 do blotting skins which he assures the public are manufactured of ibfl beat maicriala 1 i selling aa low aa anv use in uie trade he bos auooaiiand j doz srark coe double refined axs doz do do do broad do also- 150 barrels salt 8- b caldwelu marketvsquare kitigeton october 25di lt n b cash paid for hidea wflas seed s r c oike 24 fl ii ii 99 ii port w1n6 the subscriber keeps on hand horse and cattle medieines- seshud un professor ho ed principle kingston sept 4 1s31 kind ol colmans improv- edmund smith let with lauilitlatu posmis810n that admnably situated iiuim und 8hnp in store street huw in hie occupation ol dr moore apply on the premises kingston dec 0th lhf 3 notice to buyers of leather hiki sellers of skins r hides the hikiuess heretofore carried oil iy8- r- cald- i clntnjrtd to ihe bunds of the uhncriber at atom ailjuiiiins thomas smiths hat store where every description of id for sale by the subscriber- twankay young hyson hyton hrson 9kia and 3m chong tea mticovado eastlndiaand refined sugar prunes barley sugar and spanuhnuta bloon ulmcttd and sun raisin black pepfurr and mumard assorted west india pickles very buperior madeira ivine in pipa bhja tir ca m bottle shoiry and botuw old port tcnwiflb fljti oouuon flhsbey 2td bcnccarlo wioq in hhfa tmgm u m cognac brandy in hjija and pipm bordeaux holhudigin old laaslicb spirih i to 24 bttpsriov scliicdmn in cases lothlon porter pad pfowh stout ral old islnviikev very superior pale hul and linked oiu swn oil in fii-k- very uprior sinjlc nnd cooking stovea s spinier and shovels naiu of all paints of rlitksrciit colours atiiortd croekirry in cmfc candto wkk and thread ac dtc also a choice asortmoinf dry goods amonjat whmi are s tine and middling clulhi and ccuainirea petershams fluah- pilot blanket cainlru plftsda merinos boot- hazcti green and scarlet baize white scartet aod yellow fisnssu sunjuv a chnicc issortrnent of dark fimcy prinu loom sliirlin bfowtl cotton and a comptata aasorunentof eucmobtc gooda which will b foeod worth the notka of buyer thomas macn1der- kington wd ociobor 1834 to rent the commodious dwelling in barriefid for merly occupied by john r- glover esq bitely by doctor hartley of the 15th regt the premises being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to rr j walter mccuniffe kingston 20th may 1634 dl times notice is hereby ffiveti that the isudermzmd has taken out letters nf administration t the evtmu of ihe late heniiv w wllktssom q all ilme who are indebted to the sime are nsptxifiilly reqiiemed to pay the amuunt of their at oiltils without deluv and those having claims to lwni them diityttuiliunti- cated for adjustment on vir before ihb ttih dav ol may next ui ni thomas smi ttl kingston november 17- ljj 6m wel the near the kingston hotel wile leather may be had situ a lso a eenernl assortment uf articles used by saddlers tail sftttmnkemi such as saddle trees humes hunt trees itild lasts linings and itiitdiuge skirlinff hog skins 5ic fc c suw makers saddle and harness makers far mers mid all dealers in leather will find it for ibetr interest tu paimnie this establishment as the mnek will he txlcitfive and ofevery variety uf quality iimi will be kold at the lowxt prices notice all persons having claims against the estate oi die late benjamin fairlield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated and all person estate are requested isdebted te die to makeimmediate paytneotto chaules pairheld aduiiniiuator emestown 14th july 1s34 z3cuh piirf jar ims and ffkins kington june lotli 1834 william ford 36 to be sold one share of 25 in the straw boat 8k a margaret davis administratrix or to james doyle kingston october 17th 1834 sgmt zi to luieu eiis avi mmcsmem wan im a mliintioit p llivmrdr mnusmau o per- him who unditstaiids ilu- business in all its details nnd cull givu taiisfartirv tenliilwlliali lroiu his last tnipiowrs in this country ba to ability vifilier pnrlicidars apitly io the- editor octoutl4ih is8t 20 quick thorn vo be sold by the subscriber a quantity d english quick tbow transplanted nearlviwo years also lion of english garden feed newly impot jambs mjjprojn- mm fine teec ried k i n oct 39th

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