British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 23, 1834, p. 2

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miscellaneous fh4 i a yankik tale deviltry they tell great stories about the per- fotmances of belzebub in the town of ellisburgh in this county they kave a place where they hav been digging for money offaiul on for the last twen ty years and have frequently dug to the chest con taining it which before they can manage to get full possession of always by hook or by crook contrive to slip out of their clutches and fix its local habita tion either a few feet deeper in the earth or off in some other direction once about 18 years ag mr hoselton contrived so far to baffle the enchant ment us to drive his jackknife into the chest and although he and others have frequently since hud hold of the knife which they can easily enough open and shut yet none of them have ever beui able to extract it from the cherf once mr ilosle- tondug down to the chest and struck out a chip with his axe which chip hfl has now hi his pospbt- sion ht dmatetrwtovr whfct kind f wobrux is it is ol a redhh color ho can at any time diir to tho chest and drive a spear into il and pull it nut again with his thumb and linger another person however cannot possibly extract it trith both hands f ft is proper to remark thar mr hoselton dow not attri bute the ease with well he can extract a ftpeui from the chest to any superior corporal strength which he poesessesovei others but it i on account olhin understanding better how to baffle the wiles of his dcvilship it is no small part of the marvel connected with this wondrous affair that whenever they com mence jigging all sort of m ghosts and spirits and gobtiss damned play their demonical pranks around the spot hens and geese and turkeys and turkeybuzzards be sides manv other species of gwuttfmil about from one treeto another cackling screeching and squawking in manner and tone peculiar to them selves once mr h saw two flying buns with four wings each spurred and billed making a tre mendous fuss among the trees small trees and staddles bending and within the small ones and raking the bark from top to bottom of the big ones they always draw a circle around the spot before they commence digging sometimes with the blnnd of sheep nr lambs but oftencr by stringing a cord around over which the iuipsofenchanimtmu cannot come and woe be to the man who is caught outside the circle while the process of digging to undergo ing better for him that a miltstone was hung about his neck c a fellow was once caught napping outside the circle and was nolens volens csti twehtyor tmrty leer and most unceremoniously flung upon the earth again so much stunned by the operation that it was a long time before he cound be again brought td his senses at another time mr- hosleton and another per son had dug down to the chest which was found about four or five feet below the surface when nil at once as mr uosleton was standing a short dis tance from the embankment and his companion was digging m the bole he saw a volume of smoke suddenly issue forth the man at the same time sink ing two or three feet deeper into the earth and the earth caving in upon him mr hosleton immedi ately ran toh relief and catching the man by the hair of his head essayed to drag him out hut the man was planted too grmyfor mr ilosel tons cor poral powers he couldnt move him a peg- ano ther expedient however suggested itself to his mind which happily succeeded sir- lioselums horse was standing near by which he immediately led 10 the spot and succeeding in getting u hitch around the mans neck and under one arm he pulled him out the man was apparently dead hut mr hoselton by rolling him on the ground and blowing in htaea fortunately resuscitated him the man wim soon able to walk home on toother occasion a party or six among whom were two clergymen hnwng mg down to tin ehvst mr uoeelton discovered and laid hold of the same jackknife which he had years before drove into it another of the party at the same lime struck nn iron bar into it at that moment the figure of a man betwixt seven and eight ft et high habited ina light colored frock coat with hi throat cut from cur lu ear and his neck and breast besmeared with blood appeared outside the circle his mouth was huge and round presenting the appearance of a bull ul fire and he uttered the most hideous pcrccches and groans the company as might well he imagined were considerably nonplussed but iioverlhnevt imr hoselton hung on to thejactcknifc with fair pros pects as he supposes of dial time obtaining the chest but asthe individual who held the iron bar had raised his weapon for a second blow mr uu- iiaimhatlliliiiliiiwrrc crump hv shti ul jiil elbow which completely unnerved his arm and hand the eaosequenee was the knife slipped from his grasp the chest vanished intauta find the blow from the iron bar fell harmless into the sand sil the same moment another of the company having ventur ed too near the outside of the circle opposite to the appafritop waavvoltotl hurled upon the head of mr- hoselton and the rest of the company who were all thrown into a heap together the supcrndiuiil appearances all instantly vanished and the party picked themselves up and went home one day mr hoselton thought ho would go nut to the spot in the daytime having previously al ways dug in the night and take a survey of he ground and see what was to be seen licavcoid- inglydidso on casting his eyes up among the trees he observed whit appeared to turn to be in or huge eagles their bodies about 4 fret long about 18 feet from the tip of one wing to the ntinr u legs about the size of hisown and claw- about ihjw fee inn with long bills the cuvituivnf which wjv ahoui the sizr of a sickle on hiaospyt g them the v commenced a terrible war among tla uvrs tearing off with great fury he shuuldjii ti ft nm a curd in a cord and a half of limns ntd bark i his bring u little tor much for hotel mi itjitu im y to stand he miide a rapid retreat imriiv their t it- ships to dance their faudaos jm isg the tree iu more admiring eyes than hid such are the inirvelhius tales ol m for the truth of which we understand he the affidavit of itvtnty or thirty cllui c i clergymen of his own and the uciglibur sacketts harbor courier conversion of salt water into paehi on monday week we witnessed a completely surxcftsfiil and very important experiment made by mr s the patentee in the conversion of salt water into a perfectly fresh and pure liquid it for every purple of domestic use and economy a barge wim dlonr ed in the thames near westminster bridge uiki ii dumber of naval officers and scientific gentlemen were invited to inspect the process the wu watei was brought iroin off ramsgaic and fully impreg nated with the same principle some of it was in a very impure and dirty condition the apparatus invented by mr wells consisted of n cast iron cooking machine- a cube on a comparatively siall scale especially when we looked to the extmordl- nary utility of its operation it seemed about lour feet in height and the same in width and contain- ed ovens m roasting fir pots pans kettles e otc c sufficient to dress a dinner for seventy or eighty men the consumption of fuel i very ftffiatlj about two bustob we are told in 31 hours and yet by the internal application of the heated air by means of spiral and circular tubes surrounding iln various ports of the machine roa i ul iiuu bciieiai uuupuoti h uiiot nr proceeding the sea water is gradually stipplhd from cask or tank us may he most ready and passing into the interior of the machine is there submitted to distillation in its distilled state it then flows inm a pipe of cast irm or of copper tinned which pipe is led over the bow ol the vessel and along the cut water into the ma and thence along the bottom ol the ship till it returns into the hold with a common btop cock to draw olt the water the grand im provement in this is the making of thu element in which the vessel floats the condenser o the altered liquid which runs off at the rate of about a quart a minute perfectly fit for drinking for washin and for ever other purpose for which freh water is em ployed vvc tasted it both before and after undergoing the process and we can truly declare that in the first instance it was sweet mid palatable and in the second soft and pleasing the patentee how ever proceeds to filter it throuh charcoal iu order to rertore the raihoo which u lostifl the duulliuc and you have the pure and sparkling clement equal in every rcpect to spring water we have thus minurelv staled what we nw nd tasted mid we do so wih givnt salfefrclion since it is hardly pos sible to imagine any economic discovery of such vast importance to ihe navy and to the nation ah the watering of ships rendered unnecessary and the ncean ilalf converted into one abundant and everlasting fnuufsiiu of supply nnns indeed cm ojwicll iu the history of navigation we need hear no nnre of the sufltfrintre ofbwve and hardy sailors fromthti want of this essential article of human subsistence the room required in inerchaiitiiicn for the stowage of water for the voyage may now be filled with goods of any kind in fine it mmm le difficult to over rate the value of this admirable invention which there can he no doubt will be speedily and univer sally adopted and will we also trust amply reward the contractor to dam to he gi ven readilv id- sm1 order the defc vetrtthe contractor mf buhl feret ins assistance ito at lc ivo j sooaly wen with mr snnrllo lhc p rrprobated the cnndiici q b nicn 1 u h w thepriouer ulteil he told amidst yells and ecratinn that he the i e however not s- wr was n and in the faithful dwg he deservedly stood ir itislied iththis information of bis duty for which e ocserveoiy stooo m h fjvor u hjs mhslcr nd friend the shenfl i he proceed- the inventor of a benefit to his country and fellow creature the worth of which can hardly be excel led in thcnnualsof usefal humanity- the sea wa ter around a ship is incessantly converted into ex cellent fresh water fit fur every purpose and the ocean itself is made the chief agent in this metamor- pbasis it is a great and wonderful achievement london literary gtzcttc coxsrikxtlou miseft an old dutchman named tihunm who lived in one of the wretched ho vels that stand in the rear of sheriff street and whose apparent poverty and mttnifet buoerings from a dreadful raw of hernia had long cxciteil the sympathy uf his humane neighbors died oil friday hist of asthma and a complication ol other diseases luvhltewftjlmcika vvy tfttlfw iflltf eccentric disposition and although he had been confined to bis bed several weeks he not only re jected all medical aid but persisted to the ust in his singular habit of sleeping in the whole of ins ward robe which consisted chiefly of a piirofbreech- es that at some remote era had wen constructed of hlue n sailors jarkt and a frieze over coat which all exhibited accumulated pro ol the old mans attachment on wednesday lie htxlil for mr nt van ducrcn a respectable country man of his residing in the neighborhood who had often given him charitable relief and privately re quested him to make his will to this gentleman m great surprise ho bequeathed various sums ol mo ney amounting altogether to 3700 to children mi grandchildren residing at newark and albany and conhdcmtially informed han whrro his properly was deposited he i hen narrated to mr van duer- scn tho following remarkable frets in his history he stated that about 20 years ajpi lie waa a por ter to a mercantile house hi hamburgh and having been long in its employ was frequency tintfiistcd with eonstdentble soriis or money fur ponveyarac tu other establielunentft i an hour ofeii influence he wasinduced to violate his trust and to abscond to thin ciitiutry wiih a targe siiuk having arrived lie invested the creator part of it in the purchase of two iiuliaci which adjoined earh other atid which hi p ire lis had eflected an inuranrc on them were burnt to the fftound conridorillc thw ajiuljiueot oflifttvvll upon i dwioutstv he di trmiued to tie vote the rcitininder of hi life ton ewre finirse ttf industry and parsimony with the vtlleflc objeel in vw of making full resiitution to the pitsous whom in had injured or to their descendant he adopted anohcr name and withthc mraos he had left coiumenred imsincats ill tins ciiv as a ii- imccotnst and dhhoutrh his trade wasn retail one and he hd asain kuflerctl a heftvv lotffrom lire lu a ed w search a numocr ofimces on the premises for the prisoner and rij bvm ble to find him out ordered ihe baihlv ti to point out the persons who made the re lt they might here- after be broinhtup y bailiff cousequentlv in company with mr ivvijonuell and the deeeuscd proceeded to a place here about fiftcci or twenty men weie at work anlj ou t bailiffs pointing out robert cfcuiu ihe pc vv bad rescued the pri soner mr stuart merely ay him the question il he were the man and len satisfied by the quad master that he vaanoi be said very well and rcjoiited mr mcou the bank of the quar ry when they turnup backs to come away and when on the inov richard qum came running tip ivom another directyo nn nu violent language ordered thttn all oti works and instantly aim ed n blow with an iron vj 0 crowbar at the head if i lain the bailifl wba loavu the blow retreated backwards and put up haud something ought hie feet and he fell flic ruffian wee in the act of running him through whcfl the deceased stepped up and presented a pistol at the assailant and de sired him to stand bajfc and be careful what he was about and while expyulatnig with him received a blow on the back of the head with an iron crow bar about six feet iu jngth from robert gluin he fell and while prostate received another from the same murderoas femds on the ftinple mr mi dottell stood by in r midst of this bloody scene mulilod up in his clo and great coat unable to render the least assistance in fact horn the sudden and treacherous blows t was impossible to save the tdvfet a ot iimruty r a pistol was snapt at which foriunatelv for htm was victim from the mrmeuouell loaded mr mcdoncfl and hain returned imme diately afterwards to ihe place of bl auyhier when the former marked out he murderer who violently threatened to do the same to himl the unfortunate stewart notwithstanding the combined skill and attention of the medical gentle men of our town breasted his last ou wednesday itlgtit the culprits rqj in safe custody to await the rflup lmsrdl mfc v mw tbiumme cannot refuse after this sacrifice of one of the most respectable and respected of our townsmen two companies at least to guard our jail and maintain our uws we rre told our magistrates ore about addressing the governor ou the subject ae wish them auccsss cornwall observer fruru the toronto pstriot imk eoitoft i was duch pleased by the account in your pn- per of tuesday htttfj of a meeting at kingston lor procuring a supply uf water fur nulling purposes and likewise with the ery able document of mi maraulay 1 herewith hand you some kecolleetions should tlky assist in the prosperity ol kiugsioiu it will gra- tilv an old inhabitant and weilwisher of that bcauti lul but much neglected town the high land ou winch stands the village of wa- tei loo approaches the river little cataratpii which runs iii the valley beneath the ridge on which rs tioseliuih as uutaiitcd emhersii irf tuwfj snug huilin p ami baking wece earned on with the utmost regularity and precision here alone would be a valuably nd- dition to the convenience and comfort of life whether ashore or afloat and even without tla frr reaterimprovement yet remaining to be decided oald entitle mr wells ioveption to high encoini hml eiei ii npertv uirjios trad a sitccisiled five years finc in accuirii to accomplish his jast and he then accordingly sidd hi ul wqe preparing to transmit ihi n to hmhureh wiutp ihr mrivaniih continucttk wh u h nr suiii tlevated luek in ierssai firm im ainoiiur had deftauded siiii cutitiuticn whrti he ithcertauicd that it had a branch eslablihineii iir agoncy cjuut- ing house at riiihulelphia thither be wcnt and paid the sum of 11 001 being equivalent to the original sum he had etnbcztcd wtih a ccfiaiu rate of interest the latter however was generously returned to him by a son of otic of the partners and ihift together with soute surplus money he has ikmpieathed as above stated for the last lie years he has lived in utter obscurity and in sewrc aceor- tlaiico with ins long formed habits nfparviitiohy his rxecutor mr van uercii bund the atmvu hamvd sum if 3700 principally in doitblunin crt- noo ly cuncealud it a certain private d pirtment ul the tenacious breeches before specified aod it was asniuiortj that the od niois dreadful paw of nv- m r js a case ofs uiinliio far 18 uhjreliuriabic pichei f bisjake wim io sihiqaf md the road from khrgbton to tuidys mills likewise approximates the rivpf a little below the mill lea- itign imrrotr passage lor the river the valley ferine a lame basin including the fjckeuand other farms my plan is to stop ihe course of the river cua- rpii by dmsatthc pbtceswhere the bills approm- mate by which mean the whole valley would lorm a lake i then propose to cut a canal through that aod conduct there mav part of the ride neant to kingston ihe water hv that ntcaos to knigstoo i or the water tin own be more than one dam lieeewai back fuuy oovervm ligeeiee bail conceive the purchase of ihe faiis that may he destroyed will nor be equal tothecxnse of culling a canal either from loughborough l m llc rmcuu cvuml- cand should ent r he towi on the the house former occupied by the son if the fcrtde wl lltat means wsicrpo ic the mwii now furiuiue llc uhhrb the neai itcl l tabhf lace ilnnc ited i and laud colo- of it by n n part ol at a piuci wiurc sfrie i loi us money was foiuid under t with the txeeptioo ofo biik i peires 4lisruenl in an u the heichtwilltoiumaud the purpose equircd th- no iviill -hiih-v- h-r- hardm to m hv a valued liind who lrt tnnrelm ihe guuml ol which he speaks limes iimimerable m search o snipe with which theiract ihuiind as tar as we can remember we judge if w l pfcftctly ia- kuriti ml of course it will k eubjecied to the inpe tion ofctnupeient enginet rilu y peeiuew iuui is to esm be ii water adu- w obtain ai ill teat exe ade theftml uf ux rce loi tii lfiistc nu sniiiljar which weuis lohaeheen the dcpoiiuri uf his uilrrenl funds m riiomliuiioit whsalhe jlin ball rtiw itj i im t mat tirmynpnaitmm fglt odvodvl with ita llw jam if ih rcuiirk a mllsui cnliittvl a ntir ttluiuii nf an illuiorinw lwoc liking mwhhc innumat lr hm f th utfttt d il to ilirti ht wit hy a mmt ii uctiut ikirahip wpii die rliuh full ofmiuiiil fiirv walkod lie in riwimirvf tiurtttaj willi imml ttw lidiogiiiishr whip to sic fi jiicr lie wm lb litiiirlfit ijk j illli hul rsvcngrupirif in iti n- taionu liiihiiljtii inn wi tll n ptthldy rfuwn into n twnu and inpimwd that tlir editor wanu wit on mm tikiiniiiy jbo a dtafetl lkw liv walked up and aowu ilu rwim during to irnvrvol duurboriug his woapihi uf vcagffaaeft when lbs door opened and ininnrvlivd an inilivi iioirtlrltrnlliiin lliik while firy flniil qwil jus inn lmmil in ii ted oumi liandkr linff willi a tiud ukinlni tipialiinluad m i u m uitaipirioih liukia nsk- tiik iiiidif ini arm vli u uiijrhl you w4nl with me ifit r wked iliu itngiginlttoktaf intliviilual i wihej toem the ejlinr i ihulmli nets imj in ufa dothopmii i colniiul edifu way tuvvartu die door uh another whenever you please sirj and tl monthly mug urn the litjitvr sir ii your mnwi uu tie mtg taking frmu ibnm hi stirk hfttbiail the uitlik- proji ijfdcvl i j ictil il lb time parties kmhltetl proviucial atitociucs mtitikiu it is our painful duty to record riiedttilh of mr bweu slow ait deputy she riff uf din diatrtct who fell n victim oil saturday hist at the bunds nf two jnhuiuiiu and mirmilew tnenateniiamed ttnin while in the diwlmrgoof hia duty from the evidence which tratl8ihkd mi ilu exainiliaiion ef the culprit it appeal that a per son at the quarry near millroehe had been arreted for debt by rescued it unfortunate anil deservedly regretted stu his appearance the tame looming iu company with ihe bailiff who made the arrest mr wood u coo- stuble and george medouell ksq of this town mft mcdoncll being interested in the uit thought would prevent violenca were he pertonally pre- vey iiieujd fidiy iiujtgxf nuluciofce and shew ill ronsenuentlv becoi opulent t city u aav in america if we ah ul mrtunaw enough tube blessed with an enhr pfiiamcntj the uunkiiutlscithiiitvim ah province kill ivuvr lilt- uroeurement pw neweeeaiy funds pe iwlk eav hut otherwise thie uilprovcmcjh with ohels imist belaid upon jlhflc jt id now so obvious to jii that our hrf iv utc iuaie waefr o either public or v hae the het founded i oar lrirmitiui w11 tl il expedient ippioaelhiig vr lodevise some plan of amniioultiig our erculans l at once sale fctfliviont for every dwin purpose ea patriot ii mi champion uy johns new- foilildtind mi tiie 1st ov j tlmtyone day from bngiaitd having on hourt l flvtfcou of the ittiyal navy uppninted wyemor of that island m the room of sir thomas uoetiime capt v cjnate ti the further j privotv eii ruise ii tii tleiiig the les- ui to be u martied ini ii- utr roll is ly hut thrv dul not sici eome oirnldeily and wii fer hnl been made ti turn tv ttiiiudhtiij tirtliumae olymbarkuliun fur buslmh rivctl but wlifrgollijilolmc li w mere thcrrivl1 ul iuvenu with a large la uy him lie having ys uficr ihe oi the tiuyuriltniriit of ndtv- oi bianewaoo the point srtuecesaor ar a iu hj ly oi leave pears to huvif been quite ur hntful gttzcttr urktui ertvk plllfl at tv feet tlf deep icgret tint iiounre to the public the di aji wukld fvi ul ktjuliit 1 it is a bub- vbaley e are compelled trueiion hv lire a s ti an on the niffhl of llw mill inmunl i llc exteuaivo brewery dwelling house out lmildh antl lun logetu- tr with ikarly 1000 hu i nd bailev d about e uv barrels bccr l0 pijjiert ol ionrce lewis of this uud what renders misfortune peculiarly calamitous m that it is m the nnslortone peculiarly ci air lewi nil and ihe pni entirely miifiitretl ihe bias of mr lewi h beeimisccru fdaatieur- ly a possible by teter choiieuk iq tienrge ftreakeniidite tsq inlan f sopor cheeter juruiv and james snnit m hve been fioin ciuu io ll2wuror fivrdft i shenlte baihti who i been forcibly wan to retake the itldividunl that the art mtiide tt from sperling 5ir juhi we i a york paper we copied an on dit re- the ivmoa of or wiuthy lt i oolhurne edit whig lioveniorj haveitoiuu roatfoflto bllievolbai our pre sent rrcrrf liftii iiovirtmr sit joliu uolliunie is to he removed from this goeriiiiiein thirty m tin ensuing spring and to he louewudcd by iuiciul sir louis irant who i m u be i hb- ral man we hope that he will prove himh a uiuu of mind aleo lit to presitlc over o impotante colony f rubushed this day and for sale m the oibccof the bkitish whig gm lin on in ridiwiomil by edmtdl- barker m- ft- iuwribdby pcraiiionto hw excellency sir john col- itiwati price one liillin5 and three pence k m i nov 3rd 184 kikgstox tuesday eveswg dec 23 1834 the legislature of the frorince of nova scotia was opened in staicai halifax nn the 27th novem ber by the new governor sir colin campbell the chief topic of his speech was the quit rents a bone of contention between the late governor and the house of assembly we have extracted the following paragraphs i have been directed to take the earliest opportu nity to expresethe regret which ilia majesty has felt that the offers made to the house of assembly at the commencement of inst session respecting the surrender of the revenue belonging to the crown had nut been more favorably received and as the variety of views entertained upon the subject and the difficulty of adjusting opinions appear to forbid the hope of any satisfactory agreement i have in consequence received his majestys commands not to repeat the offer of surrendering the casual and territorial revenues in exchange for a permanent ciil list no other resource within the province is availa ble to his majesty except the quit rents which are reserved to the crown in the grants under w inch the proprietors of laud hold their respective titles and although this branch of the royal revenue had the advantage of operating very equally upon every part of the province is light and moderate itself and is so justly apportioned upon the landholders ac cording to the number of acres that they posses yet the collection of it has been deferred for several years with the hope that some substitute would be provided for it by the legislature but all proposals which have been made for that purpose have tailed l the effect has been to deprive ills majesty du ring the period while they remained under discus- sion of the revenues due to ihe crown fioutf this source his majesty has now no choice left but to direct tile quit rents to be collected it is not without much reluctance thai flis majesty has recourse to this measure bnt the necessity of the eaeels appa rent the iudispeusible offes of the government numt duiitrnvhm iflhllc rvih l which has extended over ears no other resource can he found by the legislature of nova scotia his majesty must enforce his just rights to the quit reitfts rather than suffer the aflairs of the colony tp lall into confusion for want of sufficient means to maintain institutions which are necessary to the ex istence of every couunuuity i have the satisfaction however to acquaint you that i am still authorised to abstain irom levying the quit rents should the assembly make in lieu of them a permanent grant to the crown of two thousand pounds sterling per ttltuum should you gentlemen deem ii desirable o ttf commute them it would be the means of fiec iog the landholders from the payment of a rent of neatly triple the amount the collection ol which might prove irksome and inconvenient to them buthuuhl you deem that inexpedient 1 have no choice left but to comply with my instructions and order their immediate collection 1 have desired the annual value ofthe cluit rents and ofthe arrears due to the crown since midsum mer 1s31 to which priod they had been remitted hy his majesty to be laid before you so as to ena ble you to come to a just and i trust fimil arrange ment vile respect to them the moderation and firmness displayed by sir colin campbell contested with the hauteur inso lence and indecision ofthe late governor sir peie- giinc maiilaud have hail their due effect upon the miijds of the members of the house of assembly for their reply to the speech on the foloviwg sa turday contains what follows we pray your excellency to convey to his ml- jesiy our deep regret that we werm nut enabled du ring the lest session io adjust iu a satisfactory man ner the proposition submitted w uy rcpectiii tile crown revenues aod we are assured that his ala- jesty iu correctly estimating the difficulties of the ijuutioiij will imve tusnliuteo to those difficulties the failure of a linul arrangement of this subject and nut t any indisposition on our pnrt to come to a de- unite coueninn upon it upon the consideration of the uuit rents with untnixious dtsiie to adopt audi mtasures as may he acceptable ti ilis majesty without cuinpromiwlng die coiidniutiuaa rights of our coiwtiulunls we tender our thanks tor the candor which dis- ttnijiuiphee your excellencys hist coniniuiiicotion iu lite assembly and for thus immediately announc- ii io ua the business winch induced ywi to eall us loether atan earlier period than usual we pro- mise equal openness in our coutmunicotious with onr excellency and wo trust we may he enabled to obviate the difficulties which now appear to your excellency to ihruitlcu embarrassment to your ud- ininistnttiou of tho government cation improving un rotioi ami qwiuunt t fm 11 the control ol the wboto public revenue to ba in teproscnljilives or the people 12 the gradual liquidation ofthe pobhc defct 13 to lesfie n ihe laistioo on labor increaao the aeearity of property and enable the colonists to turn their akifl io- duatry and capital to the beat advantage 14 to oppose all undue interference by the colonialqbem treasury or horse guards io tho domestic affairs ofthe colo- oioti ji 15 the diflbsion of sound political information by tract and pamphlets 1c the extinction of all rnonopolizm- land compamw 17 a speedy efficient and cboap comma nicalion between the provinces by a responsible post office 18 to watch the pri rrdinof the leirfatore anrthir force economy and rrtwiwiiomwh in ihe wptoduute ofoje revenue 19 to support honom falthfid end capnlha cnndidntes for all public situations oflionnr and emolument power and trust cspecldly for the office if rcprcwiitativc of tin people 20 a free prcs and vi arncnduient ofllic libel law 2l the vote by ballot in the election of rcprcsenutives aldermen josticejftie peace c s to preserve the public pitc and order and limcously to remonstrate wbenevr the right liberln and interettv of the people of tho north american colonies aic invaded 23 to enter into ckwe alliance with anynmilar ascia tiun that may rbo fbrmod in lower catndn or tliirothrr colo nies having for its object the grcttte happisiv4 of the great est number the form to be used in admitting members to any branch society is tii wo heartily movoottlia honorable and patiioltc objccu fortlie attainmentnf whith the canadian alliance society was formed at toronto on the tfih of as stt farth in the circular of their corrcipoildlpg sc rctary and have free ly and voluntarily became moulders with the purpoyrj of aid ing and assisting our brother member iu their excellent aod truly constituttona designs witneaa our band- the ctnwtttuiional kcfonil association at to ronto baa lately mergril into the canadian alli- anck sucikty having for itatoflicem ihe fulloning gemlcnicn mr alilormanlesalie president mr- aueimantujis lt vice president john mackintosh eq m p t itwt tlu prriimt w- u mwkemis esq p p corresponding secretary for ths society and all its branches mf t paron secretary mr malcolm mclcllan treasurer mr ahttrmu morrison ui p p ir wiihaml ogrady jeph turtoti eq t he following appointments were also made john kolpb mgrshals bidwell and james e sruall enquire to be retained as solicits fur the society jortph hume eq at p and john arthur koobuck esq p iu tic the agcnis in england unmet ocumivll eq jj p for doblin to bo the agent m inland 51111ml kctirtmij llcnrv s chapman and e u vcallah- 6ft ah v i eiqiurvk aguits io montreal etwnnc pmnot erq ltouoof assomldr uwcr canada aiioquebw jcitlimn buncliirdesqm p t for lluliru anm in aoscotia ur carson m p p avit st johns nu miindtud i c burddoy ewj agutit ibi now urwiattiuk the ohjecis 01 this smiety orniorc turrecu wpcaking pulriicai union nro tllcw i- anmmhle rcprteiulivc sjmfrn f tin cniiurnt and lostlmhiiinofa ujtblalbu rjounrittbe tuvmbbm of which oiotionihiolrd tr lifi hy lhc colonial tfpvcnian thj prevention ofa uulmlvn l ufuiirwr and lower cauda awiittan qmm r canado cmbodvin id llrrdamig ilrori pinipks ul the rottrmnioul p gtitli wtiuclhu itcctskkt mono- fc a more equal luatioii ofproirrf o alwtiilicatalw nioamwidimtitiirdtolur luv thddlioimf uwotprinimwitullft migm lodpond on lh congregations rtmzsc 0 lod arising frnm w and crown ksrrves nndtr th control of the re ill the cabal in port llrtjie ngaenst cupt harper and the st georg hivc had tittmhcr meeting ut which another series nt resolutions ftrc passed a- botit m creditabh to hem ahtlic funncr arc pub lic opinion luis bcuil too vc expressed respecting the motives which ihtlitccd the gmlemat of this il- luge to pcrsecotr cuyu elurpcr to need nny labor ed prodoction to excite the ptildic intention ne- vcnueltmi we shall not puss the matter by altoge ther iiunuticcd the lbre siinipx il t doruincnw speak vorume3 c g athmtn u luit hope bland 1 forth iu shining colore john broun of orange no- toriety more psuiiculariy- tiny appear to vwz eopkd the example of that respectable person mr wm gowan and after havinflorgei ihe siatnm of cupt bums nlleuipted by lattery bribery and threat to induce the 2d mate of the st george to swear falsely the threat made use of hy mr j drown which wis hue marked in italic is fully woi llv of bis foi incr fane wu wish the gcntlemm joy of their present situation one fact ir corroboration of the annexed dejo mentscanie to our tars but a few minutes af give it in the wuvdn of oiirinaimmiiti u rau n board the wctlinv the saitte ihiii dec 9ifr the schooner wilwgton drawing five feet on liaul- ing out from between the pice struck heavily i4 carried away two chains and was obliged to lecgfcf the third and run astre between the piers whei she wa kept itpn her bottom by means of barrel of salt potash and other ballast taken from the store house tt 0mc btatemrxts lin itig scn a statement in the turt hope m cr ofthe 10th irc idjl io which my iiftitie h taehed i hereby dtclarc that i never siijin tlut statement in the way in which it is there printed and that that ptitttfil which tehites to whai copui harper is said hi luvc told me respecting the depths of water at fori elope harbor is not sanctioned byj n was never mgned by me and was not contain ed in the paper to which i put inv signature capl ie nrper never nuailoued the suhiert to me at all charles uurns kingston 20th dec 1331 i john brown lute 2d mate nf the teamboa tcorgtt and now of the echuuncr llllington si hni4hy declare uh j 01 tuti ay i schooner wrlli t two mt t 1 ivasnn b ard tlj then lyinf iiwvimi mluivlv essr bin m untl yth ers wtuisu 111 ml and persons 1 do nul know came mt board mr j frown came up to me and in a vutv costdt binding ai familiar intumer bbo tk hands and asked me how 1 jicl after i had reairurd the compliment he uvked tne to go rtiih him and the other ffentlcmen hud see the water founded 1 refused whereupon he went to cnpt linn the master of tile schooner and abked permission which being given i took the lead line and s teppmg into the boat when i was stopped by ime td ihe gentlemen paying they had a pule oftfijrown cap linms then accom panied the gentlemen and myself kiulwc lift tb schooner and worn towards the west pier on the way one of the persons iu company abused me in lllost shameful manner i told htm to leave off or i should quit and bo was stopped by the rcmon- iiinusccs of the othcit one of the mcaari tmitlj hbii said i bail dune the town a great injury by what 1 had stated in my evidence before the pro prietors of lhc s- george in kingston i went whli the party and saw the water mounded with the polc and found the depth to he greater than that wtlicb 1 had fouod it to be when i sounded at the desire of capl harper on the ljh nov this i at tribute to the late general rising of the hike ftld t the bite general prevalence of smith westerly winds- the northern shorq of the lake having more or lea depth of water according to the state of the winila to the botttof uiy knowledge and beliei at the time 1 did sound for uapt harper there were only six feet and a half water at the vuiy place ut which j now found nearlv eight feet on ourvetuni some of the gentlemen declare that it was high lime to take a glass uf grog tug her undeoiweipiutti we all went to a neighboring lnem some nf the company went into a room b themselves while tin rest of os partook of refresh meats in another after nonie deliv tluv returned with a paper wnuni 011 bothidex whirl tliey read over to me and asked me to sweur to i objected saying 1 was unwilling to make oath wes3t urowll iind sniilh replied that i need not fear o lending capt ilirper nr mr d j smith ol kinj stun for i mighl be liuuftcr of a mhooner out of iod llopofrf 1 rejoined that dal nut k11 more f buutiimv gtorgc or capt uarper than i rjjj about them for 1 wis as able to gam my lfuhg one port us in another nut liutllng i w wilhgll mmoi mr j urmvn vid yoh kitow thai i nth magistrate ami gou rrfasc tn make tifjii canput yuu uaa hmf h w he to pu me mij eimliihincn iiirtlitiv wars tnnu not iniiktf niimwr i nnubiiw i digital umi bit ihu imtih j lll llu hiu 1im lllmlil 1 w followed and sioppiul and inv j nkel torn in a in wliuwiidhcdid nh mdrr ol mr i lwn ww lueimni mi j 1 1 low m multhimiilieweume iiiej again tuikid me hi wvrur to the docmnenti 1 ywnn iulnmiit ihrv siakud me to r4gll mum ihisirefokitl ivherrnpouuneuf theal omith said a tnadd aa it wl i x iu away am went imnril i moreover uke ihis nmqrtunily nf nyiof expr6mtoni oltrihtid in me m i tmpir the

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